
Story by nalldook on SoFurry

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A little story for Kit! Fast-paced with lots of TF including plush and pet, reality shifting, age changes, family/sibling TF and more. Naomi (Noom) the helpfully transformative opossum has come up with a new app for altering reality, and has a day to fit in as much fun as she can. So, that's what she does. ^^

"Hey, you know what could be fun?" said Noom the opossum, leaning over the back of the couch to give Kit a hug from behind. The roocoon gave his girlfriend a kiss under the chin, detected the hint of mischief in her voice, and asked the question he knew she wanted to hear:

"What's that, Noom?"

"If you gave me complete control of you! Just a few button presses for whatever I need."

The possum showed off her new creation: an application that sat on her phone and let her transform a target -- in this case Kit -- and make gentle changes to the reality around them. It already had some things filled in, with a photo of the roo and other stats including his name, species, age, size, and relation to Noom.

"So how's this different from the usual stuff we get up to?" wondered Kit, grinning and blushing in equal measure as some of those options had him daydreaming already.

"'Cause there's a setting that means you don't realise anything changed," giggled Noom. "You were talking about that and I thought I might tease you with it. You'll know it's possible but you won't necessarily know if it has, it'll seem like you were always my dad, or my twin, or my kid brother, or my pet ferret-"

"Shhh," interrupted the roo, going quite pink. "I was just being silly, I didn't think you could actually make such a thing."

"Does that mean no?" she teased, until Kit had to hide his face. Huff. Someone having that much control of his reality was a pretty big fantasy, and now he was faced with the possibility it was difficult to say no.

"Aww, Noom, of course we could, but should we?"

She thought for a moment, and then hopped over onto the couch beside Kit.

"Hmmm. Well, okay, I tell you what. Let's do it for a day? And then we can see how it's going. And if you want to stop there's a big red button too."

She'd hit the nail on the head, with trying to make things fun and safe, and the roo found himself nodding and grinning a lot. "Eee, yeah, I think that sounds really great and then we can see what happens."

"You never know, we might make it a permanent thing."

"Mmmf," said Kit, tail squirming. "So mean."

"Oh yeah, finding something you like and toying with it. Aren't I the worst," she giggled.

Getting set up was easier than Kit expected, and the roo had been surprised that all it took was his pawprint on the screen. There was a little tingle which might have been all in his mind, but otherwise things seemed as they had been.

"We'll get started tomorrow," said Noom, with her tail slipping around him. "One whole day, sounds good?"

Kit was aware of the morning, soft sunbeams on his face, and the gentle sense of dreams starting to fade away. Gosh, he almost hadn't been able to drift off, wondering what Noom would have in store today. Things had shuffled about in the bed overnight, which wasn't unusual, and the silly raccoon plushie was squished under the opossum's long pink tail as she enjoyed a lazy morning. It was cosy, and it wasn't as though he had anywhere to be other than cuddled up warm.

"Mmm," she murmured, after a while. Noom stretched her arms and lifted her tail, using it to scoop the Kit plushie up against her chest. "Mornin' fuzzy. Thought you should start the day right, as my cute little toy."

Oooh, he was blushing through his velvety fur at those words; this was a shifted reality? But it felt so natural, he wouldn't have thought anything was different at all. Kit had memories of being a living raccoon plush, purple and brown with Noom's name on his tag, cuddled up against her in the way he often found himself, muzzle and paws close. At least, that's how it was in this reality, where he was every bit a soft toy.

"But I think we need to get you ready for school, don't we?" she suggested, changing a few things on her phone and setting him down.

Kit could feel this change -- soft mitten paws turning into fingers; short stripy tail becoming longer, frizzier, dotted with rosettes; muzzle and ears warm as he started to breathe again, and being organic gently faded into normality.

"But- but I wanna spend the day with you, sis," he purred. "I mean if we're gonna be changing around a lot, I can't spend all day in school..."

"Well, them's the rules, kiddo," smiled Noom. This wasn't even her room any more, it was his; and Kit's room was bright and full of cartoon posters, along with toys and games that seemed right for a... twelve? Ten? No, nine. He was nine years old, as he well knew; a cheerful and silly snow leopard with a tail that never stopped wiggling, and a big possum-snep sister who doted on him.

