A Mirage of Victory

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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A feline makes his way to Agrabah and has his way with Mirage.

Commissioned by Catsithx

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A Mirage of Victory

For Catsithx

By Draconicon

The black cat looked down at the jewel that the former street-rat had given him. It glowed green against his palm, a bright, shining light that defied the darkness of the night. He clenched his fingers around it, the desert wind blowing behind him and lifting his cloak as he waited for the moon to rise high enough for the portal to open. It wouldn't be long now.

Kind of a pity that it's come to this...but I suppose it couldn't happen any other way...

Simon had been busy for a while, busy enough that he hadn't come to Aggrabah for over three years. He had missed an old friend's wedding and shift in status, had missed the beginning of a new life for the former thief, and, most importantly, missed out on the dangers that the former street-rat had been dealing with. Dangers that he would have helped with if he had been there to do it.

Still, better late than never, he supposed. The portal would open soon, and he'd take care of this...Mirage.

He waited stoically for another half-hour before the moon had risen enough to open the portal. Lifting the gem, he watched the green light shimmer across the rooftops, a circle opening in the dark that led to a place of star and flame. He approached it, keeping the hood of his cloak up for the moment. No reason to announce himself just yet, particularly when he was using someone else's power to actually open this portal. He was more used to using his own items to do that, not borrowed trinkets, and he wasn't sure who else would be watching.

Stopping at the edge of the portal, he looked through. As he had been told, the other side led to a ruin that floated among the stars. It was different from the other planes that he had visited in the past. No wide-stretching realm here, but rather a pocket area, somewhere that floated between the realms of fantastical realms and kingdoms. He wondered, briefly, if there was anything living in the vast darkness all around the ruined temple.

Then, as he stared through the portal, something stared back. Green eyes, glowing at the top of the ruined temple, shimmered in the dark. They flicked, becoming more feline in shape, and he knew that Mirage had already seen him.

There was no turning back now. He sighed, stepping through the portal.

It was like walking through fire, and it burned at him from all sides. The cloak helped a bit, keeping the worst of it at bay, but he still couldn't help but gasp for air as he stepped through to the other side. His fur soaked with sweat in that moment, pulled tight against him, and he gritted his teeth as he stepped foot on the edge of the temple grounds. The open courtyard faced up towards stars too bright and large to be the same as what he had seen on the streets of Aggrabah. They were burning bright, too, half the size of the sun, but somehow just as bright. Yet, the place was as dark as night.

What is this magic? he wondered, not fearfully, but curiously. There was little chance that Mirage could cause him any difficulties, not with the help that he had, but he still wondered.

The temple itself belonged to the sands, but had clearly been uprooted and taken from it. Tall pillars, a cat-like structure in the back, and an open throne stood at the top of the cat's head. From there, he could see a shape moving back and forth, pacing in impatience. Green light flickered here and there, and he knew that it had to be her magic, her power being used.

Simon shook his head, more in annoyance than anything else. He had expected her to confront him as soon as he had come through. It seemed that she was going to make him walk.

Well, that was annoying.

It was a longer trek than he expected to reach her throne room, and he was almost out of breath when he entered the top of her temple. She lounged on her throne, waiting for him, but the twitching of her tail gave away her impatience.

"Hmmm, someone that's strong enough to come here...in the place between..."

Her voice had a curious purr to it, though there was just enough of a growl to make it clear that the mystery did not please her so much as irritate her. Yet, cat-like curiosity was a thing, and she had not attacked him. Yet.

The gray-brown feline sat up a bit taller on her throne, her head cocked to the side and her eyes fixed on him. She narrowed her eyes, tapping her claws against the arm of her throne in silence.

He didn't answer her. There was no direct question, and she wasn't intimidating enough to make him try and explain himself that easily. Simon crossed his arms, keeping his cloak hood high, hiding his face.

