Electric Touch: Chapter 9 (mPikachu x fRaichu)

Story by Coercer1730 on SoFurry

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#9 of Electric Touch

All chapters in the folder on my profile! (https://www.sofurry.com/browse/folder/stories?by=690916&folder=84498)

Even though she wouldn't visit daily, Raichu thought that it would be good if she spent the day here today, in order to properly learn the place, the rules, and the rest of her peers.

As soon as she woke up, she prepared herself and waited outside her room, until someone else appeared. Soon, she saw a pokémon entering the corridor. It was Espeon, who was the only one awake at the moment, as she had been training.

"Good morning, Espeon! I see you're awake already." Raichu said.

Espeon gave her a cheerful nod.

"Good morning, Raichu! How's your night going so far? You must be tired after the events yesterday, huh?" Espeon replied.

Raichu blushed.

"Espeon, I can't believe that we're in the same place at the same time." She said, with a nervous laugh, as she scolded herself for saying such a silly thing.

"Well, it's a bit surprising, but what can I say?" Espeon replied. "We had a great time together, and we might be working together in the future. You're in a pretty good place, Raichu. Don't give up on it. I know you can do it, and I'll do anything to help you."

Raichu was a little bit awestruck. She didn't expect Espeon, to be so nice.

"Thank you, Espeon!" Raichu said, with a big smile on her face.

Espeon continued talking to her, as Raichu seemed to eager to know everything she needed.

"Well, the first place you want to know is, well, are the staff rooms on each building in the complex. Another place the cubs like so much is the special gym in the center. They also have different types of training charts. From battle to training to simple social activity. Also, from the looks of things, there's going to be a tag tournament with the pokemon around this time." Espeon explained, excitedly, as she continued describing the place.

Raichu turned her head to her left, and saw Espeon's pokémon food, which looked so delicious. After seeing Espeon's food, she began to feel hungry, and Espeon noticed that she was surprised by this.

"I know, you're probably thinking what Espeon had to eat today. Well, don't worry about food. There's a great cooking team that cook good food for everyone in each day, and the vegetables and meat are cooked by a man named Mr. Wallbanger, who even makes the roast himself. His recipes are really good." Espeon told her. Raichu was a bit shocked as she didn't though it out loud.

"And what about the other workers in our group?" asked Raichu.

Espeon gave her a carefree look.

"Sceptile is the most outgoing of the group. He doesn't hesitate to throw jokes around with any of the co-workers. Even kids that are a bit older are usually comfortable with him. He's so tiring sometimes, but it's worth it. Pidgeot is a bit naive pokémon. While she cares a lot about her peers, she likes to act like she's more immature than others. However, she's a really good pokémon and very smart." Espeon added.

"And Pikachu is... Just the sweetest of them all. He is really very lovable. No matter how you act around him, he always gives you a warm and happy smile. Everyone here agrees that Pikachu is a very unique pokémon."

Raichu thanked her for the introductions, and asked Espeon to lead her to the dinning room.

"Follow me, Raichu!"

Espeon didn't even turn her head to look at Raichu as she walked toward the dinning room.

When they got there, they saw the cooks cooking up the food for their fellow workers. After the cooks finished serving their first meals, Raichu couldn't help but stare at them in wonder, as the food that was being served looked delicious! Without hesitating, Raichu went to the order area, and, after being served and receiving Espeon's permission, she started eating.

As soon as they finished breakfast, they saw a large group of pokémon starting to order, Pikachu among them.

Espeon soon spotted him and quickly headed towards him.

"Pikachu!" Espeon said, excitedly, as she approached him. Pikachu was also ordering a rather good breakfast, as he woke up rather hungry.

"Good morning!" Pikachu replied with a smile, as he looked at Espeon.

"Good morning, Pikachu! I see you woke up a bit late today. Any good breakfast here?" Espeon asked as she sat down next to him.

Pikachu frowned to the floor with an angry expression, after hearing her making fun of his sleep habits, but soon, his eyes lit up with a huge smile, and he turned his head to Espeon.

"Anything it's served today is good for me! I'm starving!" He said, as he ordered two large breakfasts and a plate of bacon.

Espeon stared at Pikachu for a while, wondering how can he be so hungry already.

Raichu was also staring at them, wondering about what were they talking.

"Come here to sit with us. We're having a great time together!" said Espeon, as Pikachu became confused. The others were still up in their rooms, hence, no one should be accompanying Espeon.

"Us?" replied Pikachu.

Espeon then replied "Yes silly, Raichu is already at the table! We're having a great time together!" She added with a smile.

She looked back at Raichu, who was sat down at a distant table, staring at them.

