Pokemon World

Story by Stretchable_human on SoFurry


I wish I lived in another world, far from reality. I have a world in mind, but I cant see my self in it. I want to go there, to live as they do in the world of Pokemon.

Crazy huh? Well I know I am but I understand a lot about Pokémon I want to try and live as a trainer not just play the game's. But can I get in to it?

My mind is the door, imagination is the key. I'm going to try and enter this world and return once in awhile I want this more then life it self.

As I fall to a new world I think about my old name, what should I do? Keep it or change it? I think I'll Keep it William is fine now if I run in to Mewtwo how will I catch him? With a normal poke-ball, I DON'T THINK SO! I need a master ball One that doesn't fail now to see where I am going.

I land in an open field with trees for miles In each direction I look, how do I find my

way? I see an old lady walking by, Hello I say. Good morning sunny she said in response.

Do you know where I am? Of course your in Veridian forest.

Thank you. would you happen to have a map on you? Yeah I always carry a spare.(She handed me a rolled up and wrinkled brightly colored paper.)There you go. Thank you again.

Now with a map I can find a store and oh no I forgot I have no money and worse no license to be a TRAINER this is bad I need to see Jenny.

I think I'm old enough to train Pokémon I might need to see Oak.

On the way to Veridian city I saw two young boys."Hey you want to battle?"Nah - I don't have any Pokémon yet."

They told me if I wanted to catch any Pokémon I would need a Poke-dex this I was aware of. I said thanks and was off to Oak's Lab.

I continued to the next town "Pallet" town. I'm almost to Oak's lab and maybe I might get a Pokemon but gotta remember my manners.

I 'm about to walk up the stairway to his lab when I'm addressed by a young girl.

Hello are you new in town?

Yes I'm looking for Professor Oak, Is he in?

I think he's out doing research in the woods.

Thank you I want to ask him a question.

I continue to look for him maybe this might be a good time to ask.

I come across an old man may be in his 70's this must be him.


Whoa you startled me!

Sorry are you Oak?

Yes my name is Oak can I help you?

Well I don't want to be rude I was going to ask If I could have a Pokémon.

I see well you certainly are well mannered I'm studying the habits of some local wild Pokémon If you give me a hand I'll consider it.

It would be my pleasure, I can learn a lot from studying wild Pokémon.

That you can my young friend ,that you can.

I was looking for a rare Pokémon to study but some are to shy.

What's that noise?

Oh no STAMPED hurry we must leave at once!

What are they?

Taurus a heard of wild Taurus we'll get trampled.

Don't you have any Pokémon on you?

Only three but they aren't strong enough.

We can knock down a tree and re-rout them

Good Idea there, that tree is perfect.

Okay now which one to use?

You decide.

Okay you have a Ryhorn, an Onix and what is this one?

A new Pokémon I caught just this morning but he might not be strong enough.

This is...

You open the Poke-ball and find...


Is that his name?

Where did you...

I caught him off guard, he was asleep.

He definitely has the strength to topple over a tree.

Where am I?

Sorry no time to ex-plane we need you to knock over that tree, please?


Is he going to act or just stand there?

Mewtwo please.

How do you know my name?

Forget about that now we have a heard of Taurus coming.

And this concerns me how?

Please help us.

Fine but you will answer my question's.

Deal, the tree knock over the tree.

Why, I can do something better.

The Taurus's stop dead in there tracks.

I forgot Your psychic.

What a relief, now what?

Now you answer my question's.


First who are you?

My name is Oak, I study Pokémon.

And you are?

A wandering fool.




You are a Pokémon yes?


I am the one who caught you.



For what purpose?

I had no purpose till now.

Untill now?

Yes, if not for you we would have been flattened.

I see, Now what?

Well I have to thank this young man some how.

For what, it was your Pokémon.

Correction was my Pokémon now it yours.

Hold it I'm no ones Pokémon, let alone his.

But you are my Pokémon to do as I wish, and I give you to him.

This is madness.

I'm not going to accept him unless he wants me.

Didn't you want a Pokémon?

