An Unexpected Connection

Story by Joshiah on SoFurry

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#111 of Incest Stories (Others)

When Shelby walks out on her boyfriend, she doesn't think that there's an easy path ahead of her, but luck happens to be on her side that first night in this commission for Certified!

The story within is one that begins on a sour note: Shelby's relationship with Gordon is on the rocks because of her work as an escort, but it's not the job's the way that Gordon is unfair to her about demanding she make more money when they discuss combining their finances.

After weeks of issues, Shelby decides to take a client as an excuse to leave the apartment, but when she arrives at the house, she's utterly shocked to see the man on the other side of the door.

She hasn't seen her grandfather in years, but immediately, he's happy to see her, welcome her in and catch up...but...she's learned a lot more about him from her escort app than she planned to...and she can't think of any better way to thank him for his hospitality!


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"You're gonna have to grow up sooner or later, and throwing a purse over your shoulder and storming out the door isn't gonna fix what's wrong! If you're serious about saving this relationship, you'll take those fucking heels off and sit down!"

Shelby didn't blame her boyfriend for being so upset with her; going out all hours of the night made her difficult to trust, but then, there were no misgivings about what she'd been doing with her free time.

If she wanted to make ends meet, she was going to do it her way, but if her boyfriend continued voicing his disapproval with such a sour attitude, she wasn't going to wait around for him to come around to just how much his words stung her.

"Sit down? Do I look like a fucking dog to you?" she yelled back, standing by the door of the apartment and fussing with her hair one last time, using the reflection of her phone screen to make sure that her fur was delicately appointed. "Honestly, you're the one who was pushing me to make more money on the side, and when I found gainful employment-

"Because being an escort is such gainful employment."

"You didn't have a problem with it at the start," Shelby reminded him. "But now that I've started asking for a break from my other job and a chance to move in with you so we can get a little more serious, you decide to change your tune?"

The man's name was Gordon, and his possession over Shelby existed within strange annals: he was okay with her working for the escort service for the money that it brought in, but when she suggested that they move in together to take the financial burdens off of both of their wallets, he changed his mind about her occupation, thinking she should stick to retail if they were sharing a roof.

His apartment was far nicer, and what started as a place that she loved going to for the comforts of it now felt like a treasure that was being lorded over her, held out of reach until she decided to conform to his ideas of what a respectable profession was.

"It doesn't exactly reflect well on us as a couple if my girlfriend is running around with whatever guy can afford her time," Gordon explained. The Turkish Kangal was approaching from his bedroom, arms at his sides and shoulders forward in a domineering stride, but Shelby refused to let her fear dictate her actions: if he came too much closer, she'd slam the door right against the end of his snout. "And if we move in together, you won't need this gig anymore, so you can focus on the clothing store!"

"Yes...the dead end job with no chance for promotion, no benefits and no retirement plan...that's such a glamorous thing to aspire to," Shelby argued. "Seeing how the quality of the customers is about the same in both lines of work, and the escort service pays a lot better, I think I know what's gonna be the better choice in the long run..."

She hated lying to Gordon, but right then, she couldn't stand being around him. They'd spent almost the entirety of their Friday evening arguing about the way that she was collecting funds and when she was going to quit and find a more professional line of work, and when that was the outcome of what she expected to a quiet, romantic evening in...she couldn't wait to get back out.

The lie came in saying that she had a client to attend to, and he could have guessed that she was fibbing a story to get away from him, but like so many fools before him, he realized that his criticisms were pushing her away; he feared that she might walk out of his life forever if he let her walk out the door right then.

"You can't just keep doing this forever,'ve said it yourself that you feel like some of the clients are just using you for sex."

"They are ," she agreed. "That's the whole point, Gordon...but at least when they decide to fuck me, they're actually paying for my time and energy...and I'm actually getting something out of it."

