Inauguration Day in Devout America

Story by Domus Vocis on SoFurry

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#29 of Maverick Hotel side content

Just another in-universe report I made up, detailing the state of presidential inaugurations in my dystopian world of Maverick Hotel.

NOTE: To avoid shitposting and political ranting in the comments, let's all just agree that you're reading this because a) you're looking for some entertainment b) you want to read a dystopian furry story or c) the most likely of reasons, you want to read something that'll make you feel like a romantic horndog. Let's all just have fun. Alright? Alright.

The observance of Inauguration Day (sometimes referred to as the 'Day of America's Resurrection', or 'American Resurrection Day') as a national holiday began on January 20th, 1997, the day that the Revenant Party's third consecutive U.S. President was inaugurated. In previous inaugural events throughout the history of the United States, such a day had been viewed as a peaceful transition of power. During his inauguration speech however, under the guidance of his political party and the influence of its leader David Farthing, the incoming President gave an inaugural address many historians now refer to as the 'We Are Reborn' Speech. The U.S. government was now reorganized into the Devout States of America.

Inauguration Day is commemorated by loyal Devout citizens as a quadrennial celebration of the Devout States' ascension as a nation reborn from the ashes of Old America. The National Church honored it as a holy day when the country transformed into a Christian nation of pious furs dedicated to expanding Devout Protestantism to the rest of the world. The amalgamation of inaugurating a new one-party leader and reminding the populace of how far their country has risen from its 'corrupt past' can be found in how much the budget for Inauguration Day is never reduced but increased. Sometimes tenfold.

It should be noted that unlike the previous U.S. presidential inaugurations, which moved the date to January 21st if January 20th scheduled on a Sunday, Inauguration Day occurs on a Sunday regardless. Another factor to be made aware of is how the Bible the incoming president swears upon is rumored to be a family heirloom belonging to the Farthing family, which David assumingly left behind as the final product during his tenure in the White House.

In Washington, D.C., the Devout Presidential inauguration takes place before the festivities. Depending on the country's region or cities, Inauguration Day is celebrated in various ways and traditions throughout Devout America. Along the East Coast, state-sponsored parades took place within large cities such as D.C., New York City, Boston, and Philadelphia. Along the Gulf Coast and in Devout territories in the Caribbean and Mexico, the Revenant Party utilized Inauguration Day in its propaganda efforts by distributing free food rations and refurbishing their capitols' infrastructures for the celebrations every four years. Past the Appalachians into the Midwest, the festivities are limited only to larger cities such as Chicago, Columbus, Omaha, and others, oftentimes due to the harsh weather during the season.

This is not to say there's no celebrations to be found in the Midwest, with towns either hosting an indoor community barbeque at the town or city hall for all furs to attend, hosting a dance at the largest school or church, or even setting off fireworks as if it were the Fourth of July. In fact, it isn't uncommon for the most fanatical and propagandic of Inauguration Day celebrations to be equating the holiday to America's 'second revolution'.

Meanwhile in the Western Republic, considered by many throughout the world as the true successor government of the former United States, Inauguration Day is celebrated more solemnly. It is considered by its citizens as a day of remembrance towards the Old America and the fall of democracy west of the Rocky Mountains. It is remembered as tragic moment in American history when theocratic tyranny became official doctrine, when politicians elected by and for the people no longer protected the people, and is a day dedicated to remembering the millions of furs suffering and sacrificing throughout the ongoing Second Civil War.