Farr and the Message Glass

Story by Seracen on SoFurry

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This is a long, long awaited commission for kitsugen, the next part of the adventures of Farr! This commission has languished on my to-edit pile for over a year but the commissioner and I decided that it should be posted, so enjoy!

Stories are available two weeks earlier on my Patreon, and rough drafts even earlier!Go there to see stories sooner, as well as some other perks!Find me on my Discord server!

Posted using PostyBirb

The moans and whines from the laying dragoness filled the hall as Far and Everi opened the doors to the hall. They were thick and made of solid oak, so they had kept the straining dragoness's sounds trapped inside. Scarlet whined and howled as she continued to try and push out the eggs with difficulty.

There were guards stationed just outside, in the antechamber, they stiffened and lowered their spears as they heard their former queen. Before they could do anything though, Everi's new heat scent, made hypnotic by the new gem in her pussy, wafted over them. For a moment, the guards' faces were slack, and then they straightened.

'Hello again,' Farr said with a wide smile, hand scratching at the side of Everi's neck. 'I'm in charge of this castle now.'

The guard captain that had been so gruff with them earlier knelt, the magical pheromones ensuring obedience from anyone not magically inoculated. 'Yes, my lord. What of Queen Scarlet?'

Wow, her scent works fast, Farr thought amused. '"My lord",' he repeated slowly, grin widening. 'I like that; I like that a lot. As for your old queen, come and take a look for yourself.' He and Everi turned, walking back to where Scarlet was moaning. There was a fresh egg on the ground but judging from her panting, she was in the middle of laying another.

The guard captain, as well as his two underlings, followed them, looking open-mouthed on Scarlet. Their old queen, usually so regal and arrogant, had her tail raised whorishly high, her sex soaking wet. As they watched, her folds, swollen and puffy from her intense heat, flexed and moved as the end of an egg began to protrude from her entrance. Farr's seed was pushed out along with the egg, lubricating its passage and making the laying slightly easier, though not easy by any means. At the same moment, Scarlet arched as much as she could with her egg-filled body, a strangled howl leaving her muzzle as she very obviously orgasmed.

'I don't think "queen" is really the right term for her now,' Farr smirked, his words breaking Scarlet from her afterglow. She glanced around, whining, to see her old captain looking right beneath her tail. A powerful blush appeared beneath the scales of her face, a flush of humiliation at being seen like this. She opened her maw to say something, perhaps a witty retort, but Farr stopped her in her tracks by playing with her clit, rubbing the nub firmly, even rolling it between two fingers. Whatever Scarlet was to say turned into a breathy squeal, her hips jerking and squirming as her new master toyed with her.

'No, not queen,' Farr continued to muse, enjoying her reaction. 'Egg whore is a more appropriate title at the moment for her, don't you think, Everi?' Everi nodded, smiling through her muzzle viciously as she looked at her former teacher. Smiling himself, Farr continued, 'Come on, Scarlet: renounce your authority in front of these nice guards.'

The dragoness broke her squirms for the time it took to shoot the fox a glare of absolute hatred, but the Oath that she had sworn compelled her to obey. 'I cede all of my authority to---'

'Your new master,' Farr interrupted promptly.

'---my new master,' Scarlet continued, glaring at him once again. 'He's in charge of the castle, my subjects and---ah!---all my lands.' Her sentence was interrupted again as Farr gave her a rewarding rub to her clitoris.

'There, that wasn't so hard,' he said, then turned to the captain. 'That good enough for you?'

The guards all bowed, the captain saying, 'It is, my lord. You are now the ruler here, and we will obey you as we would have Que---er...Egg Whore Scarlet.' Scarlet let out a mortified little moan at that but Farr just laughed.

'Very good,' the fox said, nodding. 'Then please go and bring the rest of the castle's staff and residents, as well as anyone else important, here so that they can hear Scarlet for themselves.'

'At once,' the captain said, bowing low again and then hurrying from the hall. The two with the spears took up their posts by the door again, standing at attention. While they waited, Farr looked towards the dais that Scarlet had sat on to raise herself up over everyone else.

'What do you think?' he said to Everi, rubbing beneath her jaw absentmindedly. 'Good place for a throne?'

Everi purred gently as he rubbed beneath her jaw, looking at the dais as well. 'Mmm, it would be a good place. Space up there for a throne, and your pets too. Well, pet and...her.' Everi's tail lashed out, the very tip striking Scarlet right on her pussy, making her yelp and glare around, only to moan as another egg clacked to the ground, followed by a large splash of the dragoness's arousal. The last few remnants of Farr's cum dripped from her stretched sex, mixing with her own juices with were far more copious. Slowly, very slowly, her belly was shrinking, the very pregnant dragoness gaining more movement.

Farr comfortingly pat Everi's muzzle. 'Don't be jealous,' he chided gently. 'You'll always be the special one. In fact, once we're done here, why don't we make Scarlet your pet, at least for a little while. Tell her to do whatever you want; get back at her for when you were her apprentice.' Everi brightened up considerably at that, turning to look at Scarlet with a mischievous expression.

'I have an idea of what I'll do,' she murmured. Farr noted that, apparently subconsciously, her own tail hiked somewhat. She had quite the evil look on her face as she looked at Scarlet.

She's going to be running around non-stop for Everi, Farr thought ruefully, but the thought made him smile nevertheless.

Just then, the guard captain came back. Following him was what looked like the kitchen staff for the castle. Smiling, Farr went forwards again and went through the same process for all of them. He played with Scarlet, making her cum as she renounced everything, giving all that she owned over to Farr. As the former queen was humiliated, Everi's scent washed over all of the servants, ensuring their loyalty.

There were quite a few people in the castle and the surrounding area, so there were many people to see Scarlet debase herself. The cooks, servants, maids, stable-boys, guards, hunters, farmers, administrators, and a practitioners of a dozen other professions all filed past.

Though he kept it hidden, Farr was amazed. He'd never resided in a castle, only having entered them to collect adventuring jobs from the lord or lady that lived there; the amount of work that went into them seemed quite immense. He smiled internally though as he realised that, now, they all worked for him. Who would've expected that, one day, a simple adventurer like me would be the lord of a castle? With two obedient dragonesses, no less!

It took some time to get all of the people in the hall to accept Farr as their lord. By the time that the last group, a set of dignitaries, had come in and bowed to Farr, Scarlet's belly was only very large, instead of the immobilising mass it had been before. The guard captain, as well as the leaders for the other various sections of the castle and anyone else that was vaguely important, stayed behind in the hall as the last of the commoners filed out. The fox bent his head with Everi, asking her a few questions which she hurriedly whispered back, a smile appearing on her muzzle as she realised what his plan was.

Once he had the information that he required, Farr moved to the dais, standing at the top. 'Come to the steps, Scarlet,' he ordered, Everi sitting down on a lower level without being told. Scarlet was panting heavily, her head drooping in exhaustion from having to lay so many eggs, even though she wasn't yet done. Now though, she merely looked very pregnant, instead of stuffed with eggs. She could move around, at least.

At the order, which she was compelled to obey, the dragoness dragged herself over to the steps, glaring resentfully at Farr and Everi as she took her place. Farr nodded, satisfied, and then began to speak to the room at large. 'I know most of you have never seen me before,' he said loudly, voice echoing off of the walls, 'but I don't intend to change much around here, except to make it better. Otherwise you'll hardly notice a change, if you do at all. You have all seen your queen renounce her title and pass it along to me instead.

'From now on, she has no authority, except what I give her. She will follow any orders--reasonable orders--that are given to her by any of you, but Everi most of all.' Scarlet looked horrified at that, turning to look at a smirking Everi. 'But first,' Farr continued, 'as a mark of this new turn of events, I decree that Scarlet will spend her first week pregnant!'

There was a little quiet laughter from the watching crowed; Scarlet, it seemed, hadn't been terribly popular. The louder sound was a gasp from the dragoness herself but Farr's next order prevented her from doing anything else. 'Present!' he commanded in a ringing voice.

Scarlet immediately dropped her front as much as her belly would allow, presenting her red and slightly stretched pussy to the fox, tail curled over her back. Farr walked down a few steps and pressed the palm of his hand against her hot folds. He'd asked Everi how to do this particular spell; using his magic, the fox reached into Scarlet's body and stopped her laying cold. The dragoness shivered, caught in the middle of a contraction, and then whined as she realised that she'd have to keep them until Farr removed the magical lock on her body.

'There we go,' Farr mocked, patting the pussy in front of him a couple of times. Speaking louder, he said, 'That will be all for now. I'd like to see the head administrator tomorrow though; I'll need to know everything about this place.' Everyone bowed and began to leave, filing out. The guards closed the doors behind them, leaving Everi, Scarlet, and Farr alone in the room.

'Well, well, well,' Farr said, smiling. 'Alone again. So, maybe I should make some rules for Scarlet, hm?'

Scarlet had been looking glumly at her belly, prodding and poking it with her paw to try and see how many eggs were still left inside her. At the sound of her name though, she looked up, startled. 'What?' she said harshly, glaring daggers at the fox.

'Firstly, you'll always refer to me as "Master",' Farr said immediately, eyes narrowing slightly.

'Yes, Master,' Scarlet growled through clenched teeth, compelled to do so.

'Next, you'll obey every command that Everi gives you, until I decide otherwise. And I mean everything.' Everi began to purr as she heard it, smirking through her muzzle as she looked at Scarlet. 'And whatever gear I put on you, you'll keep and won't try to remove,' Farr continued thoughtfully. 'We'll go down to blacksmith later and place some orders, get you fitted out like Everi here.'

Everi had cuffs on all four of her legs, as well as chain-mail bags around her paws to keep her claws locked away. There was also a complex harness over her head that kept a bit in her mouth and a muzzle keeping her from opening her jaws too far. It allowed speech, but not much else. There was also an attachment place for reigns that Farr used when riding the dragoness. Everi liked her gear, considering it a mark of her submission to Farr, but to Scarlet it would just be a reminder that she was now a pet to the fox.

