Electric Touch: Chapter 27 (mPikachu x fRaichu)

Story by Coercer1730 on SoFurry

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#27 of Electric Touch

All chapters in the folder on my profile! (https://www.sofurry.com/browse/folder/stories?by=690916&folder=84498)

Next day, as soon as he awoke, he blushed as he remembered what had happened the night before. He slowly looked up at the ceiling, thinking of what had happened the night before, from beginning to end. He felt so grateful for being with her, that he could not keep himself from tearing up. The whole experience that they had just had really made the bond between them stronger than ever, as he finally knew what it felt like to be loved.

He slowly moved his hand to his chest, where she had placed her hand earlier that night, and gently rubbed the area. He could still feel her touch in his body, almost as if he was in a dream. He let out a tearful sigh as he sat on his bed and slowly looked around the room.

Then, he looked back at the nest where they had spent the night together, and the many happy memories that had been made with each other last night. He quickly jumped out of the nest and started the day by having breakfast. As he walked towards the dining room, he saw Espeon and Eevee talking to each other.

"Hi guys! Is that a box of pokeyummies?" said Pikachu, pointing at the box that was sitting on the table in front of the two Pokémon.

"Yeah" replied Eevee as he ate. "I see!" replied Espeon. "I bet that the cutie will get mad if I eat any of those!". Then, both smiled as they saw Eevee stuffing his face with one of the pokeyummies.

Then, Pikachu slowly walked towards the dining room table, and once he ordered his breakfast, he noticed that Eevee was very happy about something.

"Eevee! What's the matter?" said Pikachu.

"I... I..." said Eevee. "I'm confused!" he shouted in a cheerful tone as he jumped from his seat and ran next to Pikachu. Once he got near him, he started to barrel roll on the floor again. "Eevee! Stop doing that! You are going to dry your fur!" said Pikachu, making him stand up and keep jumping. Eevee was sure a very energetic cub! In addition, he didn't really knew why being confused was a good thing.

"I can evolve to a lot of different Pokémon!" he shouted as he jumped into a ball. Then, he uncurled himself and kept jumping. "I can become... an Umbreon! I can become a Leafeon!" He kept running and jumping in a ball. "I can become an Espeon! I can become a Vaporeon!" He kept running and jumping in a ball.

"Hey, Eevee!" shouted Pikachu, not giving him any rest. "Why don't you relax a bit?" Eevee was much too hyper for him right now.


"You can tell me while you stay relaxed, eating your pokeyummies, okay?"

"OK!" he replied, making Pikachu give him a nice hug. Then, he sat up and kept telling Pikachu. "I can become nearly anything I want!"

Pikachu knew about the very unstable genetics of Eevee as species, allowing them to evolve in many different ways, and that is why many Eevee never really knew what to do when it came to evolution.

"I know it's very exciting to evolve!" Pikachu said excitedly. "But... do you know what evolution are you going to do?"

Eevee looked at Pikachu in shock. He had never been asked that before. Then, he took a deep breath and looked at Pikachu. "I will become..." he said as he started to think to a level that Pikachu didn't knew a cub was able to.

"I will become......"

Then, he just stared at Pikachu. Espeon thought that maybe, he was a bit reluctant to say that he wanted to become an Espeon as she was there. Another option would be to read his mind, but she preferred to not spoil the surprise! It was an exciting moment for them, and when Eevee looked back at Pikachu and gave him an adorable grin, she thought that Eevee had decided it already!

"When I grow older, I want to become a Pikachu!!" he said as he pointed to Pikachu with his little cute paw.

Espeon and Pikachu couldn't help but start laughing as hard as they could to the sudden, unexpected answer of the cub. "Yes! I will become a Pikachu! I will shoot lightning from my body!"

Pikachu just couldn't stop laughing! He couldn't help himself, it was just so funny!

"I know it's very good news! I will be very fast! I will fight for justice! Then, I will win many medals! And when I feel ready, I will evolve to Raichu! So I can be like her!"

After a whole minute laughing, they stared at Eevee with big, surprised eyes "Eevee, unfortunately, you can't become a Pikachu! You can only select one of the evolutions in the paper the teacher gave you!"

"Oh... I have it in my room! It's the poster called Eeveelutions, isn't it?"

"Yes, it is" answered Espeon, still trying to hold her laughter inside of her.

"I'm bringing it here right now!" said Eevee as he ran off the table.

"He is such a cutie when he gets excited, isn't he?" asked Espeon as he saw Pikachu looking at him as he ran out the door. "Yes, he is!"

They continued laughing until they saw someone entering the dinning room. They thought that Eevee was already back with the Eeveelution poster, but, instead, they saw Raichu, who started walking to the table. "Hello, Pikachu, Hello Espeon!" he said as she looked at Pikachu with big, bright, happy eyes.

"Oh, come here, Raichu!" He said as the memories of yesterday flashed in his mind, making him feel a bit embarrassed.

"We need to tell you a very funny thing that happened just a moment ago!" Pikachu said as she sat with them.

After telling her what happened with Eevee and laughing for another half minute, they saw Eevee come back with the poster, in which could be easily read the word 'Eeveelutions'.