When the passion faded from a relationship, or worse, turned to hatred between a once romantic pair, the results could be catastrophic; Shelby was fearing the worst with every word she said, and seeing a text message on her phone, she wouldn't wait for Gordon to come any closer, fearful of his temper.

"You really gonna go there? Gonna insult how I am in the bedroom because you're so busy getting used to being dicked down by other guys?"

"...I wasn't kidding when I said you were the only one I enjoyed that with, Gordon...but now? I can't imagine enjoying it with you , either..."

He was growling deep when she opened the door of the apartment and slammed it shut behind her, never stopping to look if he'd been caught in the door itself.

If she really mattered to him, she was convinced that he would follow her, but there was some twisted sense of hollow relief when she heard the door deadbolting behind her, instead; she couldn't fathom going back to her dingy apartment on a night like that.

"Even if it's with a total fucking stranger...I'm...n-not going to bed alone tonight..."

She'd have to reapply her makeup when she arrived at the location, but she wasn't going to bother wiping the tears from her face as she walked down to her car.

If Gordon was right about her, no one would care enough to ask what was wrong with her.


Money was the only reason that the stranger had her phone number, and up front, Shelby noticed that she'd been given a rather hefty tip on her payment service: whoever this man was, he had fairly deep pockets, but in her haste to accept the hook up, she didn't bother checking to see which side of town she was heading for.

It was a nicer area; that wasn't a guarantee that the man she was about to meet wasn't a creep, but something else about their meetup would have instantly made her stomach turn, if she'd realized it a moment earlier.

She was completely blind to that revelation when she parked in the driveway of the nicer looking home, just as she was requested to on the app. She was still swallowing her pride anew and wiping the streams of tears from her face, hoping that a little extra makeup around her eyes would be enough to keep the client from knowing that she'd been crying; there were plenty of scumbags out there that didn't much care about the emotional wellbeing of their clients, but most of her previous partners were turned off by the sight of tears, at the very least.

Doing the best she could in the rearview mirror of the car and collecting herself, she tugged down slightly on the front of her dress, allowing the downy feathers above her cleavage to stand forth with obvious prominence. Another breath, and she stood up and out of the car, looking around the quiet neighborhood to ground herself.

A final breath, and she felt an odd familiarity with the place, thinking it reminded her a lot of the kind of place she would have grown up, as a child: the streets were quiet, the houses were nice, the lawns were well-kept, and everything around her had the sense of being just a little too perfect.

Even the feeling of the door under her knuckles was oddly satisfying, and the rapping of a tok tok tok filled her ears with different memories than she expected.

"Just keep breathing, baby...relax, and when he opens that door, you give him the best, sweetest smile that you've got left," she whispered to herself, her voice so quiet that even someone walking by the front of the house would have missed her words. "Maybe this one will actually care about you longer than you're a cocksleeve for him..."

She was in the middle of one more deep, full breath, and just as she expected, her chest was still up and her head tilted back when the door swung in, opening before her to reveal a face that she never would have expected.

"You...y-you're're the girl, right?"

With the makeup on her face, the years on her body and the tight, gripping dress around her slender figure, Shelby would have been unrecognizable to almost anyone, at first: even some members of her family might have struggled to recognize her.

"Last I checked, I am a girl, yes," Shelby confirmed for him. "Not sure if I'm the girl, but we've got all night to figure that out, don't we?'

His voice was familiar, but that wasn't the first time that she was convinced she knew the voice of a client from somewhere.

When she thought about the origin, however, and noticed his lower lip trembling with the same realization that she was slowly accepting, she immediately covered her own maw and silenced and further flirtation.

A gryphon, like me...older, but not so old yet...not terribly far from where I shit.

Shelby was kicked out of her parent's home when she refused to conform with the idea of what they wanted for her in life; even if that wasn't the case, her work as an escort would have put her on the streets long before she ever tried walking them for money.

Her boyfriend was acting eerily like her parents, anymore, but there was one member of the family that was estranged since she was much younger, and she was learning that there was a truth to what she knew of someone's eyes.