And, of course, he admired her body. Why not, after all? Her long red and gold gown ran from her neck to her ankles, interrupted only at her stomach where there was a belly-exposing gap. Her tail twitched, pulling at her dress, tightening it and showing off her curves all the more. She had a bust that pushed the neckline down, forcing the eye there, and hips that pulled the dress out. He imagined that, if she were to get up and walk, all eyes would be on her without her having to exert the slightest enchantment to hold them. She had the shape that would entrance any man, and hold them to her will.

Well, most any man. But even he had a deep attraction almost instantly, wondering what he might do with her if he had the chance.

You won't need to wonder long...

In the game of patience, he won. She finally sat up with a growl, narrowing her eyes as she leaned forward at him.

"Who are you?" she hissed.

"A stranger, who comes with a gift," Simon said.

"Hmmph. Someone that has the power to invade my home, and someone that refuses to give his name? That doesn't sound like someone that has a gift I'd want."

"You would be surprised."

"Then show me. Prove it."

She leaned back, recovering herself. He imagined that she was more than slightly off-balance by the fact that he had just shown up here without warning, without any clear way of getting here in the first place. That was the point. He wanted her off-balance, not thinking straight, worried and intrigued at the same time.

After all, he had heard about her power. She was no joke; she had claws that could rip through steel and magic, and that was before she started using her own power to supplement it. She was strong, stronger than anyone in Aggrabah knew.

And he was the only one that had a chance of stopping her before she did something far worse than she already had. Simon slowly lifted his hands, keeping them in view for her, and gestured towards the side pocket of his cloak.

"I am going to take the gift out now."


"I give you my word. It's something that you will love."

"Heh, the word of a mortal. Useless."

Nonetheless, she didn't seem interested in trying to stop him, which meant that the plan was working so far. She was curious enough about who and what he was that she didn't want to just kill him. Which, to be fair, she might just manage. He knew how to fight, but...well, his plan didn't involve fighting her and subduing her that way. It had too many risks. He had to do this like an assassin might, sneakily, stealthily.

The black cat slowly reached into his pocket. When he pulled it back, he offered...a necklace. A necklace that was adorned with the same glowing green stone that had opened the portal to this place.

Mirage sat up further, almost leaning all the way off her throne as she saw it. Her eyes glowed almost the same shade of green as she stared at the necklace, and then she flickered, disappearing in a puff of flame only to appear in front of him. She was tall, he realized, taller than he expected, and her black hair fell over either side of her face, obscuring the golden earrings that she wore.

"Where did you get that..."

Her voice was a soft whisper compared to the angry hissing and growling that it had been consumed with but a moment ago. The trap had been laid. Simon bowed his head.

"I have my own connections," he said.

"It feels...powerful."

"It is. It belonged to Bast, once."

Mirage gasped, as well she should. The name of Bast was known to all cat-kind, her stories spread throughout the universe. No matter where one went, if there were felines to be found, then there were tales of Bast to be heard.

Here, in Aggrabah, there were stories of a cat sorceress so great that she had managed to bring down the gods themselves, someone that had been banished much like Mirage had been. Rather than being imprisoned forever, however, Bast had escaped, seeing her artifacts through the world, putting them in places to benefit those that could find them. Great and powerful things, they were rumored to be, powerful enough to change how the planes below were ruled.

And here he was, offering one. Mirage chuckled, picking it up, dangling it from her fingers.

"Mmmm, I guess you really do have something to offer me," the cat said, turning to the side, her hand on her hip. "Unless you just want to die."

"I bring you a gift. Nothing more."

"Heheh...oh, you have brought me more than that."

Simon's heart almost stopped at that, wondering if he had been found out, but no. Mirage swept her hand out, gesturing at the air before her. A scrying portal, one that could see but not transport, opened in front of them. It showed the city of Aggrabah, the people within, and most of all, it showed Aladdin and Jasmine. Mirage gestured at them.

"You give me what I need to take them down...to chain them at my feet...to show them the power of Mirage once more..."

Simon kept himself from heaving a sigh of relief, but it was a close thing. The fact that she had come so close to getting him to make that sound was worrying, but...well, for now, it was for the best. She could believe what she wanted. As long as she put the necklace on, then she could believe anything she liked about the situation.

