Champion of the Beast Lands 5

Story by Diamondog16 on SoFurry

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#5 of Champion of the Beast Lands

A full plate awaits Lake as he not only follows through on his assurance to Morton, but the disarry of the local orchards as well...


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Arms locked around a large set of hips, rocking his lower half back and forth, and moaning through his clenched teeth. Lake shoved his cock deep inside of the pink top wearing tiger. The bigger beast rested his upper half on the smooth rock he was sitting on before the squirrel approached him.

Between those bubbly and toned his cheeks, slammed the rodent's cock, making a loud clap that echoed throughout the orchard. They were paired with the predator's moans and shameless begs to be fucked harder and faster.

And Lake did just that, leaning his body over the tiger's back and even gripping his striped tail. At the same time he tugged the appendage, the squirrel shoved the entire length of his cock inside. He kept his cock there and continued to hump with the speed and power the other male demanded, bashing his tip against the predator's farthest reaches.

Lake was just getting into it when the beast underneath him roared and came on the soft grass below. Panting heavily, the tiger grinned and thanked the rodent before he eased himself from the cock filling his ass.

Although he had yet to reach his own peak, Lake wasn't concerned. As the tiger walked away, already getting to work while his ass passively leaked squirrel spunk, the other worker of the orchard approached the squirrel.

"Bout time we got some work relief around here." Stomping up to Lake was a crocodile, just as built and tall as the tiger. The pink top he wore just barely covered the large pecs and thick abs it was made to contain. Even as he leaned down a bit to meet the squirrel's gaze, the pink fabric clung tight to the green and yellow scales.

The reptile pulled down his pants presenting his cock to the rodent. "Well? You gonna bend over or not?"

"Uh," Lake paused, his ears flattening. "Don't really do that..."

A low noise came from the reptile and his eyes narrowed. But he rolled his eyes and gripped the length that throbbed from his opened slit. "You can use your mouth, right?"

Lake nodded and eased himself a bit closer to the growling male. A smooth scaled hand dropped down on his head and pushed the cock's tip against his lips. The squirrel got a whiff of the reptile's scent and could feel his mouth watering.

His tongue eased against the tip, slowly licking it. On the surface, he could already taste the bitter tang of precum. Now Lake found himself in a position that he was less experienced in. But still did his best, able to feel the lust building within the other male. His paw reached up and squeezed the already wet shaft. The moan the crocodile made eased him, bringing his ears to their usually perking position.

"Yeah, that's the stuff... Just ease your way in, little guy..."

His face grew hot and his eyebrows furrowed, but Lake continued on. He instead focused on the exciting parts, urging himself to continue. The tip of his tongue flicked against the tip again, lapping up another dollop of the clear stuff. It was tasty enough and felt nice on his taste buds...

Lake closed his eyes, breathed through his nose, and pushed himself forwards. His lips parted and spread around the tip. That hand resting on top of his head began to push a bit, easing even more of the squirrel's mouth around its owner's cock.

Eyes bulging and his heart skipping a beat, Lake pulled back a bit until he took more deep breaths through his nose. Now, the squirrel could see the length that was still awaiting him. Against his lips and on top of his tongue, the reptile's cock pulsed, still steadily leaking pre that lazily oozed to the back of his throat.

"Do you need any help?" Atlas asked, standing along the sidelines, watching the scene before him. He continued the sit but his claws were slightly digging into the earth and his shoulders were tense enough to show through his fur.

But Lake shook his head as best he could and waved his paw for Atlas to stay back. Instead he looked at how much there was left for him to take.

You can do this. You're the champion...

Lake's eyebrows furrowed again and a small huff came from him, just barely hear around the croc's meat. He didn't need a hand to guide him, instead Lake aimed to take the bigger male by surprise. The new approach was the complete opposite of what it was before.

Contrary to what he expected, Atlas was treated to the sight of his friend's mouth surging down on the cock's inches. A groan came from the crocodile, one of shock. He and Atlas watched Lake swallow down the cock before him. It was literally stuffed in his mouth, poking into the stretchy pouch of his cheek.

Grinding the shaft against the softness of his cheek and working his tongue on what was left untouched. Lake could feel himself easing into the actions, the heat within his mouth and the continuous spurts of the precum against the stretched surface.

