INTP Road to Self-Knowledge

Story by Qahnareen on SoFurry

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I tried to organize my notes into something orderly... it didn't work out.

Surrealistic internal world of an INTP 5w4.

Good luck with reading.

Personality test;

Cognitive Functions Explained In Simple Terms;

(Personality and Shadow)


Ti Ne Si Fe + Te Ni Se Fi

(Ti Ne Si Fe Te Ni Se Fi + Te Ni Se Fi Ti Ne Si Fe)

INTP's functions

Ti Ne Si Fe

Are activated by

Fi Se Ni Te


Inverted set of Shadow functions - Super Ego.

Being a Super Ego develops the Ego.

Being Complete Opposite develops the Shadow.

And vice versa...

Of course, it's about using specific functions,

not changing your personality in a magical way.

Your Shadow is the further 4 functions in your personality.

(For INTP; Te Ni Se Fi - ENTJ)

Super Ego is the reverse order of your shadow's functions.

(For INTP; Fi Se Ni Te - ISFP)

Your Complete Opposite is your reverse, the Shadow of your Super Ego.

(For INTP; Fe Si Ne Ti - ESFJ)

What develops me.

(Super Ego)






Fe Si Ne Ti < (ME) > Te Ni Se Fi






(Complete Opposite)

What bothers me or develops my Shadow.

Why so?

The functions of the Ego draw a pattern. Restricting use of functions.

Super Ego is a collection of functions that will influence the development of the Ego. The way to development.

The opposite develops the functions of the shadow. When emotions control you. Positive or negative.


Ti + Fe - Thinking about others.

Ne + Si - Breaking down the problem into many steps.


Ego + using the function of the Super Ego to develop the INTP;

Ti + Fi - Thinking about yourself. Self-worth.

Ne + Se - Environment analysis. Observation.

Si + Ni - Arranging thoughts. Conclusions.

Fe + Te - Expressing feelings. Open the gate to the Shadow.

Shadow + Complete Opposite. Positive or negative.

Te + Fe - Expressing emotions.

Ni + Si - Thinking up a plan.

Se + Ne - Information gathering and compilation.

Fi + Ti - Self Assessment.

Of course, this is also related to the use of more than two functions... everything is so... flexible.


TiNe just sees the world with math...

Everything has its own patterns.

I'm = INTP.

(Ti Ne Si Fe Te Ni Se Fi)

My Shadow = ENTJ.

My Super Ego = My mum = ISFP.

My Complete Opposite (Super Ego Shadow) = ESFJ = My mum's Shadow.

My father probably is an ESFJ = My Complete Opposite = My mum's Shadow.

His Shadow = My Super Ego = My mum = ISFP.

...Or maybe He's ESTJ (but in an unhealthy state of the shadow control...) - His boundary between T and F in MBTI is very narrow. He would then be my sister's Complete Opposite...

(A badly damaged personality...)

My sister = INFP.

(Fi Ne Si Te Fe Ni Se Ti)

My sister's Shadow = ENFJ.

Her Super Ego = ISTP.

Her Complete Opposite = ESTJ.

Notice my likeness with my sister and the difference between our parents and the relationship between personalities. (Such a fun fact.)



This is not a division, everyone has it, everyone does it. This seems to be the key to balance. Balance in personality, balance in judging - perceiving. I would break it down into internal and external. I am a J, but more internally, from the outside everyone will think that a P, because I have no willpower, but I can use the dragon - my shadow/inner... hatchling. How we act, how we make others act. What we require from ourselves and from others. What do we expect from ourselves and from others. Keeping that balance inside and out... It would be a balance.

I understand the dependencies between functions.

(TiNe's are like computers...)

For example; Ne needs S to function; Extroverted intuition, fact-linking (Programs) needs memory to process it by Ti (CPU); then it needs I/O Systems;

Se (Input) needs T and N to be used, sorted and then stored into Si (Memory).

Te (Output) needs F; the written word needs the meaning of the message, idea, purpose, to be food for other programs.

Personality is an inseparable whole network of functions; Like an efficient computer... It has limitations within its system, but programming - learning, can develop it - personality is not a limitation! The limitation comes when a device crashes... Even the best computer without a user makes no sense... Personality cannot be healthy without F. F makes TiNe human.

It seems to me that we always consciously use up to four functions, the rest are used automatically, subconsciously, because they are only elements that complete the base.

We use all the functions of course, but it is mainly the first two that describe our nature, mine is an TiNe, the next two - SiFe - are the supplier for TiNe, these are processes running in this computer (the thinking process is supplemented with data and the purpose of existence). The other 4 functions will be on the shadow side.

This explains the different "personalities" (masks), we just tune in to our surroundings.

