Pathologizing the Daxy

Story by Tin_Foiled_Anon on SoFurry

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This is the Evolutionary Psychology and biology analysis of the Daxy from Assignment Risk that I promised on /hmofa/. The paper is being written in the perspective of a Doctor of a dystopian Technocracy story that I've been working on. Everything he is writing about is all real stuff (mostly). The fiction has more to do with his government and his world, but the science is all real and it is all sourced. This is in many ways also a proposed crossover than a paper. Now whether that crossover will happen I don't know. I am mixed on it happening due to the fact that I want to make this story by itself rather than writing it as a cross over first. But, maybe I can be persuaded. However, this won't happen any time soon since I am already busy with one story.

Assignment Risk

An Evolutionary Psychological Analysis from a Dystopia** n ***Technocracy*

By M.D. Marcus Kleine


In recent events through unfortunate circumstances that are still being debated on, the Torval Federation has encountered an alien race know as the Daxy. The alien life form is a reptilian biped of sorts that is primarily female in numbers and are about 6 to 7 feet tall. Highly aggressive and have high levels of pathological altruism among their kin. They believe that all xenoligical species belong to their empire and believe that this will benefit them in the long run. In particular they want males for sexual intercourse for their xenophiliac species. However, the females of the captured species get the sort end of the stick. Excluding the females from their male counterparts in our best analysis will bring the possible extinction of a conquered species through replacement. This behavior of conquering and subduing other species for mating has also given us the suspicion that the Daxy as a species have undergone high levels of dysgenic mutations. The tech that the Daxy have does not account for genetic quality of their own species as well. It appears that their female based hierarchy rejects the idea of such genetic selection due to their values of motherhood and their rejection of genetic augmentations on a population level that we have. This paper is going to analysis the Daxy's threat assessment, show what the Federation has gathered about them so far, propose ways of dealing with them and propose possible explanations to their evolutionary development and behavior.

Pathological Altruism

Altruism in general is viewed highly favorably to Federation citizens and is a popular personality trait among doctors such as myself. After all, the cultural A.I. wants to select for neuro diversity for it's citizenry. You need doctors to empathize with their patients and I as a Federation doctor and field medic empathize greatly for anyone who is injured or has loss someone in combat. But as much as altruism has it's virtues, it can also have negative effects if the person is being too emphatic and not thinking about how their virtuous actions could effect others. People with pathological altruism will discard their racial group, friends or family for what they think is virtuous and morally right to them. I'll give an example from the conquered humans that we've encounter. Before they were invaded, they themselves were going through high level of mutational load and the spiteful mutants among their ranks were allowing the third world to flood their first world nations at the coast of their people and their group. A more simple example of this would be a person who loves animals so much that they end up hoarding all of the animals that they want to protect and end up doing more damage to the animals and themselves in the process. Their house would be covered in feces, animals are being fed unhealthy foods and some have even died and are decaying in these person's house. The pathological altruist wants to help others but ends up hurting themselves and their own group instead.

The Daxy show all of these behaviors of pathological altruism. They are by no mean psychopathic to the males that they capture. From the VR interrogations that we have gathered from captured and disposed of Daxy, we see that many of them have a great care for the males that they capture. In fact, they will be very nurturing to them and act as their providers. However, the Daxy's xenophilia and pathological altruism is not account for the male's sexual dimorphism.

Human males have naturally evolved to be the caretaker of the female of the species. Human Females were a resource to the whole collective species because of their ability to have children. A competing group of males can kill off all of the males of one group and use the females of that group to propagate their genes and genetic linage. This is why females before modern medical and technological interventions were a valued resource. Pregnancy also has a physical toll on woman, their abdomen gets bloated, they get mood swings, sickness from the fetus pressing into their internal organs and other symptoms. Human pregnancy in reality is a form of disability for women. Women in the past could have never have done the same things men have done with this physical impairment. The Daxy are taking away a role for men that has existed for millions upon millions of years for our species. Through the means of convergent evolution, other species that they have conquered may have also evolved through very similar circumstances and their pathological altruism is doing the same damage to them. Not to mention that these men are basically sex slaves and even have less rights than women had before female liberation movements of Earth and Torval.