Scarlet growled but could do nothing more to signal her outrage. 'Why don't you lead us to your sleeping quarters?' Farr suggested before she could do more, his tone making it clear that it was an order, not a suggestion.

'Fine, Master,' Scarlet spat, making sure the last word dripped with her contempt. With a groan, she stood, waddling with her egg-filled belly. For once, Everi wasn't pregnant herself, her sides slim and lean. Only the heavy, full udder between the dragoness's legs ruined the sleek look for her body.

'Mmm, I do like that,' Farr said, following with Everi. 'I need to fill you with eggs when we get a chance.'

Everi got a dreamy look on her face. 'I do like the feeling,' she said, 'but it was the best feeling in the world seeing her get bigger with my eggs.'

'I can hear you,' Scarlet snarled, looking back as she dragged her feet.

'We know,' Farr called forward. 'Walk faster.' As Scarlet increased the speed of her waddle, he pat Everi's neck again. 'You can put some of your clutches in her,' he said with a smile, 'but I want to see you lay sometimes too.'

The dragoness shivered, tail hiking at the very thought of laying all of her eggs again. Scarlet led them through the castle, back to near when Farr had been earlier, in her study. She was quite slow and ungainly, but Farr didn't mind, walking beside Everi: Scarlet had her tail hiked a little, probably subconsciously, letting him see her heated folds, wet and glistening slightly in the light that came in through the windows.

'This is my room,' she said resentfully, eventually stopping beside an ornate door. There was another guard outside it and they stood at attention at their approach. He too had sworn his allegiance to Farr so he nodded approvingly at the guard. The door was made of dark wood and was wide and tall; it seemed that Scarlet had prepared for the eventuality of being quite large. Even with her belly full of eggs, she'd fit through the door comfortably.

Farr pushed open the door, giving a low whistle. The chambers were big, with bookshelves cluttered with heavy tomes around the periphery of three walls. Against the far wall, and extending into the room, there was a luxurious mass of blankets and pillows, easily large enough for half a dozen dragons to sprawl out comfortably. Magical crystals floated in the air around drapes of fabric, making a soft, coloured glow. The fabric was various shades of pink and purple so that was the colour of the glow. Incense burned here and there, giving the room a nice smell, though the heated scent of Scarlet made a nice undercurrent to the perfume.

'You certainly like your luxury,' Farr teased, walking into the room and looking at everything more closely. Everi didn't even do that much, simply bounding over to the bed and rolling onto her back before squirming around in the softness with a contented sigh.

'I never got a bed like this,' she said, purring. 'So soft! So warm!'

Scarlet scowled at them, standing in the doorway stiffly. 'So where will I be sleeping, Master?' she said stiffly. 'If you're taking my room, where will my quarters be?'

'In here, of course,' Farr said, smiling as he picked up a large book. 'You two are my pets; pets should sleep with their masters.' Everi's purrs got louder at his words but Scarlet's mouth dropped open. It seemed that the reality of her new position was only just now sinking in.

'But...' she began, voice dying away as she tried to think of a reason or comeback that would get her out of this. Farr just watched, waiting, until she slumped a little, releasing a defeated little whine.

'Come on in then,' he said, waving her forwards. Slowly, Scarlet did as he said, sitting stiffly at the very edge of the bed, as far away from Everi as she could get while still technically being on it. Once she was there, Farr ignored her, setting the book back down and kicking off his shoes. They were quickly followed by the rest of the fox's clothes, Farr stripping down completely before walking close to Everi. He sighed as he dropped onto the soft padding, yawning as he stretched. 'Been a long day,' he said, smiling. Everi put her head within patting range, purring as Farr immediately began rubbing at the fine scales of her face.

They stayed like that for a few minutes, Scarlet watching uncomfortably in the silence but Farr and Everi both ignored her. 'This day turned out pretty well,' Farr said thoughtfully. 'A castle, servants, riches. We have a nice bed, and I have a lovely dragoness.' Everi's purrs got louder. 'And another one that we can train. Want to break in this bed, my dear?'

Everi's purrs increased in volume again and she nodded eagerly, rolling onto her side and raising her hind-leg at once. Farr ran a hand down her taut belly. 'Let's get some more eggs in you,' he smiled, fingers moving over the udder between her hind legs, and then onto her sex. Everi moaned at once, humping eagerly into his hand as he touched her ever-wet pussy.

Scarlet turned away with a blush, trying to ignore how hot and bothered she felt, but she was still far too proud to even consider doing anything about it while the other two were in the room. She was, no matter what Farr said, a queen!

The fox's cock hardened quickly as he rubbed and kneaded at the dragoness's pussy, hearing Everi moan and gasp in pleasure. 'Please, breed me,' she whined, rolling fully onto her back and looking down her body at Farr with a pleading expression.

'Gladly,' Farr murmured, looking back with a smile as he leaned lightly on her udder, pressing the tip of his cock into her sex. They both moaned loudly as he slid into her, the thick length making Everi breathless with pleasure. Her tail flicked and twisted, hind legs kicking a little as he entered her easily, getting right down to the knot on his first try.

Due to Everi being on her back, a fair bit of the fox's weight was on her udder but the dragoness didn't mind, eyes closed as she bucked her hips towards him in small, rolling motions. Farr squeezed one of her teats, milk spurting out over the sheets. Farr noted at once that it seemed to disappear as soon as it touched the fabrics; Scarlet had apparently enchanted it to remain clean. Now knowing that he wouldn't be making a mess in the bed, he pulled and kneaded at the teats for firmly, feeling Everi clench down on him with every touch, hearing her cry out in pleasure.

He began to thrust at the same time, pumping his length into her at a rapid pace. Everi squirmed around with strangled whimpers, trying to hold back as pleasure raced through her, almost dislodging the fox. He could tell that she was getting close to cumming but before she could, he panted, 'Wait...for me...' He was breathing heavily himself, already feeling his seed begin to boil inside his balls. The ecstasy of his victory over Scarlet, his new castle, and Everi herself were making it hard for him to resist.

Everi whined but nodded, eyes squeezed closed as her humps and squirms became more subdued, muscles trembling from the effort of obeying. Her sex was still just as eager as ever though, squeezing and rippling around the fox's enlarged shaft. The feeling of the tight sex and the willing dragoness was too much for the fox.

Farr gasped, closing his own eyes as he made a last shuddering thrust into Everi's pussy. The angle and position was wrong to properly tie with his knot but he didn't care, panting as his length pulsed, thick seed filling the dragoness. At that, she came as well, humping up powerfully a few times as her tunnel clenched down around him, making sure that Farr put every drop of cum he had into her.

Gasping in air, Farr fell back, his slick cock slipping from Everi's cunt as he landed on the cushions. A fair amount of his cum followed it, running down her scales and then evaporating as soon as it touched the bed. As for Everi, she was laying limply on her back, eyes lidded as she basked in her afterglow. She seemed on the verge of sleep, relaxed from the orgasm. Farr scooted along to rest against her shoulder and she turned her head to nuzzle against him lovingly.

'You'll have your eggs soon,' he murmured, patting her muzzle slowly, stroking up over the dragoness's brow. 'But we're still a little messy; let's invite Scarlet over.' He peered over Everi's prone form to see Scarlet still perched stiffly on the very edge of the bed, looking very uncomfortable as she stared resolutely away from them. 'Oh, Scarlet,' he said in a sing-song voice. 'Come over and use your tongue to clean us up. I'm sure you know what from.'

Scarlet jerked, blushing hard beneath her scales. 'You can't be serious!' she exclaimed but her body was already walking over.

'Me first,' Farr said, lounging comfortably against Everi's side as he kept his cock, covered in his cum and Everi's arousal, on display. 'Mind your teeth.'

'How dare y---!' Scarlet began but before she could finish the word, she was sliding her muzzle down his length, sucking firmly. His cock was a very effective gag so Scarlet's grumbles, threats, and protests were all muffled beyond recognition as she licked and sucked at the fox, having to be completely sure that he was clean before she could pull off.

'You might have some skill at oral,' Farr remarked as she took his cock in her maw, right down to the knot, with ease. Scarlet blushed heavily at his words, a storm of angry grunts making their way around his length as the dragoness glared up at him.

The moment that she thought she could stop, the dragoness pulled back hurriedly, tongue coated in the mixed taste of fox cum and dragoness juices. 'And Everi,' Farr ordered preemptively, before Scarlet could speak. 'Just clean her outside though; leave all of the cum inside her so that she gets a nice, big clutch of eggs.' At the words, Everi purred in delight, the sound turning to a soft moan as Scarlet's tongue moved over her sex and the scales around it, collecting all of the still-warm cum.

It was taking most of the pink hued dragoness's willpower not to gag as she cleaned her former apprentice with long, methodical strokes of her tongue. The chore seemed to drag on interminably but eventually, Scarlet judged the pussy in front of her nose clean, of Farr's cum at least; the licking, combined with Everi's heat, meant that the dragoness's juices were slowly trickling form her entrances, slickening her folds as soon as Scarlet licked them clean.

'Very good, Scarlet,' Farr praised, then seeing the dragoness open her mouth furiously, continued, 'but I don't think we need any more sounds from you tonight.' Scarlet's maw opened and closed furiously but the order prevented her from even growling. 'Come and lay down for sleep,' Farr 'suggested', patting the space next to him.

Huffing silently, Scarlet awkwardly tried to manoeuvre herself down. When one was that pregnant with eggs, there was no real comfortable position but the best was sprawled on her side, the bed supporting her belly. 'Very good,' Farr praised again, running a hand over the dragoness's lower belly. Scarlet jerked at the touch but didn't move away, trying to growl but failing.

'Come closer, Everi,' the fox said next, scooting up so that he was near their heads. 'Go sex-to-sex. Scarlet, don't move.'

Sleepily, Everi turned on her side too, wriggling and moving herself until her lower body was pressed tightly against Scarlet. The latter's belly made it a little hard to do, and Everi's udder was a little squished, but their sexes eventually touched, rubbing lightly against one another. Everi wrapped her tail around Scarlet's to keep them close.