"Ah... Fuck! Y-you were holdin' out on me, kid..." The crocodile held Lake's head a bit tighter. A buck of his hips slid his cock against the soft flesh and wet heat of dripping spit. The reptile continued to groan and hiss through his sharp fangs, steadily picking up his pace and hump even harder.

Faster and harder, throbbing against his tongue and bashing against his cheek, Lake dragged his tongue back and forth, stroking the shaft up and down with it.

A bellow left the reptile and his hips jerked, bumping against Lake's face. It swished onto the center of his tongue and sprayed its load directly down the rodent's throat, leaving him to swallow the stuff down. The spurting didn't last long, and the spent cock slowly pulled from his mouth, falling limp before it slunk back inside of his slit.

The crocodile smirked and pulled up his pants, patting Lake on his head before he turned tail and went off to start picking fruit again.

With a final gulp, the last of the croc's thick seed ran down the squirrel's throat, leaving him to pant and clear his throat. Slowly, he stood and returned to Atlas' side. The bear was still a bit concerned that Lake himself was soon smiling after wiping his mouth.

"Are you alright?" Atlas asked.

"Yeah, Just caught me off guard. Not used to this kind of thing. But it was thrilling."

Atlas nodded but wanted to say more. But Lake was already walking off, eager to return to the fox. The vulpine in question was now smiling when the squirrel returned to him.

"Hey! There he is!" the fox said. He pulled Lake in close, rubbing the fur between the shorter mammal's ears. "I don't know what you did, but now the boys are working twice as hard."

"It was easy," Lake said. "All I did was give them a good fuck."

"Seriously? That's it? If I would have known earlier..." The fox shook his head and grinned again, letting go of the rodent. "Uh, here. Take some of this. But yourself something nice."

Lake was handed some silver, which he gratefully took. The fox's tail curled again, brushing against the rodent's hand.

"So, I couldn't help but notice your large friend over there. You think he'd be interested in joining the crew?"

"Sorry," Lake declined. "But the two of us are going to the Deepwoods."

"The Deepwoods. I don't think that's a good idea. Whatever's running around in there's gonna eat someone like you up, no question."

"Thanks for the encouragement, but I think we'll be fine. Glad we could help."

Lake was soon at his friend's side again and the two of them were off, leaving the orchard behind, still able to hear the fox now barking orders at the burly carnivores again.

"He's certainly a character," Atlas snorted.

"Sure is."

The two of them ventured on until they reached the break in the path and another sign pointing them to the deeper part of the woods. They could hardly see into the dense growth, a thick shadow acted as a barrier, barring them from seeing any further ahead.

"This is it."

"The Deepwoods, huh?" Lake asked, squinting his eyes. "Have you ever been here before?"

"Cannot say that I have," the bear shook his head and gulped.


"More so...concerned," Atlas corrected, huffing in a mix of embarrassment and annoyance. He was a big bear and knew there was hardly anything for him to fear. And yet...

"Well, with the two of us together there's nothing to be 'concerned' about," Lake said, smiling again. But he fought hard to keep the fur along his tail from raising. It was only in his nature, his primal instincts, to fear going into some dark place like that.

They were feelings that he had to fight. It wasn't the first time and it certainly wouldn't be the last. But now, more than ever, he had to persevere. Whatever was lurking in the dark was causing problems and he felt it was his duty to put a stop to it. The dark furred mammal took a deep break and reminded himself to trust in his power.

"Alright. No point in just standing out here."

Atlas nodded and he was the one to take the first steps, clearly trying to guard Lake from anything that could be dangerous. And while Lake said nothing about it, he stuck close to the bear, following him close with each step. Slowly but surely they stepped out of the forest's light and into the shadows of the dense foliage.

In time, their eyes adjusted to the low light. Shadows still surrounded them but there was a strange sense of peace. Everything was still. Around them was the gentle rustling of leaves and the distant chirps of birds. They ventured deeper, walking around tall trunks and over fallen logs, hoping that they would find the beast sooner than later.

"So far this place just seems like any other forest. Just really, really..."

"Dark, yes." Atlas chuckled. "I suppose it makes sense that Morton was able to make a business in these woods."

"If we get rid of that beast, we can help him."

Atlas nodded and held onto that idea, letting it fill him with courage and determination. Rather than just doing this to accompany Lake, the grizzly reminded himself that Morton was in need of help. The polar bear was depending on him. And Atlas was not going to let him down.

