Involuntary Test Subject (1/2)

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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Nyxt is just an ordinary scientist working at an ordinary lab, but one day the dragon goes somewhere that he's not supposed to be and finds himself discovering something called Project Wyrm. Even though he knows nothing about it he quickly finds himself becoming intimately familiar with it. This story contains more extreme kinks so please check the keywords.

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The hallways were silent as usual, the cold stainless steel reflecting the light off the fluorescent bulbs encased in clear plastic glass overhead. The air had a sterile quality to it; not smelling of the typical antiseptics but rather had been completely sanitized so that not a trace of anything except the component gases remained. For the researchers that worked in this underground facility it was a normal work environment, though for the black-scaled dragon that had just walked in from the decontamination chamber it was still something that he was getting used to. Nyxt had gotten hired as a scientist for the pharmaceutical company about six months ago and had only recently been given access to the area that he was actually going to be working on, which turned out to be a biotech facility that resided several dozen feet underneath the city itself.

For the first few weeks that Nyxt had been working there on-site he found that despite being given clearance in the company there were quite a few places where he wasn't allowed to go. While normally he would have chalked it up to compartmentalization of the various experiments or perhaps work with highly dangerous pathogens he found that there were no such indicators, sometimes he would try to find where a certain area of the lab was and get met with an angry beep when he attempted to use his card on the scanner. It was enough of a curiosity of the dragon that he asked a few of his fellow co-workers about what was going on, only to be met with the usual answers of it being classified information or highly-sensitive projects that only a few worked on. After about a week he finally managed to corner one of his co-workers, a skinny tiger man named Albert that worked in that particular wing and happened to take his break at the same time.

"So you guys really can't talk about anything that goes on in there?" Nyxt asked as he watched the tiger get a cup of coffee from the vending machine.

"Not without violating my NDA," Albert replied while he grabbed the nearby creamer. "You work in antibody research, right?"

"Yeah, bacteria division," Nyxt replied, his information being under no such lock and key. "Why?"

"Perhaps we can work together someday and then you can see what we do in those floors for yourself then," Albert stated with a smug grin. "Work hard and get yourself noticed, or kiss the right ass if you prefer, and within a year you can get down there and get a significant pay bump as well as the answers to those questions of yours. Until then I wouldn't worry about what we do, plus the higher-ups don't appreciate their non-involved scientists poking around their top-level projects so if you want to get that promotion I would keep your head down and let it go."

Though the tiger continued to remain cordial there was a serious tone that came off the end of his statement that caused Nyxt to pause. As he watched Albert walk off with his coffee the dragon couldn't help but feel that the other researchers was warning him not to get involved, though he sensed it wasn't from some sort of malicious intent. It was no secret that the company they both worked for didn't have the most sterling reputation for ethics; there had been several charges leveled against it for violating testing protocols and for the creation of potentially dangerous drugs, but each time the company had either skated by on a technicality or the case was just dropped. While Nyxt had thought it was just the typical bad blood that came with a huge conglomerate that dealt in medical science the way Albert and a few of the other scientists conducted themselves made the dragon wonder if there wasn't perhaps more truth to the matter.

Either way Nyxt wasn't about to lose his job over his curiosity and did what Albert told him to do, keep his head down and do his job. The research that he was doing at least was helping people and part of him relied on ignorance being bliss at what could be happening down in the lower levels of the laboratory. As the days passed he found himself getting more used to the secretive nature of the facility and was receiving the usual compliments from management for doing a good job. One day however as he was working late he found himself lost once more in the rather large facility and found himself on the stairwell trying to find the server room to reset his computer, only to see a rather large door was open a floor further down.

That's not supposed to be open, Nyxt thought to himself as he slowly made his way further down and examined the area. He thought he remembered trying to go down this far the first time he was attempting to access the server room and had gotten denied, but if that was the case then why had the door been left open like that? Not to mention that almost all the doors in the facility closed automatically after a few seconds after someone opened them, even in his sector as he went up to the security panel and saw the light flashing red. If this was a potential security malfunction it would probably be best for him to report it and let maintenance know of the breath but just as he was about to turn around to try and find someone he heard a groan that caused him to pause.

While Nyxt wasn't sure on the origin of the voice it sort of sounded like someone was in pain and the dragon felt his tail twitch nervously as he pondered what to do. If this really was a restricted section then he could be in big trouble for going in, but on the other hand if someone was in trouble and he ignored it because of protocol he wasn't sure if he could bear that. Another loud grunt could be heard and the dragon ignored the nagging feeling and after calling out into the hallway and getting no response he sighed and made his way into the hallway. As soon as he stepped inside and made his way towards the potential source of the noise he felt a shiver go down his spine; even though it was like every other hallway in the facility this one felt more... ominous, like he was in some sort of horror movie as he tried to pinpoint the source of the person in distress.

