Farm Raised

Story by Mech on SoFurry

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#102 of Commissions

Story for Kalo, long overdue commission that I forgot to post when I finished it up. This one has a bit more extreme stuff, but was interesting to write up.

Oh heavens, there was the nerves. Jane tried not to snort as she looked around the path. There hadn't been much at the entrance. Just parking lot that said it was secure. Then a sign that said, "Guests Welcome," that hung over a well groomed path. It took the pig longer than she'd care to admit to start down the path. She'd been to the farm before. Hell, been here many times before. Each trip getting a bit more risqué, exploring more and more kinks.

First time had been rather simple. Public nudity, wallowing in the mud, and of course public sex. Second trip went a little further, more sex. Then some bondage. Each one just a baby step. Shuffling her a little further down the kink rabbit hole.

And then she met him.

Leo, there was just something about him. The way he touched her, talked about her, the things he teased her with. It made her want more. She_needed_more. She needed more from him. Oh she'd watched with envy as Leo worked his magic on some of the other ladies. Just stared in awe as he did seemingly impossible things to them. By the time she'd been ready to leave, just the sound of his voice could...

"Kia ora, Carolina."

She froze, thick thighs pressing together as the words washed over her. Carolina, the name given to her while she was at the farm. Help further remove them from their outside lives. "Ah..." she started and turned, finding herself staring up at the avian. "H-hey Leo," she stammered, stumbling over her words.

He sat at the edge of a large pit, and had been sorting stuff out of several cloth bags. She'd been so lost in thought she hadn't noticed him there. Even seated, he towered above her. She was on the taller side of average, but he was head and shoulders over her. The haast eagle wore little more than slacks and an apron right now. Russet feathers ruffled with an avian smile as he gazed down at her. "Hope you're all ready for the fun, Treat." His easy tone, exotic accent, and the hunger in his eyes. It all combined in a way that just made her thighs quiver with anticipation.

"I, uh..." she huffed, "just got in," she lifted her bag. Not much in there. Change of clothes, some toiletries, and her personal items. Leo stood and she felt her throat close up. He merely seemed to drape himself on the air as he closed the distance in a couple strides.

Feathered fingers brushed hers as he took her bag. His sharp beak, hooked and carved with intricate scrollwork, filled her vision, "Won't be needing this. If you're up for it, we can go ahead and get started."

His scent filled her nostrils. The sow snorted quietly and shivered. Leo smelled of spices, herbs, and everything wonderful about cooking. "I... I..." she bit her lip to keep from just moaning as he loomed over her. Heavens above, she'd never felt this way before. Nervous, giddy, excited beyond words. "Ah..." she breathed out, "d-don't I need to check in and get..."

"The collar?" his beak brushed her nose. "Already have one," he nodded back towards the table. "I was waiting on you, Snack." He leaned back with a wiry smirk, "But if you want to wait, I'm certain I could find something else tasty to occupy me."

She followed his gaze. Even without the eagle's eyes, she could spy several others lingering in the open field nearby. One, a sizable cow, caught Leo's look and turned, showing off her body. Even from this distance Ja... Carolina could see the hunger in her eyes. That burning desire to be the center of the eagle's world until he was sated.

"No," she blurted. "I just need to..." Leo offered up a tablet before she could finish. "Check in... Yeah," she giggled, heart pounding away as she pressed her thumb to the reader. Her profile popped up, chimed, and then disappeared. "So what sho..."

"Strip." The order was simple and plain. Leo already moving back to his table, idly working on the tablet to register her as his for the moment. He casually dropped her bag onto the table. "Put your stuff up and I'll get it stowed for you

There was something about the casualness of it that made her shiver again. Hesitant as she might have been a moment ago, she found herself striping down easily. She kicked off her shoes and stripped to her underwear. Folding up her clothes and putting them in the bag with her shoes. She had barely put them away when he was behind her again.

His beak brushed her ear, "Ah, beaut." Feathered fingers traced over her belly, feeling the chub there. Breath caught in her throat as his fingers roamed higher. Oh so casually lifting her bra to cup her pink breasts. By the time his fingers found her nipples, they were hard enough to cut glass. She reached back, feeling his warmth against her, and fumbled with her bra. All but gasping as the clasps came undone and freed her breasts. "Ya feel stoked," he teased a nipple with one finger, his other wing-arm dipping lower to rub her through her damp panties. "But can you handle the jandal?"

A part of her wanted to rip her panties off and throw herself on the table. Just beg him to fuck her right there. She knew what that'd lead to through. Leo would just laugh and take her back to the barn to cool off. When she'd first started to watch him, she'd seen that happen so many times.

She took a breath. "I t-think so."

"Sweet as," he gave her lap a playful swat. "Keep strippin, Darlin." And then he swept away, doing something at the table. She could barely breathe, thighs quaked as she huffed. The sow carefully taking her underwear off the rest of the way. A quick glance around showed a few people watching, curious. Her cheeks flushed hot, instinct making her hands twitch to cover herself. She managed to suppress that shameful drive though. Shoulders rolled as she stood proud and tall, walking up to where Leo was waiting.

Without a word, he took a thicker collar from the table and fitted it around her neck. "This is gonna pinch." She winced as he clasped it shut, something pricking her neck. The discomfort passed after a second. "Feels good?" she nodded and he grinned. "Fantastic. Now, arms up." Leo stared by wiping her down with a warm cloth. "Get anything off ya that we won't like." Once she was cleaned, he turned to the table and picked up a brush, dipping it in something that was thick and reddish. "This is gonna tingle a bit."

It felt cold, oily, and the scent of spices began to prick at her nose. Yet she stood still for him, barely even breathing as he carefully began to paint her body. Under her arms, across her ribs, up to her chest. Carolina shivered as his brush danced up to her breasts. Breath caught as a tingle spread over her skin. The slight ache that came with something spicy. Yet it only made her want more as he continued to tease her. Soon leaving her breasts coated in that seasoned oil.

He swept behind her again. Dipping his brush. Coating her back in careful strokes. Not letting a single inch of her pink skin go untouched. He paused as he reached her neck. Then gathered her long hair up and fixed it into a bun with a pair of skewers. "Gotta keep all this clean," he chuckled. That delightful brush soon returning to her skin. Dancing down her back, between her thighs, and teasing the edge of her slit. She could only whimper and shiver. Not wanting to speak for fear of how she might moan for him.

