Collar Training, ch2

Story by Diamonte on SoFurry

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Actions have consequences.


This series was meant to be a pure smut endeavor, created on a whim, and to its credit, the first one was. But the more I thought about these two, especially going forward, and the consequences of their actions, the more they grew on me as real people with real feelings. I won't spoil too much in the preamble, but suffice it to say, a lot more emotion came out than I was expecting. If you're just here for the porn (which I don't blame you for, I bill myself as a porn writer), just search "the good part" and you'll find what you need. For everyone else interested in "the plot," read on.)

She won't remember a thing tomorrow...

Seth had awoken with those words bouncing around in his head. Unfortunately for the other two boys, not only had he not forgotten, but he remembered _everything._He awoke with shame, regret, and a sore bottom. The other two, playing their little charade, had told him that he had passed out early, and nothing had happened. There was no use questioning it, because he knew what _really_happened, and he didn't feel like confronting them or fighting them on it or even admitting it had happened. Yet.

But the betrayal and the coercion wasn't the most annoying thing about this whole fucked up situation, oddly enough. His brain simply would not stop thinking about the _sex._Every time his mind wandered to the previous night, which was constantly, he'd think about kneeling in front of Derrek or Mark, being called a good kitten, and... goddamnit. His dick would be rock hard, and he didn't even _want_it. But every time he thought about wearing that dress and those pretty bows, a shiver of excitement went through him. It disgusted him. That's not what men think about! It got so bad that he had to go to his room just for a little relief session.

He went to his usual supply of porn, which is to say fairly vanilla stuff comparatively, but every time he watched, his focus would wander to the girl. He caught himself wondering what the guy's cock felt like inside her, what it would be like to be under him... and would immediately feel disgusted at himself and go back to the "correct" thoughts. Frustrated and too distracted to cum, he eventually gave in and let himself imagine it just to finish. He closed the porn and just thought about the previous night. It was the oddest sensation; it genuinely felt like he were a different person then. A different personality. He imagined himself as Seth doing the deed instead of his alter ego Annabelle, being praised and called a good girl and... he finished in seconds. But the shame was overwhelming. He wasn't gay, how could this happen to him? He cried until he fell asleep, only to repeat the process the next day.

...and one of the well known caveats of hypnosis is that you can't force someone to do something they wouldn't otherwise do, so in essence, we found a secret little desire a certain someone had and never told us. Basically, we're helping her.

Those words rang around in his skull like an echoing bell. Had they actually uncovered a secret desire that even HE didn't know he had? Or was the hypnosis collar so strong that it left its permanent imprint on him long after it faded? No! If that were the case, how was he so easily able to separate himself from Annabelle with clear lines of distinction in between? But these questions only made him realize how angry he was at Derrek and Mark for taking advantage of him like that, even if his dick loved it for some fucked up reason.

The next few days were pathetic. Every time he thought about that night, he felt... turned on. Even at school, which was highly annoying to try to hide. He could barely speak to his friends, he could hardly stand to look at them. But he had to laugh it off and pretend everything was normal, because the alternative was admitting he remembered everything. Hanging in close proximity to Derrek revealed another frightening reality. Being near him, seeing his face, hearing his voice sent a rush through his body, butterflies in his stomach, a shiver through his fur like a bolt of static; it was all he could do to keep from thinking about him constantly. His heart would beat and his fur would flutter, he found himself short of breath. Thankfully, he was unaffected by Mark, but he still remembered his barbed... gah. What was happening to him? It was terrifying. He _had_to get to the bottom of this and confront them before this got out of control. Apparently, Mark was going on vacation with his family, somewhere in the mountains for the weekend, so it was just he and Derrek. That was fine with him; less pressure since he could get in a good one-on-one with the person who had started it all.

It was Friday. The day of reckoning. Derrek had agreed to come over even though Mark wouldn't be here, it would be just the two of them hanging out. Seth had acted chill and casual, all the way up until the two of them were hanging on the couch. In an instant he switched on bitch mode, and Derrek noticed it just a second too late as Seth grabbed his shirt aggressively, twisting it up like in the movies, anger in his eyes. Derrek looked like he was about to resist, to shove him off and yell or even punch him in the face, but as soon as he realized what was going on he paused... and then relaxed, letting out a sigh.

"Ah, fuck."

"Yeah, fuck! What the fuck, man!" Seth demanded. Derrek let out another big sigh, pausing and looking into the distance instead of at Seth.

"How much do you remember?"

"All of it!"

"Fuck." He let out another long, exasperated sigh. "Alright. So what do you want from me?" To be honest, Seth didn't think he'd get this far. He thought Derrek would belittle him, or refuse and be a stuck up asshole about it, or even laugh.

"How about an apology?" He started off, "for r-..." he was about to say 'raping me,' but that sounded a little too harsh, even for Derrek. In his mind, rape was something evil men did to screaming women. In Derrek's defense, Seth had technically been begging for it, even if he wasn't in control of his own actions. "...for taking advantage of me."

"I'm sorry. I didn't even think it would work in the first place, and then it did, and I told myself I'd only take a funny picture, but then I saw you standing at full attention before I even gave you any commands... I couldn't help myself. It was wrong, and I shouldn't have done it." Wow. He was not expecting that to come so easily. But one other thing still bothered him.