Near their heads, there was a small gap and it was in there that Farr went, a hand on either dragoness's snouts as he lay back, warm bodies on either side and all around. 'Ah, perfect. There's no better way to go off to sleep.' He kissed Everi lightly on the end of the muzzle, her purrs reverberating through him as well. Stroking both of their muzzles, he said, 'Get some sleep, my pets. Big day today, but bigger one tomorrow. Lot's to do and organise.'

With such a soft and comfortable bed, it didn't take long for Farr to drift off to sleep, Everi following quickly. Scarlet steamed silently at being ordered to sleep, at being controlled so directly, but there was nothing she could do. She was forbidden to move or make noise, but in any case, the dragoness was exhausted herself. As much as she tried to resist, her eyelids were heavy and drooping. After all, she had lain a full clutch, or close to it, today, as well as being teased and everything else.

Scarlet didn't last five minutes before her eyes went closed, her soft, deep breaths joining Farr's and Everi's.

Scarlet was woken up in a familiar way around: with Everi ordering her. 'Time to get up, slut,' the dragoness's voice rang out, making Scarlet open her eyes blearily, rising out of the haze of sleep quickly. Right in front of her, Everi was on her back, looking down her own body at Scarlet.

It'd been more than a week since Farr had taken control of the castle and this had been the former queen's morning every day since then. Everi's belly had swollen quickly with eggs until she almost matched Scarlet's own, who had been stuck pregnant for the entire time. Farr got up earlier than either of them; with their heavy bellies, and what Everi kept them both busy with, the dragonesses went to bed exhausted each night. The fox had no trouble sneaking out each morning as his two pets slept soundly.

He'd been spending a fair bit of his days, especially the morning, with the lead administrator of the castle, learning of all the accounts, lands, holdings, and everything else that came with the castle. The rest of the time was split between assuming the duties of the lord of the surrounding area, his magical training, and other skills like potioneering. Most of the night was either for sleeping or devoted to his dragonesses, mostly Everi.

Scarlet was fine with that, but unfortunately Everi was free all of the day, and she delighted in the control that Farr had given her over Scarlet. Farr didn't let her be even a little dominant with him, so it all poured out on the dragoness that just had to obey her. Like now.

Whining, Scarlet shook her head a little as she finished waking up, looking at Everi sprawled in front of her. 'What?' she said gruffly; at least she didn't have to use any title or anything with her. She knew quite well 'what' though; it was the same every morning. With the two crystals affecting Everi, she was always horny and in deep heat.

Sulkily, Scarlet looked enviously at the amethyst-coloured gem that was dangling from the copper dragoness's clit piercing. That's all she'd wanted, just to have it back, but her efforts had backfired spectacularly, resulting in her being sworn to a lowly fox!

'Get to work,' Everi said in a clipped tone, wiggling a little to get more comfortable in the bed. 'It's been hours since I've cum and you're my tongue-whore!'

'Don't call me that,' Scarlet snarled but she dragged herself up, feeling the weight of the eggs inside her. Today was supposed to be the end of week of pregnancy that Farr had sentenced her to, but she was sure that Farr would do something else to her once the eggs were out. Squirming around, she got onto her belly with a grunt and a heave, moving until her muzzle was over Everi's swollen pussy.

Gingerly, she began to lick at the dragoness's sex, her muzzle instantly filled with Everi's taste. Anything else that she wanted to say was impossible to enunciate with her tongue busy, lapping over her folds and spreading them to get at her clit. Everi moaned at once, humping up lightly, though she couldn't do it much with her egg-filled body and the equally-filled udder. The trickle of her arousal got faster as Everi was stimulated, Scarlet licking it up with long strokes.

Eventually, she even wormed her long, nimble tongue into Everi's tunnel, feeling her clench and ripple around it. Scarlet made her face as she thrust her tongue a little; she could taste a little of Farr's cum from the night before. An evening never passed without Farr fucking Everi in some way.

With the effects of the crystals and their sex magic, it didn't take long before Everi gave a little howl, her sex gushing arousal as she climaxed. A low purr rumbled in Everi's throat as she yawned. 'That's the best way to wake up,' she said, smiling before glancing down at Scarlet. 'Go get the potions.'

'Why can't your lazy ass?' Scarlet muttered, but quietly so that Everi couldn't hear. Over near the door, there were three potions sitting on a low table. Scarlet grunted and tried to get up, falling back twice before finally managing to heave herself to her feet, the eggs in her belly swaying and almost unbalancing her again. She waddled over to the table, grabbing a bottle gingerly in her jaws and taking it over to Everi.

'That's the egg one?' Everi said, checking it. Farr had been making a potion to accelerate her egg growth, to be taken every morning. It was how that, after only a week after being bred, Everi was the same size as Scarlet. The dragoness uncorked it with her paws awkwardly, then tipped it back to down it all with a single gulp. The dragoness smacked her lips with a contented sigh. 'Don't forget to take yours, tongue-slut.'

'I know. And don't call me that!' Scarlet went back to the potions, the two remaining both meant for her. The first was a heat potion. Since Scarlet's own crystal was gone, now stuck in Everi's cunt, she would normally have gone out of heat. Farr didn't want that at all though, so he made one of these for her every day.

The dragoness downed it in a single gulp, not actually minding the sweet taste but wanting to get it over with; the potion would begin to take effect in only a few minutes and last until she went to sleep that night. The second potion was the same one that Everi took, meant to make eggs grow faster. All of the ones that were inside Scarlet were full grown, though she thought it had made them a little larger. No, Farr made her take this one as well because, eventually, after a great many doses, the effects would become permanent.

In seconds, that potion was also down Scarlet's throat, the former queen setting the empty bottles back down on the table.

'Done?' Everi said, looking at her. 'Good; I need my morning milking. Come and get your breakfast.' She smirked as she spread her hinds, showing off her sex and udder at the same time. Scarlet whined but made her way back over. She'd mocked Everi for having an udder before, but it seemed that being forced to drink from it was more humiliating than actually having one. Scarlet refused to beg or plead however, just getting on with it.

She couldn't lay on her belly so she sprawled awkwardly on her side again, leaning her head over to take one of Everi's thick teats into her maw. It was fleshy and warm and at the slightest touch, due to the night, spurted thick, creamy milk into Scarlet's mouth. It was actually quite nice, and in another situation Scarlet might have treated it as a delicacy.

Sucking firmly, the dragoness fell into a rhythm, making long draws that filled her muzzle with the warm milk before swallowing it all down in a long swallow and starting over. Predictably, Everi was moaning and squirming the moment that her teats were touched. The relief from having her overfull udder emptied was part of it, but the teats seemed to be directly connected to her pussy. Before Scarlet was even done with the first, she was cumming, moaning sharply as her sex clenched rhythmically. Her tail, resting beneath Scarlet, lashed as she climaxed and Scarlet made a complaining grunt as it hit her underside, squirming around.

Just as Everi was going through her afterglow, the flow of milk began to slow a little, Scarlet taking that as a sign to switch teats. Everi had four but due to the magical nature of her 'curse', by the time that Scarlet finished draining the last teat, the first would be filled to bursting again; unless she was milked continuously, her udder would never be empty.

The pressure in the second teat gave Scarlet another mouthful of milk. Her belly was quickly getting full but she knew that Everi wouldn't let her stop until she'd sucked on them all at least once. The uddered dragoness began to cum again, insatiable with the two gems feeding arousal into her body, reinforcing one another.

By the time that Scarlet had gotten to the last teat, she'd more than drunk her fill, though the udder was as overfull as usual. Everi would have been happy to lay there all day with a muzzle on her udder or a tongue on her sex, but she reluctantly pushed Scarlet away after the final teat was emptied, mostly because her stomach had given a loud grumble: making all of the eggs and milk was intensive work.

Scarlet herself felt extra fat and stuffed from all the milk in her belly, even a little queasy as she glared at Everi. 'That it?'

'Not even close,' Everi sneered, delighting in her power over her old mistress. 'Go to the kitchens and tell them to get me a nice big breakfast. You can lick my pussy as I eat it: you eat me while I eat my meal. Hmm...I'm in the mood for pork; tell them that.'

Shooting her a dirty look, Scarlet heaved herself back to her feet. 'Fine,' she spat, waddling quickly to the door. She left as quickly as she could, not wanting to give Everi the chance to order her further. What she was told to do already was more than enough. It seemed that half of her new life was spent with her nose buried in her old apprentice's pussy, her muzzle eternally smelling of her juices. Any time, like this, when Everi was out of her sight was a good time.

Hurrying, Scarlet made her way down to the castle kitchens. She'd had servants and maids and things to do this before; her face burned with the humiliation of having to go and order food directly. She couldn't even eat a proper breakfast herself, not with Everi feeding her out of her udder every morning; it had been Scarlet's favourite meal of the day.

The smell of roasting meat, fresh bread, and delicious spices hung heavy in the air long before the dragoness actually poked her head into the long, high-ceilinged room but she couldn't even properly enjoy them. Her body, with its full belly, protested even the thought of more food. The kitchen staff only made Scarlet's ire rise higher. They ignored her or snapped angrily at her when they thought she was blocking them. 'Get out of the way!' a baker shouted, holding a tray filled with loaves of bread.

Due to Farr's command that she follow any reasonable order, Scarlet was forced to step aside, fuming. It had only been a matter of days since they'd all been bowing and prostrating themselves in front of her, attending to her every need or whim at once. If they'd acted like this, they'd have been flogged. Now, the dragoness had to wait near the door until a cook deigned to talk to her.

One eventually did: a cook was stirring a large pot of stew on a fire and she eventually glanced over at Scarlet, seeing her scowling. 'What is it?' the cook said, walking over with her hands on her hips. 'What do you want?'

Scarlet's scowl got more intense. 'That bi--...Everi wants breakfast delivered to my...her chambers. She said she's in the mood for pork.'

The cook grunted. 'There's a leg roasting on the fire; I'll have it sent up for her at once. Now shoo; you're disrupting the flow.' She waved Scarlet out and then immediately went back to her stew, adding some vegetables to it.

