A Different Kind of Holiday Party

Story by Mintfox on SoFurry

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Kris's life isn't panning out too well and prospects are not panning out. On top of that he has some pretty...odd desires. Could they somehow intertwine?

First upload in damn near probably 7ish years. I'm rusty for sure but it was nice writing a short story again. I have plans to continue this based on where it ends and i want to explore that more but for now I like it. Hope you do too.

The holidays, christmas, thanksgiving, hanukkah, new years. All wonderful celebrations in their own right, ones that were usually filled with joy, giving and merry times. Or so that's what it seemed like to Kris. Every year, as the tv started to fill with holiday cheer and lights started appearing on everything from roofs to telephone poles, Kris tried to keep his eyes glued to the ground to avoid them, or at the very least not pay them attention. Even as he sat at his local bar the small christmas tree adorned with silver garland and red ornaments called out "look at me" but Kris made it a point not to look at it. In one paw was his normal drink, a dark stout that had been recommended to him by the bartender around six months back when he first stepped into the establishment. Since then he had made his way in once a week to decompress from work and home life. In the other was a phone, scrolling through Twitter in a vain attempt to feel social. A deep sigh escaped between his teeth and, always cognizant of that kind of exasperation in his guests, the bartender eyed the fox.

"Something got you down Kris?" He asked with a raise of an eyebrow.

"Hmm?" The fox hummed and looked up from the screen to see the dark furred crossfox standing in front of him. He was a tall lanky fox, more akin to a manned wolf, and had a particularly noticeable perfect hole in his right ear.

"Something happening? You're even more consumed by that thing than usual, haven't even told me the problem at work this week." The bartender smirked and suddenly Kris flushed with embarrassment and expectation. "Oh, sorry Walter, it's just the holidays. You know." Kris responded and then took a sip of his beer to indicate he didn't want to go further, a sign that Walter the bartender knew all too well but wouldn't recognize it.

"You've got to do better than that!" He laughed and leaned onto the bar. "You're not looking so hot, what's the problem?" Knowing that he wasn't going to really get out of this one Kris made a quick gesture towards the small tree at the end of the bar.

"Got something against trees, do ya?" Walter said, as sarcastically as his muzzle could make it. "What! No...it's, it's the holidays. They just always are..." Kris bit the tip of his tongue "are a bit difficult. Like they don't agree with me I guess."

Walter pulled back and scratched his neck. "Don't agree with you? Ah, family issues?"

"Something like that." Kris responded and took a large gulp of the bitter drink, "In that I don't have any."

"Ooooh." Walter nodded "That can make it difficult." Kris echoed the nod and put down his phone to transfer his paw to the glass, caressing it between both of his paws. "Yeah."

"Well I won't pry." Walter nodded "but know you're welcome here!" He smiled and it quickly changed to a laugh. "Your money is always welcome!" Kris finally broke a smile in the corner of his muzzle and Walter pointed at him with a wink. "See! Knew i could do it!" Kris rolled his eyes and took another sip of his beer.

After a few seconds of silence Kris noticed Walter eyeing him up and down and gave him a look of 'what are you doing'?

"Yeah?" Kris asked.

"You're 28 right?" Walter asked and Kris nodded, at first wondering how he could have pegged it but then realized he must have shown him his ID at least half a dozen times before he finally remembered him. "A young fox with nothing to do for the holidays. If you're interested I might be able to get you as a plus one to a party I'm going to next week! It's not exactly...a normal holiday party." He paused for a bit longer than Kris was comfortable with but he didn't comment.

"Not exactly a normal party? What do you mean?"

"Oh, we don't really do normal christmassy things." Walter shrugged. "But if you want to go I'm sure you could!" The crossfox's tail swished behind him, "I wouldn't want a thing like you left alone during the holidays."

Kris's gut reaction kicked in and he shook his head quickly. "Thanks but I think I'll pass."

"You sure?" Walter asked and reached out for the now empty glass that Kris had in his paws. "Yeah, not really the party type." Kris said and Walter nodded. "Yeah well, like I said it's not a normal holiday party but I get it. However, if you change your mind just let me know. Another?" He gestured to the tap and Kris contemplated for half a second before glancing at the time and realizing it was much later than he anticipated.

"Sorry Walter, I'll have to keep most of my money this time around." The fox stood up from the bench and stretched his arms before pocketing his phone. "I'll see you later."

"See you later Kris!" Walter waved as Kris left the bar.