Daxy believe that their life mission is to free their male captors from all of life's burdens and to coddle them to sexual subservience. They believe that these species can't rule themselves and need their parental supervision. They believe all of this will make the males happy when in reality, through their pheromonal secretions, they dope up the males through their chemical slavery and brainwash them to love them. And in the process, break many families apart, will rape men to "help them", and kill their wives and daughters.

All of these things can and will lead to the extinction of the enslaved species overtime. You don't feed the animals at the nature preservation, you will get those animals to have an unnatural dependency on the human population and as a result, you get people getting attacked by wild animals for food and you ruin their food chain. The Daxy are like the irresponsible humans in this example. They go to worlds that have gone through heavy social epistasis and high mutational load, enslave them and then hurt themselves by accumulating their dysgenic genes. Interacting with these worlds is no different from supporting the third worlders in never ending welfare or disrupting an animals natural environment because you believe you are helping them. It is always best to leave them alone and allow evolution of the species to take their natural course.

Social Epistasis and High** Mutational Load**

The humans as a species through the Federation have perfected genetic modification and have cured natural death. Many people of the Federation even would refer the Federation as the forever government. They call them this because the Federation through regenerative medicines, nanobotics and genetic engineering have selected out all of the genes that were dysgenic to the population. If bad genes and undesirable behaviors are not rooted out of your population, it will lead to civilizational collapse overtime.

Through many studies and years of research, humanity has found that things like criminality, politics, religiosity, addiction, job performance, aggressiveness and personality traits are all genetic. Now this does not mean that environment is not a cause for these things either. They do affect people's predisposition, but through studies such as twin studies, IQ research, racial differences and behavioral research, we have found that nature tends to be the most likely explanation to the nature/nurture debate. A good example of how this is all genetic can be observed through the Gnostics that resided on Earth in the past and how they reduce the amount of violent genes within the population. From 1000 AD to 1750 AD 1.5% of the male population was executed for some violent crime in each generation. 30 generations removed 45% of the European genome from the population. The Gnostics would execute people for simple crimes such as stealing bread and as a result, removed a huge level of criminality from the population.

This is a good example of selecting out the unwanted from the population. But when civilizations start to get to their industrial age, they begin to decline. The humans of Earth had their highest peak in IQ in the 1800s. The people of this time had faster reaction times and were able to solve complex problems better that later generations of people. Those humans where at their prime as a civilization and weren't exposed yet to high mutational load yet. The industrial revolution for humanity and other species will bring great medical technology and better living standards, but this all has consequences if you do not select out the dysgenics from the population.

One of the key things to understanding this is to understand the Harris Paradox or the Fermi Paradox for the humans who live on Earth. The theory asks the question, why can't we hear any other civilization in the vast cosmos? Where is everybody? Many people say that these civilizations will reach a point and wipe themselves out with nuclear weapons or other mass extinction events. However, social epistasis from the data we have collected seems to be the best explanation for the silence.

These civilizations will create great advances through their own industrial revolutions, but if they are not selecting for eugenics, their populations will eventually experience the greatest dark age that their species have ever experience. Medical and living standards will allow R-selected and those low in g to prosper while those who are more K-selected and are higher in g will be beaten out by the low g R-selected overtime. These advances will allow people who in times prior would have died naturally through congenital birth defects and other physical or mental disabilities to survived and allow them to pass on their dysgenic genes to the rest of the population. Overtime, these genes will accumulate in the population, g will start to go down and society will turn full idiocracy.

So as a species, the Daxy are preying on species that have been weakened by high mutational load and are accumulating their mutations in return. From the VR interrogations we have conducted on captured Daxy, we presume that their average IQ is 100.

For humans, you need to have a soldier who at least has an IQ of 80 to perform proper military duties. Since their average IQ is 100, that means that they have a lot of Daxy that are suffering from mild to server mental retardation. Now, this does not mean that they as a species don't have high IQ outliers within their population. The humans on Earth have already made this mistake of enlisting low g soldiers into their ranks through Project 100,000 for one of their wars. The low g soldier couldn't recognize their own, slacked off often and even were an endangerment to their own units. The fact that they are mating with any species that they can find makes us believe that the Daxy are not accounting for IQ performance for their soldiers since much of their culture is highly militaristic. Probably the low g Daxy are front line soldiers that are the first to be picking off in combat when they start an invasion.

