The Lonely Spirit's Kiss

Story by Matkaja on SoFurry

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A harrowing blizzard has destroyed Ethan's burrow. With no home, no shelter, and nowhere to go, the young leafeon male embarks on an arduous journey through the cold ice and snow toward an uncertain destination. However, his strength fades and with no help in sight, his doom seems inevitable.

This story is the tale of a lost leafeon and a heat-ridden hisuian zorua meeting each other under the most unlikely circumstances. Apart from a breeding, it features themes of hope and despair, suspense, size difference, and generous amounts of cum. I wish you an entertaining read, and I would love to hear your feedback and comments.

A huge thanks goes to Royal Serperior for proofreading and creating the wonderful cover for this story!

Winds howled in a tumultuous elegy, and a flurry of fat snowflakes and sharp ice crystals rushed through the leafless trees as a harrowing blizzard ravaged the woods Ethan called his home. The young leafeon had been surprised by the wintry nightmare when a particularly fierce gust of wind had uprooted the tree atop his den and ripped him out of his sleep, robbing him of his only shelter within the blink of an eye.

With no safe place to stay anymore, Ethan was forced to walk. It didn't matter that he was tired, shivering, and barely able to hold himself on his feet because he knew if he lay down and closed his eyes, he wouldn't wake up to see the sun again. Only the sluggish rhythm of his steps and the limited warmth of his moving muscles kept the flame in his body alight, but his reserves wouldn't last forever. With every minute, that fire faded and flickered as the bitter cold sapped his energy, turning his breath into a laborious, painful rattle and blurring his vision.

Not that the leafeon could make much use of his eyes anyway. There was nothing to see but the bland white of the thick, heavy blanket of snow and the indistinguishable army of black tree trunks around him. The forest he had once known like the back of his paw had become foreign and hostile. He didn't know where he was anymore, where he was going, or even where he even wanted to go, and for all it mattered, he could've been running circles for the past few minutes. Or had it already been hours since his awakening? With nothing to hear but the incessant howls and roars of the storm and nothing to feel but the chilling, paw-freezing cold, his sense of time had been thoroughly scrambled as well. Honestly, most of his brain was in disorder, and there was only one clear thought left, a desire that was growing more urgent with every step. He wanted to sleep, he needed to sleep, his head slumping deeper and his limbs slowing, but this fight wasn't over yet. His desperation pushed him onward in pure spite of almost certain doom.

The barrier between reality and fantasy began to blur as Ethan slipped further and further into a drowsy twilight. The snow around the delirious leafeon started to glow, glittering in enchanting colors, looking so soft and tempting all of a sudden! Like the comfiest bedding in the world, much better than the silkiest leaves or softest downs, and it was warm even? Plodding through the deepening white mass, it felt as if he was wading through the waters of a hot spring, and his actual sense of temperature had become too numb to contest his madness.

Finally, the leafeon stopped and stared at the spot before him, a patch of snow indistinguishable from all the others. By now, the exhausted half of him begged for a rest while his fading voice of reason screamed at him to push on. But to what end? There was nowhere to go, and this was it... this was his end. No desperation in the world could save him, so why not take at least one thing into his own paws and call it himself while his delusional mind still promised a comfy rest? With a shaky sigh, the young male turned on the soft, sparkling snow and trampled it into a makeshift bed.

It would suffice.

However, the moment he lay down, a shadow whizzed through the edge of his vision. Ethan slowly raised his head and tried to spot the shadow's origin, only to notice more movement at the other edge of his vision. Was that another trick of his frazzled mind? There was no way any creature would be foolish enough to roam a raging blizzard. Although, maybe they were lost like him? Or worse, a pack of sneasels and weaviles with empty, rumbling bellies? A shiver colder than the icy storm raced through him, and he croaked with the last of his strength, "Go away! Or at least wait for me to... t-to... d-"

Despite his cry, the movement didn't stop, and the shadow suddenly turned tail, flitting right toward him. He held his breath, fearing the worst before finally, a palpable shape manifested from the raging flurry of ice. A small zorua as white and fluffy as the snow strutted toward him, her floating fur seemingly unaffected by the storm and her red paws dancing over the ground with enviable ease.

