A Poem

Story by Ankalis on SoFurry

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Would you kill me if I asked it?

Do you love me that much?

I made a call to Jesus,

He wouldn't do it.

And I heard his love was eternal.

What is it to live when you breathe

The poisonous thoughts of heart and mind

Like air from a paper bag.

Darkness and paranoia

A nebulous clustering in my head.

I try so hard

Not to let it show.

Please, just cut me a little

So that I might bleed this irrational

Sense of guilt out of me.

To watch your best friend die,

And while in your own hands.

I've been strong.

For two days now, I have been strong.

A brave face can go for miles,

But now my sole wears thin now.

The tears are falling now, oh,

it is the flood gate now opened.

I scream

And I scream

And I fucking scream.

That sickly pink injection,

The plunger falling



Until that needle hits zero.

And again, I die a little more inside.