A Stronger Bond 1

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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#8 of Caelia and the Muse

Caelia is broken of the Muse and attached to someone far more brutal, far more intent on having 'fun' rather than having a relationship.

Commissioned by a-lycotonum

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A Stronger Bond

Part 1

For a-lycotonum

By Draconicon

The ritual was ready to proceed by the time Caelia and the Muse returned to the sorority house, and any and all protests fell on deaf ears. As far as the sorority authorities were concerned, an unclear bond between a potential member and an outsider wasn't just unfair to those that had to 'suffer' under the full force of an outsider bond, but it also risked the outsider having unfair access to the world, possibly to the point of danger. The fact that Caelia and the Muse were getting as close as they were didn't matter. If anything, their new relationship seemed to be all the more reason to terminate the shaky bond that they shared and pair her with something more 'suitable' for her.

As Caelia was forced to step into the summoning circle in the basement of the sorority house and the Muse was made to do the same in the second one, the two of them shared a glance. The dark-skinned woman had shed the celebratory gold colors that she often wore, replacing them with a soft blue-black. For once, they were opaque rather than transparent, revealing nothing in the way of her usual naughtiness, and her expression was mournful.

Caelia was a bit embarrassed to say that her own expression probably had none of that. She was so far in shock at what was going on that she barely realized what was going on. She turned from the outsider to the crowd of other hopefuls going through this hazing process. The young woman stared at the other girls and ladies that were trying to become part of the group, and she saw that most of them were rather confused, rather out of it.

The only ones that weren't were Roselle Greenhill and the succubus Sar'onnath. They were the only ones in the crowd that were completely aware of what was going on, and more than that, approved of it. The halfling smirked from where she sat, arms folded over breasts that were covered by little spots of cloth on the nipples and nothing more, wearing little more than straps and ropes along her legs. The succubus was worse, completely naked, her furred legs running right up to a swollen red crotch that might as well have had a target painted on it for cocks.

I knew they weren't happy, but...

Caelia didn't even know how to finish that thought. Them being 'unhappy' would have been enough for something of a rivalry, but this? To break her and the Muse apart, before she even knew the Muse's name? That...That...

"It is ready," one of the real sorority members said. "The ritual will begin momentarily. Caelia?"

She didn't answer, still staring into the crowd in disbelief. This wasn't really happening, was it? This was just another test, another way to fuck with her. Another way to take what she believed should be happening and -


The repetition of her name brought her out of her shock, just a bit, enough to turn her head and look at the blond-haired woman that had one hand on the spell circle and the other in a brazier of ingredients. The older woman nodded at her.

"Brace yourself. If you have anything to say, this is the time."

Turning in the summoning circle, she looked at the Muse. The dark woman looked back, posed on one foot, the other lifted in a half-dance step. Caelia slowly shook her head, the words coming up from her throat.


The sigils on the floor leaped into brilliant light, burning with magical intensity. Beams of light lunged for her middle, stabbing through her body. No cuts, no burns, but they cut at something, nonetheless.


Caelia stiffened, arching her back, held in place by the spears of light. The Muse did the same, the pair of them gasping, screaming, then panting and huffing for breath before the next stabbing pain. The spears of light lifted them from the ground, their feet no longer touching earth, her clawed toes not even coming close.

Snip. The first cut of the bond ached, cutting right down to her heart and then sliding up through her soul. She felt the connection fading, only now realizing what she was losing.

Light...so much light...

She hadn't realized how much confidence and power and love had beamed through the connection between them until the supply started to dwindle. She gasped for breath as she felt that unspoken, unstated imagination and confidence fading, feeling like curling in on herself. Her shame at having bestial feet and changed features started to come back, and she whimpered as she tried and failed to curl in on herself.

The imagination, the creativity of the Muse had been part of her, as well, something that had been sliding out, giving her ideas, new perversions, new thoughts and possibilities. Now, that was taken from her, leaving her only with her own pool of it. Caelia felt that it was so much less, and wanted to cry as she was held aloft.

