Syngeneia Kathairein part 18

Story by Dark_Warchief on SoFurry

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#19 of Syngeneia Kathairein

You like dark fantasy, dragons, adventure and a bit of romance?

You want to see the work of a professional video game writer?

You find AI's interesting?

This story of mine has all of that! Syngeneia Kathairein puts you in the shoes of Entropion, a purple dragon tasked to ''make the world right again''. (although he is a jackass in this prequel intro!) The view is set in first person view from Entropion's POV. This story is inspired by warcraft, forgotten realms, spyro the dragon and dragon age, among other things. AIdungeon's makeup is a bit messy, but > arrows denote saying or doing something. Part of the story is AI generated, please keep that in mind.

Not much to say, I keep beating myself up for not producing enough.

You, Eleos and Koriza free the last 2 thrones. Sophrosyne and Charis. They hug and introduce themselves. Charis is the throne of charity. Sophrosyne is the throne of justice. > You say "Very nice and all, but how the heck did Deimodo get a magical cannon?! It's not blue nor yellow dragon style..." Sophrosyne sighs. "Eleos, destiny and balance has been perverted for the longest time now. Tell them.'' Eleos knows. The Violet dragons exist and live on the asteroid ring around the planet. Limited contact was made and Deimodo stole bits and pieces to get the weapon assembled. Koriza gasps. "So there has been an eight dragon tribe up there for millennia and most didn't even know?!" You nod slowly. It has to all sink in. "Shit, we're so far behind." You groan. THE VIOLET DRAGONS The violet dragons are the hidden dragon tribe. They are also the only space-bound dragon tribe as they live on the asteroid ring. They are a very reclusive civilization who have little contact with the outside world. They rely on their Eldritch powers and bizarre magi-tech to do who knows what! Charis speaks up. "They are not bound nor created to either of the native dark and light forces of Syngeneia. All we know is that they are a highly altered version of a black and white dragon hybrid which is now long gone. Their patron being is this.... Warchief entity Catharsion discovered. You will find out in due time." Charis is the throne of charity, she had no problem divulging this info. It is all even the thrones know. Koriza and you remain silent as it sinks in. "Bizarre. I suspected life to be on other worlds. I never expected it to be so close..." you nod slowly. "I saw so much weird shit that I really cant be surprised anymore." Eleos dismantled the front of the magical canon and approaches the 3 of you with it. "6 thrones and one imprisoned Deimodo are enough to lead Ietros. Hold on to it for now!" You take the gem and put it on your back. Sophrosyne notices you and Koriza are looking over the ravages Deimodo's weapon brought. The shadow schism is gone, only ashes remain. Sophrosyne shakes her head.

