The Time Lord Part 1

Story by Gabriel Fawkes on SoFurry

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The Time Lord

*The following are entries in the journal of one Gabriel Fawkes. Who is believed to have come into contact with the individual know only as "The Doctor"*

To any who may read this my name is Gabriel Fawkes, a twenty four year old....Well I can't call myself human anymore not after I met him, the being know as "The Doctor". It was about three days before my twenty third birthday; I was late for work as luck would have it. My boss was a stickler for people being at work on time, anyways my boss has nothing to do with what happen next. I was walking down Mass. Ave. in Cambridge too work when I had to stop at a walk light. I started to worry mainly because I was going to be late and I was going to hear it from my boss all day, when out of the corner of my eye I saw a roughly 5'8" bipedal fox. Now like any sane person I closed my eyes and looked again, sure enough there was an anthropomorphic grey fox in what looked like a black business suit with a dark tan overcoat and tennis shoes standing on the other side of the street from me. I stared for a short time until the light turned red and I got the walk light to cross. When I got to the other side of the road it was gone.

Well I got through my work day as best I could given how much a pain in the ass my boss was, I got the "if you're late again your fired" speech from him. Well I headed back to my place to sleep it all off and hope that the next day would be a better one. When I spotted that same fox again this time I know he saw me, Because of the look on his, for lack of a better term, face. He started to run for the back of a building that I knew only had one way in and out of the area. When I reached the corner of the lot I was shocked too see a big blue box. I walked around the strange object; truth was I knew exactly what I was looking at. It was a Police Public Call box, now this being the US we don't have those so the next thing that came to my mind was that, it was a TARDIS. For those not familiar with the term, TARDIS stands for Time and Relative Dimensions in Space. Still this was completely impossible or so I thought at the time. I then knocked on the door that had an instructional plaque on it. The door slowly opened to reveal a young red fox vixen with light blonde hair. She looked at me with a combination of fear and surprise, she was uncertain of how I could see the ship and them. The grey fox, who I assumed was "The Doctor", was over by the console to the Tardis. I cleared my throat in the hopes of getting the fox's attention. It worked he turned around to see me standing in the entry way.

"Well come inside you'll look stupid talking to thin air." As I stepped into the ship I found that the stories and the TV series were right the Tardis is bigger on the inside than on the outside. The central console area was just like the set of the new series, an organic like structure with a touch of the true power of the race that were the Time Lords.

Once I was inside I was given a proper introduction to the crew of the Tardis. It began with the young vixen who met me at the door. She said her name was Rose and that she was from my world's future. Rose looked at me with an expression of "does he believe me or not?" I told her that at the time I didn't think it was too far fetched to believe. Next came the Doctor himself, I stopped him after he said his name and then stated what I knew about "Doctor Who". To say he was stunned would have been an understatement. Rose looked at me with what I could only say as the WTF? Look, an expression of utter surprise and disbelief. The Doctor on the other hand was actually very impressed that I had memorized all that information. He then asked me how it was that I knew so much about him, the Tardis and the Time Lords. I started by saying that there is a series of television shows, books, an fan fiction about him, his world and his people. Rose asked him how it was possible for it to happen. The Doctor paced back and forth for a few seconds than he turned to us. "It may have happened on a mission long ago, before I started traveling time and space for my own personal pleasure." He started to tell us "I had to go back to the early 1950's to stop a scientist who was planning on going back in time to save his wife from dying in a deadly automotive accident." He started to grimes as he tried to remember all the details. "I was sent to stop him from succeeding in his endeavor, needless to say I was able to stop him, but when I arrived in the area, I landed the Tardis in the yard of a struggling television write, this chap had a very large case of writers block and he decided to step out into his yard for some air just as the Tardis materialized right in front of him." The Doctor's expression change from him trying to remember to him realizing what had happened, he then continued where he had left off. "After I had taken care of the Scientist I returned to the Tardis and I thought wiped the memories from the writer's mind, but I guess instead of being erased they became more of a daydream in his mind." There it was the reason everything was the way it was. Rose was still puzzled by it all; I on the other hand had no problem holding on to what the Doctor had said. "Well I guess you'd like to come with us after telling me this." stated the Doctor as he looked me in the eye. I thought to myself for a bit, I mean the chance to see things most others dream about isn't something you push aside easily, but I did have a life I was going to see my lover in two weeks and. I stopped myself right there I was in a Time machine I could still keep my plans to met Kit at her home as for my job I had told my boss I wasn't going to be in cause I had had enough of how he treated his wait staff, of which I was a part of, and walked out. I looked back at the Doctor and told him just what he had suspected. "Well then close the door and lets get going." He replied "You're going to take me with you?" I asked "Against my better judgment I am." He answered. To say I was giddy with excitement would have been an understatement. I then turned around and closed the door to the Tardis. I then returned to the console area. "Could you hold that button down." said the Doctor as he fiddled with some switches. "And Rose, I need you to hit those switches on your right." Both Rose and I did as we were instructed to do. Within a matter of minutes the Tardis rumbled to life and we were off to where ever the Doctor was needed next, we were about a minute and a half into our trip when I started to feel weird the next thing I knew I fell to the floor and blacked out.

