The Future worth having

Story by ParadoxTiger91 on SoFurry

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#1 of Secret Formulas

The future worth having entails:

1.That majority of the population will be men~*

Women are welcome to join too,

Women are allways right, because they are conscientious moral agents

Men need to allways be good, and do the right thing, meaning they need to be independent rational agents

Men are expected to solve all the problems on their end with their rationality

The future worth having will be based on adult lifestyle~*

2.That the cost of living goes down

Meaning everyone will be richer and businesses will be richer too

after cost of living goes down

the businesses need to charge less for the customers,

to make the cost of living go down

Also if you charge too much that will stunt the growth of the business,

and you won't make as much profit

because there won't be customers with the time and money to buy what that business is selling

Selling for less, means more potential for making profit

because more customers means more profits

because charging less means more customers

meaning charging less means more profits to a point

so make sure you sell for atleast 2.5 times the cost of making or providing the goods or service

Also business is about working towards customer satisfaction,

Saving your customers money means you appreciate their business within your business

The businesses that tend to do better are the ones where their customers are happy

Its a yellow star thing,

You need to conserve on the cost

because That will lead to a greater net gain for both the customers and the business

Its for the win win, In business we need more team players like this~*

For the farmers who are currently selling overpriced produce and crops

place these farmers in a nonexistent reality, then low maintenance

until they sell for lower prices

That Philosophy leads the ship for the future worth having~*

That Science matures and follows Philosophy's lead~*

3.That cures will be released to the public

so the public can continue living normal lives

Also there is more money in cures,

because the more people alive means more profits in the end

Its a white star thing,

at first you may feel you are cheated out of something

but it will work out in the end for sellers of the cure

because if your plan is not to cheat the public interest

then you won't be cheated out of future profits either

Just have faith and let karma handle the rest~*

4.Cheaper gas, meaning no carbon tax

There is no such thing as global warming, or climate change. It was all just a myth-.

We are using the power of the Sun and stars as Philosopher stones to

Loop creationism day 1-2 for more ozone layer

Loop creationism day 3-4 for more trees and fossils for fuel

Philosopher stones mean ignoring the law of equivalent exchange


5.That the majority of the adult population

will be responsible for the good happening in society

All men should treat all the ladies good

and leave positive lasting impressions on them

so they choose men over themselves

and they will be more likely to birth sons for their husbands

actions speak louder than words

but its the thought that counts

if you think before you act

then your actions will count for more

for the sake of one and all~*

6.That Everyone who is rational will be immortal~*

because Rationality is a perspective of the Truth

If you know the Truth,

that alone will set you free, meaning you will be granted more freewill, more freewill means more lifespan

Rationality is also good for problem solving

Rationality also conserves on freewill

If you have less problems in your life then you will be happier

because happiness is the meaning of life

meaning if you are happy with your life you will live longer

From negativity to neutrality, from neutrality to positivity

Therefore, from negativity to positivity

that is how fate works if you are rational

being 'rational' means you 'ration all'

meaning more life leftover so that you are immortal


7.That Everyone who is moral will be more real~*

because if you do right then you will be the bigger person

the bigger you are the more influence you have over others,

the more influence you have, the more real you will be

because that just means you were allways meant to exist

being 'moral' makes you 'more' for 'all'

meaning your existence is justified so that you are real

because existence is right, everything that exists is right to exist

those who do wrong intentionally will be, were or are imaginary

because they contradict their own existence by doing wrong

8.That All contradictions will be, were or are undone

Such as suffering caused by hate, doubt, inequality, and wrongdoings

8a.Hate will change into fighting for what is right

That would be like going from a tough critic to a giver of constructive criticism

Turn your hatred into compassion for humanity

Hate is empty of purpose, so make love not war, because love is more fair than war

because love means life that is won, whereas war means life that is lost

winning is better than losing

so choose love not hate

the more you love, the happier you will be

What you love gives you meaning, purpose and fulfillment~*

8b.Doubt will change into suspended judgment initially officially

because if you are doubtful or overly skeptical

then you will have less space for things

that actually matter to you, like whatever you believe in

follow what is true for you,

and the doubt that imprisoned you will have no choice but to set you free

8c.Inequality will change into equal opportunities

because 'in equality' there is equal opportunities

8d.Wrongdoings will change into something minute and then be over and done with

Following the following guidelines will resolve any wrongdoings

8da.Must have consent for the morally questionable activity from all involved parties in that activity

meaning if no one consents then that activity would be wrong to do

8db.Must lead to no negative consequences for one and all,

meaning no third party having negative consequences either

8dc.Must treat others as an ends to your means,

meaning you need to consider others ahead of yourself~*

there is a benefit from doing in this way,

that is because you made life happen for others

karma has it that is you will be 'in' for others

meaning you will make more life happen for yourself in return

8dd.Must be responsible and accountable for all your actions

meaning do good and right because that can easily be accounted by the others~*

9.That Life will have meaning and purpose again~*

Everyone will have:

A.a dream job, something that you are good at, that you enjoy doing, or

something you enjoy doing that you are good at, would qualify as a dream job

That job will require less freewill, make you happy, and time flies when you are having fun, meaning easy money

More chances for a raise and promotions too, as you fine tune your skills

B.a dream partner, similarities and sameness attract,

that way you can conserve on freewill and live longer happier lives

and for everything else let complimentary forces come into play

same kinds of animals elope,

for the ladies, I am here to grant them their perfect match if that is what they need or want

9a.Choice of planets

9a1.Neptunian men for the shy or proud girls,

9a2.Jupitarian men for the girls who seem to know what they are doing, and know what they want, who are precious, dainty and regal

9a3.Solar men for the ones who have trouble finding someone that suits them

9b.Choice of galaxies

9b1.Sirius for girls who value loyalty, friendship and intimate moments above all else who are looking for a guy who want the same

9b2.Orion's Belt for girls who want to satisfy their libidos from the right guy to do that job

9b3.Alpha Centauri for girls who want a strong leadership type who are the same

9c.Choose an animal to repesent your lover(men generally like being bears or other big animals)

9c1.Bears-subby, strong, dependable, nurturing, caring, compassionate, easy going,

9c2.Dogs-friendly, loyal, good listener, obedient, easy going, extroverted, playful,

9c3.Big cats-sarcastic, independent, lowkey, smart, easy going, loving, understanding,

along those lines

Select 1 from 9a, 1 from 9b and 1 from 9c and I will add those qualities to the magical boyfriend on your end

Presto and enjoy~* Its a furry service, pun intended, meaning I don't charge


C.a dream lifestyle

for this one, one must know what they want in life,

then plan ahead, and then do good and right onto others,

by help keep making fate work for others,

support causes that you believe in, that matter to you,

because that is supporting yourself in return

and then before you know it fate will be working for you on the rebound

This works without contradicting others' dreams or lifestyles

Everything will work in almost perfect synergy~*

10.These 3 religions will be the base for believing~*

Roman Catholicism, Buddhism and Hinduism/Sihkism

10a.Orthodox Roman Catholicism and the Trinity,

Creationism is the origins of the world

The Sun and stars were created on the first day

The Sun and stars being Philosopher stones ignored the laws of equivalent exchange

when creating everything in this world

10b.Buddhism and the Duality of Yin Yang,

Fate is greater than Freewill alone

Freewill works better conserved meaning greater fated outcomes

or guided by Fate meaning everything works out positively in the end

or both meaning greater fated outcomes allways work out positively in the means and ends


10c.Hinduism/Sihkism and the Seven Rainbow Chakras

enlightenment can be achieved

if you set your mind on a goal and you achieve it

if you make a promise and you keep it

if you make an oath and you never break it

along those lines

11.No more winter

because the world just got hotter

for manly facial features and body figures

for the men

from blue star to white star approval granted

for manly facial features and body figures

for the women

from white star or yellow star or pink star to blue star

from blue star to white star approval granted

I believe all men should be low maintenance,

and that its alright that the ladies are alittle high maintenance

Afterwards only Spring, Summer and Fall~*

12.Good defeats evil

partly because evil or bad is already a self defeating cause,

good was just there to witness evil defeating itself and all,

state HS on the bad guys to put an end to evil

Light wins over darkness

because light is a 1, pun intended, and darkness is a 0

Right outdoes wrong

because what's right is in,

what's wrong is out

right makes life happen,

wrong is just fuel for fodder

Positivity can't be beat by negativity

because something that exists can't be beat by something that doesn't exist

It is just that highly improbable let alone impossible

because of this factor negativity wants to join positivity

because if you can't beat 'em join 'em

that is why those from the dark side are wanting to join the light side

accept the ones who want to change into a constant positive factor

positive factor being a 'sub'port for the good of mankind and humanity

and they will have all their plotted agendas met on the light side

practice live and let live,

practice adaptability,

practice being happy

learn to love life,

learn to believe in others,

learn the duty of responsibility

learn from loss,

so that its not a total loss,

turn loss into a gain

don't repeat mistakes unless its not a mistake

practice and learn how to be good,

do right onto others

Everyone needs to tap into that inner altruist complex,

It will make living life easier for all including yourself

If everyone made life easier for everyone else

then life would be made easier for them too

and if you make life easy for others,

then you will inevitably live a longer life,

because others would want you 'in' their life

If you are able to help then you should help

If you can, you should,

just for the sake of gaining experience of helping others is enough reason to do so

If you are responsible for anothers' happiness, then that is power used responsibly,

in the future fate will entrust you with more power and see how you do

If you go out of your way to help others out,

you will gain respect from others, and with enough respect comes influence

with enough influence your existence will become justified

That is taking something negative and turning that into something positive~*

If you aren't able to help, then you probably shouldn't help

and Its better not to help in that case

No one is forcing you to help, but voluntary help is greatly appreciated

Everyone should help make this world a more positive environment to live in

because positivity is objectively beautiful to say the least~*

It will be a paradise beyond imagining in the reality~*