Pim Chapter Seven and Eight

Story by Mericus on SoFurry

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These two chapters I have been told this are complex and like all the multiple threads in many directions that tie into this story, i decided to have one character tell a little history to the main character and his lover, instead of write thirty more chapters that explain each; thread and why it is important.

Please comment if you think I should remove the history that is kind of required by the story to create the reason for haste, and instead write thirty more chapters that each have one or two of the points of history I placed in this one. (I say this because I have as many points that concern history as a RK ROWLING story does per book or that a movie like Silverado had).

I have two Primary characters one main and the supporting character my original idea was to explain a city in my TTRPG for a couple players, since they did not understand my game since I wrote everything including all the history. Other people just derived their TTRPG from one book or movie series in a kind of plagiarism method Gygax copied the 1967 Empire of the Petal Throne presenting the works of Chaucer and other notable writers such as Geoffrey of Monmouth and their contribution to non Greece-Roman literature in the middle ages, a required class at Harvard: and published it as D&D, for instance.

-More back story, more plots within plots, more evil people, more love, more sex, an interesting way to extract information in good cop bad cop style through forced becoming gay methods, (some of my 1940s to 60s Noir story designs are showing), and a little bit of a battle. Some people die. But in my TTRPG death can be changed even decades later. And again love conquers all, some constructive evil makes evil people want to be good guys. Other people find out becoming gay is not as bad as some people say it is.

This story like my game has no religion in it, people know Gods exist but they don't worship them since they are so powerful and are too busy doing something they find more fun than listen to your petty prayers. Other heroes of the past are elevated to being remembered almost as if there were Gods, but everyone knows they never were, unlike our world.

Chapter Seven

Pony and Pim both flew off the couch the airship Skymaster had struck something on the ethereal plane. Pim had to extricate himself from Pony and then dragged him from under the console the abrupt stop had made, like hitting a brick wall. 'There is only one thing that can prevent anything on ethereal or in phantom-phase egress; gold!' Pim thought_, "_Are you Okay Pony dear?" Pim looked him over he had a red mark on his back where he had slammed into the console; Pony's body had deflected Pim's body so he suffered nothing. Pony said. "OwwwWWW that thing is hard". He could not rub his back so Pim rubbed him there, Pony rolled his shoulders, and "I thought your airship was slowing down. What did we hit?"

Pim helped his husband back to the couch, being actually part of the floor the couch had gone nowhere, the food and Pony's armor were bunched all around the both of them hitting the console at the same time they had. Pim looked around his financial mind took stock of anything broken or had lost value, he scanned everything with 'scent treasure' one of his endowments in the Diamond. The glass mugs were worthless they had broken the bottle was intact it was made of metal but had lost value from the flattened side, Pony's armor had absorption so it was still worth a hundred thousand High Silver. The cheese was just on the floor along with some broken vegetables and smashed tomatoes. Pim thought 'everything in the refrigerator is probably in the same fate, good thing I keep everything else in my bracer'. "Well let's get dressed and see what that was". Pim grabbed his shirt and put it on then remembered his pants were somewhere on the ethereal plane. He stripped it off the illusion was unneeded anymore, instead he took out his own armor out of his bracer: from the Gripbox inside it, as a Diamond he did not have to take the Gripbox out first then don the armor like anyone with a box, pack or bag of holding had to do he could just think what he wanted and it was there to come out of the infinite Guild Item he wore. Living rainbow colored Tyrannium full plate with silver and gold inlay in a paisley designs of leaves and foliage form fitted with high magic and tech devices all over it, for a transsexual female with normal sixed Bornian male parts, Pony was salivating at the armor Pim was putting on "Godz you are rich, I couldn't afford anything worth what even a tiny piece of what that is worth!" Pony said in amazement. "Oh yeah, we'll have to buy you some to upgrade you, I would not want my husband to have anything only worth a hundred thousand high silver!" Pony felt special more than ever now soon he would have the best armor in the world as well. He put on his own ninja armor with the holders for small one handed weapons. "What is your best weapon Pony?

" Oh I use a pair of knives and an Ahnk only weapon a segmented steel whip." Pony replied, thinking of his parents, they had told Pony they could not get high office because they had to raise him and his and sisters, he was the only son with ten sisters. He decided on the Cloud to steal his fathers' two favorite knives but his older sisters had gotten his chit for the bag of Frozen Mountain Oranges and the pint of Grendyl Ale before he was born, being sixth born. Because his parents blamed him for their sorrows they restricted him to just one weapon. 'Go buy it yourself' his Dad had told him.

"Do you have any guns?" Pim asked.

"No, I only had a chit for the whip from my stingy parents, I stole the two knives from my mean Dad's steel glass topped treasure case over the mantle!" he said proudly.

"Well how many more sheaths do have on that ninja armor, then? Pim said remembering how stingy his own parents were.

Pony felt for the whip, which was there the left side knife was gone but he still had the other one, "Darn, I lost it somewhere, well twenty-six more now!" Pony said a little dejected he had wanted to flash them in front of his hateful Dad but he knew his Dad knew exactly who had taken them both since he'd carved a pony shape in the steel box with one of them.

"Hmmm, I don't know if I have that many". Pim pulled out his Gripbox smiling knowing the truth, not the living Gripbox that he had stored the armor and any potential slaves they'd buy from time to time from their Sitran contacts, it only had his living Tyrannium armor in it, all the slaves were in a brothel Drang ran over in Rheem. Both had a Gripbax and a Coupler on them so that out of his bracer they only weighed a pound. Pim opened the Gripbox using his same code he used for everything, "You are my Top" he said in Rhiaxian-Bornian dialect. Inside was one hundred of each type of single hand gun in existence Pony looked in awe at the box then Pim then the box, "Only the BEST for my Husband!" Pim said. The price was already paid, as far as Pim decided; Pony had consummated the marriage so he could have anything Pim owned.

"They are all miniaturized to fit inside the box they will go back to full size one you take them out", Pim explained, "Be careful they all go back to full weight." Pony took one each of semi automatic pistols, and the submachine pistols fourteen in all.

Pim said you should take two Krassa that manufacturer designed all their weapons to fire off the entire magazine all at once." Pony had ninety-three pounds of weapons all laid out before him.

"Umm you can only carry another thirty three pounds with that armor, tell you what I have an older armor and with your boots on, no hmm well that's not an answer either, you'd be so bogged down with holster straps you couldn't move, umm just limit yourself to a few of them instead." Pim finished.

"Well which would be the best then?" Pony asked looking at the pile

"Well I like the GV 4 but that you'd have to use a holster outside, it is too big for the sheath/holsters you have on that armor. I'd take the forty-one caliber Zhetwahn AP three: two of those and two of the three-fifty-seven magnum Scholoch XT one oh fives there," Pim pointed to the one handed Rhiaxian semi-automatic pistol and the Amolean submachine gun. "With two each of those, you'd have twenty-four pounds of guns, which will leave you nine pounds for something else hand to hand. I used a short sword Baudelaire myself once, those are small". Pim explained what each one of the guns was and how to use them. Pony caught on quickly he was always very smart and could remember a lot of details, after all he remembered word for word what the Crahi; Crescent had told him to do as well as the cryptic messages, concerning his own future.

"Well that thing on your side; what is that?" Pony asked looking at the swept hilt as the only thing sticking out of a coin sized sheath at Pim's side.

"Oh this old thing? " Pim drew the rapier out of the high tech coin sheath it was long about four and a half feet with a very narrow blade, "It's racial it is not balanced for an Ahnk, like your whip, I'd kill myself trying to use that segmented iron serpent".

"Well is there a non-racial version? I could use two just in sheathes on my back." He said brightly

Pim gathered up all the extra guns and put them back leaving out two each of the pistols and submachine pistols. He took out two rapiers that were three and a half feet long; they weighed four pounds, total. "Here you go, "Pim said smiling "Those are ready made back sheathes they pivot to let you draw them easier".