"Alright but... why? Why'd you do it in the first place? No one just _does_that." Derrek actually turned to look at him this time.

"You really want to know why?"


"I don't know if you're ready to hear it yet."

"Just tell me. How bad can it be?"

"I have a crush on you." Seth opened his mouth to argue, to refute whatever point Derrek was going to make, but that had stopped him dead in his tracks. He was speechless. It took a moment to compose himself, but he finally found his voice.


"Yeah. Surprise, huh?" He couldn't believe the words he was hearing. He put questions to the thoughts running through his head. He finally,finally let go of Derrek's shirt and slumped beside him.

"Since... when?"

"Uhh... about middle school?"

"But... you were going out with girls then... and a few more girls in high school..."

"Yeah," Derrek responded with a tone that sounded suspiciously like sarcasm, "I know. Trust me, I know. I tried dating girls, but in the end, I broke up with my last girlfriend because I knew I couldn't do it. I didn't tell her why, and I didn't tell anyone else, but I knew."

"But... me? Really?" In his mind he was just a frail, uncool nerd who was good at video games. He wasn't even fit like Derrek or Mark. "Why me?"

"Let's seeee..." he said, looking up at the ceiling like a person making a list, counting each point on his paw, "you're cute, funny, smart, good at games, did I mention cute?" Seth felt his fur turn scarlet and bottlebrush to unreasonable levels as he blushed off the charts, trying to maintain a dignified look but utterly failing. He looked down and focused on the floor while he tried to gain control of his wild feelings of disbelief.

"You... think I'm cute?"

"Oh yeah. One of, if not THE cutest boy at our school for sure." This wasn't doing anything to help his burning hot cheeks or his ruffled fur.

"But why not say something sooner?"

"Because... I didn't know if you were gay. I still don't know, for what it's worth. And I didn't want to lose you as a friend if I were wrong."

"How... would you lose me as a friend?"

"Because imagine if I told you that I had a crush on you, and you weren't gay. Now you feel awkward because you had to reject me, and things get even more awkward because now you think I'm always trying to sleep with you or something, and we stop hanging out, and I lost my best friend." He must have seen a certain look on Seth's face, because he quickly followed up with "Sorry. Maybe not you specifically, but that's what a lot of straight guys think."

"Oh..." and to be fair, before last Friday, would he have understood? Would he have just knee-jerked to the 'I'm not gay' answer without even considering it? How much had the experience changed him as a person? He didn't even know himself anymore.

"Yeah man, it's tough when you're gay. You can have a 'pretty good' idea who is and isn't, but one wrong guess could spell disaster in the wrong situation, and even if you do guess right, you have to worry about what people think of you, if you can even tell anyone... shit. Even if you hate me now, it's good to finally tell someone, you know? That's the real reason I wanted to see if the collar worked. To see if I could find out if you were secretly into guys or not without actually working up the courage to ask, and to have you forget everything if you weren't. You know, like a coward. I just got distracted by... stupid stuff." It hurt to hear him say that. It must be so hard, trying to hide something for so long, feeling like you weren't allowed to be yourself. He felt compelled to give Derrek a hug, to tell him it was okay, but he didn't know if that was appropriate. But at least he could say something.

"I don't hate you," he replied softly. Sure, he was angry, maybe even furious at being tricked, but hate? That was a strong word.

"Good, because I don't think I could live with myself if I did something to make you hate me." There was an awkward silence as neither knew what to say. But sitting here next to him, in his presence, brought up another issue he'd been having the last week. Another thing he wanted to confront, although just the thought of it made him self conscious. He decided to dance around the issue.

"How do you... know you have a crush on someone?"

"Hmmmmm.... that's a good one," he mused. "First, I'd say... you can't stop thinking about them." Check. "And when you do think about them, you get fuzzy feelings in your tummy, maybe a jitter through your fur." Uh oh. "You want to be around them, you start imagining what it would be like if you two were together." Seth's mind immediately wandered to the fact that he could not stop thinking about that night, and the fact that he had to paw every night this week because he kept imagining Derrek petting his head and calling him a good kitten while he... goddamnit. Seth shifted uncomfortably as he started to get hard again just imagining that exact scenario.

"Maybe you're attracted to them. Maybe you want to... you know... spend some 'quality time' with them," Derrek continued. Seth just blushed and tried to hide his erection while making it look as nonchalant as possible. After a few awkward moments, a knowing smile played at Derrek's muzzle. "Why? Sound familiar? You got a crush on someone?" Seth cleared his throat nervously, unable to look Derrek in the eyes.

"I... don't know. I think so."

"Well whoever it is, they must be really lucky," Derrek concluded. Did he already know? Did he guess? This was so confusing! But this whole conversation had changed how he thought about this stuff. If someone as cool and popular as Derrek could be gay... maybe it wasn't so bad. And even more, he thought Seth was attractive. No one had ever thought he was attractive, especially not any girls. He remembered wishing every night he'd find a girlfriend in middle school and into high school, but he had given up the chase eventually. Not entirely, though. If one came along he'd engage, but... well. He'd never been assertive enough to go to them. And now, there was a cute boy who'd had a crush on him for years, thought he was funny, found him attractive, and on top of all of that, given Seth the best orgasm he'd had in his life. It was like the jackpot of finding the perfect girlfriend, except it was a guy friend. Could he do that? Could he commit to being... 'gay?' He'd always thought of being gay as something morally wrong, but also something you ignore as long as they didn't bring it up. That's what his father had said, anyway.