At home, I'm a TiNeSi; the rest of the functions are required for the operation. As I write, I use Te, but it is Ti that is dominant.

I would have to be a TiSe at work... (bus driver). I rely on what is happening around me in real time. I am still naturally TiNeSi because I cannot rely on Se, so I only feel good in situations I know, where I can use my naturally developed Si; I am stressed by strange and new things, but Se is forcibly placed in the lead here. My Ne is not working, so thinking and making decisions are not so easy and fast. That is why working at work is tiring, but for example working on passion is not. Therefore, the combination of work and passion would be a success to feel at ease and develop your personality...

For example, when I do the activities I like, I use Te, Fe, Se, Si, Ni, Fi. Actually I have constant contact with the shadow, it is a state of my peace, complementing my personality to make it feel balanced. I can't naturally use Fe through damage, but I can force it by using Te; reverse to open the shadow gate and trigger Fe from behind.

A quiet working day is natural TiNeSi. When there is a novelty, a surprise, I am forced to use Se and then appears an anxiety state that I could balance with Fi, self-esteem ... but I can't; a loop begins in functions that are far from dominant for me, which can lead to tremendous anxiety, panic, blindness to my naturally dominant TiNeSi. Internal dialogue, contact with the shadow may break me out of the loop, but it is a slow process and requires me to move away from the source of the problem.

Always in consciousness, two functions will be to judge and two to perceive. There is a problem when this balance is disturbed.

My main flaws are in Fe and Fi (destroyed by trauma and loneliness), and due to the dependence of these functions on others, my Ne and Si also have problems. Ti (judging) has to work, this is the workaholic, the processor in the computer, must be fed by the perceiving functions. If the perceiving (S & N) functions can't work, Ti could run into a problem; the processor gets corrupted algorithms or data to deal with. Ti needs to be fed, so it easily falls into a loop of judgment, cutting itself off from external perceptions, for example in deep depression, severely traumatized; Ti - Ni - Si - Fi; critical failure state; closing oneself to the outside world, getting stuck in the experience of trauma.

My Ne (perceiving) works fine, but feeds on broken Si and damaged F.

As a result, my Ti gets a damaged Ne and cannot work together for me.

It's easy for me to see solutions to someone's problems, why? TiNe should work with Fi to help me make decisions and see the paths for myself. My Fi, instead of being the point of my development, is a demon. My Fe is unable to manifest - contact Te, Ne, because I have no self-worth. I can judge and perceive others internally, but only judge myself by seeing through Si... I am off balance...

Ti Ne Si Fi

J. P. P. J. - J becomes fully introverted because my Fe has been replaced by the destroyed Fi-dictator. Complete lack of assertiveness. Perceiving is also out of balance because Ne is not feeding properly, more like Ni when I can't find peace when I have to mainly use Se.

The only way I get out of this is forcing the use of Te by e.g. writing; my Fe is activated; my contact with the shadow is activated; I regain my balance and peace.



Judging - Perceiving/Hidden Judging - Perceiving - Judging/Judging

Ti Ne = +/- 90% of my personality...

  • Ti - The inner world of analyzes.

  • Ne/Ni - Intuition... Mainly the Ne works very strongly, but it's kind of disconnected from me and locked inside. Strange confusion in following a path but aimlessly, and seeing many possibilities but not mine.

  • Si - A life of memories, sentiment, a persecutor of feelings.

  • Fe/Fi - Complete destruction. Dictator, critic. I think about myself, about my comfort - only escape... At the same time, my Fe is at work, but it's on the shadow side, screaming at me that I'm doing wrong - increasing my guilt.

My Fe becomes a good spirit that works with a Ne (when is healthy - when I'm calm), sees hope and opportunities... but only for others. It's also just locked inside me and just brings me sadness, an overprotective feeling that I can't use. That's why I'm very sensitive, very easy to hurt; at the moment of activation of my Fe through my Ne, Si, Se - perception triggered e.g. while reading, listening to music; I can judge; I can see my reflections; I'm starting to feel all the pain. (One of the reasons for my immersion into the fantasy world.)

(This is just a collection of TiNe's thoughts. Treat with distance.)

The description of my path in the darkness, my experiences, feelings, my history will be in the Split Of...



"The Perceiving Functions

The 4 ways to take in information are:

Extraverted Sensing (Se)

Introverted Sensing (Si)

Extraverted Intuiting (Ne)

Introverted Intuiting (Ni)

Remember, when you hear the word "extraverted" that means what happens external to your mind. This means what happens in the real physical world. Also remember it takes place in the present moment, real time.

When you hear the word "introverted" that means what goes on inside your mind. That would be your thoughts, feelings, ideas, concepts, theories, and memories. These transcend time. They can be about the past, present, or future.

