Stars of the Show 1

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Fox McCloud and Wolf O'Donnell are in a rule 34 trap of a situation. Locked together, they have to work together to escape a sexually-themed series of puzzle chambers.

Commissioned by Engy

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Stars of the Show

Part 1

For Engy

By Draconicon

Wolf O'Donnell woke up with his muzzle pressed against a hard steel floor. Considering the number of times that he had woken up after a bender in some bar or another, this wasn't an unfamiliar feeling, nor was the sensation of being a bit hungover. His head ached, his body hurt, and he was not at all wanting to get up right at that point.

However, the scent of someone else in the room, someone all too familiar, grabbed his attention, and he knew that he had to move. Now.

The wolf dragged himself upright, groaning the whole way. He was on his feet in seconds, his open-toed boots scratching at the steel floor, and so was the other guy. A bushy tail wagged back and forth across the room, and a tan vest, green shorts, and a tight little shirt told him exactly who he was dealing with without even having to see the other guy's face.


Fox whipped around, the two of them glaring at one another in the mystery room. Wolf crossed his arms over his chest, chuckling in his throat.

"So. What sort of trap did you try and spring this time, pup?"

"Me? You're the one that put me in here, aren't you?"

Wolf's eyebrow popped up, and he glanced around the room. As soon as Fox started doing the same, of course. It wasn't like he was going to let the pup get an advantage on him just like that.

Now that he looked around, however, he could see Fox's point. This was not a prison cell, not like anything that he had seen before, at the very least. He didn't see any obvious way out, and it was pretty clear that this place had been put together quickly. The metal barely fit together properly, and he was pretty sure that if this was somewhere on a planet, it would have come apart under the gravity around them.

Which meant that they were probably on some sort of space station, and if they were in space, that meant that there were tons of different people that could have snagged them.

What the fuck is going on?

The question was answered very shortly after he asked it. One of the steel slabs that made up the wall opened up, and a metallic thing stepped through. It looked like some sort of robot, though with a wider set of shoulders than the average combat droid, and it had some...odd parts to it. Hands, face, arms, legs, they all looked like someone had molded them from models of a real person, while the barrel-like chest and face were rather featureless.

He and Fox glanced at each other for a moment, only to look back at the robot as the chest flickered, almost like a viewscreen.

"Finally. I was starting to think I'd gone a bit overboard with the sedatives," a mystery voice said, a black silhouette looking at the pair of them from the robot's chest. "Well, at least we can finally get the show on the road."

"Who are you?" Wolf grunted. "What the hell do you want?"

"Oh, just to run a few tests. See what happens when the pair of you are introduced to different stressors."

"You've gotta be kidding me," Fox said, rolling his eyes. "Look, just let us out of here, and we'll pretend that this never happened. Or, you can wait, and the two best mercenary teams in the galaxy will be here soon to blow you up...whoever you are."

"Stop taking my threats out of my mouth, Fox..."

"I don't think I need to worry about that," the mystery man said. "Besides, it's just five tests, five rooms. I think you can handle that..."

"And if we refuse?" Fox asked.

"Well, then, I guess you just sit here. Staring at each other. Waiting for the chance for the other guy to knock you out and walk out on his own. Either you fight together to get out, or the other person gets to walk out free."

The two pilots glared at each other again. There was no way that either one was going to back down and let the other one just leave. They couldn't trust their rival to actually go and get them help, so that meant that they were stuck together, forced to work together if they wanted any chance to get out of this place alive.

"Fine," Wolf muttered. "What's this first test?"

"Merely a test of stamina and strength. You'll start with fighting this robot. Whoever can last longest against it will be allowed to keep...certain things. You'll both take a bit of a transformation to get through, but the one that does better gets to keep more than the one that loses."

"That's...vague," Fox muttered.

"That's the rules. Now. Who's going first?"

"Me." Wolf stepped forward. "Might as well get my turn out of the way."

"Wonderful. Now, just so there's no cheating..."