Kris opened the door to be met with a blustery wind chill, some light snow had accumulated on the ground as he was in the bar it made him irritated. Driving in the snow was something he hated beyond almost anything, having almost died 3 times before due to snow and black ice. With a grumble he found his car and climbed in. After a few minutes of waiting for the heat to blow he made his way home, yet the invitation for the party kept his mind busy. Walter had always been pretty nice to him, and a good ear if needed. He also had a pretty good talent for storytelling and gave decent advice. The quintessential bartender Kris thought. It was nice of him to invite him to the party.

Work sucked, in every monday morning meeting, friday night assignment, micromanaging boss way possible. Plus it was the worst day of the week, Thursday, close enough to the weekend for one to be excited yet still have an entire day at work left to go. At least that was Kris's philosophy about it which he made a habit of espousing as much as possible. Best he could do on this particular Thursday was hunker down and do his work, reviewing workpapers for other people. As he sat there scrolling up and down on his email and strategically making it look like he was actually doing work at that moment, a paw lay itself on his shoulder and Kris nearly shot out of his seat.

"Kris! How's it going!" The tinny, yet soft voice asked and instantly he knew who it was, the VP of operations of his team. Basically, the bosses bosses bosses boss, this couldn't be good.

"Oh Saul, hi. Just you know, working on some of the reporting for the offshore team." Kris quickly barfed out knowing that Saul would not ask about specifics. Kris twirled around in his chair to face Saul, a martin that came up to about Kris's shoulders. He was the type of boss that spoke softly yet carried a big stick, Kris had never been on the receiving end of a swing of that stick but he'd heard stories. It also didn't help that he had a natural black fur mask over his eyes making it seem he was always scheming something.

"Good good good! Why don't you take a walk with me?" He said, making a gesture with his paw. Kris stole a glance at the rest of the team, hard at work and making positivity sure not to glance toward them. Something was definitely going on. "Of course."

After a few moments of walking towards the door of the office Saul cocked his head slightly to one side. "You've been here for..."

"Two and a half years, if you include my internship." Kris finished.

"Ah yes! That was it, knew it. You've been doing a smashing job." He said giving Kris at least some relief, he wasn't in trouble or anything. "But there's something I do want to speak to you about." Saul continued as they walked out of the building into the courtyard, a standard office type thing with benches and tables that somehow always had people sitting in them even though Kris never understood how people had the time just to sit and talk with others at work. Even more so when it was December.

"Oh?" Was all Kris could muster.

"Yes, can think of it like hmm..." he stopped and tapped a small finger to his short muzzle. "Like an opportunity!" He exclaimed and continued walking. Kris didn't bother to respond and instead waited for Saul to continue. "The company decided that they are, well, going to be moving parts of the team."

"What do you mean move parts of the team?"

"I mean that we're relocating some of the team to the central satellite office." Both of them came to a stop near a tall two person table. "The central satellite office?" Kris asked, very much disliking where this was heading.

"Management believes that it would be best to set up a presence there and we've selected you along with Staci to be those who should make the move. Both of you are strong performers who don't need constant watching, it's a great opportunity! Get to see other parts of the company."

Yeah, a great opportunity that required moving to the middle of nowhere and probably ending up with a pay cut due to the cost of living adjustments Kris thought. He leaned against the table and rubbed his muzzle. "What kind of timeframe are we looking at and when do you want a decision by? Because, Saul, I've got to be honest, moving out there is not something I really want to do."

The martin nodded slightly and drew in a short breath. "Yeah, so the plan is to have you relocated by mid-January and..." he paused. No doubt trying to come up with the words to say. "And, well the position here will be eliminated." An awkward silence filled the courtyard as Kris took in the words with a few small nods. Kris at that moment knew it wasn't anything related to wanting a presence in the central satellite office, this was a cost move and Kris could smell it. This was a 'move or you will be let go' sort of thing.

"Ah." Kris said, looking down towards the ground to avoid the gaze of the martin. "Still, when would you want a decision?"

Saul nodded understandingly a few times and set his paw on Kris's shoulder. "Oh sure yes, we can hold off until the new year, the second. Give you some time to think about it."

"Thanks." Kris trailed off and Saul patted his shoulder a few times. "We want to keep you, we like your work." The martin said before walking back into the office leaving Kris outside.

"You want me so much that you're going to dock my pay." Kris grumbled and he sat at one of the benches. As if the holidays were bad enough.