Extraverted Sensing is what happens when you pay attention to what your 5 senses (touch, taste, smell, hearing, seeing) are telling you about the real world. It's a real time process that is happening now.

So if you pay attention to a sound coming from a bird just outside your door, that's your brain using it's extraverted sensing function to pay attention to the sound.

Introverted Sensing is when you remember the sound of a bird that you heard last week. Because you are paying attention to the memory of it in your mind, rather than the real live event.

Extraverted Intuiting is when you see several possible futures. It's when you do rapid fire brainstorm. It's when you see connections and patterns between people and events.

Introverted Intuiting is when you get insights that seem to come from nowhere. It's when you have those "aha" moments.

The Judging Functions

There are the 4 basic ways we make decisions. These are your judging functions:

Extraverted Thinking (Te)

Extraverted Feeling (Fe)

Introverted Thinking (Ti)

Introverted Feeling (Fi)

Extraverted Thinking is making decisions about the external world using objective facts.

Extraverted Feeling is making decisions based on a value system that is concerned with the well being of people. These values are more global and cultural than personal.

Introverted Thinking is making decisions based on data, categories, and theories inside your mind.

Introverted Feeling is about making decisions based on your personal values and being concerned more with how things impact you personally than how the group is impacted.

Function 1) Hero / Heroine Role

Your strongest function will be in the hero / heroine role. This is how you "save the day." This is your dominant cognitive function.

When life calls on you to save the day, you will call on, and depend on your dominant function.

If you look at your life, at a time that you made the most progress, or you did something really significant, where you had to work hard at it, but you succeeded, it was your hero function doing the heavy lifting and saving the day for you.

Function 2) Auxiliary / Supportive / Parent Role

This is your second strongest function. It supports your Hero function. It's helpful to think that together the first two functions account for ~ 90% of your personality.

It's called the "Parent" function because it's used in a helping, positive, supportive way.

According to John Beebe, the Jungian Analyst who expanded Carl Jung's work of the 8 function model, when you reach out to help someone, it's your second function that you start with.

Function 3) Tertiary / Relief Role / Eternal Child

Whichever function falls into the 3rd position, the "Relief Role," will be the one that is almost always weak and troublesome.

It does not develop until mid life. Because of this it gets very little exercise and very little practice. Thus if you are called to use this function in your teens or mid twenties, you will fall flat on your face.

You won't be able to count on this function as you do your top two functions.

Psychologists suggest that you should get to know your tertiary function in a relaxed, playful, recreational, stress free manner. Thus it's called the "Relief" function.

Function 4) Inferior / Aspirational Role

Whichever function falls into the 4th position, will also be weak for you but it holds something special as the name "Aspirational" indicates.

Whichever function falls here, describes what you aspire to.

Yes, early on in life, using your 4th function is a source of weakness, maybe failure, maybe even shame. You probably can not perform the skills and tasks that are normally associated with this function.

But you will find great satisfaction and maybe even breakthroughs, from periodically trying to exercise this function.

In particular, the 4th function is considered the doorway to the unconscious. It's through using this function in a low pressure, low stress, friendly way that you can tap into the unconscious and all the energy and creativity that is stored there.

So make sure you keeping trying to use your 4th function. It will help you become all you can be.

Function 5) Opposing Role

Your 5th function is used mainly as a defense. It's how you might become stubborn, uncooperative, unfriendly, rude, or obstructive.

So look at the fifth function for your 4 letter type. See what it is all about, and ask yourself if that is not how you become defensive, stubborn etc.

Function 6) Critical Parent Role

We all have experienced a critical parent in our lives. It's when a parent tells you that you are doing something wrong or you are doing something poorly.

The critical parent is a voice in your head that will cause you to criticize yourself and others.

Whichever function falls into this position will determine the flavor of your self criticism.

Function 7) The Trickster Role

Which ever function falls into the 7th position will cause you grief throughout your life.

The role of the trickster is to deceive and distort what you experience, or think you experience.

Mike Shur the Assessment Specialist and personality type expert describes the 7th function as walking through the fun house at a carnival. This is the room full of mirrors that stretch you and distort you, making you taller and thinner than you really are.

You will most often experience the 7th function when you are stressed or under pressure, or overly tired. You can not trust your perceptions or judgments when your 7th function is in charge.

You will see things and believe things that are not real. You will put yourself or others in a double bind situation, which forces people to lose.

People describe it as being in the grip of their 7th function.

Function 8) Demonic / Transformative Role

Which ever function falls into the 8th position describes how you are when you are the most destructive. Thus the term "Demonic Role."

The 8th function can also be transformative, propelling you to greater personal growth and maturity.

But most often, when a situation calls for you to use your 8th function, it's not going to be pretty."


Stratovarius - Abyss