Zzzzzt! The floor suddenly buzzed, and as Wolf whipped his head around, he saw that Fox had been restrained by some sort of energy bindings on floor level. The fox couldn't so much as take a step forward.

He snorted. Not that he had been expecting any sort of help from Fox, but he didn't need it. He was the stronger of the pair of them, the tougher one, too. He could take on a robot without any help.

The screen faded as he turned around, and just like that, the robot lunged. Fast.

Wolf barely had time to get his hands up before the robot was in reach, lunging for his gut in a quick punch. He grabbed that metal hand, tried to twist it back, and immediately found himself struggling harder than he had ever expected. He grunted, holding tight to the metal fingers, even as he barely managed to keep it from making contact.


As the mercenary was pushed back, the robot's other hand darted for his chest. He couldn't block it in time, and he took a quick blow to the left pec.



He groaned as he was pushed back a step, sucking air. Worse, he blushed as he felt an odd...tingle, of sorts, running through his chest. It was almost like...

No, no, he was imagining things.

Before he could collect himself, the robot was on the offensive again. It was blindingly fast and insanely strong, and Wolf could barely keep up with blocking the different blows, never quite able to get through to hit the robot in return. Punching the metal arms would have broken his fingers if it wasn't for the armored gauntlets that he wore as a matter of course, but even that was still stinging.

Duck, bob, weave, leaning this way and that to try and get an opening, but the robot was so fast that it never let him get close. He just barely managed to get under a punch, thought he saw an opening -

Then the robot's knee came up, getting him in the gut. Another bzzt followed, an electric current that hit him right in the chest, and he went tumbling back, holding his stomach.

The tingle of the current ran through him longer than it should have, and this time, there was no question about what was going on. He could feel it humming through his middle, buzzing against his core, and he blushed more as he felt his nipples go hard, as it zapped through his crotch, making his dick rise.

What the fuck...

Wolf struggled to pull himself upright again, but there was no time. The robot charged him, and the punches came faster than ever...except they weren't punches anymore.

Zzzzt! Zzzzt! Zzzzt! They were darting pokes and prods, each one carrying a charged blast behind it that sent a surge of stimulating electricity wherever it touched. It was like being in a dark-side massage bar where they used those electro-rods to stimulate the body, to work out stress and tension, except that each zap from this was going right to his -


One hit him right in the thigh, and Wolf's hips thrust forward in response, almost like he was trying to fuck the fucking robot. He groaned, successive zaps hitting him in the balls, and then the gut, and then the chest. His nipples went rock-hard, his cock strained against his pants, until -


One last blast hit him right in the crotch, and Wolf tumbled over, groaning and cupping his groin as he came. His black pants were stained with jizz, and he groaned under his breath as he felt his cock pulsing, throbbing, squirting over and over and over again, soaking him down there and leaving him shamed.

He panted as his cock throbbed still, oozing as he felt the energy bindings take him by the ankles and the wrists. The canine mercenary gasped for breath, even as he felt...something...running through him. Some sort of other energy.

The mystery voice came back.

"One minute, twenty seconds," it said. "That's not a bad time, I gotta say. I built this thing to be able to take down black-ops soldiers, so being able to hold out for over a minute's definitely impressive. Think that you can handle that, Fox?"

"Try me."

"Good attitude. While you're doing that, let's focus on you for a moment, Wolf..."

As the robot and fox got to their battle, Wolf felt the tingling current from the floor change. It started to ripple through him in a different way, and his eyes went wide as he realized that things were starting to change.

It started with his chest. He had always had a strong set of chest muscles, always had a good set of pecs, but as he laid there, a different sort of energy current pulsed through him, running through his body and settling into the muscles. He could feel them twitching, shaking, tensing up and then relaxing again. Each time that they did it, he could feel them...shrink, for lack of a better word. His eyes went wide.

Fuck...fuck, what the fuck...

Wolf stared at his jacket, watching as it started to sag over a chest that was slowly growing less and less buff, more and more slender. As his clothes sagged there, he looked at his arms, watching as they lost their signature thickness, his muscle disappearing bit by bit, his eyes going wider and wider as he watched his body shrink, become less.