The dragoness had opened her mouth angrily at being talked to so disrespectfully but she closed it again upon thinking about it. Farr didn't like her being rude to the castle's servants. He doesn't even act like a lord, she thought derisively, heading back up to the room where Everi was in. When she was a couple of halls away though, she paused, looking around. Farr would be busy in the hall for a while yet, and Everi wouldn't miss her for a few more minutes.

Seeing that there was no one around, she switched directions, heading back to her magical study, which Farr had taken over. The door was closed but not locked, and there was no guard stationed outside it. 'Perfect,' Scarlet muttered, nudging the door open, walking inside, and then shutting it again with her tail. It was dim inside, only a single candle burning in the corner, the wax a melted pool around it. Scarlet wrinkled her nose as she looked away; the fox's scent and musk was thick in the air here.

Knowing exactly what she was looking for, she nudged open a small, dusty cupboard in the corner. Inside, there were a few boxes and jars of magical ingredients and other mystical objects. Scarlet nosed through them gently, looking for the one that she needed. Right at the back and covered in a thick layer of dust, she found it: a small magnifying glass. She picked it up in her jaws carefully and closed the cupboard, trying to make it look as it had before; Farr couldn't be allowed to notice what she was doing.

The glass held gently between her jaws, Scarlet hurried back to the door, slipping out into the hall and looking around furtively again. There was still no one there so she set off, weaving down a few halls until she reached a small door. Beyond it was a broom cupboard, disused by the servants. It was barely large enough for Scarlet and she had to wriggle to squeeze her belly through the doorway, but it was the only place that she could find where the dragoness could have any privacy.

It was dusty and very cramped inside but Scarlet ignored that. With her claws, she moved a moth-eaten blanket from the corner. Beneath it, carefully arranged, was a circle of runes in a bright green ink, put directly onto the stone floor. Scarlet breathed a sigh of relief as she saw that it was undisturbed, placing the magnifying glass in the very centre.

It had taken her the entire week to be able to sneak around enough to get the materials and time to make this. She might not be able to disobey Farr, or even act against him directly, but he hadn't forbidden her to do anything like this. The dragoness was making a messaging spell, one that she hoped would be to someone that she could turn to for help. There was a male dragon whose land was fairly close to hers, someone that she could potentially reach out to for help. Her Oath would bind her to do Farr's bidding for a full century, but if he was dead or otherwise out of the way...it would be as good as if the time had run out.

Closing her eyes and concentrating, Scarlet summoned her magic. The runes on the floor began to glow brightly and her reflection, bright and clear, appeared in the glass. The neighboring dragon would be able to see her when he wanted to receive the message. 'Riel,' she said hurriedly, in a whisper, 'it's me, Scarlet. A fox has taken over my castle, making me swear a Binding Oath to him.' She scowled. 'My old apprentice is here with him, along with my youth gem. Come and help me by getting rid of him and...' She paused, not sure how much she was willing to exchange to get out from under the fox's thumb.

The dragoness growled and stamped a foot. 'Help me and I'll be your queen,' she said shortly. 'I know you've always wanted to fuck me. Well, here's your chance. Come and help me get my castle back and I'll be your mate; you can mount me as much as you want. Just hurry it along!'

With that, she let the magic fade, the glow in the runes fading. She knew he'd get the message and that he wouldn't be able to help but come. Riel had lusted after her for years and while he was a pretty handsome dragon, she hadn't wanted to concede any measure of power to him. She licked her lips a little thinking of him, then shook her head. 'Fucking heat,' she murmured, only just then noticing the powerful warmth beneath her tail as the potion she'd drunk earlier took full effect.

Everi will wonder where I am, she thought, throwing the blanket back over the spellwork. This whole plan would fall apart if she were to be directly questioned by Farr or Everi, so she couldn't afford even the slightest suspicion. The dragoness backed out of the room and headed back to the bedroom as fast as she could. With the eggs, she couldn't run, so it was a slightly faster waddle than usual.

Scarlet was breathing hard when she got back, pushing open the door to see Everi thrusting her tail into her pussy idly. 'Took you long enough,' she grumbled. 'My food coming? Ooh!'

As she said it, Scarlet walking into the room, a servant appeared behind her, carrying a steaming haunch of meat on a large platter. 'Here you go, mistress,' he said, ignoring Scarlet completely as he set the food down in front of Everi.

'Not "mistress",' Everi reminded gently, inhaling the spiced scent of the haunch as her mouth visibly watered. 'I'm just your lord's pet.'

'Of course,' the servant said with a smile, Scarlet glowering all the more. They were her servants but they seemed to like Everi far more than they did her. They were supposed to adore Scarlet. Ungrateful bastards, the lot of them, Scarlet thought angrily. When Riel is here, I'll replace them all!

The servant left. As soon as the door closed, Everi grunted at Scarlet. 'Come on, tongue-slut,' she ordered, looking at the meat as she rolled onto her side. 'Entertain me as I eat.'

Scarlet didn't even bother retorting, simply doing as she was told. The now-familiar taste and smell greeted her nose and tongue but there was a slight smile on her face, hidden below Everi's tail so she couldn't see. Humiliating as this was, Scarlet felt smug.

Soon you'll get what you deserve, Everi. Riel and I will make your our bitch. Soon...

Everi decided to spend the day in the room, alternatively dozing and making Scarlet lick her pussy. By the time that it was afternoon outside, Scarlet's tongue was sore and cramping. Her muzzle was streaked with Everi's juices and the same was all that she could smell. Now though, Everi had gone back to sleep, sprawled out on her back and snoring gently. Scarlet gave a small sigh, happy to be 'alone'. Or at least not being ordered to lick her former apprentice's pussy.

She squirmed a little, sitting on the edge of the bed. Everi had been getting relief all day from her magically-induced heat, but Scarlet hadn't had any. Before, when she'd been the only resident, she'd masturbated at least daily, but she refused to do so with Everi watching her now. It was a weakness shouldn't abide. Still, there was nothing explicitly ordering her not to, and she really wanted to cum. The heat was constant and insistent, the dragoness's pussy swollen and aching for attention.

Slowly, Scarlet's will and resistance was being worn down. She listened but the only thing that she could hear was Everi's quiet little snores; there was nothing else, not even foot traffic outside. Gingerly, a thought entered her mind; there wouldn't be a better time to do something about her frustration than now. Farr would still be gone for a little while and the other dragoness looked deep asleep.

She glanced back at the sleeping copper-coloured dragon, noting her steadily rising and falling chest. Why not? Scarlet thought gingerly. As long as I don't wake the bitch up...

Moving very slowly so as not to make any noise, Scarlet lay down on the edge of the bed, as far from Everi as possible. At first, she was facing the door, but the thought of Everi possibly waking, no matter how slight the chance, made her get up again and turn so that she could watch her sleep. A light grunt was all that escaped her as she rolled slightly onto her side, trying to get comfortable. With her pregnancy, it was impossible to curl up to masturbate with her tongue, as Scarlet would have liked. Likewise, getting out any of the toys stashed in her room was going to be too loud, and in any case would leave evidence that they were used.

That just left her tail. Luckily, Scarlet quite liked the feeling of a tail in her sex, though she'd never admit it to anyone. She'd fallen out of the habit of using it when she wanted a quick orgasm, mostly due to the toys she'd gradually collected, but her tail would still most definitely do in a pinch.

Taking deep, quiet breaths, Scarlet bent her tail around, setting the point slowly against her wet sex. She almost moaned then and there, shuddering a little as the blunt tip stroked over the sensitive folds. She waggled it a little bit, biting a lip to stop from moaning out as it nudged her clit. The end of a tail wasn't really good for that kind of thing though, but it was thick, and that's precisely what the heated dragoness wanted.

Glancing over to double-check that Everi was still asleep, Everi set the tip of her tail against her entrance, pushing it in slowly. Thanks to the heat potion Farr made her drink, she was more than wet enough, the tip sliding into her tunnel with ease, the fine scales rubbing lightly at her walls. This time it was much harder to hold back her moans, Scarlet burying her muzzle into the blankets, biting down on them so that she could stay quiet.

The tail sank a few inches deeper into the dragoness's pussy before she dragged it out with a wet sound, freezing as Everi shifted a little. The feeling of being filled though was so nice that Scarlet couldn't have stopped herself even if she'd wanted to, thrusting her tail even deeper and giving a muffled moan into the mouthful of blankets. The long limb increased in thickness the further down she went and already it was a lovely stretch, her folds wrapped tightly around the circumference.

More of her juices were beginning to drip onto the bed, vanishing on contact. The heated smell of her pussy was growing stronger in the room, mixing with Everi's scent but Scarlet didn't care, too lost in the sensations as she pulled her tail back and then thrust it back in, gradually getting deeper so that her entrance was stretched wider with each thrust.

The wet sounds got louder but Scarlet kept her eye on Everi, watching her squirm a little but not wake. Soon she reached the limit of what she could take comfortably, a surprising amount of her tail hidden away in her pussy. There Scarlet paused for a little, panting quietly at the feeling of being spread by the thickness, so filled. With an angry blush, she realised that it fell short of when Farr had fucked her, but she pushed that memory out of her mind, focussing on the sensations beneath her tail.

She began to thrust again, slowly, withdrawing until only the tip of her tail was inside her tunnel, and then shoving it back in as far as she could take it. Her arousal made a shiny layer on the tail, letting it thrust into the dragoness without much friction. Already she could feel an orgasm beginning to build, her heat crying out for some relief. It wasn't what her instincts wanted, which was a thick cock and a flood of seed inside, but it was close enough.

As much as she tried to muffle them, Scarlet's moans got louder, but Everi was tired enough to keep on sleeping. The dragoness began to ram her tail in with enough force to rock herself forwards a little, feeling the climax she wanted build and build inside her until--

'Well, well, what have we here?' said Farr's voice. Scarlet froze at once, tail buried deep inside her sex and turned in horror, and no small difficulty, to see Farr leaning against the door frame, looking in with a wide smile. Lost in her pleasure, she hadn't noticed or heard him come in. Her face burned red with shame and embarrassment and she yanked her soaking tail out, pulling it down so that her wet, aroused sex was hidden from view.