Snip. Another cut to the bond, and what was trickling through became little more than a dribble. She wanted to scream again, but her lungs lacked the air for such a thing. All she could do was sob, feeling the magic taking what little happiness she had from her.

The Muse managed some dignity, but even her face was tear-stained. Worse, she was fading, and Caelia could see her becoming see-through, the room appearing through her beautiful, shining flesh. She reached out for the Muse, even though she was on the other side of the room, and the Muse reached back.

It almost felt like their fingers would touch, but then, the final snip happened. Caelia felt the last of the light sliding through fade, and the Muse was gone. Not in a burst of smoke, not in an explosion of light, not even with a thunderclap. She was just...gone.

The light lowered her to the ground again, and she sagged against herself, falling against the floor. She curled her legs up against her chest and she wept.

"...We'll begin the rebinding in an hour, after she's had a chance to recover," the blond woman said. "This will be...private. The only ones allowed to stay will be Miss Greenhill and her bonded partner, due to their recommendation for the new binding."

Caelia realized something in that moment. No matter how much she thought she had hated someone in her life, it had never reached the point of true hate until this point. Love was not something casually tossed away, and this...this was more than that.

She looked up from the ground, staring at the halfling. Did she look at Roselle with hate? Maybe, maybe not, but it felt like true loathing when she fixed the smaller woman with her glare.

Somehow, she maintained a state of mixed shock and hate for the full hour, to the point where she was still curled up and glaring when the next spell began. She could feel the tingle of the previous spell, the one that had bound her to the Muse, but this time she fought against it, trying to hold off. If she couldn't have her, what was the point of trying to get into the sorority? What was the point when she was so awful to begin with, that she couldn't even enjoy what she was without someone bound to her?

What was the point of life without love?

The spell pushed at her, though, insistent beyond the common lot of mortals to resist. She groaned, curling her scaly toes, pressing against the edge of the summoning circle, but the magic was already cast, and the power had been raised. The sigils of the circle glowed around her, pinning her in place, and the magic reached for her.

When the Muse had been attached, it had been something light, something gentle, something almost like the fluttering of bird wings around her. This time, it was something harsher.

Almost immediately she felt heat beneath her, the fires of one of the circles of Hell burning beneath her feet and against her skin. It stung her soles and scalded her back like a bath that was just too hot no matter how much you might lie to yourself about it. It settled against her like a cape, and then like rough leather all up and down her body. It scratched, it abraded, it felt all kinds of wrong, but unlike what had happened with the Muse, there was no pushing back. This was completely one-sided.

This was what the bond was supposed to be, some part of her realized. The bond was supposed to allow the outsider almost full control instead of the give and take that she'd had with the Muse. This was...this was something far more intense.

Against her will, she stood up, wanting to at least meet the new one on her feet. She didn't know what was coming through the other circle, but she knew that it would be better to stand up and see it that way. She was already weak, but she wouldn't be weaker still.

As she found her balance, wobbling from side to side, pulling shut the robe she'd been given, Caelia watched as the other circle suddenly flared red. A portal of black and crimson opened, leading down to the pits, and she watched as a blunt-fingered hand shot through. It was harder, harsher than the gentle fingers of the Muse, the fingertips tipped black, almost like they were topped with miniature hooves.

Leading down from the hand was a muscular arm, the sort of limb that one would never have found on a soldier. Maybe on a barbarian from the far wastes, or on the adventurers that passed through the city after careers in the field, but no one else. What followed that, however, was nothing like anything that she had seen before.

While Caelia was aware of the existence of minotaurs and satyrs - and had seen something similar to the latter in Sar'onnath, considering that the succubus had something like a satyr's nature with her more humanoid parts - she was not used to seeing creatures of full animal anatomy to still walk on two legs. What came from the portal was that. The long arms led down to thick shoulders, topped with a horse-like head. The eyes were humanoid, but little else was, from the long face to the rounded nose and mouth. The head itself was topped with horns, curling up and around the side of the head, and each horn was topped with a flame as red as blood.