"Right!" Leo announced after a moment, "onto the leaves." He prodded her forward with a slap that made her jump and squeal. Ass stinging from the strike. The leaves were just that. Banana leaves laid out atop a large tray. She felt her heart leap nervously as she moved over and lay down. Watching her dominate with curiosity as he moved over. The large eagle loomed over her, carefully starting to paint her front again.

It was getting harder not to squirm. Thankfully Leo seemed to know just how far to push her. He set the brush down and started to fold the leaves over her legs. Wrapping them with twine. "Let me know if it's too tight," he flashed a grin. "Don't want to cut off circulation." She nodded, swallowed, and watched as he wrapped her.

Oh this was weird. She'd seen latex bondage. Even tried it last time. Something about it just felt... off. This though? Oh it was impossible not to squirm. Especially as his careful touch passed her hips. Up her stomach. Carolina huffed and arched, feeling him cover her breasts. Then felt something brush her mouth. "Hold this between your lips," he grinned, "don't want you passing out before we have our fun, eh?" It was a mouth piece, silicone. She nodded and bit down on it. Watching Leo for the last few moments she could before he wrapped her head as well.

Darkness. The sounds from beyond muffled. It was thrilling beyond words. Then a heavy splash of water over her entire body. Then another, each one soaking the leaves around her.

"Alright," Leo mused and leaned back. The haast eagle looked about, spotting a dozen people watching him. "The punters are out in full force!" he cawed. "Shoo now, she won't be ready till tonight." The eagle grinned at the squirming bundle. He dragged chain lift over and hooked it to the tray. Made it much easier to get the bound Carolina up and over the pit. He leaned over and got her nice and centered in the brick-lined hole before lowering her onto the coals. Once she was settled, he began to fill the pit in. Careful not to cover up her breathing tube. Wouldn't do if he did, ruin both of their fun if he fucked that up.

The tray started to grow warm under her. Not hot, not yet, but decidedly warm. She writhed as a weight began to come down on her. One shovel at the time, she was being buried alive. By all rights, she should be panicking. Yet, she just felt a peace settle over her. The sow squirmed, thighs rubbing together as she whimpered. Each shovel and stroke bringing her ever closer. The sounds of the outside world growing more and more distant, while her world steadily grew warmer.

Imani clicked her beak with a huff. The harrier hawk stared across the clearing over at where Leo was steadily burying his treat. "What?" a heavy form bumped her side, "getting jealous." El flashed her trademark grin. The spotted hyena threw her arm around the slighter Imani, "Could always go ask if he'll baste you up." She turned, "Hey, Le..."

Was about as far as she got before the hawk simply shoved her off the fence. El tumbled back and hit the ground with a heavy thud. "Did it hurt?" Imani fluttered her eyelashes playfully.

"Oh yeah."

"Good," she stretched out with a low thrum. Staring out as Leo finished patting down the dirt. The large eagle put a sign by the pit, warning others about what lay beneath. A shiver raced over her body, imaging what it'd be like buried like that. Fuck, it made her heart race just thinking about it. Not in the good way either. The sheer terrified kind of way.

El stayed on the ground, "So," she mused, "We've got a few hours till dinner. Which I bet you is gonna be fucking amazing. What do you wanna do, Cowgirl?"

Imani tried her best to scowl down at the hyena. Being a hawk, she had a great scowl, but it could only last so long against that grin. She leaned forward and let out her best raspberry, "I don't know." She rolled her head about in that way that only a hawk could. Rolling and twisting it this way and that. All while she hummed and hawed. Some found that disturbing, but El just kept watching her. Waiting for the hawk to come up with some new bit of fun for them.

Didn't take much before her eyes lighted upon a few of guests, well farm animals, lounging about in a pasture. Feathers perked a bit, "Hmm," she let out a crooning noise. "How about a little race?" she nodded towards a couple of the horse-taurs that were standing around. "Pick out a couple of those fellas, saddle up, and see who can win."

El slid up to a seated position, her eyes darting past Imani to gaze out into the field. She hummed for just a breath before a grin spread over her muzzle. "So," she hummed as she stood. "Let me get this straight. We each pick a mount, saddle it up, do..." she rolled her head, "one lap around the field?" The hawk nodded as the hyena stepped in.

Feathers ruffled as El's hands roamed up her legs. Her touch surprisingly light, starting at Imani's knees. Up her bare thighs. Lingered ever so slightly at the cutoff line on her shorts. "So," she breath washed over the hawk's beak. It smelled of smoke, coffee, and her morning shot of whiskey. "What do we wager?" The barest touch made Imani's legs quake and spread, inviting her friend in. An invitation that El was more than happy to take. "It can't just be sex." Breasts touched as the pair pressed to each other. Imani could feel her heart leap as the hyena grinned at her. There was something about the way the morning light glinted off her teeth that was just... Huff.

El knew just what effect she had on the hawk. Back home, they were just friends, coworkers, and had to restrain themselves a bit. Out here? Oh she knew just what buttons to press on her avian friend. "We both know that I could fuck you right here and now if I wanted."

Feathers ruffled up, then lay flat with a panted, "Fuck you."

El blasted her face with a laugh and licked that beak, "You'd love that, Sugar." It was really hard to tell that Imani was pouting, but she knew. El laughed again and gave that beak a little bite. Just enough to let her teeth scrape against it. Even that was enough to make the hawk shiver against her. She could feel that warmth growing between Imani's legs. Something that only made her grin that much wider, grab a handful of that cute ass, and pull the hawk against her. "No," she almost growled, "it can't be just sex..." El rolled her head with a grin.

F-fuck, Imani ground her beak as El kept teasing her. It was impossible to believe that the quiet, reserved hyena was capable of such erotic cruelty. She felt her insides leap, clench, and practically beg for the bliss her friend offered. Had to collect herself. Had to take control of this again.

"Oh," she breathed out, draping her wings around the hyena's shoulders. Imani threw a leg around El's waist and drew the larger female in. "It could be just sex." That made the hyena pause, a look of confusion crossing her muzzle. Got her, Imani thought to herself. "How about this? If you lose, then you're my submissive for the rest of the day? Doing whatever I ask while I..."