Yes but this is not right to force him to join me.

I agree I don't get along with human's.

Then what can I do?

I'll go on my own free will, not ordered.

So your coming with me?

For now.

Then that's settled, he's yours.

Thank you professor.

I finally got my first Pokémon I was shocked to see it was Mewtwo, guess my luck is holding out.

Now I head for the next town:Varidian city, again.

After we left Pallet town we headed to veridian city to stock up on supplies Potions, antidotes stuff like that on the way we saw many kinds of Pokémon but not any I wanted at the time Mewtwo was content for the time being when we finally reached the out skirts it was 6:30Pm it was getting late we decided to get our supplies tomorrow and spend the night at the Pokémon center.

Why are you so tense?

I don't like human's especially crowds of human's.

You don't need to worry, your with me, be sides stealing is against the law.

It's not the trainers that concern me.

Oh I see your afraid that Team rocket will find you, not a problem for me I think we can handle a few grunts.

You act as if you have battled them before.

In a way I have, but not in actual life.

After the heavy conversation died we went to sleep Mewtwo for a Pokémon who hated human's slept closer to me, I guess he didn't want to be seen alone.

The next day we headed out to the market for the supplies I had little money on hand so I could only afford two antidotes and one paralyze heal we then wandered in to the forest towards Pewter city all the while we couldn't help but feel we were being watched.

I think we have company.

Well I don't remember picking up any hitch hikers.

Whats a hitch hiker?

Someone who tags along.

I don't know if he is a rocket or an ordinary trainer.

That's okay either way we get the chance to have a little fun

If it is a rocket we won't be able to have as you called it "fun".

The two continued to walk towards Pewter city with there suspicious tag along who remained unknown.

He still following us?

Yes and it is annoying me greatly.

Relax he has to make a move at some point and when he does will be ready

They finally emerged from the forest with out a single battle and there unknown friend still following as the two headed for the Pokémon center to get some rest it was getting late and they need some sleep.

Three hours later:

The two finally arrive at the Pokémon center.

Our "friend" is still tagging along.

OK if it annoys you that much then do something.

Mewtwo smiles at the thought

Umm nothing fatal

Aww not even a little painful?

Nope, if the police find him dead we might get in a whole mess of trouble, and if he is a rocket, that's the last thing we need right?

I guess you're right for once human

I wish you would call me by my name, it sound's so degrading when you call me human.

Well it would help you know you're name.

Oh I forgot I never introduced my self, My name is William.

I never heard of a human by that name.

I hate it.


It sounds dumb to begin with

Does it matter how it sounds so long as you have one?

Would you like me to think up a few nicknames for you?


Then lets drop this conversation OK?

As you wish, William.(snickers)

I heard that.


After a few jokes about each others names the two found them selves at a tournament.

Hey look, a tournament.

I think we made a wrong turn, lets go back.

Why, are you afraid you might blow up the area in a rage?

Close enough.

Lets just enter, we never even tried to battle together yet.

Oh how I wish we could avoid this.

OK I'm going to sign up.

Welcome to the annual Pokémon free for all brawl, would you like to sign up for a tournament?


Very well, Name?




Pokémon currently in party?

One, Mewtwo.




I have no clue, I guess he might be around lv.70.

Ah OK I don't think you may join a tournament just yet.

How come?

We don't have trainers with Pokémon close to that Level.

Well that suck's, so what's the maximum level requirement?

Any where from 5 to 45.

Oh, OK let's go Mewtwo, we have to go look for weaker Pokémon.

So now what do we do?

Well I was wondering if I need any thing from back home.

Back home?

Yeah, I do have a home like every one else.

I thought you crawled out from under a rock.

Do I look like I could even fit under a rock?

Good point, your some what over sized for a rock dweller.

Any way to get back home I might need some help for that.


OK this might sound a little odd but then again this whole day has been nut's, I come from another Dimension of earth.


Well I guess you think I'm insane.

Not how I would put it.

Well explain how I know so much about you?


You can't and to prove that I am telling the truth I will show you a small fragment of my memories.

You want me to Read your Memories?

