Trying New Things

Story by ImpFox on SoFurry

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Jayce surprises Izzy for his birthday.

First attempt at some lewd writing. I think I figured out a good flow/voice after a few rewrites that i'm satisfied with. But don't be afraid to leave any critiques. Just be nice about it please! Otherwise enjoy!



The credits rolled accompanied by a haunting orchestral score as Izzy's favorite horror movie finished. It wasn't the brown and orange fox's scariest choice, but it was campy in all the best ways. The music fades into the background as the fox snuggles further into Jayce's embrace. Having abandoned everything but their underwear long ago, the dark gray blue wolf and fox lay cuddled together on the couch. Head placed on the wolf's chest, Izzy traced lazy circles through the gray tuft of fur next to him. Happily enjoying the warmth and proximity wedged between the cushions and his wolf, he continued to run to his fingers along the mesh of grays and blues. Occasionally he snuck in a grope of the wolf's fairly defined muscles. Jayce responded with several pets and scratches along the fox's chin down to his neck as Izzy's head bounced to the slow rhythm of the wolf's breathing. Interrupting the gentle rise and fall, Jayce took in a long breath and let out a sigh that tickled the brown tips of the fox's ears.

"You tired babe?" Izzy looked up past the green glasses and into the wolf's matching eyes.

"No". Jayce smiled back now scratching the fox's ears. He looked down into Izzy's amber eye, returning the loving gaze. "I know it's supposed to be your day, but I think I enjoyed it just as much as you did."

"Even the movie?" The fox arched eyebrows put on a bit of a smug grin.

"Yes, even the movie" Sticking his tongue out to protest. "Just very," now pausing to take in another deep breath, "content". Jayce just smiled and leaned his head back on the couch. "I assumed you enjoyed your birthday Z?"

Izzy's tail lightly thumps into the couch. "Very much so", He squeezes into the wolf in an impossible attempt to bring them physically closer.

"Oh, I almost forgot!" Jayce snapped his head back up looking down at the fox with a smirk. "I did have one last thing for you if you want".

"Oh?" A mischievous spark shines in his face as Izzy's fingers start to travel further down through the wolf's fur past his navel. "And what does that happen to be?"

Jayce causes the fox to yelp slightly as his head falls to the couch as the wolf has somehow disappeared underneath him and is already walking into the bedroom. "I got you some gifts" Jayce yells back as he passes the threshold.

Izzy sits up and pouts, both at the sudden loss of his furry pillow, and his partner's words. "You know we aren't supposed to give each other presents", yelling back, annoyed by his words. Waiting for the wolf to come back in view, he continued. "I thought you agreed since we can both afford what we want ourselves we didn't need to constantly one up each other and stress over gifts".

"I know, I know." Jayce sitst back down and places a large gift bag in Izzy's lap. "But..." He fiddles with his hands as some blood rushes to his cheeks. "I figured if it's technically for both of us it didn't count."

A suspicious glance toward the wolf and Izzy could see his shoulders were tense. He also noticed Jayce's tail slightly bumping into the cushions betraying at least some excitement. It reminds him how embarrassingly cute his wolf can be like this. He turned his attention to the gift in his lap. Opening the bag, his jaw drops a little while he discerns the contents of the present, letting out a quiet "Oh". Izzy's tail begins to match his partners.

First, several pieces of rope of varying lengths and color. "Those are uh." Jayce stammers as he wipes his hands across his legs. "Uhm, supposed to be really strong, but, but not too abrasive on fur". The fox just gives him a quick glance before grabbing the next item, a pair of black blindfolds. "Those are pretty obvious, hehe". Izzy continued, pulling out several bottles of lube. "Never too much of that" The wolf now awkwardly commenting on everything being pulled out of the bag. Lastly the fox reaches in and pulls the last item, a vibrating dildo still in its packaging advertising its many possible 'pleasure settings'. Izzy turns to face his partner, mouth still slightly agape. "Happy birthday" strained the wolf. "Please uh," shoulders begin to drop as his throat dries out. "Please say something Z."

"Sorry, sorry." Izzy shakes his head, returning his mind back to the current universe."I do actually really like all of it." His lips curl into a wide smile, "I mean I really, really do, haha," rocking in his seat. "I'm just surprised is all. That you would be the first to bring this type of stuff up". He leans into the wolf and stares up at him.

"Oh." Jayce brings a free hand to scratch behind his head, "I mean I know I'm not the most adventurous person. Nor am I the horniest given present company." The fox merely giggles and traces his fingers along the wolf's knee."But," volume rising a little, "I knew you would probably like this stuff. And you have been pushing to try more stuff in the bedroom. And I think I might really like to try more stuff like this. Especially," The wolf pauses to lay his head atop the fox's and intertwin his hand with the one on his leg,"If it's with you".