Everi woke with a start as Farr spoke, smiling sleepily and saying, 'Hi, Master.' Then seeing the tableau in front of her, cocked her head curiously.

'Go back to what you were doing, Scarlet,' Farr said with a grin. 'Don't let me stop you.' He walked over to Everi, stripping naked and sprawling next to her. Everi purred happily as his hand idly landed on her pussy, gently playing with her as they watched.

'No!' Scarlet moaned, her body moving to obey the order. When Farr had ordered her to go back to what she was doing, the order was interpreted literally. Her tail was rammed right back to where it had been, deep inside her pussy. She gasped and moaned, at once remembering how close she'd been to cumming before Farr had interrupted her.

No! Scarlet thought again, trying to suppress her moans. I won't cum in front of them! It was quickly getting beyond the dragoness's control, regardless of her wishes. Her tail couldn't be ignored, pounding again and again into her with hammering thrusts. More and more, Scarlet tried to control her urges and resist but her heat made that almost impossible. All her body wanted to do was cum and given that there was a lovely tail inside her vent, it saw no reason to wait.

The dragoness howled as she arched, her tail stopping as deep as it could go as she clenched hard around it, milking firmly. Her first climax of the day, it was enough to leave her gasping and lightheaded, pussy dripping liberally as little aftershocks ran through Scarlet, making her shiver periodically.

'Bravo,' Farr said, clapping slowly with a grin on his face. Scarlet's face flushed ruby red in humiliation and she stiffly yanked her tail back out of her sex. The effect was slightly ruined as she gave a breathy gasp, and the way that the limb dripped slowly. 'It's nice watching you enjoy yourself. That the first time you've masturbated since I've come here?'

'Yes, Master,' Scarlet said sulkily, resolutely looking away.

'Well, we'll have you do that often,' he said, getting up. 'For now though, your week is up; time for you to lay. Once you do, I'll breed you again with this.' He held up another potion. 'It's a very powerful fertility potion; you'll be able to be impregnated as soon as the last egg drops from your pussy.'

'Lucky,' Everi grumbled, shifting beneath Farr's hand.

Scarlet's mouth dropped open as she heard it. The moment that she got the eggs out, she'd have more put in her?! 'Y-You can't,' she protested weakly, knowing that he really could.

'Present!' Farr ordered, standing. Scarlet immediately did, her pussy still puffy and wet. She gasped as Farr placed his hand on her, feeling magic flood through her again as he removed the lock on her body. Almost at once, she gasped once more; as soon as the magic disappeared, she was returned to where she'd been before it had been applied. That happened to be the middle of a contraction.

The dragoness crouched instinctively, feeling the eggs begin to move as her womb tightened powerfully around them. 'Good, good,' Farr said, moving back and settling beside Everi. 'Give us a show, Scarlet. And don't hold back; I wanna hear you moan.'

'Yes, Master,' Scarlet panted, the first egg already pressing insistently at her cervix. She turned, still in the laying squat, so that Farr and Everi had a side-on view. That way, they could see her swollen belly, and as well as a good view beneath her tail.

As commanded by Farr, she didn't even try to hold back her pants and moans as the egg moved into her sex, spreading her pussy wide. The dragoness got louder again as she squeezed at the orb, slowly pushing it along her tunnel. She glanced around, struggling. The eggs weren't quite as big as Everi's had been when she'd had them translocated into her, but they were still difficult to push, having grown as they were in her belly.

Farr and Everi were watching intently, both of them smirking. Farr's fingers were stroking slowly over Everi's pussy, occasionally dipping inside, at which the copper dragoness moaned. Scarlet closed her eyes though, panting as the egg slid down another inch, the tip poking out of her pussy. 'Ooh, here it comes,' Farr remarked. The running commentary only increased her blushing but all thoughts were driven from her mind as the egg began to crest.

'Oh god,' she gasped, spreading her hinds further as her pussy was stretched to its limits. She clenched down as hard as she could, hearing Everi giggle, and the egg popped free, falling slickly to the cushions. As it fell free, something else released inside her; the dragoness's entire body locked up as she orgasmed silently, only the fact that she was laying keeping her upright.

'She's enjoying herself,' Farr whispered loudly to Everi conspiratorially, making sure that Scarlet could hear him. The orgasm only ended as the next egg passed through her cervix, leaving Scarlet gasping in deep, heaving breaths. Her blush was still hard on her face, but she was already feeling exhausted from the full-body climax and laying a single egg.

The second orb was just as difficult to lay and she came as it crested as well, once again removing her ability to even breath as it coursed through her. Sometime after it was over, she realised that Farr had left Everi's side and was patting her muzzle gently. Scarlet wanted to growl but she couldn't tear her mind away from her pussy and the succession of eggs stretching it. Instead, she just accepted the pets wordlessly, thankful for any encouragement with the difficult laying.

Slowly, very slowly, Scarlet's belly grew smaller as the pile of eggs beneath her pussy grew larger. Finally, they were down to the last one, Scarlet moaning as she came one last time, staggering a little as it fell from her sore sex. Her muscles trembled as she gasped, barely noticing Farr's presence as he pat her, then lifted the bottle to her lips. Mindlessly, she drank it between her pants, only to realise what it was as energy flooded her belly as the last of the fertility potion slipped down her throat.

She perked up a bit almost instantly as her tiredness was temporarily pushed away, the dragoness's heat seeming to intensify even though she'd just climaxed. A moan left Scarlet's muzzle before she could stop it, blushing hard as her tail jerked up the tiniest bit. 'There we go,' Farr said, patting her side with a smile. 'All ready for some new eggs now.' He trailed around behind the dragoness, paw rubbing at her side, then her haunch, and finally just around her pussy.

'No, don't...' Scarlet moaned, only sounding half sure. At the touch around her pussy, her tail jerked higher still, lowering even less. When the fox pushed a finger into her, she immediately clenched on it, the digit and a good part of Farr's hand getting slick. 'Get...out!' the dragoness moaned as her clenching got more rapid.

'Everi, why don't you help Scarlet practice her kissing skills?,' Farr said with a smile. 'Scarlet, practice on her. Should be hot to watch.' Everi smiled and rolled onto her feet, getting up with a grunt.

Scarlet was still trying not to moan as Farr fingered her pussy but she glared at the other dragoness. 'Don't you fucking dare,' she growled, but Everi just smiled, licking rather tenderly at Scarlet's nose before opening her muzzle. Scarlet immediately opened her own mouth, slipping her tongue into her former apprentice's mouth.

'Mmm, just like that,' Farr said with an appreciative feel of the dragoness's haunch, his other hand holding his cock as he raised the tip to Scarlet's entrance. The dragonesses' kiss got deeper, their jaws interlocking as their tongues coiled around one another. Everi gave a soft moan as she tasted her own pussy on Scarlet's tongue, eagerly seeking out the traces of her own juices. Farr's cock needed no extra attention with that; he was hard just watching his two pets make out in front of him.

He began to push slowly into her pussy, not having any trouble; the dragoness's sex was dripping wet. 'Looks like you're enjoying that kiss,' he snickered. Scarlet made a complaining grunt into Everi's maw and then a muffled moan as she was slowly spread. The command kept her engaged in the kiss as her tail jerked higher still, curling over her back instinctively as Farr slowly entered her. Even after laying a whole clutch, her sex was snug around his girth. His dragon-sized cock reached deep inside her, making her heat cry out in satisfaction, especially when the equally-large knot pressed against her folds.

Farr halted there, loving the sex gripping him from every direction. She felt different than Everi, but it was still very nice, the fox grinding his knot against her entrance a little, making the dragoness moan muffledly again. Everi was looser than Scarlet from Farr enjoying her far more often but she was more inviting; whenever Farr entered Everi, the dragoness eagerly clenched and milked lovingly at him, the effect only more pronounced when her udder was played with. Scarlet though, was tighter and seemed to be clenching down in an attempt to resist him. It felt like she was a challenge, the fox making her pussy mould around him as he forced her to yield around him, just like her desire and arousal soon would bend to focus on him. He felt her sex spasm around him, still not used to being spread so far by a cock, hearing her groan quietly in pleasure nevertheless as her body reacted.

'Soon, you'll be loose enough for me. How is she, Everi?' he said, breathing a little harder as he resisted the urge to thrust.

Everi broke the deep kiss with a grin. 'Pretty good,' she said with a purr. 'Could use a little more practice though.'

'Then keep going,' the fox snickered.

'Stop this!' Scarlet managed to gasp out before Everi was silencing her again, and it was then that Farr started thrusting into her. The dragoness gasped and shuddered, unable to break the kiss as she humped back a couple of times, unable to help the reaction. She was clenching down hard, Farr's shaft slick and wet, slipping in and out of Scarlet with ease.

Everi's purrs were mixing with Scarlet's muffled moans as Farr thrust into her, his knot slamming into her lips at the end of each movement. The dragoness's own hips were making short, humping motions back at Farr, meeting every thrust of his with one of her own. 'That's it,' Farr panted, giving the dragoness's ample rump a sharp slap. 'You really want this clutch, don't you!'

The knot pressed further and further into Scarlet, slowly spreading her entrance wide. Farr was determined to shove it into her and breed her properly, like a pet should be. Meanwhile, Everi had her eyes closed, tongue slowly exploring Scarlet's maw as the later whined and moaned, copying Everi's movements, but most of Scarlet's attention was focussed beneath her tail.

Farr's knot was growing larger as he got closer to a climax but that wouldn't save Scarlet. The large bulge hammered against the dragoness's lips, Farr's moans louder than hers as, finally, he forced it inside. Scarlet yelped, feeling what felt like a bowling ball pop into her pussy. Her walls wrapped tightly around it, preventing Farr from pulling out. From the outside, the large bulge was visible, distending her pussy from below.

