Magnus -The Raging Bull

Story by LuccaTheOtter on SoFurry

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#6 of London Org.

After his first week, Baylor had found trust in Haven. He had been listening and working hard on regaining his control over his cursed power. After L hears about the little, yet great progress Baylor had been making, he decided that it was time to see how Baylor handles his first task.

*Based on a D&D campaign I played, set in 1920's London, the entries come from the point of view of Baylor Stoneridge. An anthropomorphic Buffalo has the power to amplify the feelings of others and allow others to get a taste of his emotions with the slightest touch.

L's footsteps carried through the corridors. Every step bounced around him until they abruptly stopped before Baylor's door. Three knocks followed before he opened the door to find Baylor staring at the potted plant on his mattress.

"Ellis is beginning to sprout, L," Baylor spoke in a deep, tired-sounding tone.

L gave a smile, started towards Baylor, and took a seat next to him. Together they watched the small plant that had risen an inch out of the dirt before L spoke.

"You know, Baylor, Haven has given me updates about your progress, and I don't feel that two weeks was enough time to treat you completely, but I can see that you have found a distraction, and I believe you are ready for your first task at the least."

Baylor took a glance at L before nodding in agreement.

"We have been in touch with someone in western Scotland. The woman lives with her brother near a little coastal town called Portree. You are chosen for this task due to the nature of this specific individual as he could use an attitude adjustment." L took a stance and placed his paws behind his back, strolling to the door. Before he exited, he added, "I'll see you at my office in one hour." L took his leave, passing through the solid door, his footsteps echoing outside the chamber doors.

Baylor began to shake as his nerves spiked. Finally, he stood up and dressed before rushing out the door to Havens chambers. Once he arrived, Haven opened his door as if he was about to head off.

"Baylor, dear lord, you scared me half to death!" Haven yelped, taken back by the stature of Baylor's figure.

"Haven, listen, I know you and L have seen progress in me, but I can assure you I'm not sure I am ready to be on a task force at this time. What if I mess it up? What if I do that thing again, Haven? I don't want to disappoint L. I'm afraid that-"

Haven cut him off, "Baylor, Baylor, no need to worry so much big guy. He asked me to go along with you two, so I can help if things don't go according to plan. I told L you were ready for this task as I believe in you, and I know you can do this, Baylor." The deer placed the palms of his hands on Baylor's shoulders. "Look at me. You know you can do it, and I will step in if needed. Okay?"

The Buffalo stood there and pondered if he had it in him to do this task. However, haven did sound very convincing, and Baylor knew he could trust him, so he nodded and agreed with him.

"Good, now you haven't eaten without me, right? Because I sure could use an apple or two." Haven chuckled before leading the way to the cafeteria.

After grabbing a few fruits and stuffing their faces, they headed to L's office. They were greeted with a strong aroma of woodsy incense that burned on L's desk upon entering. Haven proceeded towards the desk as Baylor stayed near the door.

"Welcome in. I assume Haven has briefed you on the person we are helping today?" L said, staring directly at the buffalo.

"No, sir. I haven't a clue besides what you had mentioned earlier." Baylor muttered quietly, though loud enough L could hear him.

"Not a problem, my dear boy, not a problem at all. We have been in touch with a highland cattle named Constance, who happens to be worried about her brother Magnus. She has described him in a way that piqued my interest as we could always use more strength members here at London Org. She has stated that lately, she has had to lock him in their barn due to his manic episodes and wait for him to calm down. And that Baylor is where you come in. You are to help me keep him calm when we get there so I may talk him into joining our little family here." L picked up a file and stuffed it in a briefcase. "Place your hands on my shoulders so we may go."

Haven and Baylor placed their paws down on L as they blinked. The second it took for their reality to alter around them before they realized they were in front of a farmhouse seemed to last hours to Baylor. He fell to the ground catching himself. His world spun around him and his stomach convulsed, feeling the fruits he had eaten just a few minutes before begin to return with every gag. His throat became sticky from his thickened saliva causing him to spit in an attempt to remove the nauseated feeling. After all, it was only his second time traveling with L.

"You didn't overeat before we traveled, did you? I should have warned you that blinking may induce vomiting if you have ingested too much." L laughed as he paced to the front of the farmhouse. "Now, I won't assume you two understand the Scottish Gaelic so let me do the talking and things should run smoothly."

The farmhouse sat on a large plot of land. No neighbors in sight, and the hills seemed to stretch for miles. The clouds overcast the land as waves from the near ocean could faintly be heard crashing along the cliffside just north of where the house sat.

As Baylor took his stance after the coughing and spitting had come to a stop, Haven patted his back gently, and they followed behind L like lost puppies.

When they reached the porch of the home, a woman rushed out. Her furred cheeks stained, and her eyes reddened from tears.

"Constance, I presume?" L started, "I am L. Glad to make your acquaintance."

"To ye as well," She sniffled, wiping away the falling drops. She motioned for the three of them to come inside as they made their way into the home.