Eventually the dragon found his way to what appeared to be an observation deck, the dark hallway flickering to life as he stepped inside of it. It was definitely the source of the noise, Nyxt thought to himself as he slowly began to walk forward. What he had thought was just one voice constantly calling out turned out to be several, and as he walked by the glass windows he saw a number of specimen holding tanks that appeared to have large quantities of various slug-like creatures that were inside of them that were swimming around in green-tinted fluid. Though he knew that he shouldn't be looking at any of this the scientist in him was fascinated in the unique-looking specimens and wondered what they could be used for before he moved on to try and find the source of the noise.

The first two sets of windows appeared to be the lab itself and as he passed by he couldn't help but note what looked like a large bench that had a number of straps connected to it. Though he didn't want to think about it he thought that it kind of looked like one of those benches that lovers might strap their partners down to, and though he reminded himself this was a pharmaceutical company he also realized that particular industry was rather lucrative in nature. It wouldn't explain what the slug things were for though, unless they were possibly producing whatever chemical or stimulant that was being created. As he thought about the potential reasons for such equipment to be there he went to the next set of windows the one he faced was just an empty room, which from the words stenciled on the metal above them Nyxt gathered that they were observation rooms for test subjects.

Suddenly a loud groan caused the dragon to spin around to see a horse man sitting in the corner of the small chamber, panting loudly as he looked up at the ceiling. When Nyxt went over to examine him further his eyes widened when he saw that the man was not only completely naked but also fully erect, the tip of his drooling horse cock leaking a thick clear substance while his hands rubbed against a distended stomach. The dragon was definitely concerned with the level of bloating that the horse was experiencing but as he looked around for some way to call for help the equine shifted his position and he noticed the big belly jiggle slightly that caught his eye. As the horse let out another low moan and one of his hands started to stroke his cock Nyxt saw something push out the flesh of the man's building, followed by another and another until whatever was causing him to look pregnant was causing his swollen stomach to squirm and writhe.

"Hey, what's going on?" Nyxt called out, not knowing what to do and hoping that since he could hear the horse the horse could hear him. As the man inside the room began to pant he turned his head towards him, but from the glassy look in his eyes the dragon could tell that he was either heavily sedated or whatever was happening to him was also affecting his brain. "What's happening to you?"

"They... they're inside..." the horse said back, swallowing several times even as more drool oozed out of his mouth. As his other hand abandoned his stomach in order to join the one stroking his thickening tool the pre that was flowing out of it at this point had started to change consistency, becoming darker and thicker as his belly wiggled and expanded further. "So many of them, they said there would just be one..."

Just be one... was this supposed to be happening, Nyxt thought to himself as he looked around the observation window before he quickly found a chart that was hanging nearby. As he tried to reassure the groaning horse that he was going to be alright he quickly scanned the document to try and figure out what the facility had done to his man, only to find that a lot of it was just observation notes from the last day or so. When he got to the last page however he did find a detail sheet on the experiment that the man was going through, something that had been labeled as Project Wyrm, but as he scanned the notes it didn't say much on what was going to happen and just mentioned that the test subject was being observed to see if the particular strain listed under a series of numbers and letters would be good for use in infiltration.

A loud, pleasured gasp caused Nyxt to turn his attention back to the horse and as the dragon saw the needy horse thrusting his hips up in the air to get more stimulation he felt like he was about to see first hand what this project was all about. "I can't... I need..." the horse's words were becoming more broken by the second and as Nyxt watched unable to do anything the man took his hands and pressed them against the floor, which exposed his shaft as the squirming creatures were no longer confined to just his belly. "They're making me cum!"

Even with the plate of glass between them Nyxt found himself stepping back in pure shock as the thick veiny shaft of the horse was not veins at all, the scientist covering his mouth as the blackened cum that shot out of his cock was soon blocked by something large and shiny that pushed its way out of his shaft. The horse had slid forward from the orgasm he was receiving and as he did something else caused his throat to swell, the bulge moving up the horse's neck until it reached his face where a look of shock and bliss were frozen on his muzzle. There were a few gurgles before a similar creature pushed its way out of his mouth, looking like a big rubbery tongue for a few brief moments before it slithered out onto the pectorals of the writhing man. It wouldn't be the first one to push out of his body though as his cock and mouth continued to have more of the bizarre creatures pushing their way out of it, soon joined by his tailhole as well as the creatures pushed out from underneath the bloated squirming nutsack that had been exposed when his position shifted.

