Saphira's Dream

Story by Calkulater on SoFurry

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#4 of Saphira Finds A Mate

Disclaimer: I don't own any character in this story except Saraha the elf and Aura the dragon.

This story is copyright (c) 2007 by me, Calkulater, so no stealing!

Chapter 4

Saphira's Dream

Saphira awoke with a startle. It was still dark outside the cave. She'd been dreaming about places and things that she had never seen before, but only wished that she'd really been there. Thorn was snoring (loudly) a few feet away from her. "I wondered why I kept hearing rumbles in my dreams..." she thought. "He's so cute when he's asleep."

Thorn was oblivious to her observations, lost in a deep dreamless slumber. The enormous red dragon was lying on his back with his neck curled around near his shoulder, and his tongue was hanging out of his mouth and forming a puddle of drool. His tail was twitching, and a foot would occasionally twitch. The very tip of his enormous member was poking out of its sheath, making Saphira chuckle to herself.

Saphira walked over to the mouth of the cave and looked out over the forest. She loved being out here with nobody to bug her, and Thorn always ready to please. She wondered if she was beginning to get a bit spoiled. Unfortunately, she knew she might not see this sight very much once she went back to civilization. Hopefully Murtagh would understand and let them be together. She knew Eragon would, but with Murtagh and Thorn being under Galbatorix's control, they might never see each other again once this was over.

A shooting star streamed across the sky. Saphira wished that Thorn could stay with her. She then walked over to where Thorn was sleeping and nuzzled his chin. She lay down next to him, pressing as close as she could to him without waking him up. She mumbled that she loved him in the ancient language* and closed her eyes.

Thorn awoke silently and without moving. He felt Saphira lying up next to him. He silently wrapped his wing around them both and went back to sleep.

The next morning, Thorn woke up to find that they were in the same position as before. He just laid there against his mate and thought about how he was going to get Murtagh to let them stay together. Suddenly, he had a terrible thought: "If Galbatorix learns about us being together, he will use me to get to her! I must not tell anyone about this until I know she is safe from me."

He nuzzled Saphira's neck and growled softly near where her ear should be to wake her up. Saphira woke with a startle, but Thorn was prepared for the sudden appearance of her blue form. He'd wrapped his wing tighter around her so she wouldn't jump up again like last time. "Saphira, my dear, you really must stop startling yourself like that. You might hurt someone!" Thorn said sarcastically.

"Well, how would you like to wake up to find you're being held down by some growling creature?" She lifted her head and looked around to him. She saw the worried look in his eyes and knew something wasn't right. "What's wrong?"

Thorn hesitated and looked down. He began explaining what he thought earlier. "If Galbatorix learns about this, he'll use it against one or both of us. Once we part ways, not only can I not tell anyone about this, but we may never see each other and act friendly again. You must also tell Eragon that he cannot act differently because of our relationship. I wish we could always stay together, but if I have to sacrifice our relationship to save you, then so be it."

At this, Saphira thought back to the star last night. To think she'd believed in a wish. "I hate that this can't last. Why can't Galbatorix stop being an ass and just let people live free? It's not as if anyone could hurt him if he'd lift his iron fist! Why doesn't anything ever go right for me?" Saphira said sadly. She began to sob, which, being a dragon like she was, looked like a small blue mountain that's heaving and moaning.

Thorn looked at her strange, knowing that she didn't usually act like that. "It's going to be ok. I'm still here; I won't leave until I have to. There's no need to cry."

"I'm sorry. I don't know why I acted like that. It must be my hormones. I know you would never leave me unless you had to," Saphira said, still recovering from her outburst. She wiped a tear from her eye and turned to look at Thorn. "There has to be a way to fix this. If we work together, all of us, including Murtagh and Eragon, maybe we can free you from his rule."

"Maybe, but right now, let's not worry about that. It'll only cause us problems if we go around scheming to do something against him. Right now let's just worry about the present." Thorn said this with an air of finality. He licked Saphira's cheek and got up. "I'm going to find us some food. I'll be back soon."

"I love you, Thorn. I hope this works out..."

