The Horneby Ghost

Story by Protos on SoFurry

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Every town has a haunted house, but only some haunted houses have horny ghosts inside.


There are legends about the manor on the hill, many of them.

Stories whispered by children to their friends, after sprinting past it's arching gates and feeling a deep chill take hold in their spines. Tales muttered by adults driving by, unfortunate enough to look away from the road at the wrong moment and catching a glimpse of the building staring back at them with it's empty, lifeless windows.

All warped, twisted things best put out of mind as soon as they spring up. Each and every one a story better left untold.

Worst of all, most of them, almost all even, were completely untrue. Just tall-tales generated over the years from a multi-generational game of "Telephone", but even common sense cannot save people from the shivers. It can't save them from the few truths hiding inside the creaking walls either.

Nobody is safe from the gaze of the manor, or the shadows that pervade it's core. Yet, through the phases of the moon, the shifting of seasons, and the passing of the years, it's gates again and again sway open with rusted metal groans, wrenched loose by the curiosity of fools.

The dumb, the brave, the gamblers and the scholars, all had graced it's decaying beauty time and time again, and they would continue to do so until the building finally ceased to be. They would wander it's massive halls, snapping pictures, waiting out dares, each walking the same steps as the last, separated only by the thin veil of time. In the end, they all leave as empty handed as they had entered.

... At least, most of them do.

Every so often, when the days grow short and the ghosts of the past begin to stir, the manor and its residents come to life once more... and new stories are written over the urban legends of yore for a lucky few to take back with them.


"Damn it Richard!"

"Why are you yelling at me!? You're the one who needs to get taller!"

"No, you're the one who needs to get taller! You're like an inch taller than me, and I'm short!"

"Just grab the ledge and open the window! My back is going to give out! I thought cats were supposed to be spry!"

"Then why aren't you up here Mr. Big Strong Mountain Lion? Wait, wait I've got it! Push me a little further!"

Richard grunted and moved onto the tips of his toes, pads squishing uncomfortably under all the weight. Maria was stretching as far as she could, fingers only just poking over the high ledge of the window, claws extended as far she could get them, trying to get a grip on anything to support herself.

There was a faint scraping noise, then the groaning of old, rotten wood, and the anxiety Richard could feel wafting down onto him lessened.

"Alright, I think... Yeah, I've got a hold! Get me further up! And don't you dare try and sneak a peek at anything!"

Richard carefully took a power stance, slowly spreading his muscular legs and bending at the knees. He maneuvered his hands just under Maria's shoes on his shoulders, and slid his fingers beneath them. With a grunt, he heaved his arms up and pushed her as far as he could. His arms screamed in fury at his decision, and he felt like he damn near launched her onto the roof, but he had managed to do what needed to be done. He would also swear, if asked, that he had not looked up at her panties, and that her puffy black tail had covered his eyes the entire time. He certainly wouldn't pass a polygraph, though.

Maria gave her own grunt above him, and with a few creaks and a firm rattle, the ancient window slammed upward, flecks of mold green paint finally losing their battle against time and fluttering onto the dead grass crunching beneath the pair.

"I did it! I got a grip, alright!" Maria exclaimed, proud at the strength of their teamwork.

Quickly, the weight lifted fully from Richard's shoulders, and he happily lowered his throbbing arms to his sides and looked above him.

Maria skillfully pulled herself the rest of the way onto the sill, the shadows of the trees making her appear as nothing more than a feline silhouette, back arched and body in prime position to let out a yowl that could strike fear into an entire army. She once again dug her claws into the wood below her, and carefully lowered a helping hand down to her friend.

"You've got a good grip? I'm not going to pull you down?" Richard asked. Maria double checked her hold and happily nodded yes. Dutifully, he grabbed her hand and prepared himself to jump.

"Alright, now don't just heft me as hard as you can, if you overshoot we're both going to go flying. Is there anything we can use to get back down on the other side of that window?"

Maria glanced down to her left, studying the things that only she could see. The floor wasn't far off, and nothing was in the way of their descent. There was a small table to the left with a dainty covering that was probably more cobweb than fabric, but nothing else of note.

"Yeah it's just a few feet down, we'll be fine. Ready?"

Richard glanced around him. Left, right, left again, behind him, into the rustling line of overgrown trees, left again towards the road that seemed so far away. Everything was clear.

This wasn't so much "breaking and entering" as it was "shimmying things out of the way and entering", but he doubted the police would care about specifics if the two of them got busted doing this. Sneaking into the old Horneby Mansion was definitely not the best or most legal way the two of them could have come up with to celebrate the spooky holidays, but damn if his heart wasn't racing from it.

Truth be told, it wasn't only from exertion either. How long had the two of them known each other now? A lifetime, technically. Everyone knows everyone else in small towns, but it had only been a few months ago that they actually realized the other existed. All those years of growing up and being right next to each other without even knowing it. Any time they were near each other, their chests started to ache, but neither knew about the other's pain.

"Alright, on three! One! Two! Three!" they said in unison.

Richard instantly became weightless, flying through the air. Panels of the home's siding flew past his eyes at incredible speeds as he ascended like some sort of divine homewrecker.

His arm was being pulled hard, and his body was barely able to keep up with the force. If her yank had any more force behind it, he could only imagine the noises that would be coming out of his shoulder right now. Right now though, those noises were coming from right in front of him, and in a way just as terrible.

There was an intense snapping and a loud crack, as well as an earful of profanities as he began to slow, some that he had never even heard before. Richard's eyes met Maria's for a brief and fleeting moment, before she was swallowed up by the dark shadows inside the building as the wall just beneath the window collapsed and threw her backwards.

He felt her claws digging into his arm, deeply, and he frantically began to flail his own limbs trying to latch onto something to keep them both upright. His large claws grazed the window that had just been hefted open, and for just a second, Richard thought that maybe it would keep hold long enough for the two of them to steady themselves.

But maybe he was wrong about that. No, no he was definitely wrong about that. He knew immediately and clearly that he was extremely wrong.

Once their weights had combined, the window immediately popped loose and came down harder than it had gone up. In a stroke of pure luck and feline reaction, Richard managed to pull his free arm close enough to himself not to lose any fingers, but still felt as one of his claws was sheared clean off.