Izzy leans back and reaches out, pulling the wolf's snout to his own. "You're such a dork" He places a quick peck on Jayce's lips. As he begins to reexamine the rope, an earlier comment hits him. "So you 'knew' I would like this stuff huh?" Raising his eyebrows and donning an evil grin he looks back over.

"Yeah you uh, kinda, um" The wolf pauses to cough away some of the nerves. "You sort of forgot, to uhm, close all your tabs on the tablet, hehe. Not that i was spying or judging" Hands waving in front of him. "I just thought it was your birthday soon and I wanted to get something fun for us, but didn't know what to do. Then I saw your tabs so I scrolled through some for uh, inspiration."

"Inspiration huh?" Izzy pokes the wolf in the shoulder. "I did get interrupted and called into work a couple of weeks ago. At least tell me you were able to finish in my place" Leaning in to kiss Jayce's cheek as he rubs the wolf's thigh and trails towards his crotch.

Pushing the fox away in faux disgust, "No you perv" This elicits a hearty chuckle from Izzy causing the wolf to laugh in unison. The fox set the bag on the coffee table then swung his legs over Jayce's lap to straddle him. Reaching up he grabbed the wolf's face. "Well even though you didn't do that for me, I guess I'll let the gift rule breaking slide". Jayce simply smiled and grasped both of the fox's wrists as Izzy brought their faces together. They fell into a deep kiss as they let their arms fall to pull each other into a tight embrace. They leaned in as much as they could before finally pulling away for air. Resting their noses together, they stared at each other with big toothy smiles. "So" Izzy now squealed atop the wolf, "What do you want to try first?" Now he excitedly rocks side to side. "I have a few ideas if you nee--umph".

Jayce quickly cut him short as he pulled his partner's face back in for another kiss. This time Izzy felt the wolf's tongue probing and quickly relented, opening his maw further so it could meet with his own. They mixed and swirled together for a few seconds before the wolf pulled back, breaking the mini makeout session. Just before the fox could protest, Jayce placed a finger to his partner's lips. "Shush Z. It's your birthday. And I mayyy have practiced one thing already. So I plan to make you feel amazing". Jayce beamed at the fox before placing a quick peck on his cheek. The corner of the fox's lips curled as he placed a hand on the kiss.

Next thing he knew though, Izzy was no longer straddling his partner. Eliciting a yelp, the wolf plopped the fox onto the couch and grabbed two of the smaller ropes in a single motion. Quickly he stood up and lifted the fox. Legs now dangling over one arm and shoulders perched on the other, Izzy giggled as he looked up and locked eyes with his handsome wolf. Instinctively, the two met halfway as they locked lips before pushing through and entwining their tongues once more. It was a slow journey to the bedroom as Jayce simultaneously dodged the walls and furniture while the fox held his face to his own, refusing to let this session break. Having successfully navigated his way to the bed, the wolf pried free momentarily to lay Izzy down before climbing over him and continuing where they left off. Jayce lifted the fox's hands above his head and interlaced their fingers together. Grasping each other tight, they leaned into every kiss. Refusing to let their muzzles part for anything more than a gasp of air as they continued to explore and began to grind into each other. They moaned into each other as their underwear islosing the battle to keep their excitement contained.

With one last firm squeeze of their hands, Jayce broke the embrace propping himself over the fox with one hand. He leaned in towards Izzy's ear and whispered, "let's get these out of the way" cupping the fox's swollen package through the fabric. The fox answered in a soft moan as he threw his arms up to hold onto his lover. The wolf made sure to meander his way slowly down, taking every detour he could. Softly kissing the white fur under Izzy's amber eye before coming down and gently sucking and pecking along the neck multiple times before reaching the collarbone. All the while Jayce's hand continued to grope and stroke the fox's member through his boxer-briefs, creating a sizable wet spot at the tip. Cutting across his chest, the wolf continued to place kisses every inch of the fox's deep brown fur before nestling against his nipple. Izzy let out a slight gasp as the cold from the wolf's nose brushed against it before Jayce rolled his tongue over the sensitive spot, eliciting even more noises from the fox.