The staple of Kris's diet had come to be frozen pizzas. It had come, not out of a lack of money or desire to cook, but to spend as little time in the general area of the apartment as he could. Out there was HER zone, it was HER space and Kris never felt up for confronting that. People had told him it was a bad idea, continuing to live with your ex and he had stupidly igorned them. A sigh escaped his muzzle as he sat on his bed waiting for the buzzer in the kitchen to go off. His room had become a sort of sanctuary, a place where he knew he could retreat and not be bothered. At least, most of the time.

Beep Beep Beep Beep

He rolled off the bed and tip toed out to the kitchen. The living room TV was on, some sort of Christmas special and Kris's fox ears could hear hushed words. He couldn't make them out but it did tell him one thing, her boyfriend had paid a visit and they were probably talking about him. Kris quickly grabbed his burn-the-roof-of-your-mouth hot pizza and shot back to his room, quietly closing and locking the door behind him.

Settling at his desk, he decided to do at least the one thing that let him forget about things. Masterbate. A quick unzipping of his pants and pulling up of a web browser later Kris was casually touching himself while scrolling through the "Hot" section of what was no doubt his most visited website, e621. However, when nothing caught his fancy Kris switched tactics and pulled up Telegram. A brief scroll through his list of contacts and he found what he was looking for. The profile pic was an Arctic Fox, much like him, and the name next to it Alex.


Kris watched the screen, still rubbing himself, intently. When suddenly the online indicator switched then the "read" notification. Kris's heart jumped and he let his paw slip underneath his underwear, caressing his white sheath.

Sup Slut

The response said, Kris didn't wait a second before typing out a response.

Oh you know, just thinking about things again...>///>


yea...like... you know....

Oh I know. You want to be tied up, bound to the wall and used as a urinal.

Kris's heart started to pound and he wrapped a paw around his growing bulge, using his right paw to type his response.

I mean...you're not wrong. Just...gosh

He had realized a bit ago that the best jack off sessions always occured when he was sexting with someone else. For him though, the things that always seemed to get him going the most was objectification. There was something tantalizing about it, something that drew him in, something that made him want to fully accept being objectified by someone. The best conversations were ones where whoever he was talking to mentioned some sort of permanent aspect. Kris sat there massaging himself waiting for a response, nothing came and he could feel the desire start to take over him.

What would you do if I were there?

He sent along with a few emoji's and he sat there and waited again for the read notification to change. Once he saw it, his heart started beating harder again.

Sorry, I'm busy right now

Then it all came crashing down. No more desire "high", no more pretend peril, no more pleasure and his cock quickly retreated back into its sheath.

"Fuck..." Kris pulled his paw from his crotch and sat back in his chair. At least he had semi cold pizza. It was the only consolation. Looks like it was going to be another boring night. He switched to youtube and munched on his pizza while watching a few videos, all ones he had seen already, before calling it a night early. Just as he was climbing into bed the sound of moans and a squeaky bed filled the room. Looks like the boyfriend was staying the night.

"Kris! I haven't seen you for a few days, how's life been treating you?" The friendly words were, at least at this point, quite foreign to Kris's ears. But it was nice to hear them. Walter was certainly a nice sight and Kris gave a slight smile as he sat at the bar in front of the crossfox.

"What'll it be?" He asked, reaching for a glass.

"Oh you should know at this point." Kris said, settling into the chair and letting out a big sigh, one Walter clocked immediately. He poured the dark beer, set a coaster in front of Kris and put the beer on top of it.

"Quite the sigh. Still the holidays?" Kris stole a glance at the little tree that was sitting at the end of the bar and shook his head.

"Nah, not this time." And then took a sip of his drink. "It's...eh, well it's just work." Kris mumbled and reached for his phone.

"Ah ah ah! Don't you sink into that, come on, tell me. What's up?" Walter leaned in on the bar to match Kris's eye level, now he couldn't avoid it. Kris rolled his eyes slightly and set the phone away from him. He knew he was on it too much, having someone say it to his face still stung though.

"Work decided to fuck me over is what's happening." Kris finally blurted out. "Management, sitting in their glass offices deciding what they can do with people's lives like they own them just so they can save a buck!" Kris sunk into his chair a bit more and Walter scratched his right ear. "Sorry Walter, just.."another sigh escaped. "They told me that either i relocate to bum-fuck nowhere or get fired."

