Spreading the Shine (1/2)

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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Taken after the events of Game Night, Xavier is released back to his old life. The vulcanthrope curse had not been purged though and as it manifests once more it mutated with a need for a pack, a desire to create others like him as he transforms from a fox into a hulking rubber beast. The commissioner was nice enough to include a few from patreon who got some roles in the story as well!

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Xavier found himself scratching his head as he suddenly found himself in the midst of a sea of people, the fox wondering how he had gotten there as the sounds of cars whizzing by filled his ear. He remembered something about a game; some sort of creature in a rubber body suit, or no, made of rubber? Either way he had been captured or something and was supposed to play some sort of game, and though he remembered that it was an extremely pleasurable experience he couldn't quite remember if he won or lost.

One thing he did know was that as he scanned the area around him Xavier realized that he was actually fairly close to his house. As he walked down the street to where he lived he found his stomach grumbling as well and bought himself some food, and while he waited for it to cook he continued to try and think about the events that got him to this place. Had he been kidnapped? As he looked down at himself and stroked his hands through his red and white fur he didn't seem to be any worse for wear, though as he adjusted himself he did feel something on his thigh that wasn't there before.

It would be impossible for him to see without pulling down his pants or otherwise exposing himself but from the feel of it there seemed to be some sort of rubber icon imprinting onto his body there. Part of Xavier wondered if perhaps he had gotten a tattoo of some sort, but that didn't make any sense either. He would have to check it out more when he got home but for the moment just let it be, grabbing his meal when it was ready and eating it straight from the bag. He found himself rather ravenous and it wasn't long before he had completely devoured what he had ordered and tossed the bag aside while walking down the sidewalk.

When Xavier finally got home he let out a soft sigh as he turned the lights on and looked around. Everything was where he remembered it to be, and even though the lack of memory on how he had suddenly found himself in the middle of the street was quickly fading from his mind there was still something that bothered him slightly. It was like a tugging sensation that pulled at the back of his neck, one that continued to persist as he tried to watch television to busy his mind. As he scrolled through the various streaming movies that he could watch he came across one that caused him to stop; it was one of those cheesy werewolf movies with a super low budget and often had terrible-looking monsters, but as he looked at the partially changed ocelot that was snarling on the thumbnail it caused something to stir within the fox.

A werewolf...

A rubber werewolf...

Xavier let out a slight huff as he found his arousal spiking at the image and without knowing it he had begun to rub himself through his pants at the thought of it. Someone running around in a rubber werewolf suit, trying to bite and infect people into becoming more creatures ran through the fox's mind even though it wasn't even close to what the description of the movie was. After a few seconds though he realized what he was doing and was about to shift over to continue looking when the automatic preview system showed up, showing a full moon that suddenly got his attention as he leaned forward. It started with some generic characters giving poorly-written lines of dialogue and then focused on the ocelot, and as the movie went on they kept splicing scenes of the creature transforming along with the poorly produced rubber prosthetics... but there was something about seeing them that seemed to turn the fox on even more as he licked his lips.

By the time the preview was over Xavier had found himself starting to pant slightly as images started to come to his mind unbidden, creatures much sexier and shiner than what he had seen in that preview rubbing and groping against him. He felt his body slid slightly against his couch as he imagined one of them coming up to him, the rubber werewolf letting out a growl as he went down to nuzzle his own member. His own fingers unzipped his pants as though to let the imaginary creature press against him, and as he plunged his hand into his pants his entire body shivered as it felt like he was actually touching rubber. As he squeezed himself however it felt like he was still rubbing his cock through something even though he had already undid his pants, and when he looked down at himself he let out a gasp of shock that snapped him out of his lustful thoughts.

A second zipper was nestled against the one that he had just pulled down, the rubber tines attached to a shiny bulge that was between his legs as he pulled his hands away. It was like he was wearing some sort of strange latex jockstrap, except that the rubber wasn't attached to anything but his own groin as he looked at it. After nearly tripping on his half-pulled down pants he slid them off the rest of the way and as he kicked the offending garment aside he finally saw what he had felt while in the restaurant. It looked like he had gotten a tattoo or something of a rubber wolf head on his thigh, something he definitely didn't remember getting as he stood up to try and get a better idea of this mysterious garment that's covering him.