"How do you know if you're gay?" He asked, and he was pretty sure he'd just given away his hand, but he didn't care. These things needed to be asked.

"Shit man, if there was a magic answer for that, whoever found it would be a millionaire." That was about what Seth expected. "But I guess the easiest way to tell is to follow your dick. Your dick knows what you like." Seth shifted uncomfortably again as he was painfully aware of his hard on, and what had been causing it for a week straight. Just follow his dick... well, that one was easy. And logic told him that if it walked and talked like a duck, it probably was.

"I... don't know what to think," he admitted.

"That's alright, neither did I for the longest time." Another silence. Derrek took a breath and opened his mouth, like he was about to speak, but then paused... thought about what he was going to say... and then continued. "Do you mind if I... try something that might help?"

"Um... sure," Seth agreed. Who was he to say no? And if it helped... but what Seth wasn't expecting was a soft brush of his hair that turned into a gentle scritching of his ears, and then back to his hair; petting him, essentially. He was being petted. He hadn't realized he'd been so touch-starved all of these years, his dad wasn't exactly the cuddly kind, and his mother had stopped coddling him when he was young. Before he could even stop himself, he realized he was purring softly. He slapped a paw over his muzzle and looked away in shame.

"Don't be embarrassed, it's really cute," Derrek assured him as he continued his tender ministrations. Calling him cute was definitely NOT helping in the embarrassment department. But, he slowly relaxed and allowed Derrek to stroke his fur.

"T-thanks..." he choked out, focusing really hard on the TV that was currently not on.

"See, it's not so bad, is it?" Seth shook his head, not trusting himself to speak. "There's a good kitten," Derrek continued, eliciting a fresh burst of crimson from the smaller white cat. Hard on re-activated.Just follow your dick. He glanced up shyly at the older husky boy, whom had the most shit-eating grin on his face of all time. He knew exactly what he was doing... and goddamnit, it was working.

"C-can... I try something now?" He stammered. Derrek's eyebrows raised, he seemed intrigued.

"Yeah? Whacha got?" Seth still didn't know what was going on or where this was going, but he was pretty certain he had a stupid crush on his stupid friend. Derrek was the only one that had shown him kindness and tenderness, despite the fact that he had shown no interest in Derrek for years, and all but attacked him just now in private. For the first time in his life, Seth felt wanted. Desired. And it felt_good._ If Derrek could take the leap and show him a bit of affection... maybe... he could return the favor. Just a little. Just to see how it felt.

Seth folded his arms in his lap, but allowed himself to lean sideways, resting against Derrek and laying his head on his shoulder. He didn't know what he was doing, it just felt the most natural.

"Okay, that's pretty good," Derrek commented. "And I'll counter with... this." He freed the arm that Seth had been leaning on and put it around his shoulder, holding Seth close. Seth closed his eyes and allowed himself to imagine, just for a moment, what it would be like if he went down this path. What it would be like to be Derrek's 'girl.' Snuggling up to him in bed, pawing through his chest fluff as he stroked Seth's hair... he felt tingly from head to toe, with a rush of butterflies in his tummy. ...fuck. So this is where this was going, huh? Betrayed by his own emotions... Even so. He didn't care if it was 'gay,' or wrong, or, whatever, he wanted this. The soft cuddles, the tender touches, and the, uh... yeah, _that_too.

"God that's so cute," Derrek said, interrupting Seth's thoughts as he opened his eyes. He hadn't realized he'd been purring again, and while it was embarrassing, this time he didn't flinch. It was nice to be called cute by someone for once.

"Yeah well, you're cute too," he countered. Flawless.

"Oh yeah?" He said, sounding genuinely surprised. "You really think so?" And then, something amazing happened. Derrek's tail actually started to_wag._ It wasn't the first time he'd seen it, Derrek had been excited about other things, but there was just something about complimenting him and seeing it start to wag like a happy little puppy that was just absolutely precious.

"Uh huh," Seth replied, cracking a smile. "That tail of yours is adorable."

"Mmmph," Derrek grunted, trying to laugh it off, but Seth could tell he had made him blush for once. This was fun. "For someone who isn't gay, you sure are good at flirting." Welp, that victory was short lived. Seth didn't even know what flirting was. Is that what he was doing? Gosh... this crush stuff was complicated.

"I don't even know what I'm doing," he answered truthfully.

"That's alright, no one does," Derrek reassured with a smile. With the natural silence following, Seth had a moment to think. Here he was, leaning against Derrek who had his arm around him, almost like they were cuddling or something... it immediately reminded him of his time as Annabelle, snuggling up to Derrek after she'd been thoroughly bred and given fresh milkies... oh god. Not the boner again. Stop thinking about it, stop thinking about it! But then his eyes fell upon Derrek's backpack resting next to the coffee table, which looked stuffed to the brim, and he could only imagine what was inside.Annabelle... Seth blushed at the thought.