In an instant, everything went dark, trapping the pair in inky blackness as they crashed onto the table that had seemed so far away. It humored them for a second, maybe two, before deciding it just wasn't worth it and shattering beneath them, sending both of them the final few feet to the floor with a loud thud that echoed through the vacant hallway.


Standard practice after a heavy, unplanned fall is to wiggle your fingers and toes, working your movements into your arms and legs, then your core, to make sure that nothing is broken, or even worse, missing. Richard did just that, extending his mostly intact claws, making sure he could move them, his fingers, his limbs, everything without issue. Satisfied that he was not in immediate danger of losing his life, he breathed out into the darkness and stopped his wiggling, yet the wiggling did not stop in return.

All along his backside and legs he could feel something undulating, shifting and squirming tightly against him. It started to move harder, pushing into him, trying to get inside, slithering around his body and trying to envelop him. In a moment of sheer panic, Richard opened his mouth and let out a high-pitched scream, before something quickly clamped down over his face and muffled his cries. This, without saying, only made him scream louder.

"RICHARD FOR THE LOVE OF GOD STOP SCREAMING AND GET YOUR ASS OFF OF ME!" Maria hissed from beneath him, hand growing wet from the spit it was catching in her weak attempt to save her ears from the splitting noise. She only had one free hand, and now it wasn't even free, just wet. Wet and NOT pulling her out from the pile of feline terror and dry-rotted wood that she desperately wanted to get away from.

So it wasn't a monster. Richard was relieved, and he quickly silenced himself upon hearing Maria's voice and realizing what was going on. With a few grunts he had crawled off of her, and with one more had pulled her up from the ground.

"My hero." she said, with as much sarcasm as she could layer onto it, followed by an annoyed groan as she dusted herself off and checked that there were no splinters lodged in her fur.

"You're lucky you didn't raise the dead with that fucking scream, you dummy. We were supposed to be sneaky about this."

"Well, well but, I, but I, I thought there was a thing about to eat me. I'm sorry." Richard mumbled back, head hung low. There were only a few noises that had come out of him in the past that he was ashamed of, but nothing like what had just managed to escape. The lengthy fart he'd made while he was taking his school diploma didn't come anywhere close to this. He was thankful beyond words that only one other person had been around to hear this one.

Maria looked up and down the dim hallway as Richard continued looking at the ground and searching for his lost dignity.

There was enough light coming through the windows to see and get around, punching easily through the dusty curtains hanging in front of them. It was much more visibility than either had expected, rays of overcast sunshine making the dust in the air dance, and the swaying lights above them twinkle. The entire hallway seemed to be trapped in time. They each knew that if they dared to touch anything the wrong way, all the years might catch up in an instant and things may crumble to dust before their eyes.

After finishing her brief examination, Maria turned back around and grabbed onto the window that they had just tumbled through and tried to heave it back open. She didn't want to leave yet, but she did want to know they had a way out if someone burst through the front doors while they were exploring. Richard joined in as well after she failed the first time, both of them grunting and straining themselves to no avail. Even with the two of them combined, the window would not budge.

"Um, you take the ones down that way, I'll take the ones down this way." she suggested, and Richard nodded his head in agreement.

They both began to diligently check each window in the hall, from one end to the other. Each time, they were met with failure, without anything to show for it. Not one window budged even the tiniest bit. All they had managed to do was cloud the hallway with ancient pollen and give themselves each a sneezing fit.

"All the windows? Every one? How?" Maria asked, confused and bothered by their lack of progress.

"The building's old, the foundation probably slipped at some point and wedged them all shut. I guess it was just a fluke we got one open in the first place. Let's go look around and see if we can't find a backdoor or something." Richard suggested

She couldn't argue with that, and both were still eager to see what was waiting further inside. They clasped their hands together, and the two of them started walking deeper inside of the building, into a small room just ahead. It did not take long for distraction to pause their search.

"Look at this!" Richard excitedly said, rushing over to a small table and examining the candlesticks on top of it, rudely knocking a pair of spiders to the floor as he picked one up and looked more closely.

"Richard, you've said that about the last six things you've seen, and the room only has seven objects."

It was a tiny space, some sort of sitting area. One table, two chairs, two candlesticks, a fireplace, and a half rotted painting above it, that was it. A horde of treasure this was not. The room didn't even have a window, being illuminated purely from the radiating light of the hallway.

"Look, I've heard the same rumors about treasure hidden in the walls that you have, and so has everybody who's ever lived in the same state as us. If nobody has taken that crap by now, it's not worth anything. If you really need a souvenir then just take something small I guess." Maria sighed, getting impatient. She wanted to see just which stories about this place were true, and she was never going to get a chance to find out at this pace.

Richard set down the trinket and moved on to the next, putting it back as soon as he had lifted it. Yes, he knew it was all worthless junk, decorations that were still just as gaudy today as they were when they had been new. The thought that maybe, somewhere, there was a treasure stashed away made him excited though.

He glanced at Maria and gave a tiny shrug and a smirk, knowing full well he was bothering her now. He enjoyed how they took turns teasing one another, and even if there wasn't anything valuable laying around to claim for himself, at least he could say he'd had a fun day.

Maria's ears perked up, and Richard's followed suit a second after. They had both heard it, a sudden noise coming from nearby, something metal tumbling onto the ground and loudly bouncing a few times. They should have been alone here, so what could have made it? There wasn't another living soul anywhere nearby, they had made absolutely sure of that before they came inside.

They each knew better than to ask what it was, that would be a waste of a question, instead opting to share a quick glance and a nod, and starting to move on towards whatever it may have been.

They made their way through a tiny, dark hallway in a perfect "L" shape, stumbling through the pitch black corner and tripping over the rug as quietly as they could. Richard poked his head through the doorway first, hesitant, leaned out while holding himself back with his arms. His feline eyes adjusted quickly, and he was amazed by what he saw in front of him.

"Holy shit, it's beautiful."

That was it, no other words. None that would even come close.

He felt something tugging at his rear, trying to maneuver around him without stepping on his tail as Maria mumbled words he wasn't paying attention to.

"What? What is it! I want to see!" she whispered, wrapping one of her arms around his broad shoulder and using it to support herself as she poked through the doorway herself, and then she gasped.