Just as Xavier stood however he felt something shift inside of him, his hand going to his stomach as it felt like his stomach muscles flexed without him doing so. It was a bizarre sensation... yet strangely he wasn't frightened by it, like it was something to be expected even as he felt the fur of his stomach shift underneath his fingers. Confusing thoughts continued to circulate in his mind as well and he found himself shutting off the television completely before heading towards his bedroom. Seeing that werewolf and the full moon on his screen continued to persist however and by the time he made it to the doorframe he had to lean on it while he started to pant.

One thing that the fox knew for sure was that this was the horniest he had ever been in his entire life, and as he continued to paw at the bulge between his legs he found himself actually starting to drool. In his mind he knew all he had to do was pull down that zipper and he could release himself, but at the same time he felt like that would also release something else. He began to see images of his own body transforming filling his mind, getting completely covered in rubber while his muscles grew until it switched to him having sex with some sort of strange and equally shiny creature that had a pair of saber teeth and plunging his cock into their tailhole which caused them to start to transform. That was what he needed, Xavier's inner voice told him as he heard a growl in his mind, all he had to do was let himself be free and he could find others and grow the pack that he wanted.

Wait, Xavier suddenly thought to himself, grow a pack? He wasn't some sort of werewolf, but even as he found himself practically wagging his tail at the idea of those muscular rubber creatures surrounding him he knew that it shouldn't be possible and even if it was would he really want to do that? Find others and turn them into strangely gimpy rubber werewolves so that he could have an entire pack of them?

...yes, that was what he wanted. Once more Xavier let out a moan as his insides rippled and shifted from the thought, feeling it in his muscles as he found himself still drooling to the point it was dripping down his chin. When he used a hand to wipe his face his eyes widened when he pulled his palm back and found that his saliva was actually shiny and black, coating his fur and melting with it as he let out a gasp. The beast within was straining to get free, and as Xavier staggered towards his bed from the pleasure of it he found that the latex-coated hand was drifting further down towards where that tantalizing zipper was as his heart began to pound.

Just let it out.

Embrace the changes.

Find your pack.

Become the vulcanthrope.

Vulcanthrope... suddenly Xavier remembered the game that he had played in the midst of the sabredrone overload and the monster he had become. He also remembered distinctly enjoying it as well and as more of the black rubber began to leak from his eyes and ears a smile began to creep up over his muzzle. He wanted to be a vulcanthrope, the thought echoed in the mind of the fox as his fingers pressed against the throbbing bulge that he knew contained his transforming cock. Already the shiny white pouch was being stretched and he could see the outline of it straining just like the creature within, ready to be released as his slightly clawed digits started to tug down on it.

Xavier managed to get it started before the rest of the zipper was pushed open by his cock flopping out, the shiny red shaft quickly and immediately growing hard as the fox let out a loud moan. The strands of rubber that had been leaking out of his head quickly coalesced around his face, his look of shock quickly being covered by the rubber wolf mask that stretched around his own muzzle. When he opened his mouth once more he found the rubber that had been coating the inside of his mouth and throat reach up and connect with it, fusing the new larger muzzle to the vulpine one beneath it as his eyes rolled back into his head. Without even realizing it his hand had started to stroke the impressive shiny cock between his legs with both hands, which caused the still gooey rubber to attach to them and spread upwards.

His arms and legs trembled as his body was corrupted once more, his hands swelling with new growth as the rubber completely covered them while a set of thick, heavy claws grew out. He may be a creature of lust but he was still a beast, and as the grunts and groans that came out of the growing fox were becoming deeper as his head was completely covered. With Xavier giving into his corruption the rubber seemed to flow out of him as he felt his ears get coated and the transformation run down his neck to his shoulders and back that immediately started grow thick with muscle. Anyone that would have looked at his head would have not guessed that the man that had fallen on his back against the bed stroking himself was not a fox, they would have seen the glistening head of a rubber wolf as his quivering form bloated with new muscle.

Yes, more, Xavier found himself egging his own body on as the rubber that cascaded down his legs and caused the muscles to bloat to finally reach his feet. A snarl escaped his lips as he felt them quickly turn to paws, the toes merging together as it grew thick and strong while being covered. Like his hands he grew a set of heavy rubber claws that twitched in the air as his body pushed itself more onto the bed from the growth of his spine stretching to support his new frame. Strength, power, muscle, it was also growing into him as the vulcanthrope took shape and the lenses his eyes had become started to glow.