Noom left him with a school uniform suited to his new size, with a blue shirt and short trousers. Something wasn't quite right, but Kit did have quite a few memories of school, and of all the mischief he and his twin sister could get up to, whenever she was his twin anyway. She was almost sixteen, which was practically grown-up.

"Looking good," she grinned, as the uniformed Kit came out with his bag. "I've started on breakfast, but it's nearly eight thirty..."

"Oh! Then I'm late? But, but it smells like banana pancakes, and there's syrup and everything," he gently whined, paws soft against the floor as the little snep hurried into the kitchen.

"Well, okay, secretly you're not late," she grinned, pulling him into a hug and giving him rubs between the ears. "It's Saturday! Remember? But I know you like dressing up, so..."

"Noom," blushed Kit, shaking his head. "Teeease. Is today going to be a big long tease?"

"Course it is, kiddo," smiled the poss-snep. "Now sit down and get some food in you, it's gonna be a great day!"

Noom felt like an adventure, and so Kit pulled on his green outfit with the goggles and outdoorsy shoes. There was a moment before setting off where his sister realised she needed to feed the pets, so that's what she did--

and there was Kit and Nall, smaller and larger pet ferrets in their large ferret habitat, dooking and watching their opossum owner fill up their bowls and change their water. Kit wasn't as hungry, feeling like he'd just eaten quite recently, but Nall hopped in to enjoy breakfast--

and then the snow leopard was himself again.

"Wh- Noom!"

"Mmm, that's me," she giggled. "If you enjoyed that I could take a pet ferret or two on our adventure..."

Kit couldn't even finish blushing before green feathers started to sprout, feet changing into soft paws as hands became firm, pointy talons. Clothes melted and spread into a harness, saddle and bags, and he was out on the grass as Noom, his red panda rider, came up and gave his feathers a brush.

"But then if you're a ferret," she continued. "Who would I ride? I guess I could have been a little mouse--"

"Chrr? Rrrf, Nooooom, I'm a gryphon now!"

"Yeah, I know, I picked it," she giggled. "And now you can take us on to adventure!"

"Well, where are we going?"

"Let's start with the woods?"

It was fun having Noom ride him, wings flapping with the wind along his fur and feathers. Kit felt a bit protective like this, making sure his smaller big sister was alright and that their journey went well. The forest wasn't that far away, and especially by gryphon wings it took very little time at all before they were coming down low over trees, looking for a good place to land.

There was some noise nearby, and Kit's ears perked up as they flew over various structures built into the trees. Groups of kids were roaming around in and outside, with the occasional grown-up on watch or teaching a group something about life outdoors.

"Ohh, scouts? I guess it's the right time of year," she smiled. "Think we could make a little stop, couldn't we?"

"Mmm," said Kit, who was very quickly blushing again. He was learning not to need as much warning before each change, and just to go with the flow--

Kit snapped out of his little daze. Had he fallen asleep? The little skunk scout rubbed his eyes and shook off his big, fluffy tail. Mm, maybe it had been just a little nap, and it seemed like it would be time for lunch, so he hurried along to the main hut as fast as he could go.

Lunch time was open time, and there were a few kids of all ages here, including Noom, a spotted skunk and his kid sister. This was her first year at camp, while Kit had been several times, and while there were things he'd shown her, he had plans for some of the stuff older kids were doing: the all-day hike, archery, fast-water canoeing.

"Ohh, hiya Kit," said the little spotty. "Um, I wondered, could you show me some of the best sights? Like with trees and stuff."

"Well, um, maybe in a bit, Noom?"

"But you said that yesterday," she pouted.

"Well, um," Kit blushed. "Sorry, sis. We don't get a lot of time 'cause we're in different age groups."

"Oh! Well that's easy to fix," she grinned, and the bigger skunk felt himself slowly start to shrink. His scout clothes were briefly baggy before adjusting themselves to fit, and then he was about Noom's height, and finding himself in a nice big hug.

"Now we're the same age! So there's no excuse."

Memories slipped back in at that point, as the little skunk seemed to be going from one deep, embarrassed blush to another, still at the whims of his playful twin sister. "Noom...!"

"Cute, yeah? Oooh, you know, there's a random choices button I haven't tried. Wanna see where we end up?"

It was a rhetorical question, and Kit felt reality gently slip away from them both...

Quiet. The walls and floor were metal, the air was light, and Kit the little mouse was fixing some part of the oxygen system that had burned out. He was only twelve, but he knew all about space travel and fixing up starships as a young space cadet, dressed in his orange and grey uniform with a comms tag on his ear.

