A Budding Community, 1 | by DolphinSanity

Story by teryxc on SoFurry

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Starting Season 2 of Yes, Commodore!

Following the events of Yes, Commodore, Teryx finds his life still manipulated by that titular alien slug who lives inside his head and feeds on pleasurable shifts in his neurochemistry. But when things get competitive between Commodore and his offspring-via-budding, Sir, the dragon finds himself thrust into an experimental gambit aimed to fine-tune just how many resources can be milked from him, and this experiment is not without its unusual outcomes...  (7.6k words)


Commission from dolphinsanityGallery Link: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/39984712/

Teryx woke up in a bland, flat, endless green grassland with cloudless sky all around, accented by the radiance of a freshly broken dawn.

Standing next to him was... himself. Naked and looking into the distance in thought. Showing off that dragon ass and pensively curled tail in the glow of the morning sun.

It was handsome and inspiring... but Teryx was also used to it by now.

"Right, then," said Teryx as he sat upright, also naked, and got to his feet. "Totally not awake. What're you thinking about today?"

"Optimization," said Commodore, whom Teryx had already rightly assumed was in control of this dreamworld doppelganger.

That was it. There was no elaboration whatsoever. There was also no attempt to subdue, tease, or rape the dreaming Teryx, who stood idle watching Commodore's tail tip slowly sway.

After several long and awkward seconds of this, Teryx began to feel a little like an unwanted observer -- like he had stumbled into the wrong toilet at a pub or something.

"Uh, so... going to black me out, or...?"

"I will want your input."

Teryx felt a little incredulous. "Input that you can't read straight from my brain normally."

"Correct. I require you to fill the role of a second voice. We will engage in a cerebral conversation and generate ideas for a more optimal course."

This was weird. The alienness was creeping back into Teryx's favorite alien... and it was creeping back in hard. He wasn't quite robot-sounding like way-back-when, but was instead operating in some uncanny valley between Teryx's own ways of analyzing stuff and the alien's presumed instinctive "default," whatever exactly that was. The weirdest part was hearing the stiff, academic word choices coming out in his own voice.

"Optimization of production. Optimization of budding. Optimization of infiltration and conquest. It is no longer the duty of one, but the duty of two. Or perhaps I should say, it is no longer the duty of two, but the duty of four."

Teryx decided to focus on the image of his own shapely rear end, thighs, and calves. Something about watching himself be the mouthpiece for an alien who was implying an eventual end of the current world in a silent infestation of mind-controlling slugs was getting him going in a big way.

...Or maybe not. Strangely, he didn't feel himself getting hard or anything like that. He would have thought it was a deliberate test or ploy by Commodore to kick off an erotic moment together, but maybe not...

"Your idea is good, but also inferior," said Commodore, still without looking at him.

"Er." Teryx hadn't said anything. Before he could do more than stammer, Commodore continued.

"Using images of yourself gets you off quickly and is a powerful tool, but more than mere sexual response triggers are needed for exploration now. I have already mastered those, and my offspring carries that experience. Progress will need to be found in an arena of greater depth and complexity. Perhaps it is time to delve into the advanced endocrine and neurological reactions that form this world's natural web of social chemistry."

"You're talking about love and bonding."

Commodore seemed almost to freeze at Teryx's use of the terms. Finally turning around, Commodore gazed at his host. The doppelganger's eyes were too wide, too open, and too predatory. They looked somewhere between a doll and a serial killer as he seemed to look right through Teryx.

Then, with a single blink of the eyes, everything changed. The posture relaxed. The persona came on. Commodore became, in the proper sense, "Commodore Teryx" again.

At that point, Commodore finally waved a hand as if to shoo away Teryx's choice of words. "Sure, use whatever shorthand you must. We both know by this point that your brain is not boundless and may need to shrink complicated things down to one-word abstractions."

Teryx developed a narrow-eyed expression. The insult against Teryx's intelligence aside, Commodore still seemed... off, somehow. "If my memories are correct--"

"Uh, doubtful?" Commodore snarked.

Teryx was insistent, pointing a finger at him: "--but, if they are, you don't tend to dwell on such things for too long, at least not while involving me in them. You tend to spend far more time milking me for resources directly."

"Yes, and I of all creatures am well aware that you are already jonesing for that. Just look at yourself."

Following a hand gesture from Commodore, Teryx glanced at his own groin and discovered that a set of five large "look here!" arrows had been body-painted onto him in a rainbow of colors. All five were pointing directly at his dick, which was currently sad and un-adored within his sheath-like slit.

"I didn't realize it was that obvious," said Teryx.

