Introducing New Members

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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In the next saga of Joining the Pack, Clyde gets initiated fully into the Kennel, but things are not what they seem and the new pup Silver finds that there is something strange going on both with him and the other members of his new pack.

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Clyde slowly looked outside of his room, peeking around for his roommates to see if they were there and when they weren't he closed his door and locked it behind him. Even though he was wearing his normal clothes on that covered the rubber jockstrap and collar that he wore it still felt strange for him to go out in it, but in the orders that had been given to him recently by the Houndmaster he was supposed to wear both now at all times even when going out in public. He had just finished his latest round of home training, which included the meal that filled his belly, and needed to go out in order to clear his head. The enthrallment sessions that he was undertaking along with everything else had started to melt together and it was starting to get harder to remember where Silver ended and Clyde began... which made him wonder whether or not that was the intention as he made his way out onto the college campus.

With the cold weather and it being night time there weren't that many people out walking, which was just fine for Clyde as he made his way over towards the forest trails that surrounded the campus. He had been going there more and more as a means to clear his head and think, and with it getting harder and harder to do he found himself being out way more often. As he started to make his way through the woods however he was finding it to be almost too cold for him to walk around himself. After about ten more minutes he reached a point where he could do a short loop and decided to go for that one since he was essentially halfway through already.

As Clyde was just about to start getting back towards the campus he heard a rustling of leaves next to him that caused him to pause. He hadn't thought to bring a flashlight with him since the light pollution of the city made it easy enough to walk without needing it, but he suddenly wished he had as he tried to peer into the darkness of the surrounding woods. "Hello?" Clyde called out, trying to see if there was more movement. "Is somebody there?"

There was no response except for the occasional hoot of an owl and he could feel the chill starting to set into his body which prompted him to move once more. He only got a few steps though before there was another rustle, this time closer to him in a set of bushes that was still further ahead. Even though his mind told him he was probably just startling some sort of woodland creature he couldn't help but feel his muscles tense, especially when the shrubs once more moved while unprompted. It was a small lot of woods in the middle of the park, Clyde thought even as he found himself taking a step back, there couldn't be any sort of wild creatures out there, could there?

Just as Clyde started to debate on which way to bold someone suddenly popped out of the bushes, letting out a loud bark that caused him to jump nearly a foot in the air. The next thing he heard was laughter as he pressed his hand against his chest while the other went against his knee as his heart pounded in his chest. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you that badly," the voice of the man said as Clyde continued to look down at the path in order to continue to calm himself down. "I just noticed that you were in the area and thought that this was finally a chance to meet Silver in the flesh."

Just as Clyde thought he had managed to regain control of his breathing it caught in his throat as he heard the name that only a few knew him by. When a hand stretched out to help him he saw that the man's hand, and his entire arm for that matter, was covered in black rubber and had bright red paw pads on the underside. Even before he looked up at the face of the one who scared him he knew who it was, though it did confirm it when he looked up and saw the red pup hood and black rubber catsuit and jock that was hidden only behind a thick furry coat, thigh-high shorts, and leggings that were also a bright red. It looked like the man had stepped right out of a fetish club and onto the trail he was on but Clyde knew better that was probably his normal attire.

"You must be Red," Clyde said, the rubber pup letting out a happy bark and nodding. "Aren't you worried about people seeing you like that?"

"Not really," Red replied with a shrug. "Most of the time we only go out at night anyway, which is just fine considering that's when all the clubs are open, and it's not like we need to go to work since our website pays for everything. Speaking of which when are we going to get with your photo shoot? Oh wait, you're still not a proper member of the kennel club yet, which is a shame because you've already taken some lovely photos of yourself but we need something more professional for the site, and did you enjoy the ones that I sent back?"

Clyde could feel himself blushing slightly as he remembered the photos that he had both sent and received ever since Red reached out to him. They were mostly nudes or photos in their gear, with Clyde often sending one after his training either in the fitness center or in his dorm. Most of the time he didn't even remember taking him but once he had scrolled back and saw that they had shared almost every inch of their rubbery bodies with one another. It also allowed him to see the progress that he was making as he saw the toned, muscular body of the rubber pup in front of him, and as he looked he did wonder why Red or Blue never sent him anything with the catsuit or hood off when they have seen what he looked like.