Pulse, pulse, pulse went the energy, and everywhere that it spread through his body, it took something away. His eyes darted this way and that, watching as his clothes sagged over a body that was too small for it. He wasn't losing any height, but he was losing most of what allowed him to keep the advantage in a fight. He was losing his muscle, his size, his...his everything.

As his abs shrunk away, something else happened. His clothes...his clothes were disappearing. The buzzing currents were burning them away, revealing his gray fur underneath. He could see the bulges of his ab muscles disappearing, sucked away into whatever storage tanks that this facility used. He went from bulging to flat, and then gained a strange sort of curve along his sides and his belly, almost a female...

Fuck you. You don't get to turn Wolf into a bitch...

He tried to hold onto that thought, but it was harder than he thought it would be. Grimacing, he struggled to move, to get up.

Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Fox was still fighting against the robot. Unlike him, the other pilot was focusing on dodging, not trying to fight, not trying to get close. He was whipping this way and that, keeping to the sides and moving to the back of the robot rather than trying to take it head-on. Had it been over a minute yet? He didn't know.

The transformation continued, rippling through him. Soon, his legs were as slender and fine as his arms had become, and his legs continued to lose their thickness, their power, their muscle. His fur became more shiny and glossy, almost like he had been to the salon rather than grooming himself as a man might, and even his feet -

His eyes went wide as he stared at the color that popped up on his toe claws, watching as they went from black to a soft pink. That...that was impossible. And yet -

Looking at his fingers, he saw that they had gotten the same treatment, somehow. What the fuck...what the absolute fuck...

Huffing and puffing, he turned back to Fox, knowing he was naked, knowing that he looked like some sort of fresh femboi from the academy, and he hoped that he wasn't going to lose anything else.

With a final punch, the robot finally connected with McCloud, sending the fox flying backwards and into one of the steel walls. The fox didn't get up, and he groaned as he laid there on the ground, huffing and puffing with an erection.

"I believe that makes minute, forty-five seconds," the mystery voice said. "And it seems like you get to keep your top-like nature."

"What the hell are you - Nnngh - talking about?!" Wolf shouted from where he was pinned. "This is - Nnngh!"

The electrical current surged through him again, the weaker, more slender wolf arching his back against the electrified floor as the 'punishment' of losing hit him. He was forced down, pinned in place as he felt something zapping through his brain.

Every time that he thought something angry, the lightning crashed through him. It zapped the thought into nothingness, while hitting his cock with a blast of pleasure, making the already-erect member throb that much harder, oozing pre onto the ground, making his cock feel like a fountain as it ran over his balls and down to his ass.

You fucking -

Another zap, and he howled as he felt it rushing through him, taking him, changing him. The thought was blasted out of existence, his eyes rolling back in his skull as he felt the sheer power of this strange...strange thing...

He tried to summon up another howl, another angry burst of energy -

ZAP! Another burst, another zap, rushing through him. This time it hit his cock and his ass and his head all at the same time, burning through him in pleasure and in some other strange, thought-burning way. He couldn't think. He couldn't get angry. He wasn't allowed to be angry.

Bitches weren't allowed to get angry.

Another zap, then another, then another, each one conditioning him to take the pleasure, to turn anger into need, to turn rage into humping, rutting, eager pleasure...

Fox panted as he stood up again, looking at himself. Having just gone through a transformation of his own, he was rather surprised at the results.

He had seen what had happened to Wolf out of the corner of his eye during the fight, seen the way that the other man had lost all of his muscles to this strange facility and the energy that it put off. If the wolf had had more to his chest and hips, and a bit less cock, he might have looked like the bitch that he kept acting like.

Fox, on the other hand...

Well, never had the same amount of muscle, anyway, he thought, looking down at his arms and his legs. While he'd been fit, he'd never had the same shelves of muscle and thick biceps that Wolf had always been so proud of. Sure, he had lost some, but it didn't feel like the same sort of loss that the other guy had gone through.

