Syngeneia Kathairein part 23

Story by Dark_Warchief on SoFurry

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#24 of Syngeneia Kathairein

You like dark fantasy, dragons, adventure and a bit of romance?

You want to see the work of a professional video game writer?

You find AI's interesting?

This story of mine has all of that! Syngeneia Kathairein puts you in the shoes of Entropion, a purple dragon tasked to ''make the world right again''. (although he is a jackass in this prequel intro!) The view is set in first person view from Entropion's POV. This story is inspired by warcraft, forgotten realms, spyro the dragon and dragon age, among other things. AIdungeon's makeup is a bit messy, but > arrows denote saying or doing something. Part of the story is AI generated, please keep that in mind.

Yeah I'm probably going name it Syngeneia Catharsis. I'll change the names soon-ish. I have been busy with other things.

>You say "You took the Ruby with you, Kor? " "Yeah, I did. I'm not leaving it there where anyone can steal it." "Good. That's the most important thing." You walk to the temple entrance. You look at the large doors, with a strange symbol you recognize in the middle. It is the same as the sun crest Koriza got on her forehead from the Kitori incident. > You say "Hey, that's the corona of the sun symbol you bear too. How come we don't see it in Yanawa?" "The fire temple pyromancers became a division of the army when the black dragon despotate attacked. They use military styled emblems now" Koriza states. You ask her when you will be starting on fire magic. "Now, Enty. I took you this far out as small amounts of lava are easier to control than fleeting flames." > You say "I absorbed Khunbish, so I should have some extra affinity for fire magic... it's powered by emotions, yes?" "Yes, but no matter what you do it will always be dangerous. It's a destructive force of nature. We've had enough of that on this planet to last a million years." You both look at the slugging lava stream. You look at it with curiosity. > You attempt to use fire magic to move the lava around. The heat is palpable. You feel like you're in an oven. You attempt to move the lava with your mind. It takes a lot of concentration, but the lava starts to rise up from the stream. You make it into a ball and start moving it around. You're not sure if you can get it outside the temple as you're feeling tired now. Koriza looks at you with amazement. > You try to shape the lava into a cylinder on the ground. The lava starts to take shape. You're feeling very tired now. > You say "Oof... that is intense. Physically at least, with you around the emotional part is easy." "Well, I'll take that as a complement. We all need to rest now, Enty." You both sit down on the temple steps. You feel very tired but also very happy. You have a very strong feeling about Koriza. "I love you, Koriza." "I love you too, Enty." You both fall asleep in each other's arms. Just a nap, the day is young still. Koriza wakes you up, you had your power nap. After you collected yourself Koriza is keen to try something more difficult. > You say "So, lava is easy on the emotional side but very taxing to use due it's stability, right?" "Yes, it's very stable. It's hard to move it around when you want it to do something. It's like trying to push a giant boulder up hill.