Eventually I stared too come to, first thing I heard was the sound of the Doctor's sonic screwdriver since it doubled as an examining device. I slowly opened my eyes, at first I only saw the blue light of the screwdriver, slowly after that my eyes started to focus better and I could see the ceiling of the console room I also noticed that I now had a muzzle. Upon seeing this I sat straight up, which made Rose who had been kneeling near by fall on to her backside with a loud thud. I started to examine myself, from what I could see of myself I was a canine of some sort, with smoke grey fur from head to toe I assumed. I also had a very fluffy almost fox like tail. I was still clothed though much of it was torn from my sudden change in shape but I figured that I wouldn't have a problem finding cloths that fit me and my new form. "Well at least he's up and moving, but what about the other one?" said Rose, when I heard what she had said I turned around to find another anthro canid lying there on the ground. This one was completely nude and on its side, even though I was looking a long its spine I could tell that it was a female. The Doctor soon turned her onto her back so he could take a good look at her. When Rose saw her face she quickly looked back at me then back to the still unconscious girl, the look on Rose's face told me all I needed to know as to what my own face looked like, because the girl was an exact copy of me. She slow started to come around; I quickly averted my eyesight so she didn't think I was looking straight at her bare breasts. "What happened and why am I naked?" were the first two questions she asked hearing her voice told me that she was definitely a twin since she sounded a lot like my younger sister. She looked at the Doctor, who than looked at me "well this is a first even for me." He said. My female Clone looked at me with this of what is going on here. I told her too calm down and not to panic, that's when I felt it this slow creeping felling of fear, but I couldn't figure out where it was coming from at first then it hit me I was sensing the emotions of my clone. She was starting to get scared, frankly I couldn't blame her I mean here she was naked for the entire world to see standing in front of a male version of herself. Rose walked up next to her and told her that she should get some clothing on and with that they walked off to the wardrobe, leaving the Doctor and me to figure out just what had happen.

It was some time later that the two returned from the wardrobe. My clone was now dressed in a pair of blue jeans with a black bodice like top, which made her already ample bosom look even bigger. "Any luck?" asked Rose as approach the Doctor. "I have no clue as to why this has happened." He replied. Then a strange thought popped into my head "what if 'we' weren't human to begin with?" I asked. Then I saw it; that look in the Doctor's eyes as the gears of his mind started to kick into high gear. "Yes of course the Tardis detected something was wrong with your DNA and corrected the error resulting in your transformation, but that still doesn't explain her." He said as her pointed at my twin, as I started to call her. "I still haven't the slightest hint in the universe as to how or why she came into being." The Doctor went on too say. "I have a name!" shouted my duplicate. The Doctor was taken back by the fact that she said this; I couldn't blame her for how she felt she was upset and didn't want to be treated like some nameless entity. "Ane-chan, please calm down." I responded. She turned to look at me square in the eye. I could tell she was still pissed, but I could feel her start to calm down. "Hi, but I still don't like it." She retorted. "Could you at least tell us your name?" asked Rose. "Isn't it obvious," I replied "Her name is Gabrielle Fawkes." Rose looked at the two of use with a puzzled expression on her face. "He's right that is my name." she said as she turned her head away in a dispirited manner. "Ane-chan, gomena, don't be angry at everyone we know just about as much as you do at this time," I told her "but I promise we'll figure out how this happened, as for the Why, I don't think it really matters does it?" I asked.

"No, your right Aniki, it doesn't matter why I'm here." She replied, I could feel her relax more, but she was still upset. That left me with an uneasy feeling as I left to get a change of clothes. I was, thankfully, given very good directions by my new sister as to how to get too the wardrobe room from the control room. When I entered the room I was amazed it was bigger that what I had seen in the series. I eventually found a nice pair of leather pants along with a padded leather vest, as well as a replacement pair of boots for myself. As I was getting ready leaving the wardrobe I felt the Tardis touchdown, where we were I had no idea. I then started too consider what had happened to me. Thinking about it made me start to worry about things I didn't think of when it happened, things like did my parents no the truth about, would I be able to see my parents again and if I did how would I explain me twin. All these questions and thoughts went through me head making me more and more afraid, and then I suddenly felt a bit of reassurance creeping intro my thoughts. I turned around to see my new sister standing in the doorway; she had sent the reassuring emotions to me via our empathic bond. "You shouldn't worry about those things until we understand ourselves, Aniki." Gabrielle told me. "You're right, but it's hard not to thin about that stuff," I replied. "So, when or where has the Doctor stopped us?" I asked. "I'm not sure He asked me to come down here and warn you that we would be landing, but I guess you didn't need It." She said jokingly, truth was I always had a good sense of balance as a kid I use to walk over balance beams with my eyes closed and my arms at my side. I began walking over to the door where my twin stood when I noticed a set of odd looking gauntlets. They were about as long as my forearm was, but the fingers were cut off. I picked one of them up to make a closer inspection, it looked as if it was made out of leather but when I held it in my hand it felt like it was made of something harder than leather. On the underside of the item was what looked like a small screen, the screen was blank, so I tried it on. When I locked it down onto my arm the screen blinked and then started showing my heart rate, blood pressure, and Adrenaline levels. My Sister walked over wondering about the device I had discovered; even she was confused as to what the device was. She looked at where I had taken it from and found that it wasn't the only one there; the one I had on was for the left hand but on the wall was its right handed brother along with a "sister" pair, they were smaller than the others about the right size for my twin. Upon placing the second Gauntlet on my right arm I heard a chirp come from the left one. I looked at the screen; it requested my name so I said it aloud and after a few blips and beeps there was some writing on the screen that brought an answer to the question of "what was I now?" The screen read "Name: Gabriel Fawkes, Species: Alterran, Age: 23 Cycles, Gender: Male", Alterran that was what my twin and I were, but it also meant that my whole family maybe Alterran also. I looked to Gabrielle after she repeated the process with hers, I studied the screen carefully and that it was the same as mine had read save for her name and gender. I looked back at the device a little confused as to what a Cycle was, soon a thought crept into my mind the thought was that maybe an Alterran cycle was also made up of 365 days, the main reason it made sense too me was that the age number said 23 which I was give or take three days. With our new little toys fully operational, Gabrielle and I left to head back to the control room in the hopes of finding out where we were and what point in time.

To Be Continued.