The creature pulled itself further out, and she saw that the muscular theme continued throughout the body. The thick shoulders might have suggested a masculinity to others, but no sooner were the shoulders past the portal rim than great breasts were seen, heavy and tipped with teats rather than nipples, big and a little leathery from use. They were bestial things, meant for feeding many rather than just the occasional young.

The horse-demon pulled itself the rest of the way from the portal, and Caelia saw that the breasts did not stop at two. Another row, and another formed, going all the way down to the crotch. They shrunk after the first one, becoming little more than lines of nipples down to the bottom. The demon's sex was like that of a mare's, swollen and clenching like the drooping curtains of a well-bred beast.

She grunted and whinnied as she pulled herself from the pit, the portal closing so that she could set her hooves down on the ground. The heat of the portal faded, but the heat on her body did not.

The demon looked at her, and the second stage of the spell struck.

Caelia arched her back, gasping at the sudden pressure on her mind and body. The power of the demon across the room slammed into her with all the force and will and determination that the Muse never used. She would have staggered and slumped down if it wasn't for the fact that she locked her knees, refusing to bow. She would not be broken, not in front of Roselle, not in front of Sar'onnath, and not in front of...this...

The leathery, scraping feeling all over her body grew stronger, the will of the demon pushing down against her. Caelia gritted her teeth, a low whimper escaping her, but the raw hate that she felt for the other two refused to fade. It gave her the strength to keep standing, even as she felt like someone was taking sandpaper and rubbing it all over her body.

The heat spread through her flesh, running through her. She could feel it rubbing away part of her humanity, in some ways, making her skin more sensitive, more raw, more able to feel anything that came close. She gritted her teeth as she fought against the feeling, trying to keep her head on straight.

"Speak your name," the blond sorority member said.

"Kaggotha," the demon said.

"Speak your name," she said again, looking at Caelia.


"Speak your name."


"From now until the end of your trials, you will be bound. Let it be for the best for the both of you."

The spell squeezed her, for lack of a better term. Kaggotha's will was clenched down into her, pulled in tight and then shoved through her soul. She could feel the heat settling into her, pushing against her hate, against her grief and loss, and as it did, it brought something to her that was unfamiliar and familiar at the same time.

Lust of the most hellish sort slammed through her, a lust for things so taboo that not even the Muse would have touched them, not in the way that the demon had planned. Memories of the dog on the street from the day before changed, giving her the idea of bending over to get ass-raped and knot-fucked for the whole world to see. She imagined the half-orcs and orcs that passed through the city passing her around, rutting her and breaking her into a greenskin-loving whore. The impulse to spread her legs right then and there and piss like a racehorse to offer herself up as a slut slammed into her, and she only barely resisted it.

Kaggotha stared at her, red eyes gleaming through the rough, oiled mane that ran over her face. The demon obviously had plans, and despite herself, despite all the hate that she had for her situation, Caelia didn't know if she could -

"Strip," the demon said.

The command was as brutal and brusque as the demon's voice was, but no sooner was it given than Caelia's hands were moving on their own. They grabbed the edge of the robe, throwing it back. Where she had been able to resist the Muse's commands to an extent, or at least slow them down, there was nothing of the sort this time around. Her body was bared to the entire room, her slight chubbiness on display, her breasts sagging a little, and her dragon feet pushed to be seen.

Kaggotha looked down at them, snorting. The demon pointed at them, and a sudden surge of heat rushed through her feet. Caelia wanted to scream as the hell-flames burned between her toes, little black fires burning up past her claws and over her soles. The scales heated, turning from a deep blue to a darker blue, almost black with hints of blue through them.

Yet, at the same time, they almost seemed stronger. Kaggotha's eyes narrowed, and her power surged hotter, the flames burning brighter, but the scales refused to give way. Even as it stung, even as she was forced to take it, they didn't falter.

"Why?" Kaggotha asked.

"...Why?" Caelia repeated, panting. "Why...what?"

"Scales. Where from? Why there?"

"The Muse gave them to me...and you're...not...taking them..."

It was the smallest of rebellions that she could give, but if that was all she could do, then she would do it to the best of her ability. She wasn't going to lose what little she had left, and there was no way that she was budging on that.