The dragoness jerked as she was knotted, her heat culminating as she climaxed, breaking the long kiss with Everi as she howled, her pussy becoming vice-like around Farr. The fox grunted and moaned as he too began to cum, thick seed shooting from his tip and filling Scarlet's fertile womb. That set her off again, Everi backing off and smiling as she watched Scarlet cum from a successful breeding.

The flow of cum subsided a little as Farr rested against Scarlet, panting, but being a fox, it didn't completely subside. It would keep going for at least half an hour, if he remained knotted. Scarlet was panting, all of her tiredness coming back. Little aftershocks ran through her with every motion of the cock inside her. Now that it was over, she was coming back to her senses, a blush burning on her face as she remembered how eager she'd been, just a few seconds ago.

Trying to pull forward and off Farr's cock, the dragoness yelped as that translated to a sharp, intimate tug in a sensitive area. 'Calm down there,' Farr smiled, patting her rump slowly, still breathing rather hard. 'I'm not ready for a round two yet.

'That's not what I want!' the dragoness growled, slowly but insistently squirming forwards. Farr let her do it, the dragoness finding out pretty quick that he was still far too large to come out comfortably. As her pussy strained, she whined and then relented, pressing her undertail flush against Farr.

Of course, that was the exact moment that Farr decided to pull out. 'Stay still,' he ordered, Scarlet freezing apart from her whines, small squirms, and moans as he began to work his cock free of her. It took a couple of sharp tugs, sending small spasms through her pussy that made Scarlet yelp.

Farr braced his paws on her rump, giving the dragoness a few quick spanks before pushing hard on her to get more leverage. Her pussy was visibly bulging from below now, not wanting to release its hold on the knot. Every yank made Scarlet moan or help, whining uncomfortably. Everi moved her head around, watching in fascination. 'Never seen it from this perspective,' she murmured, her tongue flicking out to run across Scarlet's stretched folds. Eventually though, the knot popped out of her, along with quite a lot of fox seed.

As soon as it was removed, all of the strength seemed to vanish from her body. Now that she was bred, the energy burst from the fertility potion wore off, leaving Scarlet to sink exhausted to the cushions. Her sex was gaping open lewdly, letting Everi and Farr look deep inside her to see all of the seed that he'd put in her. Her tunnel was flexing weakly, making her inner lips twitch as she slowly began to close back up, large amounts of cum running down the soft scales of her thighs and vanishing when it reached the bed.

'Awww,' Everi said, grinning. 'I think she's tired. Wish that were me...'

'Hush,' Farr said, sitting down next to her. 'I just bred you, and she had to lay. Let her be for the night.' Everi huffed as Scarlet fell asleep almost immediately, not even curling up but just sprawled out in the position that she'd fallen. Her pussy was still visible, slowly dripping cum as they watched. The dragoness's tail was still curled over her back, leaving her stretched hole perfectly exposed as it leaked seed. Even asleep, Scarlet seemed to be experiencing orgasmic aftershocks; her pussy twitched every so often and she moaned gently.

Farr reclined against Everi, just as they had before coming here. Farr, tired himself from the breeding, began to snooze quite quickly and Everi soon followed.

Scarlet's belly swelled quickly in the next week, the development of the eggs greatly sped up by the potions she downed once a day. In the week, Everi reached her time to lay, enjoying it all the while as she came repeatedly, before begging Farr to breed her again right after. He obliged, just as he had with Scarlet.

Everi was still in control of Scarlet's every waking moment, sending her scurrying about the castle to fetch her things, or else keeping the former queen's muzzle firmly beneath her tail. Farr let her do it, himself still very busy. Eventually though, Everi began to get bored of the room and endless orgasms that she enjoyed at Scarlet's expense, so she began accompanying Farr about his day.

On this particular day, Everi woke late again, getting Scarlet to do her regular morning routine of milking, potions, licking, and fetching food, before she stood. 'We're going to the hall again,' Everi announced. Her belly wasn't as large as Scarlet's, yet, and she could move around far more easily. Scarlet had to haul herself up to follow, giving a soft whine. Leaving the relative privacy of the bedroom meant that her former servants would see her, but that was especially true in the hall.

She waddled after Everi, having to move faster due to her handicap. Everi kept her tail raised high proudly, showing off her swollen sex to anyone that cared to glance towards it. Scarlet was ordered to keep close behind her so that pussy filled her vision, always a foot away from her nose at the most. Once or twice, the dragoness in front abruptly stopped, leaving Scarlet, who couldn't slow down as easily, to run nose-first into the wet pussy. Each time, Everi laughed before continuing on.

They entered the hall from a side entrance. Farr was sitting on the dais in an ornately carved, oak chair with a tall back. The stone masons for the castle had eagerly offered to construct a proper throne, which they were in the middle of doing, especially when the fox had offered a generous commission for the work. While it was being made though, he used the chair. There was a farmer walking towards the door at the other end of the long hall, having just finished whatever business he wanted to discuss with the new lord.

Everi purred as she clambered up the steps, sprawling next to the temporary throne and placing her head within reaching distance of Farr's right hand. 'Morning, pet,' he said, petting her at once. The dragoness's purrs got louder until she glared at Scarlet.

'Get to work,' Everi snapped.

'You heard her,' Farr said, looking amused as Scarlet looked to him.

Whining, the dragoness did as she was told. She went to the other side of the throne, but turned so that her rump was facing the door at the other end, sprawled on her side on the stone. She curled her head around the back of the chair to see Everi's tail already moved out of the way, exposing her sex. Even though they were in the hall, Scarlet began to lick at her clit, pleasuring Everi where anyone could watch. She blushed hard, though no one could see that, as Everi moaned.

They stayed like that as the next petitioner came in, and the next one after that. All were former subjects of Scarlet's and her face burned hotter and hotter ass she heard the muffled and subdued snickers; one even laughed out loud at her humiliation. She was stuck on the dais, her own pussy all but on display as she buried her muzzle in her new master's other pet. She kept her tail firmly tucked down against her rump, but that was hard in another way, the pressure against her heated pussy making her needier as time went on.

Since Scarlet refused to ask Farr permission to do anything about it, knowing that she'd have to do it in front of everyone, the dragoness got more and more frustrated as time went on. She could hide her pussy with her tail but it was started to drip faster now, making a small wet spot on the stone.

After half a dozen inane peasants came to ask Farr for something, Scarlet scoffing internally from how he was treating them, there was a louder commotion from outside the antechamber to the hall. Scarlet's view consisted entirely of Everi's sex but she strained her ears, hearing trumpets and the neighing of horses, as well as a lot of loud voices.

The door to the hall opened with a bang and she heard loud footsteps as someone ran the length of the room. Everi pushed Scarlet away with her foot and the former queen immediately turned so that she could see, breathing a sigh of relief as she could also raise her tail a little; the cool air felt nice against her damp lips.

One of the guards was kneeling on the floor in front of Farr, breathless. 'My lord,' he panted. 'There's a dragon outside the gates. He says his name is Lord Riel and that he's come to greet the new lord of these lands, having known Scarlet when she was queen. There's a small contingent of soldiers with them as well.'

'Hmmm,' Farr said, glancing at Scarlet. The dragoness was doing her best to keep a neutral expression but inside, she was leaping for joy. Soon, I'll be free of him!

'Enough soldiers to be a threat?' Farr asked.

The guard shook his head. 'Not at all, barely enough to deal with bandits.'

Farr nodded slowly. 'Bring the on-duty guards here and line the hall, then invite them in. I don't trust a state visit without warning, but perhaps it truly is innocent. Best to take precautions though.'

The guard nodded and ran back out of the hall. 'Well, well,' Farr mused. 'How unexpected.' He glanced sideways at Scarlet but the dragoness kept her gaze resolutely fixed forwards, trying to look innocent.

Before long, the castle's guards filed in, standing at attention on either side of the room. The doors remained open so that they could see the outer doors open as well, revealing two lines of soldiers in different armour. They marched forwards in two lines, in front of a much larger, green male dragon. He was immediately recognisable as such; when they weren't pregnant, Everi and Scarlet were both rather slim and lithe. This dragon though seemed to be made of muscles, bulky and solid. Large horns curled back and up from his head, and he stood taller than Farr's two nesses, though not by terribly much. His scales were mostly dark, lightening to a bright emerald across his neck and belly.

'Welcome,' Farr said in a loud, ringing voice he though suitable for a lord as the soldiers stopped and moved apart, letting the dragon come before the throne. Everi was alert and wary beside Farr, ready to protect him if things went awry, a silent growl making her throat vibrate. It was normally the deepest of taboos for a dragon to fight a pregnant ness, but there was no telling how Farr would make the male act. Scarlet, on the other hand, was trying to prevent a smug smile from crossing her face. 'You are Riel, I presume. Welcome to my castle; I am Farr.'

'Greetings, Lord Farr,' Riel said. The words were respectful but there was something of a smirk to his face, and the tone was verging on patronising. 'I see that you've made yourself at home here. I thought that I'd come along when I heard the new of Scarlet's...ah...downfall.' His eyes flicked hungrily to the dragoness, raking over her egg-filled form before looking at Everi with interest as well. 'What beautiful females you have.'

'You should admire them then,' Farr said delicately, then in a louder voice, 'Present!'

A brief expression of embarrassed horror crossed Scarlet's face and Everi looked a little resentful but they both moved, turning around and raising their tails so that their sexes were on display to Riel. His eyes flicked between them greedily, shifting in his seated position slightly so that he could conceal his lower belly. Everi's sex was swollen and red from heat, the lips parted to bare her inner folds and clit, dripping steadily down her scales from the effects of Scarlet's tongue. Her clit piercing was proudly on display, the gem glowing faintly.

Scarlet's sex was glistening with arousal too, but not as much, and her sex looked tighter and less used, though in no less of a heat than her fellow dragoness. The barest hint of her clit was visible past the swollen lips, clearly waiting for someone to touch and please it. Soon I'll own both of those, Riel thought to himself, licking his lips. Scarlet is perfect for breeding, and it's time that bitch was under me. The other might be fun though too...she looks so eager.