"Hey Red, hold on," Clyde said he realized something. "How did you know I was in the area anyway?"

"Through your phone of course, silly pup," Red replied with a giggle. "That's how any of us can find each other, just look for the dot with the appropriate color and got to that spot to find the corresponding pup. Of course there's also a tracker in your collar but that's just something that The Houndmaster has access too."

The Houndmaster... the mention of those very words of the man with the rubber wolf hood sent shivers of pleasure down his spine, and the way Red moved he guessed that he had a similar reaction. Even with several months of fitness training, hypnotic suggestion tracks, meal planning, and even sexual training in front of his computer the only time he had even heard from The Houndmaster was the occasional good boy or good pup that he got, which admittedly was enough to send him over the edge most times. He had let this man start to dictate his entire life and he didn't even know who he is or met them in real life, though part of him wondered if he even wanted to.

"So, Silver," Red asked, snapping Clyde out of his thoughts as he felt a pair of rubber hands press against his shoulders. "Are you being a good boy?"

Those words, Clyde felt the answer come up to his lips unbidden. "Yes, I am being a very good boy," came Clyde's reply, hearing a bark in his mind as he let the words flow without resistance before he regained control of his voice again. "It's been a bit hard but I've been keeping up with everything."

"Well then, I think you deserve a treat," Red said as he moved over towards Clyde, moving forward and kissing him on the lips. It always amazed him how stiff yet soft the fronts on the pup hood masks were, making it feel like he was pressing against an actual muzzle instead of just the usual flimsy rubber as he heard a click. "Time for you to come with me."

Clyde looked down in slight shock at the bright red rubber leash that Red had attached to his collar, which caused him to suddenly feel the need to follow the other man as he watched him start to walk down a different trail. "W-wait, hold on," Clyde said, prompting Red to stop and turn back to look at him. "I really shouldn't, I still have studying to do and I need to get up early for classes."

"Have you already looked through your material at least once?" Red asked, a question that took Clyde slightly by surprise.

"Well, yes, and the lecture notes," Clyde replied, feeling himself starting to tremble slightly as Red started to move back towards him. "But... I should still review them... at least a few more times..."

"If you've been listening to The Houndmaster as dutifully as you should then you won't have a problem forgetting anything," Red said as he leaned in to the point where his nose was practically touching Clyde's face as he leaned back. "So unless you've just lied to me and you've been a very naughty puppy we should be good to go. Are you actually a naughty puppy Silver, or do you deserve the treat?"

"No, I'm a good puppy!" Clyde exclaimed back, feeling an almost panic take over him as he suddenly found himself wanting desperately for Red to believe that he was in fact doing everything he had been told, which he was. "I've been a good boy, I do deserve a treat!"

"Of course you are," Red said, the corners of his mask turning up into a grin as he patted Clyde on the head. "Now let's go, unless you wish for Silver to come out and help you get to where you need to go."

For a second the world around Clyde spun slightly at the mention of Silver coming out, though it didn't seem to be the full phrase that brought him back into full puppy mode. It did cause him to shake his head slightly as he heard several more barks in his mind as he walked down the path with Red while not even paying attention to where he was going. At first he thought that they were going somewhere in the woods but to his surprise they walked out of the forest and towards a vehicle that had been parked on the entranceway to the trails. It was the only one in the area due to how cold it was so no one saw the man dressed head to toe in rubber with bright red fur over it practically prancing his way to an equally red car with another behind him being led along by a leash.

Part of Clyde wished that he could put on his pup hood, he thought to himself as he looked around to see if anyone was there. He could only imagine what it would be like if someone caught a picture of him like this that would no doubt end up on social media. It was enough to cause him to turn even redder than his exposed skin had been in the cold and as he tried to rub the heat back into the areas it made him wonder how the other guy wasn't shivering uncontrollably with only his rubber suit on. Just as they got to the car however they saw flashing lights start to head towards him and Clyde's heart sank when he saw the words campus police on the side of it.

Red didn't seem bothered by that at all and just waited by the side of the vehicle, holding onto the leash more firmly as though to keep Clyde from trying to run off as they waited for the man inside to get out. "Excuse me, there is no parking here during the-" Clyde saw a look of slight surprise on the man's face when he got around to seeing the rubber pup leaning there in a way that showed off his body as Clyde put a hand against his face. "Oh... I didn't realize it was you Red."