Kaggotha didn't look happy, but she didn't care. The demon could punish her or humiliate her later. This was all she had left, and she wasn't giving it up.

More to the point, she was pretty sure that she didn't have to. There was something powerful there, something that had been gifted to her. She was beautiful with those. She had something lovely to her with those scales, those beautiful, jewel-like scales. If she could hold onto that, then she could hold onto what mattered.

The demon snorted, but no more was said.

"Alright. The bond seems to be holding," the sorority sister said. "You may leave the circle."

No sooner had the sister said such than Kaggotha was marching out of her circle. Not to Caelia, though, but to the seats. Sar'onnath was doing the same, marching down from the seats to meet up with the demon, and the pair of them started talking.

Only Roselle came to her, and the halfling looked like she was ready to gloat. The other members of the sorority had already retreated to the walls, leaving the room now that the spell was done. Caelia shook her head in exhaustion, wobbling on her feet as the halfling walked up to her.

"Looks like you're beat."

"I hate you."

"Heh, you really think that? You'll be thinking of nothing but dick and cunt soon enough, bitch."

"Why did you do this?"

"Because I fucking hate hypocrites."

"We loved each other."

"Nah, that was just being horny."

"You didn't know her. And you don't know me."

"Well, fuck it. It's over now. Besides, this'll be way more fun."

"I wasn't in it for 'fun.'"

"You are now. We're going brothel-hopping tonight, and Kaggotha's bringing you along."

"I'll pass."

"Heh, who said you have a choice, slut?"

"I'm not a slut."

"You are, even if you don't want to admit it yet." Roselle chuckled. "Ain't a bad thing. It's fun being a slut. But Kaggotha will get you to understand that. She's really, really good at that. Even better than Sar'onnath is."

That was what she was afraid of. Looking back at the equine demon, she could already feel shivers running down her spine at the thought of what that thing was going to do to her.

They were on the streets less than an hour later, and Caelia had barely managed to grab her robe and tie it around her again before they hit the cobblestone. Kaggotha walked at her side, towering over her, and the demon kept pushing at her as they walked along the roads.

The brothels were not so close to the Arcanamirium, but they had allowances to head down there provided that the two demons didn't do anything that would fuck with the average person in the process. That had been agreed, but there was nothing saying that Kaggotha couldn't fuck with her.

Caelia hissed as the demon walked behind her, one finger passing through her robe. There was some magic involved there, something that made it look like the demon walked with her hand on her ass, but in reality, that finger was deep in her pussy. Not her ass, her pussy, stirring it up and making her shiver as she dripped down her thighs in unwilling arousal.

"Let go of me," she whispered.


"I don't want this."


The demon looked her in the eye, and the bond between them flared with heat. It felt like that leathery grip around her body suddenly tightened, almost like a full-body suit that went right over her face and down to her ankles. The only thing that it didn't touch were her bejeweled feet, but that was still enough.

She gasped as the 'suit' of power around her was suddenly filled with sensitivity, with lust, with the need to be touched. Her pussy felt empty, her breasts felt sensitive and needy. Every fantasy that had ever passed through her mind came back hotter and better than ever, and she gritted her teeth as she stumbled, forcing her pussy down onto the demon's hand harder than ever as a result.


"You want."


"You want."

Another pulse, another burst, and she felt the heat sinking through her skin, settling into her core. It was making her pant, huffing and puffing the way that she had done over the previous night with the Muse. All the effort, all the teasing that the Muse had put into working her up for that frenzy towards the end of the night, getting her so hot and bothered that she didn't care what she was doing, Kaggotha was forcing on her right then and there. There was no build-up, no gradual teasing, just a sudden, rampaging heat that demanded to be satisfied come hell or high water.

She was slumping back, barely able to keep walking, and the demon chuckled. Caelia was forced to allow her new partner to pull her close, to rest against her side as she was fingered and pulled along at the same time.

"Nnngh...You...are a monster..."

"No. Just honest."



She hated the fact that she was losing an argument to something so wrong, so demonic, so apparently dumb. It was just as galling to know that she couldn't say anything against it, either.