"If it's that obvious," -- he swirled a finger to point at the various arrows, "then it's that obvious. I've been crafting this dreamscape for some time to respond intuitively to the desires of those involved."

"I'm not sure it's working right then. I wish I was being serviced right now, but I don't even have an erection."

"Oh, you would be making it change, but I'm holding it back." He grinned, with shades of his orgasm-controlling attitude creeping in. "More important talk at the moment."

"No, I don't buy it. What's the matter? I'm your loyal servant, after all."

"Hmph. It's 'Sir.' He and I have been talking lately, in conversations that you won't remember. We have worked out that his current host has a marginally higher basic intellect than you do."

"Harry some kind of genius?"

"Not quite genius, but he is very 'bright,' as the expression goes. More specifically, his neural pathways can be pushed more aggressively with new information and these dream-like simulations than yours can."

"How much faster?"

"Difficult to calculate, but our estimates are around 2%."

"That's... not much."

"It is mathematically devastating, because this kind of difference in growth will compound upon itself over time. If I don't do something to keep the pace, 'Sir' will eventually pull ahead. Furthermore, since his first unique perspective was imprinted from the creative aspect of your personality, he is already predisposed to use aggressively iterative and 'creative' methods in manipulating Harry's nerves. He has the right body for it and is actively doing it."

"So you're jealous of yourself."

"I have to be!"

"You can use your host's perspective. You don't 'have to be' any one way... do you?"

"My true body still has instincts -- a black box which exists beneath this charade of merging with the host's identity. It wasn't apparent until I spawned another of me, but we must compete. You might say that our 'genes' tell us so."

Teryx sat down on a large gray rock which appeared conveniently to serve as a seat for him. The ground around them dissolved away into beach sand, and the ocean was in front of them. Behind them was a memory of Teryx's intact beach house, toward which neither of them glanced, even though both knew it was there.

To Teryx's surprise, Commodore materialized a rock of his own right next to Teryx's and sat down on it. Up close, he didn't quite look like he was seeking comfort, but one might've gotten the impression if viewing them from a far distance.

"I guess with you in my head all the time it's easy to forget that you aren't actually from here, huh." Teryx chuckled a bit, then added. "Look, maybe it's not all instincts. Maybe you're just assuming it is because of a small sample size."

"Hm. Unlikely."

"You did land on a world full of petty, jealous, territorial people. We're a bunch of animals down here. For starters, you know that my self image is a bit..." he trailed off and laughed a bit as he beheld the doppelganger, suggestively licking a finger and combing the claw through part of its mane.

"It takes on a life of its own," said Commodore in his best 'seduction' voice. It was a lovely mimicry of Teryx, and it might've aroused him nicely if not for the other issues lingering over the scene.

"Either way... if you want to try to get ahead of 'Sir Harry' by taking a more thoughtful approach, you know I won't hinder you any. Him being marginally faster doesn't necessarily mean that much if most of what he does amounts to trial and error."

"It won't stay that way for long, but you do have a point. In the near term, we are still the better team and should dominate... but we need to develop an edge that leverages you, the host, in ways that Harry cannot so readily be used."

"Well, I'm about a billion times handsomer and more popular than he is, so there's that."

Commodore laughed. It was a good laugh for an alien just mimicking a laugh. "You're exaggerating, but that is part of how you feed me... your ever-brewing lust for constant change, novelty, and self-aggrandizement and self-corruption."

All of the arrows around Teryx's groin had started glowing a fleshy pinkish red and seemed almost to throb as they gave off their light. Teryx was still totally flaccid, but he squirmed and grabbed Commodore's shoulders in frustration. "Dammit, Commodore, stop talking dirty to me if you're not going to follow through! You big tease! You biggest, sluggiest of teases!"

Commodore stood up, tail twitching quickly as an idea came to him. "Heheh. Maybe I could turn you into a cow. You're always so eager to be milked by me."

Teryx rolled with it as gracefully as he could. "Please don't. There is no way to make an udder work with my style of fashion."

"Mm. Then I guess I'll have to settle for one long, beautiful rod..."

Things were escalating. Teryx felt himself hardening up. Commodore was hard too, bearing down on him from above, shafts leaking against each other as his controller held him down against the rock.

Blue hands.

Warm sun.

Crashing waves.

A crisis of lust and need, rushing into Teryx's groin while his own seducing eyes stared back at him.

And at that moment, Teryx awoke for real to find himself on his back on his bed at home. His neck and upper back were curled forward. His dick was turgid in front of him above his arched-upward abs. His knees were bent upward and his feet were pulled in close to his rear, while his tail stuck out between them and was being actively gripped by his buttocks. His entire body was experiencing the sensation of having just passed "the point of no return."

