Chronicles of the Justicar ACT III Part I

Story by Cartoon Malero on SoFurry

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#15 of Chronicles of the Justicar

Justicar: Holy hell the next parts out...finally.

Anarchy: It would have gone up sooner if a certain SOMEONE wasn't playing DOOM 64

Necron402: hey...I had to beat the game first before I could write more

Liken: Ok w/e

[Planet; Sigma 9, year 3,586, Sunday August 11th, 2:40AM. Infinite Base camp, Death. Forge Bay.]

Lord Anarchy floated on spot as he always did, carefully watching his organic slaves build his environmental suit that would allow him to secure his grip around this galaxy's neck...and the next if the Grandfather was satisfied about the subjugation of this realm. The cult that worshipped the infinite like gods did their part to he had to admit, causing the civil war between darkspawns and rebels, destroying most of the leadership of both humans and the darkspawns when Lord Khaos was re-banished for good, not to mention delivering the two most important organics straight into his clutches and the creatures of flesh made great cannon fodder for his unopposed rise to power, the simple reward of dieing and joining the infinite in death was an extraordinary way to make these zealots work for him and through him the Grandfather.

The massive armor that would contain the Infinite Lord stood stoically in the massive forge room; countless walk ways and supports covered the death armor endlessly, countless cultists manned many computers and technical equipments running hundreds of diagnostics to make sure their god's return would be as destructive as possible. Anti-matter missiles, black hole cannons, phase emitters, and Anarchy's personal favorite; the obliterator mass cannon. Where all being built onto the armor for maximum destruction. All that was missing from his complete and fully functional environment suit was him, but galactic domination could wait a few more minutes, nothing could stop the infinite. Anarchy's dreams of grandeur were cut short when his minion interrupted him.

"Milord." Xoro'tanth said his tone made it clear that he was sorry for approaching the god on equal terms.

"What?" Anarchy said sharply. He hated losing his train of thought. "Do you want, Shadow master." His temper losing on every word

"Milord, the next shipment of corpses has arrived to be turned into void soldiers, shall I send them to my students to resurrect and...equipped?"

The husks of dead organics called "void soldiers" were also very handy in quelling the meager resistance he faced. A combination of infinite radiation and metal created an army of super inhuman monsters, immune to pain, fear, hunger, sleep. They were the perfect minions to do his bidding.

"You dare bring me such an inane question such as this, Shadow master? I should kill you where you stand for incompetence!"

"Before you punish me, milord. Know that my forces have secured the targets that you wanted." Xoro'tanth said subordinately

This was the first time ever Xoro'tanth had ever seen Lord Anarchy pleased...even happy. "Most excellent, Shadow master, bring the human and valgary to the cells; I will deal with them shortly."

"If I may be so bold, milord. We know how dangerous these two pose, why not just kill them? Shirley they cannot have anything we want."

Anarchy allowed the lesser creature to interrupt him, anything less then his position as shadow master would have warrant death for how many pointless questions he asked but he needed the traitorous darkspawns more than he could let on.

"The Grandfather has been gracious enough to tell me of his master plans, all you need to know, Shadow master, is that either the two organics join us, or be destroyed!"

The shadow master scratched his metal plate that covered the entire top portion of his head with his gnarly old hand, still holding his blood encrusted staff.

"I'm not sure if I follow you, milord."

"You have your orders! Now, away with you! Your organic stench is making me nauseous."

"Of course milord, right away milord." Said Xoro'tanth as he scampered off like a rat

Lord Anarchy turned his almighty, important attention back to his powerful suit. The massive black and red armor had a humanoid structure to it with a large human like skull for a head, the various weapon systems were not out of place on the bulky armor only serving to make it that much more menacing and the only thing that can stop him is now under lock and key paving the way for the Grandfather's inevitable return.

[Planet; Sigma 9, year 3,586, Sunday August 11th, 3:00AM. Infinite Base camp, Death. Prison Ward 6-66.]