Just as Xavier was about to get himself to orgasm he stopped, the transforming creature knowing in his corrupted mind that it would be a waste to spread his latex here. Already he could sense others and knew that this body was made to spread, that he needed more as his shiny lips curled up into a snarl. As the huge beast let his arms flop to his sides the rubber inside of him continued to fluctuate, bringing with it more pleasure as his body smoothed itself out after the massive growth of muscle that turned the fox into a huge shiny beast. His body was not the bloated mass that was on some bodybuilders, he was an apex predator and as he slowly got to his feet his heavily muscled form was also streamlined and balanced as he watched them shift underneath his gleaming red and white skin.

The awakened vulcanthrope's mind immediately set itself to one thing, to go on the hunt and find more to grow his pack. Though he had the body of a beast Xavier's mind was just as keen and sharp as ever, though with it being heavily influenced by his new instincts and needs as he opened the window and squeezed himself through. Despite being much bigger than the frame his rubber form was able to push through it and allowed himself outside, landing almost silently on his feet in his backyard before turning and closing the window behind him. His ears twitched as he could feel the wind against his new skin and sniffed the air before jumping over the tall fence while sniffing the air for his first new packmate...

Meanwhile Vritrax was walking home late that night, taking his coat and holding it against him as a strong breeze blew down the street. The sidewalks were mostly empty during this time as it was a residential neighborhood and by this point he would be in his house as well except that work had him stay late. As the Greywolf-dragon hybrid turned the corner onto his street however he started to feel like he was being watched, enough so to prompt him more than once to turn around and see what was going on. When he saw nothing after a few seconds he shrugged his shoulders and put his hood up, threading his horns through the slits in the fabric before continuing his way back.

When he reached the front door without incident and got inside Vritrax merely assumed that he was letting his own vigilance trick him as he hung up his coat and walked into his kitchen. He had eaten before he got home and with how tired he was he decided that he would just go to bed for the night. Before he could get there though he heard something creak as he took off his shirt and it was enough of a noise to make the hybrid go back and check his door. Everything looked like it should but as he went to the knob just to make sure it was locked he found that it wasn't. It was strange to him because he always locked it when he came inside and as he pulled his fingers away they felt sticky like he had just touched some sort of glue or resin.

That was definitely not there before and the Greywolf-dragon looked around his dark house wearily. "Hello?" he asked, going to his kitchen and looking around before moving to the next room. "Listen, if this is some sort of prank I'm not in the mood, and if you're breaking in I'm definitely not in the mood."

But a cursory search of the house revealed nothing and he found himself standing in the bedroom scratching his head. With nothing around to show that there was an intruder and nothing attacking him all he could guess was that he had spilled something on the door before and was just hearing thing. He finished stripping down to his boxers and began to crawl into bed, but as he did he heard something once more that caused his ears to twitch. It was the sound of a low growl, but before he had a chance to react he suddenly found himself pressed down on his stomach while something pinned against the bed.

How had this intruder evaded him was the first thought that entered into Vritrax's head as he tried to slide out from underneath the creature, but even though it felt like they were covered head to toe in some sort of rubber he couldn't get out. As Xavier looked down at his prey a grin spread over his shiny muzzle; this one was a fighter for sure, and he would make for an excellent hunter to aid him. The vulcanthrope was able to bring the furry hands of the other man up to his headboard and pinned them to it with his palms, which turned gooey and completely coated them before he pulled away. When the strength that was holding him down was suddenly gone Vritrax attempted to pull back only to find that he was stuck to his own headboard like glue that stretched slightly.

With the initial pounce over, Vritrax feeling a clawed hand slide under his chin that caused him to look up and see the huge shiny paw prints on his ceiling, he could feel the creature sliding over his body as though to assess him. While he wasn't sure what it was he knew he had left his closet door open and saw the reflection of both himself and the other creature in it. He was almost shocked by the wolf-like being behind him, a humanoid body but with an almost bestial nature to it as he continued to get caressed and stroked by it. This was not some sort of intruder or a monster that wished to kill him, but if that was the case than what was it?

Vritrax's eyes suddenly widened as Xavier took his tongue and gave a few sloppy licks to his ears, letting the vulcanthrope rubber start to spread inside of his skull. This one was already starting to get aroused as the initial adrenaline passed and as he began to see it already start to take effect he could see the lust starting to build. This man enjoyed the touch of rubber against his skin, Xavier's instincts drawing him to this creature to become part of the pack even though he was blocks away. As the liquid rubber on the hybrid's body began to spread it was clear the corruption was starting to take root and this one was succumbing to it, which meant that it was time to convert this creature into the fold.

