Dancing with Anxiety - Preview

Story by TJMinde on SoFurry

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I wrote a story for the Fur the More 2022 charity, Casa Ruby. You can read the full 11k word story for a pay-what-you-want donation. Find me in person at the con or DM me on Twitter with a screen shot of your generosity and I'll send you a PDF of the work.

Offer is good from now (3/2/22) until the end of March 2022.

Feel free to reach out with any question!

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Dancing with Anxiety

By TJ Minde

The skunk set the joint to his lips and took a deep breath. The paper burned down a centimeter, and he held the smoke in his lungs as he stared at the video on his computer screen. A knock on the door caught his attention. "Who is it?" he asked before letting out the smoke.

The door opened and a maned wolf's nose appeared. "Hey Andrew. It smells like me in there." His tongue poked out of his muzzle. "You decent?"

"Decent is subjective, Jeff," he replied before typing some more. "What do you want?"

"You wearing pants? Or consent for me to enter anyway?"

Andrew sat up with a sigh and smoothed out his band shirt and brushed off his shorts, both lightly streaked with ash. "Come in."

With a grin on his muzzle, the maned wolf stepped into the room and closed the door behind him. "You down for a game?" he asked, holding a deck box in his paw.

The skunk shrugged and paused the video he was watching. "Folding tables are in the closet." As Jeff walked to the sliding doors, Andrew grabbed a cushioned folding chair and leaned it against the bed before reaching for his own deck.

The maned wolf placed two faux wooden tables in the middle of the small room made for one and set the chair up. Andrew slid from his desk and sat across from Jeff as he began shuffling his cards.

"I was worried you wouldn't have time for our game, with all the planning for the party," Andrew said.

As Jeff began to shuffle his cards, he scoffed. "Dude, we've played at least once a week since we met. Like hell I'm gonna let one small party make me miss this."

"Small party? Are we talking about the same thing?" He slid to his computer and alt-tabbed to an image.

The flyer showed the silhouette of a canid and lagomorph each with a paw in the air dancing. The text at the top stood out in big bold letters saying: 'IT'S THE '20s AGAIN!' In smaller print below the figures read 'Come join us all month long!' followed by additional information for the event.

"This is the poster the community center planning committee had me design for the party." He looked back at Jeff.

The maned wolf wasn't looking at Andrew as he drew and peeked at his pawful of card. "I'm taking a mulligan," he said as he put his cards on top and shuffled. "But yeah, same event. The flyer looks amazing, by the way. I've seen it getting lots of shares from the center's social media."

The skunk shook his head and took another hit off his joint. "You make no sense sometimes, you know that?"

"You're the one that smokes weed and goes to learn things."

Andrew shrugged. "I mean, you aren't wrong. That's just one of the few marketable skills I've picked up over the last year." He drew from his deck. "I'm keeping these," Andrew said. "Go ahead and start."

"You planning to go?" Jeff asked as he played two cards down before nodding to Andrew.

The skunk drew from the top of his deck. "To the party? Do I look like a social person?" He played a card in front of himself as well. "You're turn."

Jeff drew and paused. "Even though the theme seems to be so on brand for you? I mean, you're already black and white." He set down one card and passed before continuing. "And you did say 'The Great Gatsby' was your favorite novel last semester. Come on, I know you'll love it."

"How so? You gonna end up dead in the pool by the end?" Andrew asked with a snicker as he slid back to his desk and took another hit from his joint. As he held his breath, he offered it to his friend.

Andrew smiled and shook his head. "I'm good. I'm hoping to grab a few people and see if we can't print up and hang some of the flyers around campus a little later. Want to be able to coordinate that with a clear head."

"I hear you." The skunk set the joint down. "I'd personally rather smell like weed than spray. Yay anxiety and panic attacks," he cheered sarcastically.

"Hey, you're simply taking care of yourself. Medication is important. Yours just happens to have a recreational use at times."

"And we both are ostracized for it. I mean, that's why I smoke up here. Gotta protect the sensitive noses out there." Andrew waved a paw to the door.

Jeff scowled. "Not everyone is like that, and you know it. Sure, I have to correct people every now and then, but a hint of scent neutralizer here and there isn't the end of the world for me." He set his cards down and leaned forward. "And maybe getting out will do you some good too."

"How so?"

"Well, there will be food, and music, and dancing. Lots of fun to be had. And I'll be there, so you don't need to worry about being alone." The maned wolf gave Andrew a sly grin. "Besides, maybe a few real drinks will be had, too."

With a roll of his eyes, Andrew scoffed. "You think you can make your bottles last through a month of parties?" He crossed his arms, keeping his cards in his paw.

"If I only make drinks for friends, for sure. And I might have someone I want you to meet, and they've already agreed to come." His ears fell and he looked away from the skunk.

Andrew set his cards down. "So that's what this is: you're trying to set me up with some freshie."

"Hey, don't put words in my muzzle," the maned wolf protested.

"Do you expect me to date him?"

"They're name is Emory and they are gender fluid." Then Jeff shrugged. "And only if you wanted to; I wouldn't be upset or anything. But really, I just think you two'd click on a friend level. Where it goes from there is between yourselves."

The skunk sighed. "Man, I'm getting stressed out by you asking me to go, and now you're adding on meeting a new person?"

"Well, good news is that it's right downstairs. If you get overwhelmed, you can come back up and smoke here." Jeff waved a paw around. "It's certainly not far and you could even keep a cigarette case on you for quicker access."

"I don't know, man." Andrew rubbed the back of his head. "The community center can hold a few hundred people. And you know me and crowds don't work well. Hell, if you didn't see the decal on my bag and start talking about a children's card game with me, I think I woulda ended up spraying myself and clearing the gym."

Jeff nodded. "Maybe, but you're better since you've been self-medicating with weed. And when I'm around. And you know I'll be around. You can stick with me, and I'll keep you safe." He set a paw on the skunk's arm. "It really would mean a lot to me if you went." He looked at Andrew with a pleading gaze.

"Stop with the puppy dog eyes, dammit." The skunk lowered his head with a sigh. "You aren't going to let this go, are you?"

A smile broke across the maned wolf's muzzle. "Not if I can help it. I just want you to get out of this room and have fun--without playing cards." He stood up. "Think about it, there'll be music, food. Maybe some dancing--if you want. And think of the opulence! The decadence!" He held out a paw to Andrew. "Tell me you'll go."

The skunk huffed and stared at Jeff's waiting pads. "Fine," he said in defeat. "But I'm not shaking with you."

"Yay!" With a chirp of joy, Jeff jumped up and down, almost hitting his head on the ceiling before swinging his arms and twisting his hips in a little victory dance. When he finished, he plopped back in his chair with a massive grin on his muzzle.

Andrew shook his head. "I have no idea what I'll wear, but I'll go."

"Do you wanna borrow a dress for a week? I know some guys are gonna do that for fun." Jeff's tail continued to wag behind him.

"I feel weird enough going. Can we leave it to one stressful thing at a time?"

Jeff sat back, crossing his arms over his chest with a smile. "Well, some 1920s clothing wasn't super different from today. I bet you have something in your closet that could work."

Andrew picked his cards back up. "Can we at least finish this game before you dig through my clothes?"

"You bet." With his tail still wagging, Jeff gathered his cards. "But first thing's first: who's turn is it?"

With a groan, the skunk rested his head on the table. "Let's just start over," he said before collecting his cards again.