The first thing that woke Arjun up was not the flickering florescent lights inside the dirty and bloodily hallway it was the fact he was being dragged along the ground by a void soldier with its blade arm stuck through his right shoulder and pulling him to his destination like that. It was a lot less painful than Arjun thought it would be, maybe they injected with something to stop the pain or he was knocked out for so long the damaged tissue was so far gone it couldn't tell the brain he had a giant curved knife sticking through his arm and dragging him along the ground.

Not one cell in the long narrow prison ward had any prisoners inside them. Was it a blessing or a curse that the zealots didn't outright kill him like they did to To'vash, Arjun didn't know the answer to that and the monster properly didn't know either.

The lights completely gave out. The void soldier didn't care and continued pulling the human not caring if it accidentally severed his arm and had to use the other one to drag him the rest of the way.

Ca-Chink! The metal gate to the one room cell flung open. Without any care the monster tossed Arjun like a piece of meat into the room and closed the rusty metal door locking it instantly, the monster then slowly walked off using its blade arms to act like crutches so it wouldn't have to use its clubbed feet to move about.

"What the hell is going on 'ere? What the heck on those sword arm guys! Jesus..." Arjun commented on his situation.

The brown skinned human's rhetorical question was answered by the prison cell's first occupant. The prisoner both cried and sniffed not giving Arjun any form of greetings.

"Hey man you alright?" Arjun asked to his unknown cellmate. No answer came from the dark figure as it sat curled up in the corner whimpering.

"Dude, you got me with yea it's-" Arjun Fiaz walked closer and pulled his cellmate by the shoulder to reveal it was Liken. "-oh shit!"

Arjun reached for his blade out of habit but he only grabbed air instead, the zealots stripped him of his sword and power armor leaving him only in his battered and unwashed military clothing. The alien spoke, her words interrupted by the constant whimpering but it didn't matter, Arjun couldn't understand the valgary's language without his armor to translate it.

"Just great, just fucking great. My armor is gone along with my sword, imprisoned by an enemy that I know nothing about and I have to share the same cell with...with." The Justicar pointed at Liken. "That...thing. Fan-fucking-tastic" He sighed and shrugged his arm while he sat cross legged on the cold ground.

Liken was still curled up in a ball, her tail covering her elongated head. Her constant crying and sniffling drove Arjun insane as he tried to come up with a plan, any plan, to get out of this cell. He made several attempts to catch the alien's attention without having to touch her by waving his arms around erratically hoping the alien could see in the dark but Liken paid no attention to him.

"Fine, sit here and be 'emo'. Why you aren't tearing out my throat I may wonder but between me and you. I'm a lot more scared of the blade arm freaks wandering this..."prison" than you."

Arjun sat with his back against the black cement wall still trying to piece together what the hell just happened in the past few hours; he turned his head to Liken at laughed.

"To think Carpender told me that the reason he gave to Mala-whatsit was that you would be able to kill me. You're the sorriest excuse of whatever the hell you are in the history of ever-"

In a wink of an eye the valgary had uncurled from her ball and leaped onto Arjun with unrivaled speed.

"Just shut up! By the moons just shut up!" Liken had yelled in his face in broken english

"Holy hell it can talk!" Arjun said surprised.

"Of course I can speak English you idiot!" She continued to yell in front of Arjun's face, tears stained her black scales. "Zhakaev had taught me your easy lang-"The Valgary broke down in tears again from the loss of her best friend and mate.

Arjun tried to move the beast of an alien off of him but without his armor to grant him his strength his attempts were pointless.

"That's fantastic, now shove off."

The valgary raised her right claw in the air to swipe the human's face clean off his head but instead of outright murdering her enemy her sadness overwhelmed her and she broke down again in tears.

"Ugh." Arjun said as he got really tired of her mood swings and this time shoved her off his body to the ground with no resistance. "So I'm guessing by the way you look your little "boyfriend" died to those sword-arm-bandage-faced-freaks. To be frank, I'm glad he died horribly, hell I'd help these monsters if they didn't kill humans as well."

Liken looked up at the brown human who was crossing a very, very thin line with her by the way he was talking about her former mate.

"Look, Liken, that's your name right?"

She nodded.