They walked about a mile from the Arcanamirium before they turned off onto a shorter, narrower side street. From there, they started seeing more and more sex workers, from streetwalkers to the potion-makers that delved specifically into this niche. Caelia could hear them hawking goods that promised anything from longer cocks to 'dragon's seed', something that she didn't want to think about. Some went into various fetishes, and still others offered things like erotic pets for the night, including -

"Gelatinous cubes for sale here, gelatinous cubes! Trained to take any form. You've never lived until you've felt one of them thrusting away inside you!"

She blushed at the idea of anything like that pushing into her body, and hurried along that much faster.

They rounded another corner, and there was the first brothel. It was a single-story building, one with red paint that wrapped around the building about ten feet out from the door. Half-elves that were dressed and made-up to look like elves were being fucked by anything from orcs to minotaurs, and she was pretty sure that she even saw a werewolf being tied down at the back and being made to offer his cock to the prostitutes in a more safe setting.

Her pussy clenched down on Kaggotha's finger in unwilling lust, stirred further by the presence of her new bond. She gritted her teeth, looking away.

"Don't worry. Not fucking women tonight."

"I'd prefer...women."

"No. You prefer cock."

Caelia barely had the chance to brace against the new heat, and even so, she wasn't sure that it did anything for her. It made her feel empty, feel...needy down there, her pussy dripping more than usual, her clit starting to throb, almost like it was pushing out and winking like a mare's clit might have done.

No, don't do that...don't do that...

Roselle and Sar'onnath led the way, and Caelia hissed and shook her head, stumbling, trying to hold back. The halfling and other demon looked back at them, and Sar'onnath chuckled.

"Come on. You don't want to miss the fun, do you?" the demon asked.

"Need fix this. You go."

"You sure? You can probably -"

"I fix. You start fun. Catch up soon."

As the other pair walked in, greeted with a roar of approval from somewhere inside, Kaggotha ripped her finger free. Caelia almost crumpled to her knees right then and there, and only the fact that they were near an empty stall kept her from doing that. She grabbed for the empty surface, leaning on it, only for the demon to whip her around and grab her by the chin.

"You listen. You not Muse thing anymore. You mine. And Kaggotha make her thing right. Understand?"

"No, I don't." She shook her head. "I don't want you."

"No matter. You want what I want you want."

"I won't...I won't..."

"Heh. Cum."

Caelia arched her back as an orgasm rocked her to the core, sending her flopping back against the stand. She came hard, her pussy clenching down on nothing, a sudden squirt soaking the front of her robe around her crotch. Her toes curled, then pointed, her entire body shaking from head to toe as she went through one of the most violent, rough orgasms of her life.

She flopped back, shaking and panting, her entire body aching from the spasming muscles that had rocked her in a horrible yet pleasurable way. As she tried to get up, Kaggotha grabbed her by the chin again.

"I control now. No weak Muse. Just strong demon."

"I wanted...her. I don't want...you."


Another mind-shattering orgasm, this time sending her to her knees. She fell over, screaming as she sprayed backwards this time, soaking the wood of the stall and dribbling her juices down her ass to her thighs, feeling it slowly pooling against her knees. The cobblestones hurt, but not as much as the forced pleasure did.

She noticed that something remained behind every time that she was forced to cum like that. Every time, her pussy felt emptier, and her needs felt higher, stronger, more intense and powerful than before. She could feel her ass clenching, her pussy trying to do the same, and the heat inside of her was worse than ever.

"What...what are you?" she whispered.

Kaggotha didn't answer with words, but something did come down the bond. There was an image of a mare on a hill, a mare that ruled over an entire herd. Not of horses alone, but of demons and mortal souls. She ran them, controlled them, owned them.

Caelia saw the mare running on broad hooves through the plains of Hell, pushing them and punishing them, but then rewarding them. She grew the males, and made the females feel need. She rode all the males with the greatest endowments, forcing them to breed her, debasing herself and enjoying the hedonistic pleasures of size and size alone. The other females were soon brought to the same point, and the smaller males were never allowed to touch the females again as their standards changed.