Lots of things changed about a person, over time: features shifted, wrinkles formed, fur fell out...but save for an injury or blindness, the eyes never changed.

An evening that was already emotionally turbulent was in a full-on nosedive, and without a conscious thought, Shelby threw herself at her grandfather, only to be caught by a man that was struggling with his own emotional turmoil.

His arms wrapped around her tightly and tugged her through the front door, refusing to let her stand out in the cold of the evening.

"Shelby? that really you?" he asked, struggling to believe that a girl he was convinced he'd never see again was standing in the doorway of his home.

When he moved away, he was convinced he'd seen the last of his extended family, and morbid as it was, he was prepared at that time to spend the rest of his days in quiet misery, making the most of the neighborhood that had welcomed him in with open arms.

To have any piece of that family back in his life was a greater blessing than the welcome of every neighbor and friend he'd made in the last decade, and to see the wonderful, young woman that Shelby had become, even on first glance, was a miracle that he wouldn't take for granted.

"Never thought my own grandparents would be using this kind of app," she whispered into his chest, nuzzling against him in the hopes of finding some sort of comfort in such a strange meeting. "But with grandma having been gone so long, I guess I can't really blame you for it..."

"Never thought my little pumpkin would be the kind of girl to use those sorts of apps, either," he admitted. "Seeing you like this, it''s a little much, really have blossomed into a beautiful young woman, Shelby. It does my heart well to see that..."

The pair of gryphons stood together in the living room in a tight embrace, but they could both feel something awkward surrounding the moment; given that he'd called her over with the intention of sleeping with a younger woman, and she'd come over with the intent of milking an older man for his funds, they didn't have the grounds to judge each other...but there was nothing they could do about everything between them feeling strange.

"Just does my heart well to know that you're still out there," Shelby confessed. "Mom and Dad never told me anything about you after we stopped talking. They would have let me believe that you were dead before they told me you were anywhere near me."

"Guess you're a girl after my own heart, after all," he mentioned. "Couldn't stand the family so you got as far away as you could, as fast as you could?"

Shelby giggled. "Sure did, and I ended up falling for some jerk who's starting to remind me way too much of my father. Guess the apple doesn't fall too far from either of the trees, unfortunately."

"Happens to the best of us," he suggested. "Not to be crass, but if he's just like your father, I'm not sure I want to know anything else about him..."

"The way he's been behaving lately? I think I've already mentioned all of his best qualities."

"That didn't take long."

"No,'s not all his fault," Shelby was warming right back up to her grandfather, having missed him dearly in the years that he was estranged. "What kinda guy can stack up to someone like you?"

"Oh, _pshaw._You don't need to go buttering me up for anything, pumpkin...this isn't exactly how I expected my evening to go, but I'd dare to say it's already going a lot better than I ever would have hoped!"

"Uh huh. Sure," Shelby teased. "I understand if it's a little weird for you to accept, but...I'm not a little girl anymore, Grandpa. You kinda missed some of that portion of my life, and...y-yeah. Let's just say that I've learned some things."

"If you're on this app, I'm sure you have," he agreed, but at that, his grip loosened a little bit: he had a bad feeling that he was going to slip up in the conversation before she did, and as soon as he did, his tongue went dry. "T-that's not to say that you're that...k-kind of girl or anything like that, I just...h-heh...I'm really bombing this, aren't I?"

Shelby was used to the guys that paid for her services feeling a little off when she arrived: people treated escort services and prostitution one of two ways, either taking it head on and treating the worker like she was a sex doll, or revering them in such a way that it left the whole experience feeling unusual.

She couldn't blame her grandfather for being closer to the point of reverence, but she was glad that he was doing his best to respect her, given the nature of their meeting.

"For what it's worth, you clean up pretty nicely," she said, using a line that would have been more suitable for a regular customer. "I haven't seen you in ages, so...I guess I only mostly remembered how you looked, if I'm being honest...but what's a handsome man like my Grandpa doing looking up prostitutes in the first place?"