What you can't do that?

Of course I can read your memories, but, it's hard to separate the personal from the ones you might want to reveal.

Don't care you might not want to remember most of my memories any way.

Alright, stay still and don't think too much.

Two hours later....

What filth, I never seen a head filed with so much junk{.

Did you find it?

Yes and a few things I want to forget.

Good now we have to go some where secluded, away from others.

Let me erase some of this from my mind first.

So you were being honest, that's rare among human's.

What is?

Honesty, and you trusted me to read a portion of your mind.

Well how else are we going to get back to my home?

You tell me, how do we GET back to your dimension?

We need to go to Viridian forest, by now the portal will have sealed so you will need to force it open.


A single Shadow-ball should do it but it needs to be at a magnitude stronger then what you would use in battle.

Sounds simple.

It's not, you have to be sure it's the right magnitude or well all be blown to haven.

... since you put it that way, what's the magnitude required?

I would think 9.8.

9.8, seems a bit strong.

That's what is needed.

How did you get here any way, you don't look like a scientist.

Sheer force of will and determination.

You must have a strong will to shift through Dimensions.

I really wanted to get away from my reality.

Then why are we going back?

I don't have money in this world, and we could use a little bit of food, we might be there for a few day's.

What will I do while your gone?

Nothing, your coming with me.

WHAT, are you mad, I can't just leave and wander in an unknown dimension!

Who said you were going to wander, your going to be right behind me at all time, but not looking like that.

How do you suppose your going to hide me from your Family?

Yeah that's a hard one, you might need to make false memories.

That's going to be fun, NOT!

Look you don't want them to know what you really are do you?

Fine, but if there's one mental image that makes me gag, I'm going to rip you apart.

As long as you clean up afterword's.

_ Do any of my threats intimidate you?_

No, and try not to kill the cat's either

Cat's, what kind of cat's?

House pet's.

You have pet's?

There not what your use to seeing.

After the long discussion about animal's in my world Mewtwo got a little curious.

Here, this is where I ended up.

I can feel the distortion in the area, shouldn't be to hard to find the rip.

Right here, ok you can start now.

Mewtwo Charged his shadow ball to the Magnitude 9.8 and launched it at the point of the rip in the dimension.

That should do it.

Amazing, it's really working.

The rip began to expand till it was a hole large enough for them to pass through.

OK you go first.

Wait you don't really want me to go in first do you?

Yeah, this way I can be sure were the only two that go through.

And if it closes before you enter the horizon?

It will shrink a little before it closes completely.

Very well, but what will I do until you emerge?

Stay hidden from any one.

_ Sound plan._


Mewtwo entered the rip and free fell until he landed on something soft.

Wow that was some trip, What the......

Back in the Pokémon world......

Ok the portal is starting to shrink, it's now or never.

Is this suppose to resemble me?



Looks like I landed on something soft

Yeah, ME!

Whoops, I see you found you're self.

Yeah, care to explain this little mini me?

It's a toy it growl's and glows.

*Mewtwo pressed the head down.

Very amusing.

Well I am a Mewtwo maniac.

Any other surprises?

This, that, those an them.

What a collection.

Please this is nothing.

You mean you have MORE?

No but some people have ten times what I have.

The two carefully made there way to the hall

The hall's very narrow.

Yeah, good thing it's night time.

The two quietly made it to the stairs before something startled Mewtwo

What the heck is that?


The eyes staring at me.

Hmm that's Pepper, one of my cat's nothing to be alarmed about.

OK what do we need?

There's a box of noodles in the kitchen I think I will take them.

Anything else?

Money won't be accepted in the Pokémon world so, we need medical supplies.

Like Bandages?

Yeah and some other things.

_ When are we leaving, I don't like this place._

Well leave in two day's

Two day's of this I cannot tolerate.

Relax you can enjoy some fun games while your here.

Games, what kind of games?

We have Battleship, cards, video games and computer games.

_ Let's stay for the week._

Ha-ha, sadly we can't we have to return .

Oh......I bet I can beat you in a game of Poker.