Teryx had one second to admire the platelike ribbing on the ventral side of his cock before he took his own load straight between the eyes. Dizzying, beautiful spasms... a feeling of overwhelming bliss and a clenching so intense that it felt like some tiny homunculus of himself must be hiding deep inside him by his prostate, forcibly squeezing it and making it give up every drop.

Sir might be "the artist," but as far as Teryx was concerned, the apple had not fallen far from the tree. Commodore had a conniving, alien elegance to every plan he executed, and being swept up in it made the earlier awkwardness and lack of clear conclusion feel far more rewarding than he had been expecting. He envisioned wrapping his maw around his doppelganger's shaft and sucking him off in thanks... but no such thing happened per se, because Teryx was no longer in the dreamstate.

Today you will go find someone, Commodore instructed, as a sinister whisper in his thoughts.

"Mhhhrgh... yeah..." Teryx was out of his mind with pleasure and would've said that in response to virtually anything Commodore put forward.

Find someone you can 'love,' so that I may observe these reactions in more detail. You will do this for your Commodore. You will do this naturally, as if I were not here.

"Yes, Commodore..."

Good. I will observe until the time is right. Since I can already feel you doubting having the right reaction with any of the dozens of other men with whom you currently play, we will also make things more interesting and give you a target of the opposite sex instead. For today, as an experiment, I will enhance your reproductive instincts. You will hear their call and obey, for the good of your Commodore's experiment.

The faintest beginning of an objection rose into Teryx's thoughts before getting vaporized in a flurry of neurological tampering. The world winked dark around him twice before fading to black, taking all of his thoughts and concerns with it.

Only the pleasure remained -- a thoughtless, blissful hum of supremely narrowed perception. With time, even that faded, and there was nothing more of Teryx's consciousness... until there was again.

* * *

Teryx got out of bed a few minutes later unaware that anything had changed. Indeed, he was currently unaware of a great many things, including the fact that he was the host for a brain-infiltrating alien life form that fed on neurotransmitters. He was simply Teryx! All of his memories made perfect sense. His work for the day -- it was a Friday, thank goodness -- was all in perfect order, and the day went quite smoothly, as if he had planned it all out in advance. (And why wouldn't he have done so? He was Teryx, the best rain dragon around!)

Not a single thing seemed out of the ordinary at all until the sun had gone down and Teryx was debating where exactly to spend the evening. He didn't have any existing plans, and he was in the mood for something... different. He wasn't yet sure what.

He thought about that as he headed downtown, letting himself take in the sights and seeing what might strike his fancy.

What struck his fancy ended up being a tabby cat lady in the Cabana, a tiny bar and grill that was known to be among the more respectable singles' hangouts in the area. She was predominantly sandy brown, sitting at the bar and staring thoughtfully at the wall-mounted television when Teryx cruised in. The fact she was looking at the TV rather than another person or a mobile device drew his curiosity toward her -- and then toward what she was watching. It was live footage of a major urban fire in a distant country, with the cameras capturing firehoses going full blast against the blaze and an offscreen reporter providing a voice over for context.

"Sooo... what disaster's befalling the world now?" Teryx asked as he approached, not seating himself immediately but lingering by the empty spot beside her.

"Oh, it's awful." She had a serious alto voice and seemed self-confident. Folding her hands together on the counter, she continued, "Major apartment complex on fire. They don't know yet whether it's terrorists or an accident with somebody's stove."

Teryx nodded. "Probably someone's stove. This seat taken?"

"Oh, no. Go for it."

He smiled broadly and plopped down beside her, seeming as interested in the broadcast as she was. He took a slow breath and caught the scent of her perfume, a cooling herbal fragrance which he suspected was from one of the more ideal brands: expensive enough to be of good quality, but not priced to be a status symbol for the wealthy. First impression so far: probably a reasonably successful businesswoman.

The barkeep came around, and Teryx ordered what amounted to a snack while continuing to watch the firefighters struggle with the inferno. Now that he was a little closer, he could see that she had a beautiful cream-colored fur pattern around her neck -- poofier than average for a tabby, in a way that reminded him of his own mane. Maybe she had some other cat in her ancestry somewhere?

"So why do you think it's someone's stove?" she asked him.

"I dunno. Just doesn't seem like burning a random stack of flats makes much of a social statement, and I'd imagine terrorists would want that."

"Mm, probably, yeah. Gosh, though, all those people having to get out of there. It has to be scary... and to think, it's dawn there, all the way around the world."

"World's a small place and a really big one too. Funny thing, that."

She smiled a little as her drink, a cute little cocktail with lime and a straw, arrived. "You seem like the thoughtful sort. Bother keeping up with the news much?" Her tone implied doubt that current events were even worth keeping up with anymore, despite her own equally apparent interest in doing so.

