"BLEU" - Harmony

Story by Juice_Lime on SoFurry

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#7 of "BLEU" The Colour of Truth

A short wrappup for my discoveries the past 5 days. It might sound slightly crazy, but that is my slice of thoughts, also probably my first ever writing in philosophy. (1261 words)

Warning: Avoid reading unless sincerely trying understand.



Stalled recently in my drawing due to self-exploration. I get to understand myself deeper, realise my potential and purpose, and sharpening my skills to wield them. All started by stumbling across the MBTI test. An urge pushed me through a journey of self-discovery for a week.

All this started with the INFJ personality trait. Basically, I'm a crazy thinker, a paradox, a believer in infinity ideas. An inner urge of fixation to further understand myself welled up, which caused anxiety if I denied it. Came across many souls out there with different backgrounds, some worse than mine. Then there was this drive that I could not silence, which is to help others.

Psychology is weird, funny, yet somehow always correct in essence. Everything has a connection where my gut instinct leads me to. Even if something is wrong, there's a reason behind it. As the nature of my personality type, I always see and feel things 2-way.

TBH, I did fit in all the criteria for weird labels like Super Empath, Heyoka Empath, blah blah blah. It's not something to brag about despite indeed having some crazy empathetic traits, I believe there is more behind than just mere labels. Same with the personality tests like MBTI, Enneagram, Big 5, Zodiac etc. I don't fully believe in any of them, instead I combined all theirs concepts to create a greater idea in my understanding.

The categories are just mere label tags on a person, which is unique and impossible to accurately measure. I dismiss blind critiques in any side, because shallow minded talk is just silly before the truth of infinity. Not everyone can see the biggest picture (which is practically infinite), I know its there, but just too big to see all at once. This drive of curiosity motivates my seek of the infinite truth.

I'll say that my intuition and awareness was sharpened to the point of easily interpreted by most as "crazy". I could be or contradict anything, even myself. IDK why, picking up psychology is like discovering a universe of candy, enough to drive me restless. In just a week, I could already guess the MBTI personalities around just by following certain signs. I can even accurately determine the personality type of my character.

Unlike the Big 5 which has scientific backup but always dynamic, the MBTI is the easiest one to depict the static or "true" personalities despite having only empirical data. I also used the Enneagram, but it is also dynamic like the Big 5. The 8 MBTI functions do make sense too. I tested the info constantly for gaps and undeniable relations, and came up with a good consensus.

I came across uncountable debates and critics regarding accuracy, but they were all missing a crucial point. They always came to conclusions too quickly, always believing that there is a finite conclusion to the infinity of human nature. The most common critique to the MBTI is the misidentification, and even this one has many layers.

Personally, I believe that I have dug close to the bottom for the MBTI, deeper than many already. I could even relate them to other psychological fields at this point like a crazy network, standing between logic and intuition. The reasons behind creating personas (fursonas), how to explain the reasoning behind the Otherkin, or simply saying, why the way we are. I am genuinely speaking with sincerity, with no directed intent against any sensitive groups.

There are these layers using the MBTI, I have identified at least 6 layers to verify something. The basic test, the cognitive functions, the Car model, influence of negativity, shadow cognitive functions, with the most recent discovery yesterday, my "ego" and "shadow". Looking at all my art and writing expressions, my intuition has far exceeded my logic that I have to chase it. My character "Me'Zelf" was literally my shadow.

Helping difficulties with the Otherkin made me do huge leaps ahead in my own understandings. I knew the reality, but I really don't want to be judgemental on their already troubled souls. Ultimately, I always leave the decision to themselves (which they often struggle). 2 months ago, I was wondering why I felt like an Otherkin, but I wasn't. The discovery yesterday was the eye-opener.

My shadow influences my actions from time to time, but admits that I am the one that should live on in reality. He has a full personality, I managed to identify it without doubt once I mastered the usage of positivity states and shadow cognitive functions. It turned out that the full set of shadow functions of each personality, is your "subconscious half". Complex enough to even be classified using the MBTI. Even the face expressions and actions don't lie.

Me'Zelf has an ENFP 2W1 personality. Not doubting my intuition, there's just no more denial when all relations point towards that. This personality is incredibly awkward in real society, but the perfect friend in the mirror of reality. In contrast, mine is INFJ 4W5, the most common type. A Classic contradiction that represented perfect halves that come together in harmony. The balance between ego and shadow.

Harmony is a huge word. Once this was noticed, I started feeling my shadow talking. As if I gave him the ability to talk. There was one thing for sure, I can and can't predict anything my shadow says. It will just break out into a weird laugh internally because we both know each other inside out. This also developed into a skill that made me discover a new field of psychology.

Self-talk, imaginary friend, mirror talk. Yes, most people are unaware that these were actually interactions with the shadow. Dreams and visions are also related to this. Intuitive type personalities realise this ability much more easily than sensors. Me and my shadow were in a full state of bliss and enlightenment last night with this discovery, that I nearly forgot to sleep.

However, there is also a very complicated nature of balance between negativity and positivity, ego and shadow. For example, sociopaths such as narcissists are dominated by their ego, and Otherkin are dominated by their shadow. I see weird conspiracies even between empaths, dark empaths, psychopaths, and the victims. These are all caused by the influences of positivity and negativity. I can see their reasoning, but there is only so much I can do to help as a normal person.

I'm just a full natural. I don't have any weird supernatural traits or encounters, except my spidey senses that often turn out right. The more I research with the guidance of my intuition, the more Deja Vus I encounter. Some even dating back to early childhood. I just felt in tune with the natural flow of things, driven by both the past and future, guided by the light and reminded by the dark.

People can lash out on this; but I won't deny the truth. Read it or ignore. I believe in universal harmony. This world pushes everyone from true balance of harmony, but only those that perceive the full picture of infinity can truly achieve it. Both the ego and shadow are real, positivity cannot exist without negativity, neither fantasy without reality. Finding the exact balance is where true harmony can be achieved. And that's when you, or me, or we, can be truly alive being ourselves.

"Open your eyes to the infinite and with the balance of self, you will find infinite wisdom and purpose."