"Fantastic." Arjun said sarcastically "Just so were on the same page I think we should get the hell out of here, the book being 'Escaping a place from a very powerful enemy"

"Why should I help you? You're a horrible person, human! As soon as you get your precious armor you will just try to kill me like an animal not to mention, we don't even know what we are up against! What are those things?" Liken said, her whimpering clearing up

"Well for one how long do you think these monsters are going to keep us around for? Not long; since one stab me in the god dam arm!" yelled Arjun as he pointed to his flesh wound

The lights flickered back on and Liken rose her head in the air as if she heard something in the background, Arjun looked around as well but couldn't hear anything until a few minutes later came several of the gorilla amputee monsters which was normal for them to patrol but it was who followed them that made this patrol unique; the one in front was clearly an older darkspawn, he used a staff to walk and support himself with the top half of his head completely incased in metal with his only facial feature being his grotesque yellow thin pointy teeth from his large mouth. Behind him looked like a cross between Gumby and a mannequin that was melting, Arjun couldn't tell what gender or even what race it was but it was equally as disgusting as the one in front but both of the aliens were nothing to the third who came behind them.

Floating several feet behind the ghoulish melting figure came what Arjun best could describe is, a ghost. The specter had blazing red eyes that were fixed in place as its humanoid like body continued to shift as various light sources played upon its murky black form.

"This is the organic? This is the fearsome Justicar that has killed so many? He is just a mere kid. The fleshling hasn't even reached full maturity!" Anarchy laughed in the way only such as he could.

"Milord, it is his armor that displaces the power, the host is a dimwit-

"Hey!" Arjun interrupted. "I'm right here you faceless freak!"

Shadow master Xoro'tanth pointed his staff toward the cell as dark energies began form around the tip until Baphomet gently pushed her mate's staff downwards away from the prisoners.

"They are...alive for ...reasons...remember?"

Lord Anarchy floated closer to the cell bars until he passed through them to meet his special prisoners. "Who the hell are you? Casper's evil twin?" asked Arjun

"Silence organic!" Anarchy's eyes' flared immensely "I have let both of you live for now so you may choose not to let your entire race go completely extinct when the Grandfather returns."

Arjun looked past the ghost and saw the misshapen clay monster and the insane jabbering darkspawn. "Will I have to retarded as well or is it something you space ghosts prefer-

"Enough prattling organic!" Anarchy's voice was cold as ice but at this distance the eyes of the void creature started to cook the organic in his own clothing.

In an instance Anarchy was now outside the cell. "Minions! See to it that the organics serve the Grandfather...and if they refuse... bring their corpses to my lair once you are done.

"Of course, milord." Xoro'tanth bowed as his master took his leave by vanishing out of thin air.

Baphomet looked at the puny human and whispered to her mate. "I'll take care of the human; my talents will be more than enough to handle him."

"Then I will help the young one learn how she can find salvation when the Grandfather makes his inevitable return back to this realm of mortality."

[Planet; Sigma 9, year 3,586, Sunday August 11th, 4:00AM. Infinite Base camp, Death. The Shadow master's Study.]

Liken gave up trying to maul the much weaker creature as his two massive body guards would come to his defense in an instance, the party of four came to Xoro'tanth's personal suite.

Thousands of books covered the walls masking any form of wall décor the room might have had originally, the frail darkspawn quickly limped ahead of his void soldiers who now had Liken pinned to the ground without having to resort to more gruesome ways of incapacitating her.

"You may leave us now, guards" ordered the Shadow master

The valgary rose to her hooves and her attention now fixated on the easy target of a darkspawn as he looked around the massive book shelves for the text he was looking for, Liken got ready to strike.

"I would advise against your decision, girl." Said Xoro'tanth who was heavily reading into a small book

The valgary didn't respond at first instead she got low to the ground ready to pounce on the seemingly blind darkspawn. "Why should I let you live?" Liken answered

"Because you can't kill me, young one. The Lord himself has granted me powers beyond your imagination, and I can offer you the same reward."

"I don't want any of your filthy powers, I want you dead."

"The weak will die off to make way room for the strong..." muttered the elder darkspawn but the keen hearing of Liken overheard his constant babbling.

"What was that...?" Liken growled.