"You are so nice to me, "Pony smiled.

"Of course, you are my husband!" Pim said as he helped Pony get the back sheathes on, then inserted each rapier in turn.

Pony took out the gold and Saphiraan encrusted stiletto he had that was stolen from his father's box. "Here you want to hang on to this for me, wife?" Pony laughed out.

"Sure husband, not a problem". Pim placed it inside his bracer, from afar with his armor he looked female anyway, and since he looked like a girl for the most part naked, he was mostly a girl as well, so wife was okay with him.

"Well you've got some more weight until you are maxed, until we get you that new ninja armor with all the coins on it like I have." Pim said.

"Yep just as long as we know who wears the pants in this family" Pony said with a wry smile.

"Yes sir, until I pull your pants down and compare dicks; Shorty". Pim smirked back.

"Yeah but you suck cock way better than I do honey, you can get me to cum in two seconds, it takes me at least ten to get you to pop". Pony said bouncing his hip into Pim as they headed for the door.

"Oh I don't know you catch on pretty quick for a cutie," Pim inserted his finger in under Pony's tail to make him turn red in a flash along with the wave of pleasure from getting a finger in his donut, getting another 'OOOH' out of Pony in an inhale.

"Let's see what we hit". Pim said, "Phantom off, loiter mode" the ship came back to the prime Material plane from ethereal, it was mid morning outside as the door opened below was a thing cable coming up from the ground and going straight up into the sky. A golden chain, the ship in the light breeze skidded off the obstruction and the chain came up in front of Pim and pony standing at the door, the chain curved and avoided the rest of the airship as it it were able to sense what had hit it and the dimensions of Skymaster. Both peered out the open airship door to the ground into the water of the Driad River.

"Well that is a fucking mystery!" Pim exclaimed, "How the fuck can that sense Skymaster to avoid coming in contact him on the prime material?"

"Maybe it is a demon or undead". Pony said.

"No nothing can detect Skymaster in phantom not tech or magic; you'd need to be within 100 feet on indigo scan to 'see' anything in phantom". Pim said angrily. "There are not that many things that fly around in phantom that are as big as Skymaster."

Pim was silent for a moment still a little ticked off, "Skymaster runs a generator of Ukrathan Thainian Crystal geodes, the power those things produce is how I can stay in phantom almost indefinitely, plus the rarity makes them priceless. J'kael got them for me instead of someone like ..." Pim looked at Pony who looked like someone just punched him in the guts several times like Malukef had done to him seventeen years ago.

"Pony, what's wrong?" "100 mile detect intruder all scanners" Pim commanded, "door closed". The ship scanned on all systems looking for anything within a one hundred mile radius, it listed the airships in the area the Sitran armored patrols on the ground and several things flying invisible and nothing on indigo scan, but now on prime material it picked up the gold chain.

Pony staggered and held onto the wall, "My Mentor, he is gone; dead!" Pony said, "He said it was okay to talk with you to find out some treasure I could maybe steal, he said it is against the Cloud, to deal with Diamonds, unless we belong to an Order but he approved it, somebody killed my Mentor, Pim!"

Pim helped pony back to the couch and they both sat down, Pony had to sit in an awkward position because to the twin swords on his back, Pim hurriedly removed them by undoing the straps, and took it off. He held onto Pony. "We'll find out who, Pony, Drang will know he is a 28th echelon Cloud, they will pay whomever they are, it's okay Pony, it will be okay, I will be your mentor, even though I am not Cloud, my first mentor was non Guild too, he was a Cloud" Pim rocked Pony back and forth. "I can be your Mentor now I am 17th echelon."

Pony laughed once, "it keeps getting better and better with you, even with this,' he sniffed, "now I can't do anything wrong."

"It's okay Pony, I am here, I'm never leaving you, its okay, its okay." 'Drang can find out, but J'kael will know what to do, I'll go find J'kael, and find out who did this, no one messes with the Star and gets away with it.' Pim's thoughts turned dark. He, J'kael, and Drang together fought off several gangs and Crimson Dagger suborder clans in the last eight years after their rise to power in Driadan, Rheem and Rhios. Many feared all three of them, 'someone will pay a heavy toll for making my husband cry!' Pim thought. Then he had a different idea, 'Drang is Cloud he can be Pony's Mentor that would be better, I can only give him 50% max in Save, Drang can give Pony 75% until we find another full guild Mentor for Pony.' "Mentor!" Pim sent "can you find Drang for me, and J'kael they are not Diamond, but I need to know where they are, they are both Star."

Pim's mentor sent back, "they are gone Pim, they missed their Save last night, they are no longer in the Star, I'm sorry, I will find a Cloud for your husband You have done the best under the circumstances, you were always the best friend to everyone. I will help in any way I can."

Pim was hit in the guts again like Malukef had done seventeen years ago, 'J'kael and Drang dead? How? J'kael is I don't know how old he is, but his race is over a million years old, who or what could have killed J'kael,' he thought of both when they last waved to him when he left only yesterday '...And Drang no one can sneak up on him he is Ogrensi he does not even need to turn his head to look behind him, who could kill Drang?' Pim did not know what to do now but his Mentor liked him a lot. Over the years, Pim did do everything possible to make friends even with unsavory individuals, 'except for whoever these enemies were, it was open season on them, no one kills my friends and hurts my husband, no one! I am Pim Escalante the Skymaster ...Crescent, yes Crescent, now I know where to go, I'll find Crescent, he'd better not be involved in this!' "scanners off go to fifty-five north latitude by 34 longitude east, terror speed" Pim commanded his ship though not designed for anywhere north of thirty degrees latitude north or south did as it was told, a force field went up around the craft and it speed across the sky and one thousand miles an hour, they would be in the small station outside of Dan in two hours, nothing short of a hurricane cold stop the ship otherwise. The Sitrans did not use Phase Fire Bee Eater missiles to take out force field protected craft, they too were afraid of Skymaster nothing in their arsenals they used could puncture the ships fabric hull.


The Zith was brought in from out of the Sitran transport vehicle taken out of the holding container where it was cramped hot and hard. A little box on either side of the vehicle another individual was in the other one complaining and pleading to be let go. The multicolored Zith completely sexless was drying to get fucked by hir Sitran masters, shi wanted so much to alleviate hir desperate thirst for some urine just a few drops at least, and maybe some delicious cum.

Instead shi was marched into a dark place with on looking members with no weapons at all in their holsters and sheathes. Although all of them were armored in different kinds and styles some with mail, others in plate. Some were standing at guard with their fists out as if they were holding something but there was nothing, instead others opened a door from the inside then stepped out allowing the Zith and the single Sitran to go inside.

The throne room had tapestries of a long ago empire with two other races beside the Royants one of which who sat in the Throne devoid of anything else on his dais. He watched and waited for the two to walk up to just in front where the Sitran stopped hir. The Sitran master then bowed and came up to stand to the right of the Royant, dressed in pink clothing like a king of some kind, yet no crown. The bright pink did make the orange of his skin brighten up though, making look more regal.

"Ahh yes you have arrived, good, goooood! Yes you will now please me, what do I call him? "Caliph Yohut high boss of the Golverien Syndicate said, intrigued.

"Hir, shi is a hir now, completely, shi will do whatever you say, and eagerly I might add. This Zith fully desires to do whatever depraved act you command." The Tribune stared showing his teeth with pulled back lips.

"And Shi ahh ...the Zith will do anything I say, I can just call hir Zith that is correct?" Fy'ahze asked distaining to even look at the clone.

"Yes, Caliph Fy'ahze Yohut; anything you want, would you like to see a demonstration; Sire Caliph?" The Sitran in the bulletproof body armor and Keshao machine gun said.

"No, is he processed, as ordered" Fy'ahze asked in his changeable attitude versus tribunes and underlings.