And for Daxy, IQ performance for military services are probably very similar to humans. Again, convergent evolution is a thing. All carbon based life evolved from hydrothermic vents or through a form of panspermia that triggered a chemical reaction that allowed proteins to form, to then evolve into RNA, then to DNA and that DNA in return evolved into the first single celled organism and so on. Evolution has to follow the rules of physics and chemistry and that means that the Daxy are very similar to us even though they evolved on anther planet. These same things effect every other organism and they keep indulging in dysgenic behaviors and are not learning from it.

Other mutations that we have found among their species vary from mental mutations to bodily and genetic mutations. When it comes to mental mutations we have found that many of the Daxy have what appears to be a form of autism spectrum disorder. Now, autism spectrum in humans can actually affect humans on a physical level. Men and woman with autism will have more masculine faces compared to neurotypical individuals. These Daxy have more masculine features from what we've collected from their male counterparts and even will be more systematic in their world views like many human males with autism spectrum disorder. Other mental disorders that have been found in their species are depression, bipolar disorder, OCD, and so on.

Physical disorders that we have found are a result of their race mixing and accumulation of dysgenic genes that they have aquired from these subdued populations. Cancers are prevalent to a lot of Daxy when they get older, many Daxy and their offspring will be born with heart defects, cleft lips, born with both sexual organs, chromosomal defects, incomplete organ development and so on. Older Daxy that have offspring are probably more likely to have defects in their children as well. Like with humans, if you are not stopping cellular degeneration, older women will have more complications with childbirth and their offspring will more likely than not have negative mutations. Many of the mixed species children will suffer the worst of these defects. Many of them can even die because they don't have viable organ donations due to their mixed genetics.

Like the humans on Earth who went through total stagnation, so too are the Daxy. They have left over FTL technology for the beginning of their empire that they use but they don't seen to advance in other areas. Many Daxy that we have captured didn't have regenerative medicines to fix scars or other disfigurements that they were born with or got from battle, they are using cybernetic limbs instead of regrowing their own tissue and they don't have direct medicines to target cancer cells and other aliments. Neuropreservation technology has allowed us to save people by just regrowing their body from their head if their body was not able to be salvaged through extreme bodily trauma. They have humans under their care that are getting high off of methamphetamines and they can only threat these addicts by making them go cold turkey or by leaning them off of the control substance. I would have just have given them a nanomachine inject and the nanobots would have made the addict lose their withdraw symptoms and dopamine detox their neuro pathways. My medicine would have fixed the addicts in a few hours while theirs may take months to years. Also their weapons to Federation standards are 2ndgeneration weapons. The Federation still had those types of weapons when they were dealing with the Gennalen two hundred years ago. Also, they don't even have a defense grid around their occupied territories not to mention that they don't have the best star ship designs. They have their gravity generators on one floor instead of making a cylindrical gravity hull and building modular compartments on top of it. It must be difficult to repair these ships if they don't build them through modular ship design. Their robotic exoskeletal systems are sub par to Federation suits as well. Propellant bullets can go through their armor and their normal non-robotic combat suits. They aren't using any form of aerogels as super insulators or even using memory alloys for their armor and they aren't using nanomaterials like metamaterials to cloak themselves in combat.

Obvious genetic decline has occurred to the Daxy and their own ideological religious world view is leading them to a slow and painful genetic oblivion.

Threat Assessment

The Daxy are a bigger threat in numbers than they are in technological prowess and military tactics. They have obviously never encounter a highly genetically selected group of people like us probably due to the fact that every race that they have preyed on is at their wits end as an advanced race and a civilization. So far, the few Federation ships that we have are effectively holding them off from attacking the Aries Large Hadron Collider that were are currently occupying as a base of operations at the moment. Command is confident that they won't get through since we've threatened them through radio channels to use our warp weapons and antimatter weapons against them. They still try to attack of course, but they don't really get through our weapons. We haven't used any antimatter weapons yet since Command hasn't been desperate enough to use them and that they fear the possibly of destroying any citizen ships around the Aries facility or the site itself. It is this facility after all that brought us to this alien occupied reality in the first place by some kind of quantum accident.

