A letter home

Story by ThalinVian on SoFurry

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A letter enclosed with this fabulous commission from Star Drake Arts

Christopher idly looked around the Allied encampment sitting on the wing of his P-38 Lightning he'd had it moved closer to the maintenance hanger earlier so he could kill some time washing his aircraft and touching up paint. Soon enough the current theater colors of forest camouflage were touched up, and the plane was washed and ready for whatever the next mission was. It had been a couple weeks since he and his menagerie unit of humans, avians and gryphons were deployed.

Chris was a 'Northern Crow' his feathers all black and his beak not hooked like a raptor but longer and slender. He sat himself down on the wing of his plane and pulled the blank pad of paper out of his bag and uncapped the fountain pen inside and started to write on the paper, addressing it back to his home in the village of Oquassoc, Maine where his entire family lived; Mother, Father and who would now be 4 year old sister. Avains by nature and it certainly felt like to him crows especially were very much a flock, this by far was the longest and furthers Chris had ever been from his home and it wore on him time after time... he sighed and went back to his writing.

Dear Mom, Dad, and Abbie,

I know it's been a while since I've written, it's been a very busy couple of weeks here, I wish I could safely tell you where we are right now but as usual I can not. The weather here has been quite lovely though, certainly pales in comparison to the snow I saw in picture from your last letter.

I hope Abbie is enjoying the snow, just remind her that I hold the record for the longest trip down sled hill, feel free to withhold the part where I broke through the pond ice. I miss each of you daily, somedays it's a struggle to keep fighting but I know you keep me in your thoughts.

How is the fright business Dad? I would imagine Christmas was as busy as always, I don't fly cargo now as you know, but we had our fair share of parcels home, I hope mine made it to you, I heard a number of them were lost to water damage on the freighter back to the states.

Pictures I'm including this time are of my partner Fidik Vien, it's a gryphon fighter, we train and fight together regularly. Again, I wish I could tell you more of what we do but I simply can't. Also, Raela Maie, our fearless navigator and radio operator. Lastly I managed to get a human to operate my camera and luckily I still had some Kodachrome to get a color photograph of me and my plane.

Hope to see you soon,

With Love,