"Power bottom the fuck out of me?" El flashed a wider grin. Though it was pretty nice to have Imani grab the reins like this. She could feel the warmth flaring in her own loins. That steady buildup that was just so fucking delish. Oh she wanted to keep that tease up all morning then just...

El responded by grabbing handful of hawk ass, "Well, if we're gonna bet that..." She thought about it a moment. All while casually pressing her hips against Imani's crotch. Both shivered as their excited warmth rubbed into the other's. It was hard to keep her expression somewhat thoughtful. "Then I get to dominate you however I want. Within your limits," cut off that before it started. "Don't worry, I'm sure I'll come up with something you'll just love."

Imani thought a moment, at least she did her best to think. It was really hard with El distracting her. Fucking hell! She wanted to rip her shorts open and let that hyena do what she did best. The only thing that stayed her hand was the knowledge of what she'd be able to get from her friend.

The hawk flashed a grin, "Okay, it's a deal." A peck to the lips and she hopped down, scrambling away. El flashed a grin at the feathered tail that fanned at her teasingly. Shoulders rolled as El cleared her throat and reached down. Just had to do some adjusting before she went out to find her fella. As soon as Imani had brought the bet up, she knew just who to get. There was no way she'd lose.

No fucking way she'd lose! Imani darted across the pasture towards the barn. She'd seen some of the horses out for a morning run. There had been one stud that was just fantastic. El hadn't seen it, cause she'd been sleeping in. Which was understandable, but gave her an edge.

Imani skidded into the barn and flashed a grin at Sasha, "Hey!" she called out to the half-dressed collie. "Is Dewey still around?"

Ears perked as the canine flashed a grin, "Yeah, he was out in the fields, having to just smell the mares a bit." Her grin widened evilly, "Get him all worked up." She leaned back against a stall, "Was looking to run him around some, burn off a bit of that energy before he gets stir crazy."

She clapped her wings, "Oh! I had a bet going on with a friend. Was hoping he'd be free so we could race him." She caught the look Sasha gave her. "Just one lap around the field, see who wins."

The collie thought about it a moment, "Who is the race against?" She could think of a few people that might give the stallion a good run for his money.

"Oh racing against El."

The collie gave her a look. "Well, should be a pretty easy race then." A hyena against the quarter horse. "And you're certainly light enough to be his jockey too." She swept in and picked up Imani. The hawk squawking and kicking a bit. "Yeah, you're a pretty light thing. He'll have no trouble carrying you." She grinned at the indignant look that Imani was giving her. Planting a lick on the hawk's beak. Her tongue only just avoiding the half-hearted snap towards it. "I'll go get him." The collie sat the raptor down, "Go grab his gear from the locker."

Still fluffed up with annoyance, Imani turned to get the gear from the locker. She'd been through here enough to know where it was, and how to handle it. Sasha wouldn't have let her into those if the collie didn't trust her to not fuck things up. She'd seen the farm's queen bitch put someone in a headlock and spank them till they stopped squealing, all for getting straps tangled up.

Her ass still stung from the memory of it.

By the time she heard the steady clip-clop of hooves, she had the riding gear out. Though it was lacking a saddle. She ruffled her feathers and looked up as Sasha lead a bay quarter horse in. Like all the farm animals, he was buck naked, swollen sheath straining against the restraints there. Pendulous balls swinging with each step. Despite all this, and being lead by a collie that was a head shorter, he moved with a grace and ease. Stopping a step behind the stable mistress with a curious gaze.

Sasha reached up to give his muzzle a pat, "No, she's not gonna drain you. Stop thinking that." He snorted and lay his ears back, stomping a foot in agitation. "Maybe if you're good," the collie relented. Another snort, though this one sounding more excited.

A tug had him lined up so they could put his gear on. Imani was mostly there to help Sasha, since she'd never done this on anthro. It was an odd, cantilevered backpack design. Sasha glanced at the eagle a few times and adjusted some of the straps. "He doesn't get ridden nearly as much as he'd like." She clicked her tongue and cinched up, "Gotta find someone light enough to carry, but good enough to give him a workout. Still, he's been warmed up and is ready to run. Haven't ya, fella?"

Dewey snorted and leaned in to nuzzle Sasha's head. The collie laughed and swatted at him, "Down boy, don't want you getting too frisky." Still, her hand snuck down to give his groin a quick grab. The stallion jerked, groaned, and shuddered, his eyes rolling back as she teased him. "Now, mount up."

Easier said than done, especially with Sasha teasing the stallion.

She was up and mounted in no time though. Riding the large stallion piggy back. Sasha took a moment adjust the harnesses again, and grab a couple handfuls of hawk ass.

"How's it feel?" the collie asked once the hawk was perched on the saddle.

Imani wanted to wiggle and shift, but each time she moved, Dewey would wobble. "A little unsteady, but fine." She ruffled her feathers and settled there, leaning into the male's arched neck. Sasha nodded knowingly and looked at the stallion. He snorted and nodded, chewing on the bit.

"Good," the collie flashed a grin, "So long as you two are comfy, awkward is workable." She played with a couple straps before stepping back. Then a nod, "Looks good. If you're going to fall, then it'll be your own damn fault." She tossed the hawk a helmet. "Don't want anything broken."

The hawk planted the helmet on and ruffled, "Hate having helmet feathers."

She barely had the helmet seated when the dog swatted the horse's ass. "Better than a cracked skull!" came the teasing yell as Dewey snorted and bolted.

Imani screeched a few choice curses, but held on. Still grumbling as Dewey lead her out into the field. He knew where to go. The start was well marked, and the path well worn. She wobbled on the saddle a bit, soon falling into a pattern with how he walked. She'd ridden a horse before, but this was wholly different. It certainly helped that Dewey was intelligent. He followed her nudges and changed readily enough. The hawk and horse soon starting to move with each other. Silly as it might sound, it was a lot like flying for her. Shift her weight just so. Flair her tail. Yeah, it was very easy once she got into it.

El was already waiting for her. The hyena leaning against the fence next to...

"Hey, that's cheating!" Imani ruffled up and jabbed an accusatory finger at the wolftaur next to the fence. He was a large fellow. Almost the size of an feral horse. Shaggy, grayish brown fur lay thickly upon his body. A saddle lay upon his back, and a horse-mask covered his face. Though it was odd to see the shockingly yellow, predatory eyes glaring out from under the dusky leather of the equine mask.

