Ember's Special Recipe: Pony Rump Roast

Story by Asymmetry on SoFurry

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#10 of Commissions

A commission piece, posted in full with permission from the customer.

In a secluded arena near the Pie family's rock farm, the Dragon Lord Ember and Princess Luna of Equestria are sparring together when a messenger unexpectedly calls the Princess away on urgent business. Disappointed, Ember decides to take out her frustrations on a pair of snooping ponies, who soon discover what it's like to have their rumps thoroughly roasted with dragonfire.

It was early morning. Spring. A chilly breeze rolled over the hills and wove between the jagged protrusions of rock that dotted the Pie family's farmlands. On most mornings, before the day's work began in the quarry, all that would be heard across the valleys of stone would be the rush of the wind, the creaking of the old windmill, or the crackle of leaves dancing in the air during the Autumn months. It was a peaceful place; a place some ponies came to meditate and stretch beneath the shadow of Holder's Boulder, or simply to sit, contemplate life, and watch the beautiful sunrise.

This morning was different. Above the quiet hush of the air and the steady, distant croak of a lonely raven, came the distinct sounds of two individuals partaking in combat.

In a corner of the farm, far from the roads and hidden from prying eyes by an outcropping of tall cedar trees, sat a vast, circular arena of smooth marble. It was a place built for ceremonies and contests alike, being polished to a shine and enchanted against any form of damage or erosion from the elements. It was here that the two rivals sparred together in privacy, the sounds of their combat echoing out across the surrounding lands.

Ember, the current Dragon Lord of the Dragonlands, deftly spun away from another zap of lightning from Princess Luna's horn, retaliating with a spout of fire from her mouth. The latter dodged away from the flames in turn, her brow knit in concentration as they continued to lunge and dodge together. The two seemed evenly matched; neither could score a direct hit, but both came tantalizingly close every now and then. They were both excellent fighters, and when one switched up her strategy, the other would instantly adapt.

But Ember was becoming impatient, frustrated by her opponent's slipperiness. She had confidence in her own superiority. Luna's pony subjects may have lauded her as some legendary Princess of the Night, but to Ember, she was just another alicorn: she could be beaten. She just had to find the right strategy.

"Maybe if you spent more time practicing and less time prancing around like royalty, you'd be a better fighter," Ember taunted, rolling aside as Luna charged for her again. At the moment she sped past, Ember snuck a quick gust of fire at Luna's hindquarters. The flames barely licked the soft purple skin of her buttocks, but it was enough to make her leap and kick out with both hooves in surprise.

The Princess spun around to face her opponent, her gaze hardened. "I am royalty," she countered, anger flourishing in her voice, "and I could finish this duel in an instant. I simply did not wish to embarrass you."

"I've not even warmed up yet!" Ember declared, teeth gleaming between a daring grin. "It's you who'll be embarrassed, when I send you back to your beloved subjects with a butt like a roast tomato!"

The alicorn would not suffer such insults from a mere dragon. Spreading her wings and standing tall, she struck a most fearful pose, staring her opponent down. "Very well," she said, her voice booming, causing a rumble of thunder and a swirl of storm clouds to gather overhead. "If you wish to end this so quickly...!"

"Princess Luna! I mean- Your majesty!"

The squeaky voice came from above in a flurry of wingbeats. Both Luna and Ember glowered at the interloper, a cream-coloured pegasus who fluttered down to Luna's side clutching a rolled up scroll of parchment between her teeth.

"What is this?" Ember growled, incensed by the interruption. "Have you called in this runt as backup to rescue you?"

"Silence." Luna shot a brief glare over her shoulder, but ignored Ember's further grumbling as she took the parchment and unrolled it. It was marked by a seal she recognized as belonging to her sister. As she read the message privately to herself, the messenger fidgeted nervously by her side.

"Hmm... Very well," Luna spoke at last, handing the scroll back. She turned to Ember, her expression calm, albeit resolved. "I must leave now."

"Leave?!" Ember very nearly stamped her foot in irritation. "But I haven't won yet!"

"Nor would you have," Luna replied, leaping into the air with a powerful thrust of her wings and vanishing with speed beyond the marble columns of the secluded arena.

The messenger shrugged, grinned sheepishly and took after her, clearly struggling to keep up.

Ember watched them go, dissatisfied that she wasn't able to get a perfect hit on that hoity-toity, holier-than-thou pony's rump. Calls herself royalty, she brooded, folding her arms across her chest. These ponies need taking down a peg or two. If only...

At that moment, she heard something unexpected: Laughter. Not just laughter, but cheering. It was coming from behind one of the marble pillars. Frowning, Ember slunk to the edge of the arena and followed around its circumference, hunching low so as to remain undetected, until she came upon the source of the unpleasant noise.

Two more ponies, hiding secretively out of view, were apparently celebrating Ember's humiliation.