Together they continued through the foliage until it suddenly opened up, giving way to a large arch, just like in Fangar. And beyond that was a small village. Many animals were walking around, visiting shops and talking to each other out in the open.

"I wasn't aware that there was a town here."

Lake nodded and was about to say something but there were sudden loud noises. First something akin to a roar and then a heavy thud. The villagers all raised their voices and scrambled to get inside of the nearest building.

Now, the fur along Lake's tail was bristling as it flicked rapidly. Atlas saw this and made a low growl as a figure showed itself, growing closer and closer. It was approaching fast but the bear was confused to see it now in two. Two people were running through town at full speed, fleeing from something further within the forest.

They came upon the two and Atlas held Lake close as they simply breezed past, not even slowing a bit.

Unrecognized by the heroes were Chase and Rafe. They had managed to find this beast. It was sleeping when they encountered it, but upon waking up it was soon in a rage, making loud noises and tearing up the environment around him.

The two thieves wasted no time turning tail, running for their lives clear out of the Deepwoods.

"What was that?" Lake dared to ask. But Atlas had no answer for him. All he could do was let go of the shivering rodent.

Without saying anything more, the squirrel dared to keep going forward. There was still a determination to stop whatever this beast was, but now Lake was a little embarrassed. Now Atlas knew just how scared he truly was.

"Are you sure about this, Lake?" Atlas asked. "There's nothing stopping us from just turning around."

Lake stopped and thought about it as well. "Yeah... But if we turn back... Who's going to help these villagers? They're terrified, Atlas. If we don't help them, who will?"

The bear came to realize the smaller mammal was right. He smiled and nodded, following behind the champion once more. "Alright. You can depend on me to help."

Together, the two of them left the village behind and ventured even deeper within the Deepwoods. They kept close together and looked for any sign of a dangerous, rampaging beast. But to their shock, the area was still and quiet.

Lake was about to ask where the beast could be, but there was a booming noise to answer his question. The fur along his tail raised again and Atlas huffed behind him. Taking a deep breath eased the fear within him, allowing the squirrel to get a bit closer.


The sudden sound of splintering wood was followed by a slow creaking and thud that shook the ground a bit. Lake gulped but dared to keep going. He could now see something up ahead. Closer and closer he came, his entire being seizing up every time another loud noise shook the forest.

Under the low light and through rubble's dust, Lake and Atlas could see what looked like a badger. He was large all over, sporting broad shoulders, a large chest and even had a bit of a gut to him. His attire was nothing more than spiked bands, shoulder pauldrons and a loincloth.

At the current moment the white and brown badger stuck his fists against another tree. The bark gave away under the force of his punch, sending slithers of wood all over the place. Another punch followed directly after and the poor tree was felled.

"H-Hey!" Lake yelled before he even realized it.

The badger looked in his direction and growled. "More of you, huh? I thought I told you before that I'm not going back!" The angry beast picked up a rock and chucked it at the squirrel.

Lake was quick to duck and the projectile was caught by Altas. His usual docile demeanor had changed in the wake of his friend nearly being hurt.

"I... I don't know what you're talking about! Just-"

"That's what the last guys said. But they were trying to take me back too!" The badger thumped his paw against another tree, leaving his imprint within the bark.

"S-so you're being followed?" Lake pressed. "If you need help we can-"

"I don't need help! I want you to go away!"

This time the badger started to march towards them, picking up speed with every step.

There was a growl behind Lake and before he could turn around, Atlas had already rushed forwards. He watched as the two large beasts ran at each other. They collided, locking hands and pushing against each other.

Neither of them buckled under the force of their opponent's strength. Lake was stunned as he watched the two of them fight. The badger managed to push Atlas back, but the bear was quick to lunge at him, wrapping his large arms around his foe's chest. The ursine pushed the badger to the ground and the two of them started to wrestle.

The rodent was left stunned and was starting to become oddly turned off at the sight before him. Two large males pressing so close, rolling around in the woods. The badger was already wearing so little and if there was a chance that Altas' could get ripped off...

As his thoughts were drifting to something more dirty, Lake got an idea. He dared to get just a bit closer to the fight, just enough for him to be in range. And once he was, the squirrel could feel just a bit of lust within the badger.