The hyena glanced at her, "It is? You said a race between mounts," she reached over to give the wolf's ear a rub, "Hugo here is a mount, and he's willing to race. Aren't you, boy?"

Hugo rolled his head and grunted, "Neigh."

El flashed her too-toothy grin, "See? Proper mount." The hyena swung up onto the wolf's back. The large male grunted quietly, but bore her weight with only a slight roll of his eyes. Imani ruffled her feathers with annoyance. She knew that some people went for pony play and all that. Felt like cheating still. She wasn't overly happy with it, and let her displeasure be known. El crossed her arms, "Complaint noted. If you'd like, I could give you a head start."

That made Imani narrow her eyes even more. Dewey snorted as well and strolled up beside Hugo. The wolftaur snorting back at the stallion. "You know me better than that. I ain't no bitch."

El leaned in to lick her beak, but Imani pulled away with a little huff. She'd play the game, El was within the letter of the bet. Probably had something planned for her win already. Which if El was planning, maybe she wanted to lose...

She shook her head and ruffled up. No, she had to at least put on a good showing. Wouldn't do to just let El win now would it? She ruffled and leaned down to whisper into Dewey's ear, "We've got this." Grinning as the stallion whinnied and bobbed his head, pawing at the ground eagerly. She sat up and squared her shoulders, "Okay, let's do this!"

Both lined up at the well-worn starting line. Imani balanced on Dewey's back, and El lounging on Hugo.

"Three... two... one...GO!"

And they were off! Dewey launched himself forward. Imani bit back a screech and leaned in. Feet in the stirrups as the horse thundered forward. Holy hell, he was fast! She'd seen him training with weights, and even parading around with Sasha on his back. To actually be on top of him. Feeling how his muscles tensed and sprang, launching the horse down the track? Oh it was magical! Though she had to focus on staying balanced.

As they rounded the first corner, her legs and core were starting to ache. Fuck, this was a good workout! She should do this more often.

Her focus was on the path ahead of her. Just like with flying. Though she did spare a glance back, not seeing El behind her. A smile cracked her features as she scanned ahead. Good, she'd left the hyena in the dust.

Except El was sweeping up beside them. The massive wolftaur easily stretching out into a gallop that outpaced the horse. It wasn't a massive difference. Enough that they were gaining distance with each stride. Worry jolted through her, and she felt Dewey tense as well. They couldn't just let Hugo and El get ahead of them. They moved together, surging forward. Sweat began to form along his bod, the stallion snorting with each stride. The hawk's eyes narrowed, laser focused on the path ahead. Micro adjustments leading them along the best path.

It was no use. No matter how much Dewey poured into it, the others were always a stride ahead. He did his best to stretch out, gain a few inches. In any other situation, it would have been a photo finish. Dewey's body trembled with effort as he slowed himself. Eyes narrowing at Hugo with a little snort. Imani chattered her beak. Annoyed, but... yeah, annoyed more than anything.

Dewey trotted up beside Hugo, the hyena sporting a wide grin. "Well, think you're ready for what I've got planned?"

Another beak chatter, "Yeah...Gotta get Dewey back to the barn though."

"I'll come with you," El flashed a grin and nudged Hugo up beside her. "That way we can get started with what I'm gonna do to you nice and early." There was something in her grin that made Imani's feathers flatten in worry. "And we'll start with, don't ask what I'm gonna do to you." Beak snapped with annoyance, which only made the hyena grin that much wider. Feathers ruffled and the hawk did her best to glare down El. "The Look won't do shit on me right now, feeling too good, Sugartail."

Didn't stop Imani from making noises of complaint the whole way up to the barn.

Sasha met them at the doors, "Well, I'd ask how it went, but..." The collie flashed a wide grin, "I can tell." She strode up to Imani and held out her hand, "Toss the reins, I'll get him cooled down and cleaned up." She waited as the hawk tossed the reins and hopped down. "Same for you," she offered her hand to the hyena. El gladly dismounted, handed the reins, and threw her arm around her smaller friend. "Now, go have fun, I'll take care of these two."

El practically lifted Imani with the side hug, "Oh I'm gonna have a _lot_of fun with this."

The barn matron chuckled and shook her head, taking the mounts back inside. They hadn't worked up too much of a sweat, so she took them to an enclosed paddock and walked them a few laps. Hugo was the first to be taken care of. His saddle and tack went onto the low wall, leaving just that horse hood he wore. A quick brush down and he was good. "Gi," she waved at him. The large timber wolftaur snorted and strutted off a few steps. Watching with curiosity as she did the same to Dewey. Though she left the stallion's reins on. The big quarter horse was breathing heavy in anticipation. He knew what a workout meant and his sheath was already twitching.

Sasha had already set up a breeding phantom for the stallion. It took zero coaxing to have him move up behind the padded bench, his cock already dropping from his sheath at the sight of it. Padded, about waist high, with an AV mounted under it. Nostrils flared as he caught the faint scent of a randy mare, eyes locked on the silicon lips of the toy. "Oh," the collie murred, "someone is ready, isn't he? Ho," she stopped him just short of the bench. Her tail waving as she moved to get some lube from a jar.

It was thick, warmed by a hot water bath, so it didn't make the horse squeal as she scooped some up and smeared it on his cock. The rich, heady scent of a fertile mare exploded into the paddock. The thick lube warmed further as it spread over Dewey's rapidly hardening manhood. His eyes rolled back as nostrils flared, "Easy there, you're gonna get it soon." Sasha flashed a toothy grin as she spread the gel over his cock. Fingers readily tracing each and every vein as it began to bulge. Her fingers danced up to his tip, down to his medial ring, and even across his pendulous sac. "Feels good, doesn't it?" she cooed, teasing his flare. He could only grunt, eyes rolled back in his head. It was impossible to even think. Days of teasing, being forced to smell mares, edged until he was humping air, and then left to cool down. Now here he was, mere inches from release. Oh it was beyond anything he'd hoped.

