Hgjysews's anthropomorphic canine history 2 Fox civil war(1176-1181)

Story by hgjysews on SoFurry

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#2 of Hgjysews's anthropomorphic canine history

In 1176, the fox civil war broke out. How did the fox kingdom treat the fox tribe. How did he fight this war? Additional reading: After the establishment of the Grey Wolf Empire, there was a conflict with the Fox Kingdom. Why did this happen? Please find the answer in this article.

Fo** x civil war**

On June 3, 1174, most of the foxes began to cause tribal splits for personal interests, causing the civil war to lose their loved ones for three months, and the fox at the time was realized that the war must end.

On September 14, 1174, 3,000 foxes formed a anti-split army to fight against other fox tribes, nearly 30,000 foxes participated in the anti-split army. The anti-split army has not been influenced by the war. It is still growing, there is iron weapon, Crossbow, Catapult, and anti-split army summarize the three-month civil war experience so that the fox anti-split army turns into the most powerful army at the time.

Battle of Central and Southern Europe

On February 1, 1176, the anti-secession army began to attack the fox tribe. It set off from the Eastern European Plain to the Central European Plain, and fought head-on in the Sudeten Mountains. Because the fox tribe stayed in the plain for a long time, they were defeated and retreated from the Sudeten Mountains under the attack of the anti-separatism army. The anti-secession army crossed the Alps and fought around the Apennines. After two wars, the fox tribe tried to flee to Corsica, Sardinia, and Sicily. But the anti-secession army followed. Before the fox tribe settled down in Corsica and Sardinia, they occupied the two islands. On April 17, 1178, the anti-secession army took advantage of the eruption of Mount Etna to annihilate all the fox tribes in Sicily.

Balkan Raid

On September 5, 1177, King Fox I personally led the assault team to attack the Balkans, but the battlefield by the river was not the advantage of the anti-secession army. The assault team was at a disadvantage in the Danube. After understanding the disadvantaged position, King Fox ordered the naval forces to attack the Rhodope Mountains. The naval forces set out from the Ionian Sea and crossed the Peloponnese and Crete into the Aegean Sea. The Fox tribe had never seen the maritime forces attempting to fight back, but they underestimated the strength of the maritime forces and were beaten and retreated. At this time, the raid team seized the opportunity to attack Dinarsko Gorje and fully attack the Pindus Mountains. In 1178, the Balkan Fox tribe surrendered.

short story

When the naval forces entered the Balkans, the foxes of the fox tribe did not hate them. Instead, they cheered for them. The naval forces found it strange and asked them what do you cheer for? They answered that it was a wonderful battle. Why is this so? It turns out that when the fox tribe was fighting against the fox kingdom, the chief of the tribe ordered soldiers to brainwash the civilians. The brainwashed civilians believed that the war was just as fun as playing a game. The end result was death on the battlefield. After experiencing the death of their family members, the foxes understood the true intention of the war and began to support the fox kingdom against the civil war. When the maritime forces entered, they believed that the future would be better. The maritime forces understood what they meant and wished them a better life.

Battle of the Rhine

On September 13, 1180, the Fox Kingdom Army once again attacked the Fox Tribe after training for two years of riverside exercises. The Fox Kingdom Army first attacked them frontally and then sent three foxes to the Fox Tribe without defense. Burning down their grain silos and weapons depot, the fox tribe learned that their food and weapons were missing, and fled one after another. The Battle of the Rhine was victorious.

Fox Kingdom established

On January 14, 1181, the fox tribe in the plains of Western Europe had internal disputes. The optimists believed that the fox kingdom would not hit them. The pessimists believed that they should surrender to the fox kingdom, and the conflict between the two rose to riots.

On April 13, 1181, the chief of the tribe committed suicide. The fox tribe surrendered. The fox kingdom was established. The leader was King Fox I

Additional reading: The formation of the Grey Wolf Empire and the conflict in Scandinavia

After the fox civil war, the wolf tribe is already strong. It is time to build their own country. June 1, 1181. Follow up with the support of different wolves. The gray wolf empire is established. The leader is Willier II (Willier I has passed away). The goals of the fox kingdom and the gray wolf empire are Scandinavia, which has caused tension between the two countries. The two sides seem to be non-aggressive, in fact, they are preparing for war internally. The Scandinavian conflict resulted in no rapid development between the two countries.