Thorn smiled the best he could with his draconic face and took off. As he flew away, Saphira thought about how she could free him from Galbatorix.

A few minutes later, Thorn called Saphira with a note of amazed urgency to his voice. "Saphira! You've got to see this! I've never seen anything like it before!"

Saphira got up from her drawing in the sand on the ground. "What is it, my love?"

"I don't know, but it's amazing. You really must come see," Thorn replied, at the same time sending her a sort of mental homing signal.

"Ok, I'm coming. I'd better like this, or you're going to owe me big time." Saphira walked over to the ledge and took off, quickly gaining altitude and speed. It didn't take her long to find Thorn, who had flown up to meet her. When he saw her, he told her to follow him and started flying towards the lake. Saphira followed close behind, wondering what could possibly be so brilliant.

Thorn touched down in the sand on what looked like a large sand bar with trees that should have been more ragged looking than they were. He waited for her to land, then said, "Close your eyes and grab onto my tail. I want you to see it to its full effect."

Saphira sighed and did what he said. Thorn walked inside the trees and stopped a few feet in. "Open your eyes."

Saphira opened her eyes and gasped. What she saw before her was indeed the most amazing thing she'd ever seen.

"It's... It's beautiful... I've never seen anything like it!" Saphira said with a look of total awe on her face. She walked over to Thorn and nuzzled his neck, eyes watering for no apparent reason. "How did you find this? It looks like it's gone untouched for hundreds of years!"

Thorn was just as amazed as her, though he wasn't expressing it quite as much. The crystal garden, if that was what it was, was quite a sight to behold. He walked over to what looked like a dedication tablet. What he saw further amazed him. "It's a tomb. Someone made this for a dragon named Aura. Come read this inscription."

Saphira walked over and read, "Aura the dragon, Loving mate, Dedicated mother, A perfect soul. Sounds like whoever made this must have really loved their mate. They must have known a lot about magic, too, since crystal this beautiful is very rare."

Thorn had walked further into the garden, and suddenly called to Saphira. "Come look at this!" Saphira walked to him and saw a dragon encased in the clear stone below her. "That must be who the tablet is referring to. It's amazing that her body was preserved all this time." Saphira moved her head closer to the ground to get a better look. "She has horrible wounds all over her body. She must have had a gruesome and painful death from the looks of them. I feel sorry for whoever was her mate."

Saphira lay down on the crystal and closed her eyes. She had been holding back tears from the sight of the dead dragon's body, but she could no longer hold them. A tear fell from her chin, and when it hit the ground, the crystal monument suddenly lit up with a shining light. Small crystal rose buds started sprouting all around them, making the sight all the more incredible.

Suddenly they both heard a faint whisper of thought. "I've heard that same sound before..." Saphira said. The whispers kept going, though nothing comprehendible was actually said by them.

"I heard it yesterday when I was hunting for the fish over this lake. I wonder what's causing them," Thorn replied without turning his head.

The whispers started to get louder. "... Help me..." they heard from an invisible source. Suddenly, a bright orb of light started shining in front of the pair. A draconic form grew from the light and became a translucent glowing dragon. The light died down a bit, though it didn't stop shining. "...Help me..." The ghost said out loud. "...Save me from this hell..."

"Who put you in this place? How can we save you from this tomb?" Saphira asked, genuinely afraid now.

"...My mate Glaedr has put me here. Galbatorix has stolen my soul and kept me from truly dying. I have lived in pain for almost five hundred years, never being able to heal, never able to die. I only have one wish: save me from this hell. Pass my message on to my only love." With that, the whispers began to die down and the light faded away. Saphira looked at the body below her to see it ringed with light, its eyes glowing and its mouth open in a silent scream. The whispers formed one last message, this one more powerful than the rest, though still barely audible: "...Help me..."

Thorn was standing above Saphira, who had fallen asleep on the crystal and had started moaning and shivering in her sleep soon after. He nudged her with his snout, waking her.