Raichu felt a bit jealous, but this didn't stop her from relaxing and enjoying the good meal.

"See! Your breakfast is ready! Come with me and sit with us!" Espeon said, as she used telekinesis to take Pikachu's order to the table.

Pikachu's personality turned rather cold at the thought of having to share table with Raichu for minutes.

He sat down at the table, but only looked at Espeon, as he started to eat his meal really fast. "Hi Pikachu!" Raichu greeted him

He just stared at the table with a blank expression.

Espeon smiled and waited for Pikachu to respond.

"Hi Raichu! Great to see you!" He said as he returned to staring at the table.

Raichu insisted a bit "Don't be shy! I'm happy to see you!" She added with a friendly smile.

Pikachu didn't answer anymore, so Raichu tried again "Are you okay?" She asked as she got a little worried.

Pikachu just shrugged as he continued to eat his breakfast, but soon he felt Espeon's presence in his mind. He was left in a more relaxed state of mind, so he could at least answer something coherent without panicking.

"I'm fine. Thank you for asking. Are you comfortable here?" He answered as he looked at Raichu, and she smiled back to him.

"Oh yeah, I like the atmosphere! But where are you guys from?" She said with a smile

She looked at the others, seeing that they too seemed quite at ease.

"I am from the Kanto region!" Pikachu replied, and the others nodded in agreement.

"Hmm...So, where are you from?" He asked, curious to know more about the new people around him

Raichu nodded "Kanto forests are also my home, where I spent my cubhood."

Pikachu and Espeon nooded in agreement, before they heard Raichu continue.

"But now I live in this city. It's a nice place, especially its colorful ever-changing views through the year." She said.

"Hm...so you're a new resident?" Espeon asked.

"Yup!" Raichu answered "I just moved here a few months ago."

"Really? Are you enjoying your stay so far?" She asked.

"I am, and I am very excited about what's to come." Raichu responded with a grin.

"I see! Well , you will enjoy this experience for the long haul! If you have any doubts of what to do, you can always ask Pikachu or me to help!" Espeon nodded afterwards, then she began to walk away, leaving the chu duo alone.

" Well Pikachu, what are you doing now?" Ra ichu asked, as he stood still. "I'm heading to a nearby park where I think there might be some pokemon in need" Pikachu stated .

"Can I help?" Raichu asked .

Pikachu was then again really uncomfortable with Raichu 's request to help. Pikachu then turned to Raichu and started to shake. "Y...Y.." he whispered. Raichu was starting to get nervous, as if something might go wrong. The male then decided that he would just let her go, fearing he might get hurt. "Alright," he said, and headed to the park, looking at the floor the entire way.

Raichu soon began to think why Pikachu was acting so nervous, as he couldn't articulate what he was thinking. A little later, the two finally came to a really large and crouded park, with several hundred pokemon playing there. "So, whats this ?" Raichu asked, walking up to the entrance.

The entrance of the park was a small red-lit pathway, and there were a small waterfall. Raichu walked up to the small waterfall, where a few water pokémon were bathing . What she didn't expect was that as soon as she turned back, Pikachu dissapeared .

"Pik achu!" she shouted. Raichu then looked back, but there was no Pikachu. " He got away!" she thought. After a long time searching for him, she realized that the area was too large to find Pikachu, and he wasn't coming back to her, so she decided to go back to her home, thinking on what to do the next weekend to entertain the cubs, but a bit annoyed with herself because she couldn't find Pikachu.

Later that day, once night felt, Pikachu came back to the orphanage, and, as soon as he entered the main hall, found Sceptile standing there, throwing paper balls in a bin, or more accurately, near a bin. "Ouch! that one was near!" Sceptile groaned.

"Hi guy! How's going" Pikachu asked him.

Sceptile sighed. "Meh. Just an average training day. But I just saw a paper ball and decided to sit here until I get it in the bin. Why is it so hard?!"

"I dunno, I just can wish you luck," he replied, and with that he made a cute OK sign with his paw. "Whatever" Sceptile replied. "How about you?"

Pikachu nodded his head, but then, he remembered what he did to escape from Raichu, and, logically, he shouldn't tell it to Sceptile, since he is another member of the team, and would probably use that information to make some fun of him. "Today, I had an acceptable day. I went with Raichu to the park, and taught her how to solve some of the common cubs problems, you know, like sharing a meal or playing harsh games" Pikachu replied in a playful tone, trying to hide his feelings. "Sounds like fun" Replied Sceptile.

As Pikachu left him playing 'basketbin', he decided to end this day as soon as possible, so he went directly to his room, laid down on his nest, and slowly went asleep, remembering the bitter memories lived today.