As the hunter took his thick rubber cock and began to press it up against the restrained hybrid's tailhole Vritrax was lost in the haze of lust and need that was starting to grow within him. Images of hunky creatures like the one behind him began to take form and as he watched them starting to have sex with one another he found a growing yearning to be a part of them. He knew in his head that this is wrong and that he should be fighting it but the feel of rubber against his body was admittedly one of his weaknesses, while he didn't do it often he enjoyed being covered in the stuff and from he could see this creature knew it. The more he continued to feel his lithe body get caressed the more he found himself wanting it, to the point where he found himself wiggling his hips to try and get this creature to mount him as he felt his boxers suddenly get taken away.

Xavier could see the hybrid becoming more needy by the second and decided this was the time to enact his plan. He wanted a pack mate that would be strong and dominant but still serve him, but the path they were on would create a submissive creature that would be extremely sexy but not the right fit. This new vulcanthrope needed to take charge and as such dissolved the rubber that was around Vritrax's hands while continuing to tease him. As soon as he did Xavier let out a growl and he could see the hybrid brace himself for the coming penetration, only to be surprised when the muscular monster lied back.

Even though Xavier was going crazy with need and wanted nothing more than to rut this creature right into the mattress his instincts were pushing him to cultivate his pack carefully, and as the Greywolf-dragon turned to face him there was already rubber starting to drip from his nostrils. The vulcanthropy had thoroughly infected this creature and as Vritrax looked at the monster that had let him loose all his blue eyes could stare at was the thick rubber cock that was jutted straight up into the air. With his own body exposed his was also fully erect and even though he sensed that he could run away if he wanted to the only thing he could think of was becoming like this creature. His mental image of the creatures that were running around in the hybrid's mind had started to include himself and the idea of being one of these sexy rubber beasts was starting to cause him to drool as he let out an uncharacteristic growl while moving forward.

As soon as Vritrax had gotten close to the werewolf he could feel those large clawed hands press against his hips, but once more this monster was forcing him to push forward and continue to infect himself. It was almost anger-inducing, this creature had the means to bend him over and breed him into a beast but it was making him do all the work! The Greywolf-dragon growled once more and licked his chops, unknowingly spreading the shiny liquid that had started to drip out of his mouth before he leaned in and pushed the vulcanthrope's cock into his muzzle. Almost immediately his corrupted mind was given a surge of pleasure as he could feel the rubber start to slide down into his throat, which allowed the thick, throbbing shaft to do the same while the last hold-outs of his mind succumbed to the surge.

As Xavier watched the transforming Greywolf-dragon deep-throat his cock in order to transform he could already see his face shifting, the rubber starting to coat it was his features were warping underneath it. The beast was growing inside this one and he could see Vritrax bear teeth before they were completely coated with the dripping shiny liquid that came out of him. When merely sucking off the vulcanthope wasn't enough for him to get what he needed he pulled out and crawled up onto the body of the bigger man, shifting himself so that he could be straddling it as his own began to warp and change. With the seed of a vulcanthope already inside him his transformation into another rubber wolf was inevitable, but he wanted to speed things up and as his limbs began to stretch and grow he pushed his tailhole down onto the rubber tip.

Both creatures let out a loud snarl of pure pleasure as Vritrax gave himself to the corruption, feeling his flat stomach bulge out as his already converted tailhole stretched open with nothing but pleasure and allowed him to quickly slide down. His flat stomach bulged as his back arched; at first it was from the thick cock he had taken in but as the hybrid's body got down to the hilt of the other creature's shaft it became thick new muscle that stretched him out. Rubber began to flow from his groin and start to completely coat him, covering his cock and causing it the become enveloped in a heavy rubber pouch before spreading over his quivering thighs that bloated with new growth. As the body of the hybrid began to squeeze down on the cock inside of him and slide up just from his legs growing bigger Xavier reached forward and undid the zipper that had formed and allowed the pent-up member to quickly slide free.

Vritax growled once more as he brought his hands to his face, which the draconic snout had become more lupine with the rubber that covered it. He still had his whiskers though and as his features became slightly more angular he felt them thickening and growing longer in his grasp. In short order he found himself holding onto two long rubber tubes that slithered in the air before they stretched around and attached to his back. His groans and snarls became muffled as his head became that of a gas mask, anyone that might look at him might think that he was actually wearing one as the pleasure and corruption continued to infest his corrupted mind. The effect of his cock being released from its restraints immediately had also allowed him to assume his vulcanthrope form more immediately, the new scout and hunter being molded right before Xavier's eyes as Vritrax started to lower himself back down onto his cock and cause both their shiny bodies to shiver.