"Did you see the look on her face?" one of them said, failing to stifle her giggles. "Luna really put her in her place! She couldn't even touch our Princess!"

"Shh, she'll hear us!" the other replied, but wasn't any better at keeping her volume down despite her warning. "But yeah, I saw it! I was sure she was about to throw a tantrum. She's so-"

"How DARE you!" Ember boomed from directly behind them, startling both ponies at least three feet off the ground. Ember fought to maintain her stony expression through her amusement as she watched them cower and stammer before her.

"H-Hey! Um... We were just leaving!" cried one of the ponies, a blue unicorn, whose eyes filled with fear at the sight of the Dragon Lord's anger. Her cohort, a gray-coloured mare with a cropped mane and tail, nodded enthusiastically in agreement.

"Right! Leaving now, bye!"

"Neither of you are going anywhere if you value your precious Princess' honor," Ember declared, dark smoke billowing from her nostrils. "You have defiled and besmirched a most ancient Dragon tradition, in which a duel between rivals is to be conducted in the utmost privacy! You are trespassers here, and honor must be satisfied!"

Both ponies visibly gulped. "B-But... We're not fighters," the mare stammered. "And anyway, I'm allowed to be here! These grounds belong to me and my family. I'm Limestone Pie. And this is my friend, Trix-"

"The Great and... Powerful Trixie," finished the other, though even as the words left her lips, she shrunk back in fear beneath Ember's gaze.

"'Great and Powerful', is it?" Ember said in a mocking tone. "Then, let's see how powerful you truly are. Come, you will satisfy your Princess' honor by taking her place as my sparring opponent!"

"No, wait!" Trixie cried, but Ember ignored her pleas, stepping back out into the arena with confidence. She knew she had tricked them into believing her tale, and rubbed her hands together in glee. She may not have gotten the chance to burn the butt of the Princess, but these two would prove far easier targets, anyway. She would get her practice and punish them for their hubris at the same time. Perfect.

A nervous clop of hooves approached from behind, and Ember turned to find Trixie trembling before her. "Please," the unicorn begged, "let us leave. We're sorry, we didn't mean any harm."

"If you leave now, your Princess Luna automatically forfeits all privileges to spar with me, or any other dragon for that matter," Ember replied haughty. "This is a matter of decorum. Traditions must be upheld! Nobody expects you to win, pony, but you are expected to show bravery and loyalty. Or are you neither brave, nor loyal?"

Conflict raged behind Trixie's eyes at the dragon's harsh words. Ember could tell she was weighing the matter seriously. Eventually, Trixie's posture shifted, standing firmer, and she gave a solemn nod. "Okay," she said, "I'll spar with you. For... For Princess Luna's sake!"

"Good," Ember said, grinning. "Then, be on guard! The duel begins now!"

Trixie took the initiative, immediately breaking into a charge. Head lowered, horn glowing with magic, perhaps she thought the element of surprise was her best shot at winning, but Ember was wise to her tactics. The laser that short forth from Trixie's horn buzzed like a tube of angry hornets as it sped past Ember's ear. Another shot ricochetéd off the marble floor as it passed clean between Ember's legs; the dragon lept, twirled, and all but danced out of the way with effortless grace.

"Are we sparring, or playing?" she teased, goading the pony into another charge. But she was too agile, and Trixie too inexperienced-for all her bravery, she couldn't even come close to scoring a hit.

In desperation, Trixie suddenly switched tactics, moving in for a leg sweep that she hoped would set Ember off-balance. But again the dragon dodged, rolling aside and slamming her palm into the pony's flank, sending her careening sideways in a jumble of flailing limbs. As Trixie stumbled to regain her footing, her hindquarters lifted perfectly into Ember's line of sight, and time, for that split second, seemed to stand still.

Unobstructed by her tail, with cheeks slightly spread on account of the pony's wide stance, it was a target all but delivered on a silver platter. Even as Ember gathered the fire in her lungs and aimed squarely between the pony's plump buttocks, she had to appreciate the sight of that smooth, rounded rump; those bright blue cheeks, the soft, unmarked skin, fine fur like peach fuzz catching a golden edge of morning sunlight.

Remembering that sight would make what was about to happen even more exquisite.

Sending forth the plume of fire shot the world back into fast motion. The attack struck its target dead-center, and Trixie leapt into the air with a truly embarrassing cry of shock and pain. Her voice rang out in a panic as she spun and kicked and reached behind her in vain, her rear-end glowing with flames that flickered and clung to her bare skin like a burning oil slick.

"Put it out! Put it oouuchh!" she cried, eyes darting around her blindly, searching for something-anything-that would extinguish the fire. But dragonfire was particularly resilient, needing no external source of fuel to carry on burning. Without total submersion in cold water for at least several minutes, the flames would continue to frolic and crackle against whatever surface it was spread upon.