"That's alright sweetie," Red said, Clyde suddenly looking up to see that the security guard was actually blushing slightly. "Don't worry, I'm just about to move, I was just picking up our newest member of the pack here. I'm sure that I can rely on your discretion as usual?"

"Yes, The Houndmaster's Kennel will be protected," the security guard said, this time causing Clyde to be surprised. He remembered the desk clerk at the fitness center saying the same thing when Blue intervened with him before they got him set up to enter and leave the private suite at his leisure, and though this man said it far more casually and not in a hypnotized state it made him wonder just how many people The Houndmaster had dug his hypnotic claws into. "Please give him our regards?"

"I sure will sweetie," Red said before opening the back door. "In you go Silver, we're going for a ride."

Clyde found himself practically jumping into the backseat and the leash was taken off of him, then heard the front door open and saw Red get inside. "I like him, he's a nice guy," Red said as he gave one last wave to the security guard before turning back towards Clyde. "Now I want this to be a little surprise for you, so I want Silver to be a good puppy and go to sleep now."

Almost immediately Clyde found his eyes drooping before they went shut, remaining that way for the rest of the time until he once more heard Red's voice telling him this time to wake up. As his eyes opened he tried to move, only to find that his arms and legs seemed to be restrained by something. The feeling of being immobilized caused his eyes to shoot open and when he did he found that he was wearing a rubber pup hood on his face and besides the collar and jock all the rest of his clothes had disappeared. He also figured out that he was hanging suspended from the ceiling and that there was also a rubber harness around his chest, the straps pressing against his skin as he found that was supporting his body as well while his ankles were tightly chained to keep his legs spread out.

"Welcome back," Red said as he entered into Clyde's vision, though as he stood there two more hooded men popped in as well with one he was very familiar with and one he wasn't. "Since you and I haven't gotten to know each other very well I thought that it would be good for us to get better acquainted, something that Blue was keen on us doing. Green was also in the area too so we thought the more the merrier!"

"Man, I forgot what we looked like when we first started out," Green said as he put his rubber hands against the bare chest of the restrained man, causing Clyde to shudder slightly before Red pulled him back by the collar. "Aw man, I was just looking!"

"Don't be a bad puppy," Red said, causing Green to whimper slightly as Red turned back to Clyde. "Since this is your first time interacting with more than one member of the kennel club we thought it prudent to keep you tied down while we got used to you, especially since things can get a little out of hand if you don't know what to expect. Of course we also have The Houndmaster watching as well, I'd say wave to the camera but you're a little indisposed at the moment to do so."

Clyde looked up at the camera and saw the computer sitting next to it with the feed on display, the three rubber pups surrounding one with bare skin along with a silver accented jock and hood. At first he thought that this was a copy but as he inhaled the scent a little more deeply he realized that it was his, it was... Silver's hood. As the lenses in front of his eyes began to display a series of colors he continued to look at himself and once more he found it hard to believe still that the man that was tied down in the screen was him. He was supposed to be some lanky college student that never got out but as the hands of the three pups began to caress against him they were doing so against lean muscle as they went from his firm chest down to his flat stomach.

"You've been doing a really good job with him," Red commented as he continued to inspect the pup, squeezing on the bicep of the restrained man and hearing a huff come from him. "He's starting to get close to prime shape, with the help of the supplements he might get there faster then you did Blue."

Even though they weren't regarding him in their assessment of his body he felt his butt wagging as Silver manifested more and more while pushing Clyde to the side. His packmates were praising him, telling him what a good boy he was, feeling them caress and grope over every inch of his body including inside of his jock. They commented on his healthy, smooth skin that was completely hairless and how he had grown a bit since their initial measurements, and he felt a finger start to push into his butt it caused his entire body to arch and a bark to escape his lips. Red said that his mental training was going well too, though all Silver could imagine was how nice it was to be around other members of the kennel as he watched the words swirl by and continue to slowly etch themselves into his brain.

Once they had finished their inspection, including pulling out Clyde's maleness from his jock to put on display, the three rubber pups went to the computer screen and knelt in front of it with their rubber tails wagging in the air. A light on the camera flashed green and the three nodded to one another before standing up once more. "Wait, is this his coating?" Green said excitedly as Blue went over to one side of the room, which Silver noticed for the first time was painted with very stylistic artwork that featured humanoid dog men having sex with one another. "I haven't got to be part of a coating yet!"