Ethan breathed out with tentative relief. A single zorua wasn't too bad, but the hungry sparkle in her glowing yellow eyes unsettled him. He wondered what business his curious visitor had with him, a fading leafeon, but he was too weak to back away or stop her, so he could only ask, "Hey, who are you?"

The zorua didn't respond and kept marching ever closer, worryingly close, close enough that he could see the toothy grin on her muzzle. "Stop!" The leafeon sluggishly raised a paw to push her away, but she had already climbed over it and pressed her face against his neck. He felt something, a breath of hot air and a violent tug before a warm liquid began to flow over his fur.

As his eerie visitor stepped back, her fangs were as red as the tips of her floating fur. Ethan froze as he realized the origin of that hot fluid. "Y-you bit me! Why...?" His last question faded out in a quiet, almost inaudible whisper before his body went limp and his vision went black.

Ethan groaned and smacked his lips as he awoke from his worst nightmare in ages. He had dreamed that he had been trapped in a dark, endless snowstorm, wandering around aimlessly before succumbing to the cold and getting finished off by a ghostly apparition. The zorua's haunting eyes were still burned into the back of his mind, so much so that he could still see them when he opened his own eyes. Large yellow orbs, unblinking and unyielding, staring right into his soul... wait, did they just blink!? "Good morning, Ethan."

The leafeon jumped up with a startled wail and shuffled away from the soul-piercing eyes and the melodic, otherworldly voice as fast as he could. As he backed away, he could see the rest of the little zorua's body. She was enchantingly beautiful, her fur carrying an otherworldly shine and her small muzzle as cute as it was perfect, almost too perfect. She was the most gorgeous pokemon he had ever seen, and yet, there was something off about her. Suddenly, the realization sunk in: she was the girl from his nightmare! "Fuck, who are you? What are you doing in my den? Why were you in my nightmare?"

"Your den?" the zorua asked with a tinkling laugh, raising a paw to point at the burrow around them, or rather the rocky cave, because they weren't surrounded by roots and soil, but by gray rock interspersed with sparkling crystals, the only illumination provided by a few floating blueish will-o'-the-wisps.

A lump formed in Ethan's throat as he realized that she was right. This wasn't his den. "What? Where am I? I..."

"You're in my home, Ethan," the zorua interrupted him, her voice suddenly as mighty as thunder. The leafeon flinched, wondering where it had come from because he hadn't even seen her muzzle move. Strange. She had been sitting opposite him with an unyielding smile and a wildly wagging tail the entire time, and just like that, the voice continued talking without her lips parting, "But enough of that. While you introduced yourself in your sleep, I still haven't introduced myself. My name is Yama, and I'm the one who has saved you from the blizzard."

"The blizzard...?" Ethan repeated blankly. Did that mean his nightmare had been real? But there was no way he could've survived her bite, and no way a tiny zorua like her could've dragged his frozen body to her den or anywhere else. But as he brushed a paw over the spot she had bitten, he couldn't feel any wounds or scars. Stranger still, he noticed that his paw had lost its brown hue and turned a dark shade of gray, and the rest of his leg had become as white and colorless as snow. "What did you do to me?"

"As I told you, I saved you."

"You bit me!"

"To save you, yes," Yama nodded eagerly and got up, strolling toward the wary leafeon.

"Don't you dare touch me!" he snarled, clawing at the smirking zorua, only for his paw to dive right through her body like through an icy cloud. "What the...?"

"I'm a ghost. You cannot harm me physically," she giggled and grabbed Ethan's face with both her paws, her body now solid and warm again. "And so are you now."

"I'm what?"

"Your death was inevitable. The blizzard had robbed you of all your energy, and if hypothermia hadn't gotten you, there would've been enough weaviles to finish the job," Yama explained. "Luckily, I was there to beat them to it, and by doing so, I made sure that you could live on as a ghost like me."

Ethan was speechless, doubting his own existence and being as he stared at his own gray paws, fully expecting them to vanish at any moment. Allegedly, he had died? But he obviously wasn't dead! Or was this what death felt like? But he didn't feel dead, or even unhealthy. Honestly, he felt more awake and stronger than ever, without a single sore muscle nor a hint of exhaustion. Also, this was just a thing she could do? "But why? Why me? How even?"

"Because I'm lonely," Yama sighed, her initial joy fading as she stared wistfully at the wall of her rocky burrow. Only now, the leafeon realized that there was no entrance. "And I don't know how I did it. All I know is that I've turned into this years ago because a gengar bit me, just as I bit you, and I've been trying to replicate it ever since. I've failed every single attempt, until now."

