TMF-Ep11-New Friend-

Story by Vangabond on SoFurry

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#11 of The Magic Fighters

New Team Mate Spotted

Thomas and the others had encountered yet another one of their classmates Named Lucas who had found out he had magic powers. His name is Lucas Hernández, the former Captain of the baseball team. He is a 6'2 Pink Flamingo with brown eyes and with his hair dyed from pink to black, with his skinny but buff body type. He wears a blue basic baseball cap, with the school's letterman jacket with blue tennis shoes. In the warmer he only wears the baseball cap turned backwards. He is the Upbeat and Extroverted person being a goofy jokester however he has a hidden perverted side as he swings both ways. During the Magic Hour Lucas dawned a medieval light blue pirate jacket with white gloves with light blue fingertips, black slacks and light blue boots. -He uses the flying/flight element and can control the air with wind gusts from under his feet and around him. -His magic form is a cloud fortress, with a spear as his weapon He Wanted to Join the Team as he too wants to learn more about the magic hour, in which the team of three allowed him in to make the group of four, however it was a little weird for someone a year older than them to willingly join.