He ran his hands down along his arms, feeling how smooth they were, how soft and silky. If he didn't miss his guess, they had been feminized, their muscle loss meant to make them look more like female versions of themselves.

That was confirmed as he ran his fingers along his waist and his sides. There was more of a slip inwards, the start of a feminine curve, and his ass, while not bigger, was definitely more noticeable as a result.


Fox was still getting used to being naked, his cock out and on display - though thankfully not as dripping hard as Wolf's - when his rival got to his feet. Wolf started to snarl, only to bite it back at the last second.

Hmmm, now isn't that interesting...

He smiled to himself.

"What's the matter? Learning to be a good dog?"

"You'll get it next time, McCloud. You think that this is going to go your way forever?"

"I think it'll go my way long enough."

"The next room, if you please," the mystery voice said, and Fox obliging stepped through the door to the room that the robot had vacated.

As soon as he walked in, his eyes bulged a bit.

Unlike the empty room that they had just been in, this one had two stands in it, two little stages that were just big enough for a single person. Each stand, in return, had a large, phallic thing sitting on it.

He could see a hint of conductive liquid next to it, almost like a floating dispenser, and he groaned.

"You gotta be kidding me. Just because I'm a fox -"

"You fucker! The hell is - nnnngh!"

Wolf gripped the side of his head, and Fox watched as the wolf's cock suddenly sprung upwards, his tail flagging up like a bitch's would as soon as he started to get angry. The longer that Wolf held onto that rage, the more that his tail went up, and the more that his cock started to drip.

He's being conditioned to be...oh, wow...

Fox felt more grateful than ever that he had won the previous competition. The idea of being like that, of having his frustrations turned against him, was not something that he would have been able to deal with. Not easily, at least. It would have been a distraction at the most crucial times, and now, Wolf would be at a disadvantage through the rest of this little competition.

If it wasn't for the fact that he wanted and needed to win, he would have found that rather hilarious.

The mystery voice kicked in again as Wolf finally started to calm down.

"These phalluses are the keys to get through the door ahead. They require a constant temperature that just happens to match the internal temperature of your bodies. The more that this temperature is applied, the more that the doors open. So, the more that you fit inside of you, the more room you'll have to wiggle through.

"However, here's the caveat. The one who goes through with more of it inside of them can actually take the plug out after they finish with this challenge. The one that takes less has to keep that much inside of them for the rest of the challenge. Oh, and both of you will be growing as you take the phalluses, so expect to take a lot to be able to fit through the door."

From a combat challenge to a sex challenge. Well, Fox supposed that fit; they had been hyper-stimulated and feminized in the first challenge, so he supposed that the enemy was going to try and keep changing them the longer that this went on.

He walked up to the first stage, running his hand around the phallic thing. It was a long, metal rod, one that had a thicker base than it did a tip, but unlike the butt plugs that he had seen on Corneria and on a few other planets, this one wasn't a short but thick plug, This was one of the bigger ones, at least a foot and a half long, and with the base bigger than Wolf's knot. This was one of those things that would take a lot to actually fit into someone...

And he didn't have that much experience, despite his species.

Glancing out of the corner of his eye, however, he could see that Wolf hadn't even approached his plug yet. The canine was obviously affronted by the whole thing, offended at the fact that he would have go through with this. That...might just give Fox the edge that he needed.

"Hey, Wolf."


"Let's make a deal. No more than eight inches for either of us."

"...Why? What are you talking about?"

"I saw what happened, and...well, you know, you don't deserve to be carrying that plug the whole time. Just take that much, and I'll come after you. Besides...not like I'm that used to big things back there..."

Maybe it was what the other pilot had gone through in the other room, or maybe Wolf just hated the idea of taking something up his ass that much, but he seemed more than willing to do it. His naked rival mounted the other platform, dispensing some of the lube from his pump and slathering it on the plug, and on his ass.

Fox, on the other hand, just rubbed it over his hole. He knew better than to try and make the whole thing slick. If he wanted to keep hold of the plug when he started moving, he needed to make sure that he had enough friction to maintain that kind of grip.