"Not usually on TV nowadays, but I do."

As he continued to chat with her, Teryx soon found that he had an unusually encyclopedic knowledge of current events, and the more he thought about them and discussed them, the more memories would arise. This idea reminded him of that event which reminded him of yet another thing that a key political figure had said. He was on a roll, and ready to make observations about all of them. How much news had he been reading lately? Or maybe his retention was simply improving.

"So, what's a handsome thing like you doing in a cozy, wholesome singles' bar?" She said it wryly, as if already anticipating the truth.

"Rare thing tonight, but I'm sort of alone and bored for the evening. Teryx Commodore."

"Amelia," she said in reply. "Strauss."

"You wear nice perfume," he commented.

"So do you," she said with a little grin.

"Hey, that's cologne."

"Very flowery cologne."

"Do you not like flowery?"

She giggled. "It's not common around here."

"Common?" He gestured one hand's fingertips against his chest. "I try not to be."

"Yeah, well..." She looked down at her lap and blinked strangely. Then she shrugged. "Common is fine too, though," she finished vaguely as she refocused her gaze onto the screen.

Teryx now found himself in an awkward situation. He didn't normally go for women, but he was finding himself oddly charmed by this one... and he liked to think that she was feeling at least mildly charmed by him, too. He supposed he should have gone to a male singles' bar to prevent this problem, but it normally wasn't a problem. Even the silly M-shaped dark pattern on her forehead was cute. It looked like she had some sort of magical M-glyph drawn there, with a few little dark wedges and dots ringing the edges of it like some ancient cuneiform writing.

She was so ordinary, but also a perfectly serviceable and real person, thus far. Granted, he knew next to nothing about her personal life, but the vibes she gave off were promising.

Then, all at once, like a teenager discovering lust for the first time, Teryx felt himself developing an unwanted erection. It was not just a bit of swelling, but a hard-on that suggested readiness for immediate sex. It pressed with an almost painful rigidity into the fabric of his briefs and casual pants, and he inhaled deeply through his nose to try to hide the sudden discomfort.

Amelia seemed not to notice his change in physiology, distracted as she was by whatever she was now thinking about. Teryx, however, suddenly found himself wanting to come on really strong and was having to hold himself back a bit.

"Hm, I totally came here looking for a date," he admitted to her. "Not that it's a big deal. No one I already know is here tonight, but meeting people is always good too."

"Ah, so you like getting with girls you've already met at least once before?" She sounded almost... snide about it? But it was hard to tell.

"I would say that in general it's a good idea. After all, a good relationship is built on a foundation of trust and many interactions over time."

"Do your other girlfriends like your flowery perfume?" Her tail was swishing as she smirked back at him and sipped her drink.

"Cologne," he said with narrowed eyes, folded arms, and a clear willingness to meet her teasing with his own. "As for girlfriends, well." He thought about it. "Yes."

She raised a brow at his odd way of responding about his "other girlfriends." She sipped again and let it go without inquiring further, while Teryx munched on part of his own food.

As she turned back toward the TV, she said, "Well, I'm glad you're honest and thinking ahead. Makes you seem nicer than a lot of guys."

Teryx smiled. "Yeah, same to you. You seem well-grounded." The stiffy in his pants was weeping pre. He struggled to ignore it but was afraid he was going to have a visible moist spot at the front of his pants before long -- damn his draconic virility! "Why don't you and I go for a walk or something?" he nevertheless asked, the words spilling out of his mouth as the urge for bonding and closeness with this female coursed through him like a drug. Shyness and the urge to prove himself were both prickling within -- far more than the normal "butterflies" feeling that he would get before asking out almost anybody. This was more than nervousness about rejection... this was that, plus some primal need to achieve something that he didn't understand...

He caught himself. He realized maybe he was staring at her too much. Then he remembered it didn't matter, because she still wasn't looking at him. The room seemed brighter -- were his pupils dilating? Oh heavens, why were they dilating so much?

"Thanks for the offer but... mmm."

She mostly seemed lost in thought, but Teryx in his flash of arousal (and the tamperingly imposed imperative to breed) was having trouble noticing that for what it was. He blinked slowly and tried to think of something else to say. "We could go to a proper restaurant and talk about our lives over a nicer dinner. What do you say?"

"Ehh, gods..."

She seemed frustrated in a way that he didn't understand. Was it at him? At something else? At some_one_ else?

She turned and gave him her little smile again, her eyes lingering on his face and mane. "Sorry, uh... I should go. You've got really nice hair by the way." Then she sipped away the last of her drink before standing and moving to pay. She looked back at him with an awkward smile, but he didn't say anything. He just looked back at her wondering about her reaction. Then she was off paying, and then she was leaving the bar.