"Oooh." Walter hummed. "Yeah that's kinda fucked." Kris only responded with a sarcastic nod and sip of his beer. "What are you thinking?"

"Fuck Walter I don't know. I don't want to go to nowhere but hey it might be the change I need." Kris's fur tingled with a slight rage before he drew in a deep breath. He dropped his head into his paws and rubbed his temples as if trying to change his face. "Things are just kinda fucked Walter. The ex is boning that hot wolf to spite me. I just know it and I feel like I lost all the friends in the breakup. Now I sit there with a job I really don't enjoy, doing things that a monkey could do, all to be told to pick it up and move to nowhere."

"Could quit you know." Walter offered, interjecting in the small break.

"Moneys good, though after the move I don't know." Kris responded and took a swig of the dark drink.

A silence filled the bar, the only sounds came from two patrons at the other end discussing the latest game that pitted the previous bowl winner against the local team. It sounded quite lively but luckily the actual voices didn't carry. Not that Kris would have cared really. Walter looked around his bar again and leaned in close to Kris.

"You need to come with me to the Christmas party. Trust me." He said looking directly into Kris's eyes. There was a tinge of something there. Kris didn't particularly think Walter was a looker and that'd be kind of weird anyway. Kris's body retreated slightly with the intimate look and Kris defaulted to vagueness.

"Yeah, I don't know. Don't really like CHristmas parties as I said." Walter kept his gaze, which had grown quite intense, on Kris's eyes. "I'll take you, you need to get out. Besides, it's not a normal Christmas party like I said." Walter pulled back and scratched his right ear again. "Who knows, you may like it."

Kris avoided direct eye contact and found that looking into his glass at the beer was a good excuse to avoid his gaze. "It's different?" He said still hesitant.

"Very." Walter responded.

"I mean, guess I could go. Might get my mind off of things." Kris resigned, taking another sip of his drink. Walter smiled a big toothy grin and clapped his paws together.

"Fantastic! Next Thursday, meet me out front of the bar at 5:30. I'm closing up early to go." The crossfox was generally excited which was nice to see. Kris took a final sip of his beer and reached back for his wallet but Walter waved his paw. "On the house tonight."

It was strange being in Walter's car. The scent was strong, musky, even for Kris, another fox. It was also down right comedic to see the tall fox driving the tiny Kia but he supposed that if it works, it works. Honestly, to Kris it was nice not to drive and who knows, maybe if he gets comfortable enough and he downs a few drinks the party might even be fun. Walter still hadn't let him know what he meant by a different kind of party, even when he had asked. Seems like it was some kind of surprise. Certainly wasn't a surprise party for him, that'd be just dumb and didn't make sense. Kris just couldn't think of any way a holiday party could be 'different.' But as Walter pulled up to a brightly lit house covered with multicolored Christmas lights Kris had his doubts.

"Walter, this looks like a pretty normal christmas party to me." He said, looking over the large house. It was two stories, had a three car garage and no doubt had a basement as well. Cars packed the driveway and street in front of it and behind them in the yard were those obnoxious blow up decorations you get from the hardware store.

"Oh hush!" Walter grinned, "you're not even inside yet!" The crossfox's attitude seemed chipper, he had been relatively quiet on the drive, but Kris could tell he was beaming with excitement. Kris got out of the car and waited for Walter to come around and followed him up the driveway to the door. A giant wreath adorned it with a "happy holidays" in big bright colors in the middle.

"Do they know I'm coming!" Kris suddenly blurted as Walter pressed the intercom.

"I said I'm bringing someone new, they said it's totally fine. Now I do want to prepare you. You don't have to DO anything. It's all up to you. You have a voice." Kris froze. What the hell was that supposed to mean! But before he could say anything a voice crackled on the intercom.

"Yes." It said,

"Object 12 is here plus guest." Walter responded. Kris thought he hadn't heard correctly, object 12? What did that mean? Oh god was this a kidnapping plot? It made too much sense. His fight or flight response kicked in and he was about to make a run for it but the door opened and a soft orange glow outlined a small deer, dressed all in black. Wait, no it wasn't clothes it was too shiny to be clothes. Kris's mind rushed to make sense of it causing him to stand still and focus on the deer. Walter grabbed Kris's paw and ushered him into the house. The black deer did not say a word, in fact it didn't look like he had a mouth, instead it was just smooth. He was shiny! That's what it was, latex!

