Dungeons & Adders CH8

Story by muzzlesndiapers on SoFurry

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#8 of Dungeons and Adders

CH8 of Dungeons & Adders

Chapter 8

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Kassa laughed as he and a pair of rats wandered towards the outskirts of the woodlanders' village, all sharing a stolen bottle of port.

"Did you see the look on that doe's face when I cut her son's cock'n'balls off?", the black rat laughed drunkenly.

"Or when Kassa stuffed the cock'n'balls down the doe's throat?", the brown rat added, equally drunk. "Her dying while choking on her own son's genitals as her son bled to death, hilarious!"

Unbeknownst to the vermin, they were being observed.

"Vile verminy pieces of shite.", a young buck hare said, nocking an arrow to his bowstring.

"Wait, young levert.", the older doe next him said as nocked an arrow to her own bow. "Wait for them to get a little closer wot wot, and remember, we need one alive for questioning."

Kassa squealed as he was startled by a butterfly fluttering in front of him, causing the rats to laugh at him.

"Watch out!", the brown rat chuckled, poking the ferret in the belly with his boarding pike. "It might get yer!"

"Ha ha!", the black rat laughed as he chugged the last of the port.

Kassa glared at his underlings, preparing to flog both them for their impedance.


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The brown rat feel to the ground, an arrow sticking out of his forehead.

Kassa gave another high-pitched squeal as the black rat unsheathed his cutlass, looking about fearfully for the enemy.


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Another arrow darted out from the underbrush, sinking deep into the rodent's singular eye, killing him instantly.

"AAAIIIEEE!!!", Kassa squealed, preparing to flee back towards the ship.

_Gotcha ya, scum, _the hare's squirrel ally thought as leapt from his perch in the branches, tackling Kassa to the ground.

"AAAAIIEEE!!!', the ferret squealed as the squirrel loomed over him, swinging a blackthorn club down onto his head.