The entrance hall, in all its splendor, stood wide open before them. This area seemed so different, so untouched by the passing years. The front doors, thick and heavy oak, standing tall and unmoving. The benches along the walls lined in sleek red velvet, color still intact after all the years of absorbing sunshine. The windows, the gorgeous, nearly ceiling high windows, without a single crack or break, complete with stained glass adornments in their centers, sending waves of red and blue splashing onto the white marble floor below.


The mansion had gone from filth and decay to a garden of rainbows in only a single room, and both of them were awestruck by not only the sudden chance, but how gorgeous and welcoming it seemed. They walked out from their tiny, shadow stained cave with soft steps, not wanting to ruin any of the splendor.

There was a red carpet, vivid crimson, leading from the entry doors to the stairway they had just walked out from alongside of. Richard hopped forward and turned around, holding out his hand and straightening up into his most gentlemanly posture. Maria giggled and grabbed onto him, and the two walked hand in hand to the doors with toothy smiles on their faces. It was like they were almost royalty.

"Can you imagine what they used to do in this place? Think of the dances that happened here." Maria said, stars in her eyes. Richard nodded in agreement and tried the doors. Much like the windows, they held tight and would not move for anything. He fiddled with the locks, kicked the doors lightly, but not even the faintest movement came out of them in return. He wouldn't say it out loud, but he was starting to worry a little that they may actually be stuck.

It was during his second attempt at forcing open the entrance that the two of them heard the noise again, this time much more clearly, coming from a place very close. It was the noise drinking glasses make when they bounce against things, the unnerving, haunting hum that echoes briefly and vanishes as quickly as it appears.

Richard and Maria both began to slowly turn around, nervous, shaking eyes scanning each side of the room and finally meeting in the middle at the grand staircase. One by one their gazes jumped up the steps all the way to the top, where they finally saw what had caused the sound.

It was indeed a glass, specifically a wine glass, as if the type mattered at all. The more important thing about this overly specific glass was the fact it was floating in the air above the railing, seemingly of its own accord. It became clear to the both of them that they were not, in fact, alone in the building. In fairness though, there also wasn't another living soul around either.

Suddenly there was a new voice, feminine but deep, with a beautiful hint of raspiness. It cascaded down towards them like a glacial waterfall, crashing into them and making them freeze in their tracks.

"Dances? Honey, you have no idea how right you are. I can't even remember the last time I had a good dance."

Richard gulped, loud enough to make noise.

"It's... it's the wind? It's the wind, right Maria?" he stammered out, hoping for some reassurance

"Yeah it's a freak localized pressure system that lifted a single cup into the air and made a sound that was identical to a person talking, it was definitely the wind Richard." she spit back. She was just as unnerved, but as small cats do, she was trying her best to seem much bigger. Her hair had begun to stand on end, turning her into a large black ball of adorable, spitting fluff.

The floating glass fluttered around in the air, as if whatever was holding it were walking themselves from one side of the top of the stairs to the other, and the disembodied voice echoed out into the room again.

"I love visitors. There's so few that swing by anymore. How are you two doing today? Enjoying your trip?"

The question got nothing but more silence from the pair of cats at the door. They both just kept standing still, wide eyed. Richard was trying to push backwards through the massive oaken sentry blocking their escape, while Maria puffed up even further. She had created such an intensely fuzzy void that reality may actually have started to warp around her. Thankfully, she was quickly scared beyond any defensive reaction and stopped her act before she could damage space-time.

The glass lifted higher into the air, toasting the two of them, and then heaved itself towards the floor at incredible speeds. It spun in circles all the way down, nearly making afterimages of itself before landing in a loud explosion of crystal shards.

"Oh dear, it seems I need another drink. I sure do hope there's some nearby refreshment that could quench my thirst." the voice... teased? Richard and Maria gave up trying to phase past the doors through sheer force of will, and finally said something back.

"Who... who are you?" Richard asked, trying to keep his voice deep form still having it crack halfway through the question.

"Finally someone asks the million dollar question! I was starting to think you two were mute!"

Shadows overtook the room. Everything grew dim, the red and blues turning to slate grays. At the top of the stairs, a glowing white mist formed, thick and heavy and swirling. It seemed to be coming from everywhere around Richard and Maria, tiny wisps fluttering past them to the second floor, coalescing into that one, single mass.

It bobbed and weaved just feet off the floor, getting bigger, glowing brighter, room growing colder by the second. The twosome could see their breath form in front of them, small puffs following each rapid and fearful exhalation.

"Richard, what's happening?" Maria whispered, this time her own voice cracking in fear, but he never got a chance to answer her.

The giant wall of mist above them began to shudder and heave, shifting into different, indescribable shapes. Suddenly it was all sucked into a single sphere in the center of the top of the stairway, and a ghostly hand shot out of and grabbed onto the banister before it, followed by another, both covered in bracelets and rings that made no sound as they smacked into each other.

The vague shape of a head began to emerge from the orb, eyes empty and ears pointed up, descending onto the arms that were hanging over the railing, and then, in the blink of an eye, became vivid and real. The mist vanished instantly, and Richard and Maria were looking at yet another feline, a middle aged, spectral tabby with long hair that vanished into the ether at her waist. She was transparent and white, but the pattern of her fur gave it all away, the parts not covered by the white silk dress draped over her form.

"Hello lady and gentleman, I am the renowned Clarissa Renee Dupont, the greatest whore in the entire countryside, and the most insatiable nymphomaniac in just as large an area as well. I am the one, and the only, Horneby Ghost."

Her speech was unexpected, just as much as she was. Maria glanced at Richard, hoping he would keep talking so she could figure out what was happening, but he was too busy trying not to laugh.

"Badum-Tiss" he snickered, biting onto his lip, trying not to make noise. Maria quickly elbowed him in the ribs and cut his rimshot short before he could upset off their captor. His terrible sense of humor was going to be the death of them both, Maria was willing to swear on that fact.

"Really? No reaction? You two look like you've seen a ghost." the spectral woman teased, lolling onto her back and looking at them from upside down. It was a position that, while adorable, could only be comfortable for someone with no flesh or bones. There was no longer any doubt at all that she was absolutely dead.

"Horneby ghost? What is that supposed to mean? I thought this mansion-" Maria tried to say, before being interrupted.