"Wait, you've been going around randomly murdering people?" Ethan hissed.

"What? No! No no no! Not at all! I would never do such a thing! I- I--" The zorua's voice hitched, and she squeaked with distress.

"And what else did you do, if not exactly that?"

"I- I only did it with those I couldn't save and who would die anyway! Also, I don't bite deep enough to kill. Just a little nibble, enough for blood. I- I can't... couldn't do more. Never!" Yama defended herself, turning away from Ethan and throwing herself onto the ground. "I even tried dragging you to an arcanine's burrow, but you were too heavy... too cold... the weaviles..." With that, she burst into tears, her chest shaking with genuine, heart-wrenching sobs.

Once again, Ethan sat there, speechless and with his world in even greater disarray. Apparently, she had done the exact opposite of what he had accused her of; she had saved rather than killed, and now he felt really bad about himself. He wasn't quite sure what to say or do, but he couldn't just leave the zorua like that. He had to do something! The leafeon took a deep breath and gathered all his confidence before stammering, "I-It's o-okay, Yama. It's f-fine."

At first, it didn't seem like his word penetrated her sorrow, but eventually, the sobbing subsided, and Yama slowly turned to face him, her golden eyes sparkling and glittering from the tears. "I'm s-sorry that you died. I'm sorry that I d-dragged you into this."

"It doesn't feel all that bad. Honestly, I feel better than ever," Ethan replied.


"Yes. Besides, it looks very much like fate granted me a second chance. I don't know why, but I'd be a fool to waste it," the leafeon replied with cautious optimism. Now that his brain was slowly disentangling the mess that was his continued existence, he realized what the alternative would've been. Also, for whatever it was worth, he wasn't alone with his condition.

"O-okay. I'll help you with that, okay?" Yama promised, the melody of her voice returning as her tears dried. "B-but there is something else I need from you."

Ethan cocked his head as the zorua's tail wagged in a nervous frenzy, her eyes glowing with a strange hunger. "What else could you possibly get from me? I literally have nothing left."

The zorua didn't respond and slowly turned around, lowering her chest onto the stone while raising her tail as high as she could, granting the leafeon a perfect view of her backside and her puffy black spade, the throbbing mound wet and dripping with her juices. He wasn't entirely sure what he had expected, but this was not it. "A-are you in heat?"

"Yes! And it is slowly driving me insane," Yama groaned, wagging her fluffy butt at him. "I don't know why, but it's been this way for over a year now. No matter what I've tried, I just can't get rid of it!"

Ethan wasn't sure how a heat phase could last that long, and he couldn't even imagine what it must feel like for the poor zorua. Her entire body was burning with need. Now he understood the second reason why she was feeling so lonely, why she had saved him, but he wasn't sure how to feel about it. "And now you want me to... well, try and help?"

"Yes! Please!" she whined, scratching and clawing at the rocky floor. "Nothing and no one could help me with this yet, but you, you're the same kind as me now, another ghost. This has to work! Please, it's been too long!"

"Wait, did you save me because you needed a ghost male for your heat?"

"No! Well... kinda, but I mean... why do you even care? You're still alive! You said it yourself!"

While the spectral leafeon pondered her response, his body had already made its decision. Despite the incident, everything below his waist was still working the same as before. Throb by throb, a narrow tip slid out of his furry sheath, growing and swelling into a large crimson erection, and as his body yielded to the mounting arousal, the zorua's rump looked more and more enticing.

Ultimately, his mind came to the same conclusion. Yama was right. What did her initial intentions matter if she had literally saved his life? Besides, she was offering him a very tempting start to his second life, and indulging her was the least he could do to appreciate her efforts. "You know what? Fuck it, I'm only still here because of you, so yes, let me thank you for it your way."

"Yes! Exactly! So what are you waiting for?" Yama squeaked and nodded eagerly, shuffling toward Ethan and shoving her butt right into his face.

Suddenly, the spectral zorua's rear occupied the leafeon's whole vision, and whatever reservations he still harbored were flushed away by the potent pheromones that pervaded his nose. The sweet and tangy mixture of her steaming spade fueled his arousal and sparked a desire he hadn't experienced since the mating season last spring. Ethan quickly realized that this was just the thing he needed after the long and cold winter, and with his muzzle merely an inch from her moist cookie, it didn't take much more convincing to press his muzzle against the source of her delicious aroma.