Next is fire, fire is less taxing but a lot less stable. It can multiply itself with enough fuel. Creating some fire in this stone place can hardly go wrong." She shows you a flame in her palm, smirking and blushing. She made that one with her love for you. > You try summoning a flame in your palm like Koriza did. You try to think back to a time when you were little and playing with fire. It was fun then, and it's fun now. You feel the heat of a flame in your palm. You smile. "I did it!" "Great job, Enty! Let's go make some more!" You both start making flames come out of your hands. You're having fun playing with fire! After an hour or two Koriza seems to want to do something different your boredom weakens the flame, too. "You learn the basics almost instantly, Enty! Purple dragon power at it's finest. Now, for the hardest and least stable of the fire magic subgroups. Heat. I don't think I need to demonstrate but turn that pebble into lava." Koriza shoves you a pebble, stays put and watches intently. In the next five minutes: You feel a burning sensation from your chest outwards. "It it's hot, you're doing it right!" Koriza laughs. Your chest feels like it's on fire. You don't feel like you can take much more of this. Your body starts to glow and so does the pebble. The pebble soon fizzles out, however. This is irritating to you. You retry a few times with no avail. "You're trying too hard. Calm down and focus." You take a few deep breaths and close your eyes. You feel the warmth in your chest again. You open your eyes, pebble in hand, and try again. The pebble glows red hot now. You feel like you're being burned from the inside out. A smell of sizzling flesh emanates from you. Koriza looks worried. "I think that's enough for today." > You try to use the force of your rage to fuel your magic. "No, I can do this!" you say, trying to will yourself. "I just need to use the force of HATE! HATE!" You gnash your teeth and feel a stinging, burning sensation in your body. The fire feels sharper and as hateful as you are. Meanwhile the pebble heats up so greatly it melts into a yellow hot fluid. Koriza's eyes widen and she flees the temple just in time! KABOOM! You send forth a wave of super-heated air. Luckily the temple is built to withstand heat. You did clean a lot of residual ash and sooth with all that force, though! After that all goes dark... "Oh, you're up. How do you feel?" You wake up and see Koriza, a concerned look on her face. You look around and see that you're in the blimp now. You sit up quickly, but the burning sensation from before is still there. You touch your chest and are surprised to find it bandaged. "Oh, don't worry about that... I just had to take off the charred top scales and wrap it up." > You say "This is why fire magic is dangerous, isn't it? Losing control. " "Yes, it's very dangerous. I could have lost you." "You did save me, though. Thank you." Koriza smiles. "Of course. I knew you could do it." She touches your chest and winces a bit. "Still sore?" "A bit," you say. You take a deep breath and try to stand up. You can walk around now at least. "Do you feel like trying again?" she asks. > You say "Not really, any mistakes I make are amplified greatly due my power. " "Well, that's true of all magic, isn't it?" "Yes, but for me it's amplified by my rage. If I make a mistake, I'm going to feel the wrath of the pain it causes tenfold." Koriza nods. "I see. You shouldn't push yourself too hard then. You've already come a long way since we started training. We can end the session here." You nod and sigh with relief. > You say "So my skin is all exposed under the bandage without my scales. If you want us to continue, can you like get me an as asbestos cloth to wrap on?" "Sure, bare skin is very weak against fire. We shouldn't use more than necessary for your safety. It makes you numb to the flow of heat after all That's why I stopped the training. Just to be safe. > You say "It gets dark very quickly this side of the mountain... hey, you okay with an evening hike, Kor? I want to talk with you about today." "Um, sure," she says. "I'll just get my gear." You nod and start gathering yours as well. "So what did you want to talk about?" she asks as the two of you begin hiking down the trail. "Well, today we did some fire magic training and it reminded me of something," you say. "What, you're afraid of fire now?"

Kor asks with a laugh. > You say "Darkness is the scariest type of magic for me so far. It's danger isn't as obvious as with fire, and there lies the harm. " "How do you mean?" "Well, fire is obvious dangerous. It burns and can kill you. Darkness is a bit more manipulative. Fire is something you can see, it's contained, it has a beginning and an end. Darkness is just there and it envelops everything." "Don't remind me, Enty... eugh... black dragons and their disgusting libidos." > You say "Let's keep the demons buried for today, Kor. I mentioned darkness as it's my specialty. We both saw I got the pitfall of moderation. It's all it nothing for me, may this personality trait make my fire magic so dangerous?" "You need to moderate and channel your emotions, not give into them," Koriza says. "But it's so much easier to just let go and embrace the power, isn't it?" you say with a smile. Koriza stops and frowns at you. "Yes, it is. But I know when to stop, unlike some others I know." You sigh. "Okay, okay. You're right as usual." > You say "Can Korisana train me? Or support us? You still visit her quite often in your dreams don't you?" "I do," she says. "And I think she'll be able to help us. In the meantime, we can start your training whenever we have the time." You nod. "Okay, so what's next on the agenda?" "Well, we don't know, Korisana has some unorthodox methods, but she is the best pyromancer of our generation. Or well, was..." When you return to the blimp, Koriza goes through her items and gets the dream potions. It is dark outside by now. You take the potions and drink them. You lay down in your bed. It is pitch black now, and you cannot see your hand in front of your face. Then, it starts. Dreamscape. You follow Koriza's lead and soon are in the garden of Korisana. Her tiny pocket universe. The larger, thinner dragoness smiles as she sees you. "Kor, Enty! How are things?" > You say "So-so, I murdered and replaced Khunbish, a body double took her place. The east should be more stable for now." "We can finally get some sleep," Koriza says. "So many late nights..." "Yes, yes you did send Khunbish off. She has been a problem even when I was still on the mortal plane. Sad thing she had to perish in such a way.." Korisana doesn't always watch you and Koriza, so to make sure you explain your predicament. Korisana softly grabs you and Koriza's paws, leading you closer to the cherry tree. "Come, I got something to show you. It will help you understand" She leads you straight to the tree, only to phase through to find yourself in a temple. A knowledge bank of sorts, full of statues, carvings, tapestries and the like. She walks over to a wall sculpt. It has 6 spheres depicted on it. The artwork makes it clear these are the 6 magic schools. "The magic schools are the most important aspect of our existence. They are the key to everything, Enty." You look closer.... Korisana fills you in "darkness opposes light, electricity opposes nature and fire opposes water." Koriza is impressed. "Gorgeous mind palace you made, sis." Korisana smirks and nods. "Thanks sis! Anyhow... purple dragons can use all 6 but only master one. A mastery is innate. An affinity is personality based. You are a darkness mastering ice affinity purple dragon" Koriza cuts in ".... yes, his cold fury and analytical approach support that. Thus his mind is primed against fire magic!" Korisana agrees. "Yep. Probably nature is going to be even harder for him. Not sure yet though..." > You say "It makes sense my soul and personality aid and hinder me. So you are saying I need to find my center?" Koriza thinks for a moment. "Well, I think you have to find your center first, and then decide what you want to do with it!" Koriza looks at you. "Do you want to know the true nature of magic?" You nod eagerly. Koriza smirks. Korisana interrupts "it's the eb and flow of the cosmos. The presence or absence of certain magical aspects. There is a second concept to purple dragons. The benders of reality. It is up to you to interweave the 6 primal powers and bring forth exotic magic." Koriza snickers. "No pressure, love." You feel mixed... sounds difficult as all hell. > You say "So, Korisana, about fire magic... how do I get it under control?