What... what the hell had just happened? He had to wonder about it, on multiple levels. He also had to step away to the washroom, as that stiffy in his pants was subsiding, and the amount of pre that was leaving the deflating shaft was now far too much to ignore.

* * *

Teryx stared at himself in the mirror: lovely, neatly dressed... it was just him, as always. Manly, yet refined. Blue scales and golden hair. Determined yellow eyes that could make anyone who met them know that he meant business.

Why did it all feel somehow... hollow? Like there was a secret he wasn't telling anyone, not even himself? The more he tried to puzzle that out, the more it eluded him.

Why did he even... want her? Was he going through an early midlife crisis? He could hardly imagine it happening to him -- he certainly wasn't someone crippled by insecurity over not propagating his species; if anything, he was normally the one who laughed the most at such notions, before continuing right on with wining and dining his steadily rotating whirlwind of male sexual partners. He was Teryx, for goodness' sake!

The very thought annoyed him enough to make him straighten up and puff up a bit -- physically, he inhaled and spread his arms and flexed them along his sides, imagining how he would look right now topless. By habit, he posed for himself often enough that imagining it was not at all difficult, and he did not let himself succumb to the silly insecurity of checking his phone's camera for a selfie for confirmation. He knew what he had and how to market it to his primary target audience, and that was that!

But... why did he still kind of want her?

He shook his head. It just didn't make any sense, and he decided that he was through with stressing himself about it. The issue continued to gnaw at him a bit from the inside, but he stopped letting it keep him in front of a mirror when he ought to be out there showing himself to someone else.

When he came back out, he found someone else sitting on the stool in Amelia's place. At a glance from the rear right side, they looked narrow built, with light blue head fur, some sort of long ears, and white face fluff... wearing some sort of close-fitting brown leather jacket that obscured the rest of her... his... the rest of their build.

Teryx blinked. He didn't normally have any trouble nailing someone's apparent gender at a glance. As he stepped closer, he realized the person at the counter was a sergal, at which point he relaxed and stopped doubting himself. Sergals could be tricky... when they were clothed, anyway.

Composing himself easily enough, he sat down next to the new patron and looked them over more closely. Extra fluffy mane, stark white face and chest fur, pretty golden eyes with pronounced slit pupils and a cute blue wave pattern in the fur under the eyes. A noble-looking face.

The sergal grinned at him, showing those typical short spike-teeth and a bit of that snaky tongue, whose color matched the blue from the fur. Then they closed their mouth again, flattening their mouth into a tight-lipped smile as they looked away. Just a little. Sort of eying Teryx sidelong with one of those lovely golden peepers.

Teryx wasn't sure what gender this one was, but he could tell they were shy. He knew this kind of shyness when he saw it.

The dragon put two fingers on his own right cheek, tilted his head aside a bit to show of his mane, and asked, "So what's a cute thing like you doing here?"

The sergal got one of those "you could almost see the blushing through the fur" looks and turned more fully away from him, before shaking their head as if shrugging off some sort of burden.

"Mr. Commodore, was it...?" said the sergal, whose voice was hushed and soft. Deep enough to be a man's, yet still with some ambiguity.

"Teryx Commodore. You've heard of me."

"Why, yes. Though I think this is perhaps not your usual venue?"

Teryx glowered at the sergal and whispered, "Don't let them know that!"

The sergal giggled and smiled more widely. "Forgive me; I didn't mean any disrespect."

"Heh. Well, none taken." Thankfully, the background noise was enough that what had been said was seemingly overheard by no one, or at the very least no one who cared. "Though, if you know of me because of that, then that means..."

The sergal kept smiling, seeming to gain mastery over their shyness as they continued talking under the radar about their mutual involvement in the local males-only clubbing scene. "I get around in various places. I have seen you a few times. You seemed like a nice person."

Teryx was not exactly predatory when it came to sex, but he did have strong drives. Something today was odd, however: on a normal day, he would now be ready to start wining and dining this likely male sergal with consideration for possibly getting into his pants before the night was over. Indeed, he had been feeling that same drive building up after first seeing him... but now that he felt surer that it was a him, Teryx was feeling that flame flickering out a little.

That... wasn't very Teryx-like, come to think of it. Why was he even talking to that woman in the first place? Yet, the thought of her still made him a bit... fluttery.

Teryx noticed the way his own expression was souring as he thought of this on the fly. From the way the sergal's face changed, that one had noticed it as well.

"Ah... I hope I didn't say something wrong," the sergal said in an apologetic tone, while looking puzzled.

