Poem: Home

Story by zetasyanthis on SoFurry

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#2 of 2021 Mental Health Crisis

I found an unexpected home in a level 1 psych ward one night...

I never expected to find home in a psych ward,

Home in a very very unknown place,

Home in ev'ry heartbeat, ev'ry shadow,

Home in ev'ry crying, sobbing face,

Home, for every tear that I will shed here,

Home, for each and every drop I would,

Home, for ev'ry death I ever think of,

Home, for ev'ry death I wish I could,

Home, for all the reasons that it shouldn't be,

Home, for all the reasons that it should,

Home, for ev'ry reason you can think of,

Home, for ev'ry reason that you would.