It wasn't easy for anyone to admit to another member of their family that they were dipping into the seedy world of exchanging sex for money, but just breaching the topic was the hardest part of that conversation, usually.

With that part literally put out of the way by their arranged meetup, it was just a matter of Leo telling her the whole truth of what his life had become.

"It''s lonely being on your own all the time, pumpkin. Your grandma passed so young that I already felt like I was alone, even around the rest of the family, but once I was pushed out, I moved away...and I learned the value of not just what I'd lost, but what I'd left behind thereafter. I'm not that old, but even over the last decade or so, I've come to learn the value of company; when you don't have any connections left, it's the kind of thing that's worth paying for."

Shelby took a half step back and finally broke the embrace, but she wanted to get a clearer look at the man that was sneaking his way back into her life: he'd aged gracefully, and a tucked-in dress shirt and slacks made him look more the part of someone that was about to head out for the night, instead of staying in.

Just to catch up, she hoped she could nudge him toward the latter.

"You know you can pay to be around people in a way that doesn't involve sex, right?" she reminded him.

Leo chuckled. "Of course I know that, but I'm not looking to break into a whole new circle of friends anymore, pumpkin. I'm...just looking for someone to spend the last of my good years with."

"Playing the whole field, then?"

"Something like that."

It was strange for her to think about her grandfather as anything other than what he was, but at the end of that thought, he was a handsome, older gentleman with a lot of love left to give, and a nice home to call his own.

Just on the surface level, Shelby could imagine a lot of her fellow escorts appreciating his time and company as more than the lonely, old fool he believed himself to be.

"And when was the last time you were able to lay with another gryphon?"

"...Shelby, are you-

"Clock's ticking, gramps. You've already paid ahead for quite the treatment...a few notes in here about some of the things you like, too..."

There was no way he could take back the information he'd sent ahead of time: the app was a wonderful tool, allowing customers to pick their escorts by appearance, height, build, species, and even the kinks they were comfortable exploring.

He never would have known, nor had a reason to know, that he and his granddaughter shared a breeding fetish, if not for the fateful mix up.

"Shelby, you do realize that I am perfectly fine with you keeping the money and just...staying the night? Heading home, if you want? I'm not going to ask you to do anything like that."

"You seemed pretty gung ho about it when you opened the door," she suggested. "You're...s-still hard, actually. Sorry for noticing."

His erection poking her leg when he hugged her was a matter of consequence, but he'd been expecting a bombshell of a young gryphon to be on the other side of the door: that it was his granddaughter should have been enough to kill his erection, and yet...

"Sorry that it hasn't gone away yet," he whispered. "It...t-took me a moment to realize who you were, and you...w-well, you're quite the looker these days, pumpkin."

It could have been the lack of connection in their years apart, the emotional disaster that was Shelby's evening, or the excitement that came with knowing she could finally bed a male who cared about her.

It might have even been every source of eustress and distress coming together to create an amorous cocktail; one drink would do her in, but she'd already taken the first, forbidden sip.

"I won't tell a soul if you take this dress off of me, gramps. No one would ever know."

He couldn't believe that he was embracing her again, but this time, his tented member pressed into her hip with obvious intention.

"Who in the world would I tell, anyway?"


The dress didn't have anything underneath: Leo's special instructions were very specific, and he was coming to terms with the fact that it was his own granddaughter that had stripped out of it for him and pushed him back onto his own mattress...but coming to terms with the weight of what he was about to do was easier than finding the words to describe her natural beauty.

To sell such a heavenly figure to the men that she described was criminal: he completely understood why her boyfriend was so greedy with her body, but he wouldn't allow him to have her back.

"They never gave you the choice before, did they?" Leo asked, looking up from his pillow and watching every step that Shelby took to the edge of the bed. Her talons gripped the sheets as she climbed up her grandfather's body, moving over his ankle and up his thigh, until the moisture upon her womanhood was stroking the downy fluff near his sheath. "How you wanted to be made love to?"