It flared up just slightly when he was squeezed or when his chest was roughly brushed by Atlas' body. Lake watched the fight and when that flare of lust came again, the squirrel latched onto it. He used his own powers to feed that sensation. And with every bump, grind, and squeeze that came from the fight, the badger was feeling a strange sense of arousal.

It was growing stronger with each passing second. The fur of Atlas' arms felt good on his chest, and when the bear rushed and hugged tight to his body, the mustelid had to bite back a sudden moan. He felt hot and he could feel his cock starting to stir. And with every passing second it was growing stronger. It was getting harder for him to focus...

"Ah... A-alright, alright! T-that's enough!" the badger huffed. Atlas did stop but he was confused. He looked around and saw the slight tent in the badger's loincloth. Looking back to Lake, he could see the rodent keeping his gaze on the now panting and blushing badger. He put it all together and took a few steps back.

"Are you alright?" Lake asked.

The lust had distracted the badger from his anger and now that it was subsiding, the large mammal was able to just take a deep breath.

"I hope so," the badger said, staying on the floor of the forest. "I thought I got away from him..."

"From who?" Atlas asked.

"Ugh! My dad!" The badger slammed his fists to the ground, making Atlas and Lake jump. "Nevermind... It's none of your business..."

"Tell us anyway," Lake said, getting down to join the badger on the ground. "It might help you feel better."

The badger took a deep breath.

"I'm trying to get away from my dad. He wants me to take over for him... But..."

His fists slammed against the ground again. "I will never be anything like him! Ever!!"

"Why not?" Atlas asked this time, settling down alongside the other two.

"My dad...He's obsessed with money, it's all he cares about. Even before all this bad stuff started happening. And all he ever used that money for was controlling everyone else. All the markets, the houses, even some of the other beasts. He has control over them, doing whatever he wants with them. Like they're all just toys! And he wanted me to follow in his footsteps. But I'll never do it! I'll never be like him!"

"And that's why you thought we were after you?"

"Yeah..." the badger sighed. "He's been sending other beasts after me. I came here and was able to lay low for a while. I guess I kinda freaked out. I didn't know anyone else would be this deep in the forest. I thought they were sent by my dad and made sure they weren't coming back."

"That would explain why Morton and his crew cannot return here," Atlas added. "We can be here to help them."

"Aw..." the badger groaned, burying his head in his paws. "I've really messed up this time, haven't I?"

"Hey, it's alright..." Lake got up and dusted himself off. "I mean... You're alright now, right?"

The badger nodded and even smiled a bit as he eased his body up.

"What can we call you?" Atlas asked, getting up as well. He outstretched his paw and the badger took it, getting up to his feet as well.

"You can call me Zee," the badger chuckled and thumped a heavy paw to his own chest. "And you can fight pretty well."

"Oh, thank you." The bear nodded. "My name is Atlas and this is Lake. He is the champion, heralded by the king himself."


"The king, huh? I thought he all but shut us out," Zee huffed.

"It's kind of hard to explain, but the king's trying hard to keep us all safe. But it's up to Atlas and I to save the Beast Lands before everything goes under."

The badger listened to the squirrel. There was something about him that was hard to pinpoint, something that interested the badger. He certainly was cute and Zee had a newfound respect for the little guy for even getting so close to him.

"So, what are you going to do now, Zee?" Lake asked.

"I don't know," the badger admitted. "My whole life, I've wanted to get away from my dad. I've never wanted to lead like I do. I don't want to be above somebody, I want to help instead."

"Well..." Lake grinned, flicking his tail playfully. "If you have nowhere to go, you could tag along with us for a while."

"That is not a bad idea," Atlas said with a small smile. "Saving the Beast Lands is no easy feat. And the more aiding us, the better."

"If you're looking for a leader-"

"Actually, Lake is the current leader," Atlas pointed out. "He is the one blessed by the king and leading the quest."

"So, does that mean... I can help somebody else?" Zee suddenly lit up, grinning like a smiling child. "If that means I don't have to lead, then I'll follow you anywhere you go, boss!"

"T-thanks. We could really use the help," Lake smiled awkwardly, not expecting the sudden change within the previously aggressive badger.

Zee dusted himself off and grinned after crossing his arms. "So, where are we headed next?"