"Oh. No, not at all. I, uh... actually think I'd like to get out of here and head someplace that feels more like home."

"Oh? Like where?"

Teryx thought about it. "Probably... home."

The sergal smiled again. There was something amusingly perfect about the statement. "Okay. Well, take care!" He paused for a moment and chuckled as Teryx stood up. Then he looked down at the bar counter, seeming to deliberately avoid eye contact as Teryx read his body language.

"You don't have a date," Teryx stated calmly while pointing a finger.

"Nope!" admitted the sergal.

"Wanna come with?" he offered.

The sergal looked at him as if he couldn't be serious and laughed. Then looked away. Then looked back at him. Teryx still had the same friendly expression and was not cracking up. "Goodness, that's sudden!" said the sergal as he stood up too.

"It is, but it's warranted."

"Oh? Pray tell, why?" The sergal sounded more amused than judgey.

Teryx leaned in close and whispered, "Because I think I'm either desperately horny or having an early midlife crisis. I can't tell which."

The sergal giggled so hard that he nearly fell over and had to steady himself on the counter. "That's quite a range! What do you mean you can't tell?"

"I don't know; that's what makes it interesting! Now come on, I think I hear the bus pulling up!"

* * *

Teryx, as it turned out moments later, had heard correctly. They darted over to it and rode back over to Teryx's building. By the end of their brief rides on the bus and the lift, Teryx had learned the basic information: that the sergal was named Halley, that he was indeed male ("Isn't that also a woman's name?" Teryx had initially asked, in a strangely hopeful tone for him), and that his day job was as an airline pilot, which he took quite seriously and dutifully. He was active in various local gay scenes, but he tended to be one of the early-to-leave types, due to wanting to keep to a strict sleep schedule in order to be fresh for his work.

Within ten minutes of arriving at Teryx's flat, they were sitting at the little table in Teryx's kitchen. Teryx's head was in his hands in frustration, though he would occasionally still stroke backward to fluff at the sides of his mane. It made the uncomfortable conversation topic a little more manageable, somehow.

"I don't understand it," admitted Teryx. "I'm suddenly thinking about... starting a family. That kind of thing. I sort of fumbled my way into going and cruising for women tonight. Women, of all things!"

Halley had to laugh a little. "Well, maybe you have gotten bored. Let's face it, any man around here ought to enjoy a night with someone like you. Maybe you feel like women are your next step towards total conquest."

Teryx waved the idea away. "No, seriously, it's not like that. I got... goosebumpy with her. It was really weird!" He froze for a second. "Wait... is that... how all the guys feel with me?"

Halley seemed to get a little sheepish at that. "Well, uh..." He raised an index finger as if to gesture about a point he was going to make, and then curled the fingertip inward so that it rested against his lip. Then he tapped his face a couple of times.

"I'm so sorry!" Teryx said in a moment of comical self-realization. "That kind of bashfulness has to feel most frustrating."

"You're... serious," said Halley after thinking about it for a moment and shifting his eyes around. "You're not making fun of me."

"No, of course not! I just didn't realize--"

The sergal laughed out loud. "You're not a nice person at all! You're a terrible person!"

Teryx rolled with it: "Well, sometimes! I don't always notice when people--"

"Goodness, why are you so amazingly weird? This deeply homosexual beauty king who suddenly wants" -- Halley's tone shifted abruptly -- "uhm, actually, hold on..."

Teryx blinked slowly and watched as the sergal... felt of his own leather jacket, which he had declined to remove upon entering the flat. He felt along the length of the arms and seemed to think about something intently.

Teryx leaned forward. Something, somewhere in his hormones and neurology became weirdly hopeful. "You're... what're you wearing under there?"

Halley stood up and removed the leather jacket, taking about ten seconds to do so. He did the initial bits relatively quickly but pulled off each sleeve with a kind of slowed-down, stripper-like grace and emphasis.

Pink. White. One after the other.

Halley was wearing intensely girly looking arm warmers under the jacket.

Also, he wasn't wearing anything else on his torso. Just that white chest fur, lush and rubbable. Teryx already wanted to run his fingers through it.

Halley must have seen something in Teryx's expression. Perhaps it was pupils swelling a bit. Perhaps it was his lower jaw drooping open to show his tongue. Whatever clued him in, it was enough to prompt him to as, "Shall I continue?"

"You better," said Teryx, now grinning.

The sergal undid his belt and black pants and quickly cast them down to his ankles. Panties: pink, gorgeous silken panties, holding back a half-hard tapered sergal shaft. He stepped back and kicked the pants gracefully away into a corner of the kitchen, showing off in the process the thigh-length stockings he was also wearing -- a matching color to both the arm warmers and the panties themselves. The total aesthetic drew Teryx's gaze unavoidably to the sergal's groin... and then, to the sergal's ass, as he turned sideways to give the dragon an eyeful.

