Los Sabores De Un Viejo Hogar

Story by Apolarbear17 on SoFurry

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Un poema sombre mi otra hogar La República Dominicana y los sabores ahí. Wrote this poem in a mix of English and Spanish. I've got another poem like this that I wrote later and I might write more Spanish poetry someday, with translation underneath. Originally wrote this September 2020

Los Sabores de un Viejo Hogar

By:A.X. Bueno

It's been a few years since I've visited my other home

República Dominicana a place I loved to roam

Of course those days have years ago passed

Esto es porque la vieja casa de mi familia ya no está ahí

Yo me siento un poco triste por esto a veces pero esta bien

That feeling never long lasts

Because I have memories of DR galore

Memories of the food, the beaches, the capital, the landmarks and even the grocery stores(bodega)

For me things are simply mejor allá

Food fresher, things calmer and a feeling that I am free to just be

I mean America is my first home but a big piece of my heart will always belong to DR

I can still taste the flavors of it although in terms of both time and place they are far

The star fruit that grew so bountiful from the backyard tree

The guanabana, tamarindo, chinola, limonsillo and plenty more fruits and foods that bring me glee

For lunch we'd have a spread that was practically a mini feast

Rice, beans, vegetales like chayote, meat all over the table for a whole family at least

El plátanos frito, ensalada, aguacate y mas

Those meals with family were always happy and filling

The memories made from those and many other meals were all great and fulfilling

The flavors of DR and the experiences there were all instilling

I learned so much there through my many visits over the years

I just love it there it's flavors, my waiting family and all the lovely places I have and have yet to have been

I could go on for forever about the places I've gone from the dirt roads of Dajabon to the richness of Santiago but I can't do it justice just writing about it on a screen

La República Dominicana es un bien lugar para visitar

And someday I'll definitely go back of this I'm pretty sure

Un día cuando el mundo y mi viva este mas tranquila y mejor

Yo quiero una vez mas probar ese sabor

El sabor de mi otro hogar