"Mansion? Hun this was no mansion, it was a brothel. You're standing in the foyer of the renowned Horneby Whorehouse. Nobody ever lived here, but there was certainly plenty of dancing and sleeping being done. I also heard you talking earlier, so before you ask, no, there is not any treasure in the walls. I've used my... incorporeality, to check many times over now, they're as empty as the promises all the men would make to us as we fell asleep together. That being said, there certainly is a treasure in the building right now."

She was staring at Richard, who looked back at her with only confusion. Maria knew exactly what she meant, though, and she wasn't happy about what she was hearing.

"You leave him alone, and let us out of here!" she ordered, crossing her arms and tapping her foot on the exposed part of the floor.

The ghost looked surprised, for all of a half-second, before she started laughing and rotated back upright, resting her head back on her arms.

"Sweetie, I'm just a ghost, I can't do anything to your man. Oh no, not me, but you might be able to do a few things."

"What is THAT supposed to mean?" Maria hissed back, becoming very bothered by the ghosts innuendo and attempts at stealing her partner.

"Oh come on now, you're a lady, you know we have needs. Needs I certainly can't fulfill by myself anymore, so how about we make a deal. I'll possess you, oh, for just a little while I suppose, and I get to have my fun with your stud for a little while. You indulge me, I'll indulge your desire to leave. It's only fair don't you think?"

Richard stuttered in surprise and choked out a few words of his own.

"Don't... Do I get a say in this at all?"

The ghost held up a finger in his direction and silenced him.

"Shush, Big Guy, the women are negotiating right now. Besides, I already know you wouldn't be against this, I've been able to feel the raw sexual energy coming off of you both since you came inside. I'm amazed you two didn't start screwing as soon as you fell on that table."

Richard blushed and darted his eyes around, not saying or denying anything. Maria fumed more, but also did not deny a word of it.

"That's enough! You need to let us out of here!"

The ghost sighed, moving her head up and lazily supporting it with one arm as she looked over her nails.

"I don't really think I need to do anything for you, do I? You two were the ones who barged in here uninvited, weren't you? It seems like you owe me far more than I owe you. I thought it would be easier on all of us to get to the point right away, so I knocked a few things around and got you in here to talk, but if you really want to go check every opening for a way out, I certainly won't stop you. You'll just end up coming back here to me in the end. Ooh! Or, if you die, we can all just hang out and have ghost-orgies with the others here."

"There's... others?" Maria asked, to which the ghost nodded.

"Plenty more, but they're all... y'know, living it up so to speak. This is a popular place for people to come back to after they depart. Ahh, gosh, our slogan was even "Once you come, you'll never want to leave." I can't believe I forgot that. We never got around to making pamphlets, did we?"

Maria had no words left. Richard had a couple, but he certainly wasn't going to say them in front of either her or the ghost. Maria let out a defeated sigh, and as much as she didn't like the idea of their first time together involving a ghost, it seemed like they didn't really have a choice.

"I... we really don't have a choice?" she muttered. The ghost gave her own shrug back.

"Sweetie I haven't had any fun in ten years now, when the last pair of adventurers forced their way inside. I'm the only one here that nobody has come back to see, but I was always too much for them to handle anyway. I like doing this more, and I only need your permission."

Maria looked at Richard one more time, stomach knotting from the apprehension and the thought of what she may be about to experience, but relented.

"Okay, fine."


The room genuinely seemed to grow brighter, everything becoming vivid once again and the sunshine working its way back through the windows. The clouds around their heads that they had been making finally disappeared, and the chill left them.

"Wonderful! I promise you, you'll enjoy every second of this. Just give me a few minutes to put on some makeup and we can get started." the ghost proclaimed, clapping her hands together in joy and a giant smile spreading on her face.

As soon as she had arrived, the ghost vanished, leaving Richard and Maria standing alone in the room again, confused, worried, and even a little excited. Neither had any idea what was going on, it had all happened so fast.

"Are you okay with this? You know... doing it? I didn't know if you were, well, into me like that." Richard cautiously asked, still trying to think of a way out that didn't require them to violate each other.

"We've been seeing each other for months, silly. If I weren't I wouldn't have kept going with you places, you know that. I'm a girl who knows what she wants, if I don't like something I won't do it."

"So you like the thought of being possessed?"

"No, I, that's not what I meant. We don't have a choice in that matter."

"There's always a choice, Maria. You seemed like you gave in to that kind of quick, and I've never seen you get that upset at someone talking to me before. Do you... really like me that much?"

"Shush. Just be quiet, I need to think."

Richard obliged, but Maria's mind was blank. There was no thinking going on, just the thought of what was hiding in Richard's pants and how she wanted it all for herself, not for some handsy ghost to play with. She'd been waiting for this for weeks and weeks, she just hadn't known if Richard had wanted it like she had. It was a good question, was what the ghost said true?

The two stood quietly, waiting, passing a few minutes before Richard finally broke the silence again, with a genuine question that had been troubling him this entire time.

"Wait, so ghosts can put on makeup? How?"

Maria turned to him, prepared to respond with more sarcasm, but something changed before she could. Her eyes grew wide, her mouth began to hang slightly open as she failed to speak, and her head rolled back, hair falling onto her face.

"Maria? Maria, are you okay?" Richard said, worried something was happening before he realized just what it was. He grabbed her shoulders and gave her a gentle shake, trying to get her to come back. He wasn't sure he liked this idea anymore, even if it meant he'd get laid.

Maria quickly grabbed on to the back of his head and pushed hers against it, giving him a deep kiss. He tried to pull away at first, just out of instinct, before starting to kiss her back just as fiercely. The two wrapped their hands around each other and pulled closer, bodies pressing tightly together.

"Ahh, now that's better. What do you say we take this someplace a little more comfortable, lover."

It was Maria's voice, but it was just so... different now. The speed she spoke, her choice of words, there was no way it was actually her talking. Hearing those words in her voice still did something to Richard, and he glanced down at the sudden tightness in his pants. His possessed friend instantly noticed it too, gently placing a hand on his new affliction and giving it a squeeze.

"My goodness you're eager. The last pair that came through here were so much more against this, but I think we're going to have a good time. Come on, this way."