Despite the fact that it was non-consensual, just thinking about his time as Annabelle from start to finish always turned him on. Ever since then, he'd held a desire to wear girly clothes again, to be someone's good girl. It was the thing that had frustrated him to tears after the Annabelle incident, the thing he couldn't reconcile with himself---until today. Now that he was finally possibly opening up to the possibility of maybe liking Derrek, could he also open up to... no! Yes? Maybe? Was he really considering asking or dropping hints for...that? His heart started pounding just thinking about it. His hands felt clammy. He'd never felt this way before, but he knew deep down that whatever this feeling was, he wanted it. Just thinking about Derrek grabbing his collar and bending him over... a shiver ran through his fur.

But could he ask? Could he summon up the courage? Was it even appropriate? Technically, they'd already had sex, so it wasn't even his first time. He'd just been... an entirely different person. He could appreciate his past experience, but it wasn't the same. What he did remember, though, was the toe-curling, mind-numbing orgasm that came with it, and the fact that no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't replicate it at home alone. His body had been aching for a week, and there was only one person that could take care of it. But could he go down this path? Flirting was easy, he could say he was confused, and it would be (mostly) a mutual understanding. If he asked for sex, there was no denying what he was. No getting out of it. Even if he got cold feet after, he'd still asked for sex from his best friend. Things would be awkward. No wonder Derrek had been worried all these years.

"So what was it like?" Derrek asked, startling him and pulling him from his thoughts.

"Huh?" He asked as he snapped back to reality.

"Wearing the collar... what was it like?"

"Oh..." Seth thought about it for a moment, trying to put it into words. "It was like... when I had the collar on, I believed anything you said. You said I was a girl, and I really believed I was. I had no memory of being a boy. It was odd. It was also very... calming. I had no worries or concerns. After the fact though, like now, it feels more like a movie. When I look back, it feels like someone else was driving, and I was just watching."

"Hmm... that's interesting," Derrek replied. There was an awkward silence. And then Derrek proposed a question. "You don't have to answer if you don't want to. But I'm curious. I know you're mad at me for tricking you, which is fair, but I still want to know... did you like it?" Seth returned to his natural crimson color, complete with fluffed up fur. How had Derrek known that? Or was it only a guess? Should he tell the truth? Well, as long as they were being honest with each other...

"M... mhmm," he grunted, folding his arms defiantly. Seth raised his eyebrows, intrigued. Seth's stomach did flips. It felt like he swallowed a box of pop rocks and soda. Did he really just admit that? Holy crap. But it felt freeing.

"It's alright, no judging. I did initiate it, after all. So if there's anyone to blame, it's me." Another pause. "You're cute when you blush, by the way."

"You think everything I do is cute!" he complained. But he really did like being called cute. It felt good.

"Yeah, so? That's what a crush is, dork." Seth huffed. Okay, fair point. But that begged the question... now that Derrek actually knew for sure that he liked it... was now the right time to broach the subject? If not now, when? It had to be now. Especially after Derrek had asked point blank like that. It's like he knew what Seth was thinking. He didn't want to disappoint his friend by reading into the wrong signals. All he had to do was... work up the courage. He could do this. He wanted this! He couldn't believe he was telling himself that. A week ago, he would have been too disgusted to speak. But now, it was his secret little fantasy, and he desperately wanted it to come true. His raging hard-on confirmed it. It was all he could do to keep from begging for it.

Seth looked up at Derrek with the intention to speak, but his mouth felt dry, the words got caught in this throat. He knew what he wanted, but he couldn't make himself say it. His heart pounded in his chest, he could hear the beating in his ears, his paws were shaking.

"Hmm?" Derrek said, looking down at Seth who was currently in the middle of a mild anxiety attack. Stop panicking, dummy! It wasn't a big deal! They'd done this before! He felt lightheaded as his breaths came quickly. Derrek removed his arm from around Seth, and then gently cupped his face in his paws, looking him in the eyes. "It's okay," he assured Seth in a gentle voice. "You're alright. Relax. Tell me what's wrong." Being cradled in Derrek's paws like this, looking deep into his clear blue eyes... it was like a magical spell over him. He took a deep breath, and he felt calmer. He could do this. He had been dreaming about it for a week. It was the only thing he could think about. He reached up and placed his paws gently on Derrek's.

"C-can w-we... um... c-can we..." he stammered, still not quite forming the words.

"It's okay, Seth. You can tell me anything, I promise."

"It's not telling you something, per se, it's..." Stop being a coward, Seth. Just do it. Do it and get it over with. He took another deep breath, steeling his nerves. He pronounced each word slowly, fighting to get them out. "I want... to... try... the... collar... thing... f-for real. Without all of the..." he was already losing his nerve, he tried desperately to look off to the side (with his cheeks still cupped in Derrek's paws); "the mind control... stuff... " Derrek's eyebrows raised in curiosity and he gave a sly smile, his tail wagging gently.

"Are you asking me what I think you're asking me?" Seth's cheeks turned scarlet and he let out a little huff.

"M-maybe. Why, is that bad?"

"Not at all, kitten," Derrek assured him, finally releasing his face from his paws. Seth felt the warm fuzzies creep up in his tummy upon being called 'kitten.' "And I have just the thing." Derrek fetched his backpack from the floor and unzipped it, and Seth felt a fresh rush of blood as the pink frilly dress was visible from within. His dick was now painfully aware of everything going on, including (no,especially) the girly aspect. It was closely intertwined with his desire to be mated like... well, like a girl. It certainly didn't do anything to help the heat in his cheeks right now. Derrek pulled something from the depths of the bag, something that instantly sparked a twist of guttural panic upon seeing it; the collar. The one that sparked his anger, confusion, and... awakening. The one that started all of this. Seth felt uneasy. Wasn't that the mind control one? The suggestion collar, Derrek called it.

