Sonic XL chapter 2 Truths Revealed

Story by RaiColdbane on SoFurry


Sonic XL chapter 2 Truths Revealed

As akima stood there with a grin hed sniff the air abit looking right at tails befor pointing at him "Tails you should come with me" sonic steps in front of tails now glaring at him "back off buddy! tails isnt going with some shaddy fella like yourself!" this would only bring a laugh from akima befor appearing in front of sonic and smacking him across the cheek sending him flying into a tree.

Tails seeing this runs but is soon cought by akima pulling out a spray and using it on tails making him fall asleep* "What have you done to him!" sally had a horrified look on her face as akima shoots a glare at her smiling abit "hes fine just sleeping for the long trip" just then shadow appears and grabs tails befor kicking akima right through a tree setting tails down sally comes and takes tails into one of the huts.

Shadows eyes focused on akima as he stood grinning again "so the famous shadow the hedgehog shows himself about time little boy blue was no match for me so bring it on!" befor they could fight amy steps in between them eyes glowing red as she brought out her gaint hammer and smacks them both into a big rock "HOW DARE YOU HURT MY SONIC!"

Meanwhile in robo tropolis a blue fox female named sophia was sneaking around she had one tail she wears a short red tank top complete with black pants, black gloves with the finger tips cut off and green shoes, she was holding the blue chaos emerald as she trys to sneak out of the factory avoiding the robotisized mobians on the way stoping at a chamber to see a red hedeghog with 3 hairs on the front like amy's with blue on there end floating in a tube.

"snivly! whats the status on are mystic realm guardian?" snivly groaning abit checks the computer next to the red hedgehogs capsule "hes healthy sir...... robotnick..... if you dont mind me asking why are you risking keeping the mystic realms guardian here? his nega gems cant possibly help you can they?" this made robotnick laugh befor sighing happily "its simple snivly were going to use him to ride areselfs of sonic..... then we will kill him and keep his nega gems they contain infinite amounts of negative energy i can use to power my deathegg...."

upon hearing it all sophia runs off heading back to the village after they had tied akima up and places him under watch also putting rubber on the ropes to keep his powers in check sonic seeing sophia walking up to her as she tells him everythang sonic speeding off to sally's hut knocking on the door as shed open it and invite sonic in "well sonic whats up" sonic sighs and looks at her "sophia told me some info thats got me thinking" that line of course brings up an old joke of sally's "oh? trying something new are we?" this gets sonic alittle anoyyed befor he starts to tell her.

"sally sophia just told me that robotnick has captured some guardian of i think she said mystic realm who he plans to use to kill me can nicole tell us anythang on him?" sally searchs her dresser pulling out her handheld nicole and comes back to sonic "lets find out nicole bring up any infomation on the mystic realm guardian" nicole starts her search befor making her comfirming beeping noise "there is a legend around him sally..... the legend goes like this..... that about 500 years ago two realms exsisted side by side mobians able to reely go to each one but a desaster happens and the portals to that realm are closed off forever today the legend states that one day the guardian of that realm who wields the elemental power of fire will reopen the portals and grant mobians free access to the realm once more"

sonic and sally look at eachother surprised "sonic..... if what nicole is saying is true and robotnick has found a way to open the portals again...... he will have alot of power on his side....." sonic clenchs his fist clearly upset by this terrible turn of events "as if that black fox wasnt enough trouble eggman goes and captures the mystic realms guardian...... sally.... get a plan set up for the morning we are going to go and rescue the guardian....."

to be continued....................