A mighty shiver rippled through Yama and she squeaked with desperate desire when his cool nose touched her hot spade. The puffy dark organ tensed and thumped against his snout, spilling and squirting her sticky, warm liquids over his lips. Enthralled by the first taste, Ethan parted his muzzle and swiped his tongue across her throbbing cookie, sampling an even broader lick and bathing his taste buds in her delicious fluids. The flavorful explosion grew his desire into a ravenous hunger, and his tongue returned to the tasty source, again and again, lapping at it as if it was the source of eternal life. Every slurp and lick was faster and fiercer than the previous, and his muscle soon turned into an unstoppable blur, eager to draw every drop of her delectable nectar from her pulsing mound.

The leafeon's licking frenzy threw the spectral zorua into a blissful rapture. Her voice swelled into a lusty serenade of pleasure, and her moans and cries echoed through the little den and his ears all the same. The passion in her song was undeniable. She had been waiting for this for a long time, and her enthusiasm boosted Ethan's confidence and rewarded him as much as the flexing of her plump pussy and the taste of her sweet nectar. The grim circumstances that had led to this moment were long forgotten as he became wholly absorbed in his worship.

Soon, Ethan spread his wet affection even further. He braced his paws against Yama's fluffy butt cheeks and slipped his tongue into her tight, fleshy channel, wiggling and thrusting it as deep as it would go. The zorua avidly returned his advance, pushing and jerking her hips back against him, again and again, as if she was trying to ride his tongue. However, once he discovered her buried clit and rubbed his tongue right against the hidden nub, her legs yielded and she slumped onto the ground, slipping away from his muzzle with a stunned squeak.

Ethan and Yama were separated for just a second before he bent down to the trembling pile of heat-ridden horniness and continued his ministrations as if nothing had happened. He pushed and thrust his tongue even deeper into her hot depths than before, and the moment his lips went flush with her swollen spade, he wrapped his whole muzzle around her warm flesh and sucked on it with all his force. Now, not a single drop of her sweet nectar could escape his muzzle, and he gulped her wet blessing to the rhythm of the throbbing of her tasty cookie.

With Yama's sensitive spade lodged in his hungry maw, Ethan only needed to suck and slurp it a few more times to drive her over the edge. He already sensed her building orgasm, felt her little body tensing under his paws and rearing up against him. Her humps grew shaky and unsteady before they ceased entirely, everything preparing for the glorious release. Ultimately, a single flick against her clit sufficed to trigger a monumental climax.

Ethan wasn't sure how far underground they were, but the spectral zorua's supernatural howl was loud enough to shake the entire mountain to its core and inform the rest of the snowy forest of her achievement. It was probably even louder than the raging blizzard. Compared to the vigor of her eruption, that harrowing force of nature seemed preposterously feeble, and her voice wasn't the only thing that occupied his mind. Her depths clenched and contracted in rolling undulations, filling his muzzle with warm, voluminous gushes of girl cum, while at the same time pulling his squirming tongue deeper and deeper inside with the reckless force of a predator swallowing their prey.

The carnal side of Yama's orgasm was soon accompanied by her ghostly powers. Random bursts of light flashed around her, and her entire body and every last tuft of her fur glowed in a radiant blue, dousing the chamber in a brilliant shine.

Overwhelmed by the dazzling spectacle, the leafeon lost his balance and toppled over, the zorua's twitching spade popping right out of his muzzle. He ended up watching the rest of her awe-inspiring orgasm from a foot away, observing the contractions of her spade and listening to her ethereal howls with bated breath before her climax slowly lost its control of her body and the flickering flames of her ghostly magic died out.

"Wow, this was incredible!" Ethan whispered.

"I could say exactly the same about you," Yama moaned weakly. "Your tongue, your muzzle... just what I needed, but it's still not enough." She sluggishly heaved herself on all fours, winking at Ethan with a horny grin and exposing her flexing cookie once again. "Please, go ahead and help yourself. It's all yours to breed~"

As the zorua offered herself to Ethan, his awe faded, and his arousal returned with a vengeance. Now that his attention was back on his dick, he could feel every throb and pulse of his swollen erection. He was already leaking so much that a small, clear puddle of pre had formed between his legs, and he was so hard that it almost hurt. It was high time he satisfied that urge!