Such was her power. Such was her corruption.

Caelia rode the vision for an indeterminate amount of time before she was released from it, huffing and puffing on all fours. While she had been in it, she hadn't even realized it, but Kaggotha had taken her clothes and thrown them somewhere out of sight. She was now completely in the nude in the middle of Absalom, and there was no hiding her body.

The demon pulled her to her feet, no longer hiding it as she shoved a finger right up Caelia's pussy. She gasped, arching her back, her nipples going hard against her will as she was made to walk on tiptoe right behind the bigger woman.

"Nnngh...I'm not...one of your herd..."

"Will be."

They entered the brothel, something that she could no longer resist. She'd been beaten down and exhausted past the point of being able to fight, and while she didn't entirely want it, her body was fighting her enough that she couldn't stop herself from going along with it anymore. She had to follow, even if she didn't entirely want to. Dragged through the doors, she looked around to try and find out what was going to happen to her.

The inside of the brothel was plain and to the point. An elderly-looking gnome matron stood behind the front desk, smoking a hookah, while on either side of her were the rooms and 'employees' that staffed the brothel. On the right were the ones that looked female, and on the left were the ones that looked male. Each employee had a rope and wood sign around their necks giving further information, from cost to species to bloodline to specialties, and it made the whole place look even more like a meat market.

Caelia was dragged forward on tiptoes, and the gnome looked up. She chuckled.

"Not hiring tonight, but she's a fine one. Bring her back next week, if you really want to sell her."

"Not selling. Buying."

"Oh-ho, a pair of customers, then? What are you looking for, dearies?"

"Big dicks. Biggest."

"Well, you're a little late for that. The halfling and her...friend...grabbed those."

Kaggotha's eyes glowed, and she flexed her hand. A coin minted of red gold appeared, shimmering with a heat that was slowly fading. She tossed it over, even as Caelia continued to hiss and whimper as dozens of eyes rested on her.

"Give potion. Make bigger."

"Oh, my..."


"Oh, this will take a moment, but -"

"Do. Now. Or I do instead."

The gnome's eyes widened, and she bowed her head quickly. As she came back up, she dragged two potions out from under the front desk.

"Uh, yes, please. Take these with my compliments, ma'am. Enjoy -"

Kaggotha didn't even give the gnome a chance to finish her sentence. They were already on the move, and Caelia had even less freedom than before. She was made to walk on tiptoes, her heels higher than any shoe could have forced them, and she didn't even pay much attention to the males that Kaggotha picked. One moment, she was being fingered and led around, the next, she was in a room, thrown down on the bed, and she had someone standing between her legs, someone with their cock slowly growing.


She looked down, her eyes going wide as she watched an orc's green dick slowly warping, becoming something tapered at the tip with something bigger bulging out along the base. Her eyes went from the shaft to the orc in question, looking at his tusks and realizing that this was a full orc, not a half-orc, and that meant that there was going to be a great deal more brutality in this rutting.

"No, no, wait, please - ah!"

His cock ground against her, and the reminder of her emptiness down there froze her in place. That was all that the orc needed, bringing his narrowing tip down to rub between her folds. Caelia tried to find the words to speak, but all that wanted to come out of her mouth was a whimpering gasp, a shivering moan, and begging pleas to be fucked right there.

Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted Kaggotha with her back against the wall, one leg in the air, and while she was being fucked by another orc, her hand was around his throat and making him go harder than he normally would. Another green dick that was slowly warping into something more like a horse cock, something bestial, something bigger, something -


Against her will, she moaned as that fat dick started sliding into her, opening her up right then and there. She whimpered, trying to hold the Muse in her head. For now, she succeeded...but how long would that last?

The End

Summary: Caelia is broken of the Muse and attached to someone far more brutal, far more intent on having 'fun' rather than having a relationship.

Tags: F/F, M/F, prostitution, fantasy, bond, magic, succubus, demon, forced orgasm, body control, fingering, vaginal, cock transformation, orc, equine, muscles, dominance, femdom, humiliation, slavery, corruption, public, exhibitionism, nudity, series, orgasm, squirting,