"Yes, Sire Caliph completely you see there is nothing between his legs, he is painted under his skin with GBI peacock green making him desire to be nearly impaled with a huge cock, and GBI purple in case you want hir split roasted, then GBI rose to take deep throat cock, and GBI pink to clean with hir mouth any mess that is on your skin or any accomplice, and lastly GBI bice green so shi begs for ass fucking at your convenience Sire Yohut." The Sitran tribune stated.

"Shi screamed as everything was done to hir, isn't that true?" Fy'ahze asked looking with his goggle like Royant eyes at the Sitran finally.

"Yes Sire Caliph Yohut, a video was made of the whole process, and here is the box as required, you will need that to feed hir the five quarts of Spermatozoa and three gallons of urine everyday or shi will die, so you cannot starve hir, shi will die without sustenance."

Fy'ahze looked up a note of sadness in his eyes as he could not torture the Zith in starvation as well and be his private plaything the rest of his life and the next Caliph's and so on for the next thousand years. "Ahh too bad I wanted to make him suffer more. Well I guess you only get what you pay for!" he laughed in maniacal glee making the Sitran join him, a sound like a sink full of water gurgling down a drain, the clone was smiling too which was his lips drawn back from the bear trap of yellow teeth he had in his mouth.

"Here is the tablet with the processing and the nine weeks of his new life as a Zith, now I ask for our payment." The Sitran stopped smiling and presented a high tech pair of goggles and ear plugs for a Royant. "This is that processing, it will be as if you were there when it happened from when shi was still J'kael until shi became the Zith now." The Sitran was becoming impatient for his payment from this Crimson Dagger Sub Order boss.

"Now once you tell me where my payment is and my brigade communicates possession our deal will conclude, I have a long trip to Vaelkandis."

"Yes, yes yesssss, of course here are the coordinates", he produced a slip of paper, handing it to the Sitran as he walked over to look at the naked Zith.

He felt down on the Zith's groin making sure there were no illusions and indeed his scrotum and testicles were indeed cut off, he felt the place where that was sealed in being cauterized after removal. "I'm going to watch this Zith, and you will suck my cock as I watch your torture and becoming a good Zith for me. No tribute for Golverien you said, no payment for me, now you will pay every day, and for the next thousand years. Say it, say you will suck my cock until I say stop. Say it, I want to hear your voice!" Fy'ahze said walking around the Zith, "

Shi spoke in a mumbling high pitched voice "Iye bill zsutt dborrr ttott umbwil dou zaah ztobb."

Fy'ahze saw the tail was raised and was ready to be impaled by cock, he decided to corn hole the Zith right here, he dropped his pants and fussed up his long cock. He was part something else so he was sixteen inches long not twelve like other Royants, he never let on what, but he had a curious shaved spot just above his browless goggle eyes set wide apart, where a forehead might be if he were any other race except Royant. "Bend over and grab your knees Zith, I want to hear your pitiful screams as I dry rape your donut, bitch!"

The Zith bent over and grasped hir knees sweat began in anticipation of hir fervent desires on hir upper back and neck, some dripped off of hir belly as well, hir huge breasts hung down and away from hir chest and hir thin arms reached down to hir splayed out leg's kneecaps on cloven two toed hooves getting ready to be mounted. Shi was so happy hir new master was going to plow hir even dry it was what shi loved the most.

Achieving an erection Fy'ahze parted the Zith's big fat round female ass cheeks and set his cock against the shivering in anticipation Zith's donut.

"This is going to hurt you more than me I am happy to say, and I will enjoy every inch of your humiliation and pain, this is going to be so much fun!" Fy'ahze whispered in hir ear drooling out of his oversized jaw onto the Zith's back.

Having no actual neck the broad chest Royant had to bend forwards and get his head up closer than any other race to be even able to whisper in an ear, luckily the Zith had ears that could turn behind hir to swivel and direct the sound of his voice to hear him taunt hir.

He pressed his throbbing orange cock into the willing Zith who moaned out loud to his entry of hir donut, He pushed further inside it was not dry inside but from the GBI bice green the Zith's body had created lubrication for the three inch diameter sixteen inch cock to penetrate hir, shi did not scream but was heedless of the drool coming out of hir mouth onto the palace floor, shi moaned in ecstasy and the cock plunged all at once into her quivering hole, shockwaves of delight reverberated through hir body magnified in power by the GBI inside hir skin, Shi did in fact scream out loud Fy'ahze thought this was agony, but instead it was incredible ecstasy the Zith felt, shi wanted more, shi screamed again in masochistic abandon, sweat coming out in Sitran urine that through hir skin made the Royant hungry loving his new toy all the more, for hir sweat was smelling like pumpkin seeds. His single slit for an olfactory organ burbled on the inhale at the scent.

He pushed further in; happy it was so easy, again mistaking his intended rape which was pure love cascading in gigantic waves of delight for the Zith. Shi was trembling, shi wanted desperately to push back to get as much as was possible deep inside of hir, but hir new master wanted to go slow, shi was a Zith and had to comply, or shi might never feel cock again, that would be horrible.

Shi instead screamed in delight instead at every inch the slow motion cock was doing, hir donut was as dry as a bone, but inside was slippery and tight.

Tight because of the Peacock GBI that tightened hir up after each stroke, making hir never have to worry about more than a tiny trickle of even runny cum escaping hir ass. Shi so longed for another cock to be thrust in hir drooling mouth, then over hir pulsating tongue and then through the curve in hir esophagus and down hir wanting throat. If allowed shi would beg to be plowed in hir ass and down hir throat at the same time, in the last nine weeks shi had perfected holding hir breathe for ten times as long so shi could allow a cock to completely drain of urine after filling hir with all of a master's cum.

The rose GBI allowed this transformational ability hir tongue fell out of hir mouth in just thinking about the joys shi had with hir old masters these last nine weeks of loving. They never let hir alone, it was difficult sometimes because shi had to wait for them to awaken after shi was plowed for hours, shi no longer required sleep hir metabolism had changed where shi no longer needed any rest, the energy created from Sitran cum reacting to the GBI drugs in hir skin made hir insatiable and blissfully erotic all the time.

Sitrans did not care for any other race except their own, so an injection of GBI Blue was added to the mix deep inside the navel of the Zith, in hir case a H'Emorael the effect was different with Amoleans it enhanced being docked in their vacant sheaths, but for H'Emorael it would through a kind of osmosis milk the blood out of another race's sponge like penile organ of blood, so that upon piercing the colon it would appear to that race whatever it was, that the Zith was bleeding and this psychological effect would make that user think he was making the Zith bleed from the sex act of anal rape, this only worked on the colon penetration anywhere else the blood from the host would not be taken.

Fy'ahze pushed harder up inside his enemy and began to push deeper inside hir. The screams coming out of the Zith egged him on to making this dry fuck as horrible as he could he was in ecstatic glee this torture causing so much agony to his old enemy. He pierced the colon then just enough the Zith quivered in delight finally the huge cock head had pierced him deep inside.

The Sitran got his confirmation from the team; they had the vehicles, now their forces were able to cover a wider area of the desert lands of the planet. He looked at the stupid Caliph and his new Zith both in loving ecstasy neither one had any idea that what was intended by the other and was what the other desired. He stretched back his lips and gritting his teeth in a happy grin, the Royant was Cumming unknowing that his own blood was leaking into the Zith H'Emorael as well. The violet was doing as it was supposed to do. The Royant would mistake H'Emorael blood for his own not knowing that the H'Emorael had slightly more purple blood, because the process also made hir invulnerable to getting cut, shot or pierced with any non photonic or non disintegrating device.

The Royant dug up as far as he could go only a little ways into the colon, the Zith moaned and screamed in joy grinding hir insides around the thick cock inside hir. The master did not command hir to stop so shi tried to roll hir hips around to get it to go deeper; the Royant was not long enough. This made Fy'ahze convinced he had caused horrible agony to his enemy, he was ecstatic that he was raping this enemies ass and shi was screaming in such horrible pain, and was rolling hir hips and trying to get away, but was unable to by the processing.

