Chapter 1 - The Asylum

Story by Gandoof on SoFurry

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#1 of The Haunted Asylum

So, over on Furaffinity, I'm writing stories about one of my OCs. It's a mixture of porn and story with a greater emphasis on story. I've decided to upload it here and see how well it does.

The person who made the thumbnail is an artist over on Furaffinity. She goes by LillithsPages.

A deep rumble echoed through the sky. It was gray and heavy with clouds. The sunlight slowly faded as the day changed from late afternoon to evening. A trickle of rain slowly began. A dilapidated building sat in an open field of tall grass, its brick walls crumbling. A black, rusted metal fence, sat ajar creaking loudly as the wind whipped past it. A large sign next to the entrance spelled_Twin Oaks Asylum_in wooden panels, the white paint peeling away. Some of the letters swayed in the wind. Three rows of windows marked each floor. A large pair of wooden doors denoted the building entrance.An exceptionally tall, cloaked figure stood in front of the old building. A large black bag was slung over her left shoulder. A black, furred, equine muzzle, with a white diamond-shaped patch of fur, stuck out of the hood.The hooded female walked over to the entrance, gripped the handles, and shook the doors. They were locked tight. Taking a few steps back she kicked the door open with her hoof making quick work of it. A faint sloshing emanated from underneath the cloak as she did so. Stooping low to enter the building she found the former Asylum lobby, with a quiet pitter-patter, was littered with rubble from the crumbling ceiling. Her own hoof-steps echoed off the silent interior. A faint gurgling sound radiated from her own body concealed beneath the cloak. Putting her hood down unveiled a horse head, of undeniably feminine nature.Her ears swiveled atop her head alert. She took a deep breath and smelled wet leaves, crumbling walls, dust, and rotting corpses. The corpses were the reason why she was there. She was on a mission to investigate the haunted asylum and determine the cause of the haunting. The faint patter grew louder as the rain picked up. The wind from outside created a damp and chilly draft. Soon the woman's own sounds were drowned out by the rain against the collapsing roof.

The ceiling began to drip. The woman walked over to a cracked window. The sunlight from earlier was fading. Soon she would be plunged into darkness. While concerning in a ghost-infested Asylum, the horse-woman, Amanda, seemed at ease. Unlike most anthros, she could see in absolute darkness as if it was daylight. As her physical and mental abilities were greatly augmented through dangerous mutations.

Stepping away from the window she placed her bag on the ground and rummaged through it. She pulled out a cloth and an orange liquid contained in a one-liter bottle. Looking up the horse-woman peered around her to check if any spirits had appeared. She was an Indagator, a highly trained monster hunter. As such she not only possessed excellent night vision but she could also see ghosts without needing any special items as any normal anthro would need. Finding none, the woman returned to her blade. Pouring the liquid onto a towel, she ran her sword through it. The liquid was a poison exceptionally toxic to spirits. After she had finished, the horse-woman stowed them away and kept her sword out. Soon she spotted the spirit of a little wolf-girl holding a teddy bear. Her eyes curiously peered up at the woman.

"Can you see me?" The wolf-girl asked. A ghost voice, while near intelligible for any normal person was not for the Indagator. She possessed exceptionally acute senses and could make out a heavy British accent. She continued to study the little girl.

"Can you hear me?"

A slow nod.

"Who are you? Are you here to help?" The girl asked.

"Depends." She glared down at the girl, her arms crossed. The woman's voice was deep and crisp. "I don't do things for free."

"I haven't gotten any money. But I can take you to my mummy and daddy."

A grunt.

The little wolf-girl spun around on her ghostly paws and skipped down a long hallway. The walls were covered in graffiti, its windows in poor condition. Various spirits laid out on old broken stretchers, moaning. While some sat on wheeled chairs rocking back and forth against the walls. The sun had finally dipped beneath the horizon. The Indagator was plunged into complete darkness.

"Say, miss horse-lady, what's your name?"

She peered down at the ghost. "Amanda."

"You seem, unlike the others I've tried to talk to. You haven't run away, and you've got some strange eyes."

The horse-anthro's cat-like green eyes stood out like a sore thumb. She remained silent.

"You're not very talkative. You've got a secret you're hiding?"


A strong, cold breeze blew her cloak around. It unveiled nothing of the woman's body. The little wolf-girl sighed and lead her to a patient's room. Inside, a female, ghostly, wolf-anthro laid on the broken, collapsed stretcher, as the ghost of a male wolf-anthro stooped over her holding her hand.

"Are you okay? What did that doctor do to you?" He worriedly asked. The only response he got was the empty gaze of his once beloved wife.

"Daddy! I've found someone!"

The male lupine-morph carefully stood to his full height, which, while tall, failed to come up to the woman's concealed hips. He cautiously studied her from a distance. Looking up and down her body as her cloak revealed nothing. The wolf nervously approached the horse-woman and quickly took a peek underneath her cloak. Amanda smirked, and paid no mind, as she could tell the ghosts were harmless and soon she knew the wolf would find something quite big. His eyes grew wide with shock and awe as his jaw fell to the floor. He reeled back in disbelief. Upon eye contact, his face rapidly changed from a look of disbelief and awe to one of horror and confusion.

"Sweetie." He stopped. "You've found an Indagator."