Baylor and Haven paused upon entry after catching a glimpse of the heifer pictured next to a large bull. Baylor carried on behind L as they sat at the kitchen table across from Constance near a fireplace. The three sat in silence. The occasional sniffle sounded from Constance before L spoke.

"This is quite the lovely home, Ms-"

"Adair. Miss Adair."

"Right, Ms. Adair. So I understand you have been experiencing some complications with your brother, correct?" She nodded as he continued. "I have come to ask him to come to my facility in London. He would be cared for, and he would be around people like himself, ones with extraordinary abilities. As his sister, I'm assuming you would want the best for him."

She took a deep breath and spoke shakily, "I wan 'im not to hurt anyone. I know he's crabbit, he says t' me he ne'er hurt me, and he hasn'. But what would he dae if he gets mad wif me? Will he come af'a me? The townsfolk force em to leave Portree a few years ago, they were in fear he would knock the buil'ins down. So havin' nowhere t' go, I took 'em in." she scoffed nervously, shaking her head before continuing. "I had rebuilt the bloody barn doors after he became furious that he knocked ma pho'o off the wall. He needs a go a safe place, knowin' of his true capabili'ies the townsfolk may come for his head, and I can' stop 'em if 'ey do."

Baylor sat painted in confusion looking at L for answers. He never heard someone with such a heavy Scottish accent speak before.

"Where is he now?" L asked, forcing himself up from the table. Constance and Baylor stood, and they left through the front door passing Haven, who began to trail behind them. She led them to a dirt path that paved a large barn structure.

"Haste ye' back, don' destroy anythin'," she said before heading back to the farmhouse. The three men trotted down the dusty and beaten path as droplets of rain began to fall around them. As the rainfall picked up, so did the speed of their feet. Finally, they reached the big wooden doors and hurried inside, shaking off their coats to remove the excess water from their fur. L brushed off his suit and tweaked it slightly. Before their eyes knelt a rather prominent silhouetted figure, his arms stretched out on his sides were bound by chains. L cleared his throat as if getting prepared to speak. The massive figure lunged at him before being pulled back by the chains. A deep hefty grunt followed by heavy breathing and groaning sound from the chained-up man.

"Is a dreich day today. Mus' be drookit from the weather. Ye ken is dangerous 'round these parts." the deep voice carried.

"Dangerous for others, I'm sure, but you don't frighten me, Mr. Adair," L said.

The deep-voiced man growled, "Ye are a real nyaff, you ken 'at. Mr. Adair was my father, ye tube. Ye refer t' me as Magnus."

"Ah yes, Magnus. A good name. I hate to see you chained up like this Magnus, would you like me to take those off so we may talk on a level playing field?"

"Gonny no dae that. I don't want my sis'a be in harm's way. I promised I woul' take care o' her, and this is a only way I can assure her safe'y." His growling and grunting became quieter the more he started to calm down. "Wha's yer name?"

"You may call me L. I have come to ask if my colleagues and I can escort you back to our home so that we can train you on controlling this temper your sister tells me about."

His aggression began to act up again as the snarling grew louder and louder. The chains rattled as he tugged on them. "If ye thinks I'm gone leave my sis'a behind, then I'll gie ye a skelpit lug, understan'?"

L motioned for Baylor to step forward. "Let me introduce you to our newest member. Baylor here can take your aggressive emotions and alter them, forcing you into a different mindset altogether." He motioned to Haven. "Haven is our first stop to entering the facility; any issues you face behind the scenes, he forces you to confront them."

Magnus chuckled under his snarls. "An 'ow is that s'ppose change my mind? I told ye alrea'y, I ain' goin with ye t' Lon'n."

Haven turned to the door and left without saying a word. He ran down the path to the farmhouse, took Constance's hand, and returned. Haven pulled the heifer close to her brother before asking her a question quietly so that Magnus couldn't hear him. Once she nodded, Haven focused on her tears, her sniffling, took in her sorrow, and before their eyes stood an Illusion. The imagery pictured Magnus and Constance in the farmhouse. The words they shared were inaudible as Magnus took his hand into a fist and put it through a door before returning it and slapping Constance hard enough she had been taken off the ground and knocked back a few meters. Magnus ran out of the farmhouse as a group of townsmen gathered around him, holding pitchforks and aiming harpoons in his direction. Haven forced the imagery to disperse.

"What was 'at, who was 'at?" Magnus shrieked, grinding the chains feeling his temper rise.

"That was sister's fear of you and for you. The illusion you just witnessed is what she has been scared of. Your sister loves you, Magnus, and wishes the best for you. She called us here to take you away to a place where you can learn to control because she's worried if she makes a mistake and pisses you off, you might lay your monstrous-sized hand on her, worried the town will come for your head; knowing your capabilities." Haven persisted. "You are being given another chance to do right by your sister. Show her you can be in control of your aggression."

"Ye haver too much, li'le deer." Magnus exclaimed in disbelief.

"He's right, Magnus. I wan' the bes' for ye. I wan' ye t' be safe since I can' stop 'em if 'ey come for ye." Constance began to feel her eyes fill with her tears. "A loue ye, but ye can' stay here, Magnus.