'Very beautiful,' Riel said with a smile, breaking himself from his reverie. 'I see you keep them in heat, even while pregnant.'

The dragoness returned to their seated positions after a few moments. 'I like my dragonesses horny and ready to be taken at any time,' Farr said, then stood. 'Excuse my poor manners, Lord Riel. If we'd had more warning of your arrival, we could have prepared something to honour you.'

'That's not necessary,' the dragon said, smiling a little coldly. 'We just wanted to secure a peaceful transition of power in these difficult times. We did send a messenger but perhaps they were...waylaid. Don't go to any trouble on my account.'

'Nonsense,' Farr said, waving a hand. 'We'll have a banquet in your honour tonight. I'll tell the kitchens so they can begin preparing immediately. You and your party will be shown to our finest rooms as you wait; feel free to explore the castle as honoured guests.'

Riel bowed his head slightly; it was more a tiny nod than anything else. 'Thank you for your hospitality,' he said, rising. 'But I insist that you're two females come to the feast.' He didn't wait for a reply, striding from the hall, the soldiers turning sharply on their heels to follow.

Farr narrowed his eyes as he left. 'Don't trust him, Master,' Everi urged. 'He's up to something; I didn't like the way he talked to you.'

The fox's gaze flicked to Scarlet again but he didn't say anything, merely petting Everi again. 'I'm sure it'll be fine. Scarlet, go and inform the kitchens that there'll be a feast tonight; they'll need all of the time that they can get to prepare.'

'Yes, Master,' Scarlet replied, but it was with a happier tone than normal. She hauled herself up and couldn't stop smiling as she left the hall, too distracted to notice that her tail was still raised high...

With the news of Riel's arrival and the feast to mark it, the castle erupted into busy, barely-organised chaos. Servants rushed to and fro, down every hall. Farr and the dragons would dine along in the hall but there would be tables set out in the courtyard for everyone else. The kitchens were cramped with people, every available inch of space used to prepare food for the night.

Rooms had to be readied for Riel and his men almost as soon as they arrived, as well as refreshments and a lunch meal, straining the already overloaded servants. Scarlet was kept busy by Farr, running---or rather waddling quickly---around and delivering messages to everyone. She assumed that Everi was doing the same as Farr took command of the situation. Even the former queen had to grudgingly admit that the fox was doing a pretty good job under pressure.

It was evening by the time that Scarlet was allowed to rest, groaning at she flopped onto the bed in the sleeping quarters, her paws aching from holding both herself and the eggs for hours. Given a brief moment of peace, she looked at the eggs, nosing her side gently. Almost time for another laying, she thought with a sigh, shuddering. That had been the most undignified thing she'd done in her life, and since Farr had come, that truly meant something.

The dragoness only had a few minutes to herself to rest before was a knock on the door, the servant on the other side pushing it open before she could reply. Scarlet, who had been lifting her tail in a lewd stretch, flushed hard with embarrassment and outrage but the harried-looking servant spoke before she could, saying briskly, 'Lord Farr demands your presence in the hall immediately.'

They disappeared again and Scarlet whined as she hauled herself up, but smiled a moment later. Surely Riel would be overthrowing the fox at the feast; she'd be able to watch it happen! The smile stayed on her muzzle until she reached the hall, where a long table had been carried in. It was already set with plates, so far empty of food. Farr and Everi were at one end, something wrapped in canvas in front of them.

Scarlet made sure her expression was neutral as she approached the fox, who pointed to his left. She assumed her position, some cushions and blankets having been lain out for the dragoness to sit on. Neither Farr nor Everi spoke but Scarlet noticed Everi glaring resentfully at her. A knot rose in the pink dragoness's belly, only growing in size as she looked at the canvas in front of Farr.

Wordlessly, he through it back and Scarlet's heart leapt into her throat as she saw the equipment she'd used to message Riel. 'Tell me everything related to this,' Farr said in a quiet but firm voice, eyes boring into Scarlet.

Gulping, the dragoness had no choice but to obey, spilling out her plans to use Riel to free herself of Farr. Everi began to growl as she spoke, the sound getting louder as she went on until Farr held up a hand to silence them both. 'Quiet,' he growled, rubbing at the underside of his short muzzle as he thought. The dragonesses went silent until he nodded. 'All right, I have a plan. Scarlet, you are not to give any sign, through any method of communication, that I know what your plan is. Is that clear?'

Scarlet sneered a little, recovering her confidence. 'What difference does it make if you know? He'll still claim this castle, and I'll be his queen and Everi will be my bitch.'

Farr looked at her for a few moments. 'We'll see,' he murmured.

Everi was still glaring and growling at Scarlet but Farr said, 'You don't give a sign either, Everi. That'd ruin everything just as much.' Everi turned away as Farr raised a heavy metal goblet, bringing it down on the table with a low thud. The sound echoed through the hall, the doors at the other end opening at once as Riel stepped in cockily.

'Smells lovely in here,' he said with a smile.

'The food isn't out yet,' Everi said, a little scornfully.

Riel just smiled at her. 'I didn't say it was, my heated ness.' Everi went to growl but stopped herself. Farr took note though of how the male's nostrils were flaring; were Everi's hypnotic pheromones affecting him? If they are, this will become a lot easier...

The fox banged the goblet again and servants began to file in, holding lots of trays and platters of food. They placed them down along the circumference of the table and then bowed out. The dragons all had large haunches or chunks of spiced meat within reach, while Farr had more ornate dishes. The smell of hot meat and delectable spices wafted through the air, everyone tucking in with gusto.

There was little speech. Scarlet didn't want to say anything at all and started picking at her food before eating more enthusiastically, thinking that her lack of hunger might tip Riel off, which she was forbidden to do. The food was delicious, the cooks having outdone themselves even in the limited amount of time.

Riel's gaze occasionally lifted from his food to look at Everi or Scarlet, eyeing them up in between bites. Farr thought over his plan; he was a bit disappointed in Scarlet but this was to be expected from her. After all, it would've been naive to believe that she wouldn't try to undermine him at the first possible chance. He doubts that this would be the last time too. I'll need to find a way to channel that urge more predictably, he mused to himself, before turning back to the matter at hand.

Farr didn't try to rush things. For his plan to work, he needed Riel horny. That wasn't hard though; the pheromones of two dragonesses in heat, Everi's magically enhanced, filled the hall before long. Remarkably quickly, most of the food was devoured, the servants returning to clear and clean off the table. Farr sipped gently at some wine, judging the time to be right.

'Scarlet,' he said, making the dragoness jump. 'On your back, on the table.'

'What? Why?' Scarlet said in alarm, already moving. It took her a couple of tries to clamber onto the table but she managed it, laying on her back. Luckily the table was solid and well-built, creaking a little but showing no sign of breaking, even with the weight of a pregnant dragoness on top of it. 'What's happening?'

'Everi,' Farr said next,. 'Get on top of her, would you? Egg-whore, show off some of your skills; you've been training with Everi's sex for some time, after all. Everi, show how well she can moan, and let's give our guest a show, shall we?' He raised a cup to Riel over Scarlet's prone body. 'Some after-dinner entertainment, maybe even dessert.'

Riel grinned easily, having drunk a fair bit himself from a bucket-like mug that the servants kept topping up. Of course, Farr hadn't left that much to chance: a quick word to the head waiter and that mug had had some other things added, namely a weak arousal potion and a little stronger alcohol. Not enough that he'd likely notice, but the dragon would be, by now, ready to fuck and not thinking things through all that well.

Everi grinned and got onto the table a little more gracefully. Stepping over Scarlet, their swollen bellies pressed and rubbed together, Everi using her heavy udder to pin the other dragoness down as well. Riel was looking at it curiously. 'How did you add the udder?'

Smiling, Farr took a sip from his cup. 'It's a long story.'

Everi was having a little bit of difficulty, the two nesses' egg-filled bodies making it hard to get close to another another. Everi was rather squishing Scarlet into the table, making their scales rub as the eggs pressed against one another through their hides. The dragoness on top managed it though, their bodies slotting together a little with each's belly pressed against the other's chest. The udder pressed down heavily on Scarlet's throat, not choking her but making it very hard for her to move her head as the soft, full flesh pressed down all around. The pressure alone made some milk spurt out from the teats, pooling on the table. Everi grinned, pressing the udder down more firmly, reminding Scarlet of her place beneath her.

Scarlet gave a long, low whine, trying to lift her neck but the udder's weight forced it back down. Everi's pussy was suspended over her face, dripping down onto her muzzle slowly. 'Surely you know what to do by now, Scarlet,' Farr smirked. The dragoness whined but buried her muzzle into Everi's swollen cunt, Everi returning the favour a moment later. Both dragonesses let out muffled moans together, each with almost their entire muzzles buried deep in the other's pussy, stretching the walls out around their jaws.

Riel was watching them avidly, especially Scarlet as she began to grind up against Everi's muzzle in spite of herself. Everi was humping down at Scarlet with great enthusiasm, pressing her udder tightly against the dragoness below her. This time, she was doing it hard enough that Scarlet's throat was compressed on the end of every hump, cutting off her air. The pink dragoness gasped in air every time that Everi pulled her weight back, but that meant that, with her nose plunged deep into the dragoness's cunt, she was breathing more scent than oxygen, the smell of Everi's arousal filling her lungs. To make it even more difficult, Everi was licking feverishly at Scarlet's own sex and the dragoness, even when she could breath, was wasting her precious air moaning and whining in pleasure. Each time that the udder spurted some milk from the pressure, Everi's vent clenched down needily around Scarlet's muzzle, juices gushing onto her face.

Everi pressed her belly down hard against Scarlet's, both dragonesses moaning as that caused the hard shapes of the eggs to shift around inside their wombs, the orbs grinding against one another through their hides and scales. They each felt it intimately, Scarlet gasping uncomfortable and wasting a breath of air as Everi ground her udder against her throat again, smothering her for a few seconds. Then Everi had the idea to plunge two digits from each paw into Scarlet's sex, then spreading her tunnel wide. The dragoness's depths were exposed for a few seconds to Riel and Farr, both males able to see deep into her. Her walls were spasming and clenching down visibly as her juices made the silky walls glisten. They could only see for a few seconds before Everi stuffed her muzzle into the spread tunnel and began to lick again, making Scarlet gasp and moan.