She slashed the portal, cutting it apart and leaving them staring into empty space once more. As she turned to him once more, she flicked the necklace's catch open, handing it back to him.

"Adorn me, mortal."

"I cannot."

"Hmm? And why is that?" she asked, smirking as she leaned in, her fangs bared. "Are you hiding something from me?"

"I am mortal. If I were to force the power of a goddess on another, she would strike me down."

"Heh...do you care for your skin so much?" she asked, flexing her claws. "You came here with no fear."

"I came here with all fear," Simon said, and it was not quite a lie. He didn't know what would happen when he arrived, but he knew that this wouldn't be easy. So far, it had gone better than he had hoped, but Mirage had to be the one to put the necklace on herself. Otherwise... "Please, take the power of Bast yourself. It will not work if it is bestowed on you. You must claim it."

"Old Bast. She never could stand to deal with ceremony. Then again...neither could I."

He watched with barely-hidden anticipation as the dark-furred feline lifted the new necklace. The green gem that hung from the front pulsed with life and light, spreading that same green glow through the temple. It outdid the fires that burned in the braziers beside her throne, and even outshone her eyes. Mirage grinned as she held it to her neck, slowly pulling the catch at the back together once more. Simon held his breath as her fingers fumbled for a second, hoping against hope that this would work the way that he had been promised it would.

Finally, he heard the fateful 'click,' and the air came rushing out of him at that moment.

Mirage didn't even notice. She was too busy laughing, holding her arms to the heavens as the green light spread down her arms, over her chest, and all along her body. She laughed, cackling like a mad woman, her claws curled into tight, ripping crescents.


She thrust her arms towards the sky, green sabers of light cutting through the stars as she roared in triumph. Magical energy lashed off her, cutting through stone, slicing light itself, and the powerful sorceress cackled with glee.

Of course, she was so busy with that that she didn't even seem to notice that the necklace was slowly warping, pulling tighter and tighter around her neck in the form of a collar. The metal band slowly tightened, becoming more and more obvious, with the gemstone becoming less a decoration and more the lock that would hold it shut. Mirage was so busy laughing, so busy celebrating, that she didn't even notice it happening until it was too late.

As the metal collar finally finished shifting shape, she gasped for breath as it pulled tight. She dropped her hands to her neck, feeling it against her without a seam or gap, and her eyes went wide.


"I hadn't thought it would be this easy to capture you, but I'm not complaining," Simon muttered, shaking his head.

"What is this?!"

"It's a collar. A collar of enslavement, as a matter of fact."

Mirage's eyes widened further. She twitched, starting to bring her hand up -


She was stopped in her tracks, unable to cast the spell that she had been just about to let loose. She stared at her hand, then at him. Simon smiled slightly, pulling his hood back finally to expose his face.

"The gods aren't best pleased with those that reach above their station. Bast knew that, but she knew that they had a point. That sometimes, they are right. And so, she worked with them to create this necklace of enslavement, to bring down those that were stepping out of line. And...heh..."

"What have you done to me, mortal?" Mirage growled, leaning over him, trying - and failing - to use her height to intimidate him. "What is this thing?!"

"It makes you my slave."

"I am no man's slave!"


She gritted her teeth, looking as if she was about to bite him, but no sooner had she leaned forward to attempt the very act than her knees went out from under her. She yelped in shock, hitting the stone of her own temple without any cushion.

As Mirage gasped in surprise, trying and failing to get back to her feet, Simon began to circle her. He ran a finger along her shoulders as she squirmed and struggled, helpless against the power of the collar.

"You see...I am fond of Aladdin and his wife. They are good people...well, decent people, at least. And you have been a thorn in their side. Still, this collar was a small test. If you had bothered to check it, rather than being so power-hungry and just throwing it on, then you would have known what it was.

"Instead, you took it as your way of enslaving all before you, of putting anyone that you disapproved of under your heel. This is a result of your failings, Mirage."