Magnus glared at his sister. He began to pull the chains tightening the links until one of the links shattered, sending shrapnel into the walls of the wooden barn. "So is true den. You thinks o' me like a mons'er when you shoul' see me as kin," he snarled, breaking the only other hold left keeping him down. "You 'ave no trus' in my stabili'y tha' I woul' ne'er hurt ye. Ye see me as e'ryone else does, Constance. Ye wan' a mons'er, then I will Bloody gie ye a mons'er!" he shouted, lunging at her. L placed his paw on her arm as they blinked away before L returned to the barn alone. Magnus crashed into the ground sliding along the dirt and into a tractor. Blinded by rage, Magnus blew through the barn doors, shards of wood splintering through the air like a tree shot by a cannonball. He sprinted towards the farmhouse as L grabbed hold of Haven and Baylor.

"Now is your chance, Baylor."

The three of them blinked to the front of the farmhouse as Baylor began to walk towards the train-like bull charging at him. Baylor began to doubt himself and build up nerves in his body. The closer Magnus got, the more afraid he became. As soon as he was upon him, Baylor ducked. Magnus shot over him, splashing through the muddy wet path and bursting through the farmhouse wall.

"I can't, I can't do it, I can't hurt him, I just can't," Baylor cried to himself.

Haven rushed to him, kneeling to comfort him. "Hey shh, you are okay big guy, it's okay,"

"No. You don't get it, Haven," Baylor hyperventilated, "I can't use my cursed power to calm him down; I can't touch him. I'm too panicked. I would only amplify his emotions to what I am feeling. If I touch him, he will surely get worse."

He finally realized how Baylor's power worked. "I understand you, Baylor. Can you amplify his emotion?"

He nodded, trying to slow his breathing.

"So you can minimize it too, yes?"

He nodded once more as he struggled to his feet. Haven met his stance. "So shut him down. I know you can do it. Focus on shutting down that anger, feel his aggression and minimize it."

They turned to the house as the roof began to collapse. "Where i'she?" a deep snarly voice sounded from inside. Once more, Magnus slammed through the wall, this time taking the front door with him as behind him the top of the farmhouse that stood caved. The lit fireplace began to burn the wood as the home took flame. The crackling and popping sound from the burn caught Magnus' attention. Magnus showed little sympathy for his actions as he turned to L, who stood in the downpour.

"This," he began. "This is all yer fault!" He leaped at L throwing back his fist as he drove it through him and into the ground. L stood unharmed. Magnus threw another fist through him. Then another. And another. Magnus kept on showing no signs of stopping.

"Baylor, this is your chance. You can do this." Haven whispered. in

Baylor walked behind the bull, distracted by fury as he placed his hoof on Magnus' lower back. He began to focus on the raging steer feeling his ferocity; his power; his animosity until he found the source deep in his mind. Magnus collapsed before he could throw another fist, hitting the muddy path with a thud. His breathing slowed, and his snarls ceased to exist. Magnus felt his anger wash away for the first time in many years.

"How- how ye dae that?" Magnus questioned, feeling drained.

"I felt the source of your anger and shut it off. It's only a temporary shutdown, but at least you will be stable for a few days." Baylor spoke. Since the accident, he felt his confidence in his practice rise ever so slightly.

"My- my sis'a, is she-"

"Safe in Portree," L explained, "I blinked her there as I felt it was the safest place for her to go. So you do not need to worry about her."

L stepped away from the cratered ground where Magnus had flattened. He looked to the home as the fire grew until all that was left was a charred structure. Embers flickered as droplets splashed the ash.

"So much for according to plan. Well, Magnus, our offer still stands. We would gladly make room for your large stature at our facility, and I can see to it Baylor can keep you collected." He reached his paw down towards him.

"I won' go wifout Constance."He said, swiping L's hand away with the bit of strength he had left.

L chuckled to himself before saying, "seeing how little she has to come back to, I'm sure I can offer a hand to her as well."

Magnus took a moment to gather himself to a stance. "If ye mean 'at, then we ga' a deal."

L gladly took his hoof into his paw, "What fantastic news. I will prepare everything while you three mingle for a few minutes until I return. I will as well show your sister the facility. I'll be keeping you two apart for a few until we can be sure she won't harm you for destroying her house!" Without a sound, L disappeared.

Haven pulled Baylor into an embrace.

"Haven, I couldn't have done that without you, you know that?" Baylor remarked, holding his hands away from Havens back.

"I'm so proud of you, big guy. I knew you had it in you!" Haven pulled away, breaking the short hug.

The three of them chatted, Haven expressing how horrible the food is unless you get the fruits, while Baylor described the corridors and living spaces. Once L returned, Haven and Baylor placed their hoofs on his shoulders while L took hold of Magnus'.

"Welcome to London Org."

Didn't understand much of the Scottish Gaelic? Me either! For Information on understanding the Scottish Gaelic, follow this link! Scottish Slang 1.0 (The Ultimate Guide to Help You Blend in North of the Border) - Highland Titles