Sticky and Wet

Story by Pizza Tiger on SoFurry

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#1 of Goo

A very horny and short goo story

The lush, vibrant forest rests calmly in the bright daylight, a serene, gentle warmth that stretches onward for miles. The mighty green trees are standing proudly, the flowers blooming with iridescent radiance, receiving their blessings from the loving sun. A doe calmly walks through the forest, her pink fur shining brightly in the open field as she sighs happily. Ruby enjoyed that peace and calm by herself, or so she thought something was following her. Ever unaware, she wanders into the thick collective of trees until she steps in something wet and sticky.

The yellow substance sticks to her hooves no matter how desperately she tries to pull from it. Her sense of security is gone in seconds as she wants to call out for help desperately, but the fear is choking out her voice. The warm liquid starts crawling up her leg as she tries to move out of the growing gooey pit.

The crawling mixture stung. The stinging is light, but it is enough to make the doe wince in pain as the goo engulfs her legs even fast than before as it dives right into her sex. She moans out in pleasure as her body shivers. Despite her brain telling her to run, she seemingly lets it happen. Her sensitive folds get this thick yellow goop coating in every sensitive crevice. The goo is pumping, pulsating, writhing as it SQUELCHES, the sound reverberating filling her ears as she collapses to her knees. That bubbling wet noise overwhelmed her as her upper torso was now bound to the ground by the goop.

She cannot even attempt to pull free anymore as it completely drapes her in the slimy and sticky wetness. Whining moaning as she tries to thrash against the thick mixture, her body feeling softer as she fuses with the lump. Her arms vanish into the exuding slew of slime, this sticky and wet feeling ravaging her mind as her conscious begins to fade into oblivion. Ruby's breathing grows thinner as the sound of a heartbeat starts to rock her into nothingness. The goo begins to take a more solid shape as her body melts away, the form of a feline. The goo starts forming a long snake-like tail, thick thighs that could crush a person's head between them, a wide sagging stomach that pushes to the ground, large puffy paws with sharp claws extending before retracting. The form is still loose as her body becomes more yellowish mush.

It isn't much longer until her body is a part of the creature that now took a solid shape, a far less melty one than before. The tiger let out a giant yawn, the brown spots on his body, his sapphire eyes, the tip of his tail brown, sprawling outward as he stretches out his body. Pizza looks down at his gut as he massages the lifeless lump, squeezing and shaking it around, letting out one large crass belch as her skull comes flying out of his maw, the skull clattering to the ground as he crushes it with his paw, smirking. The tiger vanishes into the woods as he looks for his next meal