Fy'ahze pulled his cock out, "Hah! You bleed like a Royant, Zith, clean my cock off!"

The Zith stood up the violet allowed the Royant blood to leak out but no cum or urine ever would, but blood there was no need to retain it so all that his colon had taken dripped out, making the Royant convinced he had hurt hir badly, it made him feel happy he had caused so much pain and that the Zith would be in agony until the next day, when he would watch as several of his underlings raped the Zith, none of them were long enough to impale the Zith, but that was not the point he would have it filmed then sent back to Driadan directly to Escalate to cry over, then fear the same was going to happen to him and his new cabana boy!

And then he could take over his whole enterprise all his workers would be working for the Golverien Syndicate, the Villain Mob and the Headsmen of Daath would be so envious.

The Zith took the bloody cock in hir mouth and gently with kindness and expert ability got his cock hard again before sucking all the Royant's cum off of it, and the blood off of it. Later the blood would go through hir Avole organ and leak out hir rectum and anus. To any Royant shi was still bleeding after the Caliph had raped hir mercilessly.

The Caliph Yohut then let his piss flow out of his cock, the Zith greedily drank it all shoving hir throat up to engulf the Caliph's whole length. He pushed out all he had to give, and then pushed hir off him, satisfied at the ultimate humiliation. He went over and sat in his throne then told the Zith to come and get on hir hands and knees with hir tail raised to take him again at his leisure. He then put on his headset and triggered the on button laughing and getting an erection watching the processing of the Zith. "Oh this revenge was so good" and Fy'ahze reveled in his dominance.

Even his Mentor was fooled by the entire ruse; he too thought the stupid H'Emorael was now a Zith forever. And Escalante was next.

Fy'ahze could not help himself he was masturbating watching J'kael get gang raped by two hundred Sitrans sometime two cocks at once, it went on for hours, Fy'ahze fell asleep finally the Zith did not. The four guards crept in slowly so as not to wake the caliph and picked up the Zith and carried hir out, true to the evaluations of the boss Yohut they muffled hir high pitched screams with another cock in hir throat each one taking turns in hir ass as far as was possible with twelve inch or shorter cocks and always one down hir throat, to stifle hir volume, shi could scream so loud. After they had used hir most of the pitch black night, then crept back in and set hir up the way that they had found hir. Hir belly was fuller now bt they did not think the caliph would notice thinking he had done it. The Zith was smiling these new masters were as wonderful as the Sitrans, there were not as many of them but they kept pounding hir throat as much as hir rectum, it was fun and shi loved every second of it. Shi waited patiently for the pink clad king to wake up.

--------------------------------------------Chapter Eight----------------------------------------------------------

The pressure wave blew him off his horse, who then took off running away. "Son of bitch what in the hell was that!" Crescent got up and pure white giant torpedo as big as a hillside shot across the sky above him at incredible speed, the dust all around picked him up and tore his pack off, his shirt and his pants which he managed to grab in a tornado following the giant white torpedo. He tumbled into the ground he fell in the grass of a meadow then a sonic boom announced that something flying 400 feet off the ground had not only blown him off his horse but scattered his belongings all over the meadow it was going exactly to where his shack was, "I didn't know that could fly that fast how fuck does it not catch on fire!" He realized it was Skymaster, Pim had come calling.

"Fuck! Where the fuck is everything?" He spotted his shirt in a tree, and the horse saddle was close to where he'd landed. He put his pants back on. Then found his pack in a sticker bush, he ate some of the blackberries thankful it had snagged his pack of holding tech device with all his stuff inside, his hide kept the stickers from pricking him, but some found their way through anyway being in effect direct hitting stickers.

"Ow FUUUUUCK!" he yelled getting his pack out of the bush. He got a Driadan AP four out and strapped it on in case something big and nasty had heard him yelling around the bush. His horse was somewhere else, he just rolled his eyes and slumped his shoulders forward, and it would be a day at least to walk back, five hours on horseback but ...!

"Shit!" he put the saddle inside the pack and slung it on again, this time though he fastened the bridge strap. He trudged on back towards home.

The hours clicked on by Pim and Pony were together inside the gondola of Skymaster, they'd shot across the landmass of Tir na N'oc in a little while took up a spray of water from the ocean in their wake and after a while came across some more land then the big long sea of Taalmark.

"Maybe another hour, "Pim said.

Pony had stopped feeling bad, his boots still worked, he just did not know why Pim was so angry, and his face had a darkened shadow on it, he only known him for a day and a half, Pim looked scary.

"It's okay Pony. I am not angry at you, you are my first charge, I've never Mentored anyone before, this is all new" Pony heard it in his mind, Pim was a real Mentor.

"Okay can a get a answer, at least" he said out loud.

"What is wrong, you look like a demon with the face of a monster, what is wrong?"

Pim signed. "My friends were killed last night while we were in phantom, my Mentor told me. Somebody killed the both of them; it's not safe to go home ...so I'm going to go see Crescent."

"WWWHAAAT! Who the hell could kill them?" Pony said in alarm.

"I don't know but they whoever they have reaped the whirlwind, now they will know why they fear the Skymaster" Pim said with quiet menace in his voice.

"Do you think he was involved?" Pony asked.

"I hope not, but he might know who was, I really hope he was not involved, he sent me you after all. I think besides my husband, and my Mentor, he is the only friend I have left!" Pim ended a little more Pim-like.

"I don't know myself, my Mentor told me to go see a old gray haired Crahi in a little café in Driadan. He popped in, I think from a teleport, since he waved his arms around and was gone after he told me those things. My Mentor then said he would take any blame and said it was okay to talk and confide in you, he mentioned that you would be a good fence if nothing else since you were associated with known criminals, but he did not say who".

Pony swallowed then continued "I found out who they were just before you told me to strip naked, are you okay Pim, you are kind of scary right now."

"I told you, I will never hurt you, I love you, I'm sorry I'll try to calm down, it's okay. But your Mentor and my friends were all killed last night, something smells wrong." Pim said holding Pony tighter to reassure him.

"yeah, I know I hope he did not set you up again, he seems like a nice guy, and was so sincere, " Pony said, "but what do I know I'm only first echelon".

I'm seventeenth in age, but really I only adventured a little maybe half a day then was just handing out weapons any time J'kael needed something or Drang broke one of his axes, I'd mostly be there as a warehouse with anything needed anything stored. But really we both are kind of the same level." Pim said, more like the Pim Pony knew. A light started blinking on the console in front of them. "We need to get behind the couch I don't want to hit the console again." Then inched up and over the couch both had long legs with long cannons, Pim was taller, but Pony was faster. " Slow to one third" the couch was a good idea the ship began to slow rapidly, then were pushed into the back of the couch and heard some things popping inside, or maybe outside it was hard to tell. The deceleration took a few minutes, and then the airship was going about 65 miles an hour, "infrascan on, indigo scan on, force field off slow to 25". The ship slowed down more and Pim stood up.

"Looks like I'll need an Anvil to fix the couch". The back of the couch had torn it was pulled out of the tacks in back that held the back fabric on.

"Yeah this is a nice couch, let's just get it fixed and not throw it out, it is OUR couch" Pony said.

Pim kissed Pony, "thanks I needed that, you are a treasure you know."

Pony smiled. "your heart was the best thing I've stolen yet."

"Scan for Crescent's house." Pim walked up to the console and looked down there was a large crater where the shack used to be. "What? NO!'' Pim said looking at the topography "scan for Crahi one mile"

There was nothing other races but no Crahi. "Extend ten miles"

Still nothing Pim was getting a dark look again "Extend fifty miles" a blip popped up it was about thirty seven miles back the way they had come. "Reverse course all ahead full," the ship spun on its axis. Making both of them stumble sideways into the wall, then the stumbled backwards into the back wall.