"Not often," Shelby confessed. "And those who did only did because they were too timid to speak up or too indecisive to tell a girl what to do."

"Well, I can tell you that I'd love to catch up with you...evidently in an unusual way...and I'd love to see what you can do when you're only worried about enjoying yourself."

Shelby giggled as he felt Leo's member twitching against her uncovered sex. Rubbing down against the tip, she pushed along the underside of the shaft, massaging his flesh with her petals and giving him even the faintest demonstration of her skills.

"I've heard a few guys say that, as well, but...I think this is the first time I've really believed it," Shelby claimed. "You put a lot of other requests in that text form; you sure this is all you want?"

"A way to spend some time with my granddaughter and catch up on years of lost time...and a few orgasms while I do it," Leo reiterated. "And whatever she wants, because I lost almost all of my chances to spoil you!"

Shelby was going to tell him not to make it weird, but she was the one settling her folds against the tip of his full, eager cock...and she was the one easing back toward it as her palms came to settle against the barren landscape of his abdomen.

"Not sure anyone would agree with you spoiling your granddaughter this way," Shelby pointed out the obvious as she pushed back, penetrating herself on his shaft and moving slow to let the full, impressive flesh stand up inside of her womanhood. "But she...d-doesn't have a...problem with it...g-gramps..."

She'd been with plenty of men in her short time as an escort: some of them larger than he was, _plenty_of them smaller...but even with her own hips dictating the pace, she was struggling to move her way down to the base of his cock.

It wasn't their previous connection that gave her pause, but the weight of his shaft pumping into her that slowed her pace just a little bit.

They could have just pretended to be related, if he'd asked for that: she'd performed that fantasy for plenty of other customers before, but now that it was becoming a reality, she didn't know if she could keep from crying out in orgasmic bliss when she pushed forth on his shaft and started the easy, delicate pace that she was so fond of.

"If you don't have a problem with it, then...your old gramps is h-happy to oblige," Leo assured her, smiling up from his pillow the best that he could.

There was no hiding the hesitance in his gaze, nor any way to dispel the reality of what they'd done: they were outsiders in their own right, and though neither one sought to return to the family that ostracized them, they were making a connection with each other that would force them to stay hidden.

Knowing that it gave them an excuse to live their own lives and be their own people proved to be even greater motivation for Leo to reach out to his granddaughter and squeeze her backside, eager to relearn her body not just as his own flesh and blood, but as the capable lover she was already proving to be.

"H-hey! You never put that on the form," she teased, pushing back into his grip and wiggling her hips in his lap with an eager grin. "If I'd known you wanted to play with my ass, I...I would have...w-warmed it up for you..."

The thought hadn't crossed his mind yet, of course. He was still catching up with the reality of pumping his hips against his own grandchild, but the older gryphon would be more than happy to indulge that some other time, if she were so inclined.

Right then, he was trying to accept the mingled bliss of catching up with a beloved family member, and sharing in a much needed dance of passion with them, in turn.

"Another time," he told her, knowing what that kind of trouble that statement could invite. "Tonight, just...j-just worry about letting go of whatever's bothering you, pumpkin. Let it all out for me..."

It was still a little awkward to hear that name in the middle of the act, but there was such care behind that nickname that Shelby found herself wanting to beg him to call her that more often.

She'd find those words later, but as she rocked and settled in his lap, she shook her head. "I...I'm not sure that I can do that like this, but if you were willing to take the reins for a bit...m-maybe that's what I need, gramps."

Building up their full trust for one another would take some time, and they both knew it. It would have been unreasonable to think that they could just pick up where the world forced them to leave off...but if some random customer could pound into her body with such reckless vigor, she felt she could trust her grandfather to do the same.

It was a matter of him still having the physical prowess, and with a grin and a shove, he proved that he had plenty of strength left about him: Shelby didn't resist as her back hit the mattress, puffing out the excess air of the plush topper and leaving her to giggle in Leo's arms.