Nyxt found himself frozen in utter shock as he watched the growing, increasingly rubbery cock continued to go off like a volcano and coat the creature it was attached to with the thick black substance between creatures wiggling out of it. It was a volume that no normal person could ever get but as his hips continued to push up and his balls kept throbbing his body continued to get coated, joining the rubber-covered had that had been completely enveloped by the torrents of goo pouring out of his mouth. As the slug-like creatures began to crawl over the horse's body they would get trapped in the layers of goo and slither underneath, giving the horse even more of an otherworldly appearance as his features were losing definition. Eventually Nyxt snapped out of it and did the only thing he could think of, which was run out of the observation hallway as he began to hear more cries of ecstasy come from further down in the area that he hadn't explored that probably had similar situations happening with other test subjects.

Nyxt didn't stop running until he had reached the broken security door, which thankfully was still open as he went through and got to the handrailing of the stairwell before he stopped to catch his breath. As he looked down the stairs the images of what he had just seen continued to replay in his mind, especially the look of shock, horror, and blissful pleasure that was on the horse's face. It was clear that he didn't know that was supposed to happen to him and he doubted that the others that were in that corridor knew as well, which meant that the company was not only conducting illegal experimentation but also on individuals who either didn't know what they were getting into or had been signed up against their will. This led to a host of problems, but at the moment the only thing the dragon could think of doing was getting out of the facility as he tried to compose himself enough not to look suspicious before clocking out and leaving as quickly as possible.

The entire drive home Nyxt tried to think about what he was going to do about the situation he had just witnessed. Did he tried to blow the whistle on the corporation, or go to some news outlet about this Project Wyrm that he had just witnessed? The company was huge though and he suspected if he made a move that they would either bury the evidence or deny everything and go after him. One thing was for sure, the dragon thought to himself as he got into his building and went up to his apartment, he couldn't keep working there anymore. He also wondered if that was the same department that Albert worked on, but as he got into his apartment and flicked on the light switch he suddenly realized that he had bigger problems to think about... the fact he wasn't alone.

"Hello there Nyxt," the snake man that sat on his couch said, Nyxt frozen in shock as he saw the intruder give him a small smile before shaking the glass that he was holding. "I hope you don't mind but I helped myself to some of the lemonade in your fridge while we waited for you to come home, quite refreshing actually."

"Wh-who are you?" Nyxt asked as he tried to back away through the door again, only to have it close behind him as he saw a smiling bull man in a suit similar to the snake smiling at him as he held it shut.

"You can call me Elm," the snake said as Nyxt continued to look between the two men before focusing on the one that was talking. "My associate there is Teak, but he doesn't talk as much as I do and is the more... hands-on part of our little duo. Why don't you have a seat over there and we can have a little chat, you've had a busy night at work and this will go much smoother if you just have a drink and answer our questions."

Nyxt felt a lump form in his stomach as he just nodded and went over to his chair before sitting down at it. When it was clear that the dragon had no intention of running the bull left the doorway area and went over to the kitchen before the snake man once more started to talk. "So from what management has told us you went out of bounds tonight," Elm stated as the grin remained on his face as he leaned forward. "Now I want you to be honest with me when you answer this question, because if you're not and you lie to me I will feel personally slighted and it's going to be hard to rebuild our trust. Did you see anything down there during your unauthorized field trip?"

It took all of Nyxt's composure not to tremble as he could tell that this man was dangerous, possibly more than his partner, and knew that they probably knew what he had seen anyway as he slowly nodded his head. "Yes... I saw something called Project Wyrm," Nyxt admitted. "I thought someone was in trouble and the security door was broken, I didn't mean to look at anything and I swear that I won't tell anyone about it."

"Well I certainly thank you for your candor in coming clean," Elm said before he brought up a tablet, Nyxt's eyes widening in shock when he saw his own search history on display. "Unfortunately on your way home you were looking up some very interesting materials, government agencies and news organizations, and management has decided that they can't afford to have you running around with that knowledge."

"Wait, you can't just kill me!" Nyxt said as he tried to get up, only for a pair of strong hands to clamp down on him and push him back down onto the seat where he bounced slightly.

"Who said anything about killing you?" Elm said as Nyxt felt something press against his neck, letting out a gasp as his neck fins were pressed against the back of the chair from being grappled with one hand while something pieced the scales of his neck and injected something into him. "You're in luck, we happen to have a spot open in Project Wyrm and management thinks that you'll be the best candidate for it. Now Teak here has just injected you with a rather powerful tranquilizer so I would suggest not trying to move before it fully kicks in."

As the snake continued to talk Nyxt found himself understanding less and less of what was being said as the bull let go of him, which prompted the dragon to ignore Elm's advice and stagger up to his feet. Already his limbs felt like someone had encased them in iron and with his vision swimming it was hard for him to see where the door was. The thought of being subjected to the same thing that he saw happen to the horse however was more than enough for him to keep trying to escape, but he only made it a few feet before he stumbled and fell to the ground. This can't be happening, Nyxt thought to himself as he continued to crawl on all fours, he was just a researcher...