"Nnnngh...and what do you..." She reached for the collar again, but failed to do more than tap it. She groaned. "What do you get out of this?"

"I get a slave."

Her sudden hiss of fear was just enough to make him smile. He knelt down on the balls of his feet, looking her in the eye.

"You won't be harmed, but you will be a slave. I will use you, and I will make an example of you. There will be times when you think of your past and wonder how you were ever so discontent with it that you had to reach for the heavens the way that you did, to earn this punishment. But those times will become fewer and fewer, as I train you. As I show you where you really belong."

"I will not...I will not break..."

"The collar is already taking your power. And it will make you obey me."

"It will...it will try."

"Shall I show you?"


Simon shook his head. She clearly thought that there was a way out of the collar, but he knew that there was no such thing. It had been made by the gods and goddesses, with Bast throwing every trick, every loophole that she could think of forth so that they could plan against them. The collar itself was impossible to escape, unless he were to take it off the sorceress himself. And he had no plans to do that.

Even as she strained against it - weakly, of course, as the collar kept her from touching it with more than her fingertips at any given time - he knew that she'd need more of an example of its power to really understand what she had gotten herself into. Shaking his head, he stood up once more, looking down at her.

She really is a sensual woman...

Even as she growled in utter fury at what he was forcing her to go through, she clearly had no worries about being shown off as much as she was. She had a body that begged for someone to touch her, curves that were sensual and soft, lovely and gentle. He would have so much fun with her...and it was time for her to understand what he was going to ask of his slave.

"Remove your clothes."

He half-expected a strip show, but what he got was a sudden burst of flame. She blinked when the green light disappeared, obviously not expecting her powers to be put to use for him, but it had worked. Her dress was gone. Her top was gone. All that remained were her various golden bangles, the belt of gold around her waist, and the armbands that she had along her upper arms. She was otherwise naked, exposed, shown off for the sort of woman she was.




He grinned as she blushed, ever so slightly. She was not quite ashamed yet, but she was more shocked than she had obviously expected to be. She was naked, shown off for his pleasure, and he grinned as he reached down, touching one of her breasts, squeezing it. The soft fur belied the weight that it had, and he grinned as her blush grew as he fondled her.

"You are mine now, Mirage. You will learn your place."

"Nnngh...I will - I will not. I am -"

"A slave. And nothing more."

She tried to argue, but the collar pulled her throat closed, stopping her from protesting. It really was a marvel of a magical item, he had to admit.

As she struggled against the reality of her fate, he continued running his hands along her naked body. She had fuller hips than the dress had really shown, making him wonder how long it would take to get her pregnant. Probably not long at all, considering the fertility she was showing off at all times. He pulled her up to her feet, walking behind her, running his hand along her ass cheeks. They were going to be trained as much as the rest of her, both of her holes put to use for him. She would learn that her entire body was little more than a sex toy for his pleasures.


He had never owned a slave like this before. In the past, he had dealt with them, yes, but in the process of freeing them. Occasionally, one or two would thank him for his efforts, giving him an intimate reward, but that was as far as it went. This...this was something completely different, and it had him hard as a rock under his cloak.

The sorceress had been silent since he had forced her into it, not even reacting as he spread her ass cheeks. She gritted her teeth, swallowing, but no words came from her mouth, even as he stroked his thumb across her asshole. Sure, she stiffened, going up on her tiptoes, but that was as far as it went.

"This is going to be used...but not tonight."

There was a slight hint of relief that went through her body, but it was cut off as he leaned in. He shoved a hand between her legs, one finger going right into her pussy, and she gasped for breath.

"This, however, will be..."


"Tell me that this belongs to me."

"My...sex...belongs to you..."

"Tell me that you belong to me," Simon whispered.

"I...belong...to you..."

She clearly didn't like saying it, but he felt the sudden spasm down below, the squeeze along his fingers that made it clear that even if she didn't want to admit it, some part of her did like this. He smiled, running his fingers back and forth along the outside of her pussy, the finger inside curling over her clit again and again. It didn't take long for her to start dripping, for her clenching to get all the stronger.