"Ow that hurt, I really need some flight chairs in this thing" Pim said after he got used to the speed. "A few minutes now".

"Slow to mooring speed down within one quarter mile of target Crahi. Scan for anything in his vicinity." Nothing happened. "Too complex I guess" Pim said "Kind of like a child you can't say to many things that are kind of identical."

"Slow to mooring speed slowly" the airship slowed from a hundred and ninety-five down to twenty in a minute. It was only hard to keep from sliding towards the console. "Scan for Crahi" Pim walked to the console, "Descend to 20 feet from surface slow to two." They were within around 50 feet of the Crahi on the ground when something burst out of the brush behind him. The Crahi spun around pulling a pistol out of his holster and shot at the men on horseback charging him from behind Skymaster was above him, he wondered how Pim had seen him, he was using an Ap4 but both bullets missed, Pim thought quickly "I'm your Mentor Pony." An Order of the Star ring materialized into Pony's hand "put that on and follow me. " Pony tried surprise and missed it, but hurriedly put the ring on the next three seconds right after Pim was just gone. Pony looked down and Pim was in front of the Crahi taking two of the submachine pistols off of somewhere on those coins on his rainbow armor a continuous flame came out of each weapon two of the five horses went down throwing their riders, Pim was gone again he pulled the pin on a grenade within ten feet of the three that were left they each had nothing in their hands Pony said in his mind "how do I use this thing."

"Will it to work, go to the Crahi" Pim replied back to him.

And Pony was standing next to the Crahi as well when Pim got there. An explosion took out only one of the two riders two were left they had nothing in their hands.

"Crimson Daggers use invisible weapons, you can't even know what they are until they use them" Pim said to Pony in his mind. A leather blanket one hundred feet by one hundred feet materialized over the head of the taller rider it dropped the horses and riders balled up inside the blanket and tumbled to a stop. "I don't know how long it will last' Crescent said. Pim glowed for a second he was right next to the two when the blanket was gone. Pulled a pin on two grenades then was back next to Crescent and Pony when both bombs went off. Both of the Crimson Daggers made their Save; neither had any armor on their sides facing each other the explosion had killed them and destroyed their armor their horses were dead.

Crescent looked at Pim "How did you do that you only have three rings you teleported four times!" Pim just smiled.

"That is yours Pony you are now a Star Cloud" Pim said in Pony's mind. "Only Stars can do that with Mentors in good standing with the Star Order and their Guild hall, I am all three".

Pim drew his Rhiaxian rapier and walked towards the Crimson Daggers.

Running away was another way to gain points in the Crimson Dagger; their other assassin compatriots had already left the field. Being a coward the Crimson Dagger can still make points with their Order, they backed away from Skymaster. Both stopped picking up nothing from the ground.

Pim ran towards them in an amazing burst of speed, The Crimson Daggers had no torso armor, and only the opposite leg and arm the other had on. One was an Ibex with long Spiral horns; the other was an Ahnk like Pony. Both had next to no armor on and even with their advantages would not get enough Save to do it twice again, the both of them pulled out their weapons and sat on their knees on the ground.

"I don't trust either one of you; I should kill you right now." Pim said coming to an abrupt stop.

"We can't win against a Guidemaster, you teleported four times!" the Ibex said.

Pony came up then "I have a great idea, you don't want to die right?' He said to the Ahnk in Ahnk "You strip completely naked and after three years we will let you go, because you were going to hurt my friend, that Crahi over there. It is only three years then you can go back to being as evil as you want to. Agree or I'm afraid my Mentor Pim Escalante the Skymaster will kill you forever; you can take the death road or serve out a wonderful profession! Tell your friend my offer; I have a little bit of pull with Skymaster because he is my Mentor!"

The Ahnk told the Ibex the deal a look of dread that Pony had just yesterday came across his face, The Ibex looked at Pony and said, "I really don't have a choice do I?" Pony really wanted to laugh out loud he knew exactly what both were thinking.


No not really, c'mon guys, its only three years, and then you are free, plus I guarantee you will both have a really fun time." Pony finished.

"I'm going to max you out for that one Pony" Pim said in his mind. You stole them both for three years and was a nice guy friendly for offering something we both love, to YOUR enemies, genius!" Pony glowed with full 75% Save.

Both began stripping completely naked and with their heads hung low walked towards the Crahi the giant airship hovered twenty feet above them as well the size of a hillside. "Okay honey I'll be right back" Pim said to Pony in his mind. Two giant spears shot out of the airship and it began to pull itself down to the ground. At about a foot it stopped.

Pim came back and took two vials out of his bracer and handed both to Pony, tell them to drink them their three years starts now" Pim said in Pony's mind.

"Okay guys your sentence starts now in three years you will awaken back here. Drink up!" Pony happily handed both to each sad faced Crimson Dagger. They drank both and in unison,"this is...!" Then they just stared straight ahead.

Pony took the empty vials from them, "Do we stick them with lead now or just steal their manhood?"

"Don't have any lead, maybe get some answers first but the steal their manhood is up to you, I'd want to make them have no cock either as a price for trying to kill my only friend actually. Then when they Save back here in three years they will have lowered Save and still have to do work for the organization the price was just so I didn't kill them, you on the other hand will be fourth echelon, and will have all five endowments like Drang did. And you are perfectly able to steal more time from them, being that you will be extremely powerful with my money and your brains and Skymaster the Sky is the only limit!" Pim said using his economical oriented mind.

Pim went over and looked at Crescent. "Thanks for sending me Pony." Pim started, "I have to ask you since you still set me up a long time ago. "

"I'm so sorry that happened to you, Malukef said it was only for a few weeks then they'd sell you to a brothel and in a few years they'd let you go."

"Malukef deadened me with lead, if it were not for the others who all then turned on J'kael after Albatross killed Malukef, then Drang decapitated him for killing Benny after his Save, Malukef would have killed me."

" J'kael used Runes he held in his hands knowing something bad was going to happen, Tomi was taken out and Drang killed Albatross, Bodroh and Phukyue took off running away then Tomi sent his wolf at me and J'kael ended him. The Star made him one of ours after that they were watching; Benny was J'kael's' friend. You know us Stars; anything for a friend."

"I thought J'kael imprisoned you!" Crescent exclaimed.

"No he did use me, but I was not Diamond or anything at all after the lead broke my contact" Pim continued catching Crescent up on seventeen years.

"Both J'kael and Drang kept me safe until I could get back in the Diamond eight months later. I joined the Star and yes J'kael was my lover for a long while, I could keep all his profits from him pimping me out and Drang, well nobody would cross him, he did all the training of the new prostitutes, J'kael made powder, they were my friends." Pim finished the story.

'Why do you keep talking about them in past tense?' Crescent asked.

"Somebody killed the both of them last night; did you have anything to do with that?" Pim said to the old Crahi.

"Who the hell could kill J'kael he is H'Emorael, and nobody can sneak up on an Ogrensi it is impossible!" Crescent said shocked. "Ask Pony's Mentor in the Cloud he'll tell you he contacted me, and told me to go and tell Pony several things, I thought it was a good idea, I could right some wrongs that happened to you Pim, really I am so sorry that happened to you, he said exactly what I've known all along they forced you into that life. Malukef and Bodroh had my locket and I had to find it, it wasn't at the campsite." Crescent seemed really sincere, but Pim was not a Key so he couldn't know for sure.

"Did you get J'kael and Drang killed?" Pim asked again.

Crescent looked down, "No Pim I wanted them to let you go but I did want them dead, just let you go it was my fault that you got taken, I had to do something, but Bodroh and Malukef had me over a barrel I had to do what they said to get my locket back, or the transom." Crescent said, kill me if you think I'm lying to save my own skin, I guess I deserve it, but I really wanted to be your friend but it was not my Guild(s) I make things and failed at protecting you. Benny was my friend too." Crescent said sadness in his voice. Pim was silent for a while "They kicked you out the Hammer over me didn't they?"

