Realm of Shadows (working title)

Story by fadedragon on SoFurry

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First story that i was writing during highschool

Slowly as i walked through the seemingly endless hallway I cam upon a door. It had no handle, seams, or hinges. All i could make out was the tiny carvings on the door that were illegible except one word realm, the door was strange to me but all there was, was the door. I placed my gloved hand on the door to find it cold to the touch, colder than anything i have experienced, yet my current room is warm. Taking my hand i push open the door and was bombarded with the change of temperatures. When it finally stopped I looked into the new room to find nothing, filled with nothing but darkness, I stepped out into the room and looked back to find that the door had vanished with no traces of it ever being there.

Checking my surroundings to find anything of use, but that search was in vain, the lightless room proved to be overwhelming. With no options I pressed forward, the longer i walked the more likely it seemed i would be stuck here for a while, time slipped by, what could have been mintues might have been hours. The strangest part was that i felt no fatigue, hunger, thirst, just empty. Finally relief was in sight, off in the distance was a shadowy outline of what must be a staircase, (finally something to get me out of this nightmare) without second thought i rand towards the wall hoping that it wasn't and illusion, but the closer i seemed to get the further away i actually was.

Finally i stopped to get a grasp on what was happening, ( how is it that i keep getting further away), so i scanned my surroundings looking for answers. When my vision finally reached my feet I noticed I was standing on a large silver disk, upon further inspection scatterred amoung the tiles were more disks and each disk had an arrow on it each pointing in a different direction. One step forward made me step back, testing this new theory i came to the understanding that the arrows facing the staircase would take me further away from my goal. Putting the tested theory to work i found the closest disk pointing away from the stairs and made my way very carefully to my destination, after a few minutes i reached and took the staircase up and out of the abyss. Slowly adjusting to the light I found myself in a room with four doors (which one will get me out of here.) The first door was locked, second had a lock on it with and emblem engraved on it and the third opened.

Tell me what you think all feedback is helpfull even if its crap and needs to be scrapped, thanks