prologue to the Night Shade

Story by 09randomcat09 on SoFurry

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sorry my prologue is short but i believe short prologues are the best in my opinion


Elena groped the back of her neck; thinking. How could this happen; what have I done? A single tear shed from her eyes as a stray puddle leading away from a river. No, she thought there would be time for mourning later now she must do her job; she must kill.

The moon was full, but Elena still grabbed her crystal necklace as she strode from her study. She would need all the energy she could get for this. For, Lazento would not crumple easy, but he would crumple. They all do eventually. And now this wasn't just business it was personal. No one killed a lover of an assassin from the Night Shade Clan; not even another clan sister.

Elsie would be avenged....