It didn't take long before Vritrax no longer thought of himself as his Greywolf-dragon self, all the new vulcanthrope could think of was spreading the shine of his incredible muscular rubber body to others. While he wasn't as big as the one whose cock he was riding he was definitely close as his rubber paws rubbed against the thick pectorals of the one who had changed him. The rubber on his body had also remained black but as his body shook and swayed with bouncing up and down on the throbbing tool that slid in and out of his synthetic insides he could feel a gold mane of latex hair that ran from his head all the way down to his still mostly draconic tail. The biggest changes though were still the mental ones as he huffed into the gas mask that covered his head, feeling the need to find and dominate others into the pack as he felt the tubes that were draped along the back of his shoulders continue to lengthen while an additional rubber x-harness formed along his new muscular chest.

Though Xavier knew that Vritrax would love nothing more than to be bound down and bred by the alpha vulcanthrope that created him he knew that there was more work to do, wanting to find at least a few more members of the pack. He had also already orgasmed into the other rubber wolf to seal his form, seeing a wolf head emblazoned on his thigh that marked him as a vulcanthrope as the two separated. The former hybrid let out a growl as he had not climaxed yet, but that was because Xavier wanted the new hunter to remain potent as they made their way for the door. With it getting later in the night the two monsters didn't need to be as sneaky as before as they both sniffed the air before running off into the shadows.

A few hours later two scaly men ran between the trees as fast as they could, panting as they went. The two had just been in the park goofing around with one another after having started a small bonfire when they suddenly saw two creatures jump out of nowhere and attempt to attack them. At first they thought it was a gang of some sort but as they scrambled to their feet to get away they both saw in shiny skin of the two naked men that attempted to grab at them. With some quick thinking the tiger-snake hybrid had rushed over and kicked the bonfire as hard as he could as the two and then ran with the lizardman as far away as they could while the two were stunned. From that point they had continued to run but as they got to a small pond in the park that was surrounded by tall grass they finally stopped and caught their breath as they tried to hear if they were being followed.

"What do you think Kosjir?" the tiger-snake whispered as they tried to peer over the tall grass as best they could. "Did we lose them?"

"I don't know Darey," the lizardman replied in a similar hushed tone, the two remaining as still as possible in order to see if there was any noises out of the ordinary. They continued like that until the moon above them started to drift along the water of the pond and eventually both scaled creatures let out a sigh of relief when the only thing that they heard was the sounds of night that surrounded them. "Looks like we managed to get away, good idea with the fire."

"Mostly just a reaction," Darey replied as he gave the lizard a sheepish grin before suddenly getting a look of concern. "Hey, are you okay? Your shirt's got a big rip in it."

Kosjir looked to where the tiger-snake was pointing at and saw that he did have a few holes where his shoulder was and remembered vaguely that the red and white rubber wolf had attempted to chomp down on him. When he looked past the holes though he saw nothing but green scales and there was no pain in the area either. "Huh, must have just caught my clothes," Kosjir said as he poked his finger through one of them. "Guess that was a lucky miss, huh?"

"Yeah, real lucky," Darey replied. "C'mon, let's get out of here and go back to my place, if those wierdos are still around I don't want them to find us here." The lizard nodded in agreement and the two carefully made their way through the tall grass once more and back to the other side of the park. The snake-tiger's place was only about two blocks away from where they had been and though they kept a wary eye out they didn't see the two anymore and hoped that after their fiery encounter that they gave up on any sort of chase.

They had brought a cooler with them but decided to abandon it for the moment and just get back to Darey's place, which as soon as they did the tenseness that had been in both their bodies was alleviated. Once they had gotten closer to the house the two had tried to figure out what had attacked them but in the sudden flurry of the fight they weren't sure who, or what, had decided to try and get them. It was stranger still that both seemed to be dressed in rubber, but that subject wasn't broached by either man as they went downstairs into the hybrid's den. With the threat passed and the two calming down Darey asked Kosjir if he wanted to stay the night just in case, and when the lizard nodded he watched the other man hop up and go back upstairs to get some blankets.

Once Darey had left Kosjir found himself unusually anxious still, flexing the shoulder on the side of his body where the creature had almost bit him. The strange thing was that he could have sworn that he actually did feel something press against his scales, but as he took off his shirt just to make sure he once more didn't see anything there that would cause him concern. As he continued to rotate his arm back and forth however something did feel strange, like his back muscles were tensing up far more than they should be before he would put his arm back down. Since he could see that the green scales were raised up slightly more there he just assumed it was from the running as he got up and waited for his friend to return.