Unfortunately for Trixie, that surface just happened to be her bare ass.

"What's the matter, pony?" Ember teased. "Feeling a little hot?"

Trixie's butt billowed black smoke, tendrils of orange flame licking with intense heat across her most vulnerable area. With only a thin covering of hair to protect it, her ass was being roasted by the relentless fire, the once-perfect skin flaring deep red with burns. Tears streamed down Trixie's face as she galloped aimlessly; any time she approached the edge of the arena, Ember would dart in front of her, her mouth aglow in warning.

"If you leave, you forfeit!"

It was enough to turn Trixie back, but she had no desire to fight. "Please, I yield! Make it stop!" she begged, sobbing. "I'm sorry for everything, just make it stoooop!"

From the sidelines, Limestone Pie watched on in horror. She had seen it all. When Ember had shot the flames at Trixie's rear, it was at the perfect angle for Limestone to witness the full extent of the attack. Her own butt tightened and quivered in sympathy for her friend. However painful she imagined it must have felt, the reality was probably far worse for poor Trixie.

She couldn't just stand there helplessly. She had to do something.

When Trixie caught a glimpse of Limestone fleeing the arena, she couldn't honestly blame her friend for abandoning her. Still, her heart sank into her stomach: Now she was completely alone. Shoving her ass against the cold marble floor did nothing. Nor did scooting around in a desperate attempt at smothering the ongoing flames. It was all she could do to not simply curl up and let the fire consume her. But the skin of her ass was growing raw, bubbling with blisters, and still the flames wouldn't abate. It quickly grew too painful to even touch the ground, but raised in the air it was even worse; the fire, though not needing fuel to burn, still appreciated the breeze, and flared to unbearable temperatures whenever a gust of wind whistled by.

Thanks to how she was positioned when the flames struck her, the heat even reached all the way between her crack. It stung her tender anus like a thousand sharpened pencil tips jabbing into her soft flesh. It even crept down to her genitals, burning them so intensely that she sobbed in misery, her pain senses overloaded with the sensation of skin tightening, peeling, bubbling and cracking.

Ember merely stood by, grinning with satisfaction as she watched the pony's soft cheeks blacken. It was a shame, she thought, that it had to be this no-pony, rather than her true rival, Princess Luna. However, the sight of a nicely burnt rump never failed to put a smile on her face. She had every intention of spending her entire morning here, simply enjoying the sight of her work, knowing that their seclusion meant nobody would see Trixie's distress, nor hear her cries for mercy, for hours and hours to come.

However, just as this thought crossed her mind, she heard the oddest sound clomping towards them: The pang and rattle of kitchenware.

"Trixie! Over here!"

Ember turned in disbelief to see Limestone Pie, clad in a ridiculous array of pots, pans, and other objects clearly lifted from her farm kitchen. They were arranged in a makeshift suit of armor configuration, though gaps all over presented spots of her bare lavender coat like bullseyes on a dartboard. Interestingly, her butt was covered by an iron pot-belly stove, the rim of which was clearly squeezed over her cheeks in an effort to stuff as much of the vulnerable area inside it as possible.

The mare was clutching the handle of a large steel bucket between her teeth, filled to the brim with water. She set it down and waved frantically, trying to grab her friend's attention.

"Trixie! Come and sit in this, hurry!"

From across the arena, Trixie's ears picked up. She raced to the bucket like a rocket-powered pony, a trail of black smoke left in her wake, and leapt, flaming-ass-first into the bucket with an enormous splash. Her rear end sank to the bottom of it, hind feet poking up towards the sky, her pained grimace gradually relaxing in increments as the smoldering, prickling, stinging heat across her butt finally began to die down.

She peered up after a few moments, face streaked with tears, into the concerned gaze of her friend. "Th-thank you," she stammered, her voice broken. "Thank you so much..."

Ember harrumphed in irritation. "So, I take it you want your turn, is that it, pony?" She stepped between them, her intimidating stature backing Limestone up and away from her friend. "At least you came prepared for a fight this time. But don't think a few layers of metal are going to make a difference."

Limestone glared back at her in defiance. Even if she was no fighter, she still had to try her best. The armor was only meant to protect her long enough to rescue Trixie. As long as Ember was focused on Limestone, Trixie was free to escape. The latter, however, seemed content for now to linger in the bucket, her eyes shut and her body relaxed in some kind of post-pain daze.

Any time you want to get up, Limestone thought, fear rising in her heart as Ember continued advancing on her. She broke into a run, hoping to at least lure Ember away, but the dragon moved so fast she hardly knew what had happened until it was too late.

The fist struck the side of her head, turning all the world black.