She moved her hand up a little and grabbed onto his belt, leading him by it like a pack animal. With each gliding step she took across the carpet, and then the stairs, she made sure to emphasize her rear to him, playfully hitting his face with her tail as he tried his hardest not to drool. When they reached the next floor, she paused, looking unsure, before picking a hallway and continuing her knowing steps and playful tugs at Richard's pants.

Halfway down the next hallway, Richard started to hear something else, something new and equally unexpected. Faint giggles and moans, coming from behind the many closed doors they were passing. Were all of these rooms really filled with spirits? Richard stopped moving forward for a moment and tried to push open a door, just to see what might have been on the other side, before Maria quickly pulled it back closed and scolded him.

"It's rude to interrupt, don't you know that? Unless you wanted to watch, in which case I can assure you that they wouldn't appreciate it. Curious like a cat but filthy like a dog, I knew I liked you."

"Sorry..." Richard said, letting her begin to pull him once again towards the single door at the end of the hall.

Each step he took felt heavier as he neared the end. The skylight, remarkably intact, hadn't been able to shine anything onto this section. There was an increasing sense of dread and anticipation as he was led closer and closer to it, heart nearly jumping out of his chest when Maria grabbed the doorknob and slowly pushed it open.

"Hun, I know you're excited, but my god you're going to give yourself a heart attack. Take a deep breath."

Richard obeyed, sucking down a lungful of air and holding it, and holding it, and still holding it.

"You... You need to let it out, too."

The air sputtered out of him like a sad balloon. Maria, or whoever she was now, looked at him with the same confusion he had been looking at her earlier with. Richard got the feeling he wasn't making a particularly great impression, but all the blood in his brain was going to other places now and he just couldn't think straight.

"Perfect, this one is empty." she said, peeking through the opening in the door and scanning the room. She quickly yanked him inside and closed the door behind them.

"Wouldn't want any wandering eyes catching us now, would we?"

Richard just nodded, and looked around the room. It was fortunate enough to have a giant window lighting it up, but there were still several ancient oil lamps hanging on the walls, and a large candelabra on a small table near the door.. Just how old was this place, and how had none of this been stolen yet?

Aside from the ancient lighting it was an ordinary bedroom, just very old and unsurprisingly covered in dust and cobwebs. The bed against the wall was simple, but intact, the window had a crack running across it, and the floorboards creaked and squeaked heavily underfoot. All expectedly old and unextraordinary.

Richard finished looking around, and when he turned his head back to face his captivating captor, he was met with a pair of perky breasts right beside him. How she had managed to get her shirt off that quickly was a question he couldn't answer, but apparently she was just as skilled as she claimed.

"Like what you see? Your friend has such a lovely figure, and a cat too, so I know exactly how this body works." she said, cupping her breasts and pushing them upwards and towards Richard, letting them fall and bounce in front of his stunned eyes.

"Alright stud, get those clothes off. At least the pants."

Richard obeyed, pulling off his shirt and dropping it to the floor, and then frantically trying to unbuckle his belt to no avail. His fingers and brain weren't working well enough to be able to unclasp the simple contraption, despite how intensely he struggled to do so. Maria just watched and giggled, pushing his hands away and grabbing hold of it herself.

"Let me get that for you. Are you sure you're not a dog? You're supposed to be a dexterous creature."

She lowered herself onto her knees and quickly undid the pesky belt. She looked up at Richard with her big green eyes, and grabbed onto his pants zipper with her teeth, slowly pulling it down with ratcheting clicks, all the way to its bottom. A light tug was all it took to send the pair of pants to the ground, which Richard dutifully stepped out of.

"Alright, now the underwear. You should know how this works, sweetie, or do I need to peel those off of you too?"

Richard turned and pulled them down, giving her an eyeful of his toned rear before turning back with his hands cupped over his privates. This was no place for dignity, but the nerves and the surreal situation kept them locked in place over what the ghost wanted.

Maria laughed, loudly this time, walking over to him and entwining her arm through his, starting to lead him to the side of the bed.

"You are just so adorable and you don't even realize it. Don't worry hun, I'll take perfect care of you, I won't do anything your friend wouldn't want."


Maria pushed him suddenly and hard, sending him flying back onto the bed. His hands launched away from him in an attempt to stop himself from falling, leaving him completely exposed.

Almost instantly, Maria had climbed up next to him, on her knees, gently rubbing her hand up his thigh. Before he could react, she reached his jewels and gave them a gentle, playful squeeze, making him jump and shudder at the same time, and causing his penis to start drooling for more.

"B-be careful with those, please." he simultaneously moaned and whimpered out. He was in no position to make demands though, and he knew it.

"Don't worry sweetheart, the claws are well inside my fingers where they belong. There's something else that belongs inside of me too though, isn't there, stud?

The pure and insatiable lust drenching Maria's words were nothing that Richard had ever heard come out of her before. He knew it wasn't actually her, but he wanted it to be so badly. He'd wanted to share this with... well, her, not some spectral harlot. Not that he wasn't still enjoying it though. Some parts of him were especially loving what was happening, like the part she had just firmly grabbed hold of.

Maria lowered her head, bringing it level with her new favorite toy as Richard looked down over his chest at her. She closely examined what was in her hand, gently moving it to and fro, looking it over like any collector looks over their collection, but going no further than that.

"Mmm, yes you have a fine member here, he certainly deserves access to the VIP section of the building. Firm, wide, maybe even a little short, but that just means it'll hit all of the important spots that much more often. Plus..."

She moved her hand up and extended a finger, pushing it just underneath Richard's foreskin and starting to slowly circle the head of his penis. It was a tickle beyond any he'd felt before, her finger moving over every fleshy bump that in ancient times had been a sharp, uninviting spine. It was far too much stimulation for such a sensitive place, it almost didn't even feel good, and it made him jerk uncomfortably in his own body as the feeling forced its way through him.

"... You have all of this wonderful skin to play with." Maria finished, popping her finger out and sticking the tip into her mouth, smiling.

"You even taste wonderful, so clean and moist; You know how to take care of the important things in life. It's like you were made for a predator to play with, so very unlike a strong woodland cat."

She climbed up on top of him, swinging her leg over his midsection and positioning her rear just above his stomach. In a fluid feline movement, she lowered herself onto his chest, breasts resting on him as she looked him in the eyes, rear still in the air.