When Mirage was huffing, when her blush was in full swing, he pulled his fingers back. As she gasped for breath, he shoved his fingers into her mouth.

"Suck them clean."


"Do it, slave."

In short order, her tongue obeyed, even if she herself didn't want to. Her teeth were right on the verge of biting his fingers, obviously wishing to fight back, but at the same time, she was dripping along her thighs, her body bending even if her mind was trying to fight. That wouldn't last long, he was sure. The collar was made to break people, and this was no exception.

He thrust his fingers along her tongue a few times before pulling back, slowly opening his cloak. He wore little beneath it due to the desert's heat, and his shaft was already free. Free and hard, for that matter, sticking up and eager for attention. Mirage gasped again as he pushed up against her from behind.

"On all fours..."

She fell without a word, her mouth hanging open, her eyes staring straight ahead in utter shock. She clearly hadn't believed that this would actually happen, but here it was. And there it went.



Mirage's breath left her lungs in one fell swoop as he slammed into her from behind. Her tail went up, and he grinned as he watched his cock disappearing into her slippery sex. She was already so wet, something that the collar likely encouraged, making it easy for the slave-in-training to enjoy what was happening to her. After all, a slave that liked what they were used for was far more likely to obey the commands she was given; one that didn't enjoy it was more likely to fight back, and that was against the whole spirit of the thing.

Her soft-furred body was still at first, leaving him to do all the work himself as he rammed in and out, in and out, but the harder he went at her, the wetter she got. Soon, she was panting softly, fighting against it. She lowered her head, but he could feel the clenching around his shaft, her inner walls working hard to make him cum right then and there. He chuckled under his breath, but didn't slow down. He pulled her back against him, grinding along her sex, feeling her insides squeezing him as hard as they could.

"You're going to cum soon..."

"No...no I'm..."

"You are..."

The powerful sorceress whimpered, her breath coming in short gasps. If there was any better sign that she was on the verge, he didn't know what it was. Yet, she was still trying to pretend that she wasn't enjoying it, that she wasn't getting into it. A real pity, that.


His order made the collar glow, and she arched her back with a sudden gasp. Her eyes went wide and her pussy clenched, hard. He felt her juices spraying down her thighs, dampening his balls, and he smiled as she slumped forward. As her head hit the floor, her ass going higher, he shifted his grip along her hips.

"Let's see how long you last before you do that naturally..."

Mirage didn't answer, probably too busy trying to unscramble her brain from that first major orgasm. The first sound out of her mouth as he started thrusting again were more groans, wordless moans, and shivers and grunts that were perfectly in time with his thrusts. All the sounds that she had been trying to hold back at first were coming free, and it was no longer possible for her to hide how much she enjoyed it.

Soon, even though her head was flat against the ground, she was pushing her hips back. Her pussy opened up for him, clenching when he pulled back, opening up for him when he slammed in. She was greedy for it, her mouth hanging open, her eyes wide as he rammed in again and again.

The collar glowed under her, and he imagined that its magic was re-writing her mind, adjusting it, giving her the new commands that she'd need as the safe slave that she was becoming. She was slowly getting wetter, too, as if she was going into heat. Maybe she was; he didn't know all the ins and outs of the collar, didn't know how it actually affected someone. Maybe she would be in heat all but perpetually to keep her more obedient to him.

The sorceress was soon pushing back as eagerly as any other female that he had had, and Simon groaned as it was his turn to struggle not to cum. He huffed against her, holding her hips all the tighter, feeling her tightness sucking along his shaft. Every thrust seemed to take him closer, and her panting moans were getting more and more clear.

"Cum...cum in me..."

She was begging for it, now, pushing him to give her his seed. How the mighty had fallen.

In, out, in, out, each thrust taking him up to her womb. He could feel her clenching on him, could feel her begging. There was no chance that he would be cumming anywhere but deep inside of her, now.