The lightest touch guided him forward. Arms immediately grasping the sides of the bench as he lurched forward. Sasha barked a laugh as he humped at the air wildly, "Oh, so that's how it's gonna be?" Her slick hands danced over his shaft as she moved behind him. The collie shifted his cock, not to line him up, but to tease him a little more. Keeping him from penetrating the AV as she leaned in. Her skilled tongue danced over his clean pucker, drawing a breathless gasp from the quarter horse. A tremble shot up his spine as her tongue danced over his rear. Fingers soon joining to tease him more. His cock surged as his hips bucked, cracking off his belly.

She was an expert at teasing and toying with her herd. Sasha knew just how far she could push Dewey. Why it'd only taken her a few minutes to sus out just what buttons to press with him. She eased up on him a little, giving him a moment to cool down. He was well trained, hips stilling the instant her hand rested on them. That bay pelt rippled, muscles twitching in anticipation. Oh she'd made a mess of his hide, smearing more of that lube across his backside, but it didn't matter. He'd be cleaned up soon enough.

"Now," she muttered, "nice and slow." His cock was so hard, so ready, it was hard for her to line him up. Dewey had to arch his back as she lined him up with the AV. Then... oh bliss as he slid into the toy. A shudder rippled through him as that warmed and slick toy wrapped around him, drawing him ever deeper. It was tight too, and only got tighter as the mechanism added a bit of pressure to the sleeve. Countless small pumps and sections pressurized and released, doing their best to mimic an eager mare milking him. His jaw dropped as fingers dug into the padded bench out of fear he might collapse.

Click. Click.

Cool leather wrapped about his wrists and locked into place, securing the stallion there. Not that he minded, or even noticed, as Sasha's hand guided his hips forward. Not daring to slam deep, lest the barn marm punish him. She guided him right up to his hilt, sheathing every last inch of his aching manhood into the toy. "There we go," she cooed, reaching down to slosh the hot water sleeve around the toy. "That feels good doesn't it?" He could barely even breath, head jerking in a quick nod. "Good... Then this will feel even better."

A heavy chest pressed to Dewey's back, driving the horse down into the padded bench. He barely had a chance to gasp before Hugo's thick sheath pressed between his cheeks. The wolftaur already starting to spurt precum as he thrust blindly.

Sasha flashed a wide grin. It'd been hard to mix up a lube that smelled of mare and bitch. Well, hard to get it to her standards. Now here she was, getting to watch it in action. "Whoa!" she laughed, "easy there, big guy. You'll get to breed this cute mare, just let me..." she reached under the massive taur and gripped his sheath. Hugo grunted like a wild animal and thrust against her hand. The thick, gray sheath sliding back to reveal his deliciously thick, chiseled cock. Fuck, she bit her own lip as she felt it throb and spurt, shame I'm on shift.

Dewey's cheeks went hot at being called a cute mare. He pulled against the wrist cuffs, but only in eager readiness as the cock jabbed his backside.

"NEEEIGH!" came the shrill whinny as Hugo found his mark. Heavy paws pulled Dewey's hips up and back. The AV clenched tight about the stallion's cock, slurping wetly as he was wrenched away by the taur. Only to have the much larger male slam his full weight back down, burying himself and the horse in their respective holes. Fucking hell he was huge! The timber wolftaur easily the size of a feral horse himself. His thickness throbbed inside the horse's rear, eager to just ruin the he-mare with his rutting.

Sasha grinned and stepped back, "There you go, Big guy. Breed that fucking mare!" A slap to Hugo's ass made him snort and start thrusting. The heavy crack of his hips off the horse's rump filling the paddock. She hovered about the pair, watching, making sure that the stud didn't hurt the he-mare at all.

Pent up as he was, Dewey only lasted a few seconds before gasping breathlessly. Fingers dug into the bench as his hips jerked. Those heavy balls leaping with joy at their release! Heavy, rich stallion spunk rushed into the AV, flooding the collection jar.

Hugo was just getting started. Low, grunting growls burst from the taur as he hunched into the clenching rear. Heavy balls crashed against stallion and bench as he lurched forward. Ready and eager to show just what a real stud could do. Though that was somewhat hampered by his short, shallow thrusts, and the fact that his massive knot was already stretching Dewey's rump. Which made the bay horse gasp, eyes rolling back as his prostate was battered and abused in the best way. Coaxing his climax to last that much longer, and doubtlessly pushing him towards filling the collection jar a couple more times.

Meanwhile, Sasha had backed up to let the two rutbirds have at it. Hugo would get to rut his mare beautifully. Dewey would get every last drop drained from him. Between how the taur was just destroying his ass, and the milking pattern on the AV? Oh she was gonna get every last drop from him. Rich, healthy seed to use in some other projects. All with his permission, of course. Though who should she start with? Bethany had been flirting with Dewey pretty hard, but Tawny was a far better match. There was always...


The word made the collie jerk, all but falling back into a solid frame. Arms wrapped around her as she twisted her head to look. El flashed a grin at her, one hand sliding along Sasha's front as her other went lower. "Thanks for the tip on that big fella there," she nodded towards Hugo, "that other one is fucking fast. Would've lost to the hawky."

Eyes narrowed as the collie felt El's nails rasp against her jeans, "Well, what can I say, you're pretty..." she bit back as gasp as those wandering hands dove under her clothes. Jeans stretching as the bold hand slipped down, fingers framing her slick puss. She swallowed and leaned back with a huffed, "Convincing." She rolled her hips against the questing fingers, "Done with her already?"

That grin filled her vision, "Oh she's nice and busy right now. But you? You're pretty easy to convince once I found which..." El's fingers teased Sasha's firm nipple, "buttons to press."

Sasha breathed out a low moan and unbuttoned her pants, giving the hyena more room to work. "Only know what buttons to press cause I..." she bit her lip as the fingers pressed into her. They hooked and curled just right, teasing her already slick insides. "Told ya." Her eyes lidded as she leaned back, still half-watching the two going at it in the paddock. Hugo was barley moving his hips now, clearly close, and Dewey looked like he'd been fucked clear through cloud nine. Fuck, why'd she have to get so hot and bothered watching this? Well, was about time for her 'baiting break, and it was always more fun with a friend.

El pulled Sasha's top up, exposing her breasts to air. She cupped the canine's chin and lifted it. Her broad, blunt muzzle practically engulfing that slender collie maw. Sasha jerked, then melted as the hyena's meaty tongue invaded her maw and blitzed straight down her throat. Moans cut off into shaking gasps as the larger, stronger female assaulted her from both fronts. Fingers plunged in and out of her slick slit. Rough hands groped and tweaked her tits. And that fucking tongue. God above that tongue could choke a horse, and she fucking loved it!