Eventually the last of Nyxt's strength left his limbs and he fell to the floor, though by this point his body was so numb that he didn't even feel it as he eventually rolled onto his back. With the room spinning around him he had to close his eyes to make it stop and when he did he found himself unable to open them again. There was more dull thuds around him and he could feel his body being moved, then flipped around several times as something covered him completely before he was lifted up in the air. He vaguely realized that they had just rolled him up in his living room rug before he lost consciousness completely...


When Nyxt awoke once more he found his head was pounding and he was surrounded by pitch darkness even though he had opened his eyes. When he tried to move around to get a sense of the situation he was in he found that his limbs still couldn't move, but instead of it being because of a drug that had already left his system it was something far more physical in nature. After a few attempts to try and pull himself free the dragon found that both his arms and legs were bound to something that prevented him from doing more than wiggling his body around. He also felt something cold and smooth underneath his chest scales and as he realized that it was metal in nature his eyes widened when he had an idea of what he was strapped too.

Almost as if on que the lights turned on around him, blinding the dragon for a few seconds before his eyes adjusted and allowed him to look around. It was the lab that he had seen before, but instead of looking through the observation window he found himself inside of it instead as machines whirred and hummed to life. As panic began to rise in Nyxt the nearby door opened and he saw two men in lab coats walk out, one of them a heavyset orca while the other was a rather scrawny red-tailed hawk that was much shorter than his partner. The two were talking to one another but their voices were low enough that the dragon couldn't hear them, which prompted Nyxt to instead try to pull on the bindings that he could now see were thick rubber straps that were practically molded to his wrists.

"Oh good, subject is awake," the orca said as he turned to see Nyxt struggling. "It appears Elm and Teak are getting better with their estimations on the drug wearing off, what batch are we introducing to this one?"

Nyxt was about to tell the two that he wasn't here voluntarily when the scientist mentioned his captors, which made his jaw drop when he realized they were not only complicit in what was happening but actively involved in it as the hawk looked at his clipboard. "Looks like this one is getting batch seven," the hawk explained. "Huh, I thought that one wasn't ready for production yet because they still hadn't gotten the mutation factors down?"

"It's actually why they want to try it on this subject," the orca stated with a smirk. "If it works then they can start with implementation for the clients, and if it doesn't... well, nothing lost except some time and specimens."

Both scientists laughed as Nyxt looked at them with a shocked stare. It was clear he was going to get no help from these two but the bindings that were on him were very strong and he hadn't even managed to budge them. As the two continued their preparations for the experiment the dragon continued to try and figure a way out, though as he looked around for something to aid him he noticed the tanks of specimens that were nearby. When he saw the rubbery slugs that swam in the strange fluid he noticed that they were numbered, and as he saw the large number of smaller creatures in the one numbered seven he felt his blood turn to ice when he remembered what happened to the horse he had seen.

It appeared he was about to suffer the same fate as Nyxt saw the hawk start to shift the specimen tank, using the tracks in the floor to guide it wo where he was strapped down until it was right in front of him as though to tease the dragon. At the same time the orca checked the machine that he was strapped onto and as those fingers also brushed up against the green membranes of his wings before sliding down his thighs he realized that he was naked. Eventually they reached down to his cock and as the dragon jumped in his bindings he felt the orca maneuver the green flesh into an opening that was in the middle of the cylindrical machine he was strapped onto. As the head was pushed into it he could feel something soft and warm engulf it, the tube drawing the rest of his member inside as despite the situation the stimulation to the sensitive flesh caused him to start to stiffen in response.

"Seems that we don't have to worry about any extra external help for this one," the orca stated as Nyxt let out a grown as the soft flesh-like material caused him to almost instinctively buck his hips forward, which only sucked his shaft deeper inside while the hawk hooked the tank up to the machine. "Once you get him hooked up you want to stop by the cafeteria for lunch? I'm starving."

"You're always starving," the hawk replied which prompted them both to chuckle before he looked at Nyxt. "You want a bottle of water or something? I know it's not much but we can't feed you while the processes is happening."

"You can't do this," Nyxt replied finally, groaning slightly as the tube that encased his cock had started to slowly vibrate and rub up and down his shaft to get him fully erect. The other two scientists rolled their eyes and shook their heads before starting to head towards the door. "This isn't science, you're worse monsters than what you create!"

"Yeah, sure we are," the orca said as he turned back just as they were about to leave. "I'd say that you can try to tell us that again once you're done, but it's unlikely that you're going to be able to think of anything much less remember what we talked about after those parasites get a hold of you. Have fun though, I hear that the orgasm is unlike anything that you could have ever experienced."