This was a small craft and he was the only one here -- at least, the only organic life. Noom, the ship's AI, spoke gently into his ear.

"Oooh, we've come pretty far, haven't we? Now this is an adventure."

"Your app is doing all this?"

"Well, kinda. It's just picking the right reality we should be in. And here you're a space cadet and I'm your ship! You're nearly done with the repair, too."

"Mmm. Just gotta connect everything up, and--"

Boop! Green lights, all sorted. Kit blushed, clapped his paws together, and then tidied up and closed the maintenance hatch.

"Plushie, kid brother, pet ferret, riding gryph, big brother, and now pilot? Really making the most of the day, aren't you," smiled Kit.

"I'm also taking care of ya right now. Plus my hologram self gives good hugs," said Noom.

"Or maybe I'm taking care of you, with the repairs?" giggled the mouse.

After the fixes, Kit went back up to the helm, getting a view out into space as the stars flew past.

"We're still a little way from base, but there's a ship following us," said Noom, as the display changed to show a bigger ship behind them. It had energy pulsing along various metal rings, and gathering in a bright ball ahead of it.

"You know, if you squint that kinda looks like the front of a ray gun," said Kit.

Noom might have had something to say, except that the ship's ray gun fired and its energy crackled through Kit's little ship. The lights dimmed, a couple of alarms started to sound, and the mouse felt very warm and silly all of a sudden.

Hehehe. What was in that ray? Noom seemed to be offline, the mouse's fur was turning brown and stripy, and his ears were getting longer as his tail rolled up into a little ball. A big round nose formed on his face, two little antennae popped up against his ears, and a second set of arms pushed out of his sides as the mouse shrank down into his clothing. Some kind of fuzzy alien? Whatever he was, something had him all giggly as he changed, waddling over to one of the consoles to press buttons and try and get Noom to turn on.

"Oh? Kit? Oh, you're- yes, you are Kit. Although you seem to be an experiment now. You alright?"

"Yeah! Maybe! I seem to be in a good mood," he giggled. "Though I'm gonna need a smaller uniform."

"I dunno, it's like you're always getting smaller. Anyone would think you like being so little."

Kit didn't need to answer, and instead dialled up Noom's hologram so she'd appear in his chosen form: today, she was a big kangaroo in a purple labcoat, with a nice long tail.

"So we're gonna have dinner like this?" wondered the roo. "You as a silly, giddy experiment and me as your big kangaroo sister?"

"Or mum," blushed the little fuzzball. Noom made the right changes, and sure enough, there he suddenly was in her pouch. Rather than space, this was now Kit's space-themed bedroom, and he was a teenage 'roo dressed in a footed Stitch sleeper, feeling very warm and cosy indeed. There seemed to be lots of space in her pouch, so he had plenty of room even if he should have been too old to fit in there.

"Yeah, I'm good with that," smiled Noom. "Dinner and cartoons. Just right for a big kid like you."

There was that blush again, which had hardly left Kit's face all day.

After dinner, the pair relaxed on their sofa. Noom had her app open, and cartoons played on the TV.

"I'm sleepy but it's still early," said Kit.

"Maybe it's almost bedtime," giggled Noom. "Big kids don't dress in sleepers and keep warm in their mum's pouch. So you're a little kid, and little kids don't get to stay up late."

The roo made a pouty noise, crossing his arms. "Yeah but I'm just playing at being a little kid."

"I could make you actually a little kid."


"And you wouldn't even know."


The pair of them were boyfriend and girlfriend again, though still kangaroos and still in their own front room, with Kit dressed up little. There were still a few hours left of the day, which left a bit of time for another reality shift.

"How about when we met?" wondered Kit.

"How about when we met, except you're in diapers and secretly hoping I won't notice?" replied Noom.

Kit's deep blush could probably have been seen through thick fog. His roo girlfriend grinned widely, and made the various changes on the fun little app that had led most of the day.

The change was quick, and Kit didn't even notice it, finding himself in night school as a roo just a couple of seats over from a cute, geeky possum he'd been wanting to talk to for a few weeks. He sat up, deciding today would be the day, and as he waved to get her attention, a telltale crinkle made him falter and his eyes go wide.

P-padding? Had he actually forgotten he was wearing it?

Well, the possum was looking at him now, so he'd just have to do the best he could...