"Not even going to try and grab anything? Such manners, but politeness isn't going to get you anywhere with me. I've seen it all big guy, and done most of it too. Mmm, I bet you'd love me to just drop onto your crotch and ride away the hours, but that would just be too easy."

Maria's tail flicked in the air, whipping the floating dust into a new frenzy. Her waist came down to his, and she pushed herself down his body. Richard felt her pushing on his excruciatingly hard penis with her own opening, slight moistness wetting the length of it without anything going inside. The teasing was unbearable.

"Ohhh yes, far too easy. You'd cum in seconds right now wouldn't you? I can see how bad you want it. So pent up, do young lovers even touch each other anymore?" she murmured, giving him another eyelash-heavy wink, clearly expecting a response this time. For which question though, was an entirely different question.

Richard gulped and gave the closest thing he could to an answer.

"We've only been together for... for a few weeks?"

She rolled her eyes and slid around on his chest a little more, crossing her arms just below his chin and resting her head on top of them.

"You know, when you've been in this business for as long as I have, and trust me it's been ages, you can just start to sense the raw sexual energy coming off of people. You two seem so perfect for each other, how on earth weren't you tearing off all of your clothes and slamming the nights away after your first date?"

"Well, well, um, we-"

"I don't want an answer for this one, because that issue is getting remedied now. She's going to love this, she's screaming inside of me for more. Every bit as impatient as you."

Maria pushed her rear back harder, bending Richard as far as he could go. He whimpered at the sudden feeling that his most important body part was about to snap off. Before anything could break, she pulled herself back up, running her paws through the hair on his chest and grinning.

"It would be a shame to put that gorgeous, rugged face of yours to waste, wouldn't it? I think I know what the two of you might like to try."

She stretched herself out on top of him again, pinpoint tips of her claws poking lightly into Richard's skin. In only a few motions, and with all the grace a skilled cat contained, she slithered back upright and grabbed onto the bed's dusty headboard Next she slid her rump all the way up the length of Richard's body, coming to a stop right at his chin, planting her knees on each side of his head, close enough to tickle the very ends of his whiskers with her beautiful thighs.

Richard's eyes got wider, staring at such a forbidden fruit. Everything around her vagina had become so swollen and plump, rosy blush peeking out between the spaces of the hairs. Her labia hung just slightly below it's entrance, ready to welcome any guest with a kiss and guide them further inside.

"Oh yes, this will do just fine. I'm going to let you in on a secret, from one feline to another. Use your tongue gently, and only the tip, and do not give in to your urge and stick in it deep. The last thing a woman needs is her insides rubbed raw."

"I- But- Wait I-" Richard sputtered, stopped by the ghost again before he could finish.

"Shush, it's rude to talk with your mouth full hun."

Maria pulled her lower half over his mouth and muffled the few noises he was still trying to make, slowly letting more and more of her weight rest on him until she was holding herself up mostly with her legs once again. Richard, finally taking some initiative, reached his arms up and grabbed hold of her behind, squeezing tight and startling her in the best way.

Laying in bed, lips to lips, he began his diligent work, following her advice closely. Slowly he moved along the bottom of her slit, working his way up just like she had been doing to him, finally reaching her clitoris and swirling his tongue around it. Maria, or whatever was controlling her, jumped in surprise.

"Oh my, and here I thought you didn't know what you were doing." she purred, beginning to vibrate on top of his face.

He kept going, licking up and down, pushing her lips in every direction but inwards, tasting the sweet juices starting to flow out. Richard could feel it starting to trickle down his tongue and leaking onto his face, and he didn't care. He had been fantasizing about this moment ever since they met, ever since she gave him that wink at the coffee shop, to finally have a mouthful of her body and to hear the huffing and puffing coming out of her above.

"Congratulations, you're a cat all right, you've got one- *Pant* one hell of a tongue. I promise you your friend is loving this right now, maybe more than I am."

Richard could hear her claws extend into the headboard as she started to grip harder. In tiny movements she started to grind against his face, back and forth, clitoris saying hello to his soft nose and coming back again and again.

How long had it been now? Minutes? Hours? It felt like this was happening too fast and too slow at the same time. He wanted more and more of her, and she wanted the same. Her gyrating sped up and she started to grind harder against him, and he started to focus more and more on her sensitive opening, parting her labia in big circles and pushing hard into her clitoris with each rotation.

The wood crackled, and Richard thought the bed may have been collapsing, but when he looked up he could see that the noise was coming from Maria's claws embedding themselves in the wood, her head lowered and eyes closed, breathing heavily, hints of drool along her lips.

Her vagina started to wiggle of its own accord on his mouth, pulsing and swelling over and over again as she pushed into him even more firmly. He jumped to her clitoris and pushed hard back with his tongue, moving up and down as she came on top of him, waves of fluid starting to leak out of her and drip down the sides of his face as grunts and whimpers began to push through her mouth. Suddenly, a loud moan forced its way out of Maria's throat and into the room, joining with the other noises.

"Ahhh! Oh, oh my god yes. Oh god..."

The strength left her voice as she spoke, and she began quickly slowing down her gyrations, finally coming to a stop and letting all of her weight fall onto Richard's head. She stared up at the ceiling and kept breathing hard, steadily regaining her composure.

"No matter how many times it happens, I'm always amazed by that sensation. I guess I'm lucky I orgasm quickly, or maybe I've only been with sexual gods, but even in life I just could never get enough of it, and I'm going to thank you for sharing that with me just now. We haven't even finished yet, but I want you to know how good a job you just did.

She paused, looking around the room from atop her throne, waiting for a reply that did not come. Quickly glancing down at the teary-eyed cougar below her, she finally realized why he had become so quiet.


Maria snapped back onto her knees, a loud suction noise escaping from between them as she pulled herself off of Richard's face. He inhaled a loud, ragged, gasping breath and coughed out the slick parts of her that had so rudely invaded his lungs.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry stud, I haven't needed to breathe in so long I forgot other things needed to. I'm so, so sorry." she said, panicked and concerned.

Her words were genuine, Richard could tell from how she sounded, as tired as she seemed to be now. After a few more moments he finished his desperate inhaling and plopped his head back down on the pillow and staring straight up.

"I think I love you?" he said, completely forgetting that his best friend was not actually his best friend at the moment.

Strangely, she didn't immediately respond with sarcasm and snark. Richard moved his head down again to take a look at her, and saw her looking back with big, glossy eyes, and... maybe even her bottom lip quivering a tiny bit.