"Deimodo always mistook mindless destruction for justice. That Onyx dragon, Abby you call her? I can feel she is alive. Pick her up and depart for Korizan. The continent needs their prince and princess" Koriza agrees. As you and Koriza leave to find Abysmalia, Charis follows you to give you a last hint "moderation you two. Even the light in excess is toxic... when a body grows without stop... well, just be careful!" You reply by saying you noted it. You and Koriza take flight. After brief telepathic contact with Abysmalia you found her location. It is at the border of the ash schism. Once landed Abysmalia seems not impressed. "Took you long enough." >You say: "The shadow schism was just an experiment for you, wasn't it?" "Among other things... yes. I had no use for cult. They were fools." You look at the ashy ground. "And now that they are gone, what will you do?" Abysmalia gives you an apathetic shrug. "Coming with you. It was a matter of time before cannon idiot used that easily to spot toy on my fleshy lands" Koriza groans. She doesn't like Abysmalia. > You say "Abby left because she didn't feel like she fits in at the first place. She needs help to be her best self, our marriage is to be our best selves, Kor, try to extend that kindness to Abysmalia. I want you to trust her and trust my judgment. " Koriza tilts her head and looks Abysmalia in the eyes. Abysmalia snarls but Koriza sees you are right about Abysmalia. "Fine..." she says. "But if I see her do something stupid, I will not hesitate to act." You smile and tell her that you knew she would understand. Abysmalia notices the light gem on your back. "Enty, you can really make me feel healthy and safe forever with that! All the light! Yum..." You pat her head and say you know she would like to have it. "But that gem is very important to me, so I don't think I can let you have it." Abysmalia looks a little disappointing but says that is fine with her. You tell her that Xenia can help her out. You depart for your submarine. Redsamuru got it working and in the water. You, Abysmalia, Redsamuru, Zalisi, Xenia, Koriza and Disarria are all aboard. Everything was going well until you hear Abysmalia's hysterical laughter. Everyone rushes to the location. Zalisi and Redsamuru look shocked. Abysmalia can barely speak from the laughter. "Wow the rebound hit you HARD! This neckbeard got a girlfriend!" You look and see Xenia hugging a crying Zalisi. "I'm so sorry Zali- I mean Zal! I didn't mean to!" Xenia says. Redsamuru facepalms. "Oh this is just great. I sure hope Zalisi's vagina isn't all stretched from when Entropion dated her." Zalisi runs off crying with Xenia in tow. Redsamuru growls at Abysmalia. He makes a snarky necrophilia remark at her and blames her for Zalisi's crying. "Fuck you, neckbeard!" she says. "You're a horrible person!" Koriza rolls her eyes. "Can we all stop fighting now? We're all in this together." Abysmalia agrees. "Yeah, and what's done is done. We need to move on." You agree as well. Redsamuru storms off to the machine room. Later you and Koriza are in your room of the sub. Cuddling. > You say "My Korizan princess. You are mine and mine alone. I am yours, and yours alone?" "As royalty We are of Korizan, love. Ruling will be a change of pace compared to our violent adventures" Koriza tells you in a playful and cuddly way, but she means what she says. > You say "How are you doing, Koriza? The Singularity has blessed you but are the nightmares, panic attacks and traumatic episodes truly gone?" "I... I feel good about myself now that I'm with you, and my mental health is getting better due to the love we have for each other. However, I do still have nightmares and panic attacks but it's diminishing. I'm hopeful that they'll eventually completely go away" Koriza explains in a caring tone, she then kisses your snout. > You pull her in for a muzzle on muzzle kiss. Deep make out session included. After a while of passionate kissing, you and Koriza break the kiss. "I love you, Enty" says Koriza. "I love you too, Koriza" you reply. You and Koriza then cuddle up to each other. You feel happy and safe in her arms. Nothing can beat this feeling. You are in love and there is no other place you'd rather be than here with your beloved mate. > You say "Hmrmmmr.... my princess. Shall we... you know? Get to the "consorting" "Hmm, yes.

