Our Life - Chaper 1

Story by Flowersthehorse on SoFurry

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Our Life...

(The story of a cat that gets pregnant.)

Chapter 1 - Lily

I woke up this morning feeling nausious. I looked over to see if my

husband was still in bed. I could smell eggs and bacon. I got up to

run to the toilet. Tom my husband came in to see if I was ok. I told

him that my stomach felt weird and that I was sick. He went and got

me some ginger ail. At breakfast I didn't eat. I started to feel better

around noon. Because I was in bed the entire time I decided to go take

a shower and change. Tom came in to check up on me. When I got out of

the shower I was a little hungery so I ate. I went to go watch tv and

Tom came in to cuddle with me. I was wondering why I was sick and he

said that it could have been a stomach bug. Or because we had been

trying for a baby I might have been pregnant.

I got all excited. We went to a doctor to see if I was pregnat. I

remember the cold icky gell on my stomach. It had made my fur get all

tangled. We had to wait hours for our results. But when we got them back

the answer we had been waiting for was posative. The doctors said

that I was having a girl. When we got home it was ten thirty at night.

So we went to bed. Tom kept on trying to snuggle but for some reason

I didn't want to be touched. The next morning I got up very early with

huge stomach pains. I knew that I wasn't in labor but ever sense I

found out that I was pregnant I wasn't being myself. I started really

wanting food. I made me some eggs but got all tired agian.

7 months later I started getting cramps like crazy. By that time I

couldn't wait to get the girl who would be named Lily out of me.

As the last month came I went into labor. Tom quickly Drove me to the hospital.

I laid here in pain for 7 hours. When Lily finally cam I felt much

better. The doctors told me that she was a very healthy kitten. Tom wasn't

in the room when she came out but he did see her afterwards.