"No, Silver is not yet ready for his coating," Blue said, Red nodding in confirmation as he put the case down on the table. "But The Houndmaster has decided that today he is going to be sheathed, which is also an extremely important step since it means that he can be bred as a proper rubber pup now. Since you are so excited to do so I believe that it would only be fitting for Green to do the honors, if you want to lower him so that we can also have our fun as well."

Sheathed... that seemed like an interesting term, but Silver found himself excited regardless since it seemed to be something that made his fellow pups happy as well. When the case was opened he couldn't see what was inside, but as Blue took out the object and handed it to Green he saw that it looked like a silver canine cock save for the knot. Was this another toy for him to put inside his tailhole, Silver wondered in eager interest, but as he saw Red go over and start to lower him down he noticed that as the rubber object was actually hollow on the inside. Perhaps it would go in his mouth then, the rubber pup thought, but as Green lowered himself down and began to fiddle with the front of his jock he suddenly realized in excitement what sheathing meant.

He was getting his own rubber cock!

As Green shifted in position Silver could see that from the rubber jock around his groin that he also had a sheathe on, his being a bright green but also canine shaped as it slipped out from inside and start to throb. Glancing between Blue and Red he saw similar ones that matched their colors on them and he remembered that when Blue had first taken him it was with just a smooth black rubber over his own member, but as he got behind him he could see that this was going to be so much different as the words being fed into his ears shifted subtly. Though the colors and swirls remained in his vision and continued to see rubber-covered men in pup hoods having sex Silver began to see them with the thick paw pads over their hands and feet and all of them had similar sheathes as to what was being put over his own cock.

Good rubber puppies love their rubber cock.

A good rubber puppy wants to bury their cock into rubber holes.

A good rubber puppy thinks with his rubber cock.

A good rubber puppy needs his rubber cock.

As the words repeated over and over into his mind all Silver could think about was that rubber cock, his body trembling as he wanted nothing more than to have it on him as the words and colors sifted through his already softened mind. His body was practically quivering in anticipation as his hips bucked forward slightly while Green squirted some sort of gel into his hand and began to rub it against his human member. Even though he was getting hard Silver didn't want that, silver wanted his rubber cock just like all the rubber pups that surrounded him.

Good rubber puppies play with one another's rubber cocks.

Good rubber puppies know that their rubber cocks are best.

Good rubber puppies know to obey the rubber wolf cock.

The rubber wolf cock is superior to all.

The image of The Houndmaster suddenly filled Silver's mind and as he saw the very muscular rubber man standing there with his wolf head staring at him the rubber pup could see that he was stroking a black rubber lupine cock. It was... beautiful, the glistening rubber practically begging him to suck on it, or to bend himself over so that he could feel it inside of him. As his back tensed he thought that it was actually happening, only to realize that Blue had stepped up behind him and began to push into his rear with his sheathed cock. He found himself wiggling his hips as the lenses suddenly switched once more to show the blue rubber canine cock pushing in between his butt cheeks. Part of him lamented that he wasn't rubbery as well, but a small voice in his head said that his time would come and it caused him to let out a happy bark before he gasped and pulled up on his restraints.

That seemed to be what Green was waiting for as Silver exposed his cock more, the rubber pup taking the sheath and sliding it slowly down the throbbing shaft. Just the sensation alone caused Silver to start to howl in ecstasy before he felt his head get pulled down and something push into his mask that muffled him. When he looked up he saw Red staring down at him with a smirk on his masked face as he pushed his own red rubber cock in, which Silver eagerly accepted into his maw. As he began to feel himself get penetrated by both ends he wondered why he couldn't have this before, though he was glad that it was happening now as more of the shiny red disappeared into his silver and black muzzle.