As he walked around the room Kosjir suddenly stopped and found himself sniffing the air, finding a scent enter into his nose that took over all his faculties. It was something that had immediately caught his attention and his mind was suddenly no longer on the attack or the creatures that had facilitated it as he looked around the rec room. He followed the scent to a bookshelf and the lizard found himself smelling the books themselves, inhaling the smell before shaking his head and putting them to the side. There was something here that he couldn't quite put his finger on and he found the need to figure out what it was driving him further as he took several books out and examined them all at once.

When nothing came of that Kosjir was about to put them back when he noticed something that caused him pause. It was a stream of light that came in through a small hole in the bookshelf and from the angle it had to be coming from the back of the shelf. As he continued to examine the actual piece of furniture he found that there were tracks hidden in the carpet and after putting the books back he grabbed onto the edge and began to push it along them. There was a few moments of resistance before it started to move, sliding to the wall and revealing a room that was beyond.

Kosjir's eyes widened in surprise by what he found on the other side; the entire room seemed to be dedicated to bondage and rubber in particular as he stepped inside. He didn't even know that the snake-tiger had this room in his house in all the years he had come here and as he looked around he saw all manner of hoods, toys, and a few pieces of interesting looking equipment that were scattered around as well. As the lizard continued to stare around the room he couldn't believe how kinky his friend was, and that it was actually starting to turn him on as he felt his left arm twitch and flex slightly, or that he had started to come down the stairs. He did hear the sound of something dropping against the stairs and Kosjir turned just in time to see Darey standing there with a stunned look on his face.

"How... how did you find that?" Darey said as he walked down the rest of the way.

"I'm not sure actually," Kosjir replied as he turned back towards the bondage room. "I was just walking around and I happened to look at this bookshelf, and then got curious enough to find it."

"Well, I suppose now you've found out way more about me then I had intended on," Darey said as he sighed and rubbed the back of his head. "If you want to just leave that's fine, I'll even call you a rideshare."

There was a moment of silence between the two men before Kosjir finally spoke up. "Actually, I do have a question if you don't mind," Kosjir asked, which prompted Darey to look up at him. "Do you mind if I... try some stuff out?"

The brown eyes of the snake-tiger widened as he saw his friend biting his lip but also giving him bedroom eyes as he took a step inside. Darey was quick to grab Kosjir by the coat and pull him back before he could fully enter into the room, and as the lizard looked at him in concern that he had done something wrong he found a smile on his serpentine snout. "If you're going to go in there then you're going to have to follow the rules," Darey said as his grin widened, deciding to go for broke since it seemed his friend was very eager to go in from the tent in his sweats. "That first rule is that we don't have clothes on when we go in there, the only thing that adorns our bodies is the rubber that we find."

Kosjir found himself nodding eagerly and stripping down, finding that the clothes he was wearing were becoming increasingly uncomfortable anyway as he pulled off his shirt and pants before doing the same with his underwear. He hadn't even realized up until that point that he had an erection but it stood there as hard as ever and he could see Darey looking down at it himself. But the lizard was feeling particularly coy today and just turned away, watching him look at his nude form as he walked inside before reminding the snake-tiger of his own rules. As soon as he did he watched the other scaly creature out of the corner of his eye practically pull off the clothes from his athletic form before walking in as well and giving the iguana the grand tour.

"I can't believe I hadn't ask if you were into this before," Darey said as the two naked men walked around the rather large room as the hybrid continued to be bold and place a hand against the firm butt of the other male. "Have you been long into this sort of thing before? I'd be kind of surprised if you had since I've never seen you around."

"I admit that I've always been interested in it but never really decided to take the next step forward," Kosjir admitted as he went up to a solid black square of rubber and rubbed his fingers against it. "What's this thing? It looks fun."

"That's a vac-rack," Darey explained, chuckling softly as he used the hand on the rear of his friend to guide him away. "If this really is your first time I would recommend starting out with something slow, maybe just getting tied up a little and seeing how that feels. We have all day tomorrow if you want to keep progressing from there."

Darey was surprised when Kosjir leaned forward and gave him a kiss, feeling their scaly muzzles press together. As their forked tongues began to invade one another's mouths they began to grow more passionate and soon both could feel their erections pressing up against one another. It prompted Darey to look down and see that underneath the red scales of the lizard that he actually had a decent pair of abs on him, almost rivaling his own as he ran a hand down his own cream-colored belly scales. With it being clear that Kosjir was on board for quite a bit the snake-tiger decided to go all the way, starting with backing the lizard up and breaking their kiss so that he could actually fulfill what the other man wanted.