"Mmphh,'' Izzy whined, diggin his nails into the wolf's back. Continuing his journey downward, Jayce pecked along the fox's chest and navel until he finally reached his goal. The bulging underwear left little to the imagination now, as the wolf firmly pressed his snout in the middle of the damp arousal that continued to leak out. Closing his eyes, he inhaled slowly enjoying every little scent of his partner before taking one long drag of his tongue across the length of the front of the fabric. A low growl vibrated from the wolf into Izzy's groin, the intoxication of the sweet and salty taste of the pre mixed with the smell ignited a hunger in his chest.

Moaning quietly to himself, "Ahh, fuck me," the fox gripped the sheets as his bodied shivered. Jayce merely smirked, keeping his corny joke to himself as he reached for the waistband with both hands. Finally free from its confines, Izzy's six inch bright red canid cock sprung back and flopped against his belly, knot already swelling.

"Turn over for me, hands by your ankles." Jayce's tone was soft but firm. He stood up and quickly kicked away his own boxer-briefs before grabbing the two smaller ropes he brought.

Izzy smiled and looked back at the now equally naked wolf, enjoying the sight of his lean but clearly defined muscles and his own obvious arousal. The smile turned mischievous. With his head firmly against the bed and ass sticking straight up he tauntingly shook his rear back and forth, his now dangling package bouncing between his legs. "How's the view?" The smile was quickly erased as Jayce reacted to the impromptu performance by pouncing onto the bed and releasing another growl in Izzy's ear.

"Mmmmm, perfect. Now don't move." The fox meekly nodded while his cock twitched between his legs betraying his real reaction to the display of dominance. Jayce began to tie the fox's wrist to his ankle, stopping to redo the knot once before moving on to the other side. "How's that? Not too tight?" the earlier aggression now replaced with concern.

He tried rotating his wrists and pulling, but Izzy definitely isn't coming dislodged by his own volition. "Nice and tight. Good job ba--AHHHH". His head curled slightly under his chest and immediately pulled against his bindings as a shiver ran down his spine.

A long lick of Jayce's tongue interrupted the fox, trailing from the bright red tip of Izzy's member all the way up to his brown furred sheath. Firmly gripping the fox's cheeks with both hands, the wolf suckled on one orb for a few seconds before moving to the other. He wandered back down to the tip and began to lap at the fox's cock, lingering to tease the head for a few seconds before dragging all the way up to the now fully formed knot. After a minute Jayce pressed his nose firmly into the fox's balls for one last inhale before retreating. Groping and squeezing, he pulled apart the fox's cheeks to reveal his next target, the waiting pink pucker between them.

Izzy's hole flexed in anticipation as Jayce began to work. Massaging the handfuls of fox butt, the wolf placed kisses all over Izzy's most intimate area. "Ahhh", cried the fox weakly as Jayce finally took a slow drag of his tongue over his entrance. Grunts and moans cause the wolf's ears to twitch and stir his own internal hunger. It threatens to spill over as the carnal side screams to pin Izzy down and fuck him silly here and now. "Later", he tells himself, and simply enjoys his meal.

"Mmmm, fuck babe stop teasing." The attacking wolf's tongue forces Izzy to struggle to get words out between moans. Jayce rolled his tongue around and continued to lick, poke, and prod the fox's outer ring without ever quite entering. "I guess it is his birthday" the wolf thought to himself, finally plunging his tongue past the entrance. He soaked in the taste of the fox, leaving no nook or cranny dry. The wet squelching sounds mixed with Izzy's moans and heavy breathing as the wolf eventually changed tactics and began with slower forceful licks, searching for his target. After a few attempts Jayce knew he found purchase as he felt a quiver go through the fox's body and leave in a sharp exhale. The fox flexed and twisted his hands and wrists in an attempt to reach out to something, anything. The knots of the rope allowed no such reprieve as the heat inside began to rise. Izzy curled his head closer to his knees as the extra pressure and sense of confinement from the restraints only added more fuel to the fox's growing fire.

"Hahh, This feels... mfff.. So good," Izzy groaned as the wolf's tongue continued to repeatedly push across the fox's prostate. Suddenly Jacye retreated and began untying the fox's right wrist. Izzy whined and begged. "Wait, don't stop".

"Don't worry, just getting a better angle. And you're going to need to support yourself."

Jayce transitioned to sitting next to the fox just past his waist facing the same direction as Izzy's now glistening pucker. The wolf then looped his arm over the fox's back and snaked down back between his legs. Brushing against his balls, Jayce reached farther and firmly grasped Izzy's right cheek. Lifting the fox's ass back towards his snout, he leaned in and renewed his attack on his lover's most sensitive spot. Izzy's left hand darted out to hold up what weight wasn't leaning against the wolf while the new position provided Jayce the ability to apply more force at a faster frequency with his tongue.