Crescent fell to his knees on the grass, yes, I had to make it up to you, I'm only an old Anvil now. I tried to be creative and get you out, when G'van contacted me through the Anvil Guild and told me about a way to make things right with you. I jumped at the chance, I really though J'kael and Drang had forced you into becoming a ..."

"Faggot prostitute?" Pim finished it for him.

Crescent just shook his head in affirmation.

"They made me in the camp then I found out how fun it was, and thought well maybe I can make money at it. Together all three of us found bad people and made them become prostitutes for five years then let them go. Most of them stayed on, since like me, they decided they were probably gay all along and liked it, plus they made money. Drang did the castrations and emasculations, and J'kael got them all addicted to powder. Most decided they liked being faggots and stayed on of our enemies Villiand Mob, Headsmen of Daath or the Golverien Syndicate nobody wanted to go against Drang, and few wanted to take on J'kael. I was there to hand them weapons out of my bracers, we three were very happy together. We were friends."

"I did not them want them dead Pim, I wanted you to be happy, so I did what G'van offered, he was Pony's new Mentor fresh out of the Cloud training, G'van told me what I should say, I added a few things that would hopefully tell you I was so sorry I set you up." Crescent was still on the grass. He was waiting for the coup de grace. Instead a transom fell in his lap.

"G'van was killed last night too, your shack is a crater in the ground, and these Crimson Daggers came to kill you". Pim went through the list.

Crescent stood up. "G'van is dead?"

"Let's go get some answers my friend, I forgive you, thank you for sending me Pony, I needed him, he filled the void in my heart." Pim said relaxing a little.

"Yes Pim, I know all the spells, we should be able to get something out of those two, now that they are so willing to ease their conscience." Crescent said coldly.

"Actually Pony and I have another solution that will force them of their own free will to spill the beans on their allies." Pim said getting an devilish look in his eyes.

"What it that?" Crescent asked.

"Sex" Pim said simply.

"I don't understand how would they even if they are addicted to getting pounded and taking cock down their throat, but anyway how would they tell you anything under that? The Crahi asked, befuddled.

"Because they will enjoy it so much they won't want it to stop and will do anything to cum really hard again!" Pim said flatly. 'The fear of not getting any will drive them out of their minds from need"

"How in the world can you do that when they are mental vegetables on black wine?" Crescent asked.

"What is more powerful than Black Wine?" Pim asked when he walked over the cargo gondola where Pony was taking his armor off.

"A Save, but you can't do a Save on Black wine because you have zero volition."Crescent said

"What else?" Pim said as he also began to take his armor off.

"There isn't anything else that can cure Black wine it is all inclusive, you still have no volition and no intelligence" The Crahi said.

"And both Fortitude and Spirit are unaffected." Pim said getting ready to take his leg and cod piece armor off.

"That is Willpower but you don't have any because you have zero volition the impetus of Willpower". Crescent said sure he was talking Pim in a circle, using logic.

"What if there was a solution that would enable volition while cancelling willpower and restoring intelligence" plus making your appearance ten times normal?" Pim said loosening his leg and cod piece armor.

"I'd say that is impossible, since I have never heard of anything that can bypass the two days that it takes for Black Wine to wear off or somebody casts resurrect on you" The Crahi so sure of himself said.

"J'kael made a solution that does exactly that and once you come about ten times, you will do anything even tell your enemies everything they want to know to keep getting your prostrate pounded!" Pim said almost laughing.

"I'll need you to fashion a small cup-like plate to put powder in" Pim asked Crescent, umm use their amor pieces still in the field over there." Pim pointed.

"Sure, whatever I don't think this is actually real , I think you are just wanting to rape these two guys in revenge, but okay I'll do what you ask." The old Crahi walked over to the armor, pulled his Anvil gloves out of a his pack of holding side panel put them one and made two shallow saucer like cups out of the armor, molding them like they were made of soft clay.

He walked back both Pim and Pony were each wearing a loin cloth, Pim had an open shirt on too.

"Here is that what you wanted?" Crescent asked thinking this was just gay revenge or something.

Pim took a twenty pound sized box out of his bracer and set it down on the grass, he then told Pony to pry the lid up with the stiletto his father had in a case. Mentally: Mentor to Order Member. Crescent just saw Pony bend sown and use a gaudy knife with semi precious stones and plated gold foil cheap knife that was going to snap if you used it like a pry bar too much pop up the cover on one side of the box, the blade was bent now sliding the blade down the side to slide open like a wedge the knife was now a bent up useless piece of crap all the gold foil had come off and the stones fell out on the ground, but it did get the lid up enough so the box could be opened.

"What is that?" Crescent said.

"That's powder." Pim said.

"Is that enough?" Crescent asked still not believing this was real.

"Yeah we will use the whole box on them to get them to be putty in our hands. But not to worry I have twenty tons in my bracer!" Pim said with devilish eyes and an evil grin. Usually you only need a few dishes full of this stuff to get you high but we are going make these two Crimson Daggers on hold for let's say ten years." He looked at Pony who shook his head in the affirmative. "Huff up four boxes of this stuff to get them good and super sensitive to stimulation" Pim said while Pony giggled.

"Then we are to fuck their brains out and then stop when you say stop they will beg you to let us keep going then you tell them they have to answer all you questions first." Pim said with Pony waiting to start pounding virgins.

"In about ten seconds you could not shut them up with a fence post. They will tell you everything, again and again and it will be the truth each time. Then we will reward them a little and we do the whole thing over again about three times, we should get all the answers we need by then." Pim finished. 'Besides this is what happens when you attack Stars."

"I still don't think this real but okay" The old Crahi said.

Pony positioned himself and delicately let his throbbing cock rest just above the other Ahnk's tail he was ready to pull it up and hold it painfully backwards to the small of his back, in his own case this would make him raise up a little expose his donut and try to pull his tail back down which would make his pucker tighten as well as part his butt cheeks and both legs would be flexed solid.

Pony looked over and Pim was getting the panting ibex ready the same way, except Pim's cock had that huge flare already spread out, it looked like a gray and pink baseball bat with a flat handle on the big end, outside it looked so different that what that love post felt like going in, in all the way to his curve to straighten his intestine out, or all the way into his throat past his esophagus Pony had tingling sensations. The ready-set-go was when Crescent opened his eyes to see if Pim and Pony were ready yet before he shut them in embarrassment again, and turned his head away. Both Crimson Daggers were so happy the Black wine was gone they could both think again, everything was so incredibly vibrant and the grass was just glowing green, they could feel the individual hairs of their coats move in the light breeze. Then Crescent peeked with one eye.

"OOOOOOOWWWWIIIIIIAAAAAHHHHGGGGGGGGGGGGGGBBBBMBMBMBMBMBHHHHH!" both yelled out in pain, humiliation, ecstasy, and joy at the same time. Pony and Pim decided to make it a race to see which one would cum first.

Both the Ahnk and the Ibex arched their backs after the first plunge and spread their legs out wider, tears flowed from their eyes and they screamed at each push all the way in, then huffed inhales through their noses on the pull back. The both of them broke out in tremendous sweating on their sides, their eyes rolled up into their foreheads and came back down on the fast hard ramming plungers pile driving into them, they could not believe what this felt like, they were in denial then fought with themselves, shaking their heads in turmoil, this both Pony and Pim laughed out loud know what was happened to both of them.

The two Crimson Dagger knew that this was wrong, they felt doomed, but if this was hell then yes keep turning up the heat, they were laughing in between stokes, when they were not screaming both had blown at least three loads in the realization they were faggots all along but were both in heaven, so they only were clawing the grass underneath having to change their knees position on the slippery from cum grass underneath.

Both their engorged cocks stuck straight out and down. The Ahnk's bag swung in the open air and the tighter but no less large Ibex's balls throbbed his cheeks were allowing more air through to his red hot ass.

