Home Sweet Farm chapter 5 "In Love"

Story by Brawler101 on SoFurry

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Home Sweet Farm

Chapter 5

Kevin could finally sleep peacefully that night and so did all the others. He had gotten set up in the guest bedroom until they all decided if they should hire him or not. Katie was sleeping in the bedroom right across from his and Sarah and Jessica both slept in the room to the side of Katie. Mallory had her own room beside Kevin's. The bed was really comfy and the blankets kept them all warm through the night. It was defiantly a lot better than at his house where his dad would be working on inventions that he would never use.

Katie and the others were sleeping when they heard a noise echo through out the house. They all peeked out of there room to see what was making the noise but they saw nothing. Katie was wondering how Kevin could sleep with that echo so she slid open his door but when she looked inside she didn't see them.

"He probably left." said Jessica.

That made her heart sink, she really wanted him to stay at least for breakfast. The morning went on like usual Hannah cooked breakfast while the others got dressed for there day ahead. Once they all ate there breakfast they all opened the door that led out to the fields to find a interesting sight. Kevin hadn't left after all he just outside. He was doing pull-ups on one of the big trees in the yard. He didn't notice they were watching until he got down.

"Oh hey guys what's up?"

"We thought you left since you weren't in your bed." said Sarah.

He then walked over and picked up the ax that laid next to the pile of wood -that still needed to be cut- and slid the handle behind his back and wrapped his arms around it.

"Nope just doing my morning exercises. These help me stay awake and focused all day long so nothing gets past me."

Just like before after he reached one-hundred kick ups he stopped and dropped the ax.

"That's a lot better." he said inhaling and exhaling.

That was all interesting to them but they had to get to work. Jessica walked over to the large garden and started picking vegetables while Hannah, Sarah, and Mallory fed the animals.

"So what can I do to help?" Kevin asked.

"You don't have to help we've got everything covered." Katie said.

He shook his head then grinned.

"You let me stay they night the lest I could do is chop up this wood." he said pointing to the pile.

"You really want to work don't you?"

"More than you know."

She could sense that he really did want to help so she nodded.

"Alright I guess you can chop up the wood just be careful." she said winking at him which made his face turn a bit red.

After she left he picked up the ax and got to work.

The sun was high and it was hot so to keep his clothes from stinking he took off his shirt and threw it aside and continued chopping away at the blocks of wood. Meanwhile Katie was hiding behind building to avoid being seen. She didn't notice the three shadows standing over her until she turned around. Standing behind her was Sarah, Hannah, Mallory, and Jessica all looking at her with a smirk.

"Whatcha doing?" asked Hannah.

Katie was blushing a deep red.

"Just checking up on his progress."

They all noticed that there was no clipboard in her hand at all.

"Then why are you not writing it down?" asked Mallory.

"Maybe I just didn't feel like it." she said in a smart allelic voice.

They all knew she was lying but decided to let it go.

"Alright continue you evaluation." said Jessica as she giggled.

Once they left she turned back towards him and continued watching. Something was troubling her though. Could she really be falling for him so quickly?