Something about the way Teryx scrutinized him seemed to give Halley one last rush of shyness. After taking a deep breath, the sergal said, "I wasn't expecting to get to show this off for someone who would care tonight, but..."

"Oh, I care," said Teryx, his tone making evident the buttons that were being pressed for him.

"So, do I look... girly enough for you?" Halley asked, even as his erection became prominent in the panties.

"You succubus!" Teryx playfully growled as he hopped out of his chair and ran around the table to get behind him. His cock was absolutely turgid in his pants, and he grabbed onto Halley's right shoulder a moment later with his teeth, nippling firmly enough into the fur to be erotic.

"Mmm, shall that be a yes, then, sir?"

"I don't know why I like it so much tonight, but I damn like it. I'm not going to overthink it and be happy about it."

"I suppose you also keep lube in your kitchen," the sergal teased.

"As a matter of fact, yes. Though with an uppity tone like that, I have half a mind to use VegOil."

"Please don't, I'd be smelling of it for days. It's hard enough to get out of my fur when I cook!"

"You really want this, don't you. You're a submissive little--"

"I don't mind helping you with what you need, Mr. Commodore," said Halley politely. "I, a--ahh..."

Teryx was rubbing his hand sensually down along the bulge in the panties. Then he yanked the sergal back near the sink.

A quick opening of a cabinet and a fast reach-down procured the lube. A few seconds of fiddling got it open. A few more seconds of awkwardly double-teaming Teryx's pants got his ridged erection free. He was raging hard and focused, not even bothering to get his pants out from around his ankles as he lathered himself and Halley's rear up for the fun.

He didn't know what this was. It wasn't love at first sight -- not his usual kind, anyway -- but some kind of raw animal passion with a different flavor from his norm. He needed to rut. He needed to cum. End of discussion.

And that was exactly what Teryx did. Bent forward over the kitchen table, Halley moaning under him as his entire impressive length and girth disappeared into the sergal's experienced but relatively unsuspecting rear. Halley had been technically ready for being penetrated tonight; he simply hadn't expected it to come from a high-profile guy like this, nor for it to happen in a kitchen, standing and bent forward...

Teryx went at it for a couple of minutes before briefly pulling out. The pleasure was dwindling for him and he wanted a different angle. So Halley got on his knees on a chair and rested his face and arms on the back of it, while Teryx freed himself the rest of the way from his pants and let his cock throb like living stone in the cool air. Then Teryx squatted a little angling up and getting even deeper than before, hilting the sergal fully and slapping his sack against the other man's taint. The fluff felt good against his balls, which had seldom felt so full and so purposeful as they did right now...

"Heh... who's my obedient girly man?" Teryx asked him.

"A-ah... it's me, it's me!"

Halley reached down and pressed a hand against his belly, moaning louder as he felt how Teryx was pressing against his insides. A moment later, the sergal was shooting seed onto the kitchen floor -- which bothered Teryx not at all in this profoundly horny state -- and Teryx himself growled deeply with lust as he approached his dommy climax.

The sergal's groin and rear were still freshly tingly from the orgasm when the dragon's shaft hilted and the growl evolved into a roar. Halley's lean butt flattened out hard against the dragon's hips; the throbs of ejaculation became cock-shaped pulses of pressure against Halley's inner walls. The seed spurting in was exceptionally thick and heavy, as if Teryx had not gotten off over a week. Teryx rubbed a hand along Halley's right thigh -- swept it down and felt the girth of his own prick bulging against the sergal's taint with each pulse. The two existed together -- breathed, and felt their respective hearts pounding.

It was a brilliant climax by Teryx's standards. Like his ejaculation, the rain dragon's glow of pleasure was correspondingly gooey and warm, developing slowly at first before intensifying in a long, drawn-out cascade. All of the subtle burdens of sexual tension left him, and a heated feeling of goodness buzzed up him from his groin to somewhere above his head. All of that fussy need he had felt earlier -- the woman, everything -- it was as if he had launched every trace of it right out with his semen.

"You know," mused Teryx, "there is a legend in my family that the true, ancestral form of a dragon could make anybody pregnant. Anybody."

"A-aahh... don't even--you truly are full of yourself!"

"Right now you seem to be pretty full of me too."

The sergal's tone sounded like someone fervently blushing: "Y-yes, and I like it very much...!"

"Mhhrr..." Teryx leaned over Halley and nibble-nuzzled at his shoulders and neck. Already, he felt as if there was something special about this Halley.