Wolf might have been sliding it in, grunting and grimacing like a virgin bitch every time that the metal tip touched his asshole, but Fox was taking his time. He rubbed his ass back against it, and he felt the cool metal kiss his pucker. The hard smoothness was oddly satisfying as a sensation, and he rolled his hips back again and again to get more of it, savoring the strange, pleasurable feeling as it rubbed against his ass, and then slowly, ever so slowly, began to stretch it open.

Groaning as he felt his hole split open a bit, he worked his way down, wiggling his hips back and forth. He'd taken a dick a few times - Falco had seen to that - and he knew better than to just ram it in. Wiggling side to side let him loosen himself up, let him take a little more control over the process rather than just hoping that the big thing would batter his hole into submission.

A little bit, then a little bit more, teasing with a hip sway, circling around the tip...

That was doing it, but even as he got the first few inches up his ass, he could feel something else was happening.

Glancing out of the corner of his eye as he felt the tingles start with him, he saw Wolf's ass starting to swell. The cheeks were billowing out the more inches of metal rod that he took into his backside, pushing outwards, bubbling, pulsing with growth. The gray-furred rump was getting more and more jiggly as it started to swell, and it bounced as the wolf lifted and lowered himself on his shaft.

Is that how...oh, wow...

Fox reached back as he slid his ass down the metal rod, and he could feel the swelling going on back there, could feel his ass cheeks starting to push outwards, growing wider, thicker, even a bit heavier as he bore down on the metal rod.

Fuck...fuck, that's...

He was getting a vixen's ass, and no doubt about it. The muscles that he'd built up as a soldier back there were slowly fading away, getting replaced by padding and cushioning. His hole flexed around the cold metal, and he groaned as he felt it press down against his prostate, felt his hole weaken and loosen a little around it.

No, no, hold it...hold onto it...

He clenched as he slowly rolled his hips up and down, fucking himself on the toy a few times before taking a few inches deeper. He felt his hole opening up a bit more, felt the steel pressing his inner walls apart. How much now? Five inches, six? Something like that, but his ass cheeks were already quite swollen. Even though the door had lifted by about a foot - something about two inches open for one inch in his ass - he could see that it would be a hard fit with his growing, bubbling butt.

Creative...creative trap, Fox managed to think, even as he struggled to keep hold of his own need. Fuck...fuck, this is making my ass hungry...

His cock was dribbling pre-cum all over the stage under him, soaking into his feet as he struggled to keep moving. His painted finger claws dug into his palms as he worked another inch, then two into his hole.

"Mmmph...that's...that's enough..."

Wolf got to his feet, and Fox watched as his rival hurried for the door. It was barely open enough for the other canine to get down to all fours and combat crawl under it, dragging himself through. His rounded rump caught on the door for a moment, but he pushed through...only to have part of the plug dragged out in the process.

Knew that the extra lube would be his downfall...

Fox grinned, pushing himself down those extra few inches. The door rose to the sixteen inches of open space that the eight inches inside of him provided, but then he pushed down further. Ten, twelve, fourteen, sixteen. He groaned as he felt the stretch that the plug gave him, feeling the thickness of the base really pushing his hole to open up.


As he almost sat on it, taking it right to the thickest part, he knew he was panting. He knew that he looked like some slutty vixen on a knot, and he knew that this was going to be the hard part. He had to get up, he had to get to the door, and he had to crawl through it without losing the plug in his ass. If it slid out at all, then there was a chance that Wolf would win, and he'd have to keep this much metal up his ass for the other challenges.

No. Way. In. Fucking. Hell.

Even so, he allowed two inches back out. His bouncing ass cheeks were so big that he doubted that he'd be able to walk without being distracted by them, but hopefully this was something that would even out between him and Wolf. Hopefully. Hopefully.