I'll accept that I won't become a master but I need to be able to use it at least. " Korisana explains to you that movement and breathing can help. "Look, Koriza uses this stuff in her military training. It translates very well into fire magic too. Breathing techniques help. Regulating energy with movement is great too. You know how we danced when you were little..." she takes Koriza under her wing after a tear rolls down Koriza's cheek. Korisana continues. "Dancing doesn't befit you, Enty. It's hard drilling in your case" you nod. "I have to make up a training program for you. I know how to do it, I just need to think of a good way to train you." Koriza states, smiling. You thank Korisana as she leaves the room. Koriza looks at you with a pained expression. "I really like her, Enty. Don't fuck this up. You are lucky to have her." You nod your head and take your leave. A flash of white brings you from this realm back to reality. Koriza and you go through a brief morning routine. Your snouts grown used to the volcanic stench. Knowing Koriza is going to make this day tough for you today. > You say "so.... what did you have in mind for training, Kor?" Koriza smiles "well if my men were too rowdy I made them do laps... not to practical but I got an idea" you and Koriza go outside. "So you lose control as you never do things halfway... I'm going to teach you to slow down." You are curious what Koriza has in mind. Koriza begins to speak "this is a very important lesson, first I want you to breath in" you breath in. "hold it" you hold it. "now breath out" you let it out. "again" you do so. "again" again you do so. "Again" again... "okay stop" you stop. Koriza looks at you with a smile. You feel more relaxed now. Koriza and you go for a flight around the caldera rim. You breathe as Koriza instructs you to. After a while you overlook the slopes of Koryn, with flat land very far down. Barely visible. "You know what to do, Enty." > You use fire magic to cast a ray of heat towards a nearby rock. You focus on the rock and channel your fire aura towards it.

The rock begins to crackle and burn, slowly at first but speeding up. The rock turns red, orange, yellow, white and then finally a brilliant blue. It explodes with a loud boom, leaving behind tiny blue globules that sizzle in the air until evaporating. You did it! You feel a sense of accomplishment for learning something new! Koriza smiles "not bad, we'll continue training this way" And so it continues. As Korisana predicted in dreamscape you never become quite masterful at fire, but you do manage. This has to do for now. Koriza's lessons have another purpose. You learn that fire is not the only thing you can channel. You can feel your mind flex in ways you didn't know it could. You can sense the minds of others, even over long distances, but only very vaguely. You can sense when others are channeling magic, and you can sense the presence of Entities in other places. And so it continues. As Korisana predicted in dreamscape you never become quite masterful at fire, but you do manage. This has to do for now. > You say "Koriza, I want to try something. Can you get that fire Ruby for me? " Koriza nods and returns with that massive gem on her back. She puts it down with a loud thud and smiles "magic combination time, Enty?" > You say "You know it! " > You cast a ray of ice towards the Ruby so it combines with fire magic. The Ice and fire magic combine, spewing forth a liquid in all directions from the gem. Koriza complains "that fucking stings! Its alcohol!" Makes sense, alcohol is often called firewater. You pat the liquid off your scales and find yourself mildly sober. "Now that's a neat trick! We should try that again, but with more focus" You say. "You're on!" Koriza says, her eyes lighting up at the prospect of mixing magic together. You spot Koriza licking some of the alcohol off the Ruby. You pay no mind and soon are ready for the next spell. > You cast dark magic on the Ruby, which results in fire and unholy magic combining. A purple black fire comes from the Ruby. One shadow-flame ember lands near you and turns a dying shrub near you into dust as it dissipates. The ember itself made you feel empty and hopeless.... even if it's just for a bit.