The warmth of the house hit him and Kris finally tore his eyes away from the smooth deer to look about the house. It was a large open affair that must be in the realm of millions of dollars, but that was not what made him stop in his tracks. It was the attendees of this 'party'. There were about a dozen or so that were all standing around enjoying a drink but there was also someone, he couldn't even make out species because they were decked out in full latex again, on their paws and knees with a table top affixed to their back.

"Wha?" Was all Kris could get out before his eyes darted to see another fully covered individual standing in an open area with Christmas lights wrapped around him like a christmas tree. It looked as though straps held his legs together and arms down at his sides, there was no way he could move. A gasp escaped Kris unconsciously, he took a few steps back until he felt a paw grab his.

"Kris, calm down, it's ok." A familiar voice brought him back to reality, it was Walter who had grabbed his paw to get him out of it. "I couldn't say anything, it's kind of hard to explain without seeing."

"What the hell is this!" Kris exclaimed and that brought him attention from the 'normal' patrons of the party. One of them lit up and started his way over to them.

"Object 12! Down on the floor, clean my boots." The command was akin to a bark. Strong, forceful and full of confidence. Kris couldn't help but feel a slight tingle of warmth in his crotch. He fully expected Walter to drop to his knees and comply with the request but instead the large wolf who had barked it strode up to Walter and stared at him intently before breaking out in a hearty laugh which Walter echoed shortly after.

"Got ya didn't I!" The wolf chuckled.

"Not for one second." Walter smirked and gave him a gentle hug.

"Oh yeah? 8 months ago you would have been on your knees slobbering all over my boots without a second thought and now? Come on, tell me you didn't at least have the urge." The wolf asked as Walter pulled back out of the hug.

"Guess you didn't break me as much as you thought you had. Besides, you know I've changed." Kris clocked a smirk in that and the wolf nodded slightly.

"Yeah, yet you still want to be referred to as Object 12. Sure." The wolf smiled and winked at Walter before turning his attention to Kris who once again felt frozen in place only betrayed by the growing bulge in his pants. He hoped to god that no one noticed. "So is this the fox you told me about?" The wolf asked, looking Kris up and down, like he was evaluating him. "Such white fur! You must spend a fortune to keep it that white." He said but Kris didn't heed the complement and instead looked down at the wolf's boots, they were indeed dirty. Walter jumped in.

"Yes! This is Kris, he's been having a rough go of it as of late and I thought he might be interested in an escape for a bit. But I must confess I didn't exactly tell him what it was about." By now a few others had corralled them and Walter's comment drew a few laughs here and there. "Kris this is Mast...I mean Micheal. This is his house and he's the one who's in charge of this whole thing."

Michael placed a large paw on Walter's head and gave him a predatory smirk. "What was that?" He said with a growl. "Who am I?"

"Master!" Walter suddenly blurted out and stood directly at attention for a split second before relaxing. Michael grinned from ear to ear. "See! I knew I had trained you better than that." Walter rolled his eyes and scoffed. "Yeah well I'm not in that position anymore am I!"

Michael nodded. "That you are not! You're here to enjoy the party another way."

"Excuse me." Kris heard his own voice speak up even though he didn't tell himself to talk. "What is all this?" Michael raised an eyebrow. "Oh, well you haven't run off screaming yet, that's a plus." His eyes scanned Kris again. "You've just walked into a slave ring." He said, as if it wasn't anything. Unconsciously, Kris took a step back but the large wolf waived his hand in front of him.

"Oh no sorry, not like what you're thinking. Every single slave here vounteered to be in their position. This is all about letting those who have..." he trailed off slightly. "Specific wants, to be able to explore them in a safe and consensual environment."

"Michael is a good guy." Walter added. "Everyone here is. You've just gotta be a bit...um, open minded. In fact, I mean you could probably guess but Walter here was my Master for a good long while."

"First two year contract I had." Michael boasted. Kris cocked his head to stare at Walter.

"Two years!?"

Walter just nodded as if he were answering a simple question. "Yup, that's where this came from!" He pointed to the hole in his ear. "Second I signed that paper Michael punched it to show I was his. But the expiration date on the contract came up and I made up my mind to not continue with it. I wanted to try the other side of it." He said with a grin. "But I've still got quite a bit to learn and such."