"Just a quote from a former Shadow master, you of all people should appreciate that quote." Xoro'tanth stated. "Your people do it all the time, if I'm not mistaken your race killed its own young if they shown any sign of weakness, what the infinite and my students are doing is no different. Only a handful of organics are worthy enough to be among the gods."

"Are you telling me Zhakaev wasn't worthy enough? He is more of a man than you are!"

"Child...Zhakaev may have been a commander and a half breed but he was no where special as you make him out... you on the other hand. The master has taken an interest in both you and the fledgling human; I offer you a chance to save your race from complete extinction, the Grandfather can do so much for you, girl."

"What can he do for me?" Liken said sharply but her interest began to peak

"Very simple, girl, the Grandfather can bring back those you loved and care about."

"What?" Liken said. Xoro'tanth now had her where he wanted. Xoro'tanth's grin stretched across his entire face knowing he now had the valgary's attention but he hid his face deeply in the tome he pulled down so she wouldn't notice.

"The gods that my students and I worship are beautiful beings of immense power, called, Infinite."

Liken got up from her pre pounce pose and walked over to the Shadow master, she wanted to think he was lying about the ability to break people back from the dead but the small voice in the back of her head that he may be telling the truth was all she needed to listen to him, any chance to see, hear, or feel Zhakaev once more was enough for her to believe him.

"The Infinite feed off the life energy that all organics have, you, I, and anyone that is flesh and blood no matter what race you are we are all kin under the Grandfather's banner"

Liken shook her head realizing she was thinking of helping the people behind her people's mass murder. "You're the ones who killed so many to begin with!"

Xoro'tanth laughed. "You will find that we were behind lots of things as well, everything has been going to the Grandfather's desire. The civil war between rebels and darkspawns were caused by us so that the Forces of Khaos would be easily used in our favor to weaken the super powers of this galaxy. We even made the young humans and the foolish rebels think that Lord Khaos was evil! Once Azeazl and Malaga were killed Lord Anarchy was able to banish Lord Khaos for good while bringing more infinite out from the shattered realm."

"What about my people! Where they part of your plan too!" yelled Liken who became increasingly aggravated.

"We didn't kill them, oh no. In fact we saved them!"

Liken leaped onto Xoro'tanth and pinned him to the ground, her claws holding his arms down with her bladed tail pointed towards his forehead. "How are the humans killing my race SAVING THEM!" she yelled into the Shadow master

The darkspawn vanished in a cloud of heavy black smoke disorienting the valgary then reappearing several feet behind her. "Their physical bodies yes, but their life energy, it still exists. Energy can not be created nor destroyed, only transferred. The Grandfather has your people's life energy added to his own, they are very much alive. As I said, he can bring people back...if you serve him well enough."

Liken turned around to face the Shadow master who continued to preach. "Faith is what my students and I have in serving the gods, faith that one day we will be rewarded for our service and faith that the gods will bring an age of peace."

Liken cocked her head to the side. "Is that why you captured me and killed Zhakaev? To use him as collateral so that I'm forced to join you if I ever want to see him again?"

Xoro'tanth laughed. "You're a smart one for your race! But if you want to be that harsh...yes. Think of it not as 'collateral' but as a helpful push in the right course of action in your future. You will gain so much more benefit by fighting for the Grandfather...rather than against."

The exit from Xoro'tanth's study was now suddenly block by several hulking void soldiers ready to cut her down if she refused Xoro'tanth's offer, Liken nodded.

"...I'll do it...If it's the only way then I will do what ever your Grandfather asks of me...."

"Good." Xoro'tanth smiled. "You have made a very...wise decision."

[Planet; Sigma 9, year 3,586, Sunday August 11th, 3:00AM. Infinite Base camp, Death. Baphomet's chambers.]

Baphomet had taken the form of a human female with all the traits males of their species, long neck, wide hips, thick lips, large buttocks and breasts. The elegant form she took rubbed Arjun's shoulders helping the brown skinned human to relax.

Arjun hated to admit it but it was very relaxing to have a backrub by very beautiful woman even though he knew what she really was and that several void soldiers stood stoically around the entire room waiting for him to try to harm their master, but without his armor that was not going to happen.