(This is "the good part", by the way).

"I, uhhh, don't have any other collars..." Derrek admitted sheepishly, "and this one looks really cute on you. Don't worry though, it has an off switch, see?" He held it up to Seth to inspect. It did indeed have a small switch near the latch that was in the 'off' position. "Do you trust me?" And as much as Derrek had tricked him last week and taken advantage of him... if he took Derrek's lifetime track record into account, and also Seth's newfound infatuation...

"I trust you." Derrek's response was to smile ever so slyly.

"Well, first, you need to get rid of those icky boy clothes." Seth's heart skipped a beat. It was the same language Derrek had used for Annabelle, and it felt good. Seth reached for his shirt, pulling it up and over his head. This was really happening. He was getting naked in front of Derrek after having asked to be collared... there was no going back now.

"Good girl..." Derrek encouraged as he watched Seth strip. "Underwear too," he commanded. Seth blushed. There was no hiding it now. As he gingerly lowered his plain white male style briefs, his erection poked out for all to see, a stark indication of how much he was currently enjoying this treatment, even if he was too nervous to say so.

"Wow, I haven't even done anything and you're already turned on. You must _really_want this," Derrek teased as he stepped behind Seth. Derrek was right. He couldn't even argue. He could only stand there obediently as Derrek draped the pretty pink collar around his neck. Seth had flashbacks to that fateful night, and the metal studs on the inside, which he'd caught right before it was too late. He saw them again as they drew close. Derrek moved slowly yet purposefully, drawing the collar up around his neck; this was it, the moment of truth.

Seth closed his eyes and inhaled as he heard the clasp click behind him, and held his breath for the verdict... and nothing happened. He still felt like himself. No calming aura, no blank mind. He slowly released his breath. Derrek had been telling the truth.

What he hadn't been expecting was Derrek's paws to gingerly trace down his neck to his shoulders, along his back briefly, and then down his sides to his hips, slowly moving toward the front to his stomach, and back up to his chest. Derrek's tender caress sent pleasant shivers through his fur, causing him to purr contentedly.

"You're so cute," Derrek cooed softly in his ear as he traced down to Seth's hips again, causing him to huff softly as his body was all Derrek's to explore. He was saying all the right things, the perfect gentleman, treating his girlfriend just right. The thought sent warm butterflies through his chest. He no longer cared about 'saving face' or being 'manly' or anything else that might mar his pride, screw his pride! Derrek was making him feel attractive and desirable._Thinking of himself as a girl felt _right. And what do good girls do for boys? God, he hoped he was about to find out. His lower half was physically aching from all the teasing.

"Thank you Derrek..." he replied breathlessly as Derrek's paws left his body, ending the sensual journey. Derrek took the opportunity to dig around in the backpack, pulling out the panties and the socks, but nothing else.

"Here, put these on. Just these. I want to feel your soft kitten fur against my body." Seth blushed as he took the lacey white ankle socks and the frilly pink panties, gingerly stepping into each one, tugging the lingerie up his legs and over his bottom; but again, like last time, they simply would not fit nicely in any capacity over his throbbing dick, so he let them ride right under.

While he had been distracted by the cute feminine clothes given to him to wear, he felt a gentle tug on his collar, followed by a metallic click. Seth turned around to see Derrek standing there now shirtless with a grin on his face, a leash wrapped around his paw that had been clipped to Seth's collar. Seth positively flushed, understanding what this symbolized.

"You're _MY_kitten now," Derrek informed him firmly as he gave an experimental (yet gentle) tug on the leash, drawing Seth forward by the neck.

"Y-yes sir," Seth stammered, feeling absolutely tiny both in size and in stature next to Derrek. He saw now that Derrek hadn't even needed to hypnotize him a second time, he was completely under Derrek's control, and this time, it was willingly. He wanted it, he craved it. He wanted to beg and whine right there on the spot, but he was still a little too shy, a little too new. But Derrek knew what he was doing.

"Good girl," Derrek praised, giving Seth a kiss on the forehead. A chill went down his spine. He'd never been more excited and more turned on in his life.

"I'm a... good girl," he agreed verbally, saying it aloud for the first time on his own.

"You know what good girls like, don't you?" Derrek asked, with a knowing smile. Seth had about a million different scenarios on what that might be swirling through his head, but he wanted to hear Derrek tell him.

"W-what do good... girls... like?" He stammered, his heart pounding nervously.

"Think really hard. Annabelle would know _exactly_what good girls like." Annabelle... the very first thing was... Seth turned scarlet as his fur ruffled in equal parts desire and nervousness.

"M-milkies," he squeaked, almost unable to choke it out.

"That's right," Derrek responded, almost seeming to purr the answer, "good girls like milkies." He flopped down on the couch and leaned back casually, giving some play to the leash so as not to yank Seth down with him.