Without further ado, the leafeon jumped up and pounced on Yama in one long leap. She yipped with lewd anticipation as he landed on her and pinned her to the ground, his taper smacking straight across her thigh and drenching her fur with pre. Now more than ever, the male realized just how small his partner was. She was barely half his size, and he couldn't wait to find out how tight she was going to be.

In his excitement, it took Ethan a few tries to align his tip with Yama's well-prepared cookie, but as soon as it got stuck in the warm, wet crevice of her plump spade, there was only one thing left to do: thrusting forward and burying his shaft inside her. The moment his tip parted her wet folds, an effusive cry of pleasure echoed through the stone chamber, and her howl only grew lewder with every inch he pushed inside her.

The pleasure was mutual. The zorua's tightness left nothing to be desired, and a powerful burst of stimulation swept through Ethan's body and brain as he stretched her snug insides and stuffed her with his fat, throbbing cock. His muzzle flopped wide open, and he joined her cry with a hearty groan as he shoved the last inch inside her, filling her so much that his girth formed a distinct bulge on her belly.

From this point, the leafeon's instincts took over, guiding his body and driving his every action. His hips began to move back and forth, bucking with increasing fervor while his weight kept the moaning bundle of heat and horniness trapped beneath him. Every pull and every thrust showered his brain with a fresh charge of stimulation and fueled his fervor, gradually unlocking his new body's potential and igniting a bestial ferocity he had never experienced before. Within mere heartbeats, he reached a rapid rutting pace that would've put most other males to shame, but he felt as if he had only just begun tapping his potential.

It helped that Yama took the pounding with little trouble despite their daunting size difference. In fact, her hot insides and her tight cookie rubbed and flowed along his swollen cock as if they had been made to match his size, and she never lost any of her tightness, the hundredth thrust feeling just as amazing as the very first. This was already the best sex the leafeon had ever had, and it was still getting better, the firework of bliss and pleasure still gaining traction and luster as his hips accelerated into a dizzying blur, his flat tail swinging and cracking like a whip.

Ensnared in a feral, horny cycle of rutting and thrusting, Ethan swiftly succumbed to the raging onrush of stimulation and his surging lust soon superseded all his thoughts, wishes, and memories, took his sense of space and time, and replaced everything with Yama, her voice, her warm depths, her fluffy fur, and her heat-ridden scent. She became his world, her puffy pussy was the only thing his horny mind cared about, and breeding her was the only purpose that drove him to seemingly supernatural feats. It felt like everything in his life had led up to this moment, to rutting the little zorua like a horny male possessed, the tension in his chest rising as he rushed ever closer toward the ultimate orgasm and knotting.

Suddenly, flashes and sparks of ghostly fire popped up around the leafeon as his partner's pleasure boiled over and her powers ran rampant once more, illuminating their carnal union in all colors of the rainbow. However, he was too horny to care about the spectacle, and it only whipped his breeding frenzy into its final phase. He could already feel his orgasm building. His heart was pounding fiercely as it pumped his blood into his concealed knot, making it swell and grow, and with every thrust, every forceful kiss of his sheath with Yama's spade, a little more of the fat, pulsing bulb was revealed, stretching her opening and coaxing a resounding polyphony of moans from her lips.

The final moments of Ethan's frenzy happened almost in an instant. His knot popped out of his sheath only to disappear behind the zorua's tight black folds in a single thrust, and her insides immediately constricted around the fat bulb, trapping it with all their might and bringing his rutting to an abrupt halt. However, his brain didn't quite notice the freshly-established tie yet, and he kept shoving and tugging regardless until his excessive force triggered a mighty orgasm in both of them.

Yama howled with bliss as another climax enveloped her while the leafeon bent down and bit her scruff, sinking his teeth into her soft skin as the pent-up arousal inside him burst and claimed him, filling him with bliss into the tips of his claws while his entire abdomen cramped up and his balls began to tense, churning up their potent load. His rough affection amplified the zorua's squeal, and she kept yipping and moaning as the first spurts of his hot seed shot deep inside her, heralding an immense flood yet to come.