I think we need to. I demand it of you, you got me hot and bothered! Koriza pushes on your chest to get you down. You let her and NSFW femdom stuff happens. Next day, at the dinner table... Abysmalia seems quite happy. Very unusual for a wretched witch like her! Disarria takes note and pokes some fun. "Abby, what is wrong with your face? Your frown is the other way!" "shut up! My life is the best it's ever been and you know it!" "Ohhhhhh..... that is more like it!" Disarria laughs out loud. Abysmalia hisses. "Because you asked so politely, and I was supposed to tell you anyway... I convinced the neck-bearded dragon here we will go to Bloedholte. Zalisi wants to visit Nevermoor and Endaklion, a brother of Enty is sure a dragon I want for myself!" Disarria laughs again. "Endaklion?! Dude's super duper gay!" The atmosphere got very awkward. Koriza breaks the silence "right. I do not want to return to fucking Bloedholte. Too many nasty memories" Xenia tries to comfort her. "You can stay on the sub. I will too. My predictions are vague but I think it would aid Abysmalia." Redsamuru scoffs. "Haha... you still do the hocus pocus? Become a proud atheist like me already" everyone cringes. Xenia sighs but lets Redsamuru ramble. Then Zalisi meekly speaks up. "You do often take advice from Xenia..." Redsamuru got put in his place, awkward silence descends once more. The next days are not very eventful. You soon stop in front of Nevermoor. Everyone but Redsamuru gets on land. The undead village of Nevermoor. Zalisi sighs. "I doubt Endaklion will stay here...." Abysmalia shrugs. "I can extract the memories of the undead villagers" You walk into the undead village of Nevermoor. The place has quite grown...more sentient corpses walk about. The undead are happy to see whom gifted them eternal life: you. The villagers take you to their leader. The resistance leader. The warrior kneels. "We are honored to meet you, Lord Entropion" you are quite proud to have restored these lives untimely snuffed out. Abysmalia inspects the undead closer. She gets snarky. "With all these defects it's clear you made them" > You say "Very nice of you. It's not as if I was in a hurry. Even then I was back at Koriza's ship!" Abysmalia gives you a dirty look. "You're lucky I'm helping you." You shrug. "I don't believe in luck, but anyway let's see if the villagers know anything" The leader stands up and speaks "we will take you to our new home my lord." You all follow the leader through the village. It's very...rustic. All the buildings are looming shadows. Eventually you get to a large grey building with a large dent in it's door. Abysmalia slips in before you. She tells you that she will be extracting the memories from the undead with magic, you can now do proper necromancy and remedy the undead. Zalisi returned to the sub, she doesn't want to have anything to do with this. "Dis, Kor, Enty? This makes me very uncomfortable but I appreciate that necromancy here is used to rectify untimely deaths..." Xenia admits, she is interested to comfort the willing, sentient undead with any existential dread their state may bring. > You say "How about we use the tannery to embalm them and use scrap for new bones, maybe some stitches and limb replacements too? " "Well that's a bit different" Xenia admits, "I suppose you could give them a makeover" You nod. "Now we'll need to find an embalming fluid that works and doesn't kill the living. Also, we'll need a lot of salt..." You begin to lead the group in search of these items... You pile the goods and you, Koriza and Disarria get to work fixing the undead civilians. After a long day's of grotesque work, you all return to the sub to wash up. "That was pretty gruesome, I hope Zalisi is happy with herself," Xenia says. "We could have done something productive like build a house or two to make the living conditions better." "Whatever lets you sleep at night," Disarria says, rolling her eyes, "I'm heading to bed, I'll see you all in the morning". Xenia and Abysmalia found the information you need. After a brief discussion you are headed for the island nearby, the main island of the EFPL and its capitol of Libermoore.