"The Grandfather is not some pagan deity, Justicar, he is as powerful-"

Arjun cut Baphomet off early. "The Grandfather? First Khaos, then evil puff of smoke and now the Grandfather? You cultists really love to worship the most dumbest of things."

Baphomet was tempted to turn the back message into a decapitation but Anarchy gave her orders to try to turn the human and not kill him, Baphomet sighed and answered. "Anarchy." Baphomet corrected Arjun. "Lord Anarchy i-"once again Arjun stopped her

"The puff of smoke or the Grandfather?"

"The 'puff of smoke' is Lord Anarchy, the infinite lord ordered by the Grandfather to dominate this sector which you call 'The Milky Way Galaxy' for his return back to this plane."

"So...a giant puff of smoke ordered a smaller puff of smoke to take over the galaxy, is that it?"

Baphomet's nails dug into Arjun's shoulders out of frustration for dealing with the most annoying person ever. "The infinite are not 'puffs of smoke' they are creatures made from the very thing the universe is made up of, dark energy, anti matter and dark matter. They need to feed on anything that's alive, planets, animals, and plants. Anything that holds life energy."

Arjun nodded pretending he knew what the cultist was rambling on about but Baphomet continued. "The Infinite have a very hard time getting the energy they need in their raw form, as with our lord you saw. We have already begun construction on a powerful suit which allows an Infinite to directly take life energy from an organic instead of waiting for it to die and eat a little bit at a time."

"Oh joy; you crazy bastards worship energy sucking vampires from space! But I have one question, what happened to Lord Khaos?"

Baphomet laughed as she applied more cream to her palms to work Arjun's back muscles some more. "When the Grandfather devoured a particular powerful world he had to much energy at once and was force to release it, the resulting aftermath born Lord Khaos, direct descendent of the Grandfather. Khaos didn't share the same ideals as his father and wanted the Infinite to be the protectors of life, not the destroyers. The Grandfather had Lord Anarchy be his eyes to make sure Lord Khaos ended up dead, which did happen when your forces stormed the Darkspawn home world to stop Lord Khaos' summoning. A pity, if you humans only knew that Lord Khaos would have been friendly..."

Arjun turned his head around to meet Baphomet who still wore the mask of a very attractive female. "So you tell me that you, twitchy dude with the no forehead and Anarchy sabotaged both sides of the war so there would be plenty of deaths to summon Lord Khaos so you could kill him and give enough energy to your Grandfather so he can bring the rest of his forces to this galaxy and kill us all. Did I get all that?"

Baphomet laughed. "Smart for a lowly human, but the Grandfather has much more planned than simply killing everything. Once Lord Anarchy's suit is ready he will lead the destruction of every civilized world with his army of infinite, but we can talk about the infinite any old day..." Baphomet began running her slender fingers through the short hairs on Arjun's chest. "I always thought the famous Justicar to be some mere human could do what the Justicar did, but seeing you in this...physique confirms this."

Arjun took the compliment even if she truly didn't mean it. "Well I am pretty awesome; I kill more bastards than the entire VALOR army does when morning comes."

"But you're so young, not even fully matured for your species and you don't even have a mate..." whispered Baphomet into his ear as she held his half naked body against hers.

"Don't really have time to date when you're the kickassticar...not to mention I think somewhere in the debriefing they said something about low sex drive, or something. I wasn't paying attention."

"But you are not in your suit, are you?" cooed Baphomet again into Arjun's left ear as she slid her hand down Arjun's civilians pants. "There is so much more you can be than what your government limits you to be, work for your own goal, and be your own person. Your race is fighting an un-winnable battle against a god. Do your species a favor and be that last surviving member of your race. Do what we did, join the Grandfather and he can anything you desire..." Baphomet now had her oiled hand around Arjun's manhood and felt it harden and grow as she coursed it. "A reality."

Baphomet wrapped her other arm around the brown skinned human's torso to keep him pinned against her warm body as she continued to slowly move her hand up and down his cock. In annoyance of always hitting the top of his undergarments, Baphomet slowly removed his bottom leggings without his knowledge as the weak- in- willpower human was easily distracted by her most effective means of 'persuasion'. Even with the combination of the hulking disfigured void soldiers that stood stoically around the room that watched the two and the very attractive human form that Baphomet took was merely a mirage could not make Arjun's pride shrink back down, his mind wanted out but his body needed the much delayed release.