Farr was feeling quite aroused himself but he was used to it; Riel, on the other hand, looked like he was almost ready to clamber to the dragonesses over the table. Smiling, Farr kept an eye on him and the other on the two dragonesses that were squirming and humping against one another on the table. Surprisingly, it was Scarlet's moans that began to rise first, a clear sign she was on her way to cumming already. Her licks to Everi's sex were faltering as she gasped in the other dragoness's scent. 'Don't let her cum, Everi,' Farr said, Everi stopping her ministrations with her tongue at once.

'Please!' Scarlet moaned before remembering who she was speaking to, and why. She blushed hard at her outburst.

Farr's smile grew wider. 'But it wouldn't be polite for you to cum from a mere pet's tongue, would it now? Not when we have a dragon here that is so clearly interested in you. Riel, would you like to try her out?'

Everi, Scarlet, and Farr all looked at the male dragon, who grinned. 'Why yes, I would,' he purred, standing. This time he made no effort to hide his arousal, his cock long and hard beneath his belly. He was larger than Farr, but not by too much considering the fox's enhancements. Scarlet was looking shocked and dismayed, probably not having thought that Riel would contribute further to her humiliation but either the male was too horny to care or he wasn't as much on Scarlett's side as the dragoness thought.

'You can have Scarlet,' Farr reminded, 'but Everi is all mine...' Everi purred at the words, wriggling her rump at Farr as the fox stood and walked behind her, his own cock out now. Riel didn't seem to have a problem with the split, eyeing Scarlet's swollen pussy. Helpfully, Everi reached down and used her claws to spread the lips, baring her inner folds to the dragon. Scarlet whined as she was exposed but Everi's weight kept her from so much as squirming.

Riel looked at the spread pussy and licked his lips, rearing up a moment later so that his front paws came down on the table on either side of the two dragonesses. Everi licked at the cock a couple of times as it swung beneath her muzzle, Riel growling in approval, before the female guided it the tip to Scarlet's sex.

As soon as he felt the warm, soft touch on the end of his cock, the male dragon thrust forward, not caring much for Scarlet's pleasure or comfort. The dragoness gasped loudly as the cock speared into her soaked pussy, making her walls stretch snugly around the girth. Farr was only one whose cock she'd felt in a while, and this was even bigger, leaving her breathless and muzzle hanging open.

Riel growled as he felt the tight pussy wrap around him, all the way down to the base of his cock as he slipped into the very wet sex with ease. 'As good as I imagined,' he purred in pleasure.

Everi's tongue lapped around where his cock merged with Scarlet's folds, targeting Scarlet's clit strategically so that the dragoness squealed, her pussy going wild around the dragon cock as the apex of her sex was sucked and licked. Everi kept it up enthusiastically, at least until Farr slid into her, then her moans joined Scarlet's. Farr had to stand on a chair so that he was at the right height but he didn't mind, slipping into Everi as he gave her rump a soft grope. Scarlet's vision was filled with his cock and balls, nose filled with the musky scent but she was too distracted to pay attention as Riel drew himself back, giving a powerful thrust into the dragoness.

Farr pushed into Everi until his knot was against her entrance, which had the unintended, but definitely nice, effect of resting his heavy balls right on Scarlet's nose. The dragoness went to pull away but Farr stopped that, saying, 'Why don't you treat them?' Scarlet whined but didn't have the will to even try to resist as Riel began to fuck her powerfully. With the potent male musk in her nose, and the heat and cock making her sex ache, she began to lick and nuzzle at the fox's crotch, inhaling thick breaths of his musk.

The fox began to thrust faster into Everi, matching Riel's speed. The pheromones and smell of sex filled the air of the entire hall, making it so anyone and everyone would immediately be able to tell that the orgy had taken place. Farr was getting close, Everi's arousal dripping out around his cock as the dragoness humped back, with loud, loving moans. The fox's knot began to grow but he didn't put it into Everi.

Scarlet had no choice but to watch the fox's length disappear lewdly into Everi's sex, sinking in as the dragoness's pussy eagerly clenched around it. Juices dripped out of her, especially when Farr pulled back, landing to join the rest on the dragoness's face. Every so often, Farr would pull out completely, leaving Scarlet to see Everi gape open for a moment before the cock was driven back into her, as deep as Farr could go so that his balls slapped against Scarlet's nose again, flooding it with male musk. Scarlet couldn't help but flush with embarrassment but shame as well; seeing them fucking so wildly, inches from her face, made it harder to ignore the cock driving into her own sex with rapid thrust.

'Make her moan, Everi,' he panted, the dragoness obeying instantly. Everi's tongue lashed at Scarlet's clit and the dragoness wiped her claws in some of Scarlet's juices, lubing them up in the copious amounts that were dripping down her belly, before thrusting them into the bottom dragoness's tailhole. Scarlet immediately clenched down of them, the feeling of a cock in her sex and claws in her ass making her feel supremely stuffed. There was no choice for her but to moan. Farr reacted immediately, pulling out of Everi's sex at the last moment before he came and shoving his cock a little lower, right into Scarlet's open maw. The dragoness made a small glurk as the slick shaft slid down her tongue, her moan cut off before it could form, whining as Farr began to cum right down her throat. The dragoness moaned, drinking it down but quickly feeling full with her insides cramped from the eggs and Everi's weight on top of her. 'Everi, let Riel have a taste of you!' Farr said, giving a loud moan as he climaxed.

Everi whined as she was left close to orgasm but obeyed, clambering around on Scarlet so that they were facing the same way and she was presenting her pussy to Riel at around head height. Scarlet moaned and gasp as their bellies rubbed and pressed against one another, but she was happy as the weight left her, finally able to gasp in a deep breath. The scales of their bellies moved against one another, Everi not being able to lift her belly up completely, but Scarlet was more free to squirm and breathe. At least until Everi all but threw herself back down onto the lower dragoness, pressing their clutch-filled bodies tightly together and making Scarlet wheeze around Farr's cock as the breath was forced back out of her lungs but Everi's weight, the top dragoness pressing down dominantly.

When presented with another dragoness's pussy, tantalisingly close and wet, the male dragon couldn't resist, shoving his muzzle deep into Everi's folds as he licked and inhaled her scent. Farr smiled to himself, petting Everi's muzzle as she licked him while purring, Scarlet moaning around his cock as seed was unloaded into her belly. Riel couldn't resist the magically enhanced pheromones, not completely when he was breathing them in from the source like that. Everi gasped and moaned, humping back a moment later, as she began to cum on Riel's tongue, her juices gushing out over his muzzle and dripping onto Scarlet.

The male dragon still wasn't done, and was eager in any event to try out the exotic modifications that had been made to Everi. His muzzle left her sex, nose wet with her juices, and eagerly began to suck on a teat, tasting the sweet milk that Everi constantly produced. The dragoness jerked as she was suckled on, cumming again instantly and making Scarlet and Riel even slicker as she gushed onto them. Riel didn't mind, switching back and forth between the slick cunt and the unusual udder, licking and suckling like it was all he wanted.

With that, Riel couldn't hold back any longer. He thrust deep into Scarlet so that his tip jammed against her cervix, and began to cum, pulsing seed deep into the dragoness. She jerked, unable to help climaxing as well as she was filled with the hot cum. She moaned around Farr's length, sex clenching in waves up and down the thick dragon cock inside her.

Panting hard, Riel yanked his length back out of Scarlet, pulling his muzzle reluctantly away from Everi as well as he dropped to all fours again, leaving his cum to run from Scarlet's stretched sex. Farr pulled out of Scarlet's maw as well, taking a long look at the male dragon. The powerful orgasm and the effect of Everi's heat had obviously done something to him. The dragon seemed dazed, slightly out of it. 'That was amazing,' he murmured. 'Can't wait until I can do that whenever...'

Betraying his plans already, Farr thought, raising an eyebrow. Everi's effects are really strong on him. 'Shall we retire, Lord Riel?' he said, startling the other male from his fantasies. 'We can discuss politics in the morning, when we're more rested.'

It took a few moments for Riel to parse the words but he began to nod slowly, then more vigorously. 'Yes,' he said slowly. 'That would be good. I think I shall go back to my room...' He went from the hall slowly, with deliberate steps as his cock, still dripping a mixture of his and Scarlet's cum, hung beneath him.

Farr turned back to the two dragonesses; Everi had clambered off the table, panting, but Scarlet was laying there, exhausted and humiliated. Farr's taste was thick in her muzzle and the area around her sex was messy with cum, and not just her own. It felt like she was covered head to tail in Everi's cum, her muzzle and neck slick with the stuff as well as her belly. There was milk over her scales as well from where it had spilt or spurted onto her. It was quite clear that she'd been well used by everyone involved, male and female, dragon and fox, pet and master. She smelled strongly of sex and a good deal of that was from her expected saviour. 'How's your plan going, Scarlet?' Farr said, amused. 'Was getting fucked in an orgy part of it?'

Scarlet turned her gaze on him venomously. 'Fuck you, Master,' she growled, having to refer to him as such even when she was insulting him.

'I'd much rather fuck you,' Farr laughed back. 'But since you're still so recalcitrant...we can't have all this cum staining our hall, and I won't ask the servants to do it. You can, with your tongue. I want the table and floor free of even a single drop by the morning.'

That made Scarlet whine pitifully but she was already dragging herself up to begin. As she did, Riel's load of thick seed poured from her sex, down her thighs, and onto the floor, making an even bigger mess for her to clean. She whined, going to lick it, but even as she did, her well-fucked vent dripped more onto the ground behind her. Until it stopped dripping, she'd be cleaning in a circle. 'Come, Everi,' Farr said, walking from the room with his pet at his side. 'We have some work to do...'