The kiss broke with a grin, "Uh huh..." El cackled.

Sasha twisted, pulling away from the hands, "Exactly," she cracked a wide grin and shimmied her wide hips. Shorts slipped down and were kicked off an instant before the collie leapt and wrapped powerful legs around the hyena.

"Is that how it's gonna be?" El grunted, pressing up into the grinding collie. Both hands came down on that plump ass with mighty cracks.

"THAT'S!" Sasha yelped with pleasure, "is how it is, Bitch."

El grinned, "I'll bitch you!"

The pair stumbled and fell into a hay bale. The teasing hands turned to more eager, more savage groping as the pair stripped each other down. Sasha was already halfway there, not caring as her breasts bounced free. She was far more interested in undoing the hyena's pants and shoving them down just enough to expose her. The big, spotted bitch's cock fell free to smack her thigh. El gave Sasha a few seconds to admire the uncut length. Feel the thick shaft and ease the foreskin back, tease those hefty balls.

Spotted thighs slipped under the collie's. The hefty length lined up and slammed home. This was not going to be a gentle fuck, and neither wanted it to be.

El snarled and dove in hard. Her slam encouraged with an eager arch and those mighty legs threatening to crush her hips. El lunged forward and kissed her partner again. Forcing the collie to take her tongue as deep as it could go. Sasha nearly gagged on it, but pressed back with her own tongue. Eyes rolling back as she arched and pushed. Grinding her bare breasts into El's... shirt?

Oh that wouldn't do.

Nails dug into the hyena's back as El did her best to destroy the collie. Fabric tore, Sasha shredding her partner's shirt and tossing it aside. Both their breasts mashed together as El snarled into the kiss and pushed tighter. The heavy clap of her sac off Sasha's ass threatening to drown out everything else.

El broke the kiss with a growled, "That was my favorite shirt!" She grabbed a meaty thigh and forced it higher, changing their angle. "Gonna fuck you so hard, you'll see tomorrow today!"

Sasha could only grin, tongue lolling from her maw. "Stop sweet talking me!"

The pair shifted. Barely pulling apart as Sasha rolled onto her belly. She braced herself on the ground and arched. El snarled and drove in harder. Her powerful frame cracking off the collie's plump ass. That made the barn marm only call out louder. Her voice rising in pitch as her hips jerked up and back. All but howling as she peaked. Which only made the hyena double down. Hands danced from grabbing hay to molesting the canine. Groping her breasts, flicking her bean, clawing up her thigh, anything and everything she could.

Minutes ticked by, the pair changed position again and again. El growled and Sasha yipped. Their hips battered each other black and blue, glad for the ache as they pushed each other to their very limits.


"Fucking do it!"

El tried to pull out. Sasha wasn't having it. The collie forced the larger hyena back into the destroyed hay bale. Legs wrapped tight about El's waist as she slammed down. Nails dug into those black and white cheeks, trying to pry the farm girl off. "Ah... ha!" was all the hyena could gasp before she slammed up. Her balls leapt against the collie's wagging tail as she emptied herself into the country gal. "Ffffffucking hell." She managed to pant, eyes rolling back in her head. El fell back with crooked grin, "Happy?"

Sasha was all smiles as she felt that warmth pumping into her. "Ahhh," she called. Leaning back proudly, the collie rolled her hips, "Happy as if I had good sense." Only to lift and drop on that spent cock. "Think you got more in you?"

It took a second to breath, then that grin spread slowly. "Know what they say about my downtime?" Sasha shook her head, "Faster than a one-legged man in a butt kicking competition!" Nails dug into ass as the hyena threw the collie down and started fucking her again.

It was warm, peaceful, and quiet. Carolina could have dozed off, might have dozed off several times. Though never for long. Each time she would, something would snap her awake before long. A crackle. New spark of heat. Something shifting near her. She hovered on that blissful edge for... hours? Days? Time was an alien concept to her. There wasn't much air here in the pit. Enough to keep the coals going, with just enough surplus to keep her going.

There was music. Muffled through the earth, but she could hear it. Leo had started playing something before filling the hole completely.

She tried to move. Shift just a little, but her entire body felt tight. Too tight, yet so loose at the same time. Even a little wiggle was enough for her to feel muscle slide from bone. Skin crackled as she tried to take a deeper breath. The feeling was strange. Alien, yet something about it deeply familiar. Comforting even. She blinked, not that it did any good in the pitch black. A dry laugh wheezed out as she lay there. Funny, when she'd came here, it had just been for the exploration. Be treated like a farm animal. Fucked in public. Simple things like that. Heavens above, she'd never came so hard in her life as when that huge boar had shoved her face in mud while making her ass clap.

And then Leo saw her.

It was hard to say what had drawn the eagle to her. She'd just turned around and there he was. Looming over her with his odd, stooped posture. He was a big fella, she'd had to crane her head to look up at him. His beak nearly touched her nose when she did. Then he said it. Those four little words, "My, you look tasty."

She'd smiled nervously, laughed, and stammered a thank you. That single sentence had brought a nervous laugh from her. Then something strange had happened. His words had stayed with her. Just idly twining about her subconsciousness. Something about the glint in his eye, the feel of his breath against her, the way he almost touched her, and the way he said it. It felt so... primal. Raw in a way that she yearned to hear him say it again. To have him looming over her, that look in his eye, as he touched her. Ruined her with his attention. Treating her like he would no other.

It hadn't been hard to track him down after that. She'd been sure that she was breaking some sort of rule by leaving the barn. That she'd be put in the stocks or something for seeking him out. Nothing though. She'd been directed right to where he was. An outdoor kitchen where he had been carefully preparing a cow. The sight of the large eagle carefully flaying the bovine, all while whispering sweet nothings to her had frozen the sow. She'd been ready to turn tail and run. Just forget everything.

Then he saw her.

Leo had called for her to wait. Asked the cow to give him a moment, then approached. The little talk he'd had with her, caressing her body, whispering the things he'd do to her, it had been... beyond words. Her fantasies hadn't begun to prepare her for just what he could do to her with words alone. Somehow, she still wasn't sure how, he'd managed to make her cum with just his words.