From Daxy communications that we have collected, we know that they are very frustrated when dealing with us. In fact, the Daxy have rules about killing males, but some Daxy in command are having infighting about whether they should just kill us or not. For one thing, they haven't been able to get much information on us because they have yet to capture one of our ships and the soldiers that they have captured will just end up self destructing themselves through their wisdom tooth, leaving the Daxy with a headless Federation soldier. They also don't like the fact that we are so heavily augmented on a genetic and cybernetic level. Nanomachine have removed all of the natural gut floral and skin floral on humans. And because of that, humans under the Federation do not have body odor. Staphylococcus hominis and Demodex Mites on our skin have been removed ever since nanobots have become a cleaner replacement for this natural floral. They don't like the fact that we don't smell and even refer to use in radio chatter as odorless. Through these augmentations as well, their pheromones don't work on us. Due to the nanobots inside us and our synthetic blood, the pheromones are broken down very easily inside our bodies. This reason alone is one of the many reason why some Daxy want to go all out on us and destroy us where we stand currently. They also are disgusted with the fact that we don't gestate our young natural. We don't let women go through those archaic bodily functions of the past. We have artificial wombs for that now and many people in the Federation would argue that it is morally reprehensible for anyone to conceive a child naturally since you can't control if anything will go wrong in pregnancy and that you are disabling the mother through this old fashioned way of reproduction. The Daxy hate everything about us as a civilization and we hate how they run things in return.

The Daxy ships that the fleet usually encounters are usually captured and the ones that are in our hands are currently being re-purposed for the Federation's growing fleet. When these ships are captured, I along many other mobile infantry soldiers will storm into their ships and immobilize them with our weapons.

Usually, higher commanding officers are kept alive, but everyone else excluding Daxy mothers with human offspring are ice boxed, put under VR interrogation and then disposed of. The Daxy mothers are usually kept as genetic reference for their human children. But once we have sorted out the human genes from the Daxy genes from the children, we remove all of the Daxy genes from the human children in question and then terminate the Daxy mother once her use is up. Any Daxy siblings that the human children may have will also go this process and will be terminated eventually as well.

The Daxy that are kept alive are tortured by High Command's Psychological Warfare agents and then are sent back to a close Daxy star ship or base and left their as our messenger. The Federation doesn't need to torture them to get information, they tortured them to make an example of them. I as a doctor have been forced to participate in some of these session and didn't like it one bit. Only a psychopath (which many of these Psychological Warfare agents are clinically recognized as such) would enjoy doing this cruel and unusually punishment to these aliens. Torture techniques that are used on the Daxy can vary in many creatively evil ways. Daxy would always be inoculated with nanomachines that will paralyze them from the neck down, and then all sorts of horrible things would be done to them. Since they value motherhood so much, one of the favorite things that the Psychological Warfare Division will do to them is remove their ovaries with them being conscious through the whole procedure, to physically beating them up and mutilating other body parts. I've even seen reports of the Psy Op agents getting them into sparing matches and as expected, through the Psy Op's cybernetic and genetic augmentations always beating up the Daxy that they fight against. Since they are cold blooded too, they'll also expose them to extreme temperatures and usually will have them go under temperature shock as a result.

On other occasions, Daxy prisoners under my care have been removed by trouble making soldiers and these soldiers just like the Psychological Operatives will subject them to cruel and unusual punishment outside of their torture sessions. Every time this has happened, I personally had to go into my power suit and stop the soldiers who are stepping out of line from hurting the Daxy prisoners anymore than the Psy Ops already have. We have never done this kind of thing to Confederate soldiers before we encountered the Daxy. Before we came to this reality, we were still at war with Confederacy. I also know that the Confederates have mostly human drones for their armed forces and we never needed to use invasive VR interrogations or torture against them for that reason, but with the technological prowess we already display against them, I think what we are doing is frankly overkill. I want to go over this behavior more in detail in my ending remarks.

Again, the Daxy are only a threat in numbers than anything else. Intelligence is actually more worried about Confederate sleeper soldiers that could be hiding in our ranks aiding and abetting the Daxy with our technology more so than anything else. If the Confederates were to do this, they would probably try to rebuild their own forces again and we'll have to deal with them in this reality just like the last one we originally came from.

Alternative Theories on their Evolutionary Development

From what we have collected from the Daxy's computers, they say that they have always been a matriarchal species. However, from previous science and data we have gone over in this paper, we think that the men of their species may have been the builders originally. Daxy are know from our research to have a higher female to male birth ratio abnormally to a lot of other species. From the tech that we have collected from their ship, we found that their environment has a lot of endocrine disruptors present in their food and water supply. The synthetic estrogens are coming from their plastics and other materials that they have developed for their day to day activities.