This was it. The moment of truth. Up till now, it'd been all talk, all teasing, but now he was going to do this... _willingly._Time to find out if he actually wanted this for real, or if he was just going through with it because of peer pressure or some other dumb reason. He wanted it to be real, and he was going to treat it like it was. He could feel his heart throbbing in his chest again, the same feeling from before when he couldn't even tell Derrek what he wanted without reassurance.

But as he was pondering this, there was a gentle tug on the leash to bring him back to his senses. Now you might think that in a situation such as this, feeling apprehensive, a tug might make it feel forced. But the opposite was true; he had chosen to be here, in this position, and it reminded him that Derrek was the one with more experience, the one in charge. He had him leashed and collared, it was his duty to please. It grounded him, made him remember what he should be doing. God, that thought turned him on more than it should...

Seth knelt down in front of Derrek, placing his paws in his lap gingerly.

"You know where to get your milkies," Derrek instructed him. Seth was immediately brought back to that night, kneeling before Derrek so eagerly, truly believing he were a girl and that his role had been to serve the 'big kids' and do whatever they said. The thought drove him crazy. Now he had to chance to actually experience it on his own, rather than watching it like a movie. Seth swallowed a lump of nervousness as his paws reached forward and fumbled with Derrek's jeans, finally managing to unbutton and unzip them, pulling down the underwear beneath to reveal his treat.

It was just as he'd remembered. Large, knotted, and leaking pre, just begging for a warm muzzle... _his_muzzle. He'd come this far; this is what he wanted. This is what he asked for. Seth steeled his nerves and sucked in a breath. All that was left was for him to...

Seth slowly took Derrek into his muzzle, noting the salty taste of the pre, the fact that it filled his mouth almost to the point of discomfort, and that it was warm and slick. He took it as far as he could manage, to the back of his throat until he risked gagging, pulling back out to do it again, working the shaft with his tongue as Annabelle had done. In many ways, she_had taught _him how to properly suck a dick, although he had no idea how she knew in the first place. But she was a construct of his own mind, so somewhere in the back of his own mind must have been the knowledge... just as he was doing now. This was confusing. Maybe Derrek had been right. Maybe it had been such a deep, well hidden secret that not even he knew it until Derrek had brought it out through hypnosis. Derrek let out a deep, breathy huff as Seth worked the shaft.

"Damn, you're so good at this," he moaned breathlessly, placing a paw on Seth's head and caressing his ears tenderly as Seth tended to his duties. He would thank Derrek if he could speak, but he let the continued action of his tongue and muzzle do the speaking instead. The praise encouraged him and created more of those butterflies in his tummy, it had a greater effect than he thought it would have. Hearing Derrek praise him so... it was like a drug, he wanted more. So he kept going with renewed dedication. It was turning him on so much he reached for his own throbbing hard on for relief, but he felt the firm tug of his collar pull him away from Derrek's cock right as he started, causing him to eep softly and let go.

"That's good enough, kitten. Paws off." He looked up in confusion and disappointment, until he realized what had happened to Annabelle when she had been stopped. He felt a tingle of anticipation run through his fur, and his tail twitched in excitement. "You know what's coming, don't you?" Derrek asked with a sly smile. Seth nodded.Heat... Derrek gave his lap an inviting pat along with a tug on the leash, and Seth crawled up off the floor and onto the couch, straddling Derrek's lap while facing him, chest to chest. It was only when their dicks were all but touching that Seth realized his own cock seemed pathetically small when compared to Derrek's large canine one. Maybe it was fate that he discovered his newly found fantasy of being treated like a girl, because that's all his tiny cock would be good for. A week ago, his ego would be devastated. Now, it didn't seem to matter so much. Derrek seemed to pick up on what Seth was thinking as he ran his thumb on the underside of it, causing Seth to moan as his entire body quivered. He was so pent up from all the attention, he wasn't going to last long. Derrek seemed to understand this as well, as he immediately stopped.

"You're such a horny girl, aren't you?" he teased as he wet his finger, but for what Seth wasn't sure of yet. Seth didn't trust himself to speak in the moment between the excitement and nerves, so he nodded. He need not wonder about that finger for long as Seth slipped his panties down below his butt and started probing his tail hole, causing him to eep again in surprise. "Shh, it's alright," Derrek assured him as he played with Seth's ring, slowly sliding his finger into it, which was a very odd sensation if you weren't used to it. "If I don't do this, it's really going to hurt." Seth had no sexual experience gay or otherwise, and this wasn't exactly covered in straight porn, so the entire concept was alien to him. But Derrek seemed to know what he was doing, and he trusted Derrek, so he nodded as he let the larger male explore his hole.

"You're so hot..." Derrek complimented as he ran his other paw over the small cat's body.

"So are you..." Seth replied as he returned the favor, sifting his own paws through Derrek's plush husky fur, nuzzling into his hair. "Eeep!" Derrek had moved on to three fingers, and it was just starting to edge into the painful territory. But after a bit of teasing, it had settled down.

"Tell me what you want," Derrek commanded. Oh boy. Oh dear. What should he say? It was obvious, but... what was Derrek looking for?

"S-sex?" he stated awkwardly, and Derrek actually chuckled.

"That's like saying 'food' when someone asks what you want to eat. What would_Annabelle_ be begging for right about now?" Seth flushed again, now understanding his meaning. Derrek wanted the dirty talk, the begging, the desperation. And Seth wanted to make Derrek happy. Even though it would embarrass him all to hell, he had to try.