Crescent pulled back in revulsion and could not take it anymore. "Enough, I want answers!"

Pony and Pim stopped the two underneath tried to get the horses mounted on top of them go back to gallop. By rolling their hips and bouncing.

They looked at the Crahi pure hatred in their eyes he had ended the unmitigated absolute joy from continuing, Pony and Pim kissed each other making out directly behind both the blue balled from the joy ending Crimson Daggers.

They both realized nearly at the same time this was torture, they should be the ones torturing someone not be the victims they looked with pleading eyes and almost in union "what do you want to know, realizing this was the only way the joy would return" they both began crying and shivering in withdrawal Crescent was dumbfounded Pim and Pony were kissed the hell of each in pure passion, he felt great now, he had brought them together, the two in the trap below were pleading begging to be asked anything, they said the secret names of their own Mentors all the lists of the lieutenants and the Caliphs name over and over again Fy'ahze Yohut.- Fy'ahze Yohut. - Fy'ahze Yohut."

The Crahi got back to the task at hand still surprised J'kael gave Pim this secret weapon, none of all 15 spells per level and 17 levels of spells would have every gotten these two hardened Assassins to open up. "You will both be rewarded for truth, only tell me the absolute truth otherwise this will end!"

They both looked at Crescent in abject horror, "No we'll be good what do you want to know? We'll be good please don't take this away it feels too good, please have mercy!"

Crescent signaled Pony to continue saying to the Ahnk "I believe you, but not you." pointing at the horrified ibex and not signaling Pim.


The Ahnk was in heaven almost instantly his cock was blowing another load really needing to have his cock be touched.

"Oh my mistake" he halted Pony who was devilish he'd pulled all the way out, the wind was cooling the gaping hole of the Crimson Dagger Ahnk who was looking at the Crahi in disbelief.

"No I said the truth, please don't stop"

Pim was pounding the Ibex again he was so happy, he thanked Crescent again and again in between stokes. It was now the Ahnk's turn to watch his fellow get pleasure and not him. "Please I did tell you truth, please, I'll tell other things J'kael is not dead, he was sold to the Sitrans, Drang was cut from his left his wings in the street, his body was cremated to cover up he was cut off from his Guild and Order with lead, two beggars stole his wings to make soup, I don't know anymore, please I don't want this to stop, please. I given you only the truth, please I'm begging, please."

Pony was allowed to go again the Ahnk crying and laughed in unison he was going almost insane. He was so grateful the Crahi was so kind he loved the Crahi, and said so, thanking him for letting the pleasures continue.

Pony and Pim were both stopped twice more then they pounded the two for a full hour the Crimson Dagger fell unconscious they came bloody the last three times but they were smiling and in so much afterglow bliss lasting minutes. Crescent took out the live Gripbox he had to place them inside, in suspended animation.


Pim was wearing just a shirt when he and Pony went forward to sit down on the couch. "I just feel so dirty, now they did not know much but at least we have some more leads, plus I think they will make great additions to the group over in on Boltac street."

"Knock knock!" Came a voice, "Yeah c'mon in, I need some Anvil to fix my couch." Pim stood up and walked over to where it was and said "Bed" the freshly made bed came up out of the floor and the two exhausted predators fell on the bed.

"You can come in now. It's safe, no privacy but it is safe, just sit on the couch you'll be looking away and we are both right here". Pim yelled to the outside.

"I still don't believe it. That was the most insane thing I've ever been a part of; you know they were still screaming for more." The old Crahi was shaking his head. He finally took off his pack and reached inside for his pipe. "I know who their first girlfriends' grandparents names where they came from and who they are related to, but the only thing useful is that we need to get to Driadan fast to resurrect Drang otherwise he'll have to start all over again at first echelon, I'm pretty sure even after getting lead he will be reinstalled at his current rank only if we are in time."

"Oh first echelon ain't so bad, you get be with some really fun people at first echelon", Pony said brightly.

"Yeah I guess so. So how fast is your flying torpedo anyway?" The older dog asked.

Pim sat up a little on the bed, Pony was behind him looking over Pim's naked thigh. "Bat shit crazy speed. I call it; well I can't say the ship is still on voice command". Pim said, did you secure those two in their live Gripbox?"

"Yes put the empty boxes and the armor plus the horse furniture and stuff in my pack here." Crescent said.

Okay then fashion a strap to keep you on the couch and me and pony will stand against the wall until the ship gets going back to Driadan" Pim said like a person in charge, because he was the person that ran the ship.

"Release anchors." The airship cut the ropes tying it to the ground. "Back 10 miles per hour". The ship backed up still only a foot off the ground. "Reverse course ascend to 400 feet." the ship stopped then went forwards going up at a rapid pace. "Come to heading 47 degrees west by 2 degrees south. " prepare for terror speed force fields on". "Close door." Pim commanded.

"I was going to remind you but I kind of wanted to see if it blew Crescent's clothes off." Pony said loud enough for Crescent to hear.

"I've already had that happen earlier when the pressure wave knocked me off my horse, then got sucked up the typhoon that follows this white torpedo at that speed, you better go another hundred feet to keep from capsizing ships." Crescent said

"Oh okaaaay "Pim said as if he were kicking his instep, except Rhiaxians don't have insteps. "Ascend to 500 feet."

"Okay I'm lashed down" the old Crahi announced.

'Terror speed; engage". Pim said. As both he and Pony rolled off the bed to stand up against the wall.

The ship took off "Holy shit!" Crescent said pushed back into the couch. The ship shot off towards Driadan at 1000 miles an hour. After they got used to velocity Pim and Pony walked back to the bed and climbed back in. "We should be there in about two and a half hours. We are in a different location starting out so should miss the gold chain."

"A gold chain that avoids you right, stretched up out of the River Driad to the sky?" Crescent asked.

"Yeah" Pim looked at Pony who was as surprised as he was."Do you know what that is?" Pim asked in surprise.

"Yes, I do, you use the locket on it to open the gateway, you need to take coordinates from Dan to the Illiam bay at least once, then you can teleport to where you've never been, using a normal teleport, even your rings".

The old Crahi began, "Me, Malukef, G'van and Benny went in long ago it leads to a cave now blocked off, a landslide Malukef made, and he'd tried to kill us. I got the rest of us out, he'd stolen the locket, and Benny was Crimson Dagger so he said he would get it back, after slitting Malukef's throat for his treachery. Malukef did not think Benny was a threat so he allowed him to join Albatross Ergano's highwaymen. It was Benny that got Bodroh in, then Bodroh asked Drang and J'kael to join them Tomi was somebody Malukef knew who came in with Phukyue."

"What is in the Cave?" Pim asked.

"A great treasure worth more than everything you have including this incredible airship" Crescent said "I've been trying to get back there with digging tools the area is so unstable it has to be disintegrated away, my gloves are useless the strata is manmade, my gloves can't go through concrete or cement. A digging Siphon will. And Drang knows where the locket is. He hid it for Benny, Both J'kael and Drang became friends with Benny." The Crahi announced.

"Why did you go in with a Crimson Dagger, they can't be trusted?" Pony asked.

Pony said to Pim in his mind "... being a Cloud has advantages, Crimson Daggers will sell their whole family into slavery before they tell the truth."

"Once there are a party at the manmade cave under a mountain made out of round rocks above it, only superior hybrid single races can hold the locket, that is the only reason Malukef was with us. He was, we only needed to find someone like that". He stopped. Pony shrunk back into the bed

"What suborder was Malukef" Pony asked.

"Golverien Syndicate" Crescent said.

"Those five who came to kill you are Golverien Syndicate." Pony said. Now he understood his role in all this G'van was his mentor then he was needed to hold the locket and use it for whatever it was for. He just did not know why Pim was a target, and why he had to be the one to become his lover and husband. "I think the Syndicate will wind up with J'kael, now that Drang is dead".