The wolf grabbed the base of Izzy's knot with his other hand. "Gah, ohhhhh fuck" Without relenting his assault on the fox's rear, Jayce pumped his hand up and down the fox's constantly leaking member. More moans and cries escaped from the helpless fox as the wolf increased his pace.

Between Jayce's tongue in his ass and the wolf's hand fervently jerking off his dick, he couldn't handle it. That familiar feeling in his loins rising rapidly to its peak. "I'm hah, fuck... gonna.. I'm gonna, ahhhhh" Izzy hazily cried out as he crashed over. Jayce stops his jerking motion to firmly squeeze the fox's knot as ropes of cum crash down onto the sheets between the fox's legs. Izzy tenses and shakes as the wolf's tongue never stops prodding his prostate, extending the fox's bliss as his cock continues to twitch. A moment goes by, only able to release small spurts of what's left after the initial burst, before the flame of his orgasm finally fizzles out. The wolf releases this grip on the fox's butt and Izzy falls in a heap onto the bed..

Untying the fox's other hand, Jayce takes a look at his partner's face to see the results of his work. Plopped on his stomach, Izzy's mouth is slightly agape and eyes partially lidded and unfocused as his chest rises and falls, taking in long and heavy breaths. The sight plasters the wolf's face with a wide grin, satisfied with a job well done. He gives the fox a minute before he hovers over him to steal a quick kiss. "So, how were the ropes?" Jayce continues to plant small pecks over the fox's face and neck.

The question and the continued attention sparks a quiet chuckle from Izzy. "They were great", pausing to take a few more breaths before continuing "The restriction and sort of being at your mercy really did it for me. Thanks for doing the growling too" Both of them just smile at each other. "We will definitely need to find some more poses and positions. Although, I did particularly enjoy that one". Feeling a weight and a bit of wetness pooling on his back, the corner of the fox's mouth rises into a cheshire grin. "And judging by your friend poking me you did too."

"Well that pose was particularly, um," Jayce pauses as what blood he has left to spare rushes to his face, "revealing". His tail begins to swish back and forth as he leans forward and whispers into the fox's ear, "And you were extremely attractive like that". The compliment stirs Izzy's tail to wag a bit too. With their position this causes it to brush up and tickle the underside of the wolf's balls. "Ah!" With a yelp, Jayce yelps a little and pushes himself up before forming a childish pout. "You did that on purpose".

"Haha. Maybe", he answers coyly while getting up on his elbows. Izzy begins to shake his ass back and forth, brushing up against the wolf's groin. "You know, I wouldn't mind another present for my birthday"

With the initial surprise gone, Jayce leans in to steal more kisses. "I thought you said you don't like exchanging presents." He continues to kiss his fox while grinding his seven inch aching red knotted member along the fox's ass.

"Well, I thought I would use your logic." Izzy pushes his backside against the wolf. "If the present is for both of us it doesn't count".

"In that case," still humping against the fox while leaning into whisper, "there was a position on one of your tabs that seemed fun."

Izzy perks up. "Which one is thaaaah" He's cutoff as the wolf gently forces his head back down on the sheets.

Reaching underneath Izzy, Jayce pulls the fox's slightly deflated member back towards him. Knowing what it does to the fox, Jayce rumbles forth another low growl. "Lay all the way down for me".

Realization mixes with the shivers from the growl as the fox's starts to return to full mast. Izzy extends both of his legs while the wolf makes sure to hold his dick back before laying his stomach flush with the bed. The fully erect member now lays resting underneath his balls pointing straight back. Izzy is beyond excited that he never closed those tabs. He grinded back into the wolf mounted on top of him.

Jayce straddled the fox and lifted his tail to reveal his still glistening handiwork. He took a moment to enjoy the sight again before rubbing his dick back and forth over the fox's hole, his own pre mixing with saliva from earlier. "Well you are definitely ready to go" The wolf teased him, resting the tip against the fox's entrance.

"I love you babe, but please shut up and fuck me already".

"Gladly birthday boy" Jayce smiled and began to press past the fox's outer ring. Izzy let out a short gasp as the new presence began to stretch and expand his inner walls. The wolf continued to gently push in inch by inch, struggling through the fox's clenching. Luckily it was aided by fluids from the first session and his own arousal. He let out a satisfied sigh now fully hilted, knot pressing up against Izzy's backside. "Fuck. I swear you're even tighter like this".