Nyxt let out a growl but knew that there was nothing he could do in order to persuade or threaten the scientists to let him go. There was no way they would defy a corporation that could so easily kidnap one of their own and subject them to the same experiment that he saw, though as he looked as the creatures in the tank they looked less like the slugs he had seen before and looked more like latex worms. As he watched them swim around however he could see that several had started to move towards the valve at the bottom, the same one that was connected to the cylinder that he was attached to. Since he didn't feel anything yet he could only assume that they would have to be the driving force towards him, but he knew he didn't have much time as he could see them start to gather and slither their way into the connection tube.

As Nyxt continued to squirm to at least try and get his cock out of the tube, which had remained erect despite his desires to soften it enough to pull out of the machine, the door to the lab once more. When he looked up he expected to see one or both of the scientists that had put him there, only to recognize a more familiar face that walked over to him. "Albert!" Nyxt cried out, his relief tempered with slight embarrassment that the tiger was seeing him completely butt naked and with his cock essentially being milked by the machine. "Quick, you have to let me out of here, those worm things are almost in the machine and I think they're going to crawl inside of me."

To the dragon's surprise Nyxt saw Albert sigh and shake his head before looking back at him. "Why did you have to go through the door?" Albert asked, Nyxt giving him a look of confusion. "When you started asking about the lower floors of the facility management decided to test you, and had you not gone through the security doors they opened and saw Project Wyrm then they would have let you keep working, maybe even promoted you."

"Albert, you can't be serious," Nyxt replied as he tried to pull at the bindings on his wrists. "Look at me, you know what they're about to do to me, and you're just going to let it happen? I know that we've only known each other for a few weeks but you have to know what they're doing here is wrong!"

"Of course I know that!" Albert shot back, surprising both the dragon and himself from the look of shock on his feline face before he darted his head around to see if anyone heard. "Look... I hate what they're doing to you, but if I do or say anything then all that happens is I end up strapped to his machine after you, or possibly worse. All I came down to say is that I'm sorry, now I have to go before someone sees me and decides I'm the next test subject."

As the tiger scurried away Nyxt tried to shout out at him to come back, only to stop when he began to feel something wiggle against the head of his cock. When he looked down at the tube he couldn't see what was happening inside, but he knew that the strange cockworms had reached him and were starting to do something. Form what he had seen previously with the horse he had an idea of what was about to happen but that didn't stop his entire body from convulsing when the tip of one began to push up against the slit of his cock and wiggled slightly. He felt his arms and legs strain as the already stimulated flesh started to have several more wiggle on the outside as the one that had started to invade him pushed further in, causing him to gasp loudly from the insertion.

As more of the creature's smooth, slick body slid into him all the dragon could do was watch as the ones in the tank started to grow more coordinated in their efforts to get into the tube. It was almost as if the one that had started to bulge out his urethra had told the others what was going on, but considering that this thing was actively trying to get inside of him it was the least of his concern at the moment. He remembered something about a different kind of parasite that could crawl up into a man's penis, but as more of the body disappeared into his cock he knew that this wasn't the same experience at all. The worst of it was that the experience was becoming almost orgasmic for the dragon, the look of horror and shock that had been on his face slowly relaxing and turning to one of pleasure as he began to feel something else happening to his throbbing maleness besides having some sort of rubber cock worm inside of it.

Nyxt let out a loud grunt as he felt something spreading over the outside of his cock as well, which he had started to thrust into the worm-filled tube as the stimulation was getting the better of him. At first he couldn't tell what it was except that it was making the creature's travels inside his member much easier, but what he could feel was that his shaft had started to push deeper into the tube that housed it. It was like it was changing, growing, but those thoughts of examination were soon lost as he felt the first worm slide completely inside of him only to have a second start its journey down his tube. With the initial alien sensation of the worm pushing into him the pleasure had only increased when he felt a second one push inside as the first continued its journey inside of him, the dragon able to pull out far enough to see the wiggling bulge in his cock flesh continue towards him until it disappeared inside of his body.

Oh crap, it was inside of his balls, Nyxt realized even as he let out a groan from the second insertion, which after it had wiggled halfway into his cockhead it was joined by a third that had decided not to wait and took advantage of his increasingly stretchy flesh. As a dragon his testes were internal, but he could feel the bizarre squirming inside of him as it made its home inside his reproductive organs. When he remembered the horse he imagined that's what it would look like for him and wondered if it would stretch out his belly scales, though when he tried to look down at his groin he saw that more worms weren't the only thing traveling up his cock. As more pushed their way in his member almost looked swollen as thick black goo started to coat his flesh; at first Nyxt thought it was just some sort of slime that was being produced by the worms to ease in their insertion, but as it began to coat his groin and spread outwards he realized that these worms weren't just going to inhabit his body.