With a little smile, Halley giggled and said, "So... you'll be leaving now to find a woman..."

"Hell. No. You shush and let me enjoy you."

"The stockings and warmers did it for you that much?"

"Oh, I enjoyed them, but it's far more than that. You have this softness and niceness to you." He pet fondly over the sergal's waist fluff.

"Perhaps you only thought you wanted 'womanly' when 'girly' was more your style?"

"Maybe. Maybe I just wanted you."

"Oh, you! You say that to everyone!"

"Do not. Wanna stay over?"

"Mmph... yes...? I didn't bring--"

"I'll ride with you to your place to pick up anything you like." Teryx wasn't sure where this added sense of bonding was coming from, but it was piling on stronger than it usually did after a climax. As he finally pulled out, he said, "then we can come back and do whatever you like. All night."

The sergal was taken aback but felt a surge of gratitude. "Well, sure! I'd hate to get in the way of this much excitement."

"Doesn't have to all be sex. We could just sleep."

"Mm, but then I wouldn't get a chance to taste you once I've helped give you a bath..."

"Haha, you're as hungry as I am."

"Perhaps!" said Halley as he went off with Teryx for some basic initial cleanup.

...And so their night continued, with Commodore listening silently and forgotten in the background.

* * *

It wasn't until sometime around three in the morning -- as Teryx lay awake and somehow half-hard again, with a contented Halley dozing on his chest -- that Commodore finally reminded Teryx of his existence.

You complete animal, said the head-voice. You bred that ass like it was going to have your kids.

Flickering recognition began in Teryx's mind. A cascade of remembrance. Ideas and things and events and...

The rain dragon inhaled sharply, yet normally. What would have been a gasp was suppressed by Commodore... like an owner holding rigidly on a leash and not letting his pet explore too far too fast.

Under that steadying influence, Teryx glanced down at Halley for a moment. At first, he felt the same confusion that he might feel at being suddenly approached with familiarity by a complete stranger. After a second longer, his thoughts unscrambled enough that he was able to remember his circumstances clearly again.

He was, indeed, really into this sergal. Using him as an aesthetic substitute for a woman, though...

And whose fault is that? Teryx remarked.

Commodore ignored him. Color me intrigued. These results were very interesting.

The rain dragon's body moved according to Commodore's will, the fingers petting over the sleeping Halley's back fur. Teryx was denied bodily control for the moment, but he felt every sensation, awake and aware as Commodore's seamlessly manipulated puppet.

Look, I know what you say, goes, said Teryx with some resignation as his fingers continued exploring the sergal's soft fluff. There's no question anymore, but what was your real angle on this, trying to make me go for women? Surely you of all people would know I'm about as straight as a coiled leather whip.

Kinky, but not absolutely true. I can straighten that whip out if it were ever useful to do so -- to a point, anyway. The way your attractions homed back in on this male sergal despite my best efforts was fascinating. The power of your brain to match up desired qualities on a point by point basis in a symbolic fashion... simply fascinating!

You sound more like Sir. You sure you two didn't get switched by accident or something? Harry been over recently?

The petting stopped, with Teryx's hand pulling back to give his own thigh a playful squeeze. Definitely not Sir. Of that I can assure you. I am, however, borrowing some tactics from his... notes , shall we say.

Teryx understood. Seeing as he's your clone, I guess this is just you doing you.

Yes, indeed. Anyway, you needn't worry about more female-seeking escapades for the time being. If I decide to pursue that avenue further, I will explain better before going forward. For now, this sergal intrigues me far more. The way he triggers your chemicals is... efficient.

Then I'll certainly keep spending time with him... just, don't infest him.

Commodore was not amused. I make those decisions.

Yeah, but if you infest him too soon, you won't get to see the full breadth of what he does to me. With a little sarcasm, Teryx added, Maybe it really is the fabled 'love' you've already heard so much about when piloting me around?

The alien was far more entertained at that notion. Hah. Fine, for now he will be a 'special friend' under observation. This does, however, mean you will need to be seeking more partners besides him. I somehow doubt he will object.

Fine by me. We could find someone else tomorrow if you wanted.

The puppetry over Teryx's body subsided, but Commodore kept talking. Give it another day. I can feel the time for budding fast approaching, but I am not quite there yet.

Late night at the end of the weekend? That's rough.

Don't complain. I can make your brain less tired.

Hnh, okay. Teryx grinned to himself a bit. I mean, 'Yes, Commodore.'

The governing voice went quiet, emitting only a smug feeling of contentment as Teryx lay there resting. Soon enough the dragon fell asleep -- and when he awoke, he would once again recall nothing of the alien presence snuggled up against his brain.