"Mate me..." he pleaded, his voice pitched higher than normal. "Breed me... please?"

"There you go, that's more like it," Derrek praised, removing his fingers from behind Seth. "Now you put your paws here..." he instructed, guiding Seth's paws to his shoulders, "and I put my paws here..." he continued, placing his own paws on Seth's waist to hold him securely, "and then you just sit down like... so."

"Ohh!" Seth exclaimed as he felt Derrek's cock probe his tail hole. After a moment of teasing, his cock easily slid in where Derrek's fingers used to be, all the way up to the knot. It did sting a little at first, but thanks to Derrek's stretching and Annabelle's promiscuity, it eventually settled down into a feeling of pleasant fullness.

"Go ahead," Derrek encouraged, "bounce for me, kitten." Seth blushed as he realized what this meant. It was up to him to show how much he wanted this. He was the one who had to take the initiative and ride Derrek if he wanted to get anywhere. Seth did as he was instructed and used Derrek's shoulders to steady himself, slowly sliding up and down on Derrek's cock to test the waters. "Mmm..." Derrek moaned softly, nodding, "just like that."

It was then that Seth discovered something truly wonderful. Every time he went down on Derrek, he could feel Derrek's cock press against his prostate, sending a shock of pleasure through his body. With how hopelessly pent up he was, it quickly became addicting, and he wanted_more._ He _needed_this to satisfy his aching, throbbing erection that he wasn't allowed to touch. He gripped Derrek's shoulders as he worked his hips into a steady rhythm, chasing that pleasurable high with each thrust.

"Look at you, riding my cock like a bitch in heat," Derrek teased, grinning at Seth with that husky grin of his. Seth didn't even care about shame or dignity anymore, he was so horny he was dizzy and lightheaded, desperate and struggling for relief.

"Please..." he begged as he rode Derrek, gripping him like his life depended on it.

"Please what?" Derrek asked.

"Fuck me, breed me, I need it!"

"Well, since you're begging so cutely..." he felt Derrek grip him firmly by the hips, guiding his motion and pressing him down onto his knot.

"Ahh!" Seth cried as the knot forced its way inside, decidedly more painful in the moment, but it quickly subsided once Seth was over the thickest point and it buried itself in his tummy. After the initial shock, Seth moaned loudly as the extra girth put pressure on his prostate even when not thrusting.

"My turn." Using Seth's hips as leverage, Derrek no longer waited for the smaller boy to do the work as he thrusted firmly and rhythmically, sending waves of pleasure through Seth's body like bolts of lightning. It was all Seth could do to cling to the husky as he railed him, grasping handfuls of his fur tightly, completely giving up any semblance of thoughts other than pure _need._No more being ashamed, or remorseful, or scared, he was right where he wanted to be, between the strong paws of his best friend as he had his way with him.

Finally, he could feel the scales starting to tip into the point of no return. Even if he had wanted to hold back in some desperate attempt to keep his old life, it was impossible now. He felt the muscles in his groin tense up like a tightly wound spring as he huffed in between soft moans. He remembered having the vague concern that his cock was pointed right at Derrek and he might make a mess, but it was far too late now, especially since he was firmly knotted.

"I'm gonna..." he panted, trying to warn Derrek. Derrek's response was to keep going without saying a word himself, and Seth was grateful that he hadn't stopped.

Pure orgasmic spasms surged through his body like electricity, completely obscuring any other thought for precious few seconds. He felt his body twitch and contract forcefully for the entire duration, squeezing Derrek's cock with each one, a feature Derrek took quite well to, and seemed to enjoy.

"Fuck, you're so tight," Derrek moaned as Seth went limp, lolling his head and letting Derrek finish whatever he had to as he soaked in the afterglow, his body like jello. This orgasm had somehow felt even more intense than the one Annabelle had had, and this time, he had gotten to experience it personally, on his own terms. It was the best, most intense feeling he'd ever felt in his life, and he immediately wanted more.

Soon after Seth had finished, he felt Derrek's paws grip his sides tighter than before, his rhythm slowing while his last few thrusts only got more powerful. He felt Derrek's knot balloon inside of him almost to the point of pain, and the same twitching his own body had felt but seconds before could now be felt inside of him, bucking up against his ass and twitching inside his tummy. What he felt next was hard to explain, but it was a distinct feeling of fullness that caused a minor bit of cramping, but one he could easily ignore given the pleasurable circumstances.

Seth realized with a rush of excitement and hot blush that Derrek had finally filled him to the brim, tying him and knotting him like the bitch he was, breeding him until he had came. In his post-orgasm clarity, he wondered what the consequences of discovering this new side of himself were. He started to doubt his resolve, wondering if he would be able to face the kids in school, his parents, Mark...

But just as he was beginning to panic, Seth felt a paw brush under his chin, guiding his face to look directly into Derrek's. Before he could react, Derrek engaged him in a kiss, pulling him close and embracing him, running his paws all along Seth's body as their muzzles intertwined. Seth had absolutely no idea how to kiss, so he let Derrek take the lead, melting into him lovingly, equally exploring Derrek's body as Derrek did to Seth, running his paws through his soft chest fluff, around his square shoulders, along his cute face... it was all so sensual. Having never kissed anyone before, this was a totally new experience, and as they exchanged tongues, Seth felt fireworks going off in his head as his heart swelled with a flurry of emotions. It erased any doubts he had, and made him realize just how much he wanted this boy. They stayed embraced like this for a long time, until Derrek finally broke contact first.