Even though he had several inches of rubber pup cock in his mouth Silver continued to let out whines and grunts as best he could, not only because he was being spread open even more than before by Blue but also because he watched the last of the human flesh of his cock disappear. The application of the substance seemed to cause the toy to suction to him, which when he started to shake his hips around at being pushed into by the rubber pup behind him didn't even cause the sheath to move an inch. If anything it just caused it to bounce around as he was bred from behind, his nerves on fire in pure pleasure as the training he had been doing to himself seemed to prepare himself for such an insertion. Even with his eyes closed in pure bliss he could still see the rubber cocks of the men sliding into him, pushing into him from both ends as Green slid the silver sheathed member in front of him and pushed it out through his jock through a slit he didn't even know it had.

Good rubber puppies are always ready to play.

A rubber jockstrap is the sheathe of a rubber puppy.

Their rubber jockstraps are a part of them.

Their rubber cocks are a part of them.

Rubber puppies are good puppies.

Silver was practically drooling around the cock in his maw as he felt Green start to suck on his, the mask stretching around it just like his own but more fluidly. It was clear that their masks were made for this and as the tip slid past the front of the mask the feel of the tongue against the sheathe was almost heavenly. It was like Green was sliding and swirling his tongue around his human cock, but it was so much better now that he had a decent rubber cock. Good rubber puppies love the rubber puppy cocks, the mantra reinforced itself in his mind as Blue started to tickle against Silver's prostate before starting to thrust in and out of him while Red did the same.

This was unlike anything Silver had experienced before, but as the three rubber pups took him in every way conceivable it felt like this was where he belonged. He needed them, not only to stretch open his mouth and rear but also to suck on his own new cock as well. Even with Blue hilting him he couldn't help but wag his behind as he thought about possibly sinking his rubber member into the tailhole of Green, and eventually as the night wore on he got his wish but with Red instead. Green had gotten up and took a turn with Silver's mouth and as the new rubber pup watched his silver canine cock disappear into the rubber hole of the other man he let out a loud muffled groan before finally passing out completely and hanging there in his bindings.

When Clyde awoke next he found himself in his bed, fully dressed and with no pup hood on as he bolted upright to feel for it. When he looked outside he saw that it was still night and that only a few hours had passed, though it felt like much longer as the images of what had just happened played out in vivid detail. That was certainly some sort of puppy play date, he thought to himself as he shifted the collar around his neck. He had for a long time known not to try to remove it but by this point it was almost like a safety blanket for him, and when he felt the familiar rubber slide around his neck the residual anxiety of suddenly waking up in a different place left him.

As he hopped down to the floor he was immediately greeted with a soreness that was becoming familiar to him, rubbing his backside as he went to his phone and saw that there were a number of messages and notifications on it. They were all from the kennel and he saw that Blue, Green, and Red had shared the video they had taken of himself in those bindings and the rest of them were commenting on how much of a stud he had become. Even though he found the situation a bit embarrassing, especially when he saw the thumbnail of it in the group chat and it was him front and center hanging there, there was also a bit a pride before he heard a happy bark in the back of his mind. Calm down Silver, Clyde thought to himself as he marked them all as read, puppy night was fun but even though he sniffed himself and found that he didn't have any odor other than the faint scent of rubber he decided to take a shower anyway.

When he got inside and pulled off his clothing he saw the usual sight of the collar and rubber jock before him, something that he had gotten used to needing to clean along with his body as he waited for the water to warm up. He remembered what the other rubber pups had said about him coming along physically and he couldn't help but look at himself in the mirror, noting that he was getting rather toned like they had said. Soon he might find himself in one of those rubber catsuits like they had, though part of him wondered if he really wanted him to go that far in this whole thing. He could almost hear Silver exclaim that he was, but as he looked down he noticed that he was also exciting himself as he saw a silver tip poke its way out from the jockstrap.

Looks like another new toy of mine to hide, Clyde thought to himself as it emerged more, the tired man grabbing onto the shaft so he could slide it off and he could get some sleep. When he gave it a tug however it didn't feel like it was merely suctioned on his skin, in fact as he gave it a few pulls it felt like it had been glued on or fused to his skin somehow. He attempted to try and get it soft enough for him to pull it out of his jock from the top but as soon as he did it was like he had forgotten how to use his fingers and suddenly the mantra of the rubber pup he had just learned came back to him. What he was able to do however was stretch the waistband of the jock so that he could see what was wrong, only for his eyes to widen and his jaw to drop.

"W-what the hell..." Clyde stammered as his other hand went down and felt the smooth, seamless transition on his groin from human flesh to silver rubber. "What the HELL?!"