The mare's unconscious form slid to a halt on her stomach, metal pans rattling out in a cacophony. Ember approached from behind, chuckling to herself at the sorry sight of it. "Pathetic," she mused, nudging Limestone with her foot. "I was hoping for more, but I suppose beggars can't be choosers."

Her gaze alighted on the pot-belly stove, which stuck up in the air like a prize on a pedestal. She quirked an eyebrow, her interest piquéd.

"...Or can they?"

The stove had a small, grated door on it. When Ember lifted it open, her eyes were greeted with the most glorious sight of the pony's bared and perfectly pink buttocks. Now Ember understood the pony's extra focus on keeping this area safe: Her skin looked even more delicate than the unicorn's, plump and round like the curve of a spoon. It glistened ever-so-slightly with beads of sweat from the confined space, and shivered now to be exposed to the cool air.

In the center, nestled like a precious secret between her pillowy cheeks, the tiny hole of her anus sat like the tightly closed aperture of a camera. The skin around it looked particularly thin and delicate, wrinkled as it was around the ring of muscle, yet smoothing out as it stretched to accommodate the gently rounded cheeks.

The opportunity was just too irresistible.

It may have been unfair, even cruel, considering her opponent had been knocked out. But Ember could not stop herself from gathering a particularly scorching belly of fire, holding it in to gather as much intensity as she could, before releasing the burning ball of dragonfire squarely through the stove's door and shutting it tight.

The metal instantly began to glow red with intense heat. Ember could hear the flames roaring inside the confined space, trapped between it and the pony's helplessly defenseless buttocks. It took only a matter of seconds to wake Limestone from her stupor, her expression snapping to one of extreme distress as she threw herself to her feet in a clatter of metal.

"AAAAHHH!" she screamed, performing the same mad dance as Trixie had, much to Ember's ongoing amusement. She tried to reach behind her to pry the stove off her butt, but the metal was too hot to touch. What's more, she had wedged herself too tightly into it to wriggle back out without help. The stove had turned a bright orange, and was burning a thick ring around the tops of her thighs and snug along the edge where her tail protruded from the rest of her body. But most of its heat was focused in the center, raging against the quivering surface of the pony's sensitive skin, overpowering all other senses of touch, sight, or sound.

Try as she might, Limestone could not shuck her armor. She ripped the other pieces off one by one, until she was left with just the stove, but she could think of no way to remove it through the screaming pain in her mind. She was helpless to do anything but run around and buck her hindquarters ineffectually, her butt tightly packed into a furnace that only seemed to grow hotter and hotter as the minutes dragged on. Her agony reached fever pitch as blisters grew, popped, and grew again across the surface of her butt, injury atop injury that doubled in pain with each fresh later of hellfire that singed and stabbed and cooked and crisped her once-soft, peachy cheeks.

As the flames continued to crackle and sizzle within, thick smoke billowed out from the few tiny gaps in the stove's door. Suddenly remembering the bucket of water, Limestone galloped over to where Trixie was still wallowing in her relief, and all but threw her out in a mad dash to replace her. Limestone shoved her butt, stove and all, deep into the water, spilling most of it to the ground. But the burning fire was well and truly shielded from any attempt at relief, and the heat from it only caused the remaining water to start boiling.

"Quick, get out before it all evaporates!" Trixie cried, tugging her friend off the bucket with difficulty. The pair worked together, seething with burns as the stove was finally pried off the pony's rear. As soon as it came loose, Trixie tossed it aside, and Limestone jammed herself as deep as she would fit into the bucket. This time, mercifully, she felt the water's soothing embrace soaking into her burnt skin.

Still, the bucket had lost much of its contents, and what was left of the water was hot, still close to boiling. It took several unbearable minutes for the flames to die out, but Limestone would have to endure the stinging heat for a much longer time, until the water cooled enough to provide any sort of comfort.

Ember sidled up to the charred pair, thoroughly pleased by the outcome. Two ponies' rumps, roasted to perfection. Not bad for a day's work. They perhaps hadn't been the most challenging of targets, but at least they had provided her with much entertainment.

"Honor is satisfied," she declared, smirking at the pair, whose rear ends she had cooked into smoking, crispy rounds of steak. "You may go now. And tell your Princess that I'll be expecting her at our usual time next week."

"F-fine," Limestone muttered, her lips quivering. She refused to look up as Ember left the pair of them alone in the arena. The ponies sobbed quietly to themselves for a while longer.

"Let's go," Trixie eventually urged. She was afraid Ember might return, find them still lingering there, and decide to teach them another lesson. But Limestone shook her head.

"I... I'm going to need a minute," she admitted, her face miserable. Trixie nodded, understanding her friend's need to remain in the water for as long as she could. Her own rump throbbed with pain, and even the touch of a cool breeze caused her to wince in pain.

They wouldn't forget this. And never again would the pair dare intrude on the private sparring matches of dragons and Princesses.