"Yes I fear you are right, but we need to get to Drang to find the locket, so the Golverien Syndicate does not win." Crescent said.

"What is inside the cave Crescent, all of it or I won't hold the locket for you!" Pony demanded.

"G'van was my friend he was Cloud too just like you, and..." Pony cut him off.

"What is in the cave, Dog?" Pony was getting insulting.

"Four Ginn weapons, you have to read their names to be able to use their powers, you have to pronounce it just exactly right otherwise they won't let you use their powers." The Crahi finally said, in defeat. If the Syndicate gets their hands on just one then Fy'ahze Yohut will be able to take over all of Taalmark and unite the clans under him, and the entire world."

Pim asked the obvious question, gripping Pony tight to him, "Who is this Fy'ahze Yohut; those two were babbling about that name too it sounded so alien I thought they were just moaning in gibberish"

"Malukef's Mentor, Caliph of the Golverien Syndicate" The Crahi spat out.

"Figures!" Pim said quietly so that only Pony could hear.

"I know how to stop them but I need the locket, I want to set them free from their prisons." The Crahi said. "Then no one can control them they are Ginn."

"Pony was going to ask the next question, but Crescent asked it for him, by just stating the answer. "This is a secret, the Ginn have contests with each other, for right to breed, right to do an action outside of their race, right to be able to become one of the ruling body" Crescent began.

"Ginn claim that they taught magic to the first usurpers, to placate them, so that magic would be our focus instead of using technology, your ship here is an example." He continued.

"Who or what is a usurper?" Pim asked.

"Don't interrupt! It is what they call us, all the different races; they claim to be the original race of the world".

"That is impossible we all have been here, since forever!" Pim exclaimed and Pony agreed by shaking his long cute head in agreement.

"Yes, I know it sounds crazy, but that why they call us that". The old dog said. "They claim we usurped their world."

"They if they lost a contest are not killed, instead the loser in imprisoned inside a weapon, it always has five magic functions, is always extremely powerful and their name is written on the business end of the weapon."

You can see them inside the Dragon's Eye gemstone that is always the pommel of any Ginn weapon. They can be seen with their hands pressed up against the inside of the gem, like in a forcefield or a magic bubble.

They can go into your mind and talk with you, like a Mentor. Like you two talk to each other now." The Crahi looked over the couch not lighting it but just chewing on his pipe stem.

"It is said, though I don't know why, that it was they who destroyed the evil Green Empire over Five thousand of them, in three days."

"They made friends with a human slave of the Green Empire; all gold pieces as you know Pim are all still centuries' old Green Empire coins."

Pim took one out and gave it to Pony to look at it.

"The language on it is Royant, the base language of Taalmark". Crescent continued

"The Green Empire ruled the entire known world in that time Taalmark was all there was. The dog looked towards the console, no one lived of Tir na N'oc except escaped slaves, Driadan was a town back then one of the first ones".

"Three races enslaved everyone else they used witchcraft powered weapons, that is why witchcraft is outlawed everywhere, only a negative magic zone is any defense against it."

"The Green Empire had either killed off through genocide or enslaved the other races."

"Who are the other two races of the Green Empire? Pim asked while The Crahi dug in his pack for something eventually giving up.

"Drang's race was one the other is Goblense." He put his pipe back in his mouth and contined to lightly chew on it.

"So Ogrensi, Royants and Goblense were Green Empire overlords? Pim acknowledged.

"Yes over 2400 years ago when a Human named Thelphnir made friends with a Green Ginn, they change color as they age."

"Through Thelphnir they created a Ginn army all Green Ginn, five thousand of them; too many to be destroyed by any of individual city-states and garrisons of troops in Taalmark, not even the largest garrison; Bloodmarch. They destroyed them all and leveled all their green gemstone cities flat, that was the reason for their name "Green Empire". For what their inherited cities looked like. The reflected green shining gems in the distance is how the negotiated where they were in Taalmark, they did not use maps or coordinates, it was outlawed, to keep down the slaves!"

"They taught Thelphnir the only magic he could understand Rune Craft"

"Thelphnir founded the Guild of the Harp, J'kael's Guild."

"All Crimson Dagger clans are models of Green Empire cities, Golverien was one such city, run by Royants in those days."

"The Ginn; if let out of their prison you do this by breaking the weapon, as you know everything takes damage and eventually breaks, then the Ginn inside is released."

"That does not make any sense why would you break such a fantastic weapon, magic does not use a charge!" Pim said appalled.

"This is their law not mine, they have to grant you a Ginn wish, though if you release them."

"You have to be exact in how you word your wish, it is absolute it can change time."

"If Fy'ahze gets his hands on just one of those inside that chamber the ones inside lost I a combat with another Ginn, so they were prevented from becoming iridescent Red, they are the last stages of Blue all four of them. They are the most powerful Ginn in the world, each if let out are seconds from becoming Red. Red ones they can control time."

"Fy'ahze could bring back the evil Green empire again, Pony would become a field slave, you Pim would be quarry in the hunt, where Royant hunt you down for sport, and I would be executed as an illegal race, Drang would be elite along with Fy'ahze and any Goblense everyone else would be an illegal race, or a slave race."

"All the Guilds and Orders would never have been established, there would only Be the Green Empire!"

"We have to find the locket Pim! You have to use it Pony! We have to get them in your bracer Pim then they can never win; only the individual whose bracer that is: is the owner and only the owner can get anything out of it. You know this true Pim. Your Guildmaster can't even get anything out, only you!"

"Drang is the Key he knows where the locket is hidden; he does not know what it is for. He hid it after Benny stole it from Malukef."

Crescent turned around took his pipe out of his mouth and looked directly at Pim. "Then You Pim, Benny fell in love with you that messed up my plan. Benny was ready to leave the Crimson Dagger and join the Star, Malukef complained to his Mentor that he had lost the locket, Fy'ahze complained to his Mentor why he could not get it, that was also Benny's Mentor."

"Benny was Golverien Syndicate too!" Pim was shocked.

"Golverien Syndicate delights in torturing all their captives, anything to get them to scream. You were why Benny was going to betray his Mentor a Goblense Crimson Dagger Hammer who wanted it to bring back the Green Empire. Benny tortured you didn't, he?" Pim looked away. "I know, he was going to make it up to you Pim, Benny for all his faults had a big heart once he found out he had one."

"We don't just need Drang, we need J'kael too, and where are J'kael's bones? Pim came back.

Pony said in his mind "Pim you wanted to resurrect Benny, he told what he was going to do didn't he?"

Pim said out loud, "He said he was going to do that he took off his Order and Guild items so his Mentor could not know his most secret intentions, he apologized for torturing me, I was just out of the Diamond training hall, I did not understand, but ever since I wanted to give Benny a second chance."

Pony said in his mind, "Benny was your first time wasn't he?!"

Pim replied back out loud again; "Yes, he got me hooked on Grendyl Ale." Pim kind of smiled. "I drank down nearly a full gallon before I knew it wasn't water."

"Do you still love him?" Pony asked out loud.

"Only for a little while, mostly I was sad he never got to fulfill his greatest desire, to become a good guy instead of a bad guy. I want to resurrect him to give him that chance, anyway my heart is in someone else hands, I love that person completely, I told him last night, and this morning, and then again this afternoon, then ..." Pony just kissed Pim. He was looking so cute, and his heart was in Pim's hands now too.

"I don't know I'm only a mentor less Anvil, I don't know."

"How do you have any Save?" Pony asked.

"You get more with a mentor if you do something really genius level you get maxed out, I'm an Anvil I create things so a get a few for everything I create, or repair." Crescent said chewing on his pipe again.

Pim thought 'I know that all he said is true, if this was true then everything Crescent has said probably is also true. This terrifies me worse than being chained to a tree and the repercussions of this.'

_ _

Pim laid flat upon the bed with Pony hugging and fondling his breast "We have to find Drang's bones!"