That made him smile. Feeling and hearing her moan and writhe against him. That light touch barely even stroking her bare flesh. He'd let her calm down before inviting her to sit on the table. She didn't have to watch him prepare the cow. Once the cow was fully handled, he'd turned his attention to her. There hadn't been much he did to her then. Touching. Whispering things to her. Oiling her up. All little things just to get her on edge, give her the barest hint of what he had to offer to her.

Now here she was. He'd offered to set up something very special for just her. She'd made extra sure to let the people know that she was wanting Leo when she called. Oh the trip up here had been torture. She'd been expecting so many things. Countless fantasies. So many stops to run into a gas station bathroom and get herself to squeal. More than one attendant had given her a smile. They knew what she'd been doing in there. Maybe she had a little something for them too? That hungry look took on a new feel to her. She was a piece of meat to them. While they hungered for her, it wasn't the type of desire she'd been craving.

Tired. She was so tired, it was just so peaceful.

A distant voice. The low, muffled rumble of Leo's voice. It just barely reached her. The rumble more like a distant earthquake. Shaking through the ground before it rolled over and around her. She tried to perk her ears, but the wrappings were too tight. All she could do was lay and wait as something began to happen.

Scrape. Scrape... SCRAAAAAPE.

"Hold it!" the eagle's voice reached her. Thump thump shhh."Alright, there's the edge of it. Keep marking it out." Butterflies leapt in her stomach. Was it over? Was she done? Oh heavens, would she be good enough for the eagle's discerning eye? She wanted to squirm. TO writhe in anticipation as he carefully unearthed her. Yet she knew better. Each motion threatened to crack her skin. To ruin what had to be a lovely hue.

Minutes ticked by as they steadily unearthed her. Dirt whispered off the metal cover they'd laid on her. "Careful now. Watch for the embers." Carolina held her breath as chains rattled. "Hoist the derrick!" Her stomach dropped as machinery whirred to life and chains rattled, lifting her from the pit. Fingers clenched as she was swung through the air. "Careful, careful... If you fuck this, I'll turn you inside out, Ya Muppet." Carolina's heart hammered in her chest as they set her on something.

The leaves wrapped around her pulled back. Shockingly cool air wafted over her flank. "Sweet as..." he trailed off. Carolina shivered as his fingers trailed over her hide. "Would you look at that?" Leo thumped his finger off her skin. It sounded taut, crackling a little as he did. "Coor. Would you look at that?" More of the leaves pulled back. Her skin threatened to break out in goosebumps, but it only crackled. "Just listen to that," Leo breathed. A sense of pure awe and pride in his voice.

She winced as the leaf was removed from her head. Immediately greeted by Leo's grinning beak, "Kia Ora there, Aroha." His tone light and affectionate, "You are looking absolutely delicious. Easy now," he carefully removed the mouthpiece from her. Even that gentle motion threatened to crack her cheeks. The Haast Eagle cooing gently at her. He held her mouth open and carefully eased an apple into it. He leaned over her. Touch light and quick as he brushed her down. Placed little sprigs of herbs here and there. Tenderly adjusted her. Each motion delivered with the utmost care of a lover. Then stepped back to admire his handiwork with a critical eye.

Which is when she noticed he didn't have pants on. Not only that, but his cock was at full mast. The tapered length throbbing before her face. She'd never seen him in such a state! His manhood was to scale with the rest of him, but he was an utterly massive eagle already.

Though he didn't turn that beastly member on her. He merely continued to examine her. All while other chefs and aides moved about. If she strained herself, she could just make out what looked like a cookout. Long tables set with all kinds of dishes. She was laid upon a long, tall table. A wide array of side dishes lay beside her. She could just make out other guests laid on tables, much like her. A braised sheep, roast chickens, a bevy of quail glistening with sauce, and more judging from the noises.

"I'll get this one," Leo called over the din, "You lot handle the rest." The eagle straightened and clacked his beak, "Looks like everyone's starting to show up too! Places!"

Carolina watched as everyone hurried into positions. Leo flashed a grin down at her, "A little something for the chef." She barely caught the glint of the knife in his hand before it kissed her cheek. In a smooth, painless motion, the eagle held her ear in between two long, feathered fingers. His eyes narrowed in bliss as he bit down on it. The ear cracking like a chip in his mouth. "Mmm, always love this part. Bit of chef's privilege." His feathers perked, "Oh! Can't forget about..."

He reached down to touch his cock. The eagle chef casually angled it down, the tapered tip sweeping lower. A smooth roll of his hips pressed the length forward.


The noise came from under the table. Carolina's cheeks would have flushed at the noise. She knew what was under there. One of the other guests had to be strapped under the table, but who? She wasn't given long to ponder. Not as others began to arrive and Leo went to work. Knife dancing over her. Words of aw and hunger coming from the others as they saw her. Saw the glory that Leo had bestowed upon her.

Imani's cheeks flushed hot as the other guests approached. She couldn't help but stare at them as they lined up before the banquet tables. El had come up with something beyond devious. She'd dragged Imani over to where Leo was preparing the party meal. Then all but presented the hawk to the massive eagle with a proud, _"Fuck her up!"_The eagle had checked her sheet, then cawed with laughter. Oh he had something for her alright. A call up to the farmhouse netted him some sort of thick drink. Which he'd taken a swig of, then kissed her, sharing the drink. Dazed, she'd gasped and swallowed, swooning in his grip. Then readily drank the rest when offered. It hadn't taken long before she started to feel warm, then hot, then...

Before she could start touching herself, he had stripped her, ushered her under the table, and strapped her in.

Then he left her. She couldn't touch herself, could barely even move in the bonds. All she could do was start to feel the effects of that draft. Her gut churned and ached so nicely. Pussy got hotter by the second. All she could do was stare at Leo as he shed his pants. His own manhood steadily rising.

She could only watch as they lifted a pig from the pit. Longed as she watched Leo move around the table. It was just tall enough to put her at the eagle's waist height. And just deep enough that, as he started to tend to the pig, he was grinding his cock against her bound open beak. The male's scent invading her senses, threatening to overwhelm her.