Kris stood there in a bit of shock trying to take it all in as Walter, or Object 12, and Michael caught up. From the sound of it they hadn't seen each other in person for a little while and those who had gathered around them started to disperse and go back to their own conversations. Kris felt like a deer stuck in headlights as a strange feeling started welling up in his stomach. It wasn't quite nervousness but it also wasn't scared, more like a general feeling of uncomfortableness. One that you felt on the first day of school or the first day of a new job multiplied by 100. This was too much, way too much and his brain rushed to figure out how to leave without causing trouble or disappointing Walter.

"Kris! Hello, you ok?"

Kris blinked out of his thoughts and both Michael and Walter were looking at him with what could only be genuine concern.

"Um, this is a bit...much." Kris whispered as he pulled up his shoulders as if to hide. "I don't know if I want to stay." He added which brought a flash of disappointment to cross over Walter's face. "I was a bit worried about that." He finally said, "But I totally get it. This isn't everyone and sorry for kinda pushing it on ya. We just like to keep it relatively quiet." Michael nodded with Walter and Kris looked down towards their feet.

"Yeah, a little heads up would have been nice I guess."

"Well! No worries!" Michael smiled, a toothy grin from ear to ear. "You aren't the first to leave right away and definitely won't be the last. Just glad you tried. I can call you an Uber to take you home as I assume Object 12 will probably want to hang out." He turned to Walter who nodded with a smile.

"Uh yeah...that'd be good." Kris quietly said. "But uh, can I use your bathroom real quick?"

"What? Oh sure, first door on the right down the hallway." Michael said, pointing in the direction and then started reaching towards his phone. Kris squeezed between the crossfox and wolf, following his direction. His ears pointed as far behind him as he could make them go to see if they'd talk about him but he didn't hear anything. Kris found the door and opened it to a dark room, grasping around for the light switch and closing the door behind him he was not prepared for what he saw when the light flickered on. There, right next to the toilet was a completely bound, completely immobile, completely covered person. They were affixed in a kneeling position and black latex hid their entire being. The only thing that came out of the latex except for places to lock them to the hooks on the wall and floor was a funnel, about the height of a normal urinal, that fed directly into their muzzle. They didn't react to the lights turning on or Kris walking closer to get a better look.

Kris couldn't believe it. Right in front of him was one of his deepest, darkest fantasies played out, for real. Whoever this was had no way out, no even way to speak! There was a sign that was framed above them, it read.

Please use urinal instead of the toilet for #1

Kris felt a sudden surge in his pants as a thought entered his brain, he could ask for this. He could make it a reality, at least he could try it. Without thinking Kris reached into is pants and started massaging himself, leaning against the wall and just staring at the, for all intensive purposes, urinal. They had no idea he was here, no idea that he had whipped out his dick and was pawing at the sight of him. Actually it was more at the thought of replacing whoever that was. Just like in the absolute best kinky conversations his reservations melted away and he wanted to run out there and ask to be turned into a urinal.

"Fuck." He moaned and, still slowly pawing himself, moved closer to the urinal. Nothing said don't touch so he reached out and tested the locks and restraints, they were taught, not a millimeter of give. Whoever this was, they were really locked in there. Based on how they were positioned there must be a pole or something that their back is against to tie to in addition to the anchor points on the wall and floor. He moved his paw to the funnel and gave it a slight tug, it gave a bit and he was suddenly hit with the scent of piss. They had been used alright, and used quite a bit. Getting closer he noticed that the latex wasn't exactly the cleanest, there were the tell tale signs of piss and cum.

"So I'm not the first to do this huh..."

Throughout his poking, prodding and investigating not a single sound came from the urinal. At this point they must know that someone was there, not knowing if they were going to be used or not. Gosh, Kris wanted to feel that way, he wanted to trade places with whoever this was. A slight coo came out of his muzzle and he threw his head back. In his paws his cock had grown to full size, his other paw held the top of the urinal's head as if holding it in place, not that it needed it. Before he even knew what had happened he was shooting his load into the funnel with a small moan.

Had he really just done that? In a strangers bathroom? His heart still pounded in his head and chest. This wasn't normal though, something was different than when he had fantasized about this before, other than seeing it for real of course. The desire didn't shrink after finishing, it never failed to make him take a step back and wince at what he had just finished too...except this time. Now he just had to clean the funnel, and he had just the thing. Positioning himself over the funnel again Kris relaxed himself and before long a steady stream of clear piss was filling up the funnel. For a second Kris worried that it would overflow but sure enough it started to drain with 'gulps'. He stayed to make sure every drop had gone down the tube before buttoning his pants and washing his paws.