The dragon had remembered the two scientists saying something about unpredictable mutation factors and the huge cock the horse had, though it was hard to hold onto a thought with the activity that was happening inside and around his own maleness. As more worms squirmed around to push their way into the dragon's already full dick he could feel his insides shifting around as well, the worms that had made their way into his balls as well as his bladder warping and transforming the flesh within to stretch and contain them. By this point it was clear that his cock had completely turned to rubber thanks to the worms that were inside it, seeing only patches of his green flesh as the synthetic substance had taken on a similar hue as the green flesh except glowing almost neon green at the tip that darkened to deep shiny green at his base. Anyone who looked at it might have assumed it was some sort of strange draconic strap on dildo, but despite being made of rubber it was very much a part of Nyxt as it continued to throb with pure pleasure and made him pant even more heavily.

As Nyxt began to wiggle and twist in his bindings once more it was no longer to try to escape, in fact as his body was filled with more of the worms through his cock the thought of trying to leave evaporated the more the thick shiny goo covered his black scales. He could feel everything happening to his transforming body and it was becoming harder for him to fight the feelings of arousal that came with it as he saw the rubber assimilate his stomach scales while swelling with the creatures that were growing in number within him. They were taking over his body, and without even realizing it they had started to infiltrate his very psyche as the thick substance that was converting his flesh to the same living latex that they were entered into his bloodstream. Combined with the intense euphoria that was coming from having these things crawling into his urethra and wiggling visibly in his abdomen and balls had caused the dragon's thoughts to turn, no longer seeing these creatures as parasites even as they turned his body into their host, their hive.

As the living rubber seemed to cascade up his chest and down his arms the worms traveled with it, assimilating his body while Nyxt could only look ahead with a glassy-eyed stare. Even though the mutations hadn't reached his chest yet he was already starting to drool a similar shiny dark green substance as his body was reshaped to better suit the creatures that were causing such intense euphoria in his mind. He couldn't even remember how he had gotten there or why he was hooked up to the machine, the only thing that he was focused on was the thick goo that was spreading over his body. It felt so good, so perfect that he found the areas that still had his black scales or the green membranes of his spies and wings almost crude in appearance. It was getting harder for Nyxt to think though, especially as he edged closer to orgasm while his tongue glowed with the same radiant rubber texture as the tip of his cock while a similar light started to appear in his eyes.

With so many of the parasites inside of the dragon the transformation began to speed up, the mutations happening rapidly to his arms and legs as well as his wings while he started to thrust into the remaining worms that were in the tube. The rubber creatures had stopped pushing their way inside of him by this point, his already stuffed cock throbbing hard as his body was getting close to orgasm. Even as Nyxt couldn't put two words together due to such great waves of pleasure radiating from his squirming rubberized guts he could sense everything that was happening to his body, including feeling the rubber flood his already infested mind and corrupt his brain. These parasites were the only thing that the dragon could focus on and as he continued to have the association between them and pleasure burned into his brain he felt his hands and legs suddenly start to move again as the creatures also endowed him with newfound strength.

For the first time since he had gotten trapped in this lab the dragon was free, but as Nyxt pulled his cock out of the tube the only thing that the infested creature could think about was spreading these creatures and also his own pleasure. His glowing green eyes looked down his body to see that it had completely turned to rubber, the lithe musculature of his frame accented like he was some sort of living rubber dragon doll as his cock continued to throb hard. The latex shaft still had a number of large bumps in it that continued to move and with the dragon being pent up as he was he felt the orgasm that had been denied with the insertion of the creatures to come rushing up to him. Without even touching his cock with his black rubber fingers, which were caped with a neon green claw nail that only seemed to accentuate his synthetic look, Nyxt pressed his knee against the machine right as he climaxed.

As his hips thrusted forward from the force of his orgasm it wasn't just thick dark green glowing liquid rubber cum that came out of his cock, feeling several of the worms that had been last to push inside of his slit slide back out again. As he looked down at the squirming creatures his pleasure and parasite addled brain momentarily lamented the loss of those little creatures before he instinctively knew that his new body was already making more. The rubber dragon had become a hive for the creatures; even though his stomach had flattened from its distended state when he was first being filled he could see the creatures within push out the shiny dark green rubber of his skin before they receding back and left him with a still rather alien physique. As the dragon crawled up the machine further and pressed a hand against the tank, watching the parasites still within drift towards its, he hadn't even noticed that the door had opened once more until the two researchers that had stepped through it let out a cry of panic and alarm.

When Nyxt did notice them however almost immediately his head darted to them, his glowing tongue licking his lips as he saw two more hosts for him to spread the creatures inside of him. The parasites within needed him to spread and pushed every pleasure button in his brain to make it happen as his rubber cock remained erect and dripping with the parasitic goo. Before he could start to approach however something sharp pressed into his back, but it didn't cause him any pain as he leapt forward and attempted to push his new member into one of them to propagate more of the creatures in them. His pounce fell short though and once more Nyxt found himself victim to another powerful paralytic, his glowing green talons scratching against the floor as he felt his consciousness slipping. As the intense desire to seed these creatures with the parasites within him started to ebb a clarity of mind came back to the dragon and as Nyxt laid there unable to move a muscle he could actually understand what the two were saying.