Arjun's body twisted and squirmed but Baphomet held him too tightly to do any real movements but unannounced to her Arjun had already arrived at climax. She wiped her hand along side the pillows the two sat on as Arjun stood up and pulled up his pants.

"Have you come to a conclusion?" asked Baphomet as she rubbed the back of Arjun's thighs

"Well I do see your point, and maybe you are right, I can be so much more with my armor, hell I practically carried the war effort!"

"You're so correct Arjun." Baphomet nodded towards the void soldiers behind the human "But what would such a famous hero be without his armaments..." passionately said Baphomet as she rubbed her body against his legs.

Moments later several of the hulking monsters brought in the dismantled gear of the Justicar that they stripped of Arjun earlier. Without regarding the safety of the gear they abruptly dropped the armor and sword on the ground then Baphomet stood up and wrapped her arms around Arjun's shoulders. "Go on...put it on."

Arjun walked over to the armor and weapon that was before him, his helmet starring back up at him with his reflection in the silver cross that was right dab in the middle of the helmet. He shook his head and started to put the Justicar power armor on himself, without the help of technicians it took a while for Arjun to do it himself. Constant beeping and clicks came from his suit as the A.I inside confirmed parts of his armor was secured and operational.

"The Grandfather is the one true god of this realm, human; it would be foolish to refuse this offer, unlimited power can be yours..."

Arjun looked down at his feet then turned his attention back to Baphomet. "On second thought, I'm not really a religious person, I never went to church and I don't plan to waste my time worshiping a race of smoky ghost vampires that want to build robotic suits so they can take over the galaxy!" defiantly yelled the Justicar

Baphomet got up her delicate white hands now turned to a disgusting gray as she turned back to her normal form with her other body parts now become a shapeless grey clay blob. Baphomet smiled. "I don''re..." The demigod paused to throw up a mound of clay that made talking increasingly hard for her to talk. The clay hit the ground and then slowly inched back to her feet to rejoin the shifting body.

"Ok, that's just wrong."

"I don't think you're in a position to be refusing any offer I make to you, human." Baphomet gestured to her bodyguards who were eager to cut the human to pieces if he would resist. "If you won't join us, then you will be destroyed. Void soldiers crush this human, kill the Justicar!"

Arjun made a running jump and flipped over the rampaging monsters so he was behind them, the Justicar recalled his blade that was still on the ground and his sword sliced several void soldiers in half as it made it back to his out stretched palm. The few void soldiers that remained circled the Justicar just like what they do to all their prey and this one was no different. Baphomet panicked for the first time in her life as the Justicar counter-attacked each of the void soldiers that dared to swing at him with one fatal strike across their mid section.

The Justicar kicked the last monster off of his blade and slowly marched towards Baphomet as he sheathed his blade on his back. "This accomplishes nothing human! You may kill me here but you cannot stop Lord Anarchy!"

The Justicar laughed, his voice masked by the cold robotic tone of his suit. "Who said anything about killing you? No, I'm going to leave your ass here so once I can contact my people the scientists would love to see what makes you tick."

Baphomet growled at the fact now the Justicar held the cards by besting her security. The Justicar lightly slapped her across the face but even in his armor the light slap was enough to send Baphomet to the ground with a huge imprint of his hand impressed in her clay cheek. "I'll be back."

[Planet; Sigma 9, year 3,586, Sunday August 11th, 2:40AM. Infinite Base camp, Death. Forge Bay .]

Lord Anarchy placed his ghostly claws together, tenting his long tendril fingers. His suit was now fully operational thanks to the efforts of his organic pawns and with his functional armor he would be able to decimate the organics in this region of space and gain favor from the Grandfather. The heavy blast door that led to the modified factory opened up behind Anarchy, he assumed the organics resisted.