"It was a dream..." Saphira mumbled. "I dreamed that a dragoness' ghost had appeared from these rocks and had told me to save her from the hell that Galbatorix had put her in. You were there too. I could have sworn it was real. She wanted me to pass her message on..."

"Well, let's go. You're obviously not fit to be out of the cave right now, I'll help you get back if you need it." Thorn offered.

"I'll be fine. You just get us some food; meet me back in the cave."

Thorn walked her to the entrance of the tomb. As they went to fly away, they both looked back at the tomb. It looked... older, somehow. After they took off and parted ways, they both heard one last plea, this time a real one: "...Save...Me..." and then they heard whispers until the monument was out of sight.

Saphira waited eagerly for Thorn to return with food. She'd only arrived at the cave two minutes ago, but she was already anxious for his return.

"Saphira, I am coming back now. I can not find anything, the forest seems deserted. We'll have to wait until tomorrow," He apologized.

"That's okay, but you better not leave me with a wasted day..." Saphira said this with just enough mystery to turn Thorn on.

"How do you know that much about me? I'm not going to cater to your every wish, you know." Thorn said to her with an obvious note of sarcasm.

"Well, look who's talking. You couldn't resist me if you said that in the ancient language. I know you males all want the same thing sooner or later," Saphira triumphantly told him.

"Damn you, why do you always win? Why can't you ever give me a choice?" Thorn only said that to play along with her game. They both knew what the other wanted. He landed in the cave to see (and smell) Saphira's form waiting in the shadows. He went over to her, dropping down beside her and giving her a sloppy wet lick on the cheek.

"Gross, I've got dragon germs! Get them off!" She said playfully.

"I made it extra wet and sloppy just for you." Thorn rolled onto his back, playfully refusing Saphira's foreplay.

You know you want this!" Saphira crooned in her sexiest voice. She silently moved her tail up to stroke his sheath. When she touched it, Thorn initially tried to continue the play refusal, but finally gave in when she continued. When the head of his member poked out, she reached her neck over and wrapped her tongue around his dick. By now Thorn had gone limp, his tongue rolled out of his open mouth.

Saphira marveled in the surprisingly pleasant taste of his penis. He was panting underneath her, limp from her pleasuring him. He was halfway out by now and lengthening fast. She stopped bobbing and just wrapped her tongue as many times as she could around him. He was basically using her tongue to pleasure himself on the way out of his sheath. When he was fully out, Saphira said to him in a husky voice, "Now, where's my payment?"

Thorn woke from his trance to see her sopping wet pussy lips right next to his face. She was still ready to please him, but was making it a trade. He stretched his neck out and started cleaning the leaking pussy juices from her hindquarters. Saphira tensed up, an exact opposite of Thorn's going limp. She began to lick him again, but this time she was trying for the finish.

Thorn kept licking around her lips, never actually touching her pink rose. She was putting out more and more of her juices with each lick. Saphira let off her scent, right next to his nose. Thorn smelled it and loved her all the more for it. He finished cleaning her scales and finally entered her with his tongue. She tasted like she smelled, like rosemary and cookies. She was clenching his tongue softly, giving off more of her scent. Thorn had just the right amount of skill to take her to the edge but never push her off.

Saphira was drooling all over his dick, from the taste and her own pleasure. She was pleasuring Thorn as he was her. Every time a drop of precum would ooze out of his member, she would lick it up. Like Thorn, she had the skill to bring him away from the edge before he could fall.

They went on like this for several minutes until, as if by some unspoken agreement, they let each other go over the edge. Saphira was oozing and clenching on Thorn's tongue, Thorn throbbing and squirting on hers. This was a gentler affair than their other sex acts, one to merely strengthen their bonds. Their orgasms didn't last very long, but they were better and more pleasurable than the rest.

When they were done, they cleaned each other up. They got up and moved into a deeper part of the cave to sleep. Saphira lay down next to Thorn, who also lay down and wrapped his wing around her. They slept belly-to-belly, looking into each other's eyes. They silently communicated a message of trust and love.

Review! Then tell me what you would like to see in the next chapter.

*I would've said it in the ancient language, but I didn't know the words.