He got to his feet, holding the plug in with one hand as he walked towards the door. It was a bit easier for him, he imagined, considering that he'd only lubed up his asshole rather than the plug itself. Sure, they were both wet now, but they weren't frictionless the way that Wolf's had been. An incidental squeeze shouldn't send the plug rocketing out of his ass, nor should it get caught quite as easily.

He got down on all fours, using his tail to push the plug down and work his way through. Fox crawled under the metal door, felt it scraping against his ass cheeks, but he managed to get them through. No catching the plug, either.

As soon as he was on the other side, Wolf stared at him, wide-eyed.

"I thought you said we'd take the same amount!"

"I lied."

"You son of a - mmmph!"

Wolf slumped to his knees, his hands on his head. His cock throbbed, his ass cheeks clapped, and as the canine hit all fours, his tail went up and his ass pushed out.

Fox stared as the metal that was hanging out of the other guy's ass suddenly disappeared, leaving what looked like about six thick inches of steel inside of him. Wolf's cock throbbed hard, but it didn't quite get off, didn't quite drip in the same way.

He, on the other hand, felt the metal fade away completely, and rather than being relieved, he felt a bit...empty. Not heated empty, not like he needed to be fucked, but more like remembering just how easily he had taken that, and feeling that he'd like to do that again. He had a confidence, a power to his ass now, and as he grabbed it, he could feel his fingers sinking into the best, plumpest rump that he had ever felt in his life.

As he fondled himself, he looked down at Wolf's throbbing, dripping cock, and he chuckled to himself. Once or twice, he had imagined how it would feel to take that thing, usually after Falco had given him a hell of a good reaming himself, but now? Now, he felt like he'd need something bigger than that thing.

"Looks like you're the loser again, Wolf."

" fucking lied, pup..."

"All's fair in a competition like this."


"A tricky little fox deserves a little reward," the mystery voice said. "Let's see about...adding something..."

Fox half-expected there to be more inches added to his ass, but while that wouldn't have been an issue, he was more relieved when he felt something burning and tingling at the base of his spine. He looked over his shoulders, watching as two little bumps formed there, slowly wriggling and pulsing until something started growing out of them.

One popped, then the other, and two more tails started to slide out of the base of his spine. Fox's eyebrows went up, feeling a bit strange as they swayed back and forth, halfway in his control, half not. It was almost like the limbs belonged to someone else, yet could be used by him...mostly.

After all, they were coiling around his hips a great deal more than he expected, and he wasn't sure how to handle the way that they were spreading his bigger - much bigger, as a matter of fact - ass cheeks, almost like they were there more to show off his hole to the world than they were to help him keep his balance.

Still, they were a nice look, and they seemed to add to the feminine allure that his body was starting to take on. Fox smiled, giving himself a light spank before glancing back at Wolf.

His rival was barely able to get to one knee, his ass cheeks quaking and trembling from the forced pleasure that he was going through. O'Donnell's cock didn't seem able to go soft anymore, and he clearly was struggling to keep his head in the game, to keep focused on what he needed to do.

Curiously, Fox reached between the other man's cheeks. Wolf started to whip around at him, but Fox managed to find the little metal base of the plug inside of the other man's ass. He gave it a flick -


And Wolf immediately tumbled over again, shivering, panting, trembling from head to toe. His painted nails shined as his toes curled, and he whimpered like a well-fucked bitch.


"What the heck?"

"Sensitive...way too sensitive..."

"You mean...everywhere?"

Wolf groaned, nodding as he rolled over. The canine's cock was hard as a rock, throbbing and oozing over his belly. Fox smirked, lifting his foot, wiggling his toes.

"You know, I wonder if I could make you cum again."

"I..." Wolf growled. "I want to say I hate you."

"But you can't, can you?"


"Good. Then you can't hate me for this."

Fox brought his painted toes down on his rival's cock, meaning it to be a tease, but it was far more than that. Far, far more, as Wolf thrust his hips up, howled, and came, squirting himself right in the face.

...I'm starting to like this guy, Fox thought about the mystery voice. If I can keep winning challenges, then I get to turn Wolf into more and more of a bitch...

The End