It didn't take long before Kosjir found himself in a rubber swing, letting out a slight yelp as he found himself practically vertical as Darey wasted little time in getting the other man secured into it. The snake-tiger told the lizard that if there was any discomfort to tell him immediately as he walked around and put a set of cuffs on Kosjir's ankles and wrists that would help to keep his limbs suspended upwards. With the other man securely in place Darey went back over to one of his walls and decided to dress the part himself, picking up a pair of rubber stocking feet and gloves and sliding him over his brown striped scales before grabbing one for his tail and doing the same. As he picked out a rubber harness for himself and could hear his friend starting to moan, which put an even bigger smile on his face as he grabbed a set of straps and put them over his pectorals before finally finishing off with a simple rubber hood.

Once he had finished dressing up he could see Kosjir wiggling around in his restraints while his hands were trying to get down towards his groin. Darey couldn't believe how riled up he was getting and went over to tease the bare chest and face of the other guy. "I have to admit that this has been a bit of a fantasy of mine," Darey said as he reached down and stroked the cock of the other male, watching him squirm even more. "All bound up and nowhere to go, isn't that right?"

"Please..." Kosjir said as he let out a grunt, feeling his back tighten slightly against the swing before it began to swell underneath him and press against the rubber. "I need you in me! It's like my hole is aching to be filled, it feels so empty."

"Man, you really are a kinky one," Darey said as he went over and pressed a finger against the exposed tailhole of the other man and causing him to shudder. "There's still some prep that needs to be done, I don't want you to... hurt yourself..." As Darey pushed in he was surprised to find that it slid in easily, feeling almost like rubber sliding against rubber as he added a second one and stretched out the hole even further. "Kosjir, are you sure you didn't prep for this beforehand?"

Kosjir just let out a loud grunt and tried to swing himself to get the fingers in deeper, and Darey just shrugged to himself and decided to go for it. Perhaps his friend knew all along and decided that it was time for them to take the next step, either way the snake-tiger knew that the lizard had the safeword to stop everything and began to push the head of his cock against the exposed hole. As he began to ease his way inside he let out a gasp as it almost seemed to swallow him up and pull him in, to the point where he was taken by surprise as he moaned softly. He was so tight, yet strangely yielding as he pushed further in and saw the one in the swing moan and shake in his restraints.

"Ohhh yessss..." Kosjir let out a hiss as Darey continued to push deeper inside of him. "Don't be shy, hilt me, get as deep as you can!" As Kosjir tried to slake the lust that had been growing in him ever since he kissed Darey he felt his body shifting, strange at first but as the hybrid continued to stretch him open the feeling inside of him was growing more pleasurable by the second. "Yess... fill me... make me swell..."

As Darey began to use the swing to get momentum along with thrusting his hips forward he could see the lizard flexing and stretching in the swing, his words falling away as his scaly body seemed to ripple and flex. Though the snake-tiger felt his own intense pleasure from his cock being enveloped in the warm hole of the other man he still had a nagging concern in the back of his mind of going too far. Every flex, every tenseness in Kosjir's body he watched to make sure it wasn't anything back, and as he did he got the strange sensation that his muscles were starting to grow bigger while he was in the swing. It had to be a trick of his imagination though, Darey thought to himself as he reached down and rubbed the rubber jock that the lizard was wearing, they were simply two guys having fun and really getting into their first time... except...

Darey hadn't put a jock on the lizard...

When the snake-tiger looked down he let out a slight hiss of surprise when he saw just above the hole being stretched by his throbbing shaft that where the lizard's cock was there was now a smooth bulge of shiny red rubber instead. When he reached down and squeezed it he could feel the Kosjir's cock within and it caused the other man to practically jump in his restraints, but as he felt around it he couldn't seem to find the seam where the rubber ended and the scales began. In fact it seemed to be spreading as he looked back up at the lizard and saw that he was doing more than just squirming around, his entire body seemed to be convulsing with the muscles underneath his increasingly shiny skin growing bigger by the second.

"Kosjir!" Darey said as he leaned forward, his cock still deep inside the other man, and looked at the lizard's face that appeared to be frozen in shock. "What's wrong Kosjir, what's happening to you?" When there was no response other then the inner walls of the lizard squeezing down on his shaft Darey went to remove the bindings on their wrists, only to see that the hands of the other man looked almost swollen and as he watched the digits looked like they were shrinking as the hand itself became even more swollen until his eyes widened as the scaly skin melted away to reveal a thick green rubber mitten.