"Are you okay?" he asked, now confused. Whatever was inside of Maria quickly shook off the strangeness and went right back to her game.

"Don't tell a whore you love them sweetie, it won't ever end well. We're not the type to settle down." she replied back with another wink. She did it so often that Richard was curious if maybe she had some sort of chronic eye infection in life that somehow followed her into death.

Suddenly and unexpectedly, as Maria began tousling his chest hair again, he felt a new sensation. A sharp, throbbing pain coming from his loins, and an angry burn from inside of his testes. He tried to move his arms down to his groin to take the pain away, but Maria quickly grabbed hold of both his arms and pushed them back down to his sides. She was so much stronger than he had expected.

"I know what that look means. Starting to hurt isn't it, being hard for so long without a break. Most of the males I couple with end up with that at this point, poor kitty." she cooed, teasing him with words now in addition to her curvy body.

"Please, it really hurts." he whimpered back between tiny groans.

She climbed off of him and walked around the side of the bed to the bottom, taking a seat next to his waist, back turned to him. She leaned over and took hold of his throbbing penis, and the relief he instantly felt was incredible. All at once the pain stopped and the burning turned to smolders.

"You boys and your limits, such a shame you can only do this once. I've spent entire nights all the way to the break of dawn with females, but you? You all end up finishing half an hour in and want to take a nap afterwards. You're just like the canines" Maria complained.

Richard had had enough teasing.

"You think I'm a dog? Too clean and unsatisfying? How about I show you something I know about dogs!" Richard barked back, finally standing up for himself.

He jumped off the bed in one fluid motion, thick muscles rippling across his body as he moved and twisted himself upright. Maria raised her eyebrows, not expecting his reaction, but she had no time to do anything else but that. Richard quickly wrapped his arms around her waist, and heaved her into the air, flipping her onto the bed face down, making the frame shake and bounce.

"Oh my, so stro- Oh!" she tried to say, but Richard had grabbed hold of her rear and pulled her onto her knees while pushing down on her back. She knew exactly where it was going, and relaxed her muscles and cushioned her head with her forearms.

"Okay Big Guy, what n-" she tried to say, but again was interrupted before she could finish. Richard reached across her body and grabbed onto the nape of her neck, pulling firmly but gently upwards. In an instant Maria went limp as control over her body was wrestled away from her, simple relaxation replacing everything else she was feeling.

Richard moved his waist into position, taking a few tiny steps forward to maximize his depth. He was just about to push into her dripping vagina when he stopped, looking up at his friend again and waiting for permission he knew he didn't need, for a reason he didn't understand.

"Go ahead, Fido." Maria weakly cooed, turning her head slightly before giving up on the movement.

Richard didn't need to hear anything else, and smoothly pushed inside of her as far as he could go and held it, Maria letting out an intoxicated "Aaaah" once he was inside. He hadn't had sex much, but he knew the basics of what to do.

As he slowly pulled out and began to push back in, her lips and labia trying their hardest to stop him from leaving, he felt her squeeze her muscles around him and start purring. She was right, he wasn't going to last long, especially not with her making herself that tight and turning into a living vibrator. It wasn't fair that she got to have so much more fun, but he couldn't stop or slow down now, if he did something inside of him was going to burst, he could feel it.

In and out again, firmly and with purpose. He could feel his foreskin pulling back and her insides rumbling against his tender glans. Maria started to purr louder around him, loving the feeling of being filled with something so warm and smooth, going in and out of her, rubbing the right places just like she thought would happen.

Once more, a deep thrust and a pause, and a slow pull back out. She could tell he was getting close, as expected. His penis was starting to twitch and buck inside of her against his will, she could feel each tender movement as he grimaced behind her and tried his hardest to stave off his finale.

"You can cum, love, you don't need my permission. You already gave me what I needed. Finish hard though, pup." she said, gaining more control of herself as his grip on her nape loosened.

Richard pushed in again, and realized he had reached his limit. He was going to explode into her and he couldn't hold back anymore. Quickly he pulled back and smashed into her again, and again, and again, grabbing her rear with both hands and pulling her onto him at the same time he pushed. He had to get as many in as he could before he came.

Each cycle he could feel the ecstasy grow inside of him. From the tip of his penis, to his entire package, to his abdomen. His muscles strained as he clenched as tightly as he could, pushing in and out a few more times before his body just couldn't grow any tighter. With one final, heavy thrust, he finally popped, squirting inside of his friend once, twice, three times, each load as large as the last before they finally weakened and turned into a dribble. He probably had never cum so hard in his life.

Maria let out another happy moan as he huffed and puffed behind her, winded. She could feel him oozing into her, a little more cum pushing out of Richard with each one of his lightening contractions. She could feel it sliding all the way down into her as far as it could go, finally starting to pool at her cervix and making her insides feel full and wonderfully warm. She only wished she could hold onto the gentle, blissful feeling forever.

After a minute of both sides catching their breath, Richard finally pulled himself out. A few drops of cum fell off of him, and Maria made one final, small moan as it started to slowly leak out of her and drip onto the bed. She tightened her insides again and lifted herself up, crawling backwards off of the bed and standing next to Richard.

The two of them took one more deep breath, looked at each other, shared a very quick kiss, and started laughing. Richard didn't even remember that she wasn't herself, he was just happy to have gotten to share the wonderful moment together. It had been so much better than he had ever imagined.

Between giggles, Maria quickly put her clothes back on while Richard hunted for his shirt. Having finished pulling on her own right as he started to put the shirt back on, she quickly pulled up his pants and tucked his member back inside, zipping up his fly before he had even popped his actual head through the right hole. It wasn't just for the fun of the game, she knew they may need to leave quickly if something happened now.

She knew something that he still hadn't realized.


"So... when do you let Maria have her body back?" Richard asked, maybe even with a hint of melancholy for the ghost that had treated him so well. He wanted Maria back though, the real Maria.

She gave him a glance and shrugged, pushing and pulling her skirt and underpants lightly back into the right position, pushing her thighs together to minimize the mess trying to leak out of her.

"You should at least let me walk you to the door, it's only proper."

"Oh, alright, I guess that's fair. Um, thank you for showing me such a good time?"