The first real depth of his cock came when he settled into place above her, but he only paused long enough to hear her gasping into the base of his ear...the sound created a new addiction within him as he pulled back and pumped forth again, giving her more pleasure in two missionary thrusts than dozens of customers had ever been able to produce.

"Yup! That's...t-that's exactly what I needed...oh...o-oh wow...I know what they've always said about guys with experience, but...n-no one has ever moved like this with one has ever made me feel anything this!"

Her claws raked over the gap between his wings, stroking along his fur and putting all the emphasis she could into her touch. She didn't think the wrapping of her legs around his hips was enough to get her point across, but she prayed the internal clench of her womanhood would do the trick...and she was losing control of that internal fluttering a little too quickly for her liking.

As long as she'd waited for that incestuous reunion, she wanted it to last longer, but then again...he had paid for the whole night.

"You'd be amazed at what a little practice will do for you," Leo suggested, grinning at his granddaughter and holding her body under his comforting grip. "Especially when it's with someone who actually...c-cares...if you get off or not..."

For all the lines of taboo that they crossed on the way to that moment, there was nothing quite as profound as the knowledge that he did want her to have an orgasm: he cared about her pleasure, so much that he would have been willing to stop right then and there, if it somehow helped her along.

Her eyes shrunk down a bit; she wasn't prepared for what kind of sensual effect such an emotional epiphany could have on her in the middle of the act, and she couldn't stop her reaction from the same, as she seized up around her grandfather's cock.

No matter how hard she tried to slow his pace with that tight, blissful grip, she couldn't ease the weight of his hips crashing down against her, and couldn't hope to slow the rapidly building orgasm in the pit of her womanhood.

She was trembling when it finally arrived: both with the ecstasy that filled her figure, and the shaky emotions that left her beneath a man who genuinely cared for her for the first time in her life.

"If you d-do care...I've got some v-very good news for you..."

Her voice was raspy and impassioned, her legs desperate to reach up and cling around his lower back as he pumped faithfully, stretching her inner muscles around his impressive length. With each pass, he left her a little bit closer to screaming out at the top of her lungs, and the quiet, suburban neighborhood was suddenly alive with the sound of a forbidden release; Shelby was letting her orgasm spill over Leo's shaft without a hint of remorse about their familial connection.

Knowing that silky warmth against his shaft and pushing it right back into her, Leo knew it was a foolish move to try and last any longer: the delightful heat of her passage, the skillful clench and the mess of her juices were already proving too much for him, no matter how proud he was of his endurance.

He couldn't even find the words to describe what he'd done until the first gush was pushing up through her passage and settling in her womb, filling her with something more than heat; it was a sense of comfort that she'd never known from a climax before.

"Shelby, can't just...s-squeeze it like that...fuck..._c-can't stop...cumming..._mnnf!"

"I can do whatever I want with it," she demanded, her voice a quick, hurried groan, speaking to the effort her body put into milking him down to the last drop. "You checked lots of boxes, gramps...f-femdom was on there, wasn't it?"

She wasn't wrong...and she was delighted to know that she had so many more kinks to explore with her grandfather, before the night was through.

What she didn't anticipate was that she didn't have to rush: she'd have much longer than one night to get through all of the requests that he'd made.


His martial bed was a place of comfort, but Leo couldn't remember the last time he was stirred by the sound of little footsteps padding their way into the door.

"Daddy! Daddy, it's Saturday! That means you're gonna make us pancakes, right?"

He was still groaning and turning in the bed, but a smile was on his face before he was awake enough to feel his lips shifting.

"Mmhm...p-pancakes..." he grumbled.

Sitting upright and turning to his lover, he rested his palm on the full, round belly of their second child, giving it a delicate rub and stirring Shelby out of her own peaceful rest.

"Does our second little blessing want some pancakes, as well?"