"That was close..." the orca said with a sigh of relief before looking at the growing pool of goo and cock worms that were oozing out of Nyxt's still hard cock. "Damn, these things did a number on him."

"I told you that they hadn't gotten all the mutations figured out yet," the hawk said as he shook his head before heading over towards one of the consoles. "I'll get a specimen containment team to move the test subject to his new home, then demand hazard pay for not telling us that this thing was able to break out of the restraints like that. We're probably going to need to keep it sedated too, otherwise we'll never be able to run the tests we want, and considering what abilities this thing has shown so far we may get our bonuses after all."

"True that," the orca said, holding out a hand hesitantly before a sharp look from the hawk stopped him. "What? It's the first time something like this has happened, you don't want to feel what it's like? It looks like its made out of rubber."

"It's probably the same living latex that the worms are made out of," the hawk said before walking back to the orca. "And if you don't watch out you might be next, we don't even know how infectious this thing is. Anyway the move team is on the way, let's start cleaning up and getting ready for the next test subject."

The two began to move about the lab as Nyxt remained paralyzed on the ground, only the sheer lust that still coursed through his body keeping him awake. He could feel the worms inside of his cock and balls still stirring but with their host disabled they wouldn't be making any more hives, and eventually even his horniness ebbed enough that the drug could take full effect. Just as he passed out he saw several men in hazmat suits come in and start to grab him, taking him to whatever destination they had planned next for the creature they had created...

The first thing that Nyxt saw when he opened his eyes again was dazzling white light, enough so that he hissed and put his hand up to try and shield himself from it until he got used to it. When he adjusted enough so that it no longer burned he found himself in yet another familiar room, this one the observation and testing chamber that was just like the one he had seen the horse in. As he remembered being on the outside of the sterile, bare room it felt like it had been ages since he was on the other side of the glass as he picked himself off of the floor he had been dumped onto in order to look around. It felt more like a prison cell then a sterile testing environment, but as Nyxt made his assessment on his situation he realized that the instincts and lusts that he felt were not there anymore.

No... they were still there, but they were under the surface of his current thoughts as Nyxt looked down and saw the unnatural luster of his dark green skin. Any chance that this might have been a dream was dashed as he saw his transformed body and could feel the worms within his body squirming around as though to acknowledge him. Even though he could sense that the desire to spread them was still there it seemed like the parasites were letting him have his own mind in order to get them out of this situation. That wasn't the only thing they gave him either as he flexed his arms and even though his limbs still looked similar to their previous state, save being rubber, he could feel strength flowing through his augmented form.

Perhaps these little creatures are going to be useful after all, Nyxt thought to himself, and as he did he felt his cock throb and let out a slight grunt of pleasure. The entire time he had been standing there his cock dripped the dark green latex occasionally and suddenly the sensation of euphoria flooded his system as he felt something push up against the base. His mouth opened in shock from the sheer gratification as he saw his cock bulge slightly before something traveled down his urethra and poked out of the tip. When it got to the end of his member the feelings abated enough for Nyxt to get a hold of himself, panting heavily from the residual pleasure as he saw the worm wiggling half-emerged before it pulled itself back inside and caused the rubber dragon to nearly fall to his knees.

Got it, you guys are still in control, Nyxt thought to himself as he took a few moments to regain his composure. When he looked at his abdomen and base of his groin he could feel that the worms had started to procreate, turning his testicles into parasite production factories and storing the rest in the chamber that used to be his bladder. As a living latex creature the parasites had turned his body into an energy efficient machine, any food or water he consumed would be absorbed and used completely by him which left his lower body as worm production and storage. While he wasn't sure he liked the idea that he was so totally infested with these creatures that he was no dependent on them he had no choice in the matter, plus they were going to do everything and anything to protect him as well as continue to augment his abilities so they could create more hosts.

Already the idea of putting worms into someone caused his cock to throb, the shiny flesh squirming slightly as the thoughts of infesting another caused him to get riled up. Nyxt quickly calmed himself down however and knew that running on instinct wasn't going to get him anywhere, but if they thought that the parasites had made him some sort of mindless husk then perhaps he could catch them by surprise. The only other problem was that he would need to find a way to get out of this room, preferably without raising any alarms, and as he set his mind to the problems he found that his mind was even sharper than ever. Were the parasites helping him think?