A good example of endocrine disruptor that the Federation has banned three hundred years ago is called Bisphenol A or BPA for sort. The chemical leaks out of plastics and resins and would affect the environment and humans alike. These endocrine disruptors would reduce the sperm count in human men and other male organism in the environment. Reptiles, fish and amphibians would be the most sensitive to these chemicals. These chemicals would physically turn these organisms into females or even make them hermaphrodites. Since the Daxy are reptiles with mammalian characteristics, this could explain why they have such a high rate of female offspring.

Another thing we found in their archives were old accounts about anti genetic modification movements and movements against cybernetics and other augmentations. We think that these movements won out in the male ruled government but since social pressures disapproved of using technologies that would improve them, they never bothered to fix their endocrine disruptor problem. And overtime, a matriarchy formed and created the Daxy Empire that we know today.

Federation** Priorities**

High Command has give the remaining fleet five priorities since we arrived in this reality and has told me to remind anyone reading this of our objectives.

  1. The rebuilding of the Federal defense grid.

    1. Rebuilding the Dyson swarm around this reality's sun so we can have wireless energy again.
    2. Liberate the enslaved humans from Daxy control
    3. Drive out the Daxy from the solar system.
    4. Building a new cultural A.I., the mutagen A.I. and rebuiding the precog network.

For priority number one, we are currently building more surveillance drones and loitering munitions on the Aires facility. Once we get enough of these spread around in the solar system, we'll have total weapon superiority. Kinetic kill drones, explosive drones, anti-personal combat drones, gravity drones, warp drones and antimatter drones will create a border for in this solar system unlike anything that the Daxy or anyone else in this reality have ever seen.

Priority number two involves us rebuilding the Dyson swarm around the sun for our wireless energy needs. The solar drones even control the solar winds of the sun and create a solar stream through the system. Allowing everyone with wireless energy technology to use this energy source.

Priority number three obviously involves us liberating the captured humans under Daxy control. We haven't gone full force yet because we need more drones and loitering munitions to be made before we can complete any major rescue efforts. If we have enough of those, we can leave the Aries facility defended with less Federation ships and bring our most powerful vessels to occupied Mars, Earth, and their star gate. They're a few different outposts we plan to take out well besides the mentioned targets.

Priority number four is eliminating the Daxy forces in this system. So far, we have had no issues defending ourselves against them, but we can only keep up defenses for so long. As mentioned in the previous priority, we are working at constructing more weapons and ships against the Daxy forces.

And Priority number five the Federation wants to rebuild the cultural A.I. along with the mutagen A.I. and the precog network. All Federation citizens understand the importance of all of these things. They are life blood of humanity and what keeps the Federation functional as a society. The occupied humans on Earth and elsewhere are welcomed to be genetically part of the Federation and get the full rights of any citizen in our society. But if they want to keep to themselves then we will create reservations for them and are not to have any help from the Federation in any way unless we deem it necessary. After all, we still want a healthy genetic stock available in case we have genetic complications in the future for any reason.

Closing remarks and Suggestions

I understand why Command has be saying that a good Daxy is a dead Daxy. We have done enough research of genetic similarity, ethnic conflict and group selection to know that genetically dissimilar species cannot live along side each other unless they have been genetically altered to live along side each other. That's why everyone under the Federation is genetically similar to each other after all and only accounting for personality and body differences through the mutagen A.I. And this same slogan goes for all xenological lifeforms that aren't humans too since anything to the Federation that is not human is an unknown factor and must be eliminated. If these unknown factors are not eliminated, they will disrupt the predictive powers of the Federation's precogs and ruin their predictive algorithms.

However though, as a doctor and someone who has been spending a lot of time with Daxy prisoners, I think they can be integrated within the Federation. They are after all able to make viable offspring with humans through copulation. And to add to that, we've been already been developing immortal cell lines from their DNA and have been experimenting on it for bioweapons against them. I sympathize with the Daxy prisoners that I watch over and from the topics I talk with them about, they really do love our race. I suggest that we allow any Daxy that wants to join the Federation be given the right to do so. Their genome can be incorporated into the cultural A.I. and we can root out any undesirable genetic traits from their species and they can be like any other human in our society. My position may not be a popular one, but I think it's the right one. I have more research that I can give to Federation command if they are interested in my proposition or they can ignore it. But I think their race can be a unique addition to the Federation and will make us prosper as a joined species.


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