Endaklion is supposedly living in a small homestead somewhere around the city. The journey is fairly smooth sailing, the EFPL has a tendency to ignore things due their troubles. You dock at the small wooden pier and look around. It's a quiet village, you are quickly spotted and a group of guards approach. "Halt! You're not welcome here!" they shout. > You say "You got any idea who we are? We are the royalty of Korizan which is allied to the EFPL. We understand living near the black dragon despotate puts you edge but we demand respect." "Apologies your highness," the lead guard says, "we weren't informed of your arrival. I am Captain Yorn, if you would follow me." You follow him to his office where he leaves you to talk to his superior, Lieutenant Korven. He comes back quickly and leads you to the office. The Lieutenant is a middle-aged man with many scars across his face and arms. He looks at you both and smiles. As usual Koriza does the talking , you are in luck as this is the lordship Endaklion has been living. You, Zalisi, Koriza, Xenia and Disarria leave for the homestead. Endaklion has been living on his own self built homestead. A simple life. Endaklion spots you and your friends. He isn't happy at all to see you as he sighs deeply. He was tending to his tomatoes. "You shouldn't have come" Zalisi speaks meekly "I missed you..." Endaklion left because of you, not Zalisi. > You say "So you don't even want to see Zalisi? Is it because she picked my side?" "No, it's because you're both idiots," Endaklion says "I'm happy here, why would I want to go back to a place that holds many painful memories for me?" "But you're brother is the king now, surely that means something?" Zalisi asks. "It's not my brother anymore, he's my cousin and as far as I'm concerned he can have it." Koriza growls "I lost my family, and you just throw out Zalisi and Entropion? For what exactly?!" Endaklion sighs deeply. "It is as if our lives all revolve around you, Entropion. My love Alec killed himself to save you! We are just extras to your play aren't we?!" Disarria protests "Entropion and I progress our magic at the same pace actually" "Yeah, but it's only because Entropion likes you that you're on the same level. If he didn't love you, you'd still be a level behind!" Zalisi is shocked "What? No! That's not true!" > You say "Well, I know Xenia doesn't blame me for my destiny. How about you Abysmalia? Do you think I am an egomaniac?!" "Yes," Abysmalia says "But I also happen to think you're the best candidate for helping me. I'm just a little put off by your friends, but Endaklion sucks too. Instead sucking it up like I did in Pezenstad FOR MY ENTIRE LIFE. Instead he chose to be a total loser that will be forgotten seconds after passing" this was over the line for Endaklion. Xenia senses turmoil coming and lowers her head. Whispering you should leave and go back to the sub. > You say "Abysmalia has a point, you did become a loser... mentality wise." "Go fuck yourself!" Endaklion screams. "I go both ways, but it'd have to be a woman who can keep up." You say and leave the farm. Xenia follows you out. "Well that was interesting." "Yeah, black dragons really are something" you comment. Abysmalia gives you a shove as Disarria snickers. > You say "Zal? Are you holding up?... " Zalisi cries into her claws as Xenia and Disarria listen to Zalisi's sob story. She seeks comfort with them, but it is what you expected. She goes on how now you are the only childhood figure she has left. "If you want to stay with us, You have our support." Xenia says. "Fuck you Enty, I'm leaving." Zalisi says as she gets up. "T-thank you Xenia." She says and leaves. "I feel like a dick now." You say. "Yeah well your dickishness will be a useful trait when we free the other 6 dragon thrones." You are taken aback by the comment. You will be playing a major role in her life, and you don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. > You say "True personalities poke their head out in crisis. Like Redsamuru saving my and Koriza's life or Endaklion turning out to be a cowardous mangina.

"You didn't seem to have a problem with it." Disarria says. "I don't, but it still sucks for Zalisi." You say. "Let's just go back to the sub" Koriza shakes her head. "I thought Endaklion was like a cool guy. Nah." You return to the submarine, defeated and grumpy. You set course to Bloedholte which only Abysmalia and Disarria look forward to. > You say "Hey, Disarria, why do you even want to back to that terrible place anyway? " As you and your friends float in the waters of Bloedholte, you question Disarria's decision to return here. "I have my reasons." She says as her facial expression doesn't change. "You don't need to tell us whether you wish to or not." Xenia says. "We can respect a person's privacy." "Thank you Xenia." Disarria says with the same lack of emotion on her face. > You say "Okay. Well, Abysmalia, you want the Onyx still, don't you? I am taking it, I want to experiment on it and Xenia informed me that I need all the gems I can get. " Abysmalia frowns. "It was one of the reasons, but, primarily? Inspecting the Apocalion silo." You think for a moment. "Well then, you will be staying and ensuring the seal's integrity. Without the gem your talent will be needed." Abysmalia pouts and blushes "b.. but.. you guys are my only friends.. since ever" A tear forms near her eye. You sigh. "Abysmalia, you're going to be fine. I'll have Xenia check on you daily and return with food and whatever else you need." She's unconvinced. "You promise?" "Promise." "Then fine, I suppose it is necessary," she says. You thank her and Xenia puts her furry paw on your shoulder to get your attention. "Abysmalia's well being is fickle. I need t-" Disarria finishes her sentence "yeah yeah... at least you are free from Redsamuru's bearded "atheism" > You say "Well then. You go meet with the commanding officer of the Rhodium dragon league, Disarria? We're going directly palace-side so you can do whatever you need to." "Yeah, yeah, I'm on it." She says. "We'll meet you there," Xenia adds before walking off. You and Disarria head to the balcony of the chambers you once called home in the palace. Everything is still the same... probably to not disturb any info. A thick coating of dust disgraces everything still here. "Dis? You looking for info on yourself or something?"