He disappeared from view. She could hear him talking to the others, and the pig. More importantly, she could feel him. Sense the presence of the male behind her. Then... warmth! The kiss of a pointed cock tip against her entrance. He teased her for just a moment. Gliding his tip up and down through her slickness before.... "Aaahhnnn..." she gasped through the ring-gag that held her beak open. The noise deepened, her eyes widening, as he kept pushing deeper. She knew he was a big fella, but goddamn! She was sure he'd split her in half before he hilted.

"So, how are things?" Imani recognized El's voice immediately. Even if she didn't, it would have been impossible to miss the hyena's cock and balls right in front of her. She could imagine the grin as El reached down and guided her half-hard cock into Imani's beak. The hawk could only huff, tasting Sasha on the hefty length as it pushed past her tongue and into her gullet.

Leo rocked his hips forward, "Wonderful. Everything is good and tight." His length twitched. "Gave her a little something something. Should double the size of her eggs. Really stretch her out," he cawed and clacked his beak. "Have some hellishly big omelets tomorrow. So what do you want?"

El grinned as she felt Imani squirming. The hyena glanced over the pig, "Show me what's good." She couldn't help but drool as he rolled the sow onto her side and skillfully carved up a bit of her stomach. "Oh that's looking delish!" She gladly took the pork belly. Though she was a little let down when she had to pull out of Imani's beak. She knew Leo would take care of the hawk tonight. Though what he'd do with her would be a total mystery.

Leaving the lovebirds to go at it, she wandered down the line a bit more. There was plenty to choose from. Didn't take long before she'd filled her plate to the brim. _Now a drink,_she said to herself. Proudly letting it all hang out as she wandered through the eating area.

Didn't take long to find the drinks. Beer, sodas, and water all waited in open coolers. Though there was a line forming around a bound and gagged cow. Curious, she wandered over and watched in amazement. The folks here at the farm had all sorts of nifty things. Drinks to put someone in heat, double their egg sizes, all kinds of things. Though color her surprised when she saw someone squeeze the cow's teat and get an honest to God milkshake from her. Thick, creamy, and cold judging from the way the cow shivered.

Jenna huffed as her teat was milked. The cow groaned, her thighs quaking. She wanted to have someone finger her. Tease her until she screamed her pleasure to the heavens. Oh she knew it'd come before long. The wait was part of the play. Although she couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy as she looked over at the sow before Leo. That was her place of pride. She was the one he doted on countless times. Seasoning, roasting, teasing until she couldn't stand it.

"Hhhuuffff..." she breathed out as a rough hand closed over her teat.

Jenna's eyes cracked open to spot a grinning hyena before her. "So what flavors are they?" El craned her head to read what was written on the cow's breasts. "Vanilla and chocolate? They can do both?" An expert roll and pull drew some of the thick, dark treat from her teat. "Holy hell!" El licked her fingers. "It's good too! How do they manage that?"

Sasha bumped El with her hips, "EL, you're holding up the line. Keep moving or I will ruin you." The collie flashed a grin that made the spotted hyena blanch. Though it didn't stop the nervously joyful giggle from breaking free.

Back at the table, Carolina found herself being turned this way and that. She tried to move where she could to help. Though any movement she made was somewhat sluggish, if she was capable of moving at all. More than once, she started to move and felt her muscles slip from bone. Only Leo's gentle words kept her calm. That, and the growing sluggish feeling she felt. A steadily building sense of contentment. Something that grew each time someone came back for seconds. The praises and exclamations started to swirl into this odd haze of good vibrations.

Her entire world was praise, vision filled with Leo's body. She watched as his form occasionally still. Gut rippling in a way that she felt she should know. Though the sounds coming from him, under the table, and the diners were all primal. Prime and pure in the best possible way.

"Right," came the distant voice, "I think that's all. Should we start packing it up?"

Leo hummed, "Yeah, I guess. Let's start to portion it up for leftovers." He gave Carolina's head a rub, "Hear that? Gonna be leftovers. Though..." he trailed off and she knew she saw him tilt his head. "Doesn't look like there'll be a lot left." He thought about it and clicked his beak. "Maybe some head cheese. Hash... oh so many things I can do with my darlin here."

She tried to smile, wanted to say something in thanks. She couldn't breathe. That should make her panic, but... it felt so nice. Leo was so gentle as he lifted her. Others moving in to help wrap her. Foil and plastic wrap clung to her body. Holding in what was left of her body. She caught glimpses of herself. Parts of her taken down to bone. Others with barely anything left. She could only lean against the eagle as they moved her to a rolling tray.

Up the path, into the house proper, and into a massive walk-in fridge. Carolina wanted to shiver as the chill began to soak through the wraps, but she just felt so... lovely. Leo got all the leftovers arranged. Going to each and making sure they were comfortable. Even giving Carolina's nose a little tap, "Sleep well, Bacon. You did good work today. Be enjoying you for the next few days." He breathed out a laugh, breath fogging at her, "You were certainly a damn good meal. Can't wait to get you again. Maybe in a spit roast next time." He gave her cheek a pat and wandered out. The heavy door slammed shut, followed by the light clicking off a second later.

Darkness consumed her. She shivered, plastic and foil crinkling slightly. The cold started to sap what little strength she had left. She tried to breath and pant, but... oh yeah... there wasn't much left.

She heard the others start to settle. The crackle of foil and shallow breathing slowly faded. Carolina blinked. Her lids hung down for a moment before slowly easing up. Each blink came slower, harder. She felt so good she could just...


Carolina jerked awake with a gasp. The sow blinked, the winced as blinding light seared at her eyes. "Urrgh," she groaned and covered her eyes.

"Oh don't give me that, Sweetheart!" Sasha barked at her, the collie leaned into her stall with a grin. "You got to lay around all day yesterday, warm and cozy under Leo's watchful eye." Carolina blinked, her cheeks flushing hot as memories started to rush back. "You're gonna feel a little funny for the next couple hours. Gotta break in that new body. Now..." she trailed off and banged on the side of the stall, "Gi! Before I call up Cookie and we make some sausage!"

She started to say something back to the collie. Her blush was more than enough though, judging from the canine's wide grin. Instead, Carolina just made a little, "Oink," and slid past the dog out into the yard.

Well, that was a hell of a way to start her vacation. How the fuck was anything else gonna compare to that? She found herself smiling, curled tail wiggling as she thought about what might come. Couldn't wait to see what might happen!