"Here it is!" said Eevee with a smile. "I got it back from my room!" But as he was about to sit down with Pikachu, he saw that Raichu had just appeared from nowhere!! "Wow! Raichu has very cool powers! She teleported right now like that!!"

"Hahaha! No silly, I just came while you were at your room!" Raichu said, pointing at the poster "It's an Eeveelution poster! Do you know which of them do you want to become?"

"Are you sure I can't become a Pikachu or a Raichu? I like both of them!!" he said in a bit of a whisper.

"No, no, silly! You can only choose one those in the poster! Espeon is right there, so you see?" Raichu said as she pointed at an image in the Eeveelution poster. "Just like her!" then, she pointed to Espeon.

Raichu thought for a moment, then, she looked at Espeon as she just smiled to Eevee. "I don't dislike Espeon, but, if in the future I am an Espeon, how is people going to distinguish me and her??" he said as he looked at Espeon with his wide open black eyes. "But if I become Raichu, it's much easier. People will automatically know who I am!" he said, as he kept desiring to be a Pikachu.

"Well, I'm a Raichu, so you will have the same problem!" Raichu said to Eevee, trying to dissuade him from his original idea, so he could make a valid decision without any anxiety. She laughed a bit as the argument she used didn't make any sense, as there were many pokémon of the same species in the world. Even legendaries aren't one of a kind!

"OW! It's right! I can't become a Pikachu or a Raichu! It would be a big problem! I will think it out better! Bye!" he said as he ate the last contents of the pokeyummies box, and left the table with a smile on his face.

"He's such a child!" said Pikachu as he saw Raichu also smiling and happy while waving goodbye at him "But he's such a nice cub! I would be happy if I were him!" she added. "Well, anyways, we should now get ready to do our deeds! It's so late! Espeon said as she also left the table, leaving the couple alone.

Then, they looked to each other tenderly, and, for the first time today, they smiled a bit.

"Pikachu" she said as she licked his cheek "Are you alright?"

"You know that I am" he said with a smile. He then laid her head on her chest, and took a deep breath, as Raichu whispered at him in a barely audible tone.

"Did you enjoy it?"

"It was amazing" he told her.

"You really are special" she whispered back.

Then, they held paws, and, after a few minutes, decided to go shopping, as today, Pikachu was in charge of buying the food. They both enjoyed their first walk together as a mated couple, holding hands as they slowly walked to the biggest mall in the commercial district, where they started to buy things for the annual festivity of the city!

The Carnival, as it's called, was one of the biggest events of the year, and it was a great chance for the commercial district to attract customers, mostly by selling new and latest fashion products.

On top of that, everyone was ready to have a good time. As soon as the two arrived at the entrance, they both could smell the aroma of the roasting pork, as the smell of chicken wafted by them, so they decided to buy some sausages to munch on while they did their usual activities.

"So where do we start?" he asked her as they walked around the stalls.

"Well, as we are here! let's have a look at what's here!" she said, pointing at the different booths "We can buy some things for the cubs as well!"

"Okay, that sounds like a good idea!" he said as he couldn't deny it.

Then, after a few hours, they bought everything they thought they needed, such as food, drinks, and Raichu also got a fur polish, as she wanted to look really good for her partner.

"Pikachu" she said with a happy smile "Do you think I'm pretty enough?"

"You know that I love you very much, Raichu" he said, which made her blush slightly, as she blushed a bit at his compliment "And you're beautiful as well!"

Then, neither of them could help to kiss each other, as they both didn't get tired of looking at each other's faces, as always. "I love you, Raichu" he whispered as he put his arm around her.

"I love you too, Pikachu" she whispered as they touched each other's faces.

Then, as the day was nearing its end, they decided to call it a day and returned to the orphanage. As they were about to split up, Pikachu wanted to know something important about her. "Raichu, where are you living now?"

"I'm staying in the nearest inn near here. But, I'm thinking of settling down near the orphanage, as I want to live with you from now on" she said.

"Okay, you maybe prefer to live in your room here for some time, until you decide to buy your own house and move in. But don't worry, because I'll be living with you anyway" he said, trying to lighten up her mood.

She smiled at him, but quickly covered her mouth, as they heard somebody approaching them "Is everything alright here?"

"Oh Espeon! How was the day?"

"It was great! Eevee seems to be quite confident about his evolution!" she said, as the chu couple stared at her with a hopeful look.

"Good!, as long as he's happy..." added Pikachu

"What is it, Espeon? Will he be an Espeon like you?"

"Well... it's not one-hundred percent sure, but the chance seems pretty strong" replied Espeon. "However, he prefers to keep the secret. He only told it to me, because we are both from the Eeveelution family".

As they said goodbye to each other, Pikachu soon went to sleep, thinking about the possibilities. He felt as if things will get even better for both him and Raichu, as he felt that he could live with Raichu forever. In the meantime, Raichu decided to go home and clean her room, so it will look as nice as the house she's going to live in with him. As soon as she was in her room, she began to clean it, and afterwards went to bed, imagining what tomorrow will be like.