Story by muzzlesndiapers on SoFurry

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#4 of Dungeons and Adders

CH4 of Dungeons & Adders

Chapter 4

Piav whined as the squirrel matron forced him back onto the changing table, strapping him down as he squirmed in protest.

"Mmph mmph mmm...", the ferret muttered, earning a smack to his diapered butt.

"Unless you want to keep wearing this wet and soiled diaper, you might not want to make too much of a fuss, girly.", Pinetooth admonished, putting a mask over her face and pulling on a pair of gloves.

Piav's blushed deepened as the squirrel unfastened his diaper, removing the soiled garment and cleaning his ass and cock with a wet towel.

"You are such pretty little ferret.", Pinetooth chuckled, gently sliding the tip of a gloved finger into bound ferret's butthole, grinning as she saw the inexperienced boy winch. "You know, I'm pretty sure I could find my strap on if you want to have some fun."

Piav shook his head no, terrified and embarrassed by the thought of being butt fucked by some woodlander's strap on.

"Perhaps another time, my pretty.", the squirrel chuckled as she secured a clean diaper about the young ferret's hips. "Well back to work."

She released Piav from the table, handing him back his dress as he got to his paws.

At least she didn't change me in public, _Piav thought as he slide his dress over his head. _I'd never live that humiliation down.

_ _

Tiltilla sighed as he watched the sun getting lower in the sky as his worries only rose higher and higher.

We're not going to make it if keeps costing so much, _the solid black ferret thought as his bounced his coin purse in his paw, grimacing as he felt its light weight. _If things keep going like this, we may have to indenture ourselves to somebeast.

_ _

He ducked into an alley as a squad of hare soldiers marched through the streets, led by a fearsome-looking sable buck, his face covered in scars.

Doesn't look like I want to tangle with him, _Tiltilla thought as stepped further into the shadows to conceal himself from the hares. _Things have been rough since the woodlanders took over.

_ _

The hares stopped in front of the alley, causing Tiltilla to curse mentally.

He crouched down behind a refuse bin, silently drawing a crude knife from his pocket.

_Looks like they're drilling, _Tiltilla observed, noting how the sable buck scrutinized his fellow hares, occasionally making adjustments with his pace stick.


_ _

Tiltilla mentally cursed himself as he accidentally disturbed an empty spirit bottle on the ground next to him, catching the hares' attention.

"Oui! Show yourself wot wot!", the sable hare ordered, drawing his dirk as his beasts readied themselves.

Thinking fast, Tiltilla grabbed the empty bottle and dropped the knife, staggering to his paws as though inebriated.

"Heeello shhu...", the ferret slurred, swaying as he waved the bottle about.

"Ugh...drunken vermin.", the sable hare grumbled, knocking the bottle from Tiltilla's grasp. "Get your drunken arse back to your filthy hovel, before I arrest you for public drunkenness."

"Yeesh shhuu...", Tiltilla slurred turning around and staggering back towards home. Ha, ye fell for it.