Nyxt shook his head at that and knew that scientific curiosities would have to happen later, for the moment his focus solely was on getting out of his current situation. Since he didn't need to do anything else with his body he wondered if the parasites could work on the first part of the plan and make him look the part of someone whose intelligence had been obliterated while still enabling him to think, and a few seconds later the dragon felt his body start to grow relaxed as he stood there. He felt a surge of pleasure as the parasites in his abdomen pressed out against his synthetic flesh, making it look like there was a greater infestation happening to him as his jaw went slack and his cock jutted out into the air. With the walls being made of reflective metal he watched his eyes become still half-lidded and glazed over while the dark green goo his body produced oozed out of his mouth and member, which occasionally pushed out a cock worm that caused his body to shiver.

Nyxt quickly found a new perk of his body as his body stood completely still for what might have been hours, which was no doubt due to the scientists on the other side of the glass that he caught a glimpse of to study him and try to determine a course of testing actions. It was the thought of the proper protocol for such things that spurred the idea on how to escape this place, along with finding out more about his new body that he tested as secretly as he could while still looking like a parasite infested dragon. There was a lot of potential moving pieces though and Nyxt had to be careful with how he proceeded; if he found out what they were capable of it was unlikely they would give him another opportunity to try again, but the dragon he hoped it wouldn't be necessary. With his plan in place all he could do was wait for what the next inevitable step in his processing of a test subject would be.

It was hard for Nyxt to perceive time with only the small room to look at and the parasites infesting him to keep him company, though he was getting more and more comfortable with them as the hours passed. With his entire body having changed to a rubber dragon form it was a bit easier to accept the alien nature of what had invaded him and as he kept up the ruse and continued his introspection they did seem to be making his from better the longer they inhabited it. The word parasite didn't really seem to fit them, especially since he still thought for himself, and wondered if perhaps that had just been previous iterations of this species or just what they generally referred the entire group they were testing as. Nyxt didn't really have anything better that came to mind to call them though and as he heard the door open he got ready even as his body remained completely still.

"He really hasn't moved for twelve hours?" a voice that Nyxt recognized as the orca said as he saw several figures move in carefully. There were two men in hazmat suits that he guessed were the two scientists that initially performed the experiment on him, and more importantly he saw the figure of some sort of guard behind them that was intrical to his plan. "I've heard that some of the subjects experience brain death before but not this sudden."

"Yeah, kind of a shame really," the hawk replied as they set a pair of testing supplies on the nearby table. "I was hoping this one would actually be able to talk, tell us what it was like once he was fully converted. Ah well, usual specimen collection today, get the next batch of parasites ready."

Though Nyxt would have loved to show them how wrong they were and told them both to fuck off before punching them the dragon got to do the next best thing. As soon as the bigger of the two men moved towards where he stood he turned and pounced, letting out a snarl as he dug his claws into the hazmat suit while taking him and the other scientist by surprise. Despite how sharp they were he wasn't able to perforate the strong material, but that wasn't what he wanted anyway as he brought them both to the ground with him on top. As he bared his fangs he saw the guard moving out of the corner of his eye and looked up just in time to see him fire the weapon that he had drawn.

The window that was behind Nyxt cracked as he felt the bullet push through his pectoral and go out his back to hit it, which would have been a nice kill shot if he had a heart that functioned instead of being made of rubber that allowed the projectile to pass through him harmlessly. He couldn't allow the three to know that fact about him though and as he spun his body around aided by the force of the bullet he aimed for the pile of still squirming rubber worms that had been piled up at his feet. As he hit the ground with a soft thud he lashed out his tongue and drew as many of them into his mouth as he could, then turned over and allowed the goo that he had stored up in his throat to gush out as well as several of the creatures. He faked a few convulsions and then went completely limp, and though Nyxt hadn't initially been sure of how well his performance had gone he was pleased to hear the hawk that hadn't been knocked to the ground go over and push the stunned guard.

"You idiot!" the hawk practically screamed. "Do you know how valuable that specimen was?! Who told you to shoot him like that!"

"It's protocol!" the guard replied angrily as he put his gun away. "Any specimen that attacks a scientist or escapes has to be put down, you know that."

"Well I for one am grateful that you followed the rules," the orca stated with a cough as he pulled himself up, looking down along with the other two at the rubber dragon they believed was dead. Nyxt could still feel a few of the worms wiggling around in his maw before they too went limp and was grateful that he couldn't smile as the parasites seemed to be getting in on the performance. "That is a shame though... do we have an autopsy room open?"

"I'm pretty sure there's nothing scheduled for today," The hawk said with a sigh. "You go get the cart and I'll go see what's available, at least we're dressed for the occasion." As the orca nodded he and the hawk moved out, but not before looking at the creature one last time. "Shame, we could have gotten a huge bonus for the information we harvested from it... at least management's problems are over."

Oh no, Nyxt thought to himself as he felt the parasites within him squirm in anticipation, management's problems are just beginning...