In, out, in, out, each time feeling the clench, the squeeze. Her moans were getting more frenzied again, and she was twitching inside and out. That next orgasm was right on the horizon, and he knew that she was losing herself. Whatever resistance she had been putting up, the collar and his fucking was slowly breaking down.

She was a yowling mess in short order, her hips doing most of the work as she slammed back against him, sheathing his cock into her over and over again. Each time he felt her take it, he growled under his breath, feeling his balls pulling up, feeling his orgasm getting closer and closer to that point of no return. In, out, in, out, squelching, wet, slippery, hot. So hot, so tight, pulling in deeper and deeper until -


He growled as he came, holding himself sheathed inside of her as he went over the edge. He could feel her clenching down around him, too, holding him close, keeping him from pulling out, not that he had any plans for that. Every pulse that ran down his cock was a reminder that she was his owned slut, now, and it...felt...good.

As she lay beneath him, gasping for breath, he slowly pulled out. His cock remained connected with her pussy by a string of pre-cum, wet and thick, and he grinned as he gripped his cock at the base. There were other blessings for someone that traveled the worlds, and one of them was the ability to go more than once.

And she had more than one hole to break in...

The world between was invaded once more, this time by the very friends that Simon had been acting on behalf of. This time, he didn't make anyone climb up to Mirage's throne room, but rather, took the throne room to them.

It appeared in a whoosh of flame. He sat on the throne, and Mirage sat to the side, her belly swollen with the beginning of a pregnancy. Aladdin, Jasmine, and the few soldiers that they'd brought went from angry and ready for a fight to shocked and stunned. Jasmine was the first to drop her weapons, gesturing at the soldiers to do the same, while Aladdin kept hold of his. The once-beggar probably had his suspicions, and Simon couldn't fault him for that.

He gestured for Aladdin to approach, and the human did just that. The prince glanced at Mirage, then back at Simon, an eyebrow arched.

"She's broken," Simon said.

"She's something."

"I know, it's hard to believe, but she's mine now. Completely and utterly mine, devoted to me."

"I want to believe that...but how? How the heck did you manage that?"

"You remember the thing that I asked you to get?"

"The necklace. I remember."

"It did the work. All I had to do was bring it here."

"I don't see it."

"That's because it did its job," Simon said. Explaining the intricacies of what had actually happened would only confuse someone whose only experience with magic had been the doings of his genie. The black cat shook his head, looking down at the pregnant female at his feet. "Trust me, though. She's broken."

"She'll never cause us problems again?" Aladdin asked. "You're sure? Completely sure?"


With all that he had done to Mirage, it was kind of a miracle that she still had enough awareness to know that Aladdin and Jasmine were there. And she clearly did, from the way that she fixed both of them with a firm glare as they remained in her temple. Yet, it was more of a glare of jealousy than one of anger.

Probably because they're taking my attention...

FOr all that Mirage had been pumped full of cubs, he knew for a fact that she was still in heat. She might be in heat for the rest of her life, as a matter of fact, considering the sheer power of the collar. It would mean that if it was ever removed, her addiction to sex, her need to serve, would remain, and more to the point, she would be so addicted to the pleasures that the collar and her master gave her that she would struggle to feel any satisfaction from anyone else. It wasn't a good thing for her in the long term, but it would be very effective at gradually breaking her down and putting her in her place.

He hoped.

After all, he was stuck with her until she was completely trained. That was part of the deal with getting this collar in the first place. Mirage was broken, yes, but trained...

Well, considering that she was looking at him like she wanted to slide into his lap and ride his cock right then and there, despite their guests, he would hardly call her trained. He shook his head, glancing back at Aladdin.

"I'll take care of her. Don't worry about that. For now, take Jasmine and go. I have more work to do..."

The End

Summary: A feline makes his way to Agrabah and has his way with Mirage.

Tags: M/F, Feline, Mirage, Aladdin, Rule 34, Vaginal, Mind Control, Body Control, Slave Training, Corruption, Pregnancy, Orgasm, Cum, Creampie,