"I-" Seth was about to say, before Derrek put a gentle paw to his lips, silencing him.

"Whatever it is you were going to say, wait. Think about it. Alright?" Seth nodded, but now he wasn't really sure where to go with this. He was still tied to Derrek, so he couldn't exactly hop off of his lap. He glanced down and flushed when he realized that Derrek's stomach and lower chest fur was absolutely soaked with his little kitten squirts, matting the fur and hanging off in strands.

"Meep... I'm sorry..."

"Mmm..." Derrek mused, giving it a touch between his fingers, "that's hot."


"Mmm yesss. I took you as my kitten," he said, pulling the leash taut, "and in turn you marked me with your 'scent.' I'll have to return the favor someday." Seth felt a rush go through him as he imagined being 'marked' by Derrek. Damnit. He could feel himself getting turned on again. But he'd just had sex...

"Speaking of taking you, goddamn. My knot usually starts going down right about now, but it doesn't seem to want to budge. See, I told you you were hot." Seth rocked his hips gently back and forth, testing the feeling of the bulge currently lodged in his stomach. He felt the familiar pleasure as the knot and the excess seed put even more pressure on his g spot. His 'cooldown' so to speak had ended, and his body was ready to go again. And true to Derrek's word, it was hopeless to even try to disengage, they would be stuck like that for a long time at this rate. He had a bold idea.

"Round two?" Seth asked, giving Derrek a hopeful look. Derrek didn't answer verbally, but he did grin. Oh no. Being a high school wrestler and fairly muscular compared to Seth's nerdy petite frame, Derrek easily gripped Seth's waist and flipped the two of them.

"Aah!" Seth exclaimed as he was laid down on his back with his feet in the air, still attached at the hip. He wrapped his legs around Derrek's waist and draped his paws around his neck.

"Round two," Derrek declared as the two kissed again.

Seth laid across Derrek's chest later that night with the soft glow of the TV permeating the room. After 'round two,' it seemed to do the trick, and Derrek was able to pull out shortly after. Seth had been allowed to get dressed, with one catch; it was the frilly dress instead of his normal clothes, which was just fine with him. Better, even. Seth had taken Derrek's advice and really thought long and hard on the events of today while the two of them cuddled on the couch. Derrek was on his back and Seth was lying face down on top of him, head on Derrek's chest as Derrek softly stroked his ears and down along his back. Seth purred softly and contentedly, feeling like the luckiest boy on earth right now. A day ago, he'd been loveless since childhood, not a girlfriend to his name. Today, he was the girlfriend, and it made him extremely happy inside to admit that... which brought him to the subject that he had been thinking about ever since their little romp. He had thought, and thought, until he could think no more, and all options led to the same place, one that filled his stomach with the familiar butterflies every time he said it to himself.

"Derrek..." he began, looking up at the older husky boy as he got his attention.

"Yes kitten?" Derrek replied, softly stroking Seth's hair.

"I... I think I love you." He'd never said this to anyone except his parents, but now he had the chance to say it to his best friend.

"I think I love you too." Seth felt his heart flood with warmth as his fur shivered with happiness, and emotion welled up in his chest. Every day he dreamed of hearing someone say that, and finally... finally, it happened. Seth wondered if this made them a couple. It was sort of implied, but he wanted to know.

"Derrek, are... are we..." but perhaps he was too nervous to finish. The words caught in his throat.

"Are we what?" Derrek was going to make him say it, wasn't he? Seth took a deep breath.

"If we love each other... and we both know it... does that make us... boyfriend and girlfriend?"

"Girlfriend, huh?"

"Or boyfriend and boyfriend... I don't know..." Seth blushed, suddenly feeling very self-conscious. Derrek slipped a finger in between his neck and his collar and ran it along the ring, just enough to bring attention to it, teasing the band. He trailed his paw down Seth's back and along the hem of his dress, pinching the ruffled edges with his fingers.

"I don't know, you look like a girl to me," he assured Seth with a smile. "Perfect girlfriend material." Seth glowed with joy and fluffed out his fur happily at the compliment. "Is that what you want?" Derrek asked, returning to affectionately petting him. IS that what he wanted? Could he commit to having a boyfriend despite what his father might think? Could he be... the perfect girlfriend for Derrek?

"I... think I do," he replied, melting into his lover.

"Alright then," Derrek declared. "I guess that settles it. The lady wants a boyfriend, she gets a boyfriend." And just like that, Seth now had a boyfriend.

"Boyfriend..." he repeated, giving Derrek a loving squeeze. Last Friday, Annabelle had ended the night snuggled up to Derrek, thinking that this were the most fun she'd ever had, and that she was happy. One week later, it was Seth who was snuggled up to Derrek this time, but the feelings remained exactly the same. This was the happiest moment of his life, and he wanted it to last forever.

(Ending thoughts: These two are quickly becoming my favorite couple to think about, and moving forward, I want to write a few more mini-scenes with them, probably as one final submission. To those that read the whole thing, thank you, I had a lot of fun with it, and I hope you did too. Worry not, the porn will come.)