Kris found Walter and Michael near the "tree" as Michael was seemingly pointing out different parts of how he had immobilized whoever it was. Kris approached from the other side so they would notice him. Michael was the first to notice and held up his phone, the uber had already been called and was on its way.

"Heya Kris, already called! Should be here in about 10 minutes, also don't worry about the cost. Part of my parties are getting ubers for those who have drunk too much." He laughed.

"Oh uh, thanks! But actually, I think, I think I might want to stay a bit." The voice was timid and Kris didn't bother to make eye contact, instead focusing on Michael's boots, again.

"Really now?" He said, noticing the body language. It had been a skill he had gained over his years of doing this kind of thing. Walter took notice as well and both of their tails raised slightly. Kris didn't notice himself but his own tail was lowered. "Why is that?" He asked, his voice starting to creep back into the tone it held when he had first addressed Walter. Kris's heart beat in his ears, his throat closed up and a puffy tongue filled his muzzle. A deep blush rushed across his face under his white fur.

"Um." He squeaked, not moving his eyes from Michael and Walter's feet.

"Fox." The tone was firm, demanding, strict, severe even. It struck a chord in Kris and he shook slightly. "Does the fox want something?" He continued. Michael slowly made his way to be directly in front of Kris.

"I..." Kris stuttered. "I just kinda, i guess..."

"Spit it out!" That voice was different, it wasn't as dark but it was much more strict, like a drill sergeant. Walter had joined in, standing right next to Micahel. At the sudden voice Kris blurted it out.

"I really liked your urinal!" He blurted. The world stopped and Kris stood, both of his paws wringing each other, stuck in almost a trance. Walter and Michael got the meaning immediately, both of them had been in the scene for years and speaking sub was a requirement.

"I wouldn't have taken you as a urinal." Walter said, a leerish grin spreading across face. Michael cancelled the uber and smirked with Walter.

"It's the ones you least expect who are into the craziest shit. Thing that's in there now is a lawyer." He gestured back at the closed bathroom door. Kris kept quiet and his eyes felt permanently glued to the floor. "I thought I clocked a bit of a bulge when you saw some of the things I have around." Michael added. Walter cocked head and finally noticed the large bulge that had already regrown during the short conversation.

"Oh my." Walter laughed. "I invited you so you can unwind and have a few drinks with good people, all-be-it in a strange setting, but you don't want to share the drinks do you?" Kris scratched his neck and let out a forced chuckle at the joke.

"I mean, I'd be lying if I said it wasn't a fantasy."

"Well, it certainly sounds like you want it to be more than a fantasy." Walter smirked. The crossfox glanced at Michael who nodded and backed away slightly, a move that Kris didn't even notice. Walter stepped up to be directly in front of Kris. "I can make that happen."

Kris' legs just about gave out under him and he responded with a slight, nearly unperceptive nod. He also unconsciously started reaching for his bulge in his pants but before he could reach Walter's voice broke it.

"Stop!" Kris froze. "No touching, urinals can't feel pleasure and you want to be a urinal right?" Walters' voice was not nearly as practiced as Michaels' but years of being on the receiving end certainly put him above anyone Kris had interacted with previously, other than Micahel of course. Kris nodded, another barely perspective one.

"Say it, tell me what you want." Walter's voice demanded respect. But embarrassment flushed over Kris' face again. He didn't even notice that everyone at the party, at least those who were able to watch, had circled around, watching the birth of a new object.

"But...Y...you already know." Kris eeked, wringing his paws again.

"Tell me. Say it. What. Do. You. Want." It wasn't a question, it was a demand. But Kris knew that he could still say no, or walk away. Walter certainly wouldn't look down on him, it had been him in fact who had said he had the final say in anything that happened before he rang the buzzer. However, Kris also knew that if he said the words he'd be able to try something he's wanted or at least fantasized about for years. Nerves rattled his spine, his fur prickled and ears lowered to be flat against his head.

"What. Do. You. Want." There it was again. Kris could feel the battle take place in his brian, the battle between his want and his logical brain. His logical brain always won. Kris opened his muzzle to speak. He couldn't do this, as hot as it was and as much as Walter had been a really good friend, being a urinal in real life was too, out there. Kris took in a breath and thought about what to say. Sorry, I got a little carried away. That was always a good one, easy to say, easy to understand. All he had to do was say it.

"I want to be a urinal."