With his massive knot sealing the ghostly zorua's spade and her contracting pussy sucking him dry, every single drop of the leafeon's cum ended up inside her eager womb, squirt after squirt filling it up, and flowing ever deeper. Before too long, the warm load reached her Fallopian tubes and rushed toward her ovaries, passing her fertile eggs, enveloping them, and fertilizing each and every single one of them, accomplishing what no other had accomplished before and impregnating her.

For now oblivious of the successful fertilization, Ethan just kept cumming because that's the only thing his body was able to do right now. His head was full of bliss, void of thoughts, and he kept grunting and groaning while his nuts churned up more cum than ever before. Leafeons were known to be productive, but his output soon overshadowed even an arcanine's load, swelling his partner's womb and visibly bloating her taut little belly. And yet, the excessive filling didn't overstrain the zorua in the slightest, only ever eliciting more moans from her muzzle.

An entire minute of mindless high and relentless squirting passed, and then another one before Ethan's orgasm faded to more manageable levels, releasing its vice grip around his brain. He eventually snapped out of his thoughtless daze and gradually regained his senses, slowly processing what had just happened and noticing the consequences of his ludicrous output. By now, Yama looked like she was already heavily pregnant. Her belly was a heavy dome large enough to reach the ground and displace her hindlegs, full to the brim with his semen.

"Wow, this was amazing. The best mating I ever had!" Ethan raved. "Your body is simply perfect, but I hope it's not too much for you. I- I don't even know that I could cum this much."

Yama didn't react at first, but then her body began to tremble, even more than from her orgasmic contractions, and suddenly, she burst into bright, tinkling laughter. She sounded infinitely happy and satisfied, relieved even. Her radiant joy was response enough to his worries, infecting him and sweeping him along until he began laughing as well. Laughing and cumming. A combination he had never experienced before, but he instantly loved it.

Eventually, the zorua managed to curb her laughter, and she chuckled, "I could say the same about you. Better yet, that damn heat, that annoying tingling, it's gone. For the first time in ages! Thank you for that~"

"I'm always happy to help a vixen in need, even if it took me a while to get going. You know, because of..." Ethan's voice trailed off, and his ears lowered a little as the less joyous memories returned, but then he looked at the beaming, giggling ball of horny fluff underneath him and his happiness returned in no time. By now, her eerie yellow eyes had lost their scariness, but they still retained all of their beautiful glow and enchanting sparkle, complementing her cute, stubby muzzle and her luxurious fur. "Thanks again for saving me," he whispered and bent down, gently licking her lips.

Yama promptly opened her muzzle and reciprocated the favor. She pushed a little further even and playfully coiled her tongue around Ethan's, briefly indulging him with a passionate kiss.

When they broke the kiss again, the leafeon asked her, "So, do you think I knocked you up?"

"I don't know, but considering how much you're pumping inside me, I'd be shocked if I wasn't pregnant after this," Yama giggled. "But I wouldn't mind raising the litter of such a productive, handsome male."

The leafeon blushed at her honeyed words, hiding his face behind his muzzle. With that, the last of his most urgent questions was answered, and he was left to wonder about his future. Against all odds, he had survived his almost certain demise and become a ghost, but what now? He probably ought to stay close to the spectral zorua because she knew what it meant to be a ghost. She knew about the powers, the benefits, and the drawbacks. Besides, the longer he looked at the happy fluffy female, the more he wanted to stay with her beyond all those purely factual reasons, and he was pretty sure that she wanted him to stay with her too, considering how he had helped her with her excessive heat and likely knocked her up in the process. "So, what do we do once we're done with the tie?"

"Anything, really. We could leave and look if the blizzard is gone, I could show you a thing or two about being a ghost, or you breed me again to really make sure that I'm pregnant," Yama giggled.

"Leave? How? There's no exit!" the leafeon wondered, and as he looked around, there still wasn't any exit.

"Don't worry, I'll show you how to get in and out," Yama cooed. "And before too long, it'll come to you as naturally as getting in and out of me~"

Ethan had already forgotten about the fact that the zorua could become intangible. Better yet, he could learn to become intangible, and that idea excited him a lot. Thanks to her, he had so many new things to discover and a whole second life worth of experiences to make, he thought with a smile, and his anticipation of the days to come grew even more. "Oh, and speaking of ghost stuff: about those flames..."


"Can you show me how to make them?"

"Sure! I'll show you everything I know about them."