There never seemed to be a proper way to talk about sex after the fact. Anything sounding grateful would always sound hokey, no matter what, but Richard still felt like he should say something to thank the spirit, even if she had performed with a stolen body.

"I should be thanking you, stud. You did wonderfully, more than enough to keep me going for another decade or two. Or at least until someone new stumbles on through."

She walked over to the door and grabbed the knob, pulling it open and revealing the spectral form of Clarissa Renee Dupont standing directly on the other side. She was in a different dress, long but low cut on the top and showing most of her ghostly cleavage. Her jewelry had changed as well, but physically she looked exactly the same. Without missing a beat she started talking, rolling her eyes and lightly scolding them both.

"My goodness you two get around, don't you. Here I thought you might have the courtesy to wait for a lady, but off you go exploring. I see you found the... you found... bedroom..."

The ghost's eyes had fallen onto Maria, who was sheepishly trying to make herself smaller, even invisible if possible. More specifically, the ghost had noticed the warm, pearlescent ooze sliding down the fur on the inside of her thigh.

"You... you... YOU WHORE!" she wailed, shaking the furniture in the room and making the windows rattle from the force.


Maria grabbed onto Richard's hand and winked at him. He was still too busy looking back and forth trying to figure out what was going on. The poor mind of this simple cat was being blown away again and again this day.

"We need to go, right now."

Like a bullet, Maria leaped through the doorway and straight at Clarissa's ghost, which turned into a displaced mist as the two of them charged through. Richard looked behind them as they ran, watching the ghost rematerialize and continue shouting at them.

"I WON'T LET YOU LEAVE. HE WAS SUPPOSED TO BE MINE!" she shrieked, again the whole building from the noise.

A candlestick on a table ahead fired itself off at them, Maria quickly ducking it but Richard getting smacked in the shoulder. It hurt, but he knew that he needed to get away from whatever was happening, and kept running with Maria at full speed.

More tabletop decorations were launched, the pair dodging most, at least Maria did. Richard got smacked by quite a few as he fumbled around, finally giving up and just putting his free hand in front of his face to swat the objects away.

An entire desk flew at them next, right when they were about to reach the doorway to the entrance. Maria yelped, not ready to take the hit, but was rescued when Richard let loose a strong kick in front of her and shattered the cheap table to pieces.

"GET BACK HERE!" Clarissa's voice screamed, so loud it could have been coming from the very walls holding the building up. Richard and Maria had no plans to go back anywhere, not at this point.

Thanks to some luck, this doorway had no door, and the two were able to quickly hop through and over a small pile of junk trying to block their way. From the top of the stairs they could see the velvet benches on the ground floor starting to shake, and the tables shed their decorations and had started moving towards the double doors.

"Move! Move Richard! She's going to block the doors!"

As they hit the stairs, Richard swept Maria off her feet and started to carry her, jumping down two steps at a time. She bounced happily in his arms, but this wasn't the place for lust right now.

As soon as he reached the floor, the red carpet yanked itself out from under them, sending them both sprawling onto the floor, Richard managing to keep hold of his girl and making sure she only smacked into his own body.

"Ow. Thank you, but ow. Are you okay?" she asked him, and was answered by only a small groan as Richard started to pick himself up. Maria was back on her feet faster than he was, and she helped pull him up the rest of the way as they took off towards the sealed entrance.


The ghost was right, they would never make it past the doors, they were too thick and heavy. It would take a miracle for them to be able to open them. A miracle or a final, desperate attempt by a muscle-covered cougar.

The benches started to slide towards them, ready to sweep them away and back into the depths of the building. They were so close, only a few more steps, but the doors...

Without thinking, Richard jumped into the air and thrust out both of his legs, smacking into the doors at the exact moment of his full extension. Somehow, even though they resisted as hard as they could and gave out their own groan of displeasure, the doors parted just slightly enough in the middle that they could squeeze through.

Before Richard had even been able to land on the ground, Maria grabbed onto one of his legs and yanked him through the door with her, scraping him across the floor of the crumbling cement porch and onto the sweet, sweet brown grass of freedom.

They had done it, somehow. They had managed to get away from the ghost.

Both of them had to stop and catch their breath, Maria collapsing onto the ground next to Richard as her legs gave out from the exertion. They each looked at the building, expecting it to come to life and devour them, but nothing changed. All that happened was the tiny opening in the doors slammed back closed, and the incredibly upset voice of Clarissa Renee Dupont screamed at them one last time.

"Don't you two dare come back! You bastards!" she hollered, her voice much weaker outside where it could not echo. Thankfully for her, Richard and Maria had no intention of ever returning to this place again, ever.


"You were acting? The entire time you were acting? Are you out of your MIND? We could have been killed!" Richard squeaked out at Maria as they walked down the leafy path. She had the biggest smile he had ever seen on her face, relishing every second of angry attention she was getting. It was so wide that her incisors were both poking out onto her bottom lip.

"You were the one who believed it. I can't believe you didn't even question what was happening."

"We were trapped in a haunted building by a nymphomaniac ghost! I didn't know what was going on! What was I supposed to believe? What am I even supposed to believe now? Do you... do you really like me that much?"

"Richard I wouldn't have let you eat me out and fuck me if I didn't like you. You're so bad at picking up on flirting and I love it. Ooh, let's go over there before we go, I have to do something."

Maria grabbed Richard's hand and ran over to a large pile of leaves in the middle of a cluster of bushes, dragging him with her and diving into it. The explosion of reds, oranges, and browns covered them both in a blanket of autumn as they looked at the blue sky above them.

"I believe you tried to take advantage of me while I was possessed. Was the ghost right about that? Were you so eager to get inside of me that you would let a ghost force my body onto you?"

Richard was taken aback, sputtering, trying to spit out the very thought.

"I would never, I was trying to save us! I swear!"

"Well, then I believe you owe me something then. It's only fair, I gave you something, now you give me something back."

"What do you want? What could I possibly give you? You've taken two of my sweaters already, I'm running out of winter clothes!"

Maria climbed on top of him, making them into a crunchy sandwich full of leaves. She leaned in close to his face, both of their whiskers tangling together, and then whispered a final few words.

"I'm just playing with you again, and you still don't even realize it. But if you really want to make it up to me, how about giving me a treat and starting with a kiss?"