If you read my mind yeah.

I never cheat

Sure you don't.


What is It?

My mom, I think she's getting up, what time is it on the clock?

Mewtwo looks at the clock on the wall

It says 4:30.

She is getting up and you're too damn big to hide.

I can teleport to you're room, would that be better?

It might be the only option.

Mewtwo teleported to Billy's room and remained motionless until William's mom went down stairs

*Run's to his room*

Good she didn't hear you, I think we have every thing we need for now so we should get back to the Pokémon world.

What do I need to do to Open the Portal back up?

Since were in a confined spot you should try using your power to search for the rip in the dimension, then pull it open.

Mewtwo used his Power and searched for the closed portal and pulled it open

Is this good enough?

Yeah perfect

*tosses the things through*

Now I'll go through first make sure nothing else comes through after you!

Of course.

*William Jumps through*

Mewtwo waits until the last minute and jumps through also

Mean while on the other side

*William Lands on his rear*


Look out below.

*Mewtwo Lands on William*

Luckily I landed on some one soft.

Yeah so I noticed, can you get off of me please?

*Gets off of Wiliam*

What do we do now, William?

Ok we got some supplies, now I need to get a few more Pokémon in my group so I can get around a bit.

Am I not enough to get around with?

Do you want to carry me every where all the time?

Mewtwo thinks about this

_ Let's find you some more Pokémo n._

OK I'm looking for specific kinds though

_ Such as? _

I like the Intimidating kind, for example, Feraligatr, Charizard, Nidoking.

Ahh... you like bulky Pokémon.

Yeah but getting a dragon type is like wishing for a new car.

Dragon types are rare but not impossible to get.

True enough, but the other's are hard to get as well, so we have to find a Totodile, Charmander and a Nidoran (M)

I can find you a Nidoran (M) but the other two are much harder to get.

Alright then take me where I can get stoked with Poke balls and we can head to where the Nidoran are.

The two headed for the nearest market and stocked up on what they could.

Ok I got 15 poke ball's, 10 Potion's, 5 of each kind of Status cures.

If you're ready I'll take us to the spot the Nidoran are.

OK let's go

*Mewtwo uses teleport*

The two arive somewhere at the bottom of a mountain surrounded by trees and rivers

Woah that gave me a headach I forgot to bring some asprin, where are we?

Near Mount moon, this area has many Nidoran.

*Notices a lot of foot print's in the ground*

Ok let's see if we can find the one I want.

Man there's a lot of em

*seven nidoran run through the grass*

There's more over there too.

Ok I see a male one

*Takes out a Poke ball*

I don't think you're going to catch it when it's still full of energy.

You got a better idea?

Let me Disable it so you don't waste your poke ball

*Mewtwo uses his Psychic power and the Nidoran is surounded by a blue energy field*

Ok he's not going any where, throw the ball!

*William tosses the ball at the Disabled nidoran, the ball strikes succesfully, the nidoran is sucked inside and the ball snaps shut and starts to wiggle.

I hope this workes I can't afford more Poke balls

*Five seconds later the ball stops shaking, and the nidoran is caught*

Alright now all I need to do is train it till it evolves and find a moon stone, how hard could that be?

*the two are about to leave the area when a huge pokemon burst's from the bushes*

Is that what i think it is?

It's a Nidoqueen, and it doesnt'tlook happy to see us.

What was your first guess, the fact that it's got an angry look or the fact that it's going to attack?

The fact that you captured it's young and it's going to kill you was what i was going for.

Oh thanks well I'm not going to send out the Nidoran to fight her, that would be unfair.

So I guess I have to handle this, fine.

*Mewtwo stands between William and the enraged Nidoqueen, awaiting his trainers order.

OK Mewtwo this shouldn't take much, Use psychic!

*Mewtwo Looks back at William*

Isn't that a bit much for this?

Fine use swift.

*Mewtwo launches several star shaped projectiles at the Nidoqueen, The Nidoqueen is badly injured but continues to fight.

Man I feel bad about this-

This is no time to have any regrets were in the middle of a battle, concentrate!