"Mmmmhhh" was the only response that escaped the fox. The pressure was intense. As soon as the engorged red member made it far enough in to brush against Izzy's prostate, waves of pleasure began radiating through his body. Every inch that came in caused the tides to swell as the wolf's cock pressed along his button. Jacye waited a moment to let the fox adjust. He tries to relax but can't help frequently squeezing on the intruder stretching his tunnel. The constriction relented some and the wolf slowly pulled back to almost the tip before reversing course, slowly pushing back in.

Jayce eased into a steady rhythm, pulling most of the way out before thrusting back in and finishing with a bit of extra pressure on the fox's hole with his knot. All the attention he gave Izzy earlier had really got him riled up and he knew he wouldn't last long unless he paced himself. The wolf maintained his tempo, trying his best to repeat whatever motions caused the cutest moans to escape the fox's lips.

Waves of pleasure danced in the fox. Izzy could feel it like tides. As the wolf's member would retreat from his body, the sensations seemed to condense and gather in his groin only to roll back out to his extremities as Jayce's cock slid back in. The fox reached and tightly gripped a pillow and the sheets as the ecstasy crashed throughout him. "Oh.... My.... God...." Izzy managed to cry out between thrusts. "I don't think i can last much, mmmhhh" Jacye pushed a little harder abruptly causing the fox to grab and bite into the pillow as the knot briefly threatened to tie.

Now leaning over, the wolf breathed into Izzy's ear. "Hahhh, fuck... me either".

"Faster, please".

Wrapping his arms under the fox's chest the wolf obliged, picking up speed. Ramping up, hips now slamming into the fox's backside, the room filled with the wet slapping and the couples have breathing.

With most of the wolf's upper body weight on top of him, the heavy breathing on his neck, and the relentless pounding on his prostate, Izzy was getting close. The altered angle and increased pace caused the earlier waves to swell and try to seep through his pores. Jayce's knot slowly stretched the fox's outer ring more and more with each thrust. It was too much. The waves crescendoed into a tsunami as he reached his second release tonight. The fox came hard, biting and squeezing the pillow, as shot after shot of cum exploded out his cock mixing with the mess from earlier. His climax continued to crash within him as the wolf hadn't finished yet,still fervently rutting the fox's ass. Izzy managed to sneak in a breath before crying out, "Gahhhhh Jayce! Mmmmmmhhhhh... fucking knot me, fuuuuu..." before muffling himself back in the pillow.

Jayce pressed harder with each thrust as the fox's orgasm caused his walls to spasm and squeeze tightly around the wolf's cock. He hammered the knot against the entrance trying to break through the final barrier. His need rose uncontrollably as he tried to hold out, only wanting to finish once he was fully inside. The timing finally lined up for a brief moment when the fox's contractions relaxed and Jayce slammed the rest of his member inside. Rope after rope burst forth, painting the fox's insides as Jayce emptied himself, tugging and pushing what little distance was possible. Izzy, still coming down from his climax, continued to squeeze Jayce's cock, milking as much seed as he could out of the wolf's testicles. It kept pulsing and spitting out more and more even after the initial torrent until finally there was nothing left to give and the wolf collapsed on top of the fox.

After a few seconds Jayce managed to roll onto his side bringing Izzy with him. Reaching his arm over, he pulled the fox into a tight hug while still panting heavily into the fur on the fox's neck. Izzy interlaced his hand with his wolf and clutched back. After a minute they finally calmed down enough for the fox to speak. "Thank you." He placed a quick kiss on the back of the wolf's hand. "I know you are normally shy about trying new things, so that meant a lot. And I just want to say, you usually get used to the things i ask. Like the growling. You've gotten really confident with it and fuck its so hot when you do that." He gave the wolf's hand another kiss and squeeze. "So don't be so nervous to ask to try new things too ok? They don't have to be just for me. Plus you know this perv won't judge" Laughing he licked the back of the wolf's hand.

"Hehe.. well... I was uhm, hoping you could use some of the things in that bag... on me". The wolf meekly nuzzled into the fox's neck as a victorious smile crossed Izzy's lip. "Ahhh!" The wolf yelped as the walls clenched around the still stuck member. "Careful, Th-that's still sensitive".

"Sorry" Izzy couldn't contain a few chuckles at the wolf's expense. "Got a little too excited"

"Haha, I might have too." Jayce squeezed the fox into another hug. "Because we might be stuck for a while."

"It's fine, I'll just wash the sheets tomorrow". He was more than happy to go to bed with the full feeling of Jayce still inside him.

The wolf responded with a quick lick across Izzy's face and laughed. "You dork. In that case," as the wolf placed another kiss on the back of the fox's neck and covered them both with the blanket, "Good night. Love you".

"Love you too babe"

"Oh, and happy birthday"

To be continued???