"Baphomet, Xoro'tanth you may drop their bodies over b-"

"Nah sorry Anarchy, it's just me." Said the Justicar as he drew his blade

The infinite lord turned around in anger, his black musky body was now a solid blood red causing his eyes to fade in the background of his ever changing form. The shifting red ghost moved his left arm toward the Justicar and closed his fist, when he moved his arm upwards the Justicar followed.

"Worthless organic!" Anarchy yelled and threw the silver knight back onto the ground with his powerful psychic abilities.

The Infinite lord turned towards his massive suit which was the main focus in the room. "My rise to power will usher in a new age of darkness for this galaxy and beyond! The Grandfather shall reborn the universe in the darkness! The age of organic will end to make room for this realm's true master! But you...Justicar."

The Infinite Lord cackled as he disappeared, moments later the massive armor came to life, its human skull like head roared in triumph as its eyes cackled with unstable energy and flames shot out of its mouth. The massive machine smashed the rickety catwalks that surrounded it away like flies with its massive wrist mounted weapons. The head of the living armor turned its gaze onto the tiny organic.

"You won't live to see this new age...because you will be the first to DIE!" Yelled Lord Anarchy

The Justicar tried to get his footing as the entire red hot forge bay shook with destruction as the upper torso of the massive living armor ripped apart the remaining restraints holding it in place, explosions from damaged computers, loose wires cut prematurely and large patches of fire were all in abundance in the large circular domain. The mouth of the armor's skull opened up to bathe the Justicar in hot purples flames, quickly the Justicar back flipped avoiding the now molten and melted section the ground that could have been him.

Following his attack the massive living armor tried to crush the Justicar with his entire forearm, but the nimble human avoided the near death experience once again. Arjun throw both of his arms around the wrist of the colossal machine and tried to jerk it forward but Anarchy snapped his hand back sending the Justicar into the wall behind him.

"Pathetic." Anarchy said smugly

Anarchy picked up the Justicar with his left claw, raised him into the air and began to crush the human like a tin can until all the fluids came out of its cracks. The Justicar forced his giant metal claw apart allowing him for some breathing room so he could chop off the hand that held him, which is what he just did.

The black claw fell to the massive caverns below while the Justicar landed back to safety onto the platform that came up to the chest of Anarchy's suit. "I am a lord of the Infinite! The Grandfather himself has entrusted me with the destruction of this galaxy, how can you hope to win when you only have the Seer on your side!" Anarchy yelled

Arjun paused to think about what Anarchy just said but it cost him much. A powerful beam of energy hit the Justicar in the chest and sent him flying into the metal wall behind him. The smoke cleared from the shoulder cannon on Anarchy's suit, the static face of Anarchy's suit seemed to grin.

"You don't know, do you? Your superiors do keep you both on a short leash."

The Justicar got up, barely; a large black scorch mark covered his entire torso as he clutched his wound and used his sword for support. Anarchy's other claw picked up the wounded human with ease, both if his empty eye sockets glared at the Justicar as he held him up to his face. "It's a shame organic; despite the fact that you're a creature of flesh you do hold the Grandfather's attention. Both you and the other organic and several other fleshlings all share the same gift."

The Justicar looked up at the menacing sight of the skull shaped head of Anarchy's suit. "What the hell are you talking about?" Arjun asked

"I have read all about you, organic, don't you find it odd that you can accomplish all the things you have done? And why your superiors choose you to wear this armor when you haven't even completed basic training? It's because they had no choice. General Constantine the first Justicar had to choose you because the armor requires a special host to be used, and that organic is you, Arjun Fiaz."

"I'm flattered." The Justicar sarcastically answered. "I'm still alive, which means I can still shove your plans for galactic domination up your non existent ass hole!"

Anarchy sealed his fist around the puny human much tighter. "Oh no, organic, your chronicles end here, Justicar."

The Justicar tried to wedge himself free but even with his suit's power he wasn't strong enough to break from Anarchy's hold, as the knight struggled for breathing room the infinite lord began draining the Justicar's life energy until he was but a former husk in his armor.

Anarchy: "Looks like The Justicar's chronicles. *the ghost puts glasses over its 'eyes" as come to and end


Necron402: Nah theres still more

Arjun:*monty python voice* im not dead!