Darey was at a loss for words as the rubbery scales continued to pull away and reveal green rubber underneath along with the fact that Kosjir's arms had become twice the size that they used to be and there was a red rubber wolf head on his shoulder. It suddenly reminded the snake-tiger of the creatures that had attempted to assault them in the park and it caused him to have a lightbulb moment; that the lizard was infected by whatever those creatures were and was quickly becoming one of them! He also looked down as the chest of the transforming man started to expand even more that he was hilt-deep in this creature and grabbed onto the quivering inner thighs of the lizard to pull out when he heard a growl come from Kosjir that sounded strangely muffled.

When Darey looked back up the shocked expression on Kosjir's face had remained, but his reptilian muzzle looked increasingly deformed and more muffled grunts and growls came from it. The tiger-snake found himself frozen with wide eyes as he saw something glinting in the lizard's snout, which as the lips pulled back revealed a zipper attached to rubber that was being more exposed by the second. The sounds coming from the restrained male grew deeper as a lupine muzzle was exposed as the lizard's melted and pulled away from it while a pair of points appeared to stretch out the head of the lizard. Darey found himself taking a step back and that caused the creature to thrash in pleasure, and when it did the lizard head flopped around the neck of the creature like a hood and exposed the green and red rubber wolf hood underneath with the maw still zippered and with lenses for eyes.

As the creature suddenly leaned up with its increasingly muscular body and Darey saw the rubbery head of Kosjir melting into the shiny scaled shoulders, which were pulling back to reveal more of the new creature, the hybrid had enough and finally pulled out completely. Even though his own cock was completely covered in gooey black rubber he ignored it and made a run for the upstairs where his phone was. Before he could get out of his den though he suddenly felt his legs lock together and caused him to take a tumble against the carpet and land on his chest. When he looked down to see what had caused it he let out a gasp as he not only saw that the rubber of his stockings had fused together but his feet were starting to stretch and grow into huge lupine paws!

Darey attempted to pull himself back up in order to at least try to get on his feet but before he could his arms felt like they were being pulled backwards by an invisible hand, though he couldn't see it his gloves had sprouted several tentacles and were actively pulling them back there as the hybrid continued to feel the goo on his cock shifting around. With his arms being bound behind his back and the rubber of his legs almost completely merged together there was nothing else he could do but roll off of his side and see what was going on. He let out a hiss of pleasure as the sensations around his maleness increased and he felt something pressing up against his rear. At first he thought that maybe Kosjir had broken free from his bindings and was behind him, but as he began to feel his hole get stretched open he looked back and saw that it was something else entirely.

It was his own tail, and as Darey realized he could no longer control it he began to feel it spread him open with its rubber-covered tip. His arms were completely bound by this point and he could feel the shiny latex starting to spread over his scales, assimilating them as he saw the muscle underneath it growing and thickening. While he always had a toned, athletic build whatever was happening to him was causing him to gain like crazy while his fingers grew claws and stretched out. It was getting harder to see with the rubber starting to creep over his eyes but as he continued to get stimulated around his groin he saw that the black rubber had already crept over his waist and was starting to crawl up his twitching abs.

Then, just as suddenly as it had begun, the pleasure around his cock had stopped. Even in his restrained state that caused him the most concern and when he looked down to his groin he saw that instead of his throbbing shaft there was a smooth rubber bulge like the lizard in the next room. Unlike Kosjir's however his had a golden lock on it and with the sudden withdrawing of lust he found himself incredibly needy. This no longer became about escape, he needed to orgasm as his own tail had continued to slither into his vulcanized insides to the point it was stretching out his stomach even with the thicker abs where a gold wolf head appeared emblazoned on the rubber.

As Darey continued to wiggle around in his bindings and began to try and rub his crotch against the floor he felt himself drooling, but when he tried to move his tongue around he found that there was something forming inside of his jaw. As the liquid rubber began to spread over his muzzle and completely coat it he felt a cock gag form inside his maw, growing until it slid down into his throat and caused him even more pleasure. By this point he was completely blind and deaf too as the rubber covered his head, even stretched over his lips which he was only able to stretch slightly while the rest of his body grew more muscular by the second. As gold stripes began to appear on his swelling body a zipper formed around his neck and rubber pushed up underneath it, forming into a wolf hood that pushed itself over the snake-tiger's head with the zipper mouth sliding around until it lined up where Darey's mouth used to be...