Home Sweet Farm Chapter 12 "Forgive Me! I Call Your Name!"

Story by Brawler101 on SoFurry

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Home Sweet Farm

Chapter 12

He was staring down a huge male with piercing green eyes and a very bulky body. He seemed familiar but he just couldn't put his finger on it.

"Come now Kevin you surely must remember me."

He thought and thought until he had come to a conclusion. How could he have not seen it before.

"Uncle Gerald."

Gerald smiled with a serious look on his face.

"That's right. Tell me do you like the gifts I've given you. Those arms of yours are something real special."

His eyes flashed wide open and he looked down at his arms.

"You-you did this to me?"

Gerald started laughing out of nowhere.

"Yeah isn't it great!? One of a kind too!"

"You took away my real arms and put these things to them?"

"I had to have a guinea pig to test them out. For years I have been searching for one thing and that was to find a way to make the perfect warrior. One without mercy and that can't be stopped. I decided it was to risky to try it on my own son so I turned to you."

Kevin balled up his hand with anger.

"What did you do with my arms!"

"Heh do you really want to know? I sawed them off and threw them into a limb shredder."

Kevin's anger took over. He dashed in a front attack. He stuck out his arm and fired his fists but instead of impacting his uncle merely grabbed the hands and pulled him forward.

"Foolish boy you should never attack someone straight forward like that."

Gerald then stuck out his arm and just like Kevin's it departed from his arm and slammed right into his gut. It was such a hard blow that Kevin coughed up some blood.

"Yes, yes that's it fight dear nephew fight I need to find the glitches in my invention."

Kevin didn't notice that he still had his hand.

"Show me your true power!" Gerald yelled yanking on the chain sending Kevin over his head.

Katie and the others watched in horror as there friend was thrown across the room. Sarah then remember something. She reached into her back pocket and pulled out a little knife she had found on the street one day and started cutting her ropes.

Gerald finally let Kevin's hand go and he contracted it back to his arm.

"Why are these three so important to you. I saw what they did they kicked you out and left you alone. Why do you insist on saving them? Why not join up with me and we could take over this country."

Blood was flowing from his mouth and he was hurting all over but Kevin still managed to stand even though his knees were weak.

"Your wrong...it was only Katie who threw me out."

She ducked her head into her lap hiding her tears but then.

"But the past...is the past I can't do nothing about it."

He breathed in as much air as he could for one last yell.

"Because Katie is my friend and no matter what happens she always will be!"

Her head flew up and she looked at him and he looked at her.

"I treated her like dirty when I saw her last and I am truly sorry."

As they gazed at each other there moment was broken by laughter.

"Trust? Love? Friendship? What a load of garbage people only become strong through hatred and anger."

"We will see." Kevin said running at Gerald again.

His uncle thought he was going to attack but all he did was fall onto the cround and slide under him. When he stopped he heard Sarah yell.

"Kevin catch!"

She threw what looked like two metal wristbands at him. Gerald ran at him to try and prevent him from getting them but it was to late he had already grabbed them. He dodged his uncle then placed them on his wrist.

"Think "Activate"!"

He knew that most of her inventions went wrong but he had no choice. He looked towards his uncle who was on the other side of the room and did so. At the moment he thought it the wristbands started to extend up his arms covering both hands and arm then it ran up his neck and what looked like cool glasses formed right in front of his eyes.

"Whoa I can see his status."

He looked at Sarah and smiled.

"How did you cram this into these!" he yelled out to her.

"I'll tell you later!"

He turned back to his uncle who just stood there confused.

"Alright lets see now." he said looking at the iron list attached to the mechanical arms.

"Cannon." he said.

The mechanical arms started to shift until they formed two cannon barrels. Then some kind of electrical energy started to form in it.


The orbs of energy launched from his arms and his Gerald head on.

"Now I'm in business."